It It Legislative Assembly MAY o, '"-y THE NICOLA \ h

Vol. 5, No. 20. MERRITT, B. G, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1909. $2 a Year.


No Settlement Arrived at This Week EVERYBODY WAS HERE New Westminster Lacrosse Champions In Vancouver Hold Minto Cup James Gray and T. C. Brooke, the New Westminster retains the Minto local members of the conciliation board cup. sitting on the cases of James Hardman Outplayed in every department of and William Reid, arrived home from VICTORIA DAY A BIG SUCCESS the game and run off their legs by the Vancouver on Friday. fast New Westminster field, the Regina No definite settlement of the cases in Capitals fell an easy prey to the cham­ hand has been arrived at, and it is quite pions of world Monday afternoon impossible to say at the present time when they were beaten for the second when work will be resumed. time at Queen's park, New Westmins­ It would appear from what informa­ The Coal Metropolis Puts Up a Two Days' Program of Sports ter, by an overwhelming score of twelve tion can be gotten up to the time of goals to two. In the first match New going to press that the members of the That Would Do Justice to Many Cities—A Monster Westminster v/on by a score of six to conciliation board did not consider that four. Monday the beating administered such cases as those in hand could be Crowd Was in Attendance to the challengers was more decisive, satisfactorily dealt with under the while in the series the champions trebled Lemieux Act. the score on the all- aggregation Matters virtually stand where they of stick wielders from east of the were before and the company and the Merritt's second annual celebration of J Hoggan $1.50, M Woodward $1, J Running broad jump; W Betts $7.50, Rockies. This is the first team to come miners will evidently have to settle Victoria day was a decided success. Clark 50c. R Thomas $4. west in quest of the Minto cup, which their disagreements between them­ The weather man was kind, good prizes Seventy-five yards, girls 12 and un­ Running high jump; D Dodding $7.50, New Westminster won last year from the Montreal Shamrocks and it is a selves. were put up for all events, the com­ der, Dorothy Carrington $1.50, Kath­ F Riley $4. It seems to be the general public leen Bills $1, Iva Skelton 50c. foregone conclusion that any team petition was keen in both the athletic Pole vault, D. Dodding 10.00, F. that aspires to the world's la­ opinion that if the company agreed to One hundred yards, boys 16 and un­ Riley 5.00. abide by the decision of the board, as and horse racing programs, and the crosse championship who come out of der, Tom Clark $2, Leslie Curnow $1.25, Half mile men's race, W Corkle did the miners, an amicable settlement public generally were in a happy state the east will also return empty handed O Murray 75c. silver cup donated by Calgary Brewing would have been arrived at. of mind and enjoyed the two days of —for some time to come at least. Re­ Seventy-five yards, girls 16 and un­ & Malting Co., valued 20.00; 2nd, L gina Caps are not the first to come New negotiations are expected to be sport immensely. der, Helen Hyland $2, L Blackwell Thomas 7.50. west for matches with the champions. started shortly. $1.25, L Earnshaw 75c. The various committees and officials Putting 16-pound shot, 7 foot run, no Like many other star teams they came, Fifty yards sack race, boys 16 and did their utmost to give the visitors a follow; J Alexander 5.00, J Woodward they saw, but failed to conquer. And under, O Murray $1.50, J. McEvoy $1, 3.00. it's going to be the same with a lot Maointyre After Fees hi arty welcome and provide for their Tom Clark 50c. Men's hurdle race, 100 yards, 6 hur­ more teams before the cup leaves the Kamloops Standard: A special des­ entertainment. The expressions of Ten yards potato race, ten potatoes, dles 3 feet high; W Betts 10.00, R Fraser river borough. patch to the Standard from New West­ outside opinion shows that they suc­ boys 16 and under, Percy Clark $1.50, / J McEvoy $1, T Curnow 50c. Thomas 5.00. Regina never had so much as a minster says that A. D. Macintyre of ceeded admirably. look in. Kamloops has entered action against Fifty yards three-legged race, boys One hundred yards fat men's race, The first day was devoted to the 16 and under, Clark and Johnston $1.50, 195 pounds or over; F. Pyle, 7.50, W Shorty Dunn and Ernest Colquhoun, LOCAL NEWS present address, penitentiary at New athletic events, which were all keenly Murray and McEvoy $1, Steffens and Wilson 