Hertfordshire Union

President: John Gregory


I write to you only a few days after my last newsletter in unprecedented times for our game and our country. All of this newsletter is devoted to CoronaVirus – Covid19 and what we in the R.F.U. are doing in response to the R.F.U. closure of the game from 17th March 2020 to 14th April 2020 and then the subsequent announcement today (20th March 2020) from Bill Sweeney announcing the end of the 2019/20 rugby season for all league, cup and county rugby in . Firstly let me say that Hertfordshire R.F.U. wish all of you good health in these trying times. In making decisions on Hertfordshire Rugby the paramount importance is the individual and their health and safety. Anyway over the next few days your club will be contact by your Hertfordshire R.F.U. Executive Club Liaison Member (up to date list at end of this newsletter). They will collect information about you worries and concerns and feed them back to Simon Embleton (Secretary), David Roberts (R.F.U. Council Member) and myself. Your Club Liaison Member will remain in contact with you on a regular basis throughout this crisis. David Roberts may also contact you from an R.F.U. perspective as he gathers data for the R.F.U. to respond to an ever changing picture.

Before I start setting out exactly where we are doing in Hertfordshire I want to make an important announcement. As of today, the “Herts RFU Capital Loan Scheme is Extended”. As of today, clubs will be able to apply for a “CoronaVirus” emergency loan of up to £5000 from Hertfordshire R.F.U. This loan will be interest free over a period of 3 years. It is for serious club hardship and not just “an interest free loan”. Repayments will be deferred and the first repayment will be made 2 months after the national emergency is over and conditions in the country and rugby are declared “normal”. This scheme in the first instance will remain open for applications until 31st August 2020. It may be extended beyond that date if the situation has not resolved itself. Clubs who wish to apply for a loan will need to download the “capital loan” application forms from our website and fill them in. They should supply an explanation of the hardship their club is in, and how they intend to use the loan to help them through the CoronaVirus emergency. Completed applications should be sent to Colin Ashwood (Director of Club Development) e-mail:- [email protected]

So let’s go back in time. Up until Monday 16th March 2020 we had been giving the advice on our website and through personal contact as given to us by the

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R.F.U. that the game followed government advice and continued. I know limited games were played over the weekend 14th and 15th March. This all changed at about 4-30pm on that Monday when the R.F.U. on its website made the following announcement under the headline “RFU Suspends All Activity”.

“Following government advice, the RFU will suspend all rugby activity in England, at both professional and community level. Rugby activity includes club training, league and cup matches plus rugby education courses from 17 March until 14 April subject to continued review. The decision has been taken following government advice in the interests of players, coaches, referees, volunteers, supporters and the wider rugby union community. Where possible, players at all levels are encouraged to maintain their own personal fitness and keep active during this time, while following government guidelines about safe distance and safe exercise environments. The RFU will continue to review and monitor government advice and will provide detailed updates on the impact to the season in the coming weeks.”

Tim Bonnett, David Roberts and myself attended a Herts Youth and Mini Committee meeting that night and after the meeting posted the above and following messages on our website. These are still valid. The first was the exact text of the R.F.U. statement as it appeared on their website and the second was from Tim Bonnett under the heading, “Comments From Hertfordshire RFU on Suspension of Rugby”. It reads and the majority is still valid (with the exception of the schools which we now know will close today Friday 20th March 2020:-

“It is fully understood that this situation will be very challenging for many clubs. Clubs with particular issues should contact David Roberts our RFU Council member for advice and support [email protected]

The clubs due to host Mini and Youth end of season festivals will be contacted in the next few days and the viability of planning for events on Sunday 26th April that may not be possible to stage will be considered. Please watch this web site for news on these events.

Any clubs planning tours are strongly advised to follow the below advice: Club to check :

· Government website for travel to that particular country – bearing in mind it changes daily (if travelling abroad)

· local hosts re current conditions and plans

· host union (French, Welsh and Scottish Rugby Unions have cancelled all rugby )

· Accommodation venue, travel operator and travel insurance

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· Festival / event organiser if applicable

· Parents considerations and concerns – hold a meeting, they must have a voice in the decision

Any decision on whether the club’s tour continues is a matter for the club. Hertfordshire RFU is not going to ban tours – we do not have that authority.

As schools are continuing to operate, the RFU stipulation does not at this time apply to sport in schools. This situation is changing daily.”

Then yesterday the 18th March we received another Community Game Update from the R.F.U. and again I shall quote it fully.

