This is telephone cable from more than two-thirds of the way to go. All over the country. Western Electric. It connects your the sun. Why was so much needed? telephone or data set with your local Western Electric. The people who Bell telephone company office — For one thing, Bell telephone com­ make Bell telephones and the com­ your link with 115 million phones all panies installed nearly 4 million new munications equipment of the future. over the country. phones during the year. And you're probably using your phone more The cable Western Electric made last often. All of which requires more Western Electric year contained enough wire to reach cable to get you where you want to

PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED your induigoiicc in something that really seems beyond the pale. Two Trade Winds authors, who go by the names of Chris­ topher Wren and Jack Shepherd, have Cleveland Amory come up with a satire on youth. No, we aren't making it up—they have made fun of youth. It didn't seem possible Sign of the Times—Re: the Capitol DEAR MARY, please take me back. I in this day and young age, but there it bombing, from the New Yorlc Post: love you and it was only a passing was, the evidence of their crime, a new fanny. novel. The Super Summer of Jamie A powerful bomb ripped through the JOHN McBride (Simon & Schuster, $5.95). Senate wing of the Capitol early today, Needless to say, we arranged to meet causing extensive damage but no in­ Tell me, John, where is fancy fled? both men in a dark place—one which juries. Finally, Nancy Steele of Philadelphia No group stepped forward immedi­ favored us with a travel item from the ately to claim credit. . . . Philadelphia Inquirer:

Well, we say, these days you can't For visitors, French St. Martin is a have everything. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rob­ bit like the Cote d'Azur of bygone days ert Woodyard of Picayune, Mississippi, —unhurried, uncrowded, and largely found, in the Times-Picayune of New undiscovered. There are only a hand­ Orleans, an attack by Representative ful of hotels and guest houses at the Butch Lambert of Tupelo upon the moment with a total room count of statewide system of public defenders: less than 100, but they have an ambu­ lance that combines West Indian we had previously cased as containing "If this is set up to give somebody drowsy charm with casual French no one under thirty. justice who maybe doesn't deserve it, chic. We peered at the men. Unquestion­ this legislation is crazy," he said. ably their names were pseudonyms. There's nothing, we always say, like Who, we demanded, were they? But remember, folks, it was a Missis- the sick chic. "We're both," said the one who pur­ sippian who sent it in—there's at least ported to be Mr. Shepherd, "editors at crazy hope. Elsewhere, our favorite In this column we have attemped to Look." "Personal" in many a moon came from bring you all shades of opinion—ours Ah, we