CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. (lncorpor:ttcd by the Central London Railway Act, 1891.)

Omm , 55, BROA Dl\"A Y, 1\"ES"Dll'.'::ffER, S.\V . 1.


TO BE scB:-llTTED T O TllE PROl'Rll·.TORS .\T _\'.': ORD!:\ \RY GE:\IR.IL :-11.I·.Tl'.':G OF TllF C0:-1!' I:\\" TO JlL llELD .IT Till" C.IY!"CJ\; II.ILL. C.l:\TO:\ STREET, II E>"Dll'.':STl.R. :;.II'. 1 0:\ Ti!CRSD.\Y, TllE 19rn D.IY OF FI:BI\l.. IRY: 1915 . . IT 11 o·cLOcK J:\ TIJL FORE:\00:\.

DlRLCTORS. t. THE R!Glrl llO'.\'OLR.-\BLE LORD .\SllFli-.l.IJ, in r.'>:an! 11 )zu.,-, )5, B: J.:i...l\\J)', \\e.uninster, Lom.iva, S.\\. 1.

Till:: RIGHT 110'.\'0LRABU LORD GEORGE J L\\111.TO:\, L.L.::-.1., 1;-, :\lonugu Street, PortmJn ::i~u.1r~, LouJu:1, \\. [). ;,:; L .11r111

FR.:\~K PICI\.., 1:.SQ., Auinaru .1!a1111,;w D1rubr 55, Broad\•,:iy, Westmimter, London, S.\\. :.

ZAC ELLIS K'.'\AJll', ESQ., Directer of CQ11strun/011

55, Bro:1dw3y, \re,;1minster, London, S.W. I. COLO:-;EL SIR llERBERT JEKYLL, R.E., K.C.:11.G . .\11..:ns:i.:;d llou~c., CoJJlmin,g, Surrey. ' CEXERAL T JI E HO:'\. SIR HERBERT A l.l ~X.\~DJ-:R 6~ J b L.\\\ RF:\'C'F. l\.C.B .. '' ~om .ud Street, London, E.C. J. SIR \\"ALTER RO Pl ~ R I.A\\ RENCF IJ G C . 94 , E:iton Square, London, S . \~ . ' ~RT., ..l.L'. ., G.C.\ '.0., C.11., RAILWAY COMPANY. CENTRAL LO ooN


TO Ill. >L n,1n·n \) T O T l lf. PROl'Rll"l"Olt:i \T \'\ ()\U>l'\ \R\' Gl''\\·:R \L '!EfTt'\G OF TllE co:-tP\'\Y TO Ill llL\.\) \T Tiii: C\\TO'\ ll \L!.,

C\\TO'\ STREET, \HSDll:\ST FR. S.11. t. O'\ Till R,;ll.\Y, Tl IL 1 1 l).\Y

OF n:BRl:.\ RY. 19z;, "' II o'ct.OCK !'\ Tlll· \'ORI'-;(\()'\.

1, Y r Oircct< n 1ubmic the Fitt.ln1.:":i.\ \, ..

Oc,-embtt 1 • t

I :. Th f U \ung is 1 umm:iry of your Comr ' ' l ft

:\ct Re

1 f1 '.'.\ ro Re :\~t) m Re 1 I..