We would like to thank everyone for their great efforts in implementing the changes that were required following our most recent announcement on Covid- 19, which resulted in all rugby activity in England being suspended. We now want to provide you with the latest updates following the advice given by the government.

We continue to review the implications of the government’s advice on the wider aspects of the community game. There are still a number of other matters to be resolved and we will provide further information regularly through this communication, unless there is an urgent need to do otherwise.

Cancellation of forthcoming activities. The following activities have been cancelled with immediate effect:

The Adult Male Future Competition Structure consultation sessions due to take place between Monday 23 March to Tuesday 14 April - all those booked on these sessions will be contacted. The aim is to ensure a decision on future structures is taken by the Friday 12 June Council meeting, a new plan for consultations will be communicated in due course.

The Growing the Female Game regional conferences due to take place between Monday 23 March to Sunday 17 May - we will contact all registered participants over the course of this week.

All England Rugby training courses - scheduled to start between Tuesday 17 March to Thursday 30 April - we will contact participants already booked on courses, who will be refunded. We will process refunds as soon as possible. However, we are currently experiencing high volumes of requests so please bear with us. A decision regarding courses due to start in May/June will be made based on guidance from Public Health England.

England Counties - in light of the recent advice against overseas travel, we

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have taken the decision to cancel the following England Counties tournaments:

• England Counties U18s home matches against Ireland - 14 to 18 April • England Counties U20s tour to Georgia - 17 to 28 May • England Seniors tour to Romania - 1 to 10 June.

The decision has been taken in the interests of players, coaches, medics and volunteers who lead these programmes.

All Rugby 365 bookings through to Tuesday 14 April - customers and host clubs have been contacted. Full refunds will be made in respect of all cancellations. Bookings from Wednesday 15 April onwards will be reviewed.

Other important updates. In addition to the above cancellations, we would like to provide clarity regarding the following areas:

Support for clubs – we are investigating a range of options to provide support for clubs and hope to communicate more information next week. We are also in close contact with the government to get further details on how the changes announced by the Chancellor yesterday might benefit rugby clubs, e.g. business rates.

Adult competitions - we are currently looking into the implications on, and options for, the conclusion of our Adult Men’s and Adult Women’s competitions for this season. This review work is expected to take the next few weeks and a final position is unlikely to be clear until April.

Age Grade season and competitions - the regulated Age Grade season finishes for clubs, schools and colleges on Sunday 10 May. We are aware that the current suspension of all rugby until Tuesday 14 April impacts on some competitions, we are exploring options on this and any updated position will follow once available.

Further information will be made available if and when interim decisions are taken.

Rugby in schools and colleges – our advice for rugby is clear and means no rugby activity and/or competitions staged in the education sector by us or the Constituent Bodies. However, schools and colleges govern their own PE, curriculum and enrichment activity, therefore they should take guidance from their local education authority, governing body or academy trust. The lead national organisation for colleges sport (Association of Colleges Sport) have also suspended all their activities.

Rugby in universities – university rugby clubs are reminded that, as RFU

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members, their rugby is subject to the same current restrictions as all other community clubs. The lead national sports organisation in universities (British Universities and Colleges Sport) have also suspended all their activities and are in support of this approach.

Gyms - clubs should follow the government’s advice, i.e. restrict movement, avoid gatherings, etc. Decisions on whether to open or not are at the discretion of clubs and gym activity is not regarded as rugby activity.

Insurance - the policies arranged by us for registered clubs are public and employers’ liability (which protect you if you are sued by someone else for causing injury to them) and personal accident cover (which provides specific benefits to you if you suffer a catastrophic accidental injury whilst playing). Please click here for all the policy documents.

These policies do not provide cover in respect of the commercial impact of a pandemic like Coronavirus. If a club has a business/commercial/property policy it is possible that the business interruption section of that may provide some cover, depending on the policy wording. If you have a query regarding your business policy you should refer to your insurer or broker.

Tours - our advice and that of the government should be followed i.e. no incoming tours can play matches before 14 April (at the earliest) and outgoing tours will need to take account of government advice and / or their own insurance specifics.

Insurance cover for any cancellation of tours will be depend on your travel insurance and the specific details of your circumstances. You should check with your travel insurance provider. If you have arranged travel insurance via the Howden RFU tours scheme, please call 02392 419015 or email [email protected].

We appreciate that we are in unprecedented times and we are here to provide support to our clubs and their communities where we can during this challenging period.”


My thoughts and those of all of us at the RFU are with everyone impacted by COVID-19 as well as recent flooding events, both across the country at large but also within our own rugby union community.