smiled, at Look. Obviously Mrs. G. A. Rutledge of Warwick, New editorially and ours personally. (Yes, their cover. York, who found it in the Warwick Virginia, the we's won—you remember "I'm the Washington editor," said Valley Dispatch: our poll—in a walk). But now we ask Mr. Wren, "and Jack is a senior editor." A senior editor! At this we exploded. A senior editor. Clearly they expected Return to Sorrento. us to believe anything. "Actually, I'm Mr. Wren," Mr. Shep­ Even if youVe never been there. herd said. "He's Mr. Shepherd." Return to warm, sun-drenched Sorrento from other We held up our hand. We reminded sunny places like Naples, Venice, Florence, Rome, them they were both in this heinous Pompeii and Pisa. offense together. And then we asked a They're ail part of Alitalia's Italy Tour. crucial question. How old, we whis­ The $499 price includes round-trip air fare, sight­ pered, are you? "I was thirty-three in seeing, rooms with shower or bath, continental break­ December," Mr. Shepherd whispered. fasts, and either lunch or dinner. "I have just turned," Mr. Wren whis­ See Italy. Return the coupon. pered, "thirty-^ve." Sorrento. Shh, we whispered. Why, we also whispered, were there no biographies Part of Alitalia's Italy Tour. of them on the jacket of the book? "There wasn't any room," they both Two weeks from $499. said together. Extra-Value Vacatioiis It was entirely too pat an answer, of D Italy 2 weeks from $499. course. We decided for the safety of D Treasures of Italy 2 weeks from $499. (Continued on page 14) D Italy, Spain and Portugal 3 weeks from $689. D Italy, Greece and Turkey 3 weeks from SOLUTION OF LAST WEEK'S $789. For free brochure on Alitalia Tours, mail D Europe on the Town 3 weeks from $749. KiNGsi.EY DOUBLE-CROSTIC (NO. 1928) D The Londoner 3 weeks from $839. coupon to Alitalia Tours, 666 5th Ave., New D Italy, Sicily and Tunisia 3 weeks from York, N. Y. 10019 or call toll free from ALVAH BESSIE: $699. anywhere in continental United States-800- INQUISITION IN EDEN D Shrines of Europe 3 weeks from $699. D Portugal, Spain, Morocco and Italy 631-4299, in New Jersey, call collect (201) The time came when there was . . . 3 weeks from $699. 488-1234. nothing in the house to eat . . . and n The Continental 3 weeks from $839. Name D Italy, Monaco and France 3 weeks from there were no jobs to be had. . . . $699. AddressCity State Zip Aside from writing, there was very D Switzerland and Italy 3 weeks from $649. little that I was qualified to do. Holly­ a Italy, Austria and Switzerland 3 weeks My Travel Agent is from $699. wood was a . . . company town and Bargain Honten Tours I was not a factory worker ... in D Italy from $399. (Fiat 850, 1000 kilom­ SR-IT-3-27 /llitalia fact, I did not have a single useful eters, 13 nights AGIP Motels) nwyswcniDMiuc trade. Prices based on 14/2) day round-trip jet economy group inclusive tour fare from N.Y. for groups of 15 or more. Bookings must be made 30 days in advance.