T,c1l '.\ t ln

l'u. .\c.. o ~T '.'\o. 9- / HJ!Jt rm l.i I }....lr·-! \

ntJ.-a- L :crest, Rent ls lnJ ::.:it her Fixed Ch lPC

•.\FrrorriJtinn to RcscrYc for Contingcncic :mJ Ren \ul

Di\ iJend on Preference St ·k. • •

BJ.l.mccDd1::rrcJ lu·bblc OrJrn:if) for D1\ St

100 £819.-zf

. . . "unda m;cw Jj;s :-JJjcHy·; Gm-crnmc·n< ;n1coclucc.I • J@ iL".> _P·•;;;.'m<~ l f··: the cc.nao! 6. ~)an~.& th~.\~n .in•l around J.oml•lll . T he Bill undt·r the ode of tl1e l'."r.~( :l I roi.f,.( ·:'-, l(J-4• ·::nc 1r.to 0 ·:.:. >n.11;>< not th"dorc been '""" cncntgh in "l'cr.ition '" "'- wl>lt '"' '•c t .I be ''· ;:;~;~~~,'.~' ~,~~i:;; 1 rn~u l. ,IJ,:o'.l tralfo gc'!lcrJlJy. -. T he Bill rr"motcJ in the 192+ St•••ion of P:trliJmcnt h· ~:our ump::~· ;i.::~l tl1- :\It· •j:-<11'·::,31 1 Di~'""lt.t 1 RJilwa\· CvmJ'.lD\._ \lhidi , , St:bmi1tc.l 10 .ind .lf'!'wn".1 by tlic Pro1 ndori :H the "f :tl (, ricr 1 \ c .:.; }.dC or. 11 1 the ; 1.:1 FC"t-I 1Jr) . 19.::+. rcl·cin::.! Ro)·.11 \ ~,;cnt ~ 1 n the 1+1h July, 192t. :-· a:;d other S. The r(• icy of imrro1·ing to the Hat of your r ilw1y h. I 1C""' ·c: t·n Jr-!. 1 accc~~ ion~ 1 rr ! .. '- cdir:~ imrrll\TffiCr.ll· h;in• bl'l'n comrktcJ during thC }'CJr :lt the Jb:1k '1li :-J.t:i'b l 1.; h '.°'t r ~;i1isi.ao0rily ;it OxforJ Cir..:u• Toucnh:nn Court Ro:h!, Bord ~trn:t and Liver, oc·: :--1 • '.'-ta· n n ~ ,. R.. :1".:t\" Q Tht.• J,onJo1n Elc ·nic, !. lcuorolit.111 Diqri..:t, City an,! :>rnd1 l .c .., on lomFJ.m~ !TlflZ: i•1 !"I' C<1 ,Fire~ . etc.) .\,:t, 19 .:0. \\hi..:h ;11:thori~c.l incrc;"~.:s ih 1~1.1x:1~1 1 1 r \C bcr.::; cur:cc ncJ. t·xr1rcs in l\·brn:irr, 1925. The cxi

~ . 10. !.lr .. 11. ~ - Blain , one of the 1 \ ~~i~tant !.lanagin,z Director; c.f ,. ·r((''T" wo.k in CQnn1 .twn "1th traffic oper:ition was carried out\'. ' r, .:.iblc dfo

H crbcr~1jck:UhcRD·!rcc~ors rctirin~ by rotation arc the Rt. 111 •1. J,o:-. t c;~or"'r II:i.r ( ' Cc~··::d ~ ;r . • ' .L. K.C.!.1.G.i and, being eligible, they off1·r tlif'msdn:s f1 r :-i.: c'

I Z. The .\uditor( :.1~~n. \\' B p C !.i.nwid, :\ litchdl S: Co., · .... ·. · d cat & o., \dio ha,·c rcn·::th· a1t£-'"CJ 1 ,. ' t ., a 1~o n.:urc, an ofi'r.:r thcms<:h cs for rc-d<:c d. ·::.

55, IhoAowAy1 \\'r.."T Mr :-sTER, S.W. I. 5:h Ftbruary, 1925

The Transfer Registers will be closed f will b rom th e 5th to the 19 h F b c posted on \\'cdncsd a . ., ,.tl :c ruary. 19.-:;-. an~I DiYi,knd \\ ~.irr.:;.1it~ . } ' - ) t l b .:bru;try, 1 9~5 . (C. L.R., 192+)




Xo. I (•).-XO ~ l l X, \I. C.IPIT,\L ACTllO Rl oED, AX D CR! \'!TD BY TIIF CD:\IP\XY. 1-

Shu... ,_,,,, Sh•r.-b."utc .J "• n••c 1 !\1 .l ~i:o.;k. St

[, l l I. !'j I ·\c cont rring C.ipu.I p,_,,.,_.n whkh \ been !Ullf t1<'fCIJ('d ••• III. ::fC'CUI \, u ;onfutir.~ C~riul r.'""r. whi.:h h.in nM .'rt ~en iullyuer

CC"ntnl Lo ~o R.iil>uy >\", 1q1 _; (\mended ov l' tr.al l.onJ,n ai J .\lem.1fQlit.1n Di 1ri 1 R.ul""Y C ~ra \\'orl) \er, ''I~- ;50,000

Ccntr.i I >ndon RJihuy \n, 19q \ \, cnJ,·J br C<"mral 1.onJon and ~I, tr politJn I l>znri t Ri.il"ar ComrJnics (\\ ~rls) \,t, ..,,, 3;,,000 TlTu... £ -f,6o;,

:\ • 1 (c).-X0\11:\.\I. C.\PIT\J, .ICTllOR!ol IJ \:\]) lRI \' Lil HY,( \II OTI IR L!l\11'.\:\Y LP \K.\TI I Y C,l \R 1:-;·111' J'I\11> DI\ Ill! :\DS. Y·!