In order to provide clarity and to assist with immediate and longer term planning, the RFU is today announcing the end of the 2019/20 rugby season for all league, cup and county rugby in England. The only exception to this is the

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Gallagher Premiership, who we are in active discussions with to review possible best next steps.

When current government advice on social distancing measures changes, we will naturally encourage rugby training and friendlies to recommence.

I would like to personally thank everyone for their swift actions in suspending rugby activity, this is not an easy time and I know many of you will have concerns that go beyond the game.

We are working through the implications of ending the season early and have instigated a thorough process to ensure fair and balanced outcomes for the game. We will communicate these outcomes by the middle of April. While we would like to provide all the answers now, we need some time to get it right for the best interests of the game. Rest assured we are working on this as a priority and we will continue to send weekly updates to clubs.

The three areas of focus for the RFU right now are Welfare, Implications and Reboot.


We are ensuring colleagues and communities are given support to follow government advice and are providing recommendations on how to stay fit and healthy using individual training programmes. We are also talking to government about how we can deploy and mobilise our own resources across England to support the vulnerable.


Every union is different, with unique structures and challenges and the RFU needs to manage its own particular complexities. Our business model is similar to most rugby clubs - we earn revenue from events on and off the field and we invest that back into the game. We benefit from strong revenues but we are also exposed if there is widespread cancellation of games and events.

In this extraordinary situation we are working through a range of potential financial scenarios dependent mainly on the length of this crisis. This was already budgeted to be a loss making year within a 4 year cycle due to the costs of the 2019 RWC campaign and only hosting two home Six Nations games. The loss will now be considerably more as we face challenges similar to businesses across the entire country. There may well also be much longer term financial implications which we are assessing now. It is therefore taking us some time to develop a considered position on how we can support clubs and the rugby

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community, which we will do.

We have already undertaken financial measures to safeguard the business enabling us to review all options and programmes to provide support for clubs in these difficult times.

We welcome the measures announced by Government which could provide crucial support to professional and community clubs and the RFU. We are in regular contact with Sport England and The Sport and Recreation Alliance to understand how business rate relief and hardship funds can be accessed by clubs and will be providing assistance to make sure every club who is eligible will be supported.

The implications for all areas of rugby will be thoroughly worked through and solutions discussed and developed with the clubs.


Our welfare advice before the start of next season will switch to offering guidance on how players at all levels can reboot and get match ready.

We will work closely with constituent bodies to support clubs, competition organisers and the wider rugby community in preparing to re-start rugby in what is likely to be a challenging environment.

In recent days we have all been inspired by the many stories across the rugby family working together to support those who are the most vulnerable in their community – this encapsulates the unique spirit of rugby. I am confident that this spirit and resilience during these tough times will ensure we will come through this together and emerge stronger.

Take care and stay safe, Bill Sweeney

So where does that leave Hertfordshire rugby? I shall now attempt to list events and decisions made about them. First, all games and training cancelled or postponed.

a) Wednesday 18th March 2020 Shield Schools Rugby Night at Cheshunt R.F.C. cancelled. b) Friday 20th March 2020 U13 Girls Schools County Finals at Cheshunt R.F.C. cancelled. c) Sunday 22nd March 2020 U13 Boys DPP at Saracens R.F.C. cancelled. (the D.P.P. will contact people as to future events).

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d) Sunday 22nd March 2020 U17 Boys County Boys Training at Cheshunt R.F.C. cancelled. e) Wednesday 25th March 2020 Trophy Schools Finals Night at Harpenden R.F.C. cancelled. f) Friday 27th March 2020 U15 Girls Schools County Finals at Harpenden R.F.C. cancelled. g) Saturday/Sunday 28th/29th March 2020 U9 and U10 “Contact Festival” at Hertford R.F.C. cancelled. h) Saturday/Sunday 28th/29th March 2020 U11 and U12 “Contact Festival” at Fullerians R.F.C. cancelled. i) Sunday 29th March 2020 U20s Jason Leonard Championship at Camborne R.F.C. cancelled. NOTE ON Jason Leonard Championship the rest of the tournament has been cancelled by the R.F.U. j) Monday 30th March 2020 U17 Boys County Boys Training at Hertford R.F.C. cancelled. k) Sunday 5th April 2020 U17 County Boys game with Middlesex away cancelled. l) Friday 10th April 2020 Senior Women’s Championship XV training at Cheshunt R.F.C. cancelled. m) Friday 17th April 2020 Women’s Championship XV training at Cheshunt R.F.C. cancelled. n) Sunday 19th April 2020 Girls and Women’s Festival at Hitchin R.F.C. cancelled. o) Monday 20th April 2020 U17 Boys training at Hertford R.F.C. cancelled p) Friday 24th April 2020 Women’s Championship XV training at Harpenden R.F.C. cancelled q) Saturday/Sunday 25th/26th April 2020 Hertfordshire TAG Festival at Barnet Elizabethans R.F.C. cancelled r) Sunday 26th April 2020 Hertfordshire U17 Boys v Essex at Cheshunt R.F.C. cancelled. s) Sunday 26th April 2020 Hertfordshire Boys Cup Finals at Old Albanians R.F.C. cancelled. t) Sunday 3rd May 2020 President’s Cup, Tankard and Trophy finals at Harpenden R.F.C. are postponed.

