LJMU Research Online

McLaughlin, G, Morris, N, Kavanagh, PV, Power, JD, Dowling, G, Twamley, B, O’Brien, J, Hessman, G, Murphy, B, Walther, D, Partilla, JS, Baumann, MH and Brandt, SD

Analytical characterization and pharmacological evaluation of the new psychoactive substance 4-fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) and differentiation between the (±)-threo- and (±)-erythro- diastereomers http://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/5310/


Citation (please note it is advisable to refer to the publisher’s version if you intend to cite from this work)

McLaughlin, G, Morris, N, Kavanagh, PV, Power, JD, Dowling, G, Twamley, B, O’Brien, J, Hessman, G, Murphy, B, Walther, D, Partilla, JS, Baumann, MH and Brandt, SD (2017) Analytical characterization and pharmacological evaluation of the new psychoactive substance 4-fluoromethylphenidate (4F-

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Analytical characteri zation and pharmacological evaluation of the new psychoactive substance 4-fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) and differentiation between the (±)-threo - and (±)-erythro - diastereomers.

For Peer Review Journal: Drug Testing and Analysis

Manuscript ID DTA-16-0364.R1

Wiley - Manuscript type: Research Article

Date Submitted by the Author: n/a

Complete List of Authors: McLaughlin, Gavin; Athlone Institute of Technology, Life & Physical Sciences; University of Dublin Trinity College, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Morris, Noreen; Athlone Institute of Technology, Life and Physical Sciences Kavanagh, Pierce; University of Dublin Trinity College Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Power, John; University of Dublin Trinity College Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Dowling, Geraldine; Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences; University of Dublin Trinity College Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Twamley, Brendan; Trinity College Dublin School of Chemistry O'Brien, John; Trinity College Dublin School of Chemistry Hessman, Gary; Trinity College Dublin School of Chemistry Murphy, Brian; Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Walther, Donna; National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program Partilla, John; National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program Baumann, Michael ; National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program Brandt, Simon; School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences , Liverpool John Moores University

New psychoactive substances, psychostimulants, , 4- Keywords: fluoromethylphenidate, monoamine transporters, in vitro

Misuse of (±)-threo -methylphenidate (methyl-2-phenyl-2-(piperidin-2- yl)acetate; Ritalin ®, MPH) has long been acknowledged, but the appearance of MPH analogs in the form of ‘research chemicals’ has only Abstract: emerged in more recent years. 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) is one of these recent examples and this study presents the identification and analytical characterization of two powdered 4F-MPH products that were obtained from an online vendor in 2015. Interestingly, both products

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1 2 3 4 appeared to have originated from two distinct batches given that one 5 product consisted of (±)-threo -4F-MPH isomers whereas the second sample consisted of a mixture of (±)-threo and (±)-erythro 4F-MPH. 6 Monoamine transporter studies using rat brain synaptosomes revealed that 7 the biological activity of the 4F-MPH mixture resided with the (±)-threo - 8 and not the (±)-erythro isomers based on higher potencies determined for 9 blockage of (IC 50 4F-MPH mixture = 66 nM vs. IC 50 (±)-threo = 61 10 nM vs. IC 50 (±)-erythro = 8,528 nM) and (IC 50 4F-MPH mixture 11 = 45 nM vs. (±)-threo = 31 nM vs. IC50 (±)-erythro = 3,779 nM) uptake. 12 In comparison, MPH was three times less potent than (±)-threo -4F-MPH at 13 the dopamine transporter (IC 50 = 131 nM) and around 2.5-times less potent at the norepinephrine transporter (IC = 83 nM). Both substances 14 50 were catecholamine selective with IC 50 values of 8,805 nM and >10,000 nM 15 for (±)-threo -4F-MPH and MPH at the serotonin transporter. These findings 16 suggest that the psychostimulant properties of (±)-threo -4F-MPH might be 17 more potent in humans than MPH. 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 2 of 26

1 2 3 Analytical characterization and pharmacological evaluation of the new 4 psychoactive substance 4-fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) and 5 6 differentiation between the (±)-threo - and (±)-erythro - diastereomers. 7 8 Gavin McLaughlin, a,b* Noreen Morris, a Pierce V. Kavanagh, b John D. Power, 9 b,c Geraldine Dowling, b,d Brendan Twamley, e John O’Brien, e Gary Hessman, 10 e d f f f 11 Brian Murphy, Donna Walther, John S. Partilla, Michael H. Baumann, 12 and Simon D. Brandt g 13 14

