Through the Eyes of : From the Ascension to Journeys in... ^ eBook \ L0KZQ9LM5Q

Through the Eyes of Mary Magdalene: From the Ascension to Journeys in Gaul

By Estelle Isaacson

Logosophia, United States, 2014. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 213 x 137 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.Estelle Isaacson presents further visions of the life of Mary Magdalene-spanning more than three decades-in this third volume of the trilogy Through the Eyes of Mary Magdalene, subtitled From the Ascension to Journeys in Gaul. Once again, the text is illustrated by the paintings of James J. Tissot. Part One opens on the morning after the Resurrection and takes us through the 50 days leading up to the Ascension, which we witness, receiving new revelations regarding this mysterious event. In Part Two we follow Magdalene as she lives in hiding for approximately three years, teaching and healing in secret, until captured and sent to sea-along with her siblings Lazarus and , Celidonius, Maximin, and Sarah and Marcella (handmaids to Magdalene and Martha)-in a boat without tiller. Part Three opens as the seven arrive in Gaul. Many exciting events take place in that new land: Magdalene drives away barbarians, befriends a chieftain, and spends time in the wilderness contemplating s sacrifice and resurrection, while doing her great work of expiation. Meanwhile, Martha sets to work, building up...



This is the finest book i have got study right up until now. I am quite late in start reading this one, but better then never. Once you begin to read the book, it is extremely difficult to leave it before concluding. -- Keanu Johns

This is the finest book i have read until now. It is filled with wisdom and knowledge You can expect to like just how the author compose this ebook. -- Tobin Lesch

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