Patricio S. Faylon Executive Director PCAARRD OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION

• PCAARRD-DOST • ISP Framework • Situationer • Technology Chain and Interventions • Industry Strategic S&T Program for Banana, 2013-2016 • Network of Implementers • M&E and Feedback Mechanism PCAARRD-DOST Industry Strategic S&T Progams (ISPs)

• PCAARRD is the lead Council that addresses the DOST Outcome 1.

• PCAARRD crafted the ISPs which use a Convergence of Technologies Approach to produce world-class technologies, tools, know-hows, and innovations, and to help achieve the DOST Outcome 1. PCAARRD-DOST Industry Strategic S&T Programs (ISPs)

The ISPs are commodity-based long-term S&T plans with operational strategies for the industry.

The ISPs feature: • Target Industry Outcomes (Baseline and Benchmark Targets) • S&T Interventions (Banner Programs) • Network of Implementers PCAARRD’S ALIGNMENT WITH DOST’S NATIONAL HARMONIZED R&D AGENDA POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH

Countryside Development Competitive Industries (373,794,845) (130,635,748) CROPS: CROPS: Abaca, BANANA, Cacao, Coconut, Coffee, Yellow Coconut, BANANA, Abaca, Cacao, Corn, Legumes, Root crops, Sugarcane, Other Coffee, Mango tropical fruits (durian, jackfruit, papaya, pineapple) FORESTRY: FORESTRY: Rubber Bamboo, ITP, Rubber, Sago INLAND AQUATIC: INLAND AQUATIC: Milkfish, Tilapia, Shrimp, Mudcrab Aquafeeds, Mussels LIVESTOCK: LIVESTOCK: Goat, Swine, Dairy Buffalo, Duck, Native Goat, Swine Chicken

MARINE: MARINE: Abalone, Oyster, Blue Swimming crab Seaweeds, Sardines, Sea Cucumber, Tuna BANANA INDUSTRY STRATEGIC S&T PLAN

Economic Importance • The is the 3rd largest producer of banana in the world next to and (FAO, 2012) • Banana is the 4th largest agricultural produce of the Philippines in 2012 (9.23Mmt; US$ 2.34B) • Major banana varieties produced: Cavendish (50%), Saba (30%) and Lakatan (11%)

Area planted to banana (ha)/ % (BAS, 2013) CAVENDISH

Economic Importance/ Situationer

In 2012 • Industry provided employment to about 330,000 Filipino farmers • 288M boxes produced generated PhP2.3B percentage tax • Estimated total revenue of PhP74.4B • Threatened by Fusarium wilt TR4 LAKATAN

Economic Importance/ Situationer

• Most popular dessert banana in the Philippines • Planted by backyard/ smallhold farmers • Very susceptible to BBTV, Sigatoka, and Fusarium wilt SABA

Economic Importance/ Situationer •Most popular cooking-type banana in the Philippines •Commonly planted in smallhold/ backyard farms •Takes 18-24 months from planting to initial harvest •Raw material for banana chips •Philippine Banana Chips Industry - $48 M export in 2011 (DA 2012) •Export value – rising 15% annually since 2009 ( 2012) OUTCOMES: Reduced incidence of Foc TR4 on Cavendish in Mindanao by 90-95%; Increased average yield of Lakatan (from 21.58 mt/ha to 34.52 mt/ha); Reduced incidence of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) in Lakatan (from 70% to 20%) by 10%; Increased production of Saba for banana chips production by 33% per cropping season BANANA INDUSTRY STRATEGIC S&T PLAN

Production Genetics and quality planting materials Varietal Production Cultural Pest Improvement of Planting Management Management / Selection Materials Practices Cultural Management Post-Production and Processing Practices

Processing/ Post Harvest Harvesting Value Adding Handling Processing and Trade and Marketing Machineries

Marketing Socio-economic Research & Marketing

Problems/Gaps S and T Results of Benefits / Constraints Interventions Interventions Legend: No on-going initiatives Banana Supply/Value Chain On going initiatives 2015 Initiatives Both On-going and 2015 initiatives ISP Interventions, Deliverables, and Potential Impacts

Varietal Improvement/Selection - Cavendish Industry S&T Gaps S&T Deliverables Potential Problem Interventions Impact Fusarium wilt Lack of suitable • Adaptability • Giant Reduce tropical race 4 Foc TR4 – trial for Foc Cavendish incidence of (Foc TR4) can resistant planting TR4- Tissue Foc TR4 by wipe out materials as resistant Culture 95% Cavendish substitute for varieties Variant industry in Cavendish (GCTCV 105, (GCTCV) Mindanao if not banana for 106, 119, somaclones addressed export 215, 218, resistant to 219, and Foc TR4 247) under under Philippine Philippine conditions conditions • Market- • Market- acceptability acceptable study of Foc Foc TR4- TR4- resistant resistant GCTCV varieties somaclones ISP Interventions, Deliverables, and Potential Impacts