15 a 16 Department of Life and Physical Sciences, School of Science, Athlone Institute of 17 Technology, Dublin Road, Westmeath, Ireland 18 b For Peer Review 19 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, School of Medicine, Trinity Centre for 20 Health Sciences, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland 21 22 c Forensic Science Ireland, Garda HQ, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8, Ireland 23 24 d School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin 2, 25 Ireland 26 27 e School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland 28 29 f Research Unit of the Intramural Research Program, National Institute on 30 31 Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA 32 g 33 School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom 34 Street, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK 35 36 37 38 *Correspondence to: Gavin McLaughlin, Department of Pharmacology & 39 40 Therapeutics, School of Medicine, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St. James’s 41 Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland. EMail: [email protected] or 42 [email protected] 43 44 45 46 Running title : Analytical characterization and pharmacological evaluation of 47 4fluoromethylphenidate 48 49 Keywords: New psychoactive substances; psychostimulants; 50 51 methylphenidate; 4fluoromethylphenidate; monoamine transporters; in vitro 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 3 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 Abstract 4 5 6 Misuse of (±)threo methylphenidate (methyl2phenyl2(piperidin2 7 yl)acetate; Ritalin ®, MPH) has long been acknowledged, but the appearance 8 of MPH analogs in the form of ‘research chemicals’ has only emerged in more 9 10 recent years. 4Fluoromethylphenidate (4FMPH) is one of these recent 11 examples and this study presents the identification and analytical 12 characterization of two powdered 4FMPH products that were obtained from 13 an online vendor in 2015. Interestingly, the products appeared to have 14 15 originated from two distinct batches given that one product consisted of (±) 16 threo 4FMPH isomers whereas the second sample consisted of a mixture of 17 (±)threo and (±)erythro 4FMPH. Monoamine transporter studies using rat 18 brain synaptosomesFor revealed Peer that theReview biological activity of the 4FMPH 19 20 mixture resided with the (±)threo and not the (±)erythro isomers based on 21 higher potencies determined for blockage of dopamine uptake (IC 50 4F 22 MPH mixture = 66 nM vs. IC 50 (±)threo = 61 nM vs. IC 50 (±)erythro = 8,528 nM) 23 24 and norepinephrine uptake (IC 50 4FMPH mixture = 45 nM vs. (±)threo = 31 nM 25 vs. IC 50 (±)erythro = 3,779 nM). In comparison, MPH was three times less 26 potent than (±)threo 4FMPH at the dopamine transporter (IC 50 = 131 nM) 27 and around 2.5times less potent at the norepinephrine transporter (IC = 83 28 50 29 nM). Both substances were catecholamine selective with IC 50 values of 8,805 30 nM and >10,000 nM for (±)threo 4FMPH and MPH at the serotonin 31 transporter. These findings suggest that the psychostimulant properties of (±) 32 33 threo 4FMPH might be more potent in humans than MPH. 34 35 36 Introduction 37 38 39 Methylphenidate (methyl2phenyl2(piperidin2yl)acetate; MPH; Ritalin ®) is 40 a substituted phenethylamine that was first synthesized in 1944 and 41 [1,2] 42 subsequently recognized as a psychostimulant (Figure 1). MPH acts 43 primarily by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine resulting 44 in elevated concentrations of these monoamine neurotransmitters within the 45 synaptic cleft. [3,4] MPH is widely used in the treatment of attention deficit 46 47 hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as the symptoms of this condition are believed 48 to be associated with suppressed levels of these neurotransmitters. [5,6] 49 Originally, it was marketed as a mixture of two racemates, consisting of 80% 50 51 (±)erythro and 20% (±)threo isomers, but successive studies demonstrated 52 that the pharmacologically active diastereomers are associated with the (±) 53 threo form.[710] Subsequent studies focused on the separation of the two 54 diastereomers and interconversion of (±)erythro racemate to its (±)threo 55 56 counterpart. The (±)threo racemate exists as two enantiomers, (+) threo 57 MPH (2R,2’R ) and ()threo MPH (2S,2’S ), and the absolute stereochemistry 58 59 60 2 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 4 of 26