SR/MARCH 27, 1971 PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ^sv?^ sgSfe . tnowa^'"' ^SS""": ,*»« »«.« A*!*"'

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See for yourself why over IVz million record and tape collectors paid $5 to join Record Club of America when other record or tape clubs would have accepted them free. TYPICAL"EXTRA DISCOUNT" SALE $4.98 LPs average as low as $2.00 $5.98 LPs average as low as $2.27 Savings of 62% or more from recent Club sales up to RECORD CLUB Of AMERICA $3.71 per LP. Start these giant savings now . . . not after you fulfill your obligation like the other clubs.

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DO YOU EVER There are no card RECEIVE whicli you must returr UNORDERED YES YES YES YES NFVFRI '^"''' '^^ fecords an, RECORDS OR "^"^''' tapes you want are sent mm YOU CAi^ TAPES' and only when you ask us to send them. MOW LONG MUST YOU NO LONG'^""'^ order processed WAIT FOR 510 6 5 to 6 I 5 to 6 5 to 6 5 to 6 SELECTIONS weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks CIlAlUSi; IT,TOO! WAIIo! ^flipping on cycle. TO ARRIVE' RECORD CLUB OF AMERICA CLUB HEADQUARTERS AT LAST A RECORD AND TAPE CLUB WITH NO "OBLIGATIONS "-ONLY BENEFITS! YORK, PENNSYLVANIA 17'105 X 793D Yes-Rush me a lifetime Membership Card, Free Irdinary record and tape clubs make you choose LPs or tapes will be sent later. If you can't find GianHt Maste r LP & Tape Catalog, and Disc 5 Tape rom a few labels-usually their own! They make 3 LPs or 1 tape here, you can defer your selec­ Guide at this Special Membership Offer. Also send ou buy up to 12 records or tapes a year—usually tion and choose from expanded list later. This me the 3 FREE LPs or 1 FREE tape which I have t list price-to fulfill your obligation. And if you entitles you to LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP-and you indicated below (with a bill for a small mailing and orget to return their monthly card—they send never pay another club fee. Your savings have handling charge). I enclose my $5.00 lifetime mem­ ou an item you don't want and a bill for $4.98, already more than made up for the nominal bership fee. This entitles me to buy any LPs or tapes 5.98, $6.98, or $7.98! In effect, you may be membership fee. at discounts up to 79%, plus a small mailing and harged almost double for your records and tapes. NOW YOU CAN CHARGE IT handling charge. I am not obligated to buy any rec­ BUT RECORD CLUB OF AMERICA If you prefer, you may charge your membership ords or tapes—no yearly quota. If not completely ENDS ALL THAT! to one of your credit cards. We honor four dif­ delighted I may return items above within 10 days Ve're the largest all-label record and tape club ferent plans. Check your preference and fill-in for immediate refund of membership fee. n the world. Choose any LP or tape (cartridges your account number on the coupon. 3 FREE LPs ind cassettes), including new releases. No LOOK WHAT YOU GET •xceptions! Take as many, or as few, or no • FREE Lifetime Membership Card - guarantees ielections at all if you so decide. Discounts are you brand new LPs and tapes at discounts up or 1 FREE TAPE iUARANTEED AS HIGH AS 79% OFF! You always to 79% ... Never less than Vi off. iave at least 33V3%. You get best sellers for as • FREE Giant Master LP and Tape Catalog-lists D 8 track ow as 99iJ. all readily available LPs and tapes (cartridges n cassette NO AUTOMATIC SHIPMENTS and cassettes) of all labels (including foreign) or • Defer Selection—send expanded list. Vith our Club there are no cards which you must ... all musical categories. eturn to prevent shipment of unwanted LPs or • FREE Disc and Tape Guide - The Club's own I enclose $5.00 covering my lifetime membership apes {which you would have to return at your Magazine, and special Club sale announcements fee. iwn expense if you have failed to send written which regularly bring you news of just-issued lolice not to ship). We send only what you order. new releases and "extra discount" specials. Mr. HOW CAN WE BREAK ALL RECORD • FREE ANY 3 Stereo LPs or any 1 Tape shown Mrs. AND TAPE CLUB RULES? here (worth up to $20.94) with absolutely no Miss Ne are the only major record and tape club NOT obligation to buy anything ever! Address. MNED ... NOT CONTROLLED ... NOT SUBSIDIZED GUARANTEED INSTANT SERVICE )y any record or tape manufacturer anywhere. All LPs and tapes ordered by members are City .State. _Zip_ Therefore, we are not obliged by company policy shipped same day received (orders from the to push any one label. Nor are we prevented by Master Catalog may take a few days longer). ALL All Servicemen write See. Sec. # Jistribution commitments from offering the very RECORDS AND TAPES GUARANTEED-factory new CHARGE IT to my credit card. I am charging my newest LP's and tapes. and completely satisfactory or replacements will $5.00 membership (mailing and handling fee for each be made without question. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY MEMBERSHIP OFFER FREE LP and tape selected will be added). loin RECORD CLUB OF AMERICA now and take MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Check one: D Diners Club D Master Charge advantage of this special Introductory Member­ If you aren't absolutely delighted with our dis­ n American Express • BankAmericard ship Offer. Choose any 3 LPs or any 1 tape shown counts (up to 79%)-return items within 10 days here (worth up to $20.94) and mail coupon with and membership fee will be returned AT ONCE! Acct. ir -Expiration Date. :heck or money order for $5.00 membership fee Join over one and one-half million budget-wise (a small handling and mailing fee tor your free record and tape collectors now. Signature- RECORD CLUB OF AMERICA-The World's Lowest Priced Record and Tape Club

PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED our children not to explore the matter Obviously, nothing was sacred to these further—except to ask if they had men. How many copies, we asked, did children. it sell? "We each," said Mr. Wren, "have a "It sold half a million," Mr. Wren boy and a girl." said, "in '68." Are you, we persisted, married? Mr. Shepherd looked at the ceiling. "We both," said Mr. Shepherd, "have "Where are you, LBJ," he said, "now beautiful, over-educated wives." that we need you?" "I believe in Women's Lib," Mr. Wren We ignored that. How, we asked, did said quickly. "Jack doesn't." they work together? "That's not true," Mr. Shepherd said "With great pain," Mr. Wren said. quickly. "I believe, honest, I believe." "And difficulty," said Mr. Shepherd. Aha, we smiled again, what about "I write a chapter," continued Mr. children's lib? We had them there, of Wren, "and send it to Jack." If you think course. They didn't even answer. Had "And then I rewrite it completely," they, we asked, written any other—we said Mr. Shepherd, "and send it to you've done the phrased it delicately—subversive ma­ Chris." Soviet Union terial? "You do not," said Mr. Wren. "Mr. Shepherd wrote a book about "I do too," said Mr. Shepherd. after the Kremlin, LBJ," Mr. Wren said, "entitled Quota­ Gentlemen, we said, gentlemen. We Red Square, tions from Chairman LBJ. I didn't asked them if they had anything they write a word of it, I swear." wished to say before we pronounced the Hermitage and "Chris," said Mr. Shepherd quietly. sentence. For the first time they spoke the IVIoiseyev, "Chris. It's me. You're among friends." in unison. He turned to me. "We wrote it," he "Only this," they said. "You forgot to it's just said firmly, "together." give us our rights." a grand beginning. Just as we had imagined—offended Elderly writers, we said sternly, the President of the United States, too. have no rights. After Moscow and Leningrad, our 2 most popular attractions, we have enougti intineraries to keep you coming back for 10 years. Without duplicating a thing. Ancient Russian cities. Don and Volga river cruises. Black Sea resorts and spas. Theatre and arts festivals. Language sem­ inars. Professional tours. Plus a collection of Oriental palaces and bazaars that have hardly changed since the 1,001st night. Write us directly or see your favorite travel agent and let him show you our exciting tour program for 1971. Until you've toured the Soviet Union, you haven't been anywhere. ^Intourist USSR Company for Foreign Travel Travel Information Office in the USA 45 East 49th Street, New York 10017 Telephone: (212) 752-3030.

"/ confess. I'm not really a guide. I'm an unemployed mvestment broker." PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG SR, MARCH 27, 1971 ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED The electric climate can do more than help make housecleaning easier for your wife... It's a superior indoor environment that can make any kind of building cost less to own...and it can help the outdoor environment, too!

Consider what the benefits of much better people live and play there is at its point of use. Gen­ the electric climate can mean to and learn and work in such a eration of electricity by combus­ you as a homeowner. And as a pleasant environment. tion methods can produce by­ cost-conscious, people-conscious The dollar value benefits of products that cause pollution, executive. And as a civic-minded the electric climate: but these by-products can be citizen. The initial cost of flameless better controlled at modern The human benefits of the electric equipment that results power plants. In fact, the electric electric climate: in the electric climate is com­ utility industry is a pioneer in Flameless electric heat is the parable to or lower than other the development and installa­ heart of the electric climate. It types. Requires little or no tion of pollution control devices fills rooms with a soft, even maintenance. And the cost of and, of course, is actively engaged warmth that can't be matched electricity remains a real bargain! in even further improving the for comfort. No drafty corners. The environmental benefits techniques of control efficiency. No sudden chills. Except for the of the electric climate: The electric climate promises a comfort, you hardly know it's Buildings with the electric cli­ better future. Find out more from there-whether you're in your mate put nothing into the air your electric utility. You, your electrically heated home or office around them.. .because electric­ company and your community or church or school. Think how ity is the cleanest source of energy will benefit. Live better electrically /Move toward a better world. Edison Electric Imiiiutc, 750 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017

PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED intrigue and involvement: a surge of Music to My Ears fiery music, a torch of burning melody, a swell of harmonic affection for the underdog (such as Kurt Weill partially Irving Kolodin managed for Lost in the Stars, a 1949 view of a not dissimilar subject). An opera lover listening unaware to The An Opera to Forget fanaticism did not serve so well in could not, for the and a Tenor to Remember Saint of Bleecker Street, nor prisoners most part, tell whether it related to of society in Maria Golovin. What he blacks and whites in South Africa or LIKE MANY other in the reper­ has thought to do with racial prejudice unhappy artisans in north Italy. Its tory of which it aspires to become a in The Most Important Man is not only method has more to do with Tosca part, 's The Most skimpy playwriting, but insufficiently than with the veldt, and leaves us hop­ Important Man ends unhappily. Like productive of musical impulse. ing in vain for new tones, new tunes, practically none other, it also begins We are asked to believe that Toimo new turns of Menottian invention. unhappily. This is not merely because Ukamba, brilliant black student of sci­ As the love-torn embodiment of pro­ its principal character finally dies ig- entist Dr. Otto Arnek, will survive a scribed passion, Eugene Holmes (a nominiously like a beast at bay, but postgraduate course in worldly disillu­ brilliant survivor of the unfortunately also because the beginning idea of sion and drug addiction to become his deceased Metropolitan National Com­ wringing lyric sentiment from the sub­ "master's" most trusted assistant; con­ pany) is first-class, with an order of ject of a Negro scientist at war with clude the researches that would make impulse accessible only to one born the apartheid society of which he is a the country the most powerful in the with the same black skin as Ukamba. part wrung no more meaningful music world and himself its "most important Joanna Bruno is a well-sounding, semi­ from Menotti than it does sympathetic man"; rebel in rage when the white skilled actress as his paramour, Cora; attention from the State Theater audi­ rulers of his land refuse to meet the Harry Theyard performs Arnek with ences that are currently viewing its conditions he has set upon sharing his the same kind of bumbling authen­ first performances anywhere. research; and turn against his bene­ ticity he brought to Albert Gregor in It has long been a part of Menotti's factor because he believes Arnek is The Makropoulos Affair, and Beverly procedure that a central subject mo­ motivated by prejudice when he takes Wolff is consistently wearisome as his tivate him on his way. In Ukamba to task for having a covert overaggressive, self-righteous wife. By it was spiritualism, real and phony; in affair with his daughter rather than much the most expert achievement of The Consul, displaced persons; in the speaking openly of their love. One vio­ the evening was Oliver Smith's evoca­ gay Globolinks of recent memory, visi­ lent action begets another, and Ukam­ tion of the scene, followed closely by tors from outer space. But if these ba is finally killed in a kind of stakeout. Menotti's staging of his own work and were reasonably successful, religious Only one thing could justify all this young Christopher Keene's productive music direction. Too bad they were not all involved with a less unhappy prob­ lem. Along with an opera to forget, the week produced a tenor to remember Send in Ihfe coupon wMi $1 with the latest appearance of Luciano Pavarotti in a Metropolitan sequence and ¥fe?ll send bode that began in November 1968. At that flhe Mclrapolilcni Museum of Aii^ time Pavarotti was fresh from Italy by way of San Francisco, where he had flhe CaKfomici PkilcMe of Ifie Legion of Honour contracted a laryngitis that made sing­ ing difficult. Indeed, he decided after liieCic¥cinnd Museum olF Art a few Met performances that he would be better off in Italy and left without and file Boston Museum of Fine Arts. completing his planned appearances. He wasn't heard again in New York until a few months ago (Edgardo in r Gentlemen: GAF Masterpiece Catalog Lucia and Alfredo in Traviata) and Enclosed please find $1. Please send Dept. SR-3,BoxNo.444 not at his best until a recent sequence me your 100-page Masterpiece Portland, Oregon 97207 of Rodolfos in La Boheme. That any Catalog listing over 2,000 great of these did, indeed, represent the best works of art from some of the of which he is capable is mere sup­ outstanding museum collections . .. position. But the quality of the sound, available on brilliant, museum pure, forward, easily produced, was approved 2x2 GAF Pana-Vue® uncommon enough to make any tenor Slides. proud to call it his best. Purely as malleable material, it was something Name. unheard from a newcomer since the first exciting days of Giuseppe Di Ste- Address. fano. City -State. .Zip. Mention of Di Stefano is, of course, the surest way to return any aspirant ® TheGAFPdiM-V^^ to reality, for these gifts hardly earned their owner the returns they should Mosteffiiiece Slide Series have. The weight Pavarotti has added since 1968 suggests that the appetite 16 SR/MARCH 27, 1971 PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED