2010 Bridges/Annual Report of International Bridges to Justice I support International Bridges to Justice. I believe very fervently that the accused have rights, and we must do everything we can to stop torture being used as an investigative tool. These people,the accused, are not guilty until they are proven so. They are innocent until they are proven to be guilty, and so I would commend every right thinking person to support International Bridges to Justice. Desmond Tutu 1 International Bridges to Justice is dedicated to ensuring the basic legal rights of ordinary individuals throughout the world. Specifically, IBJ works to guarantee everyone the right to competent legal representation, the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment and the right to a fair trial. Contents Message from the CEO 1 IBJ’s Model 2 Help IBJ End Torture 3 JusticeMakers 4 Country Programs: Cambodia 8 China 10 India 12 Burundi 14 Rwanda 16 Zimbabwe 18 64 rue de Monthoux eLearning 19 CH-1201, Geneva, Switzerland IBJ in Singapore 20 Message from the Chairman 22
[email protected] Financial Report 23 Governance 24 Phone: +41(0).22.731.24.41 Staff & Consultants 26 Fax: +41(0).22.731.24.83 Volunteers 26 2010 Donors 27 www.ibj.org F OUNDER ’ S V ISION Celebrating Ten Extraordinary Years It was with gratitude for ing countries: Rwanda and being the rule but rather an hub, the Singapore Justice the abundance of your faith Burundi, post-conflict states exception. Training Centre. We also and support that in 2010 we that are scarred by genocide, We have implemented established the Legal Training celebrated the tenth anniver- and Zimbabwe, which was other pioneering initia- Resource Center, offering sary of International Bridges at the peak of overwhelming tives, most notably our defense attorneys web-based to Justice.