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The BG News August 28, 1995

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News August 28, 1995" (1995). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5870.

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Monday, August 28, 1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue |

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Top: The University flag corp practice! outside Moore Musical Arts Center Friday afternoon. It Is gearing up to perform at Thursday's football game at home against Louisiana Tech. Center: The Bowling Green State University sign greets students as they arrive for a new year. This year a record number of freshmen — - between 3,200 and 3,250 - will Join the Falcons. Bottom: The Link, 315 Tburstin St., has a sale Friday to raise money for basic needs such as the Crisis Hotline and the Victims Advocacy Program. Money raised at the sale will also go toward prescriptions, food and shelter. The Link Is a service to students who need someone to talk to or help them through a crisis.

Photos by Kelly Rigo and Jon Rasbach

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Editorial The BG News page two Monday, August 28,1995 The BG News Sex not worth dying for As many of you freshman out arrive. Even the 3 a.m. long- road. trivia for you all that you might 'Celebrating 75 years of Excellence' there are probably Just coming to distance rates can add-up dread- E-mail is always another op- want to pass along to your other realize, moving to a new city - or fully fast. tion, but when basing a re- freshman friends: a new state as the case may be - What to do, what to do, what to lationship merely upon the words Leah Barnum Jim Vickers The University has the highest can be a very exciting, yet very da.. of a screen, how long Is It before STD (sexually transmitted editor-in-chief managing editor scary and challenging thing. you start to think of your boy- disease) rate of any college cam- I'm sure this Is probably a friend/girlfriend as more of a pus in ohio. Chances are that if startling revelation to all of you, pen-pal rather than someone you you sleep around, that you're go- Dawn Keller Larry Hannan Isntit? were once Intimate with? ing to catch something very un- But believe It or not, one of the news editor assistant managing editor If you live moderately close to pleasant that could be very de- most difficult decisions you may your loved-one and own a car you trimental to your health. have to face during your first can always drive to their location Although Bowling Green Is not Aaron Gray Robin Coe month on campus is not whether every weekend, but as any truck as big and glitzy as towns such as or not to attend that 8 am. lec- driver can tell you gasoline is a city editor editorial editor New York or Los Angeles, ture class, but rather what to do fairly expensive commodity diseases such as AIDS and Her- about your respective boyfriend when relied upon heavily, and It pes - diseases which are both or girlfriend back home. can also be a very difficult task deadly and uncurable - do exist Fifteen weeks can be quite a to try to work on your twelve here in Ohio, and like It or not, long time to go without seeing page report that Is due Monday they are very easy to catch Now your "better half," and the ob- when you could be spending your don't get me wrong, I'm not try- Freshmen: life vious dilemma is what to do xon time doing much more... pleasant ing to tell you how to live your about your little Johnny or e s activities. life or anything like that. I hon- Joanne back home. The truth of the matter is that estly couldn't care less about Should you break-up with \\f i brod moving away from your family what you're doing with your will get better them, hence "throwing away" and friends usually stinks. Sure spare time as long as you're not that X amount of time that you You could always just say It's great to get away from the stepping on anybody else's toes two had together just because the "Screw It" land cheat on your constricting tyranny of your par- while you're doing It Y^ ou watched you're parents drive away. geographic distance between trusting lover, and try to justify ents, and moving to somewhere It's just that in my mind there • •*■ You waved. your houses has been greatly In- your own actions by telling your- new can be a very exciting ad- isn't any known form of sex They waved. creased? self that he/she is probably do- venture, but how many of you out that's worth dying for. If you dis- A lump formed in your throat as you thought about Or should you try to tough it ing the same thing and that there honestly looked forward to agree with this . philosophy, out, writing each other letters they'll never know the difference the day that you'd be leaving please go ahead and play your your surroundings. You went back inside to your closet- every day confessing your love If you spend some of your long your friends and loved ones be- little "I'll call you tomorrow sized room, worrying some about classes and homework, for one another while desperate- and lonely BG nights In the arms hind? morning" game. Like I said, it's but more about meeting friends and finding your place ly counting down the days until of another... Chances are it wasn't too many your life to live, not mine. among 18,000 students. you'll be able to see each other But the weight of a guilty con- of you. But rest assured that while . Now you've been here a few days, long enough to meet face to face again? cious is a weight that too many And while BG does have a you're lying in your deathbed at your neighbors and find a lunch buddy. It still seems Of course you could call each people only believe they can number of bars and night clubs the ripe ol' age of 32 that I'll be overwhelming. Everyone seems to know more about other every other day, but this bear, and the truth about one's where you can go to make new laughing at you and your stupi- what is going on than you. Trust us, most don't. AT&T inspired bliss would prob- midnight endeavors usually end- friends at - such as Easy Street dity until long after you're dead. ; We've all been there. We've all experienced the fear, ably only last the length of time it up coming out eventually, even if Cafe and Howard's Club H- I've Yeah, I may be a jerk, but I'll the solitude, the exasperation. It gets enormously better. took for your first phone bill to it is years and years down the got an interesting little piece of be a live jerk. You hear this from your parents all the time. "Just be yourself, Hortence." Sometimes parents are right. 1 1 - The way to fit in, to make your mark and to be a suc- fgg- RCG'- W(( 7-./0 -a O {fr^T Here's MAC cess is to be yourself. Say what you want to say. Believe S what youwant to believe. Dress as you want to dress. At the same time, you'll meet a slew of people from ♦ WOOl/MJ UH1» , eg&atfHt different backgrounds and cultures. Talk to them. Hang C r£a|U ;out with them. Learn from them. • You'll also meet people with totally different world /"P"^! views. Listen to what they have to say. You can learn a a a lot from them, as well. That's what you're here for. 0 0 f»TO College offers a whole new world to students. They 45/ "Dg gain the freedom of living on their own. They gain the tvrW\ w^o^i j£? ***^\ii ^responsibilities of adults. It can be a wonderful experi- ence. r—^ '- We at The News encourage you to explore new hori- •zons. Come out of your room and talk to people. Other •freshmen give you someone to relate to. Upperclassmen wNti Jgive you knowledge of the area and classes and things to ;do. Freshman year flip-flop fun '; Being here is a fabulous opportunity that too few peo- ple get Enjoy it and take advantage of it. "Hey, your roomate smokes a with a "We Care" badge. shampoo, I heard It patently when I was out of the ■ College is a special time in anyone's life. It's a min- pipe, just like your grandfather," "I'm Joe and I'll bring Jello to "Spray, tinkle, tinkle, Spray, room, my roommate would "re- my mom said picking up the little the picnic," I said hopefully, try- tinkle." The unmistakable sound cycle" his cotton tube socks. iature version of the rest of the world minus the unap- metal pipe, my roommate had ing to make up for my past of a man flushing his bladder - in pealing features like mowing lawns and changing left out from the evening before. grievances. "What's your name?" the shower. Lesson number three: If your -|juiapers. It's a four-year never never land completely "I wonder what kind of tobacco I looked down at my bare feet, roommate goes a couple of weeks [-removed from reality. he smokes?" scared. A million solutions ran In between girlfriends, don't "Gulp, yeah, uh-huh, mom," I through my head. Should I break touch the socks. 5 At some point during your senior year you're likely to replied, thinking grandpappy herd shower etiquette and look at '? smile and be amazed that life can be this good. And sadly Peiffer probably didn't get his the shower sprayer? Should I just I feel like I should end the col- ?• you'll realize that it will probably never be this good pipe from the Shed. "Can we go keep still and pretend It didn't umn with some sage advice for get some groceries now?" happen? Should I just pee back at freshman folks who re entering | again. So my freshman year was off him? this institution during my final 'Z Beyond college lies jobs, bills, rent, a family to support to a bang. I arrived via Route 75 year. Unfortunately, I'm not that -and the dreaded word... responsibility. three years ago armed only with I was baffled. After much de- smart. All I can tell you is when a loft. Star Wars sheets and a bate, I finally decided to turn my your five years are up and they But right now the only responsibility a student has is black light, each of which I fig- head, catching the culprit mid- let you have your piece of paper, to make the most of life and walk away a much better ured might help woo the chicks stream. you wont remember the quadra- ^person than when he or she started out. back to room 13 Conklin Hal 1. tic equation, the economic defini- I was wrong. As the year wore It was my roommate, Dave. tion of a widget, and certainly not on, it became apparent that the "Uh, Dave, buddy, what are your girlfriend at home Copyright C 1995 by The BG News. Reprinting of any matieral in you doing?" I asked, dreams of this publication without the permission of the BG News is strictly pro- Star Wars sheets couldn't make You'll remember peeing in the up for the room's "chewbacca- bacteria dancing through my shower. hibited. Uke" smell. head. The BG News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 and But it was still the end of Au- "Peeing, man." Joe Peiffer Is the Friday col- is published daily during the academic year and Wednesday's in the gust and my hopes where as high "Uh, huh,". I replied, draining umnist for the BG News. He summer. as a pre-mortem Jerry Garcia. my bladder. After all, when In wants everyone to know that he Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the student And after dispatching my par- herd showers go with the herd. was just kidding - orientation body, faculty or University administration. Opinions expressed in ents, everyone in the hall decided "I'm Ed and I'm bringing egg columns, cartoons and etters are not necessarily those of The BG News. to check out the local watering salad, and you're not talking your Letters intended for publication must be 200-300 words long, typed holes. We ended up at Mark's way out of this one, Jello Joe." All I can tell you is when your five years are and include the writer's name, phone number and University affiliation, Pizza Pub, where, much to our This was all getting too surreal if any. The BG News reserves the right to edit any and all letters. chagrin, they don't actually sell I needed a shower. up and they let you have your piece of paper, Lesson number one: Orienta- The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors pizza. you won't remember the quadratic equation, So we drank and drank and tion classes are fun if you can get in stories or photograph descriptions. drank. And then I vomited, up by 9 a.m. If not, don't bother. the economic definition of a widget, and vomited, vomited. It was a really Having slipped through the certainly not your girlfriend at home. good time. Until someone had to fingers of the Orientation Police, The BG News Staff ruin it. I began to grow a bit more confi- photography editor Kelly Rigo "Hey, don't those mandatory dent. I was ready to wash off the co-sports editor Scon Brown orientation classes start previous nights filth in the dorm co-sports editor Patrick Murphy tomorrow at nine o'clock?" one of "herd showers.'* assistant sports editor Christian Pelusi my new-found friends inquired. I figured, 'hey, how bad can it be?' I'm a mature fellah. I'm se- assistant city editor Joe Boyle What was I to do? My college Lesson number two: Buy flip- and floor meetings were some of cure In my masculinity. Sure, I'm flops. Buy theen now. the best times m his life, really. graphics editor Rochelle Slosser career was ruined before It even not happy to see another man's Sometime around mid-October, Weekend Reality editor Melissa Lipowski began. "Missed orientation," Questions, comments or concerns would be stamped in red ink on butt. But I felt like for the sake of I picked up a set of shower san- can be directed to jpei- Weekend Reality assistant editor Aaron Epple my permanant record. Calamity. my fellow classmates I should do dals and was growing even more Kristin Stadum copy chief Shame. something to remove the vomit confident, Having tackled the speical projects editor Amy Johnson Guilt ridden, I had visions of from my hair. task of cleaning myself I decided assistant special projects editor Jim Barker the Orientation Police showing So, I ducked under a steamy to delousethe room. 204 West Hall up on my door step. stall and began to scrub the film I was performing the unsavory "Excuse me, Mr. Peiffer, from my body. Everything was task of moving my wardrobe Bowling Green State University shouldn't you be playing the going hist fine. I could handle from the floor to my laundry Bowling Green, OH 43403-0726 name game' with orientation this. I was In college. basket. And that's when I stum-, group number 10?" asked a cop Then Just as I lathered my bled upon the sock You see, ap- * ♦ The BG News Editorial Monday, August 28,1995 page three Faulkner should be respected Fire sparks reflection for standing up for her beliefs

Poverty flames stoked by government policies Since everyone has started to ing was heard of the men who young as Faulkner take a stand ignore OJ - and if you haven't also got sick while training in the for something she believes in and As I was heading home on tions were correct. It had not barn burning Incident as their get a life -1 thought I would turn Southern heat. Most of these men then carrying through with it. I that spring day, I saw the been the fault of a group of excuses. "The poor only cause my attention to the subject of an- also quit, but I have yet to see In- also felt sorry for them because smoke rising; the names turn- teenagers making mischief. It crime and create a social bur- other media feeding frenzy - depth interviews and videotape they still believed in this day and ing the building to ashes. had not been a careless adult den," they say, in not so many Shannon Faulkner. of every move these guys make, age that because someone owns a "Dear God," I murmured. tossing a cigarette butt In the words. "Giving money to them And as if that subject wasn't and I have yet to see the media set of ovaries, she still has to use My first thought, when I saw wrong place. It was, instead, only makes it worse." enough to have people grinding snickering under it breath about work twice as hard to prove any- the emergency crews and the two boys, ages eight and nine. But, before you send in the their teeth, I guess I'll confess them getting what they deserve. thing and is demonized when she smoke from a distance, was red Ink, keep a few things in something else, too. I consider that our home was burning to mind. Which of the following myself a femininst and I support the ground. I felt relief when I do you wish to cut of f- women in the military, which in "As I sat watching these images flickering discovered that it was not, but 1. An elderly couple, with turn extends to Faulkner being dread when I saw what was be- scrawny Medicare' benefits accepted into the all-male Ci- across the screen, I have to say I felt sorry for fore me. and increased medical bills? tadel. the whole pathetic lot" In its day, the magnificent 2. A divorced mother of three And to add more logs to the barn stood as a landmark. It who had relied solely on her fire, I also have to agree with had been standing for over one husband's income during mar- many people when I say that Am I detecting a pattern here? doesnt. hundred years, staring com- riage, and therefore possesses Faulkner was wrong in quitting As I sat watching these images Now I understand that there placently through its solid little job skills and no advanced the Citadel, especially after two flickering across the screen, I may be three more women who beams; its chipped white paint. education? years of legal battle. Faulkner have to say that I really felt sorry want the challenge of getting It had housed livestock, im- 3. A worker who was injured had to know that it would be for the whole pathetic lot. I not through the Citadel. I wonder plements, crops, and all other on the job and is no longer able twice as hard on her, be this fair only felt sorry for Faulkner, but what the public will hold in store things akin to the former life of to be employed in the field for or not, and therefore would have for them, if they will be hounded the Midwest. which he or she was trained? to be in unbelievable shape phys- by the media or if - what a novel It had seen the evolution of 4. A wheelchair bound quad- ically and mentally. idea - they will be left to quietly my home town from acres of riplegic? However, my disappointment Lindsey go about doing what Faulkner farmland to an exploding You see, not all welfare cases over these events was nothing was supposed to do. community with shopping are lazy individuals simply compared to my disapointment rout centers and widened roads. As looking for a free ride. While I of others' reactions. Faulkner has a long road to the apartments and houses and "Not gonna be worth a damn, do believe that our welfare I sat in my living room watch- hoe, no matter what path she de grocery stores took away the those two," muttered a friend system is in need of major re- ing men and women alike cheer- also for the people who were cides to take. Despite her leaving land that once surrounded it, it of my mother's as we drove the form, all of the the above quali- ing over Faulkner's resignation, throwing insults and jeers as she the Citadel, I hope this makes a still stood as a quiet reminder torched remains. fy for some form of federal as- bells ringing in the background. left the grounds. difference in people's minds of a day that had gone by, a Up until that point, I had sistance. Which would you like For a second I thought I was I felt sorry for them because concerning basic rights we all time foreign to the newcomers. thought the same way. I to eliminate? watching the "Wizard of Oz" and they were deprived of the expe- deserve. That would be some- Others like me drove by, thought that it seemed an Many of our government all the munchkins had shaved rience of watching someone as thing worth cheering about. mouths gaping, watching in as- ironic symbol of the way my lords and masters were bora their heads and were singing tonishment as the blaze tore home town was headed, that with these four idiosyncrasies: "The Witch is Dead." through the structure. The the people living in the subsi- rich, white, male and privi- What I want to know is, what same words fell from their dized apartments did not de- leged. They have an advantage were they really cheering over? mouths. serve to live in our community. over society that many do not It seems to me they were I stood, staring through my And somehow, suddenly... Yet, these people have clout cheering over the fact there was I wondered how tired and on issues which have never af- a place where once again a wom- window, watching the remains Lerner & Lowe's of the building smolder, falling angry those boys were. I won- fected them. They vote on an would not upset the delicate like the gray clouds and rain dered how they were tired of abortion, crime bills and what balance where "men can be that seemed so appropriate on possibly growing up without a government programs get the men", a boys-only club funded, that day. An accident? Perhaps father, without someone to look most money without ever no less, in part by Uncle Sam. Yigadoon it was intentional, to collect in- up to. I wondered how tired having to feel the after-effects. I have no problem with single surance money, or to please a they were of receiving looks of In the meantime, two young gender schools, as I believe they Sept. 8 & 9 it 8 p.m. high-paying realty. hopeless sympathy while their boys, ages eight and nine, wait offer a unique educational expe- Kobacker Hall. College of Musical Arts. BGSU Not even two years before, a mothers got looks of disgust. in the wings, wait at their rience. But could someone please Tickets: 17-$ 11 (12 student/senior clllien discount) low-Income, government sub- "Trash." "dirties." "no-eood. mercy. point me in the direction of an Certain leaders in our fed- And, perhaps, that is why, on all-female military school be- The box olllce is open weekdays noon to 6 p.m. sidized apartment complex Inlormatlon call (419) 3724171 or (800) 589-2224 was built behind the barn. In- eral government wish to take that cloudy spring day, we all cause I cant seem to find it. stantly, the accusations flew. away federal assistance to the should have been murmuring, A lot of attention is also given A University/Community Production It turned out that the accusa- poor. They use things like the "Dear God." to the fact that Faulkner got sick after the first few days, yet noth- FIRST BIG BASH OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!- Campus The BG News page four Monday, August 28, 1995 Ribeau wants to know students Jay Young tions Department, reluctantly The BC News New BG president wants people to feel valued agreed. "I said. 'For one year only,' " Last fall when Sidney Ribeau an educational opportunity. the president of the University Wayne State University. Ed Pap- difference in his life. Ribeau said. "Well, he never provided information about him- "The reason that I think I enjoy who is really concerned about the pas was one of his professors in "I think those two things really came back and I ended up being self to the Presidential Search the people part is because you quality of education that they speech education. came together and made me department [chairman] there for Committee he listed Informal learn so much,'' Ribeau said. receive and very concerned "[Pappas] was an influence be- think about education as more three years." discussion as one of his favorite "There is no way in the world about the atmosphere and cli- cause he talked a lot about the than a degree," Ribeau said. activities. One that you can know about all of the mate of this institution. By that I ability to influence the lives of Ribeau left UAEI and attended The position of department year later, different kinds of experiences mean that students feel valued others in the classroom," Ribeau graduate school at the University chairman led to a nomination for President you can have in life, whether it is here." said. of Illinois. He earned his a dean's position at California Ribeau intends what it is like to live on a farm, be He said making people feel While a student at Wayne State, master's and doctoral degrees in State San Bernardino in 1987. He to use that ac- an astronaut, be a Judge or to be valued and knowing all of them Ribeau worked as a volunteer at 1973 and 1976, respectively. moved to Cal Poly in 1990 to take tivity to build some type of artist. If you talk to does not always make the Job eas- the Urban Adult Education Insti- the position of the College of Lib- relationships those people who have those ex- ier. tute. Ribeau said he witnessed Ribeau worked as an instructor eral Arts dean and then vice and a better periences in open dialogue you "It makes it easier because you the difference an education can at California State in Los Angeles president for Academic Affairs University. can get insights to that perspec- have a lot of information and a lot make in the lives of people who for about eight years. He called in 1992. Ribeau was tive without having to live it all of insight that you gain," Ribeau were on public assistance or drug teaching the Joy of his life. It was named the yourself or study It." said. "It makes it hard because rehabilitation. only "chance" that make him an Despite holding the adminis- ninth Universi- Ribeau Ribeau said after he is settled there is a risk in getting to know "I had never thought of the administrator. trative positions, Ribeau contin- ty president on April 14 by tlie into his new Job and his busy fall people. Then they're just not an human potential that can be de- While teaching at California ued to teach. He said he would Board of Trustees. He replaces schedule is completed he would objective name or number. So If veloped through education," State a friend of his was the eventually like to teach at the Paul Olscamp, who served as like to have students over to his you have to make a difficult de- Ribeau said. "It was the self con- chairman of the Pan African University. University president for 13 home to "Just sit around and cision you think of them as a per- fidence and the self-esteem they Studies Department at the same years. talk." He said by this time next son." developed as a result of learning institution. When his friend was "As soon as things settle down Ribeau, who previously served year he wants students to know His decision to teach was in- how to do basic algebra or things selected to go to Princeton to I plan to teach here," Ribeau as vice president for Academic more about him than just his ti- fluenced by several things he ex- we Just take for granted." direct a program, he said he said. Affairs at California Polytechnic tle. perienced in his hometown of De- Ribeau was hired at UAEI and would only leave if Ribeau was University in Pomona, said one of "I would like them to know not troit. As a student, Ribeau said he worked there for two years. He his successor. Ribeau, who had He said he would teach in the the reasons he enjoys good com- only am I the president of the tried several majors, but chose said his experience there and the already declined a chance to be Communications Department or munication is because it provides University," Ribeau said. "I'm English and speech education at influence of Pappas made a big the chairman of the Communica- a course in ethnic studies. We've relaxed our University students will prices for Labor Day. Come in now and pick up some fun things to do over pay more for education the Labor Day weekend. While you're here, enter our Baby-sitters Club Sweepstakes! You and your friends could win Jay Young sity's instructional fees have in- Total graduate student tuition for The BC News creased by $186 per year and the 1995-96 is now $5,150. The non- an exciting trip to New York City general fee is up by $38. The an- resident surcharge increased to where you'll meet bestselling author Ann Martin. Students returning to the Uni- nual undergraduate instructional $4,558, an increase of $176. The versity will pay 6 percent more fee is now $3,256 and the general tuition rate for out-of-state un- Other prizes include a Sony entertainment system for their education than they fee is $698. dergraduates Is $8,512 this year. and loads of Sony Walkmans. thought in the spring. Including the standard room The trustees approved the The University Board of and minimum meal rates, the Details in store. No purchase necessary maximum 6 percent increase de- Trustees approved an instuc- total cost of the academic year spite a pleasing subsidy increase tional and general fee increase for an Ohio undergraduate living of 7.23 percent from the state. 15.93 16.99 k 24 98 with the institution's $142.7 mil- on campus will be $7,576, an in- 1*119 IS Former University President THE SWAN PRINCESS lion 1995-96 educational budget crease of $494 from last year. Paul Olscamp reported to the WHEN A MAN Turmr at its June meeting. The graduate instructional fee LOVES A WOMAN Effective this fall, the Univer- was increased $254 per year. 16.99 hi 2? 98 See FEES, page eleven. THE PEBBLE AND THE 34.99 (a 4i ts PENGUIN MGM/iu STAR WARS TRILOGY (3-tapeset)