4.00. Westminster, where they have been contested. In the evening of the 24th. Costillou 50c. Men's one mile race; I Conklin 15.00, Victoria day is Merritt's day. residing since the latter part of 1908 a dance was held in the pavilion, ex­ Football match, 10:20; piize $25. F Dinsdale 7.50. ewing to the circumstances over which cellent music being furnished by the Merritt won over Middlesboro by score HORSE RACING of 1-0. Fishing is now the main sport on the they had no control, they having got Merritt orchestra, under the direction SECOND DAY mixed up with Bill Miner, a C. P. R. Baseball match, 3 o'clock, Hudsons tapis. of Professor Simmons. train robber and the law. Bay Company cup and $27. Merritt Half-mile, repeat, free-for-all; first Horse racing occupied the second day team won over Middlesboro by score of prize $125.00. second 50.00, third 25.00. It is stated that Mr. Macintyre's suit Mrs. Archie Clemes of Spences Bridge 7-6. winner barred from other events. First is for legal expenses rendered the men and some fine races were witnessed by was a visitor to the coal metropolis on Football kick (run), Jack Hallinan J Budd's "Crazy Ned," 2nd W Garri­ when he acted for the defence at their the spectators. The meet turned out Victoria day. 5.00, Jim Forsyth 3.00. son's "Shoofly," 3rd W Garrison's trial. The amount claimed is #90. to be a much greater success than was "Baldy." It is thought that possibly Bill Miner anticipated for a town the size of AFTERNOON Half-mile dash; 50.00, 25.00. 1st Dr. BORN might have been included in the suit, One hundred yards dash, men, R. Curtin's "Ginger," 2nd C P Charlton's KlNG-On Friday, May 21st, 1909, to but his present whereabouts is un­ Merritt. Thomas cup -valued $20, donated by "Johnnie." Mr. and Mrs. Dell King, a daughter. known and it is not believed substitu­ Altogether, the two days of sport Pacific Bottling Works, Seattle; 2nd Quarter-mile dash; 45.00, 20.00. 1st tion of service in his case would be con­ were two glorious days for Merritt. E. Thomas $5. Dr Curtin's "Ginger," 2nd Charlie sidered by the courts. The largest crowd ever gathered to­ One hundred yards dash, Indians, Mike's "Jim." P. T. Barnum's expression "bigger and better than ever" will apply to gether at any celebration in Nicol val­ J. Quinn pair shoes value $6; Alex $3. Half-mile Klootchman's race, heats; Merritt's Victoria day celebration of Ooal Company vs. Hardman ley was that which partook of Merritt's Bicycle race; rifle value $7.50, 10.00, 5.00. 1st Emily's "Sally," 2nd Ellen's "Rosie." 1910. The case of the Nicola Valley Coal & hospitality on the 24th and 25th. The donated by McLennan, McFeeley & Co., Vancouver. Won by E Thomas. Cowboy obstacle, (turning stakes); Coke company vs. James Hardman, in new coal metropolis has nothing to be Miss E. Palmer of Stump Lake is Seventy-five yards ladies' race, L 20.00, 10.00. 1st W Everson's "Nig­ which the company endeavored to have spending a couple of weeks with her ashamed of in connection with the Vic­ Blackwell sun shade valued $7.50; L ger," J Alexander's "Ginger." Mr. Hardman vacate the house he is sister, Mrs. H. E. Forsyth at Middles­ toria day sports. Earnshaw Nicola HERALD and Home Quarter-mile pony dash, 14 hands or living in at Middlesboro, has been de­ boro. cided at Greenwood. Mr. Hardman Below will be found a list of the prize Journal one year. under; 20.00, 10.00. 1st T R Mac- Two hundred and twent-' yards, donald's "Adeline," 2nd W E Potter's cannot be turned out of the house winners in both the athletic and horse Mrs. Raspberry and daughter, Mrs. men's race, R. Thomas $10, E Thomas "Tony." without entirely new proceedings being racing programs: Currie, of Lytton, are in town for a $5. Half-mile trot, to harness; 20.00, started, and all costs of the case must few days during the illness of E. Rasp­ ATHLETIC EVENTS Fifty yards, three-legged race, men's; 10.00. 1st J Thynne's "Dewey," 2nd be paid by the landlord. berry. MORNING R and E Thomas $6, B and D Dodding W Murray's "Papoose." $3.00. Half-mile Siwash race, heats; 10.00, Do you intend building? If so, call Stiffs for Canada Fifty yard dash, boys 8 years and Fifty yards egg and spoon race, 5.00. 1st J Stetkie's "Hooker," 2nd and see J. P. Boyd, at the Diamond under, 1st W Paige $1, 2nd T Clark ladies; Irene McGoran $5, Mrs. C. Col­ Tom Peter's "Smokey." General Booth, head of the Salvation Vale Supply Company's store for prices^, 75c; 3rd W Dodding 50c. lett $3. Cowboy's half-mile dash, horses to be Army, has cabled approving the pur­ on Lumber. Don't forget—do it now. chase from the Canadian Pacific railway Fifty yard dash, girls 8 years and "Four hundred and forty yards men's saddled and bridled after bell rings; of 10,000 acres of irrigated land south under, M Woodward $1, Nellie Grim­ race; R Thomas $10, P Koss $5. 