I Mina'trentai Tres na Liheslaturan Guahan VICE SPEAKER BENJAMIN J.F. CRUZ THE 33RD GUAM LEGISLATURE Co1nn1ittee on Appropriations and /\djudication 135 fieslcr Place, Suite 107, J:lagf1ti'tu, Guam 96910
[email protected] I W\V\v.senatorbjcruz.co:n1 T, (6711477-2520/1 r, (671) 477-2522 JAN 0 7 201'1 111e Honorable Judith T. Won Pat Speaker I Mina'trentai Tres na Liheslaturan Gualum 33'd Guam Legislature 155 Hesler Place Hagama, Guam 96910 VIA: The Honorable Rory J. Respicifl,,zt1 Chairperson, Committee on Rules RE: Committee Report on Bill No. 222-33 (COR), As Substituted by the Committee Dear Speaker Won Pat: Transmitted herewith is the Report of the Committee on Appropriations and Adjudication on Bill No. 222-33 (COR), As Substituted by the Committee - B. J.F. Cruz "An act to amend Sections 6207 and 6207.1 of and to add new Sections 6218.2 and 6218.3 to Chapter 6, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting bonus pay and mandating proper pay and pay adjustment processing for unclassified employees." Conunittee votes are as follows: ..==········ TO DO PASS TO NOT PASS ---"~- TO REPORT OUT ONLY ....... TO ABSTAIN ......... TO PLACE IN INACTIVE FILE Sincerely. \_ I Mina'trentai Tres na Liheslaturan Gudhan VICE SPEAKER BENJAMIN J.F. CRUZ THE 33RD GUAM LEGISLATURE Committee on Appropriations and Adjudication 155 11esler Place, Suite 107, fiagdtila, Guam 96910
[email protected] I ww\v .senatorbjcruz.com T: (671) 477-2520/1 IF: (671) 477-2522 COMMITTEE REPORT ' - --- -- ----- Bill No. 222-33 (COR), As Substituted by the Committee "An act to amend Sections 6207 and 6207.1 of and to add new Sections 6218.2 and 6218.3 to Chapter 6, Title 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting bonus pay and mandating proper pay and pay adjustment processing for unclassified employees." I Mina'trentai Tres na Liheslaturan Guahan VICE SPEAKER BENJAMIN CRUZ J.F.