The County Championship competition for both men and women has been cancelled. The member’s lunch before the game with Cornwall on 16th May 2020 is therefore also cancelled.

The Mitsubishi Awards lunch was scheduled for the Women’s County Championship game day at Cheshunt on Sunday 10th May 2020. The game itself is cancelled and therefore the awards lunch at present is on hold. No invites have gone out as yet although clubs have already made their nominations.

The Hertfordshire Middlesex Merit tables have stopped, and the organisers have said that for them the season is over and missing results will be made up

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according to their regulations. They have also said that the Merit Table Cups are cancelled for this season. For a letter from the organisers please follow this link on the Herts website:- https://hertsrugby.co.uk/herts-comps/ and scroll down to their letter.

The “Pitch Maintenance Evening” scheduled for Monday 20th April 2020 at Hemel Hempstead (Camelot) R.F.C at 6-30pm is postponed. It hoped to have this later in the year.

The Leadership Academy is suspended. It is hoped to complete the final module “on-line” and that the last meeting on 13th May 2020 at Hatfield is hoped will go ahead as planned.

The Golf Day on 10th July 2020 is still on at East Herts Golf Club.

A number of you are on R.F.U. courses or are about to apply for said courses. The statement on this from Tom Redfern is:- “In light of the updated advice from Public Health England and the decision to suspend all rugby activity the following advice is released.

All England Rugby Coaching, Refereeing and Mentoring Award courses currently underway will be postponed. Participants booked onto these courses can either complete their remaining days when courses restart next season or request a refund.

If you would prefer a refund contact [email protected]. We are experiencing significant workload currently, but refunds will be processed ASAP.

To people who have booked onto and paid for courses due to commence between 17th March and 30th April:

 All England Rugby training courses scheduled to start between 17th March and 30th April will be cancelled and the participants already booked will be refunded. We are experiencing significant workload currently, but refunds will be processed ASAP.

To people booked onto and paid for courses due to commence between 1st May and 30th June:

 A decision on courses due to start in May/June will be made based on guidance from Public Health England by the end of March.

To people who have completed Level 3 pre-requisite courses and have indicated their intention to apply for Level 3:

 Applications for the 2020/21 Level 3 Coaching Award will be postponed. We will follow the guidance from Public Health England before making a decision on when to open applications.

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I have already announced and reiterate it here that, were an event such as a festival is being hosted by a club for Hertfordshire R.F.U. and that festival is cancelled due to the virus then Hertfordshire R.F.U. will reimburse and monies spent on organising that event in good faith by the club in advance of the event. To do this can clubs send a details account to the treasurer. At the same time if monies have been collected from clubs as “entry fees” these should be returned.

For those who are reading this sentence thank you for ploughing your way through (unless of course you are one of these people who read the first page and the last page only!). I will try and write again before Easter and update you.

Adrian K Sparks

Chairman Hertfordshire R.F.U.

20th March 2020


John Gregory:- St. Albans, The Mount Adrian Sparks:- Harpenden, Hertford, Old Albanians Angela Clifford:- Fullerians, Tabard Steve Waller:- Barnet Elizabethans, Cheshunt Simon Embleton:- Black Horse, Verulamiams Ian Bell:- Chess Valley, Tring Peter Brady:- Royston, Stevenage, Bishops Stortford Tim Bonnett:- Hitchin, Datchworth, Welwyn Colin Ashwood:- Cuffley, Hemel Hempstead David Roberts:- Letchworth, Weston Amy Welch:- Hatfield, Herts Fire & Rescue Chris Pike:- Watford, Berkhamstead

R.F.U. Student Union Member Clubs Liason Tom Redfern:- University of Hertfordshire, West Herts College

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