:\r•. 2.-Sll.\RE C.\PIT,\L .\:\D STOCK CRF\TFD, ,\,!'FR 'l'\l \II:\!':\. 1 (., '111.111:\C Tiff l'RUl'OR'J'J(J, l''l l.ll.

Da.mr1i,,Q. ,\· ,, d. d

l l l l i!pt"rccnt. Prt!crcncc Stock (1902) 150,000} i!pc:rcc:nt. ,, Preference: Stod,; (190<1) ... .no,ooo •'° Lndi\·idcet 1/1~6l>jl 1,(S6,6;;i Prdnrc:d Ordinuy Sto.;l .. I r j,000,000 t.5(,,t,74 (.51 .l•j ~ Ddcrr~ Ordin~ry Stock . } I (,5(,,f.;-4 C>5ti,1,~-I

TOTA.I 3,4&,,000 l ~dSo,ooo H >00 (C.L.R. , 19 ::+) :\o. ; .-C \PIT \I R.\l:'...ED BY LO.l:\S A:\D DFBE:\Tt.:RE STO

T L T.,ul o.t..uturo S1<>< l•

[ . l l l 1,1; q ,ooo (jl /,:'IOO 1 50,000 ' l I 9 ! f•OOO 150,000 :\ I ·· ~·lj,000 :--\


[h. :-; . . .f .-Rl 'CIIPT' \:\DI \PF:\DITL RE 0:\ C,\PITAJ. ,\CCOlJ:\T.

T E• I I. \< • Toot '' ' . [ s. .!. I. " J I. '· J. I, d. £ J. J. -£ I. J. ~h.:. l""l:: 1 JI s .and St j,.\'"<>,000 0 0

D r re 5: t '.'\.," 1·5H,OOO o o ~ ... ; 8 0

I' •

2 !jl 0 0 :8. ;1 o o Pr ~h r ;. 5 ;6 l_i 8 :--tock

1'1 I> tur J f> f r c ~ 11 ~.1 ,;;2~ 8 l !1 !.: 1 ~ • .;, I I I ( &. ·c,) 7 I J,ji•.. o


I >i LJ 'I !<)/ 15 1-f 8 I ::-:ocl -J!,)j o ,, tQ 1S 11 / Tou t. b :r• rn'li: l 1'0 1,.1. Rru11·1 [ •• ~ 11 , ' •~ I I f o BJ. nee L '.::_ - ~~ ,·o. ·I (.,).-Sl B S <..RIPT I O N~ TO OTllFR l'O:lll'\:\IF ~ . .\ot aptli,uU11tJ tl·u<.' '/'·1'1)'. (C. l..R., 1924.)

No. 5.-DET,\ILS or C,\PIT.IL EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR F.XDED 3' t nr.u::-lllER, '9'·1· I. (' t• "'''''"' f l.jnJ•nd \\,, M>d :.... ; ~ .. oud P•olU hl•? C'o.inptn"'

I. J. J.r;/. f, J, J. '·"·

Int rnl :t .fi ~r (C'nt. R<'J aM<' p, l'<'nlurc ~t

Cr. J-',J'•i 1,

1, .;; :; I

\[1 cll.mc.·1.u:\c" \\vrl.t.mJ.\jJ11ion1

RI!: ll';-;~.-,.-l- ,. \\i I \. J:ti ;r.nl I. f

t (ir \\ J l nc) "ll

T ul Capiul bl'cnditure f,,r t' Y ar

:\,. 6.-1 'TJ:-1.\TI 01· I L!('rl IR J:>.rl XlJITl RI ~\: l \PIT.\! \CC<>l XT.

~ptll: U«\\ \C

£ £ f,.,rTu!Iic-


;,; L.!cctri Power !'u1 , etc.

J a1 l in "! }anc~

Xo. 7.-CAPITAL POii ER:; AXD OTllER ,\ SSI T S ,\\ 111. \!!I.I T(l \II IT I l JfflJl:R I \J'I \;lllTl RI 0:\ C ll'l'J'AJ. .\ClOl :\ l.

