Southwest Transitway Extension Baseline Road to Norice Street

Environmental Assessment Minor Modification Report

September 2009

Environmental Assessment Minor Modification Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Alternative configurations for were investigated to determine a station footprint compatible with the proposed Algonquin College developments. The proposed configuration consisted of at-grade local station components perpendicular to the grade-separated Transitway and on-line (below-grade) rapid transit station components along the length of the Transitway. This configuration located the local platform directly above and perpendicular to the Transitway, allowing for direct vertical connections between the local and Transitway platforms. The need to construct a centre island LRT platform was also identified so as not to preclude conversion to LRT technology.

Stormwater Management Concurrently with the preliminary and detail design of the above-noted Stage 2 works, which is presently underway, the City of initiated the Pinecrest Creek/Westboro Stormwater Management Retrofit Study in consultation with the National Capital Commission (NCC) and the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA). This study was initiated by the City to develop a stormwater management retrofit strategy for the Pinecrest Creek subwatershed in response to the need for a comprehensive approach to mitigate the impacts of runoff from both existing and future development. It includes an integrated geomorphological and hydrological assessment of potential downstream impacts of the proposed Southwest Transitway outlet to Pinecrest Creek with particular emphasis on the section north of the Queensway (Highway 417). It takes an integrated approach to managing potential cumulative stormwater runoff impacts on Pinecrest Creek from planned development including the Algonquin College EDC-CTBS Facility, the SW Transitway Extension, the City’s Archives Building and the Centrepointe Town Centre Redevelopment.

Transitway stormwater infrastructure will be installed as part of Stage 2, but will not become operational until such time as the full build out of the Southwest Transitway Extension is completed (in Stage 3). In recognition that Stage 2 would precede the completion of the above-mentioned subwatershed study, stormwater management criteria were developed and documented in the Pinecrest/Centrepointe Town Centre SWM Criteria Study (JF Sabourin and Associates Ltd., final draft, July 2009). The recommended SWM criteria are summarized in a Technical Memorandum (JFSA, June 25, 2009) which is provided in Appendix A and was used to guide the development of a functional drainage plan (See Figure 5). In order to meet these criteria, the functional drainage plan includes a new Southwest Transitway stormwater management system discharging to Pinecrest Creek. Runoff from the Transitway will not be discharged directly to Pinecrest Creek. The detail design of this system will include Best Management Practices for the control of stormwater quantity (such as an underground retention facility, a superpipe, etc…) and quality (such as Oil- Grit Separators, Stormwater interceptors, hydrocyclones, etc…) upstream of the proposed outlet at Pinecrest Creek. This detail design will also address effluent quality monitoring for a 3 year period following the construction and the

Ecoplans Limited 10 August 2009 Environmental Assessment Minor Modification Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

connection of the stormwater management system to Pinecrest Creek, as well as erosion and sediment control measures.

Detailed stormwater management design recommendations for the full build-out of the Southwest Transitway Extension (in Stage 3) have been deferred until the aforementioned Pinecrest Creek/Westboro Stormwater Management Retrofit Study, has been completed. This study will expand the approach taken for the SWM Criteria Study to the whole sub-watershed and identify a preferred strategy of retrofit measures to address the ongoing impacts of existing development as well as anticipated future development.

Ultimately, Baseline Station will be drained to the Southwest Transitway storm sewer which, as mentioned above, will be designed in accordance with the appended stormwater management criteria and as further refined in the forthcoming subwatershed retrofit study. Runoff from Baseline Station will not be discharged directly to Pinecrest Creek.

Stormwater from College Avenue and Navajo Drive will be drained to the trunk sewer. This connection will follow the municipal roadway stormsewer approval process.

During all construction stages, runoff will be managed in accordance with all applicable regulations, including the City of Ottawa Sewer Use Bylaw (2203-14), City of Ottawa SSP F-1004- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and Monitoring (both are included in Appendix B) and OPSS 577. The direct discharge of runoff from the construction site will not be permitted without appropriate quality and quantity controls. The Contractor will be required to obtain a sewer discharge permit should they need to pump "dirty water" during construction to combined or sanitary sewers.

During detail design of Stage 3, all necessary permits and approvals for the design and construction of the new storm sewer system (including the new outlet to Pinecrest Creek will be sought. We understand that these may include but may not be limited to: an NCC Federal Land Use/Land Transaction/Design Approval; an NCC Land Access Permit; an MOE Certificate of Approval for Stormwater Management Works and; an RVCA Permit issued under Regulation 174/06 - Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation.

Finally, the City of Ottawa is committed to implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the management and treatment of stormwater from the Southwest Transitway. During Stage 3, the details of these BMPs will be developed in consultation with the MOE and will be incorporated into the detail design and Certificate of Approval requirements.