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MUSIC ► BOOKS ► MOVI0S r Sole ends hii \l HI i()() ()i ( l. >0 I.K)N(f,4(i()) 4. :-IU( ,||(l. ; , E I. ICIION SMALL PRICE. H I C II T HERE AT HOME The BG News Campus Monday, August 28,1995 page five School Notes on local bands updates Area bars support hometown musicians Robin Coe Blitzen, which has drawn the best crowd for The BC News three years, will play Sept. 14, IS and 16. campus Mike Katon, a blues band, is expected to be a Local bars are not sure what music fans will huge success with students. Katon just finished have a taste for from the local band scene this up- touring Europe, where he had a following of over coming year. 150,000 people. housing Howard's Club H, 210 N. Main St., has a variety Easystreet Cafe, 104 S. Main St., has a variety of of alternative and blues bands scheduled to domi- music from classic rock to Top 40 and from alter- nate the scene. Pat's Savage, a blues band from De- native rock to blues and irish-folk music scheduled New furniture troit, will play Friday and Saturday. for the upcoming year. The cafe caters to the Jeff Uhlman, owner of Howard's Club H, said younger crowd on weekdays and the older crowd, added in halls blues music was popular last year. on the weekends. • "It seems to change a lit Je each year. We kind of Dawn Dennis, head waitress at Easystreet Cafe,- go by ear," he said. He said he has not heard much Genell Pavellch agreed that music tastes change from year to year. The BC News from new groups and right now only bands who She said blues drew a big crowd last year. i have played at the bar in the past are scheduled for V More than $2 million in renova- the upcoming year. However, he said Thursday Students who are 19 and over will be catered ' tions were made to several Uni- shows have not been scheduled and will be an- Jazz acts on Wednesday nights from Cleveland and ' versity residence halls this nounced throughout the year. Toledo area bands. The Ark band, Twist-Off, Tie- summer. Rizzo, MU and the Psychic Dogs and Mike Katon Dye Harvest and The Kind are a few of the bands ' Wayne Colvin, associate direc- / are also scheduled to play at the club. Uhlman said that will be featured Thursday and Friday nights. ' tor of administration and facili- fans can expect a change in Rizzo's, an alternative Big Dave and the Ultrasonics, a blues band, Blind ties, said he thinks students will rock band, music. Bobby Smith and Paddy's Night Out, an Irish Folk be pleased with the renovations. "Rizzo updated their music - it was pretty much music band, will cater to crowds 21 and over on "The facilities are in a much the same thing day in and day out," Uhlman said. Saturday's. better condition now, which makes a better living environ- ment for the students," he said. K>llyRI|omi MII.I.„ Pogan acknowledged that H:M.I:I IMVIV Kelly KiiivThr BGNt«. renovations are made on a fairly ?>viif vr» uno Construction at the corner of Ridge and Thurstin streets Is a federally scheduled basis depending on the HOI .1.1 V'JIS ox funded project that should be complete by Sept. 30. money available. 1H3IIU 3IAIV9 A39UOJ X.fWOO

Cannon-firing ritual blown •siiviaa SHOW HO3 ONQOA HW MSV waxsAS aaaHO anon tz

Michael Brick Many students and alumni are worried the can- 'ddOLS 33U3 Nil SZS133 «• 8013 3IWOD T3AUVW 3H1 NIOf College Press Service non-firing tradition may be suspended with the Cowboys. AUSTIN, TEXAS - Glenn Maloney has heard "It would be a real blow not only to the Cowboys' requests from more than a dozen student groups tradition, but also the University of Texas football interested In firing a cannon at University of tradition if the cannon were not fired," said Mi- WWSSWs? Texas football games, and now he just wants to chael Perrin, the Houston attorney who formed a make one thing clear Cowboys' alumni group In the wake of the suspen- "I keep telling them, the University doesnt have sion. Perrin played football under legendary Texas a cannon," said Maloney, an associate dean of stu- coach DarreII Royal. dents. "At this point, there isnt any cannon to fire." Smokey the Cannon, traditionally fired after "At this point, there isn't any touchdowns at UT football games is the property of the group that fired it, the Texas Cowboys. cannon to fire." After the Cowboys' five-day suspension - issued SSWUSAS ONIWVO last month - and subsequent appeal, Dean of Stu- dents Sharon Justice said the group would not be Glenn Maloney allowed on the football field in the fall, regardless associate dean of students i0 3Nn 3Hi 3M of the appeal outcome. (O^raa^^vW® a ** The group was suspended after Justice de- ™ ™™ termined hazing had occurred at an April 29 Cow- Maloney said student Input has shown that tra- boys picnic where Gabe Hlggins, a mechanical en- dition is important, but In the scheme of things, gineering sophomore, drowned in the Colorado cannons are cannons. ..iNfld 'Nfld 'NDd.. River. Hlggins, 19, had a blood alcohol level more than "I think smokey's not the Important thing. It's to iddoiAj s s3i/\ivo aavo 'sawvo oaaiAmS.ood twice the legal standard for intoxication and was have the tradition," he said. "Everybody's got still wearing cowboy boots when his body was something to fire at football games, so we should 'sidaow 'sdNizvovN 'aood 'SOIIAIOO 'sivwe pulled from the river. have something, too." .•SOMflOA XV 3HV Od inrjnarjnar OX 35EI1 flOA SONIHX NOI 3HX TIV„ For Video Movies i awoH mond AVJAY aaoxs HJIOA I Go To VIDEO SPECTRUM pueissjuiaiu SGIMOA 112 E. Washington 352-4171 Wooster St. to S. Main 2 Blocks to Washington Closest Video Superstore to Campus YOaHGSHEmSSTAHD Bowling Greens LARGEST Selection of Video Entertainment 178 S. MAIN • 353-2176 • Hrt. M-SAT. 8-8 FRI. 8-9 SUN. 12-5 The BG News Campus page six Monday, August 28,1995 Alcohol lure Former BG architect honored can be avoided Trustees dedicate Hayes Hall room to designer Leah D. Barnum ty, administrators, board mem- in the minds and hearts of his presented Raney with a framed The BG News bers and friends described him. many students ... colleagues and collage of Raney's photos and a Larry HanniR friends," said Phil Mason, vice newspaper clipping announcing The BG News Legacy. Friends and family of "I have never heard one single John (Jack) Raney used that person - not one - speak ill of Students away from home for the first time are often exposed to al- word most when describing the Jack Raney. That's just remark- cohol and drugs - and the lure can be stronger with new-found free- contributions of the 105-year-old able," said Delbert Latta, a Uni- "[Raney] was a fixture of Bowling Green -- he dom. The Center for Wellness and Prevention tries to help students man. versity trustee who has been still is... 105 years... but he's made those 105 avoid these temptations. Raney began teaching engi- friends with Raney for 40 years. Jacqueline Daley, director of The Well, said most freshmen will neering and drawing at the Uni- years mean something." have the opportunity to use alcohol and drugs sometime during their versity in 1939. He was the Uni- "He was a fixture of Bowling first year. versity architect from 1948 to Green - he still is ... 105 years ... "Students should think about what type of situations they plan to be 1962. He designed 13 buildings but he's made those 105 years Delbert Latta in," Daley said. "It's always advisable for an Individual to monitor for the University, including mean something," Latta added. longtime friend of Raney themself to ensure that they don't get out of co... rol." Hayes Hall, which he orginally Daley said students need to understand what responsible drinking designed in 1930. Others spoke of Raney's archi- means. To honor the former architect, president for University Re- the dedication. "A lot of students don't know that five beers is considered a drink- tectural contributions. In addi- the University named Hayes tion to designing Shatzel Hall, lations. "Thank you ... I can't tell you ing binge," Daley said. how much I treasure this. Thank Sheila Harris, a counselor at The Well, said she is able to help peo- Hall's Room 111 the Raney Room Memorial Hall and the Adminis- University President Sidney last Tuesday. ple evaluate whether they have a drinking problem. Harris also coun- tration Building on campus, Ribeau said, "Raney has provid- you," Raney said. ed a living legacy to Bowling sels students who come from families with substance abuse prob- At the dedication Raney sat off Raney has contributed to the Green State University, Bowling lems. to the side. His white hair was city. The lifelong resident of "It's impossible for me to ex- Green and beyond." "We provide free, confidential services to students," Harris said. neatly-combed and he wore a Bowling Green designed the press my appreciation for this "We don't look at people who come in here as if they're alcoholics. A light gray suit with a matching Clazel Theatre and Ridge Street honor," Raney said. "I hereby tie and a red rose boutonniere. lot of students don't want to come and get counseling if they're School. David Chilson, associate declare the Raney Room open for He listened as University facul- having trouble with alcohol because they think they'll be viewed as "His legendary design lives on professor of computer science. business." alcholics. That's not what we do." Harris said she tries to impart the philosophy of risk reduction to students. That involves trying to keep people from hurting them- selves or one another. Daley said students need to use common sense when drinking. Caution necessary for safety "It's important for freshmen to realize that everybody doesn't Jennifer Schab they do carry 9 mm pistols, and when neces- take responsibility for their own safety," drink," Daley said. "The majority of students who do drink are re- sary, they can take people through the local sponsible drinkers. Unfortunately, the people who do drink exces- The BG News WaddeU said "Be aware and use good courts. judgement." University police officer Phil sively tend to be more visible." Taking responsibility and being cautious The department provides law enforce- Walter said students should remember to tag is the best way for the University communi- ment, security, regulates parking and traffic valuable items, lock doors and items such as ty members to protect themselves, accord- and provides educational programs for the bikes up, and never walk alone. FALCON HOUSE ing to public safety officials. campus community. WaddeU said the most reported crime on "Safety is always an issue,"said Barbara Officers patrol campus and are accessible campus is petty theft, and the second most- is your WaddeU, public information officer. "There 24 hours a day. reported crime is telephone harassment Athletic Equipment is always going to be crime." Criminal activity or emergencies may be "Students just need to be responsible and She said no one is completely safe from reported by calling 9-1-1 or by using one of report these crimes - we need everyone and crime, even on campus. the 17 blue emergency phones located taking responsibility," WaddeU said. "People "Anyone who is living, working or visiting throughout campus. have a false sense of security because BGSU Sports Headquarters campus or the area around campus can be "9-1-1 is a special line that can tell police is so easygoing, but people still need to be affected by crime," WaddeU said. "This is where the call is coming from, and police aware. Don't let criminals have the opportu- why it is very important that the University always respond to 9-1-1 calls either on foot, nity to make you their victim." Last year, has its own police station." bike or vehicle," WaddeU said. there were 23 reported burglaries, four re- Seventeen officers who have full police If it is a non-emergency, students can call ported rapes, and three reported cases of tr i authority and meet all state law enforcement 2-2346 or come to the station located in the aggravated assault. standards staff the Public Safety Depart- Commons. ment But University students cannot just rely "The best solution is to be informed" Featuring...Cleveland Indians and According to WaddeU, some students find entirely on public safety for protection - WaddeU said. "There are people you cannot out the hard way that University police are they need to look out for their own safety. trust and you need to know that the Univer- sity Police Department Is user-friendly." Sports Apparel including T-Shirts & Hats Indians not a joke. They can handcuff students and "Students can exercise common sense and souvenir HOCKEY EQUIPMENT - SWIMWEAR BASEBALL EQUIPMENT headquarters NOVELTY ITEMS - SPORTS POSTERS BGSU Apparel & Gifts WE HAVE THEM! Study Abroa id Program IBI B.G.S.U. NWUKEtHENSlAH HIKKITV T-Shirts & Sweatshirts ROLLERBLADES! ROLLERBLADES! Students from any major can benefit from a year Discover the World See Our Selection And Competitive Prices or semester in another country. They will Study abroad countries include: Open Mon.-Fri. 10-8; Sat. £l experience a new culture, improve their skills in Austria FALCON HOUSE a foreign language and acquire a new perspective Brazil SPORTING GOODS Our Friendly. Knowledgeable John & Mary Mura on American life. This international background Canada sales stiff is always Proprietors pleased co secve you! A *s I will help our BGSU graduates live and work China 123 S. Main St. • Downtown BQ • Phono 352-3610 more effectively in an increasingly interdependent France 1 world. Scholarship money is available through a Germany competitive process. Italy STUDENT Japan Korea RECORDS Mexico FOR MORE INFORMATION: Russia Under the terms of the Family Sally Raymont Educational Rights and Privacy Act of Center for International Programs Spain 1974, and University policy on student 1106 Offenhauer West Ukraine records, Bowling Green State (419)372-0309/0479 Fax:(419)372-2429 United Kingdom University may disclose such E-mail:[email protected] personally identifiable information from a student's educational record as has been designated to be directory information. Students have the right to refuse the designation of personally identifiable information as directory •^ itl information. If a student exercises this right, directory information will not be released without the student's consent except as provided by law and ~ ^^»- wi University policy. Students choosing to exercise their rights respecting withholding directory information should contact in person the Office Of **> the Vice President for Student Affairs by 5 pja, Friday, September 1,1995.

-, ■ r T Campus The BG Newi , Monday, August 28, 1993 page seven 7 Post office On-campus eating

needs students Local priests V. to fill out +H*7 Founders •♦* Mon-Fri r*« give students correct forms Commons: 7:30-7pm F Mon-Fri Ssi-Sun )xpr Jull Schackow 7:30-1 lam I0am-7pm Sun-Thurs-Thu The BC News Uam-2pm _-^^B^a«k. Noon-Midnight tt? 4:30-6:30pm ..' prayer options Getting mall to the right per- ♦4* Harshman: ja McDonald: son can be difficult for post of- Mon-Fri Garden Terrace: Mon-Fri fice officials if students don't nil 7:30-10am SttfrTlwrj i7:3O-10am Lawrence Hannan out the correct change of address llam-2pm I 2pfn-Upni I 11 am-2pm The BG News * forms. 4:30-6:30pm I [,4:30-6:30pm It will help if students make all Sat-Sun I Sal-Sun For many students, the first year of college can be a lonely and correspondents aware of the lOam-lpm ' I 10am-lpm scary time. One place to turn Is religion. i change in address, according to ll:30am-2pm ChUy's Express: ll:30am-2pm There are several Christian churches in Bowling Green and almost Sun-Sat s all of them have programs for University students. Jan Emch, supervisor of the 4:30-6:30pm ~H Noon-Midnight 4:30-6.30pm Campus Post Office. DownUnder: David Young, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Bowling . Galley Green, said many of the people in his congregation are students. "Contacting all your corre- Sun-Thurs Sun-Thurs spondents prior to your move 6pm-Midnight 6pm-Midnight X "We have a lot of students In both our choir and adult education with your new address will make Keepers classes," Young said. "We also provide some day-care opportunities la everything easier," Emch said. Snack Bar: for married students." She said every day mail gets Sun-Thurs ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« Young said people not familiar with the Presbyterian church are ..' sent to a student on campus who 7pm-Midnight 4 ► ♦♦♦< ► ♦♦♦• welcome to drop by and see what it's like. no longer lives at that address Father Dan Zack, pastor of St. Thomas More University Parish on ", and that piece of mail gets sent Thurstin Street, said the parish Is committed to reaching out to all mm Catholic students on campus. back to the Campus Post Office until the correct address is 'This is a good place for people to connect and make friends," Zack found. She said that piece of mail said. "[St. Thomas More] gives people a sense of community and be- " will be "slowed down by at least RA's unify residence halls longing. It can also be fun." Kathy Fath, who is involved with the -•. one day." First Baptist Church, said students can turn to the parish for spiritual id Another thing to remember is help. the correct zip code. The campus Advisers help students acclimate to living away from home "We offer spirtitual nourishment that supports students as they try zip code Is 43403 and the city zip to get through college," said Fath, whose husband is the church's pas- . • Larry Hannan senior RA in Prout Hall. He said when you have to enforce rules," tor. j. code is 43402. the main requirement of the job 'It takes at least two days to The BG News Hayes said. "These people you're is to make a floor of 40 to 75 stu- disciplining are your peers." sort through mail with a campus When students first arrive at dents into some sort of communi- address and the Bowling Green Hayes also said RA's live life in the University, the campus can ty. a flshbowl. city zip code," said Terry John- be a scary an incomprehendable Hayes said his job usually re- ston, supervisor of the Bowling place. The people who can help a quires him to work once a week Green Post Office. student make sense of this place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Prout's 'You're never really off duty Johnston said students living IT'S A SOFA, are the resident advisers. main office. He then remains on when you're an RA," Hayes said. off campus should contact the According to Rich Hughes, as- call until 8 a.m. "You have to be an example to post office when they leave on sociate director of residence "The toughest part of the job is people at all times." winter or spring breaks. education and judicial programs, "Filling out a hold card for the IT'S A BED, resident advisers are part-time post office when you go on vaca- professional staff members and tion is very important," Johnston students at the University. ^oKnow/v,,,^ said. Hughes said RA's are a major Johnston said when a new resource to both the University IT'S A FUTON! roommate moves in to an apart- and the students. ment, students should contact the "We expect RA's to be a re- city post office. source in whatever way they can fA * *•" The post office doesn't know to a student," Hughes said. "They The Well S72-8302 how many people live at the ad- can help students grow personal- TheLipkV 1545 dress. ly and develop mentally." $Zo~, Policy \J, 372-2346 "We have to know - otherwise Hughes said every RA is Fact L i ue '2-2445 the postal carriers take the mail different, but there are many Heal*(Ceilfer 2-2271 back to the post office," Johnston who go above and beyond the call Stnddnt"Rec\;enter said. of duty. Field Hotfse"! '372.9900 The Campus Post Office has There are currently 110 RA's Student'Activities .'-2843 plenty of change of address working for the University. They UAO 2-2343 PERFECT FOR YOUR... cards. are responsible for the 5,814 res- Bursar 372-2815 Students can go to or contact LAKE COTTAGE, OFFICE. idents in large living units at the Finacial Aid 372-2651 COLLEGE APARTMENT, the post office at 372-2310 for a University. RECREATION ROOM, card. Dan Hayes Is currently the FAMILY ROOM, STUDIO, GUEST ROOM, BASEMENT 4 MORE