~to \;, ~J,;orc and 1.. ,.n C~ft.il ~u1 or .! but 1 t ) t d ;U f rSUlC <'Ill :'\o. I ,.; ) ••

1.11 ~l (C.L.R., l\)~f.) . ""RE OF Tiff \\"llOLF l':SDFRTJ\K l :SG . . '"D EXPf'.;01Tl . -- . · .-RI\ E :i_ F. RF CE I PT' .h _ - , Ir;;;-;;;;-

"- J, ti. £ 1- i. S7J""" n 1H _•:- 2.ry;JO •s 1 l

£ J . J, \ 1·/"'t; t; 10 ,, \

"' ' · l

l' :; ,300 10 ~ ~ ,189

Toul ~ t In

r,. , 1~ J. £ '· d. l - 9-l·'.'!S 12 10 74411

T OT . 355 ,005 7 ' 35.J,6;9 £ ,. J. I { ••~;.:> ,. l,Si2 43 . ~? 0 0 43,040 ' 3.JJO "' ; "13 1 21,4~

f ' c

rcu:t.f'(ran n-

Ordi.u1y Stocks

1. J. ~ .f ib I "' 21 :fl', ,I Q, ~-;; !'"' J I .) 4 L___

:\?. 9 (a).-STATDJE:\T OF l:\TER l:ll DI\ JDE:\D:; P.\ ID.

1-=tcfo, LJ, , .,,r.d•, Yw '9'f £ ,. J. lkd 2rd~f 10 i l:.t ;.m O Int tJ d.itldend p.ud on £f;j(•,l,j4 l'.re n- red Ordin.a ry Stock at :z per cent. ''· 'II 9 7

L J f al nu 11 .1 f t I> ~r. urr it>,1 to ll ~ l ahce Shett L.__ ------l i___.:__ -.....!..--=------~I

!Jr. No. • >. Rill WrS l:\IJ I \PL .IJITl RI I Kl l'I CI 01 K Ill.II \Y llOKKL <•. Cr.

fo lJP"' lllL ., . r I .~,, "~ Ir.Ml• In L L I'« Pn A. ,l\!Jinfrn.1111tk ,,

II (2) h!Jiritf/IJll(C' ai1J ltcnt\\JI of Lifu .an.I I ,,,,, ,, I .. I ,., l .. J ' C-(1) 1:lt1tric'l.1.11in \\'orlin.i: I'' I '''°·'''. ••• 4 i I I ·f.f~,I (l) J. ih and hu!Jl"r \\orl11 ' .. Zll,8 I ,, ' SI h "I l II I D.-Tullic hJ '7·1'\ ' ' .,, \\ rlutc11'1 ·1 1 u L- G

T ta Rrc ip~ fro

·" ' ' I • r I' t R.11u1 " ,,

Ti1hc R<'nt Cl m~c

:-.;ui ,,, Ith ' 14:11 lnemr"' .' ' •

G.-Rur . g P·.Mtr (C•edit lhbnrC')

tJ! Lxrcn.iitun T Tuffic , , I 8 ~6-1,./Jl " I 'R ' ~foe~ lj s,r; 1f1 .'',})j

TvtJI Li: p adirur~ '" J II 7 !'let Rrct'IFU 1~,,,,7(1 J ,, l0/•711 rrJ•.il I 5;Joo6 l ~17,.;1~ l

TR.Kr .- •um\\ cf \\ > RE\E\\"\1. OF\\ IY l:>;D \I.ORK.

~l ,., " ' ,.,., ' • "8 I! • r., \ ' • ,,,.. ,,. " " • .I ' ' . ' \?~t ' ( q1 9 ... 1',6 "•4i?... ' . " ,I;;:; • ' ""' ' I" '"44'i ' 6,n,,, .. ,,) ·-· 0 ,. I " .:,s,, t\11 ; I Jl,j11 "" 0 " • ; 31,.501

'I TI. I ll \\I> RI\! II II. ()J (()J JI\C ~,-roc i.;.

£ .. J

;, I~ I j

I·:;; 4 S jl,jN

.: I I S

f I· ~ ! ~ 11 51.JIO 1

-\. ~ flt\l .1 r • \ !;'>. l. \ \ .\D RI :\f\1 I~ 0' I 111 :- \'\J) J :-C \ !..\TORS.

£ '· J. .. £

' ., 10 (J

I iJ.! p; 0

.\Jc~IR'.CT C (1 ; .-1 I.I CTl'IC \ , TIC\!:\ \l°ORhJ\c;. ., :1 I tnc L It t ""1#>- J. L 'LI of Tr~~n inc!i.;Jing licah::i I /,•l C: r l " ti,, ~... T~ \J

