Legislative Assembly Hansard 1974
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 1974 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Land Tax Act Amendment Bill [29 OcTOBER 1974] Election of Speaker 1677 TUESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 1974 THE CLERK OF THE PARLIAMENT (Mr. C. George) took the chair at 11 a.m. VACANCY IN OFFICE OF SPEAKER The Cl,erk: I have to inform the House that I have received the following letter from the Honourable the Speaker, the Honourable W. H. Lonergan, M.L.A.- "Brisbane, 28th October 1974. "The Clerk of the Parliament, "Parliament House, "Brisbane. "Dear Sir, "I hereby tender my resignation as Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland and as Member for the Electoral District of Flinders. Yours faithfully, W. H. Lonergan." In accordance with the provisiOns of Standing Order No. 9, I have to report that by reason of such resignation a vacancy now exists in the office of Speaker. ELECTION OF SPEAKER Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah -Premier) (11.1 a.m.): Mr. George, on behalf of all Government members, I move- "That Mr. James Edward Hiram Houghton do take the Chair of the House as Speaker." Mr. BromJey: I saw you shaking his hand on Friday. Opposition Members interjected. Mr. BJELKE-PETERSEN: I am sure that all honourable members on this side of the House support the motion. On behalf of all honourable members on this side of the House and, I am sure, the other side, I express very deep regret that Mr. Lonergan's condition of health is such that he felt impelled to tender his resignation.
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