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VHerbicides VRodon VTHM's VAlgae SUMMER'S OVER. VNitrotes VRosJ >/PCB'$ VViruse* Thank goodness there's Advil* Advanced medicine for pain? VChemicals VBacteria VAsbestos VSodium ^Fertilizers V Arsenic ^Sediment VCysrs Vlnsecricides ^Detergents VLead VFoulOdor Pick up your free sample at University Bookstore - BGSU. VChlorine ^Mercury VSpores ■vond Other Impurities vmtWIMsManvBttun «*lccrt»o«w<*i iMmaOnax el99« WHIMuawwi MM».Nj gssz The BG News We eight Monday, August 28,1995 Roommate blues solvable Professors Best solution when residents, solved by the roommate contract, out," Nemitz said. "Sometimes there are other options. the differences are too great and R.A.'s work out problems it may affect a student's aca- Nemitz said if an RA can't demics or cause them Illness due give advice Jm Victors are. solve the conflict between to stress. If this happens, [the The BC News Nemitz said when a student has roommates, the graduate assis- roommates] can work on a Leah D. Barnum a problem, explaining the situa- tant hall director, the hall direc- move." The BC News For students whose new tion to his or her RA is the first tor and the two students can sit roommate has already ended up step. The RA will then try to help down and have a meeting to see if However, If this option Is cho- College professors have a lot to say about studying. Since more on their nerves than their the student learn how to address anything can be worked out. If no sen, feuding roommates are go- they're the ones marking up papers, grading tests and deliver- good aide, the University can the problems with his or her ing the semester-end verdicts, their advice may be useful to help cure the residence hall roommate. Nemitz said many freshmen who are used to studying high school style. blues. times conflicts are minor and can "Sometimes making one aware of... "High school doesn't prepare people for college," said Carlla According to Judy Nemitz, as- easily be worked out Smith, associate professor of psychology. sistant director of Resident life, "Many times problems be- differences is many times the solution. When But the following tips may help do the job, professors said. conflict between roommates of tween roommates Involve over- you have questions about borrowing items or ■ "The main thing is to get good time management and set different backgrounds and per- borrowing things or different aside a time in the evening and weekend for studying," said sonalities is a common problem bedtime habits," Nemitz said. using compact discs, sometimes a roommate Bruce Edwards, a professor of English and director of graduate for freshmen. However, other "Sometimes making one aware of contract is involved." students. That schedule should be adhered to for optimum re- than packing up and walking those differences Is many times sults. away enemies, Nemitz said the the solution. When you have ■ Organization is a must, said Suzanne Rosenberg, instructor University stresses trying to questions about borrowing items of special education. Although people have different ways of or- work out problems between or using compact discs, some- ganizing, having a calendar or central place to post upcoming roommates. times a roommate contract is in- events is vital, she said. "Students are adults and we volved." Judy Nemitz ■ Students - especially in the English and history - can use would like to have them handle assistant director of Resident Life study time most efficiently by summarizing in their head each the situation without interferen- A roommate contract, which paragraph they read. That way students make sure they are un- ce first and foremost," Nemitz Nemitz said is a common solution derstanding and retaining the material, Edwards said. said. "If that's not feasible, the to minor living conflicts, puts in compromise can be reached, the ing to get a good dose of each Using one transparent marker color for the thesis and another two parties should sit down with writing exactly what each final solution is a room change. other before they part ways. No color for the supporting statements can also help people retain a the [resident adviser] and Identi- roommate expects of the other. "Sometimes If a situation is room changes are allowed until better understanding of the material, he added. fy what their primary concerns However, if problems cant be very serious it cannot be worked two weeks into the semester. ■"One of the most important things is simply to keep up with the material," said John Laird, associate professor of physics and astronomy. He said this most applies to science and math courses, where new material builds on the old. Even when noth- ing is due, study time can be used for reviewing the class notes, he said. ■ Asking questions can be tough, but it, too, is necessary. "I understand because I'm the same way myself, we all hesitate to ask questions," Laird said. "But it's OK to ask, especially when you realize it doesn't make sense." This includes going to the professors' office hours. Laird added. ■ Students can benefit from studying together. Smith said. "[Students] need to realize that just memorizing the material Is insufficient. They must learn concepts," she said. Students can do this by orally quizzing one another on material and ex- plaining how the ideas discussed in books and class pertain to real life, she said. As you begin college, you can ■ Going to class every day and taking notes regularly Is also important, Smith said. "Realize that you need to treat this like a job," she said. count on us to provide you with ■ Don't study all the time. "Have fun. Balance yourself," Ro- senberg said.

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tr ■*■ The BG News Campus-. Monday, August 28, 1995 page nine Clouds rain on Music may cause aggression college spirit Researcher studies effects of heavy metal College Press Service with no music and a classi- There are things that can af- does not push listeners to act Texas students down was made on Oct. 26 by cal/easy listening music control feet our perceptions of other differently toward women. His William Kibler, assistant vice GAINESVILLE, Fla. - From group. people," Bilak said. band recently played a local rekindle bonfire president for student affairs, the days of Led Zeppelin to to- He found that there was a sig- However, many aren't sure if National Organization for Wom- after A&M students said they day's grunge music, rock lyrics nificant difference between men the music is the problem. en benefit. after outbreak would help rebuild the six-tier, have been associated with in- who listened to heavy metal mu- 7,000-log stack of wood in time tense anger and sexual sugges- sic with and without lyrics and of bad weather for the originally scheduled tion. men who listened to classical "There's more of an effect made by videos. rally. But one University of Florida music. Those who listened to vio- College Press Service graduate researcher hopes to lent lyrics landed in the middle. The way that women are shown in the video "Thousands of students prove that the music, not the lyr- Kruse said that only 10 percent might have boys looking for more turned out during the week ics, is what makes heavy metal of the students understood the AUSTIN, Texas -- Students before the bonfire and helped music so heavy. actual meanings of the violent promiscious women. It's more sex-related." at Texas A&M weren't plan- put the stack back up," said Steven Kruse, a psychology songs used in the study. ning on letting an 86-year-old Powell. "It ended up the same graduate student, said men tend There were two explanations JillCohr* tradition go up in smoke. size as always." to have more restrictive atti- for the results of the study, he But after 16 Inches of rain tudes toward women's roles in said. senior advertising major soaked College Station in less society after listening to heavy "I believe music just grates on than 12 hours on Oct. 25, the "Thousands of metal music. people," he said "It puts them in chances for continuing the "Music can have a very strong a cranky mood so that every- Major Jarman, lead singer of He said mainstream bands are1 school's traditional bonfire students turned out effect on people," Kruse said thing, inlcudlng minor things, the band Tired From Now On, more likely to create that atti- looked pretty bleak. during the week To prove his theory, Kruse starts to bother them." said other factors played a role. tude because "sex does sell." * took 174 first-year students and Kruse said the other reason "That's up to how people were "There's more of an effect Each year on the Friday before the bonfire sophomores from the University may be that music calls up cer- raised by their parents," said made by videos," said advertis- after Thanksgiving, the night and helped put the of Florida and divided them into tain stereotypes, and people are Jarman, a Santa Fe Community ing senior Jill Conn. "The way befor Texas A&M's annual stack back up. It four listening groups: heavy acting on those stereotypes. College student. that women are shown in the football game with the Uni- metal with sexually violent lyr- Myron Bilak, a Gainesville Jarman, whose band plays a video might have boys looking' versity of Texas, students hold ended up the same ics, instrumental heavy metal, psychologist, said it's possible "mixture between punk and for more promiscious women.' a huge pep rally around a blaz- size as always." sexually violent lyrics read aloud music could affect people. metal," said he hopes the band It's more sex-related." i ing 55-foot stack of wood lo- cated on the north side of campus. Let us be among the first to say... This year's game, however, was moved to Nov. S because Mary Jo Powell the the Aggies weren't allowed to be on television due to NCAA spokesperson for the university violations. The bonfire was set F»HAmi/l for Nov. 3, but late October's DEEP DISCOUNT-^W. DRUGS heavy rainfall made that date WELCOME! The bonfire has been a tra- seem impossible. dition at the University since 1909 and has taken place "The rain caused the ground every year except for 1963, to Bowling Green!! under the pile to shift, and the after President Kennedy's as- whole stack tipped and could sassination. have easily come down," said we're The PHARM, a Deep Drugstore Mary Jo Powell, spokesperson Powell said the traditional for the university. "It was a bonfire, which took place as potentially dangerous situa- scheduled, is a symbol of ...and a whole lot more! tion." Texas A&M's "burning de- sire" to beat the University of A decision to tear the stack Texas - which they did, 34-10. PRICES EFFECTIVE we're close THROUGH M0N.. SEPTEMBER 10. 1955 to campus!

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accounts FacfitafflGrad Workroom! 127 Hayes) Hayes VAX Terminal Lab(25 Hayes) Moo-Thun 9:00am-7:30pm Mon-Thun 9:00iin-9:00pni Friday 9:tX»m-5:0Opm Friday 9:00am-5:00pm free, helpful Saturday CLOSED Saturday l:0Opm-5:0Opm Sunday CLOSED Sunday 1:0Opm-5:0Opm Dnxn Keller The BC News Tteh Lab (247 Tech Building) Union Lab (142 University Union) Mon-Thun 7:30am-10:30pm Mon-Thun 7:00im-l 1:00pm . Let your fingers do the walking Friday 7:30am-5:00pm Friday 7:00am-5:3Opm Saturday l:0Opm-4:3Opm Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm as you talk to friends through the Sunday 4:00pm-9:00pm Sunday 1:30pm- 10:00pm computer. Students can use elec- tronic mall to correspond with BA Lab (1005 BA Building) Library Lab (122 Jerome Library) someone using a computer. Mon-Tues 8:00«m-10:00pm Mon-Thun Noon-6:00pm WW-Thun 10:00am-10:00pm Friday Noon-4:00pm They can send messages to Friday 8:0Oam-5:0Opm Saturday CLOSED class members, instructors, peo- Saturday CLOSED Sunday CLOSED ple off campus and anyone over- Sunday 4:00pm-9:00pm seas who has an account, accord- ing to Dale Schroeder, director of J Kelly RliVTlKBGNm Client Services for Computer Graduate students Philipp Breuss and Zack Burns, both computer science majors, work in the Union Services. Lab Friday. "It's the way of the future," Burns said. To get an account, students can BEGINNING: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 30. 1995 go to room 117 Hayes Hall from 9 ENDING: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1995 a.m. to 9 p.m Tuesday or the \ Union computer lab on Wednes- z day. Students will be able to sign If students already have an ac- After students get an account, Court will consider fate up throughout the semester at count, they can use e-mail at any they can connect to BGNet the Union, Business Administra- Computer Services lab and at the through Telnet on the Macintosh tion and Technology labs and at Harshman-Chapman, Founders or IBM hard drives or through the Jerome Library circulation and Offenhauer West labs. There Eudora. of student-run magazine desk. will be stations at labs across the If students want to use Eudcra, "Students are required to University that will only have they need to bring their own disk The Associated Press berger, Gregory Mourad and tions, including the Jewish Law watch a video about how the software for e-mail. because they need to create their Robert Prince, filed a lawsuit Students Association, university system works and are also given "We want to make sure that own folder. WASHINGTON - The U.S. Su- against the school after they officials denied the $5,800 a handout to explain guidelines there isn't someone using their "You can save messages so no preme Court has agreed to de- were denied funding for "Wide request from "Wide Awake," cit- and the resources available," account for hours, while we have one else can read It, but you need cide whether or not a public uni- Awake," a Christian magazine ing a 1970 rule that prohibited Schroeder said. 20 people waiting in line to use [ a disk to save them on," Shroeder versity can subsidize a student- that focused on social and politi- the use of student activity fees Schroeder said it will take 24 to Microsoft] Word," said Troy Ge- said. run religious magazine. cal Issues. for "religious activities." At UV, 48 hours before students can use tty, technical coordinator for In 1991, three University of Although the school approved each student pays $14 per semes- the accounts. Computer Services. See E-MAIL, page eleven. Virginia students, Ronald Rosen- funds for 118 student organiza- ter to fund student activities. Theatre plans event-filled season The BG NEWS The first theater production Robin Coe will be "Good Morning Juliet", The BC News University freshmen can prepare by Ann-Marie MacDonald. Col- is now hiring lege English teacher Constance The University Theatre De- 'Androcles and the Lion' tryouts Ledbetter has been trying for •copy editors, partment has many events years to decode an ancient manu- planned in hopes of finding new arships and the Forensics pro- There will be auditions for a script that she believes will •reporters, talent for upcoming perform- gram. freshmen only production of probe that "Romeo and Juliet" ances. "AU the directors for each pro- "Androcles and the Lion" by and "Othello" were meant to be •photographers. The Theatre Undergraduate duction will be there to explain George Bernard Shaw on Sept. 11 comedies, not tragedies. Get Together, will take place what they are looking for in each and 12. She said auditions are Other productions for the up- If interested call: Tuesday Sept. 5 at 7 p.m. It will production," said Nancy Myers, usually open to the public. Stu- coming year include "From the give Incoming freshman and administrative secretary to the dents need to go to the Theatre Mississippi Delia", "Platero and 372-6966 and ask other undergraduate students a Theatre Department. Department for manuscripts be- I", "The Citizen", "Blood Wed- for Leah Barnum chance to meet theater advisers Students planning to audition fore auditions. ding", "Drood", "The President's and directors of productions and for plays throughout the semes- "Most directors like the scripts New Clothes" and "The Ice learn about auditions, schol- ter would benefit together. to be at least read," she said. Wolf".

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_.-•" / Prof essor connects globe The^enMe iende Library Andrei Wood the country. Rao said because of The BG News / Reg' Hours \ Spciologist's India Network the immense growth and praise I ,- y-» Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. ~ \ the India Network has received, / 1 I iFriday 8:00 a.m.-8:00^OOp.m.8:U0p.m. p.m. */O A University professor and a two student interns will soon be X v/Saturday 10:00 a.m.-8:00i.-8:00 p.m.p.m.., £* little computer prowess made a attracts members worldwide working for the network. Sunday 1:00 p.m.-l 1:00 p.m. small world grow smaller from a The India Network has become tiny office in Williams Hall. "Anybody who has an account India provided by the Press one of the 20 most frequently ac- Inter on Hours K. Van inadha Rao, an associate anywhere in the world can Trust of India and information on cessed sites on the Internet and (Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. professor of sociology, created receive ,it," Rao said. Members immigration laws. A forum is subscribers agree it Is an asset to Saturday 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. the India Network, a list service can be found In Europe, Africa, available for faculty and staff of the Indian community. The In- Sunday l:00p.m.-5:00p.m. available through the Internet. in effect: Auii t!2-August29 South America and Japan. non-Indian universities to dis- dian Embassy in Washington Members may subscribe to any There are now between 250 and cuss pertinent issues. DC. relies on the network for number of services which offer 300 requests for membership to The India Network also has a quick and accurate information, Friday, September 1 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. A Information about India-related the service daily because a new "looking for" bulletin where sub- and President Clinton has also' Saturday, September j 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m*-f topics. school year is beginning, Rao scribers may find lost family used the service. 8 Sunday, September' 1:00 p.m.-5 (X) p.m. Although it began with just 30 added. , members or possibly a marriage Clinton distributed greetings \ Monday, Septemb :00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. / members six years ago, sub- All services provided by the partner. Rao said several couples through the India Network on' scribers now include natives of India Network are free, except have been married after meeting Aug. 15, India's Independence- V India living abroad, faculty and for daily updates from the Bom- through the bulletin. Day. The president's message 7 staff representing almost every bay Stock Exchange, which is $24 Rao said he organizes incoming was the first ever sent through a JT college in the U.S. and Canada, a year. and outgoing information via two newsgroup on the Internet. I !■-**** and high school teachers who use Services include a discussion computers in his office. In addi- Anyone can subscribe to the' India Network information in the forum for India-related topics, a tion to him, there is one volunteer list by sending a message to list- classroom. compilation of news stories from on campus and 10 others across [email protected]. , FEES V Continued from page four. Bagel with any i I trustees the original educational WELCOME I budget was constructed assum- cream cheese [ 750 ing an increase of 6.25 percen*. I Christopher Dalton, vice BACK off any dell I president for Planning and Bud- ^^u^^a^ee^- geting, said the maximum in- I crease was necessary for the STUDENTS! 990 i sandwich I. University to meet student de- 3540011 522 E. tvooster exp. 9/11/95 I exp. 9/11/95 mands for greater technology on the campus. "I was pleased with the subsidy increase from the state," Dalton said. 'Two percent of that 6 per- cent increase is dedicated to technology enhancement. The GEAR UP FOR extra 2 percent is really targeted at trying to address some of the pressing technology issues." John Laskey, president of the board, said the $494 increase would have only been $320 if the University was not advancing it's CaMPuS , computerization initiative. "Computers are having a huge Survival impact upon the learning process on this campus and it is Bowling Green's goal to provide students check list with the most up-to-date comput- er technology possible. Students have made clear their desire for _i Phone cords and accessories this technology and we are trying to meet that need." Dalton said the extra money J Alarm clock or clock radio will speed up the effort to meet the demand for technology. IN THE DORM "We've got a little more than a 1 J TV, VCR and video accessories million dollars a year now that we'll be able to dedicate toward 39* these things," Dalton said. Remote Answerer "That's a big advantage com- with digital message Budget priced i J Security devices pared to where we were six Don't miss important calls when cordless phone months ago. It is definitely a sig- your not In your room. Our budget cordless is nificant step. It is just not a step Quantiti«» limitM Sorry, no rainchecke sure to please—it comes J Computer and accessories Rag $59 99 with great features at a which is going to suddenly solve Siie price guaranteed Ihru 0/2/05 ■43-761 MB greaf price all of these problems." Quani.iBB llmltod. Sony, nortinchoclit The new budget also includes a Rag. $59 99 J Batteries Sol* P'ico guoronlood Ihru 9 2.96 pool of funds for salary increases 2499 •43-1001 MB for continuing faculty and staff. The trustees approved a reso- Basic trim phone □ Stereo equipment, speakers lution calling for 2.S percent pay raises across the board and 2.5 saves space and audio accessories Lighted keypad 'or dialing percent performance-based in the dark. Three colors. raises, to be distributed to the •mm. M3-5BSMB Almond. faculty and administrative staff. (43-5SSMB Qroy, »43-M7MB J Heavy-duty flashlight The classified stuff will receive a 5 percent across the board in- crease. J Smoke alarm The trustees noted the salary pool Is about 1 percent higher AM/FM cassette music than it would have been If not for system with E-Bsss J Part-time jOh (see the manager el the significant savings expected 79? Compact speakers let you share m the University's 1995-96 health the music, headphones let you year local Radio Shack store) care costs. Shielded dle-caet listen privately. »H 1209MB 2-way A/V speaker E-MAIL Great for use near PC or TV. 4" woofer and Continued from page ten. 1" soft-dome tweeter. Black. »40-2O«MB WNU. M0-2059MB Indoor TV/FM antenna "If students have any ques- improves reception V » • i • tions, they need to ask the lab Fine-tuning control for clearer technicians," Getty said. picture and sound. • 151809MB Seminars about BGNet will be offered from Aug. 24 to Sept. 8 at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m at the li- brary, except for Aug. 28 and IN THE CLASSROOM Sept. 4. Computer Services will offer AC accessories to power your dorm seminars to explain how to use 4 - outlet adapter. 2- prong. mxnua 2.99 other applications like Turbo 6-outlet surge protector in metal housing. Mi-ama .22.99 Gopher and Newswatcher. For 6-outlet adapter. For 3-prong outlets. «I.»22MB 3.99 more information, students can 39" 6-outlet power strip. Master on/off switch, MI-2ISOMB . 8.99 contact Computer Services at Single-outlet spike protector. MI^TIM 6.99 372-2911 after Aug. 30. Mlcrocassetto ©-ft. 3-0Utlet OXt. COrd. WhrtO. M1-2744M6 Brown -61-27ASMB 1.99 9-ft. 3-outlet ext. cord. WM. MI-27«SUB era-*. wi-mma 2.39 recorder 15-tt. 3-outlet extension cord. WI'«MB 3.49 Great for recording class notes. Easy one-hand Cm lu Is it tut Wii.l.ii Mall operation. Two speeds. PIICH wpiy it oarttcMjeSM Radn Sheet sum en* oaatm Ntmt not tve-UM at i participating stot can to special-orfleree (swbaact to araMMM at the atvartoad pnea » penopawa non w# otter i comparaDH <«ue» Me protect • saM M MMpimant Radio Shack aaaian and irwtMnn may net to paffcopeefa n »n ad or nock « tpacej-erder awry Hem adwrnaad Coa-ai of lepkcao* war- rant*! am avatiaM upon request at inret kx ntpecton otfore taw. or ay wifcna Curioai Sdeetlflc calculator Advanced theseums natations 1400 One Tandy Cenler Foil Worth IX 76102 ftdEx treatments used Oy permmion Stores up to 12 frequently used Small enough to carry In your formulas and runs them with backpack or purse. fes-ziiOMB just a few keystrokes. res-sosMB Frankkn i* a nag»t*r*d trademark oi Radio/haeK Franklin Electronic Pubkthmg. inc. THE REPAIR SHOP' Gift^Express' Radie'/haek We can wrap a gift, add a card and ship it Out of whack? Out of warranty? We fix anywhere in the US via FedEx* delivery Radio /hack mo8t major brands of out-of-warranty aervfee. For a atore near you or to order, call 3 electronics. For a store near you. call You've got questions. We've got answers. 5 1-800-THE-SHACK" 1-800-THE-SHACK - •r T j 1 i r Campus The BG News page twelve Monday, August 28,1995 J Administrators move toward future P elude operating as a liason be- serving as secretary for the leadership honor society in the degree in biology from Mary • tween President Ribeau's office BG9U Foundation, inc. nation. Washington College and her doc- Ribeau, vice presidents and University Before as- Before

Saturday, October 7,1995 8:00 pm in Anderson Arena Continuing with the tradition of providing the very best in entertainment at a reasonable price, this year's Parents' Weekend concert will feature "America's Greatest Male Singer" - Mel Tonne. A complete and total entertainer, Mel Torme has conquered the worlds of radio, television, movies, recording and live concert stage. He is one of the world's most acclaimed vocalists, a winner of two Grammys, m m •.C_Ua>(iwdlln Fret Membership has sold millions of records, a best selling author, a renowned songwriter, arranger, • lfl Price Late Fees and critically acclaimed actor. It all adds up to what can only be described as the HOURS ARE: • 99< dosing.Special NOON-1AM SUN.-THURS. Late Nite Special • LaU Night Houn magic of MeL NOON - 230AM FRI. m SAT. Opening for Mel Torme will be BGSU"s own The Real Deal, the 1994 Best College Barbershop Quartet in the Nation This group of current and former students will totally entertain you with their style and musical selections. 99C RENTAL KM an «MnM.f*s»br {riband •"AWS8."' Tickets for the concert may be purchased in the Student Activities Office NO< «M tof mm l*MM«l on d» third floor of the University Union. All seats are reserved and are priced NKiVlm VwftfWtf at $16,12 and 8. All walk£ in rentals 9*. 14«l. Tickets may also be purchased in Student Activities for the Parents' i mi We* ! M4-tATt durinfl the lasl hour ol NM«aM (D-Calif.) of the blU, which would graduate programs such as lege work/study programs at the thermia. And all gear protects against flying objects. Which is vitally \$/ ment, will return to work after important if you ever become the flying object, wmienu urnr tmmum^C fund federal education, employ- Patricia Roberts Harris Fellow- current level of $616 million. Labor Day. IPC merge complete Banking Tailored for Uenell Pavellch partments to learn more about the other areas of The BG News communication, Makay said. Makay, also the IPC chairman, will serve as the the Student Body The University's School of Mass Communication director of the School of Mass Communication for will expand this fall to include the Department of a five-year term. Bruce Klopfenstein will continue Interpersonal Communication. John Makay, direc- as the Department of Telecommunications chair- The Easy A® from Society is an economical tor of the School of Mass Communication, said the man and Nancy Brendlinger will become the De- enlarged school, which previously consisted of de- partment of Journalism chairwoman. package of banking services designed to fit the partments of Journalism and Telecommunications, Brendlinger said she think;- adding the IPC de- financial needs of today's college student. was initiated by the faculty of the three depart- partment to the School of Mass Communication is ments to enable them to work more with one an- a good idea. other. "Intellectually, It makes sense," she said. "Stu- It features a checking service that can cost "This facilitates working more closely with the dents from the different departments share many as little as $3.00 a month. other departments and gaining knowledge from of the same interests and needs." each other, while still preserving the distinctive- ness of each department," he said. Brendlinger also said there is much more cross- Call us at 353-8441 or visit our office at Makay said it makes more sense for the three over in the field of communications, which is re- 1098 N. Main Street for Details. departments to work together. flected with the merge. "Our motivation is to improve the quality of Klopfenstein also said the expanding of the 353-8441 354-1981 communication studies on campus and increase School of Mass Communication is a good idea. 1098 N. Main 300 S. Main the visibility of the programs," he said. "There is an interpersonal interactive part of Bowling Green Bowling Green The School of Mass Communication would also new media technology with the audience member like to change Its name to the School of Communi- taking an active role in the media experience," he cation Studies to reflect the change. If there is no said. Member FDIC opposition to the name change, Makay said it To qualify for in tuy A account you mull should go into effect sometime in the fall. The new School of Mass Communication will be be regmerod II ■ college or uru vonuy Eeey A accounts are cubject to ell Uemi end Jfodcttf Makay said they want to eventually move the able to set goals for the overall school and the condition! in effect from time to time IPC department, which is currently located In three departments will each function within the Loeni subject to credit approval O-ir South Hall, into West Hall. larger School of Mass Communication, Makay A Key Corp Bank 'We would like West Hall to be regarded as the said. place where communication happens," he said. "At the same time, we will be able to offer stu- "We want it to be communication-centered." dents the option to major in the area they want," he Makay said they would like to have all three de- said. partments located in West Hall by the end of the year. Enlarging the School of Mass Communication With the enlargement of the School of Mass was first discussed three years ago when a task Communication, there will be more interaction en- force Makay was on recommended adding the IPC So here's the deal... couraged between the students of the different de- department to the school. Our Shoebox cards have a MLonGDiflnncc brand new look. CAWnGCflRD So...come see for yourself and buy any 4 for $5 (c'mon, you've fORffljKnra got to have 4 friends). •M per minute anytime of day •2(K for the first minute, 2(K for every minute This deal ends Sept. 9 •Z(K to and from anywhere in the country call today & •No siqn-up fees -No surcharges use your earn •Ho annual fees »No access fres immediately!

(all l-B00-9W-USY(JH9) ** IT H Coll From Any Touch-loo* Phont today to receive your FREt 1 IBM.1-aoft46fr4300sndwh«nyoulw«ft<»»in»- activated personal calling code 1 —.111111111 ItrwilrreteWy... Packages plus... 1 MLvauMoodtandpftwwnuntow over the phone. Use the coupon (DonoldUllbUcraWMMcoo..) above for your temporary card. . Cuttrw IMot 1 -800-948-EASY(3279) • Cards and Gifts and more 111 Railroad St. BG 352-1693 Campus The BG News page fourteen Monday, August 28,1995 Mandatory computers cause concern

Marco Buscaglli provide the appropriate instruc- but sometimes students wont re- College Press Service standing of the bigger issues." Terrill said more communica- Students at Kirksville College Paul Escort, WFU's new dean tion Is needed to determine the of Osteopathic Medicine in Mis- tions on how to fully utilize the alize the full potential of their latest technology, said Louis Fox, In recent years, universities of the College of Arts and Sci- eventual role of technology in the souri are required to use Macin- machines," Fox said. "If we pro* assistant dean for undergraduate across the country have been ences, said the computers - part classroom. tosh PowerBooks to obtain In- vide them with these tools, we promoting the use of computers of a comprehensive restructur- "It's almost impossible to im- formation from the school's elec- education at the University of have the responsibility to show in an effort to restructure the ing plan - will be used to enhance agine we could go any further in tronic coUecton of medical ref- Washington. them how to use them." educational process. While most the educational experience. higher education without com- erence material. Last year, 75 UW freshmen While Fox said last year's com- students embrace the new tech- "The faculty isn't looking at puters, but we need to look at this "We view these computers as took part in the school's "U- puter program was successful nology, not everyone Is excited this as a way to replace current with a whole new approach," said an essential educational tool for Wire" program, each receiving a enough to allow the inclusion of about jumping aboard the digital teaching methods, they see it as a Terrill. "Do we avoid technology our students," said Fred Tin- laptop computer. The students 1,500 freshmen this fall, UW bandwagon. chance to help broaden the way and not worry about it or do we ning, president of the school. were enrolled in similar classes, officials have decided to provide A recent report from the they can present material," Es- take full advantage of everything "They can practice medicine participated in the same study the students with stationary American Association of State cort said. we can get and just see what anywhere knowing that they'll groups and took various sem- computers instead of the laptops. Colleges and Universities indi- While Whitmire is wary of happens? We have to find the have all our information availa- inars to help them adjust to their cates that nearly 60 percent of all computer over-influence, he ad- middle ground. We have to use ble to them at their fingertips." new Macintosh PowerBooks. "The costs are substantially schools expect their students to mits that it would be hard to ar- this technology so It's useful in When computers are intro- "Granted, there's a lot to be lower," he said. "We realized that exhibit various computer litera- gue that computers hinder the the classroom" duced as a mandatory part of a learned when students just start the portability wasn't as Impor- cy skills upon graduation. To educational process. If SSU officials ultimately college curriculum, schools must figuring things out on their own. tant as we thought." meet those goals, more schools David Brown, provost at WFU, hope for their students to have are making computers a manda- said the laptops will help create a round-the-clock computer ac- tory part of the academic pro- more cohesive effort between cess, they may want to look to cess. students and teachers. Drake University as an example. Last spring, trustees at Wake "Anytime you improve the Six years ago, Drake began in- Students troubled by Forest University voted to pro- communication between stu- stalling computers in the dorm vide portable computers for in- dents and professors, you're en- rooms of their freshmen stu- coming freshmen in 1996. The hancing the educational experi- dents. At the beginning of last cost of each computer will be ence," Brown said. year's fall semester, the process cyberspace obsession covered by an increase of Whitmire, however, disagrees. was complete, with all Drake res- idence hall rooms equipped with roughly $1,000 a year in tuition "We already don't have enough chology class," Nylec said. "Pretty soon, I just interpersonal relationships be- new Macintosh Power PCs. Marco Buscaglli for the freshmen class. College Press Service stopped going and got notes from everyone else Although school officials said tween students and their profes- "We look at the computer as a off of my computer." they are simply taking appro- sors," he said. "By promoting the tool. It's a good way to manage While students and administrators continue to But when it came time to take his final exam, information no matter what your priate advantage of current use of e-mail instead of office debate the philosophical merits of a "wired" Nylec found out he wasn't exactly getting the visits, the administration is ad- major is," said Alan Cubbage, di- technology, some WFU students campus, many students have already learned right information. mitting that and moving on. We rector of communications at feel the university is headed about some drawbacks to the information explo- "I don't know if people were trying to screw should work to Improve the Drake. down the wrong path. sion. me or if they just didn't know how to take "We're rushing into something communication that currently Cubbage said the university For some students, computer-use can become notes," he said. without the necessary prep- exists." decided to include the computers in the dorm rooms so the charges habit forming. Nylec admits he still asks around for elec- aration," said Junior John Whit- Freshmen at Sonoma State "It's an addiction," Paul Logemann told the would be covered by financial tronic input from his classmates, "but it's just to mire. "Making computers a University in California are now Daily Nebraskan last fall. The NU sophomore aid. . compare notes," he said. mandatory part of a college edu- required to have "24-hour ac- said his grades suffered after he began spend- cess" to computers. If the stu- "We wanted to make this as The 20-year-old junior also said he's heard cation is something that should ing more than four hours a day online. horror stories about professors who get fre- be decided on by students." dents dont want to buy their own fair as possible," said Cubbage, Psychologist Klmberly Young has seen dozens quent requests for information by e-mail from Whitmire questions the addi- PC, they can rent one from the adding that students who bring of people who can't shake their obsession with students who don't show up to class. university. tional costs for students. their own computers to campus cyberspace at her Center for Online Addiction "They can tell you whatever they want," "Is that the right way to go for Tracy Terrill, president of get a $300 discount on their tui- in Pennsylvania. Nylec said. "I learned not to trust anyone." SSU's student government, said a school that's been selling itself tion. "We wanted to provide stu- "These are people that don't go to class, dont There are also security issues. In February, he's not opposed to the idea of dents with the technology but we as a place to get an affordable go to work and don't go to sleep because they are hackers entered the computer system at the liberal arts education?" he asked. enhanced computer-use, but he is didn't want the cost to be a hin- addicted to their computer," Young said. "They University of California at Berkeley. Less than concerned that the new require- drance." But costs aren't the 20-year-old need to be online all the time." 24 hours later, they had accumulated approxi- philosophy major's only concern. ment may pose an expensive di- Because of the financial aid as- mately 3,000 password combinations for student lemma for some students on the Young said she is currently working with her "Mandating computers seems sistance, Cubbage said he hasn't patients to help them cope with their addiction. and faculty accounts. higher education bubble heard any complaints about the to go against the whole idea of a Carl Nylec, a junior at the University of Illi- Many female students learn not to trust others liberal arts education," Whitmire "Higher education in Califor- program. when they're surfing the net. nia is at such a critical state that nois, said he sees the benefits of using his com- said. "There are plenty of other "If the students are skeptical "It's gotten to the point that if I'm going to be it seems questionable to start at first, they Usually arent aware puter when it comes to surfing the Internet for institutions that can fulfill stu- information, but he no longer places the empha- in a chat or if I'm going to post a message, I'll do dents' technical aspirations. spending money on something of what they can do," he said. like mandatory computers," Ter- sis on it he once did. it under a guy's name so I wont get any grief," Wake Forest is supposed to offer "We want them to view It as a said Amy Patterson, a sophomore at DePaul more than that. We're supposed rill said. "It's Important to stay necessary tool, something as "When I was a sophomore, I e-mailed every- to promote thinking and under- current, but at what price?" commonplace as a telephone." one I could to find out what I missed in this psy- Universiry. 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T * City e BG News Manday, August 28,1995 " page fifteen Escort Service available Alcohol use declines underage person consuming alcohol on their pre* Police report drop mises. for students' protection "It's hurt tremendously," Sale said. "Business in the bar is zilch." Aaron Gray "If you call from an on-campus The new member then receives in drinking arrests The way liquor laws in Ohio are written, Sale The BC News location you're probably going to a photo-identification badge and cannot sell alcohol at either of his businesses even walk. If it's cold out and you're begins shadowing a paid escort Joe Boyle if the violation occured only in one of them. Students fearful of walking by expecting a ride from the library until he or she has enough expe- The BG News "If they bust me on one side, they bust me on themselves after dark have the to Of f enhauer in a nice warm car, rience to work alone, according both sides," he said. option of using the student- you're going to be disappointed. to the pamphlet Underage drinking in a college town may seem The fact that the license was suspended specif- operated Campus Escort Service. In previous years, the service All escorts carry a two-way to be a fact of life, but should underage drinkers ically because of underage drinking has prompted "Our philosophy is safety in transported students between handheld radio to maintain con- get caught in the act, Bowling Green city police Saie to take more drastic action against liquor law numbers," said Barbara Waddell, of f-campus locations but decided tact with each other and the Uni- and courts are not as forgiving as public senti- violations in his establishment University public Information to rethink that policy because the versity police. WaddeU said she ment. "No more minors," he said. "I'm going to have officer and faculty adviser for privilege was being abused. hopes the service will be able to Alcohol abuse and underage consumption are somebody at the door every night. I want to make the service. "We dont want "We can take you from campus buy new supplies with extra something that are always going to be around a it clear that minors can come in for lunch, but after anyone to have to walk by them- to K-Mart, but then we're not go- funds it received during spring university community, said Bowling Green Police 8 or 9 p.m., I dont want to see a minor in the selves if they dont want to." ing to take you from K-Mart to semester. She said, however, that Chief Galen Ash, but the police can help control place." The service, located at 104 the video store and then the she does not expect the service to the situation. As a restaurateur and father, Chip Myles be- Commons, operates Sunday laundromat," Waddell said. come out too far ahead. "I think [underage drinking] is always going to lieves the responsibility of underage drinkers through Friday from dusk until 2 be here. I think our job is to control it," Ash said. rests squarely on their own shoulders. am. Saturday hours are 10 p.m. "Ideallstically, the law says 21." "Everybody needs to be taught well," Myles to 2 am. "We're not a taxi service. We can't guarantee However, Ash said that alcohol offenses as a said. "I'm not your parent. You have to take re- When students need to be whole have decreased since the current generation sponsibility for your actions." somewhere In the evening, they a ride but we can always guarantee an of students have grown up knowing 21 is the legal Myles said he is against "designated driver"; can call the service at 372-8360. escort." age for consumption. programs because they make an individual's Someone will be available to walk "We see more and more every year that alcohol drunkenness acceptable, shifting responsibilty to with or drive them. is less socially acceptable than it used to be," he one person. S The service provides escorts to Barbara Waddell said. "I'm against that because there is no reason to be accompany students between on- University public information officer However, the alcohol offenses themselves are publicly intoxicated," he said. campus locations, from on to off- only a part of the crimes that underage consump- If people of age hold a party at their residence. campus locations and from off- Waddell said she encourages Traditionally the service has tion produces. Ash says they can expect to be cited with a campus locations to campus. students to become volunteers at had a $2,000 carryover at the end "Litter, open container, assault and even sexual reasonable amount of certainty, if underage people The service owns one car, but the Escort Service, which can of each school year. Last year, crimes come about. The spinoffs are very nega- are drinking at their place. Waddell said it is only used when eventually lead to paid positions. however, there was a shortage of tive," Ash said. "There's a 99 to 100 percent chance that the ten* necessary. All members of the Escort Ser- volunteer escorts and many had The antics of underage consumers have gotten at ants will be charged with permitting underage "We're not a taxi service," vice must pass a police security to be paid as substitutes when least one area business in trouble over the past consumption," he said. Waddell said. "We cant guar- background check and an inter- regular escorts could not work. year. Last spring, several University students were antee a ride but we can always view with the directors and train- The same problem could occur Khaled Sale, owner of M.T. Muggs bar and Quar- arrested for permitting underage corruption on guarantee an escort." ing instructor, according to a again this year, which would take ters carryout, said business at those two estab- their premises. They were each sentenced to at "My advice to people is to pamphlet distributed by the ser- up most of the newly-allocated lishments has dropped off dramatically since they least 30 days in jail by Bowling Green Municipal dress for the weather," she said. vice. funds, WaddeU said. had their lippur license suspended several months Court Judge James Bachman. ago after liquor control agents observed an Their case is currently on appeal. Long arm of law hits city Looking east on Bowling Green Joe Boyle powers, so they have the authori- mutual aid covered arrange- The BG News ty to enforce traffic violations." ments between municipalities, While the University and city counties and townships, but had While some daring drivers may have had their agreement for no language referring to uni- feel it's fine to run a red light In several decades, there was a verisities. front of a University police period where the mutual aid "We went to Columbus and tes- cruiser, a mutual aid agreement tified in hearings and it went between the Bowling Green through and passed in months Police Division and the Universi- "[University officers] that a university and municipa- ty Police Department will get lity can agree to mutual aid," he them pulled over quickly. all meet the criteria said. According to Bowling Green as far as training and The agreement comes in handy Police Chief Galen Ash, the mu- they use our pistol more often than not for police on tual aid agreement makes all both sides. Ash said. Univeristy officers auxiliary rm e "There's times we're tied up, officers to the city police divi- * " Galen Ash or there's a train going through sion. police chief and we dont have a car on the "[University officers] all meet other side of the tracks and they f tn RmbKkmv BG Nt -■ the criteria as far as training and agreement was found illegal by take care of it," Ash said. "It North Main Street and East Woosler Street, the main drag of Bowling Green, are home to many res- they use our pistol range," Ash state law. helps us, and it helps the whole taurants and stores which cater to University students. said. "They have auxiliary Ash said the code regulating community." TRUSTEES County hollers "Fullpulllf Continued from page twelve. Council of Carpenters and is the Alumni Advisory Council chairman of Her term as a trustee will ex- the Ohio Car- pire in 2004. Tractor pulling frenzy runs amuck in Bowling Green penters Pen- sion Fund, A native of Bowling Green, -Tho- Aaron Gray tend in it Campbell was a state J which manages mas W. Noe has been a member The BG News championship winner in 1990. $1 billion for of the board since 1991. "I wouldn't even do it if It |HB| *^SrWW* •", retirees. They drive roaring vehicles wasn't for the people I compete |Pw £** .•', K,i'-'"^:% Medlln Noe has been a full-time coin with names like "Green Demon" against," said Campbell, an Ash- received his dealer since 1973 and is the foun- and "Studley Studebaker" that land resident. "They're what A Millwright der and president of Numismatic spew black clouds of smoke. makes the whole thing fun to be a iLm i ■ IS, w»* H^ - ■ j» »wL* * Journeyman Medlln Investments of They wear bright, multi-colored part of." '"■-—' —& --*BK5 •««• *gSl'--~:u..«g vs. Certification Ohio in Syl- body suits yet work day Jobs such John Lorenz, owner of the from the H.T. Cotter Apprentice- vania. He is as dairy farmers and machinists. Prostock tractor "Sneaky yoaj r= ^-£7*5 ship School. also the chair- They are the men and women Snake " and one of the directors His term as a trustee will ex- man of the of the Ohio State Tractor Pullers of the OSTPA, described the —— e v * pire in 1999. Lucas County Association who converge on sport's participants as a brother- Republican Bowling Green each year for the hood. Valerie L. Newell was originally Parry and the National Tractor Pulling Cham- "There was one pull where I appointed to the Board to fill a Rotary Club of pionships. broke a belt and didn't have a vacancy. This year she was ap- Toledo. The 29th annual champion- spare, and I wouldn't have been pointed to a full term. ships, which took place at the able to compete," said Lorenz, a No* She is currently the vice presi- At the Uni- Wood County Fairgrounds Aug. Fresno resident "One of the dent and senior portfolio man- other drivers gave me his spare versity, Noe is 18-20, were the pinnacle of pull- ' Flic pkatamw BCNr.i ager of Scud- ing hysteria for the more than belt so I could run against him." a member of both the University The "Spellbound" four-wheel-drive truck, owned and driven by Mike der, Stevens & Falcon Club and the President's 200 contenders from across the "But I'd do the same thing for Clark in Cin- country. any of these other guys and so Chaitaln, Is usually one of the top competitors at the National Tractor Club. Pulling Championships. cinnati. She is The grandstands of the fair- would they," he said. "Everybody responsible for His term will expire in 2000. grounds were filled beyond ca- helps each other out." private in- pacity with cheering hordes of Lorenz said he got into Pros- Campbell Is still operating the not be able to compete In the vestment coun- Kermlt Stroh was appointed to sport He participates in two people who came to watch partic- tock pulling after seeing the same tractor he bought at age 18. sel. the board in 1993. He is the pulls a week for much of the ipants compete for a $150,000 farm tractor pulling circuit he Staying successful, however, Newell has president and the chief executive) purse. was involved in begin to change requires making constant, im- summer. been named officer of Moulton Gas Service Many fans of the sport chart rapidly several years ago. provements to his tractor, YWCA Career Newell Inc. His company provides pro- The sport unfortunately re- the progress of their favorite "All these hot shot guys started Campbell said. Woman of A- pane gas service to more than trucks and tractors at county fair to come In with their [Pros- quires a lot of money, Campbell chievement and Cincinnati 14,000 cus- competitions throughout the tockjtractors and no one could The original horsepower of said. Some of the sport's partici- Chamber of Commerce Distin- tomers In west summer, as the contenders blaze beat them," he said. "So my wife most engines is 14a Campbell's pants are millionaires. guished Career Woman. As a stu- central Ohio. a trail to the Bowling Green said we might as well buy our tractor is now in the 1,500 horse- Money isn't what counts, dent at the University, Valerie He is also a competition. own and give it a try, see how it power range, and all the up- however, Campbell said. Hard Newell was named the Outstand- former presi- The six divisions of pulling are works out. We've been doing this grades were made using the orig- work and know-how are the keys ing Woman Graduate. She was dent of the modifieds, two and four wheel ever since." inal engine block. to success, but working to stay also a two-time All-American on Ohio Propane drive trucks, and Mini-Rod, Pros- Campbell, 30, developed his in- ahead of the rest is always time the University swim team and Gas Associa- tock and Superstock tractors. terest in the sport as a boy going Campbell, who works as a consuming. graduated with a degree in ac- tion. The drivers take turns pulling a to tractor pulls with his father. dairy farmer with his father and counting. 60,000-70,000 pound transfer He began pulling farm tractors brothers, spends most of his free "There's a good friend of mine While not a Stroh machine. as a teenager, which led to him time in his garage tinkering with who's into pulling that lives right Since graduation, she has University • Randy Campbell, driver and buying his own Prostock tractor the tractor. down the road from me, but I served on the University Founda- graduate, two owner of a green Prostock trac- 12 years ago. never see him anywhere except tion Board of Directors, the of his daughters are University tor known as "Soupllne Express," Unlike many of the sport's. If not for his family covering at these things," he said. "I ha- Alumni Association Board of alumni. lid, for him, the main appeal of competitors who frequently buy his farm duties during pulling ven't been over to his house In Trustees and the College of i sport is the people who con- new and improved vehicles, season, Campbell said he would three years." Business Administration's His term will expire in 2002. « 1. • State The BG Newt page sixteen Monday, August 28,1995