1 2 3 of the most pharmacologically active enantiomer of MPH ((+) threo ) has been 4 characterized [1113] and developed as a medication to treat ADHD in its own 5 [14] 6 right. There have also been efforts to prepare enantiomerically pure [7] 7 (2R,2’R) (+) threo MPH. In vivo , (±)threo MPH undergoes enantioselective 8 metabolism, which results in substantial differences in the plasma 9 concentrations of its isomers, depending on route of administration and 10 [15] 11 formulation. Methylphenidate is listed as a Schedule II substance in the 12 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances. [16] In the 13 United Kingdom (UK), it is controlled as a Class B substance under the 14 [17] 15 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. In Ireland, it is controlled as a Schedule 2 [18] 16 substance under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations, 1988. 17 18 MethylphenidateFor and an Peerarray of its analogs Review form a class of compounds that 19 [1923] 20 are well documented in the patent and scientific literature. Some studies 21 have focused on the evaluation of structureactivity relationships whereas 22 others have studied these analogs for other therapeutic indications, including 23 addiction, depression, fatiguerelated disorders, cerebral palsy and 24 [1923] 25 fibromyalgia. However, misuse of methylphenidate has been observed 26 among recreational drug users, presumably due to its psychostimulant 27 properties. For example, ingestion/insufflation of methylphenidate is popular 28 29 among university students to increase concentration, improve alertness, or [24,25] 30 solely for recreational purposes. In the last decade, several unregulated 31 substances that are very closely related to methylphenidate have been 32 launched on the new psychoactive substances (NPS) market. As with the 33 34 majority of NPS launched by vendors, many of these methylphenidate 35 analogs have already been described in the pharmaceutical research 36 literature. For example, , 3,4dichloromethylphenidate (3,4 37 38 CTMP), methylnaphthidate (HDMP28), (IPP/IPPD) and 39 are methylphenidate analogs that have been detected on the 40 ‘research chemicals’ market. [6,26] In April 2015, the UK government imposed a 41 temporary drug control order (TCDO) on all these analogs. [27] Furthermore, 42 43 the sale and supply of substances with psychoactive properties are now 44 controlled in the UK under the newly introduced New Psychoactive 45 Substances Act 2016. [28] Comprehensive analytical characterizations have 46 recently been described for 4methylmethylphenidate, 3,4CTMP, 47 48 ethylphenidate, 3,4dichloroethylphenidate, Nbenzylethylphenidate and 49 ethylnaphthidate (HDEP28), respectively.[29] Recent studies from the UK 50 associated ethylphenidate use to adverse reactions including deaths.[3032] In 51 52 addition, it was reported that injection was a common route of administration, 53 thus adding the risk of harms associated with this method of administration. 54 Interestingly, coingestion of ethanol and methylphenidate has been reported 55 to form ethylphenidate in vivo by transesterfication.[26,33] In Ireland, the sale 56 57 and supply of analogs of methylphenidate would be controlled under the 58 Criminal Justice (Psychoactive Substances) Act 2010. [34] 59 60 3 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 5 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 4 4Fluoromethylphenidate (4FMPH) (Figure 1) is a methylphenidate analog 5 6 that was developed within the pharmaceutical setting. However, in November 7 2015, it was first notified by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and 8 Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Early Warning System following its detection on 9 the recreational market.[35] Previous in vitro studies indicated that the addition 10 11 of a fluorine atom to the para position of the phenyl ring in the 12 methylphenidate parent structure led to slight increases in potency related to 13 displacement of [3H]WIN35,428 and [ 3H]dopamine uptake inhibition.[4] 14 15 16 This study describes the analytical characterization of two powdered samples 17 and a set of tablets of 4fluoromethylphenidate that were obtained from the 18 same vendor Forbased in thePeer United Kingdom Review in 2015. The study was triggered 19 20 following the receipt of two powdered 4FMPH samples from an online 21 retailer. Various chromatographic, spectroscopic and mass spectrometric 22 analysis methods were employed, followed by xray crystal structure analysis. 23 One of the vendor samples was found to contain (±)threo 4FMPH, which 24 25 was consistent with the expected racemate based on the current knowledge 26 of the biological activity of (±)threo MPH. Unexpectedly, the analysis of the 27 second sample revealed that it consisted of a mixture of (±)threo and (±) 28 29 erythro 4FMPH. This suggested that the two powdered vendor products 30 might have originated from different batches. The two racemates were 31 isolated from the mixture, purified, and converted to HCl salts prior to full 32 analytical characterization. In addition, 4FMPH tablets were also obtained 33 34 from the same vendor and analysed for the presence of the (±)threo and/or 35 (±)erythro form. 36 37 38 It was hypothesized that the distinct forms of 4FMPH encountered in these 39 products would result in different pharmacological properties similar to what 40 has been reported for MPH, thus, potentially resulting in different effects in 41 consumers. For this reason, the ability of the test drugs to inhibit uptake of 42 3 3 3 43 [ H]dopamine, [ H]norepinephrine and [ H]serotonin was investigated using 44 synaptosomal preparations from rat brain. The isolated diastereomeric 45 racemates (±)threo and (±)erythro 4FMPH, the (±)threo /(±)erythro mixture, 46 and MPH were included to study the effects at dopamine transporters (DAT), 47 48 norepinephrine transporters (NET) and serotonin transporters (SERT), 49 respectively. 50 51 52 Experimental 53 54 Chemicals 55 56 57 All reagents and dry solvents used in the syntheses were obtained from 58 Sigma Aldrich Ltd (Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland). LCMS grade solvents were 59 60 4 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 6 of 26