Tn.u ... .;,1 t.: 1) 11

ABSTR.1Cr c (z).-Lll T \'d~rOR \VORKI'\(;. r " l £ J. L

Lif1t- 111 7 'J

\\.ir.:tt (includin_t: Clothing) IJ I' 1 lr

1.~1~· r

1..1-16 l '· 4 [ f..,;1 ,, S.ibritt 1nd \\' J~Ct :­ Supennu:nJcncc ,,, St.ili

Fud, Ligl.ting, \\'atu, and Gener.ti St res

Clothing T

'.l.lilcdl.ancous Exp


.\B~TR \CT I • <• \I l

Directon' Ftcs ,., ·tcd b;• Si· rd.ul.Jcu :\uditor! and Public \~counl.l.nt S1brics of :'-.lan.oging Dirc~t r, S rt·t r , \ Ofiicc Eii:pcnse'I, dit o Rating 1 xj'C"nsct Fire Insuunce

., '

AllSTJUCT F.- L\l'I· "ISLS OF COi.i , l 110\ \'\ ' I> l \ l I l' \ ' l '· , 1< ABSTRACT C.-RU:'\\l\G PO\\ U{S Rl:t 1· IPT' \\!> p \\ \l, "\ 1, l:\ RI ,1•11. l t l Rl ,, POI\ LR I \Pl· \,I.~.

Rtcript. l')rntntt.

£ I. d. ,'\ P~ucngc r TrJ.in Tuffic l J. :1.:fi1 ·' I ,, I} .I .l r Tt•• I l\B 'TRACT 11.-lllll.l._ l\GE, DI \ll RR .\GI \\Jl \\ \t ;(l"\ llJRI f 71.>SI ABSTRl\CT ).-JOI 'TLY 01\l\I._ ]) l\l\D JOl:'\Tl.Y I.I \Sl .ll 1.1'\I ~ . RI 1. I 11' r, \"\1' l \l'l "\ '1 · Aot i1f'/'/11,1b/, I• ti <. f y.

l'J,Jll (C.L. R., 19 :.+) l:.!

-'\h 11.-RJ-:CUfYJ'S ,\XO E.\I'l::''\DlTl RE I;\ iu:~PFCr OF 0:\1:'\'IBUSES AND TllER PASSl-:NGER. \ "ElfICLhS .:\OT RUX:\l:\G 0~ THI:'. RAIL\\'AY.

s.,, ,, __ RECEIPTS .1:-.D L\.PJ·::-.DITL"RE IN 1u:sPECT OF S1T \~IBOJ\TS.


So. '4·" -RECl.ll'J", ,\.\.D E\Pl-SDJTL"RE I.\. RESPH.:r OF DOCKS, 111\RllOURS !IND WllJ\RVICS.

,-~ 15.-HH;J·JI'"f~ ,~-~.\l~~l~~~l~~~L~~~~./,~{:~·~J'll~C'~~\~l~I :~'~']~~~~./~~\~ o~~~~ ~ ~~~~ l f\ IENT ROOMS l\No

Xu. ,o.-l

:'\o. ,-.-ELl·Cl'RIC PO\\LR A:'\D LIGHT ACCOU:'\T.

n,. c,, T o c.-;uj , I thcra ,:, u 1· ..... 1~J- ' I ' '" l.."npld I \ l £ J. £ '· " '· CurrC'nt ~urpF1:J- 1,3..> 1 ·Y'7 o. ~" I 1 ;: ;- ; "6 ; h•r Tu

9 4 ' .)(;' ~ .j~f 0 c • T ~:~l Ui.stri u ... 11,;:;: 4 ' 4,05 ./,!l] Spccill Ch.ir;;C1 lkllilc-r I u·1 c ;i •; ,, ;; ) ~:;:r•IUI '~u :i, Be· ·· h ndJ.& .. ;o Cor.1rcnu1io11 ·· " t.f, Xu.ion.al J.. -ur.i.11 ' L I /_ H".J..! th I?: ) L' crmr'(lrm ~~·t I Oj 1(, 8 Z I , ' I Jj ' Tcn.u . ., £ 7r,1:> 1 T . I ..!____ ' \ ...... -.J~ ';/ - T " /



No. 18.-GE:-.!ERAL BALANCE llEET. C1.

,.,., ?'•at l?>J 1•1/J· l ,\ l 1. J. " To Car ul \ uni, bala cc 1t ",, I 13,435 lly C1 hat lhn\tr anJ in illnd . 1 ~tt f, .a pt'r \ ~unt .'.\<>. i

i'Jl ,013 6 9 ~09,043 1,160 Investments in Govemmt"nt ::>c:curities ' '~ '"\ \ ccoun11 rccci\'lblc 7,0S3 6 8 -; _i.67 I llt r t plul u act:ruing JnJ rro- 11JcJ f ~1,s.:.4 17 ):I

\li ·lllnco1u Accounts 49,3:~ ; Ji.JU \m Uilw;i.y Coi.aplr.i an,l \',.JOJ Lamm.tu~ ..