Ecoplans Limited 11 August 2009

Environmental Assessment Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Design Approved 1997 Current Proposal Changes to Effects Proposed Mitigation Significance Element SWTE IEA (2008) of Modification

Footprint The IEA located the The current proposal Additional property is Arnon Corporation will be Insignificant local platforms locates the local required to apprised of the parallel to the platforms perpendicular accommodate the modification. Transitway. to the Transitway. westerly shift. The property is owned by the City. The adjacent property is owned by Arnon Corporation. The footprint is N/A Benefit compatible with, and complements, the proposed development at Algonquin College. The IEA did not The current proposal Additional property is Arnon Corporation will be Insignificant contemplate an LRT identifies the need to required to apprised of the platform. construct a centre accommodate the modification. island LRT platform so westerly shift. The that a future conversion property is owned by is not precluded. This the City. The adjacent platform will not property is owned by become operational Arnon Corporation. until such time as EA The footprint is N/A Benefit approval for the compatible with, and conversion to LRT complements, the technology is obtained. proposed development at Algonquin College. This will also ensure minimal disruptions to the College in the future if conversion to LRT is required. Drainage The IEA approved All station runoff will be The proposed The stormwater Minor and design drained all directed into the Southwest Transitway management system Mitigable station runoff into the proposed Southwest storm sewer will be including appropriate Woodroffe Trunk Transitway storm designed in mitigation and/or stream Sewer, outletting into sewer pipe system with accordance with the rehabilitation measures will Pinecrest Creek. an outlet at Pinecrest appended stormwater be developed during Creek management criteria preliminary and detail Ecoplans Limited 19 June 2009 Environmental Assessment Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Design Approved 1997 Current Proposal Changes to Effects Proposed Mitigation Significance Element SWTE IEA (2008) of Modification

Drainage and as further refined design of stage 3 based on (cont.) in the forthcoming criteria detailed in the June subwatershed retrofit 25, 2009 Technical study. Memorandum developed by J. F. Sabourin and This storm sewer will Associates Ltd. for the City require a new outlet of Ottawa and as further into Pinecrest Creek refined in the City’s downstream from the Pinecrest Creek/Westboro existing outlet. Stormwater Management Retrofit Study (currently The Southwest underway). Permits and Transitway stormwater approvals will be obtained management system including an MOE will incorporate Best Certificate of Approval for Management Practices Stormwater Management for the control of Works and an RVCA stormwater quantity Permit issued under and quality (such as an Ontario Regulation 174/06 underground retention - Development, facility, a superpipe, Interference with Wetlands etc…) and quality and Alterations to (such as Oil-Grit Shorelines and Separators, Watercourses Regulation. Stormwater interceptors, During all phases of hydrocyclones, etc…) construction, runoff will be upstream of the managed in accordance proposed outlet at with applicable regulations Pinecrest Creek. The including the City of system design will also Ottawa Sewer Bylaw address effluent quality (2203-14), City of Ottawa monitoring for a 3 year Standard Special Provision period following the F-1004- Erosion and construction and the Sediment Control Plan and connection of the Monitoring and OPSS 577. stormwater management system If required, the City will Ecoplans Limited 20 June 2009 Environmental Assessment Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Design Approved 1997 Current Proposal Changes to Effects Proposed Mitigation Significance Element SWTE IEA (2008) of Modification

Drainage to Pinecrest Creek, as enter into an agreement (cont.) well as erosion and with the NCC for the use of sediment control the land including an NCC measures. Runoff from Federal Land Use/ Land the station will not be Transaction/ discharged directly to Design Approval and an Pinecrest Creek. NCC Land Access Permit. This may require the The construction of a preparation of a federal new storm sewer with screening report under an outlet at Pinecrest CEAA. Creek may require the City to enter into an agreement with the NCC for the use of this land.

Other No service kiosk/retail The at grade station This will achieve a N/A Benefit space was planned. concourse building can positive effect by accommodate potential improving service for service kiosk/retail passengers and is space. accommodated in the footprint noted above. Vertical The vertical The vertical alignment No new effect other N/A N/A Alignment alignment of the remains at the existing than the grade Transitway went from grade under Baseline lowering through the the existing elevation Road, has been station which is under Baseline Rd, lowered through the described above. was raised to grade station, passes under at the station, passed Talllwood and returns under Tallwood in the to grade at the south before intersection of returning to grade at Woodroffe and Norice. TRANSITWAY the intersection of Woodroffe and Norice. Ecoplans Limited 21 June 2009 Environmental Assessment Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Design Approved 1997 Current Proposal Changes to Effects Proposed Mitigation Significance Element SWTE IEA (2008) of Modification