15.00, 10.00, 5.00. 1st F Riley's of Calgary, on which he will settle a mett 75c, Bella Clark 50c. Seventy-five yards klootchman's race; ' 'Rooney,'' 2nd J Alexander's • 'Ginger,'' A general meeting of the members party from the slums of this Seventy-five yards, boys 12 and under, Emily $6, Matilda $3. Oliver Walker's "Cheyenne." of the Merritt Athletic club will be held year. He will visit the land in Sep­ Tuesday evening next in the HERALD tember. Pacific Coast Marathon Damage By Bush Fires in Interior Hedley Camp Mineral hall to wind up business affairs in con­ nection with the celebration. Will Chandler, the crack Vancouver Hon. R. G. Tatlow, minister of Frank Bailey, M. E., returned from The Coldwater river is overflowing its Athletic Club runner, confirmed his finance and agriculture, l-etumed to the Similkameen Friday last. He says banks at places, the water having risen title to the Marathon championship of Victoria this week from attendance at all the mining properties being de­ Just received a large and complete rapidly the past few days. the Pacific coast by an easy victory at the meeting of the board of horticul­ veloped in Camp Hedley are turning stock of stoves, ranges and granite- Recreation Park Monday afternoon. ture at Vernon. While there he in­ out good ore in paying quantities. Mr. ware direct from the McClary Manu­ Art Burn, who was considered his most A few souvenir badges of Merritt's vestigated the damage done by the re­ Bailey has let a contract for a 100 foot facturing company, London factory formidable opponent, dropped out ex­ big Victoria day celebration are left and cent heavy bush fire in the Spallum­ tunnel on the Crown Point mine and ex­ and all kitchen furniture at Armstrong's hausted in the nineteenth mile, Rowan, pects to be one of the first to ship out may be obtained at the HERALD office. cheen and Salmon Arm country. He big store. of Nanaimo, who ran well throughout, Price 25c. Do it now. found that great damage had been high grade ore. The V. V. & E. rail­ finishing in a good second place. Of done to farms and mills in the neigh­ way are constructing their road in this Edward Raspberry's condition has the nine who started only four finished, borhood of Enderby and Mara, while vicinity. Whilst in Hedley Mr. Bailey not improved any the past few days. The brigade captained by Sam Hy­ the order being Chandler, Rowan, Ras- reports came that in the Silver Creek sent 100 pounds of ore to the A. Y. P. Although every effort is being made to land on the work of getting the cele­ mussen and James Bancroft. district the fire was smouldering. The mineral exhibit from his properties. save his life and the best of attendance bration pavilion into shape completed fire was more serious than many people Today he went up the Coldwater exam­ waiting upon him, complications have their labors on time and entirely satis­ Look over your stock of stationery, imagine and a great deal of distress ining coal properties for eastern set in which make his recovery doubt­ factorily. then place your order with the Herald. followed in its wake. capitalists. ful, we regret to say. I / THE NICOLA HERALD

THE NICOLA HERALD perieiice and that next year the sports will be a greater success L. a. LOBSINGBR, Publisher. NICOLA VALLEY than ever. There were big prizes Published Every Friday Bank of flontreal and good horses and whatever mis­ Subscription, in Advance, $2 a Year Capital, $14,400,000. Rest, $12,000,000 Head Office: Montreal. takes occurred can easily be over­ BREWERY looked. "To err is human; to Sir Edward Clouston, Bart. Vice-President & General Manager. MERRITT, B. C, MAY 28, 1909. forgive is divine." Interest Allowed Is now ready to supply your Savings Bank Department. at Current Rates When you see it in the HERALD wants with the best on the it is so; if in another paper it is The Creston Review says: Bob BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: Edwards has migrated to Toronto, market. so-so. • $5.00 and under 3c. Over $10 and not exceeding $30. .10c. where, to our way of thinking, he Drink the Beer that is going Over $5 and not exceeding $10 5c. " $30 " " " $50..15c. will last just as long as snowball to help make the coal metropolis fam­ TheRe