57,:w:: • \ ;.&.e.t papHe

T. UC at n: J :. JP 15 o

'.\L ,v:cous .\ ..i: ts 54/Jf/

Fif\:l~r.a h1 J JIO

Rescn·e f"rC01 tin "i:-s acl.l Rcncw.1! 3- 4 1_; 330,f,-11

H1:1 u hie fr Di11 s anJ R ·ne asp r £ 1. { • . \ ~ ..... u::1 '.\o. 9-- ;f-,.+8.f 10 J_

DtJ11ct tr to Re _n

})t'.lrtctl:ueri .U1\1· dend~ p.-d as I r .\ .::cou::t :So.'} ) "I II J ,,(.,.!


, •. 1C.L.R., r92+) 14


!.-.\Ill.I \ GI· 0 1 LJ:\ES.

(. \ .}- ~1 1 k 1,i.; 1i( I.inc 01 ·n fpr T r.11lic .

~.Ji1111 hob RrductJ "l(>t;i](>f ,,.,., ,~,,. ' I t~I \l,IC"I to Sin~!t IUll llitfd l"mh (1nlu"°'J I<> S1n1tl~ "J r•ck Ind.. rr~1d1ng1, Stu I ·;;~~;l Elect! ii.I i~ .\I. l~ . :\I. l'J.. .\I. lh . :\1. I Cl, '.\ I. Ch. .If. C!. I ll ;•1 ;S 57 Tom. Ill •; ;'} 58 LI__ .. , 5i " ,, i') ,., " 57 "

4- .\I: c- C r. ~..-ucr, .\·th" '""• (:.. lonu11.i.1, n. (: :I")~ not I ''~:n~~Gl~ l.rllj: h "· R I 1.i:ngch ,f R<>lllJ. I Ltn •b ·I R'Ad,. I 1 ·"· C.:h. ~. .\J. Ch. I Ch. (d .\/. I I 6. I •' I T TA.L ., 2] I >J (C.)-~libgc o! Im r ll owcr.

:-,;U11bcr (liri.1ing l'Nr t·,~,ity.

.\111,.Nr. l

~t"JIS, ks s 64 3,,,{1 ,,,. " J, luS o, ...·'' 'J'OIAJ. '"'' ~. 1, 'I 25H '" - 11 ,ti1N ,. -- -· " (D.)-C02chin~ \ ·chicks (other th:tn Electric). (E.}-:'\lcrch2ndi~e 2nd ;\tincral \ "chicles. ry \ t ;;.,"," '.'r I 11'1 C "'f""-''· -- (f.}-R:tihuy Scrlicc \"chicles. ,,

T .._

IIL-llOR~[' \\I> llO\ll Ii llICl.FS I \IPI.OYI ll I\ TI!F co1.u:crIO\ \\[)Ill I.II I RY or P.\RCE!.S .\'\\) uOOI». ,\'\ll !'\ n l CO'\\ LY \\Cl. (l\· I' \SS!·\(;!· \(S.

\\'.-'>Tl· DIUO.\TS.

\'.-C \\.\l.S.

I !.-DOU•. :;. II \RBOLRS \\ll \\'II \R\ FS. \ I I -IIOTI· U'.

\ t•P. I J l p.my. \'III.-1 \\!), PROP!RTY, &c-, '\OT FOR\ll;\(; P.\RT OF TIIF R \I I.I\ \ Y OR ST \T!O\S. , . \ ' 3 '

1 ... ,-- ~ 1\:.-0TIII R 1\lll'STKHS . .\ta b ( \:. \1.\1'\TI '\.\'\LF \;\!) Rl'\11\ \!. 01 II \Y .\\ll II 01' s \l\,;}'11 \l r \.)

1 •l •

z.! Tr.;

? "51 ~ Jut.

\l. l "'· er. ;> ;o

1,; ilJ 13 79 , 7 58 Sil. \Us of Tuel RCDCIRocd

\1.-:\l\l:\TF\\\CF ,\\D RF:\11\.\J. OF ROl.Ll\G STOCK (.\BSTR \Cf Jl.). ,, rur19:3. ,.....ny·• llJI.." Ta1:i.I. '!ot.d. "\\ or'~ ,...