Rockin' with the best Old man called 'threat to society' Former railroad pressure had been building on Latshaw. Seven months earlier, shop worker points he broke a hip and entered the hospital, then recuperated in a pistol at police nursing home. It wasn't until July for 7 1/2 hours that he returned to his modest, 2 -story frame home. Tom Glbb "He's lived in that house for 70 The Associated Press years," said Dave Bennett, an- other friend. SOMERSET, Pa. - The Barring a deal with Somerset feeble old man needed three peo- County prosecutors, Latshaw ple to help him down the steps could go to trial as early as Oc- from the district justice's office, tober. and he was too deaf to follow the Kimmel hinted at the possi- court proceedings against him, bility of a deal. Assistant District so his attorney wrote him notes. Attorney Mark Persun declined But in the eyes of the law, to comment. Charles P. Latshaw is a threat to At Thursday's hearing, Kim- society. mel passed notes to his deaf The 89-year-old retired rail- client to keep him abreast of road shop worker pointed a pistol what was happening. Latshaw at police at his home earlier this remained silent, gazing Inquisi- month and held them at bay for tively across the room as Cook 7 hours. and attorneys conferred. Friends said he did it for fear "He's kind of scared," said of being forced into a nursing Theresa Hechler, a nursing aide home. who helps Latshaw. "He's going In a brief bearing Thursday to be 90, and all that's going on is before District Justice Arthur so strange to him." Cook, Latshaw agreed to stand She said Latshaw is competent trial for aggravated assault, and knows what's going on. His FUt pkMofAtloclalcd Prtu sim. !e assault, terroristic memories of the standoff are threats.and reckless endanger- garbled, according to Kimmel. Chuck Berry, center, clowns with Little Richard, second from left, to perform in a concert at Cleveland Stadium to open the museum ment. He faces up to 29 years in For now, keeping Latshaw at and other rock luminaries at the ground breaking for the Rock V Sept. 2. jail. home is Klmmel's top priority. In Roll Hall of Fame In Cleveland in June of 1993. Berry Is scheduled "He told me, 'I'm an honest order to do that, the attorney said man, and I'm innocent because I he will have to economize by cut- didn't Intend to hurt anybody,'" ting back on around-the-clock said William Kimmel, 71, a long- hired help. time friend and attorney who is Kimmel said his client can live Professor swims across ocean donating his services. somewhat independently. "He's There was no indication that pretty self-sufficient, and his re- The Associated Press across the 1.3-mile Hellespont any move was afoot to remove solve is amazing." Strait in Turkey, recreating the Latshaw from his home. Teacher recreates mythical "It's a little bit difficult to get LANCASTER, Ohio -- Ohio mythical journey of Hero and Latshaw's case started late University Professor L.A. McEl- journey of Hero, Leander Leander. Aug. 2, when he threatened to them in the door, because the wee took a lesson from the an- shoot Kathy Dunmyer, one of the sound is so ominous. But once The main purpose of his you get them in, the material is cients when looking for a way to Homeric feat was to stimulate nursing aides caring for him at get his students to dive into clas- believed In doing things," he What McElwee, 43, of Worth- his house. so good it captures their imagina- the interest of his students in the tion." sical Greek literature. said. "They didnt just think and ington, did this summer was classics. Dunmyer hid Latshaw's rifle in "The ancients were people who write. They did." swim from Europe to Asia, "That really was a large part of a pile of laundry and fled with it. McElwee wasn't about to fol- the reason for doing it," he said. Police then surrounded the low the fate of his classical role "If students know a professor house, but Latshaw refused to models (they both drowned). The is out doing something other than leave and pointed a .32 caliber professor swims a mile a day, just reading and sitting at a desk handgun at an officer who en- and in his spare time is a cliff di- all the time, it might capture tered the house, police said. ver. their interest." At about dawn the next morn- McElwee, who teaches at the ing, he shuffled onto his porch His swim across the strait took Lancaster campus, said the and surrendered. him 45 minutes, as he dodged hardest part of his job is persuad- Hechler and Kimmel said ships and a strong current. ing students to try his classes. "It's a little bit difficult to get ADMIN. them in the door, because the sound is so ominous. But once Continued from page twelve. you get them in, the material is so good it captures their imagina- Chris Dalton serves the Univer- try. He was involved In setting up tion." sity as the vice president for the University's center for pho- McElwee wasn't about to fol- Planning and Budgeting. His tochemical sciences, the only one low the fate of his classical role main responsi- of its kind in the country. models (they both drowned). The bility is making Dalton has also served as professor swims a mile a day, sure the Uni- chairperson of the Faculty Sen- and in his spare time is a cliff di- versity re- ate, received the faculty service ver. mains finan- award and been named a member His swim across the strait took cially healthy. of the University's chapter of him 45 minutes, as he dodged Dalton origi- Omicron Delta Kappa, a national ships and a strong current. nally joined the leadership honor society. Any sharks in those waters? University as McElwee isn't sure. an associate Dalton He received his bachelor's de- "Ignorance can be bliss," he professor of gree from Cal Tech and his said philosophically. photochemls- master's degree from Columbia.


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♦ •9 'i Nation The BG News Monday, August 28,1995 page seventeen

Breaking the rules Teen trapped in boxcar;

did not stop until it reached him to talk to reporters, but Hopping train to Evansvilie, Ind., 65 miles to the Wright issued a statement him- north. self through the state child wel- town turns into He switched trains and, believ- fare officials who were taking ing he was on his way back home, care of him. In it, he said "Kids 2,000-mile ride fell asleep He awoke to find that don't need to jump on boxcars. It someone had closed and latched can be deadly. I came out lucky. I The Associated Press the car door. want kids to know not to do this."; A week later, Dunlap and yard HERMISTON, Ore. - Mike switchman Les Stuplich parked Wright just wanted a quick ride their truck beside the boxcar as into town for some candy and they prepared to separate some "We get a number of i soda when he jumped a train near boxcars. That's when they heard cases where this ends] his home in western Kentucky. Wright calling for help and freed He ended up traveling 2,000 him. in death." miles. Stuplich said Wright looked A couple of railroad workers terrible, but was fine except for who heard Wright's calls for help being dehydrated and hungry. freed the Kentucky teen-ager He said, "I've run away from John Bromley from an insulated produce car. home a couple of times, but I Union Pacific Railroad spokesman "He wasn't walking too didn't mean to this time," Dun- straight but he had a big smile on lap said. his face," said crew hauler Wright, who was wearing ten- John Bromley, a Union Pacific Jackie Dunlap. nis shoes, shorts and a T-shirt, Railroad spokesman in Omaha, Wright, 17, told his rescuers he was treated at a hospital and was Neb., said the refrigeration unit had jumped aboard a train Aug. waiting today for a trip home to on the insulated car was turned 14 as a quick way into the small be arranged. off because it was presumed town of Crofton, Ky. But the train Wright's family didn't want empty. Book traces Americans* i obsession with Antichrist Christopher Wills "It tends to perpetuate a suspi- rist's mission to control people. The Associated Press cion of the world," said Fuller, a Ronald Wilson Reagan attracted religious studies professor at attention because his names con- PEORIA, 111. - Facing a dan- Bradley University. "There's a tain six letters each - 666. gerous and changing world, fear created, an antagonism Fuller concludes that when Americans have spent centuries created." Americans feel threatened, many watching for the Biblical Antich- Fuller traces that impact in a take solace in blaming the An- rist and often finding it - in eve- new book, "Naming the Antich- tichrist, an agent of the devil try- rything from American Indians rist: The History of an American ing to deceive the f ai thl'u 1. to ZIP codes to Ronald Reagan. Obsession," in which he de- Such a preoccupation produces Scholar Robert Fuller believes scribes a continuing fascination two effects, he says. the idea of the Antichrist has with predicting Armageddon's First, people worried about the John CrftSlMlMcUtcd Prcn haunted American history, divid- approach and naming someone as Antichrist see their enemies as ing people and encouraging sus- the Antichrist who will bring it evil, unworthy of mercy. Vio- picion. Its influence can be seen about. lence is justified when your op" House rules may forbid Jumping on the bed but those rules apparently don't apply to Mike Brown, today, he says, in violence Indians were linked to the An- ponent - whether American In- left, and Ruben Jones of Mankato, Minn., when the mattress is left outside. They couldn't resist doing against abortion providers or the tichrist for standing in the way of dians or abortion providers - ft- a few acrobatics on the mattress set out for the garbage Thursday. Branch Davidians stockpiling early settlers. Some people saw weapons in Waco, Texas. ZIP codes as part of the Antich- See RaiCION, page eighteen. New York will be studied Larry McShane a February speech that closed with these words: The Associated Press "Happy Valentine's Day." Clearly, this is a town in need of therapy. NEW YORK - Crime, dirt, crowding. You'd have New York is where former Mayor Ed Koch be- to be crazy to live in New York, right? Maybe the came a hero by lambasting critics as "wackos" and answer will come after the Big Apple puts itself on "insane," where a mental patient dubbed "The the psychiatrist's couch. Wild Man" became a pseudo-celebrity by terroriz- New York plans a $40,000 study to assess the ing Manhattan's Upper West Side. ROADWAY PACKAGE SYSTEM mental health of a city synonymous with madness Sounds like this study is a no-brainer, huh? to millions of Americans. "I really couldn't say anything about that," said "I think it's a very sensible thing to do," Mayor Allen Wright of the city Department of Mental The Perfect Job For Male And Female Rudolph Giuliani said of the city-financed plan Health. Tuesday. Officials believe New York will be the Is Wright still sane after nine years in New Students Who Want To Work, Stay In nation's first city to subject itself to such an exam- York? "I'd like to think so," he replied. ination. The folks involved in the study make it clear that Giuliani, of course, is the same man who detailed the city's psychiatric well-being is no laughing Shape, And Have Fun!! millions of dollars in harrowing budget cuts during matter.