1 2 3 obtained from Fisher Scientific (Dublin, Ireland). Preparative silica gel thin 4 layer chromatography plates (UV 254 , GF 20 x 20 cm, 2000 microns) were 5 6 obtained from Analtech (Newark, NJ, USA). Two powdered samples of 4 7 fluoromethylphenidate (4FMPH) and tablets were obtained from an online 8 vendor based in the UK in 2015. 9 10 11 Isolation of 4fluoromethylphenidate (4FMPH) diastereomers 12 13 A solution of 4fluoromethylphenidate (568 mg, vendor sample containing 14 15 both diastereomers) in water (15 mL) was made basic with sodium hydroxide 16 (pH 1011). This was extracted with dichloromethane (2 x 10 mL). Drying 17 (anhydrous magnesium sulphate) and removal of the solvent afforded a 18 colorless oil (355For mg). Preparative Peer TLC Review (silica gel, 2 mm; mobile phase: ethyl 19 20 acetate; extraction solvent: ethanol) afforded two fractions, both colorless 21 viscous oils (23 and 84 mg). The HCl salts were formed (2M hydrogen 22 chloride in diethyl ether) and crystallized from ethanol for xray 23 crystallography. 24 25 26 (±)threo4FMPH freebase (bottom band of preparative TLC) 27 28 1 29 H NMR (CDCl 3) δ 7.367.22 (m; 2H; H2’/6’), 7.146.98 (m; 2H; H3’/5’), 3.70 30 (s; 3H; CH 3), 3.61 (d; J = 10.2 Hz; 1H; H2), 3.253.13 (m; 2H; H2’’ and one H 31 from H6’’), 2.75 (td; J = 12.0, 2.9 Hz; 1H; one from H6’’), 1.761.69 (m; 1H; 32 one H from H4’’), 1.661.58 (m; 1H; one H from H5’’), 1.46 (dddd; 1H; J = 33 34 16.1, 12.4, 8.4, 3.8 Hz; one H from H5’’), 1.33 1.19 (m; 2H; one H each from 35 H4’’ and H3’’) and 1.080.97 (m; 1H; one H from H3’’) ppm; 13 C NMR 36 (CDCl 3) δ 173.53 (C=O), 162.24 (d; JCF = 246.5 Hz; C4’), 131.98 (C1’), 37 38 130.08 (d; JCF = 7.8 Hz; C2’/6’), 115.63 (d; JCF = 21.5 Hz; C3’/5’), 59.01 (C 39 2’’), 57.07 (C2), 52.32 (CH3), 46.69 (C6’’), 29.29 (C3’’), 25.43 (C5’’) and 19 40 24.05 (C4’’) ppm; F NMR (CDCl 3) δ 114.63 ppm. 41 42 43 (±)threo4FMPH hydrochloride 44 45 Melting point: 202204 oC. 1H NMR (DMSO) δ 7.387.32 (m; 2H; H2’/6’), 7.28 46 7.21 (m; 2H; H3’/5’), 4.12 (d; J = 9.6 Hz; 1H; CH; H2), 3.833.75 (m; 1H; CH; 47 48 H2’’) 3.32 (s; 3H; CH 3), 3.28 (apparent d; J = 13.1 Hz; 1H; one H from H6’’), 49 2.96 (apparent t; J = 11.6 Hz; 1H; one H from H6’’), 1.741.64 (m; 2H; one H 50 each from H4’’ and 5’’), 1.631.57 (m; 1H; one H from H5’’), 1.471.38 (m; 51 13 52 1H; one H from H4’’) and 1.461.27 (m; 2H; H3’’) ppm; C NMR (DMSO) δ 53 171.48 (C=O), 162.21 (d; JCF = 244.9 Hz; C4’), 131.03 (d; JCF = 8.4 Hz; C 54 2’/6’), 130.52 (C1’), 116.25 (d; JCF = 21.5 Hz; C3’/5’), 56.93 (C2’’), 53.05 55 (CH 3), 52.68 (C2), 44.84 (C6’’), 26.03 (C3’’), 21.94 (C5’’) and 21.55 (C4’’) 56 19 57 ppm; F NMR (DMSO) δ 113.87 ppm. HRAPCIMS observed m/z + 58 252.139854 (theory [M + H] : C 14 H19 FNO 2 m/z 252.139433, ∆ = 1.7 ppm). 