1-- ,,, 2!~ 16> Ditto Pino (Light) 1-5 1;5 ""' Electric Tr.iin \·cl,;dcs ur:Jcr r . . , ...... ,, ci 1 'uim.-: t(J':un 11 end of rar 31 31 (C.L.R., 19 2+, ) 15 (D.)-Coaching \ 'chides (other than Electric). (E . )-i\ l crch:mdi~c and 1\ lincral \ 'chicles . .\" t "Pfli(.1 11' to tl:i1 C "lf•iny. (F.)-Railway Sen -ice \ ·chicles. 'Y.

A•h Jnd Ballin Wagons JUil Wagon• ,,, BrrakJo ..-n and Con11ru<.'.1i:in \"an1 Steam T ra\·e!lirg Cr. , £1cc1ric Locomotives .. :-.l iKdbnCO\li ,, TOTAi.

111.-llORSLS .\ \D RO.ID IEll!CLFS l·:l lPLO \T D I\ Tl lF COl.LECTIO\ \\ll 1>11.111 RY OJ nRCfl.S " A'.\D GOODS, .\:\]) I\ T iil·. CO:\\ I \'.\\CE 01 J'.l::.::>l·:\(;l·.lb . " J\'.-STEA:l lBO.\TS. V.-CA:--IALS. \'!.-DOCKS, HA RllOL;RS .\\D \\'II \RI FS. \ '11 .-HOTFLS. l f.\t ap;!u ... !~ : : u (. p.iny. 1'111.-LA\ D, PROPERTY, &c., :\OT FOR:lll\G P.\RT OF Tllf. R.\1 1.\1 \\' CIR ' T\TIO\,,

T '

Other Hou cs and Co1u.i; ~-s

IX.-OTI IFR l:\Dl':''l'RIF,;.

r------X.-:11\1\Tl\A:--/ CE ,\ \[) RL\ I \\'\L OF\\\\ .l \ ll 1\0l'k' II'> R \ (I'\.

Quami:ii::1 .,f rrin ·ral nut ·r;.l!s kJ :­ Ra.iii ~~n .• l .ongitudinJ.l Timlx:r{O

~ lilcs :-.t.o.inu.inetl :­ \I L- :0. lilcs of R~d 70 :O.l ilei of Ro.i.d r4-.luccJ : 0 Si~·~lc T~·· (D) Runf'.ini:; Linc ...... (b) ::ndmgs ).hies of Tr•ck R.,r.eY.ed ,,_:''19 I

Xl.- :11.\l\TF\.\\CE AXD RF\ l.\\'AJ. OF ROl. 1. 1\G STOC h: (. \ B:;T R \CJ' B.).

(" '1'"'"1'" .. ll~ l lll w,,,;. 'I ......

Diuo D itt-:i (f 'ght) (C.L.R., 1924.) I xv

(A.,i11i•.(, J.ozbr,tlt.-.)\

c.. ~bi•z· :--- -- I 78 4,946 1,7¢,687

t,745, 186 I,777,,J.73 I,791,6(}3 78 I 1,7¢,687 I. -~- i :·:· / I 1,7f7,j7f 1,;n,111 1,791,663 78 7,6.7

/ .. m.m ·r,777.;73 ' '"9"1,(,3 78 7,627 1,799,368

SJ 7,1!6 I'·if7>37+ r,777,I73 1,791,663 78 7,627 r,799,368 Over other Companies' Lines 66 2 3:9, 57 326,699 336,307 'S 336,m ---1--- 1--- I--- 1 I TOTAL • 2,047,696 z,o&J,356 l Sj - 7,t9: l~,076,631 2,103.,872 2,I:JJ.970 78 1,69 :1,135,700 I Xlll.-PASSENGER TRAFFIC A:\D RECEIPTS. pa By arrangement with the Board of T rade, the figures shewn in the following return relate to the ).lctropolitan , the London Electric Railway, the City and South London Railway, the Central London Railway and the London General Omnibus Company, Limited.

Cbii of Pautngcr. .Y11.-Mr "'Jtlrwlr•t" liNR••'-'nc_,.,.."'• S\"ftrfti.