Production of Planting Materials- Cavendish Industry S&T Gaps S&T Interventions Deliverables Potential Problem Impact Unavailability of Lack of • Upgrading/ • Availability of Reduce Foc TR4- market- improvement at least incidence of resistant variety acceptable of existing 1.27M Foc TR4 by for commercial Foc TR4- tissue culture GCTCV 95% production resistant laboratories planting Cavendish for • Expand materials commercial plantings of • Replanted at production Foc TR4- least 635 ha resistant of Foc TR4 GCTCV infected somaclones in areas with affected areas market- in Mindanao acceptable GCTCV somaclone ISP Interventions, Deliverables, and Potential Impacts

Postharvest Handling- Cavendish

Industry S&T Gaps S&T Deliverables Potential Problem Interventions Impact Ripening stage Postharvest Optimization of Postharvest GCTCV for GCTCV handling/ ripening and handling somaclones somaclones not ripening of postharvest protocol and ready for yet optimized GCTCV handling ripening regime commercial somaclones protocol for for GCTCV market not yet GCTCV somaclones optimized somaclones ISP Interventions, Deliverables, and Potential Impacts

Varietal Improvement/Selection - Lakatan Industry S&T Gaps S&T Deliverables Potential Problem Interventions Impact High incidence Difficulty in Multi-location • Most suitable 10% reduction of Banana controlling trial of BBTV- BBTV- of BBTV Bunchy top BBTV in resistant resistant infection Virus (BBTV) in Lakatan Lakatan in Lakatan in Lakatan* Regions 2, 4, & Regions 2, 4, 11 & 11 • Integrated protocol for the management of BBTV using resistant varieties

*BBTV-infection in well-managed farm – 5%; medium-managed farm – 20%; traditionally- managed-farm – 75% ISP Interventions, Deliverables, and Potential Impacts

Cultural Management Practices - Lakatan Industry S&T Gaps S&T Deliverables Potential Problem Interventions Impact Available Low adoption Application and • Increased yield Increase in technologies of technologies documentation of Lakatan & yield in for Lakatan for banana of best Saba by 12% in selected production production package of Region 12 areas: not utilized by technology • Established Region 12 - farmers (POT) for techno-demo 12% Lakatan plots for Regions 3 and banana Lakatan & Saba 4 - 100% in Aurora province • 100% increase in yield & increased area planted to Lakatan in Cavite ISP Interventions, Deliverables, and Potential Impacts

Postharvest Handling: Lakatan

Industry S&T Gaps S&T Deliverables Potential Problem Interventions Impact Lack of Lack of Yeast Formulated yeast Alternative alternative biological application to biocontrol agent biological biocontrol for control against control against control against postharvest postharvest postharvest postharvest postharvest diseases diseases in pathogens pathogen in fruits diseases. fruits ISP Interventions, Deliverables, and Potential Impacts

Varietal Improvement/ Selection: Saba

Industry S&T Gaps S&T Deliverables Potential Problem Interventions Impact Difficulty Lack of short Field Identified at least 2 Increase in harvesting stature characterization best performing yield by 33% Saba/ Cardaba/Saba and multi- dwarf Saba in per cropping Cardaba due which are location Regions 2, 4, & 11 season due to to its height easier to performance use of dwarf and heavy harvest and testing of Saba that is bunch could better putative dwarf early withstand Saba/ Cardaba maturing and effects of easy to typhoon harvest Banana ISP 2013-2014: PCAARRD Outcome-based ISPs