59 60 5 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 7 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 4 (±)erythro4FMPH freebase (top band of preparative TLC) 5 6 1 7 H NMR (CDCl 3) δ 7.477.34 (m; 2H; H2’/6’), 7.126.99 (m; 2H; H3’/5’), 3.68 8 (s; 3H; CH 3), 3.56 (d; J = 10.3 Hz; 1H; H2), 3.11 (td; J = 10.1, 2.2 Hz; 1H; H 9 2’’), 3.01 (apparent d; J = 11.6 Hz; 1H; one H from H6’’), 2.55 (td; J = 11.6, 10 11 2.9 Hz; 1H; one H from H6’’), 1.871.68 (m; 2H; one H from H3’’ and H4’’), 12 1.661.58 (m; 1H; one H from H5’’) and 1.551.25 (m; 3H; one H each from 13 13 H3’’, 4’’ and 5’’) ppm; C NMR (CDCl 3) δ 172.84 (C=O), 162.50 (d; JCF = 14 15 246.5 Hz; C4’), 131.46 (C1’), 130.36 (d; JCF = 7.9 Hz; C2’/6’), 115.95 (d; JCF 16 = 21.0 Hz; C3’/5’), 59.09 (C2’’), 57.04 (C2), 52.06 (CH 3), 46.94 (C6’’), 19 17 30.58 (C3’’), 25.39 (C5’’) and 24.22 (C4’’) ppm; F NMR (CDCl 3) δ 114.28 18 ppm. For Peer Review 19 20 21 (±)erythro4FMPH hydrochloride 22 23 Melting point: 198200 oC. 1H NMR (DMSO) δ ppm 7.517.44 (m; 2H; H2’/6’), 24 25 7.327.24 (m; 2H; H3’/5’), 4.11 (d, J = 9.4 Hz; 1H; CH; H2), 3.703.66 (m; 26 1H; CH; H2’’), 3.65 (s; 3H; CH 3), 3.14 (apparent d, J = 13.0 Hz; 1H; one H 27 from H6’’), 2.832.80 (m; 1H; one H from H6’’), 1.911.85 (m; 1H; one H from 28 29 H3’’), 1.821.69 (m; 2H; H4’’/H5’’), 1.681.59 (m; 2H; one H each from H 13 30 4’’/H5’’ and H3’’) and 1.551.46 (m; 1H; one H from H4’’/H5’’) ppm; C 31 NMR (DMSO) δ 171.36 (C=O), 162.81 (d; JCF = 244.5 Hz; C4’), 131.55 (d; 32 J = 8.5 Hz; C2’/6’), 129.85 (C1’), 116.65 (d; J = 21.6 Hz; C3’/5’), 57.55 33 CF CF 34 (C2), 53.55 (C2’’), 53.00 (CH3), 45.26 (C6’’), 27.39 (C3’’), 22.10 (C5’’) and 35 21.93 (C4’’) ppm; 19 F NMR (DMSO) δ 113.80 ppm. HRAPCIMS observed 36 + m/z 252.139659 (theory [M + H] : C 14 H19 FNO 2 m/z 252.139433, ∆ = 0.9 ppm). 37 38 39 40 Instrumentation 41 42 43 Gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GCMS) 44 45 Samples were prepared to give a 1 mg/mL solution in methanol and analyzed 46 on an Agilent 6890N GC coupled to 5975 Mass Selective Detector (Agilent, 47 48 Little Island, Cork, Ireland). A HPULTRA 1 column (12 m × 0.2 mm × 0.33 49 m) was used with helium carrier gas at a constant flow of 1 mL/min and a 50 split ratio of 1:1. The injector was set at 250 °C and the transfer line at 280 °C. 51 52 The initial oven temperature was 50 °C, held for 2 min, then ramped at 10 53 °C/min to 100 °C with no hold time. The oven temperature was further ramped 54 at 5 oC/min to 200 oC and then finally ramped at 20 oC/min to 295 oC with a 55 hold time of 1 min. The mass spectra were collected after a 4.0 min solvent 56 57 delay time. The ionization energy was set at 70 eV and the mass range was 58 m/z 40550. The total run time was 32.75 min. 59 60 6 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 8 of 26