Ordinuy- I. d. I. J. llt CbSI 1,6o6,7oz lJ.393 499 3rd Class r,74r,6-04 J6,73a 5'06 I,204.j6S 1,362:,685,Soz 11,516,738 1·03 1 179,189,833 r,a44,849,663 Worbncu ..• ro,718,szg a·oS Ii')i9;f>;;;S 45,.+79,3o6 369,lk>? 1·95 35,515,7().f. 48.SN.871 ------,___ JB;,a94 r"~9 J'i,l}.fi9,..fl40 Sc2J0n- I.+09,77J ,S ro 11,919,1no ro3 u5,8zz,6So r,295,rr6,rJS u,r97,555 ~'07 ut Cbsa ;,,oo ,. 1,'-.,,ss, [-- 3rd Cb. ~1·-_,-,,s, 5 3 195 1-::: ------'..__ 1_ ;_,oG_7~-5-7:.:'•l:.:l.:_·I L __-_j__~6o~,:J8~7l__~so=>44="l_~6 4:6::::,sJs 65 .SH - --1 xv. XIV.-GOODS TRAFFIC AND RECEIPT S. (A.)-TONNAGF OF TIJE PR ll\Cf PJ\J Cl A ·s. . ' • • S l•.S OF l\1[ NERALS A:\ll \IFRl'll.\:\!l!SF C\RRIFD llY GOODS TRA INS. '

XV. (B).-NUMBER OF I.I I 1': S'l'Olh. CARRll-!l BY COOIJS 'l'R.\I . '. Nut1J/'fh(4/J/,,,,,,,!I J c·... ,/' ·'I\' (C.L.R., I \)1 4-.) 17

11s, 1:s

1s;,;:;j 1:7,:;1 1 o;::;:: 2CIO,JJO 1:s,71I> •c /•19 1_:;1i."2 " •?LOI • I «1._;:;:; ;_1.ps f,S,)jl 31,:SS 36,!l;-~ _;; ..f +t H,::11 '°" ,, ::H, l ll l,lt•" u7,:;7 1 ,, T t>til :\cf lnoomeC\ ,), S) 1 oo.oo ~ 11q,"Q: <;''' ''°" , l nterc.11, R~tAI, 1nJ .. other h ied C~rgc 4,;:5 54, J", 1_;t -t i •+').} ~0/!00 ~9/•3J ~·.,o~·) C'"''· q) .•• ' DinJcnJ on l'rckrcncc !I, ::1/J()O J l /-0 ::1,f"/00 :-i:.>.-l (:0:,,>.9) •.. l i,IVO J l />00 "' BilAnce ;ahcr ~rmcn1 of l'rdcrcncc lli•·

\ppropril1ion 10 RNC"r•·c l<'.',OC: B:vu;;ht forw.rJ fl m p1crnlu• ycu . 1~.11: 1:;, 'i IJ 1

CERTI FICATE RES PFCTl:\G Tlll: l'FR\1.\:\I :\T II.\\, ,'\.:. I hereby cenif~· that the whole of th~ Comp.ny' P•·rnianent \\ Stati Bull i \\ pa5t year, been maintained in good working condition and rcr;ur. \RT'll R R. lO(J! ~. IJt Jan11r1ry , 1925.

CERTIFICATE RESPECJ'J:\G Tiil RULLI:\<, 'TUU:.,, l'C. I hereby cenifr that the whole 1f the ComFany' Ph11r, Rollini; Stoc..-;, I. Lsc 1\ ), r the paH year, been maintained in good worling order and rcrair. ind 7anuary, 1925. \\.A \1.,_J '"· ~Ir J," • E "ur. ,.. A>llF!Fl.D, •n s (Signed for the Board of D irectors) )"'· l. \ llTl'll Fl .L. ,JS6 Sartt.ny ~ tJ. <... p.. r )'·

Pl·.. A I , ~ \ln \' ICK . M l l' t l 11 ' 1 I ~ t·,1. , l

,., l w 'itr•. 9tb Fdm111ry, HJ2S l)J•, l .01 I TL, Pl.I · . ~ I H•.R, C IH I•\· I fl I s ,\ t 1 I ......

,, •

•• !



'Jo 11 .. ~" 10

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•+ '). ro 6 \\', "°\\:.a.- ll.uOI = "'" R

LIN ES OWNC.D ..- LI NES ~~~~r.~~l~H,._J:::~t~~''!."~~:s~s} • + ••

Jral'. \o.- " CEt J' IZ .\L LO ' DOt IC-\11 .W.\ Y CO [{ ' ,\ Y.


FOR Tiii '. YI \I{ 1 :\Ill ll 3 1st DE CEMBE R , 192+.

I '\IR\ '1 f I ,(, II • ~ ftl'' l Th R,11iottr1 d l' rl f n .,.,,11 l' Jr ntl tbt Ftbru..;irr, b,,th d~y• i l ; 1 • By OrJ~r ,f th• B-»rJ. M•lll lU.J), <.!• j :\O. l 'llllllt.1.1 Sir ry "I

• •I.ta. I, \l.U.L