National Register of Historic Places Weekly Lists for 1996
• United States Department of the Interior - :\IATIONAL PARK SERVICE !) P.O. Box 37127 • \Vashington. D.C. 20013-7127 - 1:--.: REPLY Rf.FER TO: - The Director of the National Park Service is pleased to announce actions on the following properties for the National Register of Historic Places. For further information call 202-343-9542 or 202-343-1572 or you may respond via cc:Mail. DUE TO THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN THERE ARE NO WEEKLY LISTS OF ACTIONS FOR 12/22/95, 12/29/95, AND 01/05/96. JAN I 1 1996 WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN ON PROPERTIES: 12/11/95 THROUGH 12/15/95 KEY: State, County, Property Name, Address/Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference Number, NHL, Action, Date, Multiple Name ARKANSAS, CLEBURNE COUNTY, Olmstead, T. E., & Son Funeral Home, 108 S. Fourth St., Heber Springs, 95001438, LISTED, 12/13/95 ARKANSAS, POINSETT COUNTY, Bacon Hotel, Homestead Rd. at jct. with RR tracks, SE corner, Whitehall, 95001437, LISTED, 12/13/95 IDAHO, CANYON COUNTY, Caldwell Oregon Short Line Railroad Depot, 701 S. 7th St., Caldwell, 95001403, OWNER OBJECTION DETERMINED ELIGIBLE, 12/11/95 MAINE, FRANKLIN COUNTY, Madrid Village Schoolhouse, Reeds Mills Rd. W side, 0.05 mi. N of jct. with ME 4, Madrid, 95001460, LISTED, 12/14/95 ~H•TW,_ t1"1,;fr"',...!'" ,...,..r..-., ,... ___,,_ "C'.., ...... "~~~..,'·'side, 0.3 mi. NW of ir:-'-- ·.~ith Crooked Rd., Hulls Cove, 95001464. r,JSTED. ~.1..~i:., .... :..~ .....u.uN '--'-''-'•h.1., Loudville Chul.1...1<, '~enter of Louds Islanc; !..nur..viJ...1.~·v:1.cinity, 95001.,.:,,, -~- ·--, :.~.·:..:,'·,~ MAINE, OXFORD COUNTY, Philbrook, John M.
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