ORDERS aro PAYABLE AT PAR at any office in Canada of a chartered The bounty on coyotes for the would in hell. The Calgary Eye- Bank (Yukon excepted). districts of Cariboo, Yale and ous, grow fat and LIVE till you die. They form an excellent mothod of remitting small sums of money with safety and at Opener is no more. Bob has made small cost. Kootenay have been raised to $3, Patronize Home Industry the mistake of his life. His dis­ big-horned owls $2, and for golden A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED tinctly western style will not suit L. F0RSCHNER, Proprietor -eagles $3. the easterners. His character de­ mands orders from no man. He Merritt Branch, Nicola Branch, Lord Ncrthcliffe has published a has acted fearlessly in his capacity FOR SALE A C. GOURLAY, A. W STRICKLAND, signed protest against German air­ as a newspaper man, and he has ACTING SUB-AGENT. MANAGER. ships and protests against yellow incurred very often the displeasure Cattle Ranches, Fruit journalism generally. There are of Mrs. Grundy and the mock- Lands or Acre Lots. some people who might feel like modest puritans of the wheat belt, Coal lands in the Nicola and Similka­ directing his lordship's attention to but he will be missed. On yes, he meen Vallies for sale, lease or bond on Matthew VII, 10. will be missed. When crooked easy terms. Now is the time to buy a $500.00 Ger­ men around Calgary needed a hard Heintzman Upright Grand Piano Those English journalists who lashing, it took Bob Edwards to do nearly new for $250.00. Development work and mining con­ complain that Hon. Joe Martin is it. Tnere isn't an editor in the tracts undertaken. Examination and a mild and tame politician must province of British Columbia who reports. have gone to his meetings expect­ doesn't wish old Bob good luck in FRANK BAILEY & CO. COLDWATER HOTEL ing to see him in sheepskin leg­ the cens belt. Mining Engineers, - Merritt, B.C. gings and with a coupte of guns WM. McINTYRE, Proprietor dangling from his belt. Merely a Dream A good place to patronize I dreamed I went to Paradise, far from this vale so dark, and having The big tunnel on the C. P. R. reached that happy land, I sought the Ashcroft Hotel First-class Accommodation. Best of Cuisine. Newlj' renovated. Headquarters for line near Field was successfully haseball park; they charged me nothing mining men.. Electric Lighted, Hot finished last week. The new bor­ at the gate, but led me blithely in, and and Cold Baths, Cozy Rooms. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. murmured, as I took my seat: "Tho Table in Town. Fine Bar. Commo­ ings have cost the sum of $1,500,- home team's sure to win." A winged dious Sample Rooms. 000 and will be handed over to the fan beside me sat, within the grand­ operating department of the rail­ MERRITT, B. C. stand's shade, consuming pearly pea­ McGillivray & Veasey, Props. way in time for the inauguration nuts and ambrosial lemonade; I asked for the double service on June 6. him why the shining hosts all wore such The grade by means of this tunnel happy grins; "In heaven here," the fan replied, "the home team always is reduced from 45 per cent to 22 GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL wins." The game was nicely under 1 per cent. way when I fell out of bed, and busted KAMLOOPS nearly all my slats, and fairly spoiled The nearest hotel to the railway station my head; forgetting I was back on The only convenient hotel lor travelers. rNICOL. A VALLEY MAT MARKET A dispatch from St. Petersburg Good rooms,. good table, good liquors. earth, I cried: "How was the game?" Two large sample rooms. Good stabling says: Reports from abroad of ne­ The surgeon said: "They shut us out in connection. gotiations for an Austro-Japanese —it was a beastly shame.''—Walt W. DOBSON military understanding, providing Mason. PROPRIETOR DEALERS IN for an attack by in case of an European conflict, have been seized Prime Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork and Ssusage, : upon with avidity by Russian sen­ ^:\ For sale or to let ^•'M*': 800 acres of mountain pasture land. Poultry, Hams and Bacon, Fresh Fish sationalists. Several newspapers Apply, M. Adams, Merritt, B. C. publish long discussions upon the CATTLE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY THE CARLOAD • 'r'~ • • - : probability of a rear attack. The «,'.-. 