^P^T^^ifl—>—^P——PJPPPiPP^W^ ''^^^mmmmmmmmmmmmm P»gt6 Th« Eagto Ulc Htadllght — N«wt for Southrn Colofado County, T>xa< Thursday, March 21,1996 Thursday, March 21,1996 The Eagle Lake Headlight — Hows for South>m Colorado County, Tax>« H9»1 Come enjoy Eddy Raven in concert Nashville recording star Eddy such as Professor Longhair. Dr. John, career fuIl-Ume. "Bayou Boys", "I Got Mcxk»", sics: "Sooner or Later", "Island", Young Love", "I Should've CiOled", miiiMrEirs Raven will be the main attraction at Dale and Grace ("I'm Leaving It All Raven's attaition to quality has "Shine, Shine, Shine", "I'm Gonna "She's Playing Hard To Forget", "I "Who Do You Know In Califonk" Friday night's outdoor concert from 8 Up To You") and John Fred & the paidoff.He'sconsistentlyatdietopof Get You", "Joe Knows How To Live", Could Use Anodier You", "She's and "A Little Bit Crazy", p.m. to 1 a.m., following his opening Playboy Band. diecharts with music Uiat often defies "Til You Cry" and "In A Letter To Gonna Win Your Heart", "Right Hand When Don G»t moved to ABC act, "Cotorado". The great Bobby Charles fWalk- classification. He is an artist who, You". Man", "You're Never Too OU For (Sec Ravca, P^« D PRAIME CHICKEN FESnVAL Admission is $10 and tickets may ing To New Orleans" and "See You without sacrificing any musical integ- Even his songs diat did not hit die be purchased in advance at Wik:ox Later Alligator") Uved only a few rity, has had number one songs such as top went on to become country das- , J - Foods IGA or the Chamber of Com miles away.
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