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The BG News World page eighteen Monday, August 28,1995 Oslo dad Scorched Chinese women fined for call hotline to spanking vent grievances daughter Opression, rape, assault among The Associated Press problems brought up for debate OSLO, Norway (AP) A father who smacked his 4-year-old Renee School of being raped, locked up and daughter on the bottom ended up The Associated Press beaten, according to Chinese feeling a sting In his own back newspaper reports. Many are pocket when police ordered him BEIJING - The doctor vol- young rural girls who are tricked to pay a $470 fine. unteering at China's first wom- with promises of good jobs, but Norway's strict child protec- en's hot line bends Intently over a instead are held in bondage and tion laws bar corporal punish- speaker phone as one caller after shipped to remote villages. ment, even in the privacy of a Sean WebMct/AiMctatcd PTCH another describes the difficulties family's home. Violations are of being a woman in China. punishable by fines. "Pour out your secret sor- "Today's topic is sex, Ove Brudevoll, police spokes- Windsor, Caaada firefighters search for the cause of a blaze that burned an unoccupied mobile home rows," urges a poster on the wall but you can talk man in the town of Kristiansund, after flames and flashes of light, probably from a descending meteor, illuminated the night sky over a Dr. Ma Xiaonian from the said the 30-year-old father, 400-mile area from Michigan to New York state and Ontario Friday. National Research Institute for about any problem." whose name was not released, Family Planning listens patiently admitted spanking his daughter as the sorrows flow. in May because she disobeyed A 43-year-old woman calls in Ma Xiaonian him at home. Grand opening cancelled tears, barely able to speak. "It's National Research Institute for "It caused a small bruise, nothing, really," she stammers. Family Planning which is how it came to the atten- Ma coaxes, and she describes her tion of the police, and was in- husband's strict rules that keep vestigated," Brudevoll said in a at new Planet Hollywood her Indoors and her fears about Other issues, such as China's telephone interview Thursday. his apparent lack of interest in strict family planning policy, are He would not say who noticed the Christopher Burnt licist who had organized the Sept Paris has been hit by two ter- sex. simply outside the realm of ac- bruise. The Associated Press 3 grand opening, said today that rorist bombings in less than a Other callers tell of domestic ceptable topics for Chinese news He said the spanking did not police had asked the company to month. A bombing at the Saint violence and sexual harassment. reports or public discussion. The require medical attention. PARIS - Planet Hollywood's cancel it. It was the first time se- Michel subway station killed Still others worry that their hus- communist government does not "It is a matter of setting li- 26th restaurant has opened on curity concerns had marred a seven people and injured 84 on bands, with more money to allow anyone to question its au- mits," Brudevoll said. "A light the Champs-Elysees, but a star- Planet Hollywood opening. July 25, and 17 people were in- spend, are seeing prostitutes or thority to make and implement pat on the bottom, or a firm tug studded extravaganza to cele- "If someone were to send a gift jured Aug. 17 when a bomb ex- mistresses. Some want more national policy. on the arm are probably legal, brate the event has been can- to a star that would explode in an ploded in a trash can near the sexual satisfaction. Or equal op- Every couple is allowed one, or but this went too far." celed because it might attract international crowd, I think Arc de Triomphe, the monument portunity for a job. in rare instances, two children- The father can now pay the terrorists. that's a bigger coup than to do it at the top of the Champs-Elysees. The callers' voices are broad- Violators are sometimes forced fine or take the case to court. Yanou Collart, the Paris pub- in the subway," she said. cast through the speakers of a to have late-term abortions. cassette player in a room furni- Farmers determined to have sons RELIGION shed with little more than a desk to help in the fields sometimes and a coat rack. Ma, a middle- kill or abandon newborn girls so Continued from page seventeen. American religious psyche," Ful- shes life," he said. "When we to view their nation as uniquely blessed by God, they have been aged man with a slightly graying they can try again for a boy. ler said. "I'm definitely trying to hear religious rhetoric that is not New York-based Human about nourishing life, I think especially prone to demonize crewcut, keeps his gaze on the an agent of Satan, Fuller said. champion a more Inclusive style phone. Rights in China estimates that Second, people have less of religious thought -- not that's time to speak up." their enemies. Throughout their half a million infant girls, or His book is a scholarly work nation's history, they have sus- "Today's topic is sex, but you reason to help solve the world's tribalist ic, but global." can talk about any problem," Ma about 5 percent of those who problems, he said. If the end of Fuller describes himself as filled with footnotes and pected that those who oppose the American way must be in league tells another caller. Hot line top- should be born every year based the world looms, then environ- spiritual but not Sunday School measured language. on natural gender ratios, cannot religious, attending church only "The symbol of the Antichrist with the Antichrist's confeder- ics also include law, marriage mental problems or poverty and health. be accounted for because of in- seem only temporary. occasionally. has played a surprisingly signifi- acy of evil." fanticide, abandonment and cant role in shaping Americans' Fuller says the phrase "An- China's approximately 30 hot "My book is an attempt to look "I think what we need is a cli- lines, all started within the past abortions. at what I call the vicious and mate where religion is under- self-understanding," reads a typ- tichrist" appears in the Bible Just The result Is an alarming gen- even mean-spirited side of the stood to be something that nouri- ical passage. "Because they tend four times, in reference to a three years, have helped bring group that deviated from main- many social problems into public der gap. One recent study found stream Christianity. debate. Discussions also have ex- that in 2020, China will have 10 But the phrase was quickly tended to radio talk shows and million more young men than linked to the "beast" described in the state-run press. women. the Book of Revelation. People China will be under interna- China's new market economy throughout history looked at tional scrutiny for its women's also favors men. rights record when it plays host Many companies advertise for Revelation's descriptions - 666, a men only in want ads, thereby confederacy of nations, subver- to the U.N. World Conference on Women, Sept. 4-15, and a com- avoiding the possibility of paying sion of the economy - and saw the legally required three their own times. panion meeting of activist organ- izations. months of full salary after child- Glen Spann, who teaches relig- China has accomplished much birth. Government statistics ious history at Kentucky's As- for women, but oppression and show 70 percent of laid-off bury College, says America has inequalities endure. workers are women. ESo*** always had groups that believe Most egregious h the return of Still, some Chinese women #lfe literally in the Antichrist, their have built up their own busi- an old evil, the kidnapping of Influence varying with the times. thousands of rural women each nesses and become wealthy and They generally have not year for sale as wives or pros- successful. HOUSEPLANTS polarized the nation's religion or New shipment direct from Florida titutes. "For women of ability, their politics. 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page twenty Monday, August 28, 1995 Blackney and Falcons set to-f ly view several weeks after the zone. filled, potential NCAA in- BG coach chose to stay despite other offers aforementioned positions were "The second thing is, as a foot- vestigations and an omnipresent filled ball coach, the opportunity and alumni faction all contributed to Notre Dame. No matter what the record in no danger of dipping, "The things that I try to judge chance to win at whatever level it not being a perfect fit for Black- Christian Peiusi Is. The thing about our program ney. The BC News level of competition it may be his "window of opportunity" everything by, here, in respect to against, Blackney's record is im- shows few signs of closing any other opportunities, is first the Is that we've positioned our- The perfect fit, for the time be- pressive. Two Mid-American time soon. quality of life," Blackney said. selves to be competitive in this ing at least, seems to be Bowling Twenty-one. That Is how many Conference ;ltles and two bowl The very nature of the busi- "I'm really impressed with the conference and to have the op- Green. Blackney is very active in Division I football programs victories, all In 1991 and 1992, ness dictates that there will al- quality and style of life here in portunity at the conference the community and has res- changed their head coaches for and Blackney shows he can win ways be new Jobs every season. Bowling Green. The community, championship every year. urrected the football program. the upcoming 1995 college foot- the big games as well. Universities' loyalty has become the University, Northwest Ohio, "The final thing is the quality He has also won the respect and ball season. Twenty-one. of student athlete at this pro- admiration of his players. It Is no coin- gram. We have kids that have high expectations and are goal- cidence that The Blackney File three of those; oriented ... very competitive and schools con-l very determined." Pet tacted Bowling With that criteria in mind, it is 1991 11-1 .917 Green head easy to see why Blackney would stay. Iowa State has not been coach Gary 1992 10-2 .833 Blackney about competitive in quite a while and their head man is picked to finish last in the Big Eight in most polls. By the time 1993 v a c a n c i e s 6-3-2 .637 Blackney would dig in and re- Strangely to build the Cyclones program from s£me, Black- BLACKNEY 1994 9-2 .818 the ground up, which is what It ney politely declined two offers needs, some losing seasons may and withdrew his name from 36-8-2 .804 consideration for another. occur that would push him out of " Blackney turned down jobs at the job. Former Wisconsin de- "Coach Blackney has the abil- Louisville and Iowa State while fensive coordinator Dan McCar- ity to remain personable outside removing his name from conten- ney now has that task. the lines," said Ryan tion for the Michigan Stats posi- Blackney just did not feel com- Henry. "He takes an interest in bjbo. All three are bigger schools fortable with the situation in his players. On the field, he ac- with bigger contracts. Some view Louisville after his visit so the cepts mistakes but he doesn't al- his decision to stay as a mistake. Cardinals hired former Eastern low you to get complacent" Those who hold that opinion feel Michigan head coach Ron Coop- "He likes Bowling Green [the (hat Blackney's window of oppor- er. University]," said fullback Dar- tunity has now come and gone. Finally, the Michigan State sit- ius Card. "He likes the program But has it really? uation, which Blackney called and the city. Coach knows he lias 'Blackney's coaching record "the most attractive" job, a place here. I couldn't be hap- speaks for Itself. Since coming to BGNcwifUepkM* seemed to have the most prob- pier he's here." Bowling Green in 1991, Blackney Gary Blackney gets hoisted above his players after Bowling Green's 17th consecutive MAC victory in lema Athletic front office dis- Now he is looking forward to a has led the Falcons to a 36-8-2 re- 1993. Blackney hopes to lead the Falcons back to the Las Vegas Bowl this season. ggg ^ upheaval as then athlet- new season he hopes will rival his cord which is good for seventh This year looks to be no "what have you done for me late- all of It. I like the values, the ic director Merrily Dean Baker best in Division I programs in different for the Falcons as they ly" and if lately you have been standards ... it's all a comfort left after the head coach job was See BLACKNEY, page 24. that time span. Seventh. That are the favorite to win the MAC losing, you may be out of a job. puts the Falcons ahead of such this year. USA Today and Sports The reasons for staying at football powerhouses like Flor- Illustrated have both selected Bowling Green far outweighed ida, Colorado, Michigan and even Bowling Green to win the MAC. the reasons to leave, Blackney the vaunted NBC golden boys. So with Blackney's outstanding would said this later in an inter- Graf gets tough draw Steve Wiisteln two-time champion Stefan Ed- "Pete hasn't had a great The Associated Press berg in the third round. summer since Wimbledon, but MasterCard "That's not an easy start for he's starting to get his game in WELCOME BACK BGSU NEW YORK - Top-seeded Andre," Davis Cup captain shape," Gullikson said "He has Steffi Graf's draw in next Tom Gullikson said, "but he's his health this year, which he 1995 NFL Truck Banks Budweiser Frog T-Shirts #2 Coca Cola Airplane week's U.S. Open is fraught playing unbelievable tennis on didn't have last year." Bank From Ertl with peril from the first round hard courts this summer. He The top half of the women's •19".w/coupon on. has a 20 match winning streak. draw Is full of traps for Graf, a w/coupon No. 2 Monica Seles drew a Andre would have to be the three-time winner who lost in w/coupon rosy path today as she embarks favorite to win again." the final last year to Arantxa While on her return to her first Pete Sampras, the No. 2 seed, Sanchez Vicario. Supplies, Grand Slam championship has a chance to exact revenge Graf begins against Amanda Last since she was stabbed. In the second round against Coetzer, who beat her in the Men's top seed Andre Agassi Peruvian Jaime Yzaga, who first round last week in the Ca- nadian Open. Also lurking in 15 TEAMSAVAIL. 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Bany Wilder and , Pittsburgh can Receiving is one of Cleveland's tral could determine their finish , a bust in fore the summer, the Bengals The Associated Press dominate almost as much as the powers. Unfortunately for the by how they fare with each other. Washington, says all he needs is lost top overall pick Kl-Jana Car- Steel Curtain once did. Browns, getting the ball to the It wouldnt be too shaky a limb to playing time. He'll get it. ter, backup QB David Klingler The Jacksonville Jaguars are "It's great to hear people com- wideouts isn't always a strength. climb out on and say Jacksonville , a victim of the and linebacker Steve Tovar in lucky. paring us," Kirkland says. "But Testaverde had a nice 1994 will wind up third. salary cap in Houston, will add quick succession. — As an expansion team, they we have to do something they season, but the holes in his game The Jaguars should get back some bite. Cincinnati can't afford such have no shot at a playoff berth did. You know, win a Super and his psyche showed up franchise tackle by But the running game appears woes; the Bengals have no depth. and can't even dream of division Bowl" against Pittsburgh. Put a little the end of September. They have weak, and the defense Is weaker, They might provide some ex- titles for a few years. Still, they Greene had 14 sacks in the first pressure on the guy and he tends another potentially solid tackle in except on the line, where Jeff citement with throw- are fortunate to be placed in the 13 games, then didn't get any- to panic. Brian DeMarco, their second- Lageman and ing to Carl Pickens and Darnay AFC Central, where they get two more. Luckily for him. Brown If Testaverde holds together round draft pick. The rookies will could shine. Scott. And if the two dis- games apiece against Cincinnati (8 ) and Lloyd were coming on in he Is, after all, a whole lot better anchor a decent line and work in The Bengals might have appointments on the defensive'' I and Houston. No first-year NFL getting after the quarterback. in Cleveland than he ever was front of quarterback Steve shined, too, if they weren't dev- line, and John team ever has won more than Kirkland and Brown led the team with Tampa Bay the Browns will Beuerlein, whose receivers are astated by preseason injuries. A Copeland, are ready to rumble,''' three games; the Jaguars are set In tackles. have the best attack in the Cen- interesting. near-lock to get third place be- they can cause some noise. up for four victories right away Lest you think Pittsburgh ls~a tral. Free agent Andre Rison is in matchups with the Bengals one-unit wrecking crew, well, the the blgtlme deep threat they and Oilers. secondary is superb, led by All- needed. He complements Mi- While those three are shuffling Pro comerback Rod Woodson chael Jackson and Derrick Alex- near the basement of this two- and two terrific safeties, Caraell ander, who could have nice num- tiered sector, the race atop the Lake and Darren Perry. The off- bers with Rison drawing most of division will be intense. The season shooting of the other cor- the attention. Steelers and Browns, with no nerback, , figures "In the back of my head, this is love lost in any years and cer- to sideline him for a few weeks. where I always wanted to play," tainly not when both are con- Up front, there are no Mean says Rison, who was considered a sidered contenders, Joe's or L.C.'s around, or else head case in ; several Fal- meet twice In 13 days In Novem- these guys would be impenetra- cons called him selfish. "I picked ber. Just as in 1994, when Pitts- ble. a team not only to make the burgh beat Cleveland twice and The offense lacks flair, which playoffs, but a team that can took the Central crown, those two is OK with coach Bill Cowher and make the Super Bowl." games should decide the title coordinator Ron Erhardt. As long To get that far for the first again. as the line keeps shoving the pile time, the Browns will need some "We know the road to the top and , John L Wil- balance on offense. With Eric goes through Pittsburgh," liams and Erric Pegram tote the Metcalf gone to Atlanta, Leroy Browns linebacker Carl Banks ball, Cowher's scowl will be mild Hoard, and Lor- says. "We lost twice to them last and Erhardt's Job will be safe enzo White will operate in a year and then once in the "We're not fancy," says quar- smashmouth ground game be- playoffs, and that was the differ- terback Nell O'Donnell, one of hind a good line anchored by ence. So we have to find a way the major reasons they aren't tackle Tony Jones and center past Pittsburgh" fancy. "We like to play in-your- . That wont be easy. In fact, it face football." An experienced defense has isn't likely to occur with Vinny Still, O'Donnell wouldn't mind question marks at tackle, where Testaverde at quarterback putting it up more, as he did Michael Dean Perry and James against Pittsburgh's carnivorous against San Diego in the AFC Jones departed to Denver. Is Dan defense. championship game. If he doesn't Footman finally ready to con- "We put some fear in him. You get carried away, he is effective tribute? The ends, Rob Burnett could see he wasn't sure what to enough. Nobody is looking for and , are do," Steelers linebacker Levon him to be . underrated. Kirkland said after last Januar- There are no John Stallworths Coach Bill Belichick hopes for y's playoff rout of the Browns. or Lynn S warms around, anyway. another outstanding season from The Steelers defense can do Not even a Bennie Cunningham aging linebackers Banks and that to anyone. It ranked second at tight end with Pepper Johnson. He shouldn't overall in the NFL, tops in the defecting to Miami. The passing worry about Don AFC, and was No. 1 with 55 game will center on Williams out Griffin and (a sacks.. Led by the nonpareil line- of the backf leld, but it could soar future All-Pro), or superb safety AP photo/Gary Trameatlna backing corps of All-Pros Kevin if second-year receiver Charles Eric Turner. Byron "Bam" Morris will replace Barry Foster In the Pittsburgh backfleld as the Steelers look to re- Greene and Greg Lloyd, Kirkland Johnson blossoms. The three also-rans in the Cen- peat as AFC Central champions. Pittsburgh fell three yards short of the Super Bowl last season.

AFC title up for grabs Attention Off-Campus Students! Barry Wilner ship before Don Shu la is too old from the loss to San Diego. The Associated Press to coach and too They won't forget it until old to play, might have their they've clinched a spot in Te- For the conference of cer- best team since Shula-Marino mpe. Your Local Off-Campus address and telephone number tainty, turn to the NFC For in- lost the 1985 Super Bowl to San "It's still with me," All-Pro trigue, try the AFC Francisco. linebacker Greg Lloyd says. "I will be printed in the The 49ers and Cowboys real- New England, going against was upset at a lot of people. ly have ruined things for peo- the form of past Bill Parcells You've got to have enough to BGSU Telephone Directory. ple over there in the NFC. Is teams, has made rapid prog- put that club away. Let's turn it there any doubt they'll meet ress under the coach who won up not just one notch, but 10 for the fourth straight time in two Super Bowls in the other notches. the conference title game? conference. In , "We were like, *Oh, this team Use the Off-Campus Local Address Change form below to provide As for the AFC, there are a the Patriots have the most dy- can't beat us.' It leaves a bad Off-Campus residence and telephone number only. half-dozen contenders for the namic young passer in the taste." right to represent the confer- league. To assure proper inclusion in the BGSU Telephone Directory, ence and lose a 12th straight The Silver and Black is back And that's bad news for the Super Bowl. In Oakland, and owner Al Davis rest of the AFC. Pittsburgh's please submit completed forms by: Pittsburgh, for instance, was returns with a strong squad. powerful defense, led by the the favorite last season, and This bunch wont remind the best linebacking corps in foot- Tuesday, outplayed San Diego in the crazies who kept the faith of ball Lloyd, Kevin Greene, Le- AFC championship game. But the glorious Raiders of '60s and von Kirkland and Chad Brown Septembers, 1995 the Steelers made Just enough 70s, but getting to Tempe next and a first-rate secondary is mistakes, including one major January isnt far-fetched. drawing some comparisons 5:00 p.m. one at the end, and the Char- Cleveland also thinks it is with the Steel Curtain of yore. gers streaked into their first ready for the big leap, some- It's not accurate yet, unless the Super Bowl. thing it never has made. Skep- defensive line suddenly makes The Chargers can score and tics would call it a galactic leap major strides. Please mail or deliver the completed Off-Campus Local Address change form to the play defense, run the ball and with at quar- Office of Registration and Records, 110 Administration Building pass it They also have enough terback. The rest of the offense But it is good enough to holes to make a return to the and most of the defense is solid carry a conservative attack. or drop off the form at one of the sites listed below. big game unlikely. But possi- enough Coach Bill Cowher wont let ble. So who will it be? quarterback Neil O'Donnell Drop Locations: The Dolphins, building for First stop, Pittsburgh. The gamble, Instead preferring the University Union Information Desk • Off-Campus Student Center one more shot at a champion- Steelers still are smarting running of Bam Morris. Library Circulation Desk Campus Bookstore Administration Bldg, 1st Floor Hall Office of Registration and Records Off-Campus Housing Off-Campus Local BGSU ICE ARENA Use this form only if Off-Campus Local Address Change or Correction is reoUred. Conaci the On-Campus Housing Office to change residence nail or Greek unit address


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I I m wm m

Sports The BG News page twenty-two Monday, August 28, 1995 Mahler takes over familiar role Death of friend leads to job Pit Murphy sponsibility because you're mak- Mahler looks for other players to The BG News ing the final decision and as as- step in and fill the void. sistant coach I was glad I didn't "This spring we experimented have to make the final decision a lot," he said. "Jamie Harmon j Mel Mahler always wanted to sometimes." played real well the second half (e a Division I head soccer of the season and continues to Coach. He just Imagined other Mahler, a 1977 graduate of play well." ways of getting the position. High Point College in North Car- The Brown and Orange sus- ; "Obviously, my goal all along olina, does not plan to change tained their biggest loss from has been to be- much to a Falcon squad that went graduation in goal, where 1994 come a coach at 13-6-1 last year and 3-1-1 in the All-MAC goaltender Dan Traver the Division I Mid-American Conference. BG patrolled for the last three years. level,'' he said. returns four of their top five Traver was 13-4-1 last year and fro have that scorers and their entire fullback allowed a miniscule 0.87 goals occur because core. against on average. Sophomore of unfortunate Junior mid-fielder Joe Burch Andy Carl saw limited action last Circumstances led BG with 13 goals last year year playing just 153 minutes. He ia difficult." and 32 points. Burch's totals went 0-2 and allowed an average , Mahler was ranked fourth among the all-time of 2.94 goals against. single season Falcon leaders in grfh"^ "A"!** both categories. "The only question mark we Coach in Bowling Green soccer have defensively now Is how fast history in March after the unex- Nipping at Burch was fellow both our goaltenders can mesh pected death of 16 year head mid-fielder Steve Klein who tal- with the defenders," he said. "It's coach Gary Palmisano in lied 31 points and tied the single how fast they can become one December. Mahler served time season assist record with 17. Add unit will determine how success- as head coach at Pf ieffer College 1994 MAC Newcomer of the Year ful we will be." In North Carolina from 1984-86, Jason Began to the mid-field and compiling a 28-39-2 record. He it appears to be the glaring BG Peter Kolp, Dave Michels and was an assistant to Palmisano for strength. Tony Dore return to assist Carl's seven years. transition into the number one "It enables me to carry on and "Between the four or five mid- goaltender spot. All three started see threw a lot of unfinished fielders we have you would ex- last year and have seen extensive business that Gary wanted to see pect most of our scoring to come match action in their careers. get done," Mahler said. "I get from the mid-field," he added. piece of mind that I can carry on "But our focus this pre-season is The defensive core will be his legacy." to have a more balanced attack tested often this season as BG Palmisano's legacy begins with and get our forwards more in- plays a formidable schedule. BG HjiJi wins over 16 years and a .628 volved." hosts national finalist Indiana in ^waning percentage, best in BG October and invited top 20 soccer history. "Over the pre- BG scored an average of 2.4 ranked Marquette to play in the vious eight years Gary and I con- goals per game last year, scoring Kwik Goal/BGSU Soccer Clas- sidered ourselves co-head coach- six against Central Michigan and sic. es at times," Mahler said. "Gary five against Western and Eastern and I did a lot of things alike. We Michigan. Mahler feels the scor- "Indiana is a great draw," Mah- did a lot of things not as coaches ing will continue this year. ler said. "Anytime you can bring but as friends." to your home field one of the top Mahler served as an interim "Our style is to attack," he programs in the country is a head coach during the 1993 said. "To get as many players great draw." season while Palmisano was on forward as possible." ._ ,. _ , , ,, The BG Ncwi file pk«« leave working for the World Cup C P cha en e 8 tw Central MlcW an The MAC schedule has one new f Z2££ !* ?I! M^ " .? .° « P'«ye« tor a ball last year. The Falcons are a in Detroit BG went 10-7 in 1993 Junior Dave Klndl returns to team on it this year. Kentucky favorite to win the MAC soccer title: this year. and finished 4-1 in the MAC give BG the offensive versatility joined the MAC as a soccer af- Mahler said the change to the Mahler hopes for from the for- fliate after being an independent head coaching position brings on wards. Kindl was second on the last year. BG plays three of their a higher degree of responsibility. team with eight goals last year five MAC matches at home this "It's a lot more work," he said. and scored 20 points. BG lost year, with two being against Orioles set up foundation "There is a little bit more re- forward Tim Concannon but rivals Miami and Akron. Micheal Schneider Gehrig's disease. Kuncl, a professor of neurolo- The Associated Press "It's ironic but very inspir- gy at Hopkins. The disease's ing," Joe Foss, Orioles vice victims usually live three to BALTIMORE - Lou Gehrig chairman of business and five years after being diag- died from a degenerative finance, said Tuesday at Cam- nosed and die when muscles in disease two years after estab- den Yards. "It's our hope that their lungs stop working. lishing the major league record this foundation will be a "What's amazing is how of 2,130 consecutive games springboard for finding a selective it is," Kuncl said. "E- played in a 15-year career with cure." ven if a person like Lou Gehrig the New York Yankees. The 260 seats will be set up was unable to move a finger, The battle against that that night In rows of two his sensation, vision, hearing NOW OPEN LATE! disease wont be forgotten on against the box seat railing and mind would be perfectly the night Cal Ripken breaks the near first and third bases. They Intact." Open till 3 AM Hall of Famer's record. The Thurs., Frl., Sat. will sell for $5,000 each. So far, Hopkins was recently part of Baltimore Orioles, in honor of about SO of the seats have been an international study that Ripken's 2,131st consecutive sold, Foss said. tested the drug Riluzole on 25 game, plan to raise $1 million The Orioles got permission patients with the disease, said by selling seats on the edge of from the American League to Dr. Jeffrey Rothsteln, a the playing field Sept. 6. put the seats on the edge of the professor of neurology. The Ripken played his 2,117th field for the game against the trial ended in December and game Tuesday night, and is California Angela involved a total of 970 patients now two weeks away from set- Gehrig died in 1941 of the at 30 sites around the world. ting the record. degenerative disease that The money will be used to set slowly destroyed his spine and Riluzole isn't a cure for the up a foundation at Johns Hop- nerve cells. disease, but slows down the kins University for research on ALS strikes the spine and degenerative processes and al- neuromuscular diseases, in- nerve cells in the brain and lows a patient to live longer, cluding amyotrophic lateral eventually leaves a person Rothsteln said. The drug is be- sclerosis, commonly called Lou paralyzed, said Dr. Ralph ing considered for approval.

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■MaiiTirnriiiiiir r ~ ■ -• ——»~r ■ -*.»• .«• The BG News Sports, Monday, August 28, 1995 page twenty-three Oakland called team to beat in AFC West Barry Wllntr The Associated Press in the mid-1980s. But lightning struck early in '94, when the It's been 14 years since football Chargers won their first six fans In Oakland have seen a sig- games, and again in the playoffs nificant NFL game. They won't with late comebacks to beat have to wait long this season with Miami and Pittsburgh the Raiders back In town. "We have a lot of good things to Opening week on the schedule build on from last year," star shows defending AFC champion linebacker Junior Seau says. San Diego at the Raiders. Both "Forget the Super Bowl; those teams get an early chance to es- things happen. We're going to tablish superiority in the AFC carry the positives from last West, where Denver also should season into this season." challenge, Kansas City figures fo OK, Junior. Start with a prow- slide and Seattle has enough ess for running and stopping the woes to fill a soap opera. run. The Raiders swaggered back to Behind Natrone Means, the the Bay Area after owner Al 250-pound battering ram with Davis received a sweetheart speed, the Chargers established deal. The community gleefully their ground game early each welcomed back the team, willing week, then let quarterback Stan to forget Davis' treachery. In re- Humphries go for some big pass- AP phM o/Jo.n C. FaknnksM turn, Davis brought back a es. Means held out In training San Diego Chargers running back Natrone Means looks to run past Kansas City Chief dur- * strong team fully capable of camp, which could cause prob- log their game last October. Means hopes to led the Chargers back to the Super Bowl this year. taking the division. lems, and the only tested reserve "There's a new enthusiasm and Is Ronnie Harmon, a fine it's something to feel good receiver who rarely carries the about," quarterback Jeff Hoste- ball tler says. "It's almost like a re- Defensively, the Chargers ha- Mike Shanahan takes over as birth for this team." ven't allowed a 100-yard rusher coach, a move applauded by El- U Hosteller Is one reason the since Oct. 10, 1993. Seau and way, who had his best years with -T Raiders are optimistic Coach Dennis Gibson at linebacker and Shanahan on Denver's staff. With q Mike White and new offensive a first-rate line featuring disrup- Shannon Sharpe, guru Jim Fassel believe Hoss' el- tive tackles Reuben Davis and (back from a lacerated kidney) HAKEEM OLAJUWON bow is healed, and they plan to Shawn Lee mainly are responsi- and Anthony Miller as his tar- '-'. incorporate more variety, includ- ble. gets, Elway must salivate. A strong pass rush from ends But the ground game won't be .". ing short-range throws to tight •/ end Kerry Cash - an excellent Leslie O'Neal and Chris Minis is much unless Rod Bemstine is re- ,3 addition through free agency - absolutely necessary because the covered from knee surgery and Shaq, '9 and top pick Napoleon Kaufman secondary, although revamped, Glyn Milbum steps up. And the out of the backf leld. Also look for is a problem spot. offensive line is a jumble, al- ■ii the no-huddle attack. Humphries is a terrific leader though guard Mark Schlereth ib Hakeem Kaufman might not run from with a penchant for timely plays. and tackle Broderick Thompson d scrimmage much If Harvey Wil- There are no stars on the receiv- should upgrade a unit that al- liams continues his impressive ing corps, but all are decent, par- lowed 46 sacks. n play of late last season. ticularly H-back Alfred Pupunu. So what about the defense? ■c to meet :1 Oakland's best offensive threat The most efficient player on Newcomers James Jones and JohnCurran is Tim Brown, who would benefit offense is center Courtney Hall. Michael Dean Perry will provide -U The Associated Press greatly from more strength in Everything in Denver would some power at tackle. Ends •A Hosteller's arm and more contri- seem to center around John El- Shane Dronett and Simon Flet- ATLANTIC CITY. NJ. - For- butions from speedsters Rocket way. But If the defense isn't a cher are pass-rush types who ri get the NBA Finals. This time it's Ismail and James Jett. Of course, whole lot better - It ranked dead didn't get any help from the In- '. a a one-on-one, pay-for-view hype if Brown starts criticizing Davis last against the pass and overall side last year. Middle linebacker event. Oh, yes, and this time, again, who knows how the owner in 1994 - Elway can have his Dante Jones also will improve there's a cool million on the line. will react? greatest season of a great career the rush defense, and comerback Shaquille O'Neal of the Or- The line is particularly strong and the Broncos still won't get Lionel Washington is a nice addi- lando Magic and Hakeem Ola- on the left side with Steve Wis- into the postseason parade. tion. juwon of the Houston Rockets, niewski and Gerald Ferry. An who went face to face in the NBA eye Injury to center Don Mose- oiig .vnTnif-Eiiiij/* Finals swept by Houston, will bar in the preseason is wor- play each other Sept. 30 at Trump risome. INDIE • LOCAL*ilApOKT u Taj Mahal Casino Resort, it was The Raiders had the No. 10 de- iJJ*fcATAML ■* CD E>CHAN« announced Wednesday. fense in the league last year. It's The purse: $1 million. a young, improving unit led by The event at the Trump Taj massive tackle Chester Majal Casino Resort will be part McGlockton, linebackers Rob heavyweight prize fight, part Frederickson and Greg Biekert skins game, part pickup game and cornerbacks Terry Mc Dan i el |uy Sell dubbed "War on the Floor." Une best and Albert Lewis. The NBA, which has no collec- "Chester is a tank in a football Trade tive bargaining agreement with uniform," teammate Anthony players and is in the midst of a Smith says. lockout, is taking a hands-off ap- The Raiders' biggest upgrad- HMMI snoes your proach, said deputy commis- ing - other than locale — is on the urn i <>«•»■ (fir v~t*4 sioner Russ Granik. sidelines. Art Shell didn't exhibit 353-3555. "In view of the lockout, the much control of the troops, who u-i» .fit NBA will not be involved in this set a record with 156 penalties w event nor take steps to prevent last year. He and offensive coor- " STIRSEfcS • POSTtftRBS* VJIDES parenfs' it," he said. dinator Tom Walsh had run-ins STICKERS •XMCENSE'OILS The format will be 10 rounds, with Hostetler and Brown. This or games, of 2 minutes apiece was an unhappy bunch in '94. T-SHIRTS 'BookS-MAfirttWES under "winner's out" rules. That That's changed with White's money is, the player who scores gets the promotion and the move back to ball again at the top of the key. the city that never lost faith UftiUBCE Mo«rt>ftVS ffmil The winner of each round will San Diego rarely has had faith , get $100,000. In the event of a in the Chargers, who struggled !SiamJC«S «iI53^ tied round, the money will roll since Air Coryell was grounded over to the next round. Whoever takes the most rounds wins. A tie- breaker will decide the winner If mere's a tie. At 7-foot, 255 pounds, the 11-year veteran Olajuwon would appear to be the underdog to the 7-1, 303-pound O'Neal, a three- year NBA veteran. But the two were fairly evenly matched in the Finals. In four games, Olajuwon aver- It's back-to-school time, and while you're out spending someone else's money, you might as well stock up on some decent shoes. aged 32.8 points and had 46 re- After all. your parents worked hard for their money. Spend it wisely. bounds and eight blocks. O'Neal averaged 28.0 points with SO re- bounds and 10 blocks. COMICS* NON-SPORTS CARDS "The building will shake and no &&* backboard is safe when these two SPORTS CARDS* ACTION FIGURES available at basketball giants collide one-on- COLLECTING SUPPLIES one," said McAdory Lipscomb, *. general manager of Showtime Event Television, the pay-per- SERVING ALL YOUR COLLECTING NEEDS! view promoter. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE COMICS RESERVATION SERVICE "It's a defining moment for Shaq, Hakeem and Taoo Bell, and one that will go down in the re- shed5X8 East Wooster Street cord books as one of the most ex- 188 S. MAIN ST. (MINI MALL) citing events In the annals of Don't miss the Shed's 1st sports history," said Jerry Gra- maglia, senior vice president of MON-TUES-THUR-SAT 11:30-6:00 (possibly annual-but we Taoo Bell Corp. WED&FRI 11:00-7:00 have to wait until next year It's not the first once-in-o- to be certain) lifetime basketball showdown in Atlantic City. In 1992, Kareem 354-5909 Sidewalk Sale. Abdul-Jabbar and Julius Erving played the same kind of exhibi- ** BRING IN THIS AD AND RECIEVE10% OFF! ** Now Through SundayIII tion here. Jabbar won 41-23. *■*

Sports The BG News i page twenty -four Monday, August 28,1995 NFC Central muddled Barry Wllner reflection of Wannstedt's coach- wrist (and weak performances The Associated Press ing. The Bears had the fewest before he was hurt), has to do the penalties in the league last year smart things: Hand off to Barry In the NFC Central, do we go and Walsh spurred a turnaround and throw to Herman. with the best quarterback (Brett with his no-gamble, no-mistakes Sanders was magnificent last Favre)? The best running back style. It's a style that fit* well year, earning Offensive Player of (Barry Sanders)? The best enough to propel the Bears to the the Year honors for his 1,883 receiver (Cris Carter)? The best top of the division. yards rushing, the fourth-best coach ()? The Rookie and performance in history. He aver- best tackle (Paul Gruber)? versatile fullback Raymont Har- aged 5.7 yards a carry. How about process of elim- ris, with Lewis Tillman in "Valuable?" says tackle Lomas ination? Throw out the team mak- reserve, will key a ball-control Brown, whose preseason holdout ing the worst offseason move attack. But the real key Is an un- has to affect the running game in (Tampa Bay losing quarterback certain offensive line. September. "Barry is pure gold." Craig Erickson to Indianapolis). Walsh (or Kramer) actually has If Mitchell comes close to And the one making the worst decent receivers In Jeff Graham duplicating the work of his '94 offseason moves (Minnesota for and Michael Timpson. Does that replacement, (now in allowing nearly all of its second- mean Wannstedt will air it out? Arizona), Sanders just might ary to depart). Will it be balmy In Soldier Field surpass 2,000 yards. And he Or the team in the most turmoil in December? could gain another 400 or so on (Green Bay, which figures to be Wannstedt's pride and Joy Is receptions. plagued by the bitter forced re- his defense, which ranked fifth Moore should be well past tirement of ). against the pass in '94, but needs 1,000 yards in receiving and Don't forget the team with a to significantly upgrade its per- might haul in 100 throws If de- quarterback quandary (Steve formance vs. the run. Opponents fenses stack up too deeply Walsh vs. Erik Kramer in Chi- gained all that ground yardage against Sanders. Moore uses his cago). Or the team without a QB against essentially the same per- size and strength to out muscle or controversy that maybe should sonnel as will be on hand this outreach defenders, and he is have one (Scott Mitchell vs. any- year. deadly Inside the 20. body in Detroit). "We've got to really bear down He doesn't have a lot of help, There's not much to differen- and not let teams control the ball though, particularly if Johnnie tiate the NFC Central clubs, no on the ground," Wannstedt says. Morton doesn't develop soon. matter the method you use. "There needs to be major Im- The line with Brown, of course "It should be a great race," provement in that area" is big and solid. Mitchell also is Bears tackle Andy Heck says. Look for end Alonzo Spellman, big; he must be more solid. Four teams made the playoffs tackle Chris Zorich and DBs If the Detroit defense had been from the Central last year. Three Donncll Woolford and Mark Car- made by General Motors, it fewer might get in this time, al- rier to lead the upgrading. Also would have been recalled, rank- though the Bears, Lions and Vik- look for a boost hi the kicking ing 24th in the league. So tackle ings have fewer questions to an- game with punter Todd Sauer- Henry Thomas was signed away swer than wild-card contenders b run, a second-rounder. from Minnesota, and end Luther Arizona, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit doesn't move the ball Ellis was a first-round pick. Atlanta and New Orleans in the unless it is in the hands of San- That should help, as will Pro other divisions. ders or receiver . Bowl middle linebacker Chris Chicago doesn't beat itself, a So Mitchell, coming off a broken Spielman. REPROqraphics Your Campus Printer AP phMo/Mlckatl Cnrv Indianapolis Colt tight end Charles Arbuckle (81) Is sandwiched by Chicago Bear linebackers Marty Attention Carter (left) and Joe Cain In a preseason game last week. Professors and Students BLACKNEY Let Reprographics help you prepare for the fall! We offer A Continued from page 20. wide variety of services to fulfill your printing needs: successes of the past several total defense. the MAC in points scored and years. The offense returns MAC MVP number two in total offense. His defensive front seven runner-up Ryan Henry at quar- Blackney describes as "the terback, the rushing tandem of With the talent returning from "Bill Vour Bursar Recount!" deepest since I've been here." Keylan Cates and Courtney last year's 9-2 team, Blackney is The unit Includes the defensive Davis and emerging tight end again in position to make a run co-captains linebacker Jason Trevor Stover. for the MAC Championship and a ■ 4tf Self Serve Copes Woullard and defensive end Greg "The quarterback and running trip to the Las Vegas Bowl In Cepek. The defensive side, who back positions are really deep on December. Those goals may have ■Bndng Services 10% Off lost only four starters to gradua- the offense, which is solid as a not been posslbilites if he had be- ■ Transparencies (regular & color) Any Office Service tion, ranked number one in scor- whole," Blackney said. come one of the 21 members of ■ Custom rxfcfehing w/copyright clearance Excluding Course Packets ing defense and number two in They ended the season first in the new coaching Class of '95. ■ Ugh speed & multicolor copying Offer Exp Sept 2.1995 ■Quality Offset Printing GRAF Continued from page 20.

611 Administration Building • 372-2323 alie Tauzlat, Chanda Rubin and breeze by comparison. A week the fourth round. Seles is then Helena Sukova. after starting her coming by seeded to face Jana Novotna in If Graf gets past that group, winning in Canada, Seles plays in the quarters and No. 4 Conchita she could face Australian Open the first round against Ruxandra Martinez in the semis. champion Mary Pierce in the Dragomir of Romania. The most quarters and, perhaps. No. 3 San- dangerous players Seles could "Jana Novotna is always a dan- chez Vicario in the semis. face before the quarters are Mar- gerous player," Pam Shriver Seles, co-ranked No 1 by the ianne Werdel Wltmeyer In the said, "but can she win the big WTA but seeded No. 2, has a third round and Lori McNeil in one? I doubt it here."

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\ \ ^^...... ,,...... ,.-., ,,..,_. ,., ^*,+ *^^^-^^ .iMMAftttftMMMiflmafliaiaiilM The BG News Monday, August 28,1995 page twenty-five Sports The BG News page twenty-six Monday, August 28,1995 NFC East looking up at Cowboys

tion to the attack, which just Dallas and San Francisco, makes Dallas still might be fun to watch after the a quick start improbable. 1994 disaster (25th overall rank- If the injury wave that swept considered ing). Adding 1,000-yard receiver over New Jersey continues, the Rob Moore and rookie Frank Giants can forget about contend- Sanders will bolster a previously ing even for a wild card. They number one dormant passing game now simply aren't deep enough to BanyWIIner guided by erratic Dave Krieg, handle an epidemic. The Associated Press who comes off a superb season Their strength will be in the with Detroit backfield with Rodney Hampton, As the Cowboys slide back Ryan seems ready to turn loose usually good for 1,000 yards, and toward the NFC East pack, the after two years Herschel Walker, who someday Cardinals, Eagles and Giants of injuries and indifferent per- might get his due for an outstand- harbor hopes of replacing Amer- formances. Hearst says he's ing all-around career. Top pick ica's Team atop the division. ready to bust loose. Tyrone Wheatley, if he over- Keep on hoping, fellas. Just "My being healthy has opened comes a 17-day holdout, could be don't plan on getting there this up things a lot," he says. "Last a factor. year, I went through different The weakness will be on an Sure, Dallas has slipped with times when I wasn't able to make already-deteriorating offensive the defections of , that cut or run. I feel so much line that lost guard Scott Davis , James Washing- better now, because I've had time for the season and center Brian ton, and Rodney to let my body heal. Williams for a few weeks. With Peete. The draft was nothing to "lean do the job." tackle Jumbo Elliott's back a ju- brag about, either. Helping him do the job will be mbo question mark, coach Dan There are holes in the second- unheralded fullback Larry Reeves can't be too optimistic ary and possibly on the offensive Centers, a good blocker and about his blockers. line if isn't fully receiver. But the offensive line Defensively, the line isn't recovered from reconstructive ranges from solid (Pro Bowl much and the secondary is knee surgery and off-field prob- guard Duval Love) to uncertain young. Reeves has imported two lems. Aging Ray Donaldson isn't (tackles Ben Coleman and Ernest of the best linebackers who a semblance of what Stepnoski Dye). played for him in Denver, Mi- was at center, and the renowned Ryan might not buddy up to his chael Brooks and . depth has disappeared nearly offense, but he shouldn't be em- The Eagles imported two key everywhere. barrassed by it this year. And his reasons for San Francisco's suc- "We'll miss some people," Pro defense, well, he just loves those cess: Ray Rhodes and Ricky Wat- Bowl quarterback guys with good reason. ters. Another dozen former 49ers says. "We might not have some The Cardinals have top players are needed to turn them into a people here who helped us in the on each defensive unit Tackle challenger to Dallas, although a past. But we still have a strong and left end Michael wild card is not unreachable. group of players who have won Bankston both were better in "94 and who still are capable of win- Thc AiMcUted PreM/fllt phot* than more-acclaimed Clyde Rhodes is revamping the rem- ning." Quarterback Troy Aikman and his are the team to beat in the NFC East In 1995. Simmons. LBs Seth Joyner and nants of Ryan's defense and be- That groups begins with Aik- Eric Hill are terrific, but a sus- lieves he has a budding star in man, Emmltt Smith and Michael solid offensive line in front of away enough attention from de- pokes. pension for the other linebacker, rookie end Mike Mam u la Irvin on offense. It stretches to him. If any of the first-string fensive backs. Kevin Williams Many have questioned coach promising , will hurt "He has the eye of the tiger," , who rescinded his blockers go down, Aikman might and perhaps must 's commitment to early in the schedule. Passers Rhodes says. retirement announcement of last go down from sacks more often fill the void Harper's signing the job. Speculation already has have learned Aeneas January, and Darren than he's used to. with Tampa Bay created. begun that this will be Switzer's Williams should be avoided at all Losing Eric Allen, a terrific Woodson on defense. As for Smith, he's gained 3,700 Last year's defense ranked No. last season with the Cowboys, costs, and safety Brent Alexan- cornerback, and the slow re- Aikman is in his prime, which yards from scrimmage the last 1 against passing and overall. win or lose the championship. der is a comer. covery of linebacker Byron means the Cowboys can throw two seasons, but at a heavy price. Because Washington was more Unless the Cardinals start win- The Giants were coming on Evans hurt a lot. This defense with anybody. Smith, while At 26, he should be entering his effective as a run-smasher at ning more than they lose, could it strong at the end of last season, a wont dominate. hindered the last two years with peak years, too. All those batter- free safety, and with some depth also be Buddy Ryan's second and strange year in which they won shoulder and hamstring injuries, ings could begin to wear on remaining on the line, the Cow- final year in charge? Not unless their first three, lost seven in a So the offense must. That is a warrior, the most courageous Smith. boys could rank nearly as high he opts to completely ignore his row, then finished with a six- means Watt ers needs to fulfill his running back in football. Irvin is "I'll be out there," he says with again. Team speed is a strength; offense and punt on first down so game winning streak. promise that more work will' tbe next best thing to Jerry Rice. a wink. "I'll be ready." remember, after all, it was Jim- that his hand-crafted defense can A schedule that starts them off mean more than 1,000 yards •"•But Aikman has been plagued Irvin's catch total could dimin- my Johnson who put together determined every game. with four '94 playoffs teams In rushing and plenty of big re- by concussions and needs a rock- ish without Harper, who drew this bunch, so there are no slow- Ryan should pay more atten- the first five weeks, including ceptions.





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® 1-800 COLLECT Li/l Save The People You Call Up To 44%.* sunns w+ ..' 1 ,-..--- -. Sports The BG News Monday, August 28,1995 Nebraska coach picks starter New hall of fame J.L. Schmidt ange Bowl victory over Miami that gave Osborne his first inducts players - The Associated Press national championship. LINCOLN, Neb. - He has During a scrimmage Nancy Armour the Honors Court, the National been under pressure to pick a Wednesday, Frazier com- The Associated Press Football Foundation's 12-mem-- starting quarterback from a pleted 7 of 8 passes for 125 ber selection committee group of talented players. He yards and one touchdown. SOUTH BEND, Ind. - For "We have come, In successive,' is also under pressure to lead Berringer was 6-for-8 for 118 nearlly SO years, Paul Robeson's years, to view that in a different political beliefs overshadowed light, especially as It relates tog Nebraska to a second consecu- yards and a touchdown. - tive national championship. Neither threw an . his achievements on the football black radicals," Collett said. "If On Thursday, coach Tom Turman also threw a touch- field. was only the radical element in Osborne said down pass during the scrim- Never mind that he was the American society that was trying will start in the opening game mage. greatest player of his time or the to do anything In a legal sense for next week at Oklahoma State. "Tommie graded the best in first black to win back-to-back blacks at that time." Osborne said Brook Berringer the films and will start," Os- All-America honors (1917-18). Robeson was neither surprised and Frazier were both doing borne said at the end of What people remembered most nor angry at his exclusion, said well, but Frazier was more Thursday's practice. "We'll about Robeson was his liberal be- his son, Paul Robeson Jr., sched- consistent. play Brook In the first half liefs and efforts to win equal uled to accept the honor for his Backup quarterback Matt like we said. Maybe six, seven rights for blacks. father today. The elder Robeson Turman took over the team or eight plays, depending on But now, 77 years after his died In 1976. ft last year when Frazier and the situation." final season, Robeson is taking Berringer were out with injur- "It's a big Issue, it's how his place in the "He knew the price he would ies. they handle mistakes. Inter- Hall of Fame. have to pay as a forerunner, as a After Thursday's two-hour ceptions, turnovers... Robeson and 12 others today pioneer, and he was willing to practice in 90-degree heat, 'Tommie has really Im- were the first class of Inductees pay it," he said. "He was never Osborne said, "We graded the proved his passing. Instead of to be enshrined in the new hall of surprised or bitter. He felt it was; film and decided our starting 45 percent to SO percent, he's fame in South Bend a Job he had to do for his people; quarterback will be Matt throwing the ball really well," "It was one of the best and the world as a whole." Turman." Osborne continued: Osborne said. "I don't know achievements of my life because Robeson also graduated Phi. "The decision Is politically how it will translate during the I just felt so strongly that this Beta Kappa and was the val- neutral and wont offend any- season, but he's capable of be- was Just an injustice, his not be- edictorian of the class of 1919,. body. ing a 60 percent passer." ing in was an injustice," said The son of a former slave, he>; "If he doesn't start, then John Bateman, the former Rut- worked his way through Colum- Tommie Frazier will start and Osborne said he realizes gers coach who led a 30-year-plus bia Law School by playing in the. if he doesn't start, Brook Ber- there "are a lot of teams who'd fight to get Robeson Inducted. American Professional Football ringer will start," Osborne love to have Brook as a start- "Nobody deserves to be in the League. ■, said. ing quarterback. It's a real hall of fame more than Paul blessing to have both of them Robeson." Robeson gave up a law career Frazier missed most of last AP pfcMo/MarU Lavandler year because of surgery for at Nebraska Robeson fought for equal to be a singer and actor, and he, blood clots and Berringer took "It would be nice if every- Nebraska quarterback Tommy Frazier gestures after scoring a rights for blacks beginning in his entertained all over the worlds over for most of the regular body agreed with my de- two-point conversion against Miami during the Orange Bowl last Rutgers days, and developed a He played Othello on Broadway. season. Both played in the Or- cision." season. reputation as a left-wing liberal. and his signature song was, "01'., When he refused to denounce Man River." communism or the Soviet Union, he was labeled a communist. "You have to realize that from. In the era of McCarthy ism and 1934 all the way up to about the the Cold War, few wanted to be mid-'60s, the main people In the-, Tyson to fight for part of title seen as a Robeson supporter, country were against commu- While other greats took their n ism, the Soviets, because of the I Tim Dahlberg per-view, I'm going to the mat," next month against Frank Bruno. fight, saying he wanted to see place in the Hall of Fame, Robe- Cold War," said Bateman, who: The Associated Press King said. "His cablecast will be The card will also feature Julio son was passed by. He wasn't coached at Rutgers from 1960 to how the selection was taken by even on the first ballot in 1951. 1972. "All the papers... from 193* pay-per-view. Mine will be pay- Cesar Chavez in a bout against the boxing media. But Tyson's LAS VEGAS - Mike Tyson will per-view. Let's see who the peo- fellow Mexican champion, ligh- manager, John Home, said "This was the McCarthyism to 1958 wrote that Paul Robeson fight for a portion of the hea- ple want I predict they end up tweight Miguel Angel Gonzalez. Mathis was the pick. era, and American society had a was a communist." i vyweight title in March, assum- going on HBO." King, at one point, hedged phobia about radicals," said Rit- But he wasn't. Robeson denied ter Collett, sports editor emeri- being a communist three times:' ing he gets by light-hitting Bus- King defended Tyson's fight about whether Mathis was the "We're fighting Buster Mathis tus of the Dayton (Ohio) Daily under oath In a federal in- ter Mathis Jr. in his next tune-up against McNeeley, but said he formal opponent for the Nov. 4 Jr. on Nov. 4," Home said. bout Nov. 4. would drop pay-per-view prices News and a current member of vestigation, Bateman said. I Which of the three major titles for the Nov. 4 bout because both Tyson will fight for has not been he and Tyson feel bad about the determined, said promoter Don way the fight ended with FACTORY McNeeley's manager, Vlnny King, who effectively controls all m/rHlKlimilUMM, three organizations. Vecchione, throwing in the towel. Overstocked! OUTLET "We have them all," King said. "No one expected Peter "We can afford to make a selec- McNeeley to win a fight against tion." Mike Tyson," King said at a news Absolutely the 4 Drawer Chest $39.00 Stung by criticism of Tyson's conference. "People came to see aborted first comeback fight Mike Tyson. It was a happening, Lowest 4 Piece Bedroom Set $189.00 Saturday night against Peter an event. It was not meant to be a McNeeley, King unveiled a championship fight." Student Desk $39.00 schedule on Tuesday that has Ty- King praised McNeeley for go- Deer prices in son challenging for a world title ing right after Tyson, but as- March 16. sailed Vecchione for stepping B.G.!!! "Mike Tyson wants everyone into the ring and forcing the fight 4-IC \\l> OI»l \i\ii to know he feels the edge was to be stopped 89 seconds into the * Party Balls Sept. 23 taken from him as well as Peter first round with McNeeley still McNeeley," King said. "The level on his feet * Tap Rentals of opponent will be escalated for "If he was that concerned Over $500.00 the second fight, and Mike Tyson about his fighter he should have * BG's Largest Selection of will fight for the title in his third never put him in the ring," King Uoi-lli ok' I iirnil III-«' fight." said. "He took from Peter World Class Beer k Mathis will be the opponent for McNeeley a moment of glory that lo l»«* ;»iv< ii «i\vav. Tyson's second fight, which will is priceless and a moment of Must Stop And Save! be held Nov. 4 at the MGM Grand glory he can never recapture Hotel. It will be part of a card again." Register Now that will feature five world title King said he would promote fights, two of them possibly for McNeeley again, but not with SOI Til SIDE 6 Woodland Mall heavyweight titles, King said. Vecchione working his corner. The fights will go up against "Never will he ever get a W III Kl Till: l'AIMl Si AIMS 354-1614 the third fight between Riddick chance to make a mistake like he Fully Assembled Delivery Bowe and Evander Holyfleld, did the other night," the pro- 737 S. Main 352-8639 scheduled for the same night moter said. down the street at Caesars Pal- King said Tyson would fight ace. Both are tentatively set for Mathis on a card that could in- pay-per-view, but King said he clude heavyweight title fights thought HBO would end up telev- involving WBA champion Bruce IT MAKES GOOD CENTS ising the Bowe-Hoiyfield bout. Seldon and WBC champion Ol- "If we go head-to-head on pay- iver McCall, who defends his title TO DONATE PLASMA TANNING LASMAIS NEEDED HAHGIM67IMK IMMEDIATELY!

354-2244 Giving Plasma We Accept Visa, Mastercard, & Discover Sera-Tec llioloi|ir.ilK is completely 425 E. Woostor BG OH 43402 Limited Partnership sterile and 120% 20% | Campus 350 W. Woodruff Ave. On Hair Service Toledo Ohio 43624 safe. 20XOff 20* Off. Tanning 255-6772 ♦ There is a Ex. Jan McVeigh ■ First Visit Free 10 VISITS-$25 ASK ABOUR OUR "FUND RAISER" PROGRAM 20% JSXZLSSZZ 20% ■ FOR FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES! cash reward 20% ^ " " " "20V 352-7889 On Any Nail Service " Unlimited Tanning Save Lives, Earn Money for Plasma l 1 mo. - $35 20%Off /iW^\ 20%Off Donations! 2 mo. - $60 M-TH 10-8 pm Bring in this ad for a $5 bonus on you first donation! lAfE |UP{ED ALL TYPES ! 120% £ssarsra 20% 1 Fri.-Sot. 10-6pn£ m » Classifieds The BG News page twenty-eight Monday, August 28,1995

ENVIRONMENTALISTS Responsible, reliable babysitter needed for 2 Giant-Yukon men's mountain bike. Excellent Female non-smoking roommate. Crtijsn Action is now hiring. Come work witn us children. P/T flexible hours. 2nd shift. Own shape. 8400 new- 8200 NOWI Call 373-6063 CAMPUS EVENTS PERSONALS $2S0 plus telephone. on important environmental issues facing OrW. transportation. Call 419-866-1131. Cell 352-9168. No sales or telemarketing Involved. Some col- NEW Mac Performs w/ CO rom. color monitor lege preferred. Call tor interview 866-4463. A knags Writer II printer. Paid H7SO/both. 80210 HAS NO CLUE. $32S/week. SET YOUR OWN HOURSI asking $1200 OBO. Call 354-2185. Try Greek Lite at BGSU A experience the dif- Experienced loving female, non-smoker, want- Casey's Is raring ference. For more into, coll 372-2011. HELP WANTED Apply at 1045 N. Main. BG ad lor mull-tamily childcare situation Must be New sleeper sola A love seat Dine mat Campus Polfyeyes and aval. 8.30-12.30 or 1230-5.-30 T, Th, F. Own Contact 352-8661 after 3pm. or 372-8495 enter in the Back to School drawing. trans p Please call 352-0172, leave name, Want to joins dub of Bookbags, notebooks A t-shirts and morel flAAAAl Earn $2500 A Free Spring Break number A days/Pmes available. tradition and excellence? Trine! Sell 8 Tripe A Go Free! Beet Tripe A SPRING BREAK '96 - SELL TRIPS. EARN Prices! Bahamas, Cancun. Jamaica, Flor- FaU Semester Inlernahlp CASH A GO FREEm Sludenl Travel Services Vial the Collage Republican! SmiBl Corona portable word processor with table m the Union to learn more FREE FINANCIAL AIOI ida! Spring Break Travail 1-600-671OM. Continental Cablevlakxi Inc., the third is now hiring campus representatives. Lowest Over $0 Billion in private sector grants and largest cable television company In the spread sheet A data merge programs. Almost $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. rates to Jamaica. Cancun. Oaytona and Pan- lite new. Great tor school, home, office. Ac- scholarships Is now available. All students am United states, Is looking lor an Intern. We ama City Beach. Cal 1 800-648-4840 Wednesday and Friday 11 5 No experience required Begin now. For ink) cessoneainclud. 8200.832 2312aher6a0pm. eligible regardless of grades, income, or par- are looking for an outgoing, flexible Soph- enf I income. call 301-306-1207. omore, Junior, or Senior wilh good organi- Let us help. $33100. Sen 72 college T-shirts - prolt zational, writing, and research skills. Com- Want to be a Sports Broadcaster? Tsndy 1000 TL2 A Epson pr«itsr Call Student Financial Services: $331.00. Risk-free. Choose from 27 designs. petitive salary. Must be able to work 15 20. JonWBGU-SPORTS 1-800-263-6406 e>t. F5SM1 kilo mtg. Sept. 5,203 West, 0pm. Best oiler over $400 or design own. 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TEAM WILL MEET ON AUGUST 31 AT THE NEED TO PICK UP ANOTHER CREDIT pendent Representative. Call Felicia Ohio, Inc., Arln: Director of Corporals Af- ICE ARENA AT 10PM 121 West. 9:00. HOUR? LEARN HOW TO ICE SKATE! 1 800-886-0169 faire, 211 West Main Cross Street, Fmdlay, SPACES STILL AVAILABLE IN BASIC ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Ohio 48840. SKATING CLASSES (PEG 160 A 260). CALL An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/OrV Li%f to sing? f* Fishing Industry Volunteers needed. Ed. Sports. Rec. majors A 372-2264 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000« per month. Interested in a " any others interested in helping people please FOR SALE Room A Boardl Transportation I Male/Female. FULL OR PART-TIME FOR LAND- come lo an into, meeting Aug. 31 st or Sept. 701 No experience necessary! (206)545-4155 ext SCAPE/CONSTRUCTION. FLEXIBLE 'Boof^Scholarshvp': at 7pm. 303 Educ. You will learn helpful skills Some Guys Have AH The Luck! to enhance your ability to work with people who Be the big man on campus. A55441. 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Work 15-35 hours a week around your school Beginners T'ej Chi Ch'uan Tryouts tor women's dub soccer learn will be xiiflO sing in OUT chancel cfujir. schedule. Only one block off BGSU campus, Sat. afternoons beginning Sept. 9 or Tues. A held 9/5 IB by the football stadium from Cashiers wanted • aR shifts. south ol Woostsr Street, so you can walk or Thurs. evenings. Action School of Martial Arts. 4:30-6:30. Any questions call Dawn 2-4092. Fun working environmeni wilh benefits A shift 2 dorm size mlrtdgsratora (1 am.. 1 kj ). Cal drive. Many BGSU students work at this plant. For more info call 419-S32-0164 or differential. Apply in person al Barney's 181 352-2389. Rate of pay is $4.25 per hour. Come by to 41fra3?-026B. 1/2 S. Main St. v WANTED pickup an application form. Advanced Spe- 4860X33. SM. 360M. 15 Mon., scanner. 9KYCNVE - YOU KNOW YOU'VE ALWAYS Childcare needed for 3 preschool boys in our cialty Products. Inc.. 428 Street, Bowl- CD/sound, primer, $1200 OBO. 352-4549. Mfcaflp " WANTED TO. Skydlve classes offered 10 Perrysburg home. Position is 1 day per week, ing Green. Oho 4340? 6 ft. couch A loveseat. 10:30-11:30am Sundays minutes from BGSU campus Student A alternating Fridays A Saturdays. Additional kalligan Workshops, Inc. is now hiring in- Southwest print. Brand new. group discounts. VISA A Msstercard ac- BG fomaJe looking for reliable female rmie. to weekday mornings would be optional. Sitter Cad3S3-9031 or 3541423 spectors A assemblers We offer a new work 353-4336 cepted. SKYOIVE B.G. 352-5200. pay 1/2 of 2 bdrm.. 11/2 bath apt. Call Denlse must have dependable car, as some transpor- for more information. 216960-2220. ation is required. Call {419)874-1958. facility, a comfortable atmosphere, reasonable managers A daytime M-F hours. $4.25 to start Childcare for 11 yr old with raises on merit. 420 industrial Pkwy. Mon. 2:30-9pm, T-F 2:30-6pm. Trans, req. 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Main St. Downtown B. G. Spring Meadows Plaza 3-11 SHIFTS. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING WITH 4 or 8 or 12 hour shifts EXCELLENT BENE- ...Nobody sells FASHION for less FITS FOR FT/FT. APPLY AT: WOOO CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING COUNTY NURSING HOME. 11080 E. GYPSY Earn up to $2,000 plus/month working on LANE RD, BOWLING GREEN. OH We specialize in short hair styling. Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World 419-353-8411 travel. Seasonal A full-time employment avail- Part time position with Wood County Special able. No experience necessary. Olympics. Coach is needed lor bowling. Hours For more Information call Walk- Ins Welcome! Grateful Dead Night vary. $5.00 per hour. High School Diploma or 1 -206634-0468 ext C55441. equivalent required. Position runs through November. Application packets available at Day Delivery Personnel Wood Lane School. Em. B. 11160 E. Gypsy TUESDAY Apply 2-5 DiBenedetto's Lens Road. Bowling Green between 8 00 MTRF 8:30-5:30 p.m. Sat. 8:30-3:00 p.m. 1432E Wooste-St. a m.-4 30 p.m. Application deadline is Sep- AND lember 1,1995, EOE. Wed. & Sun.- closed EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Earn cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma- Pianist needed for Sunday Services. $45.00 terials provided. Send SASE to P.O. Box 774. per week. If interested contact Pastor Jenks at Otathe.KS 66051. 352-5101. ► l»ww»»WTWw»w»»f»»»wwwwwwww»*w»"»"«'»'» • i The Best Of rf4A>aA>s>e>s>a>s.s>s.«>s>a>A*s>4e.e.a>4e>A4.atta**Al.AaaiA4tl EBSCOTELEMARKETING SERVICE Pltime babysitting position in my south Toledo The Bootlegs WELCOME BACK STUDENTS! I home. M.W.F 7.30am-12:30pm. Position starts 1994 top 50 national out bound service agency Immsd. Non-smoker, ref. req. Please call after i Imported Beer Specials 5pm. (419)389-1859. Is currently expanding its sales furce If you are The Buckeye Room 118 & Over interested in earning top dollars ($8-10 per hr.). working flexible hours (mm. 15 hrsvwk.), re- RESORT JOBS - Students Nesdedl is now... ceiving weekly pay A building your resume Earn to $12/hr. and tips. Theme Parks, Hotels. then call now lor an interview. 353-6662 or Spas, and more. Destinations include Florida, come in to apply at 113 N. Main St. (across Hawaii, Colorado A So. California. Can Resort 110 N. Main Street Bowling Green, OH 352-9222 from Junction). Employment Services 1-206-632-0150 sit. R5S441. Campus Bowling & Billiards

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