'v --•s;- f^ Grand Central Hotel I. EASTWOOD, Mgr Russian foreign office does not at­ tach the slightest importance to Ashcroft, B.C. these reports, and says that the COLUMBIAN COLLEGE Everything up to date. Best cuisine in 1892-1905 town. Bar supplied with the best wines, Russo-Japanese relations are on the liquors and cigars. When in Ashcroft best possible footing. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. O. stop at the Grand Central. GEO. WARD, H PROP Rev. W. J. SIPPKEIX, B. A.. B.D. MERRITT* Miners and prospectors are re­ Rev. J. P. HOWELL, Bursar minded that they have to take out A complete commercial and business T>JL- ••&£•• ^ad FOR LOTS AND ACREAGE IN THIS, THE their licenses on the last of this course. Students prepated to gain teach­ ers certificates of all grades. In univer­ month at the latest. They should COMING TOWN OF THE INTERIOR SEE sity work A full course for th« B. A. de­ remember that in the event of their gree of Toronto University. METROPOLITAN neglecting to do so, their holdings Instruction given in Music, Art, Phyi- H. S. Cleasby, s Coutlee become government property, and cal Culture and Elocution. or at Nicola Valley Meat Market, Merritt, are open to be staked by any man Send for Calendar. MEAT MARKET coming along, who has a free every Wednesday & Saturday afternoon miner's certificate. Companies 60 YEARS' NICOLA, B. O. who own mining property are in EXPERIENCE the same category- If they have not secured their license for the The choicest of Beef, Mutton, etc., year their ground may be staked always on hand. Under new manage­ just the same as any uudevoped Fresh Fish, Eggs and Vegetables, ment and personally TRADC MARKS supervised. ground. DESIGNS DRIARD COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch nnd deserlptlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ Cuisine unexcelled. The big success of the Victoria tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents T.HESLQP, - • PROP sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. day celebration should be very Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge. In the gratifying to the people of Merritt. HOTEL Hot and cold baths. It shows what a number of progres­ Scientific American. W. H. GRAY A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation of any sclentise Journal. Terms, t3 a sive people can do in any com­ year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. (R. M. WOODWARD'S SAWMILL.) Livery accommoda­ munity when they set about it in 361Broadwa tion for tourists and MUNN &Co. »- New York BUILDER and the proper manner and with the those desiring to spend Branch Olllco. 625 F Ht., Washington. 1>. C. spirit of patriotism predominating. CONTRACTOR a week-end in Nicola. This was Merritt's second celebra­ 240 acre hay ranch for sale tion, and, while there was a little Comprising 15 head of stock, farming ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER NICOLA, B. C. Finest hunting and misunderstanding in connection implements, household goods, 80 acres SASHES DOORS in timothy, 40 acres in hay meadow, fishing; guides, horses, with one or two of the horseracing SHINGLES MOULDINGS balance easily cleared. Located in Ot­ S. KIRBY, - Prop. etc., always on hand. events, the worst that can be said ter valley. For further particulars ap­ is that everybody can profit by ex- ply to M. Adams, Merritt, B. C LOWER NICOLA, - B. C. THE NICOLA HERALD

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that thirty days after date I, Wm. Mclntyre, of Merritt, B. C, intend to apply to the superintend­ ent of provincial police, F. S. Hussey, of Victoria, for renewal of a retail liquor license for the Coldwater Hotel, located at Merritt, B. C. • Merritt General WM. McINTYRE. Boost for Merritt Merritt, B.C., April 26th, 1909. 4 NOTICE :5tore:= Notice is hereby given that thirty days after date I, Geo. E. Hygh, of Merritt, B. C, intend to apply to the superintendent of provinciai police, F. S. Hussey, of SEE OUR STORE Victoria, for renewal of a retail liquor license for the Hotel Merritt, located at ANT>DEAL WITH THE Merritt, B. C. GEO. E. HYGH, Merritt, B.C., April 26th, 1909. 16-4 Diamond Vale Supply Co NEXT WEEK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that thirty clays A NICE LINE JUST ARRIVED OF AND BE CONVINCED AT THE after date I, S. J. Solomon, of Coutlee, B.C., intend to apply to the superintend­ EVAPOEATBD FETJITS ent of provincial police, F. S, Hussey, of Victoria, for renewal of a retail liquor FRESH AND GOOD—TRY SOME license for the Coutlee Hotel, located at BARGAINS Coutlee, B. C. APPLES PEACHES APRICOTS FIGS PRUNES S. J. SOLOMON, Coutlee, B.C., April 16th, 1909. 