Looking Forward: 2015 DOST OUTCOME 1: Science-based know-how and tools that enable agriculture sector to raise productivity to world-class standards OUTCOME: BANANA • Up to 100% increase in yield of Lakatan in selected areas in Aurora and Cavite; 95% reduction in Fusarium wilt Tropical Race 4 infection in Davao and Compostela Valley • Reduction in banana bunchy top disease incidence from 70 to 20% in selected areas in Quirino, Cavite, Laguna, Quezon and Davao City Strategy/Action Plan TARGETS 2013-2014 Supporting Resource Req’ts Entities 2013 2014 (PhpM) Cavendish S&T Established 10 private Performance of 7 13.796 Taiwan Banana 1 Management grower farms GCTCV Research Institute Approaches against showcasing somaclones in (TBRI), Bioversity Fusarium wilt on performance of 7 private-grower International, Cavendish in GCTCV somaclones; farms in SMARRDEC, BPI- Mindanao Enhanced 3 Mindanao; DNCRDC, USEP, greenhouse facilities; Biocontrol-agent UPLB, SPAMAST PCR Laboratory; combinations Distribution map of against Foc TR4 Fusarium wilt in Mindanao Boosting the 25 TBRI, Bioversity 2 Cavendish International, Banana Industry thru SMARRDEC, Mass Propagation and Private gorwers, Improvement of BPI-DNCRDC, Postharvest Handling UPLB,UP of Foc TR4- resistant Mindanao, GCTCV Somaclones Strategy/Action TARGETS 2013-2014 Supporting Plan Resource Entities 2013 2014 Requirements (million pesos) 3 Gene marker 20 UPLB, PGC association of economically important traits in banana (proposed) Lakatan

Multi-location Mass-produced Established at least 5.93 UPLB, QSU, 4 performance BBTV- resistant 5 farmer-cooperator CvSU, BPI- evaluation of a new lakatan lines for and demonstration DNCRDC banana bunchy top distribution to farms using BBTV- virus (BBTV)- identified farmer- resistant lakatan resistant Lakatan cooperators cultivar (ongoing) 5 Enhanced Established at least Established at least 2.491 USM, SKSU, Productivity of 12 ha. of small-hold a total of 24 ha. of CCSPC Lakatan and banana farms small-hold banana saba/Cardaba in showcasing banana farms showcasing Region 12 (ongoing) production w/ various banana production interventions for w/ various lakatan and interventions for saba/cardaba lakatan and saba/cardaba Strategy/Action TARGETS 2013-2014 Supporting Plan Resource Entities 2013 2014 Requirements (million pesos) 6 Promotion and Enhanced tissue Developed package of 0.521 ASCOT Commercialization culture lab and nursery technology (POT) for of selected banana production in technologies to Aurora province improve banana (Lakatan & Saba) production in Aurora province (ongoing) 7 Yeast Identified potential Effective yeast 0.429 UPLB application for yeast cultures, biocontrol agent biocontrol of potential carriers & against banana fruit postharvest mode of application rot; Cost-benefit pathogens of fruits in fruits to control analysis of the product (ongoing) postharvest pathogens Strategy/Action TARGETS 2013-2014 Supporting Plan Resource Entities 2013 2014 Requirements (million pesos) 8 Ex-Ante Analysis Collected info and Information on more 1.0 UPLB of the ISPs on relevant data; appropriate, effective Crops (ongoing) Conducted FGD and and efficient set of survey for the S&T interventions to analysis of the improve the various Banana ISP commodity- industries/ information on economic value of ISP; Recommendations on how to improve the Banana ISP Saba 9 Multi-location Mass-produced 8.199 UPLB performance dwarf Saba for evaluation of Saba distribution to strains w/ short selected farmer- stature and field cooperators; evaluation of Enhanced tissue irradiated Saba and culture lab cardaba (new) Highlight ofACCOMPLISHMENTS Accomplishments

Identified top 3 performing microbial agents against FW Network of Implementers Banana (2013-2016)

Most Immediate Activities

Region 2  Upgrading of virus indexing facilities ISU, QSU, of selected laboratories Region 3 NVSU ASCOT Region 4A  Promotion in managing Foc TR4 (CALABARZON) a) Use of resistant variety with UPLB, CvSU, integrated management Bioversity b) Fertilizer management to International improve finger formation c) Ripening technology

Region 12 Region 11  Training SMARRDEC, BPI- a) Organic fertilizer + microbes USM, SKSU, DNCRDC, USeP, CCSPC SPAMAST, Lapanday resistant to Foc TR4 Foods Corp., UP b) Resilience strategies; banana Mindanao + coconut production Our partner: Taiwan Banana Research Institute M&E and Feedback Mechanism

Stakeholders Partners • Commercial banana • Bioversity International growers • BPI • MBFEA and small • Lapanday Foods Corp. independent farmers/ • LGUs progressive growers • PBGEA • Small-hold farmers • SCUs • TBRI • UP (Los Banos, Mindanao) Thank you for your attention!

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD)

Paseo de Valmayor Timugan, Economic Garden Los Baños, Laguna VoIP Trunklines.: (63-49) 536-0014; 536 1956; 536 2305; 536 2383; 536-5907; 536 6980; 536 7927 Fax nos.: (63-49) 536 0016; 536-7922 Liaison Office 2/F Metrology Center, Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) DOST Compound, Bicutan, Taguig City, Manila Telefax No.: (63 2) 837 1651

Email [email protected]