1 2 3 Liquid chromatographymass spectrometry (LCMS) 4 5 6 LCMS analyses were performed on an Agilent 1100 HPLC system equipped 7 with a G13795 degasser, G1312A BinPump, a G1313A ALS and G1316A 8 column oven (COLCOM) (Agilent, Little Island, Cork). Separation was 9 obtained on an Allure PFP Propyl column (5 m, 50 x 2.1 mm) Restek 10 11 (Bellefonte, PA, USA). Mobile phase A consisted of 0.1% formic acid in water, 12 whereas, mobile phase B consisted of 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile. The 13 Agilent LCMSD settings were as follows: positive electrospray mode, 14 o 15 capillary voltage 3500 V, drying gas (N 2) 12 L/min at 350 C, nebulizer gas 16 (N 2) pressure 50 psi, SIM m/z 252 and scan mode m/z 70500, fragmentor 17 voltage 50 and 110 V. Samples for LCMS analysis were dissolved in 18 acetonitrile/waterFor (1:1, containingPeer 0.1% Review formic acid) at a concentration of 10 19 20 g/mL. The injection volume was 5.0 and 10.0 L, flow rate was 0.8 mL/min o 21 and the column temperature was 30 C. Total run time was 25 min. The 22 following gradient elution program was used: 02 min 2% B, followed by an 23 increase to 60% B within 15 min, followed by another increase to 80% B 24 25 within 18 min before returning to 2% B within 25 min. 26 27 High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) 28 29 30 APCI experiments were carried out on a Bruker micrOTOFQ III spectrometer 31 interfaced to a Dionex UltiMate 3000 LC. The Agilent tuning mix APCITOF 32 was used for mass calibration. Masses were recorded over a range of m/z 33 34 1001600. Operating conditions were as follows: capillary voltage 4000 V, 35 corona 4000 nA, nebulizer gas 2.0 bar, drying gas flow rate 3.0 L/min, drying 36 gas temperature 100200 oC, vaporizer temperature 100400 oC. MicroTof 37 38 control and HyStar software were used for data analysis. 39 40 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) 41 42 43 The free base samples were prepared in deuterated chloroform (CDCl 3) at a 44 concentration of 20 mg/mL. The hydrochloride salt samples were prepared in 45 1 deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSOd6) at a concentration of 20 mg/mL. H 46 (600 MHz) and 13 C (150 MHz) spectra were recorded on a Bruker AV600 47 1 48 NMR spectrometer using a 5 mm TCI cryoprobe. H NMR spectra were 49 referenced to an external TMS reference at δ = 0 ppm. 19 F (376 MHz) spectra 50 were recorded on a Bruker DPX400 NMR spectrometer and the external 51 52 reference was trifluorotoluene set at δ = 64 ppm. 53 54 Xray crystallography 55 56 57 Data for samples (±)erythro and (±)threo 4FMPH were collected on a 58 Bruker APEX DUO using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.54178 Å) at 100(2) K (Oxford 59 60 7 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 9 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 Cobra Cryosystem) with a Mitegen holder. Bruker APEX [36] software was used 4 to collect and reduce data, determine the space group. XT [37] was used to 5 [38] [39] 6 solve and XL in OLEX 2 refine the structure. Absorption corrections were [40] 7 applied using SADABS 2014. All nonhydrogen atoms were refined 8 anisotropically. Hydrogen atoms were assigned to calculated positions using a 9 riding model with appropriately fixed isotropic thermal parameters. NH 10 11 hydrogens were located and refined with restraints and with the Uiso = 1.2 Ueq 12 of the carrier atom in both structures. In the threo 4FMPH structure, the 13 fluorophenyl ring was disordered in two positions with occupancies of 85/15%. 14 15 Restraints were used in the model (DFIX, RIGU, SADI). 16 17 Crystal Data for (±)erythro 4FMPH, C 14 H19 NO 2FCl ( M =287.75 g/mol): 18 monoclinic, spaceFor group Peer P2 /n (no. 14), Review a = 10.4556(5) Å, b = 8.5173(4) Å, 1 19 3 20 c = 15.7304(7) Å, β = 90.6392(15)°, V = 1400.76(11) Å , Z = 4, T = 100.0 K, 1 3 21 (CuKα) = 2.510 mm , Dcalc = 1.364 g/cm , 18265 reflections measured 22 (10.106° ≤ 2Θ ≤ 137.044°), 2577 unique ( Rint = 0.0376, R sigma = 0.0232) which 23 were used in all calculations. The final * R was 0.0355 (I > 2σ(I)) and wR was 24 1 2 25 0.1108 (all data). CCDC No. 1503223. 26 27 Crystal Data for (±)threo 4FMPH, C 14 H19 ClFNO 2 (M =287.75 g/mol): 28 29 monoclinic, space group P2 1/n (no. 14), a = 11.289(3) Å, b = 7.2232(16) Å, 3 30 c = 18.494(5) Å, β = 106.169(7)°, V = 1448.4(6) Å , Z = 4, T = 100(2) K, 31 (CuKα) = 2.428 mm 1, Dcalc = 1.320 g/cm 3, 20393 reflections measured 32 (8.286° ≤ 2Θ ≤ 136.614°), 2656 unique ( R = 0.0813, R = 0.0513) which 33 int sigma 34 were used in all calculations. The final * R1 was 0.0525 (I > 2σ(I)) and wR 2 was 35 0.1357 (all data). CCDC No. 1503224. * R 1 = Σ|| Fo| − | Fc||/Σ|Fo|, w R2 = 36 2 2 2 2 2 1/2 [Σw(F o − Fc ) /Σw(F o ) ] . 37 38 39 Infrared Spectroscopy 40 41 IR spectra were recorded on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR with 42 43 Universal ATR sampling accessory (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA). The 44 wavelength resolution was set to 2 cm 1. IR spectra were collected in a range 45 of 650 4000 cm 1 with 16 scans per spectrum. The IR data were processed 46 using Spectrum Perkin Elmer Version 6.3.4 Software (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, 47 48 MA, USA). 49 50 Monoamine transporter assays 51 52 53 Male SpragueDawley rats (250300 g, Charles River Laboratories, 54 Wilmington, MA, USA) were housed 2 per cage and maintained on a 12 h 55 lightdark cycle. Food and water were provided ad libitum. Animal use 56 57 procedures were conducted in accordance with the NIH Guide for the Care 58 and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the Animal Care and Use Committee of 59 60 8 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 10 of 26