Horizontal The horizontal The horizontal No new effect. The N/A N/A Alignment alignment ran under alignment still runs horizontal alignment is the existing structure under the existing generally in the same at Baseline Road and structure at Baseline location, except where ran approximately and follows the same it veers to the west at 100 m to the west of basic route, other than the station to Woodroffe before re- the +/- 30 m westerly accommodate the entering onto bus shift required to integrated station and only lanes on accommodate the the proposed EDC- Woodroffe at Norice. station. CTBS building. Ramps No ramps were A pair of one-way (on Additional property is Arnon Corporation will be Insignificant connecting proposed and off) ramps are required to apprised of the Transitway to immediately south of proposed south of accommodate the modification. the local road Baseline Station. Baseline station. westerly shift. The network property is owned by the City. The adjacent property is owned by Arnon Corporation. Stage 2 of the The current proposal The footprint is N/A Benefit implementation plan also identifies a re- compatible with, and identified a re-entry entry ramp at Norice complements, the ramp to Woodroffe at St. proposed development Norice St. at Algonquin College. Drainage The IEA approved All Transitway runoff The proposed The stormwater Minor and design drained all will be directed into the Southwest Transitway management system Mitigable Transitway runoff into proposed Southwest storm sewer will be including appropriate the Woodroffe Trunk Transitway storm designed in mitigation and/or stream Sewer, outletting into sewer pipe system with accordance with the rehabilitation measures will Pinecrest Creek. an outlet at Pinecrest appended stormwater be developed during Creek. management criteria preliminary and detail and as further refined design based on criteria in the forthcoming detailed in the June 25, subwatershed retrofit 2009 Technical study. Memorandum developed by J. F. Sabourin and This storm sewer will Associates Ltd. for the City require a new outlet of Ottawa and as further into Pinecrest Creek refined in the City’s Ecoplans Limited 22 June 2009 Environmental Assessment Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Design Approved 1997 Current Proposal Changes to Effects Proposed Mitigation Significance Element SWTE IEA (2008) of Modification

downstream from the Pinecrest Creek/Westboro existing outlet. Stormwater Management Retrofit Study (currently The Southwest underway). Permits and Transitway stormwater approvals will be obtained management system including an MOE will incorporate Best Certificate of Approval for Drainage Management Practices Stormwater Management (continued) for the control of Works and an RVCA stormwater quantity Permit issued under and quality (such as an Ontario Regulation 174/06 underground retention - Development, facility, a superpipe, Interference with Wetlands etc…) and quality and Alterations to (such as Oil-Grit Shorelines and Separators, Watercourses Regulation. Stormwater interceptors, During all phases of hydrocyclones, etc…) construction, runoff will be upstream of the managed in accordance proposed outlet at with applicable regulations Pinecrest Creek. The including the City of system design will also Ottawa Sewer Bylaw address effluent quality (2203-14), City of Ottawa monitoring for a 3 year Standard Special Provision period following the F-1004- Erosion and construction and the Sediment Control Plan and connection of the Monitoring and OPSS 577. stormwater management system If required, the City will to Pinecrest Creek, as enter into an agreement well as erosion and with the NCC for the use of sediment control the land including an NCC measures. Runoff from Federal LandUse/ Land the station will not be Transaction/ Design discharged directly to Approval and an NCC Pinecrest Creek. Land Access Permit. This may require the Ecoplans Limited 23 June 2009 Environmental Assessment Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Design Approved 1997 Current Proposal Changes to Effects Proposed Mitigation Significance Element SWTE IEA (2008) of Modification

The construction of a preparation of a federal new storm sewer with screening report under an outlet at Pinecrest CEAA. Creek may require the City to enter into an agreement with the NCC for the use of this Drainage land. (Continued) The width of hard The width of the hard The amount of N/A N/A surfaced Transitway surfaced Transitway impervious surface for in the IEA was +/- 12 under the current the Transitway has m. proposal is +/- 20 m. increased under the The additional 8 m is current proposal. This required so as not to is offset somewhat due preclude the inclusion to a reduction in of LRT tracks at some imperviousness point in the future. through the station (greening of the covered portion). As quantity and quality controls were contemplated in the IEA, no new SWM mitigation measures are required. Quality control Stormwater None. No effects SWM mitigation measures Benefit – measures were management previously determined. and/ or stream Recommended deemed necessary in measures and/ or rehabilitation measures will SWM/stream this location. stream rehabilitation be developed during rehabilitation Alternatives were measures will be preliminary and detail measures will evaluated (do incorporated as per design based on criteria be developed nothing, ponds etc). the recommendations detailed in the June 25, on a Preferred alternative of the City’s Pinecrest 2009 Technical subwatershed was not identified. Creek/Westboro Memorandum developed basis and will Stormwater by J. F. Sabourin and address Management Retrofit Associates Ltd. for the City cumulative Study. of Ottawa and as further impacts. Ecoplans Limited 24 June 2009 Environmental Assessment Report Southwest Transitway Extension – Baseline Road to Norice Street

Design Approved 1997 Current Proposal Changes to Effects Proposed Mitigation Significance Element SWTE IEA (2008) of Modification

refined in the City’s Pinecrest Creek/Westboro Stormwater Management Retrofit Study (Currently underway). Permits and approvals will be obtained including an MOE Drainage Certificate of Approval for (Continued) Stormwater Management Works and an RVCA Permit issued under Ontario Regulation 174/06 - Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation. Mitigation measures for construction-related impacts will also be addressed at this time. Noise and No noise sensitive No noise sensitive None N/A N/A Vibration receivers were receivers were identified within the identified within the project area. No project area. No mitigation measures mitigation measures were anticipated. were anticipated. Pedestrian/ Existing Accesses Existing accesses and None N/A N/A Cycling and facilities were to facilities will be Connections be maintained and maintained and improved. improved. MISC.

Ecoplans Limited 25 June 2009