4t WE ARE We sell LEA & PERRIN'S SAUCE, the only NOTICE genuine Worcestershire Sauce. 40c per bottle Notice is hereby given that thirty days CROSS & BLACKWELL'S PICKLES, delici­ OFFERING after date I, Stanley Kirby, of Nicola, B. C, intend to apply to the superintendent ous and appetizing—Chow-Chow, Mixed, White of provincial police, F. S. Hussey, of Onions, Walnut 40c per Bottle Victoria, for renewal of a retail liquor I We carry a full line of Groceries, Dry licenss for the Driard Hotel, located at Try a package of the celebrated CARNATION Nicola, B. C. WHEAT FLAKES. Delicious for breakfast I Goods, Hardware, Sporting Goods, etc. STANLEY KIRBY, Nicola, B.C., April 26th, 1909. 4t NOTICE Notice is hereby given that thirty days Diamond Vale Supply Co after date I, Joseph Guichon, of Quii­ J. A. MENZIES, Prop. chena, B.C., intend to apply to the sup­ erintendent of provincial police, F. S. Hussey, of Victoria, for renewal of a retail liquor license for the Quiichena Merritt, B.C. Hotel, located at Quiichena, B.C. JOSEPH GUICHON, Quiichena, B.C., April 26th, 1909. 4t

NOTICE. mT>TP*>&T>'W>9>T>*>€>>€*€>*e>*-.<*<*<%<*<%<% <%<%<%<%<%<%* Is hereby given that thirty days after date I intend to apply to the superinten­ dent of provincial police, Victoria, B.C., 1 for a retail liquor license for the Grand \ QaiUGHENA H9TEL Hotel, at Merritt, B.C. HOTEL MERRITT QXJILOTIEnsrJL, B.O. MRS. C. HOGGAN May 1st, 1909. Merritt, B. 0. £ Boating, Fishing, Shooting, Guides, Horses, etc. t RATES $2 A DAY. MERRITT, B.G always on hand. ssfeaA, FIRST-CLASS WINES AND LIQUORS. Jk jtroa ssfSt wlr.Qtijt- FINE ROOMS «M» FINER TABLE EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR TOURISTS $ FINEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Hot and Cold Water Baths. Terms: $2.00 and upwards. £

FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS JOSEPH GUICHON, ::: Proprietor \ COLUMBIAN COLLEGE HEADQUARTERS FOR OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS 1892-1905 NEW WESTMINSTER, B. O. Proprietor BEST ON J* ^ Bev. W. J. SIPI'REIX, B. A., B.D. G. E. HYGH Rev. J. P. BOWELL, Bursar Victor Safes, THE MARKET A complete commersial and business course. Students prepaied to gain teach­ ers certificates of all grades. In univer­ sity work a full course for the B. A. de- Guaranteed Absolutely Fire-Proof. geee of Toronto University. Instruction given in Music, Art, Phyi- R. j. MCGREGOR If you are in need of the best, write to E. G. PARNELL, M1 Culture and Elocution. agent, P. O. Box, 880, Vancouver, B.C. Send for Calendar. Painter and Decorator

PURE BRED Signs, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters, etc. Painting, Graining, Papering, Stencilling, Fres­ JERSEY BULL coing, Gilding, Kalsomining, etc. MERRITT LIVERY AND FEED STABLES FOR SERVICE Estimates furnished free on all kinds of work applying A. J. COUTLIE, Proprietor. At the undersigned's ranch. to the trade. JOHN H. COLLETT Saddle Horses, Single and Double Drivers All work guaranteed first-class. Once tried you will have no other supplied on short notice. First Class accommodation for Horses. Everything New and First Class. Express meets all trains. F. G. PAIGE NOTIOE TO CREDITORS Keep your eye constantly on the HERALD advertisements as many good opportunities can be obtained therefrom. BUGGIES FOR HIRE. General S In the Estate of Nawlslstkin (Peter) Chief of Shulus Indian Res­ ervation, Deceased. 60 YEARS' Blacksmith EXPERIENCE HENRY'S NURSERIES NOTICE is hereby given that all pers­ -AQBNT FOR- ons having any claims against the late FOR THE SPRING TRADE: Nawisistkin, who died on the 7th day of $1000 Tested Stock—Seeds for Farm, Garden April, 1909, at Shulus Indian Reserva­ or Conservator}-—from the best growers Sharles Tubular tion, B.C., are required to send by post BUYS in , France, Holland, United prepaid or deliver to the undersigned States and Canada. executors of the will of the deceased, A well built new frame house their names and addresses and full par­ TRADE MARKS HOME GROWN CreamSeparator DESIGNS containing 4 good rooms, barn, ticulars in writing of their claims, and the COPYRIGHTS AC. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits ALSO FOR nature of the securities, if any, held by Anyone sending a sketch and description may woodshed, about 1 acre of land. •-"-, ascertain our opinion free whether an Fertilizers, BeeSupplies, Spray Pumps, by them. Invention Is probably patentable. Communica­ Quarter of a mile from railroad Spraying Materials, Wire fencing and And take notice that after the 15th day tions strictly conHdent[al. HANDBOOK on Patents The famous John Deere sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. station, near to stores, post- gates, Cut Flowers. of June, 1909, the said executors will pro­ Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelre office, church and school. and Fleury Plows ceed to distribute the assets of the de­ tperial notice, without charge. In the 140 Page Catalogue Free ceased among the persons entitled there­ APPLY and all olasses of Farm Implements to, having regard only to the claims of Scientific American, OFFICE, GREENHOUSES & SEEDHOUSE, which they shall then have had notice. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrgest cir­ culation of any sclentlHo journal. Terms, 13 a Nicola Valley Land Co., 3010 WESTMINSTER ROAD, JOHN H. COLLETT, \ Executors year: four months, (1. Bold byall newsdealers. PETER THIBODEAU,.rxeCUt0rS• MUNN &Co.36,Bro«d^- New York COUTLEE, B.O. VANCOUVER, - B.C. MERRITT, B. C. Dated Merritt, B.C., 15th April, 1909. Branch Nursery, - - S. Vancouver Branch Office. 626 V BU Washington, D. C. A THE NICOLA HERALD

LOCAL NOTES Church Services. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL CARDS Anglican Church: Rev. J. Thompson will conduct ser Souvenir picture postcards of Merritt M. L. GRIMMETT, LL. B. vices next Sunday as follows: and Nicola Valley on sale at the drug BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, store. 2 Sunday, May 30th, (Whit Sunday). Coutlee Hotel Merritt, 11 a.m. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Corner lot on Quiichena and Chapman Middlesboro, 3 p.m. Solicitor for the Bank of Montreal. streets for sale, size 63x120. Apply to Nicola, 7.30 p.m. M. N. Adams, Merritt, B.C. NICOLA, B. C. cand Store c Sunday, June 6th. Nicola, 11 a.m. (holy communion). The Gateway to the Nicola Valley Coal Fields The shower of Wednesday was just Nicola, 7.30 p.m. WM. RILEY what was needed. It will make roots and "baled hay" spring up rapidly. Presbyterian Church: General Blacksmith Rev. D. K. Allan will conduct services Horse Shoeing a specialty. Under one Management, better next Sunday as follows: NICOLA, B. C. Special picture postcards of the big Lower Nicola, 11 a.m. than ever. Victoria day celebration now ready Merritt at 3 p.m. and for sale at the drug store. 2 .A.. O- F. Nicola, 7.30 p.m. Concise and special attention OURT NICOLA, No. 8031, A.O. V„ moots second and 4th Thursday in each month given^all patronage. Cat 8 p. m., in Pooloy's Hall. Visiting brethren Dan McKay of Otter valley sold this cordially invited. week to Joe Coutlie for J400 the stal WANTED We are receiving a new line of It. HAZLBHTJBST C. R. lion Canadian Prince Dubay. REV. D. K. ALLAN, Sec. Groceries at all times, fresh Cali­ WANTED—Offers for 320 acres Crown Contracts taken for driving wells- Granted land at 8 mile creek containing fornia fruits and vegetables every valuable possibilities in coal and min­ Mires or Douglas pumps.—Apply to M. erals—water rights of the creek flow­ week. N. Adams, Merritt, B.C. ing over a portion of the property fully UNDERTAKING secured. — The Mamet Lake road A carload of Flour and Grain. M. Cruikshank, formerly engaged divides the land nearly in half. Title Caskets and Coffins of all Sizes on Hand. Also Wagons and Al Buggies to with the Diamond Vale company, has is absolutely flawless. Address been down from Savona for a few days J. H. BYRNE, N. J. Barwick, Nicola, B. C. arrive shortly. April 26th, 1909. Chilliwack, B.C. Call and be convinced. You will be assured of a square deal. 4 First-class lodge hall in central por­ tion of the town can be inspected and BEAN BEOS. applications made at the Herald office. TENDERS DEALERS IN Sealed Tenders are hereby called for W. A. Snider, representing the the painting of St. John the Baptist HIDES & FURS church, Nicola. Two coats. All ma­ 8. J. SOLOMON & CO. Sharpies Separator Company of Van­ Office at A. JACKSON'S STORE terial to be supplied by the painter. COUTLEE, E.O. couver, visited Merritt and district this MEEEITT, • IB. O. week. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be received by the undersigned not later than Fri­ Will the person who took the wrong day, May 28th. ICE CREAH black Stetson hat from the pavilion For further information apply to Parlors are now open for the summer kindly return it to A. Jackson's store A. W. STRICKLAND, months. Best Ice Cream and •and get his own. or Ice Cream Soda in B.C. H. H. MATTHEWS, G. H. NASH - QUII.CHBNA AVENUE All the latest standard shaped J. Church Wardens. TO THE PEOPLE OF MERRITT AND THE B. Stetson styles. Also a full line of NICOLA VALLEY: Ladies' Trimmed Hats at Armstrong's PURE BRED big store. H. PRIEST, I have opened a drug store in temporary quarters secured JERSEY BULL Photographer in the Nash building. It is my intention to carry a full Dan Fraser, who has been ailing for FOR SERVICE line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Drug Sundries, Station­ some time from inflammatory rheuma­ and Sign Writer ery, Magazines, Post Cards and Cigars. I hope by Honest tism, left this week for Victoria to un­ At the undersigned's ranch. Goods, Honest Methods and Honest Prices to merit your dergo special treatment. JOHN H. COLLETT MERRITT, - - B.C. patronage. Special attention to mail orders. A few souvenir badges of Merritt's BE WISE big Victoria day celebration are left and NOTICE TO CREDITORS LIKE THE OWL may be obtained at the HERALD office. and have your face laundried at G. M. GEMMILL Price 25c. Do it now. In the Estate of Nawisistkln (Peter) Winegard's Barber Shop DRUGGIST MERRITT, B.C. Chief of Shulus Indian Res­ (Near Coldwater Hotel) On opening up his store last Saturday ervation. Deceased. G. M. Gemmill remembered the Herald NOTICE is hereby given that all pers­ staff by presenting editorial pipes. ons having any claims against the late WM. COOPER They are excellent smokers and are Nawisistkiu, who died on the 7th day of only a sample of the general good qua­ April, 1909, at Shulus Indian Reserva­ GENERAL CONTRACTOR lity of the new druggist's stock. tion, B.C., are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned executors of the will of the deceased, their names and addresses and full par­ Plastering Brick, Stone, J. Peck MacSwain held an important ticulars in writing of their claims, and the unofficial position in connection with nature of the securities, if any, held by Cement Floors, Side­ the Victoria day celebration, and car­ by them. walks, Foundations, etc. And take notice that after the 15th day SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! ried through his work in a most official of June, 1909, the said executors will pro­ Work promptly and neatly executed. manner, and had the honor of being ceed to distribute the assets of the de­ complimented by a number of ladies on ceased among the persons entitled there­ the efficiency with which he carried out to, having regard only to the claims of MERRITT, - B,C. The only way to save is to deal with his duties. which they shall then have had notice. the Premier store of the Nicola valley JOHN H. COLLETT, \Executors PETER THIBODEAU, j^xeculors- THE THOROUGHBRED Dated Merritt, B.C., 15th April, 1909. G. M. Gemmill, the druggist, is now STALLION BARGAINS IN ALL LINES opened up in the front portion of Nash's bakery. He is already receiving a Spring house cleaning. I am headquarters for liberal patronage. Mr. Gemmill is 0 0 FO R 0 0 Linoleums, Carpet Squares, Mats, Jap Mat­ satisfied with the outlook for his new departure and has every confidence in ting, Wall Papers, Burlaps, etc. the future of Merritt and Nicola valley. 'MILITABO' I am opening a ladies' ready-to-wear depart­ Job Printing BY MILNER-BON ITO ment to my store and can supply waists, skirts, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thynne and coats and everything that a lady may desire. daughter, Miss Ethel, of Penstowe SEASON 1909 ranch, Otter Flat, attended the Victoria That Talks Gents' furnishings at startling reductions. day celebration, and are spending a few days with friends in the coal metropolis CALL ON Look the problem square in the face and and vicinity. Mr. Thynne's horse, The thoroughbred stallion 'Militabo,' "Dewey," showed that he was there ..The.. by Milner—Bon Ino., bred by Jos. E. with the goods by winning first in the SAVE trot to harness race. Seagram, Waterloo, Ontario, and owned by T. J. Smith, Vancouver, will travel Merritt, Nicola, Quiichena, Douglas C F. Law, the Vancouver mining NICOLA Lake, etc, districts. Stud fee, $20.00. broker who has just returned from the 20 Mile House, where he has been C. B. ARMSTRONG, MERRITT gathering up his horses, returned to Vancouver. Mr. Law will go up to HERALD For particulars apply, Babine Lake very shortly to prosecute work on a rich ledge he has located R. A. SMITH, MERRITT there, he is also interested in the Bon­ anza claim near Barkerville and intends PRICES RIGHT — OR— to have this worked within a short time.-Ashcroft Journal. WORK PROMPTLY DONE S. KIRBY, NICOLA i JU