1 2 3 the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse 4 (Baltimore, MD, USA). Rats were euthanized by CO 2 narcosis and brains 5 [41,42] 6 were processed to yield synaptosomes as previously described. For 7 uptake assays, synaptosomes were incubated with different concentrations of 8 the test drugs in the presence of 5 nM [ 3H]dopamine, 10 nM 9 [3H]norepinephrine, or 5 nM [ 3H]serotonin. The uptake assays were 10 11 terminated by vacuum filtration and retained radioactivity was quantified by 12 scintillation counting. 13 14 15 16 Results and Discussion 17 18 For Peer Review 19 Manufacturers and entrepreneurs dedicated to the commercial exploration of 20 ‘research chemicals’ destined for recreational drug markets, are utilizing the 21 scientific and patent literature to generate ideas for launching new 22 compounds. Since methylphenidate and a series of its analogs have been 23 [1923] 24 well documented in the literature, e.g. , it was not surprising to see that 25 several methylphenidatebased NPS have also been encountered on the 26 ‘research chemicals’ market. One of the more recent methylphenidatebased 27 28 NPS was 4fluoromethylphenidate (4FMPH). 4FMPH is one of the 29 methylphenidate analogs described in the literature in studies evaluating ring 30 substituted methylphenidate analogs as potential therapeutics for cocaine 31 addiction and fibromyalgia. [1921] 4FMPH did not appear to have a history of 32 33 human usage prior to its distribution online through vendors of ‘research 34 chemicals’. 35 36 In this study, two powdered samples and a set of tablets were obtained from 37 38 the same vendor based in the United Kingdom in 2015. Initially, it was noticed 39 that the two powdered products showed different solubility in solvents such as 40 methanol and water. As the analyses progressed, it was noticed that one 41 42 product contained the threo racemate, whereas the other included a second 43 compound suspected to represent a diastereomeric form based on similar 44 mass spectra. Analysis by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GCMS) 45 suggested that this was the case and it was hypothesized that this product 46 47 was most likely the racemic erythro form of 4FMPH. In order to investigate 48 further, the 4FMPH sample containing both diastereomers was dissolved in 49 water and made alkaline with sodium hydroxide. This was extracted with 50 51 dichloromethane, dried with anhydrous magnesium sulphate, followed by 52 solvent removal to afford a colorless oil. Preparative thinlayer 53 chromatography (TLC) afforded two fractions as colorless viscous oils. The 54 hydrochloride salts were formed (2M hydrogen chloride in diethyl ether), 55 56 crystallized from ethanol and subjected to extensive analytical 57 characterization. 58 59 60 9 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 11 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 4 From examination of the methylphenidate synthesis literature, it seemed 5 6 plausible that the presence of the erythro racemate might have reflected a 7 lack of purification at the end of the synthesis procedure. For example, one 8 synthesis procedure employed for a range of methylphenidate analogs [4] 9 involved the reaction of 2phenylacetonitrile and 2bromopyridine with 10 11 potassium tert. butoxide in tetrahydrofuran (THF). This led to the formation of 12 a nitrile intermediate and a ketone byproduct, which could be easily removed 13 in the subsequent steps. The nitrile intermediate was hydrolysed under acidic 14 15 conditions leading to the formation of an acetamide species. Hydrogenation of 16 the pyridine ring to followed, leading to the formation of two racemic 17 erythro and threo acetamide intermediates. At this stage, the erythro species 18 was present atFor a higher ratioPeer compared Reviewto the threo species. This mixture was 19 20 then hydrolysed to form erythro and threo acetic acid entities. An 21 epimerization process with potassium hydroxide flipped these ratios leading to 22 a larger percentage of the threo acetic acid intermediate. Esterification with 23 methanol leads to the formation of the final threo /erythro acetate species, 24 [4] 25 which was then purified by recrystallization to isolate the (±)threo racemate. 26 From this perspective, and provided a similar synthetic route was used by the 27 manufacturers, failure to isolate the (±)threo racemate by appropriate 28 29 recrystallization might have resulted in the presence of both racemates in the 30 final product. An alternative explanation might be that the manufacturers 31 decided to skip the recrystallization step on purpose. 32 33 34 Analytical Features 35 36 Gas chromatography mass spectrometry 37 38 39 The gas chromatographic method used was able to achieve satisfactory 40 separation between the (±)threo (18.13 min) and (±)erythro racemates 41 (18.04 min) (Figure 2). The EI mass spectra obtained for both racemates were 42 43 identical. The base peak was observed at m/z 84 and it is suggested that this + 44 was due to the formation of a tetrahydropyridinium species (C 5H10 N ), 45 following the loss of a methyl 4fluorophenylacetate moiety from the molecular 46 ion. This fragment was consistent with the EI mass spectral data for 47 [26,43 48 methylphenidate, ethylphenidate and 4FMPH available in the literature. 49 46] The fragment observed at m/z 190 was consistent with the formation of a 50 + 4fluorophenyl(piperidin2ylidene)methylium species (C12 H13 FN ). The 51 52 detection of m/z 168 may be rationalized by the loss of the tetrahydropyridine 53 moiety from the parent structure, which gave rise to a radical cation and + 54 formation of a methyl fluorophenylacetate species (C 9H8FO 2 ). This fragment 55 was also consistent with the EIMS data for methylphenidate and 56 [26,4344] 57 ethylphenidate. However, in the case of methylphenidate and 58 ethylphenidate, this ion would be encountered at m/z 150 (methyl 59 60 10 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 12 of 26

1 2 3 phenylacetate moiety) and m/z 164 (ethyl phenylacetate moiety), respectively. 4 The fragment at m/z 109 can be described by the formation of a tropylium ion, 5 6 consistent with the formation of tropylium ion reported in the EIMS of 7 methylphenidate and ethylphenidate at m/z 91. The fragment at m/z 56 could 8 represent the formation of a dihydroazetium ion. During GC analysis, a 9 second product at 7.26 min was also observed in the chromatogram 10 11 (Supporting Information) and it was believed that this product might have 12 been a degradant resulting from the thermal decomposition of 4FMPH within 13 the GC system. This GCinduced reaction was thought to involve the loss of 14 15 the tetrahydropyridine moiety and the formation of an enol tautomer of methyl 16 4fluorophenylacetate, which subsequently tautomerized to methyl 4 17 fluorophenyl acetate. Interestingly, the formation of the GCinduced product, 18 methyl 4fluorophenylFor acetate Peer, was found Review to be slightly higher (53.6 %) in the 19 20 chromatogram of the (±)threo 4FMPH racemate , compared to that of the (±) 21 erythro 4FMPH racemate (43.7%). This type of degradation was consistent 22 with literature reports on methylphenidate and its analogs [29,4748], however, 23 the suggested identity remains tentative as a reference standard was not 24 25 available. 26 27 Liquid chromatographymass spectrometry 28 29 30 Analysis of both (±)threo and (±)erythro racemates of 4FMPH using high 31 performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) confirmed satisfactory separation 32 for identification purposes. A retention time of 8.90 min was obtained for the 33 34 (±)erythro form, whereas a retention time of 9.81 min was obtained for the 35 (±)threo racemate (Figure 3). The electrospray ionization (ESI) single 36 quadrupole mass spectra obtained from insource collisioninduced 37 38 dissociation (CID) (fragmentor 110 V) of the 4FMPH racemates shared two 39 key ions. The suggested pathways are shown in Figure 3. In the mass spectra 40 of both racemates, the fragment observed at m/z 252 represented the 41 protonated molecule with 100% relative abundance. The product ion observed 42 43 at m/z 84 might have represented a loss of the methyl 4fluorophenylacetate 44 moiety from the protonated molecule resulting in the formation of a 45 + tetrahydropyridinium species (C 5H10 N ) and this was also present at 46 approximately 95% abundance. 47 48 49 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) 50 51 52 The chemical structures of the (±)threo and (±)erythro 4FMPH racemates 53 and powdered vendor samples were elucidated using both onedimensional 54 and twodimensional NMR experiments (Figure 4, Supporting Information). 55 The NMR spectra associated with the 4FMPH HCl salt forms of the (±) 56 57 erythro and (±)threo racemates shared similar characteristics but significant 58 differences could also be observed between some of the proton and carbon 59 60 11 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 13 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 chemical shifts that facilitated differentiation between the racemates. For 4 example, in the 1H spectrum of the (±)erythro racemate, the signals 5 6 associated with the protons on the aromatic ring were observed as multiplets 7 between 7.517.44 and 7.327.24 ppm. However, in the spectrum of the (±) 8 threo counterpart these proton resonances were shifted upfield to 7.387.32 9 and 7.287.21 ppm, respectively. Furthermore, the proton signal for the methyl 10 11 group of the (±)threo racemate was shifted upfield (3.32 ppm) compared to 12 the same signal associated with the (±)erythro racemate (3.65 ppm). The 13 proton environment around the piperidine ring provided further distinguishing 14 1 15 features. For example, in the H spectrum of the (±)erythro racemate, the 16 proton signals associated with H2” were observed as a multiplet between 17 3.703.66 ppm. The same proton resonances in the (±)threo counterpart 18 were also observedFor as Peer a multiplet but Review were shifted downfield to 3.833.75 19 20 ppm. Moreover, one proton associated with H6” was observed as a doublet 21 at 3.14 ppm in the proton spectrum of (±)erythro 4FMPH. In comparison, 22 the same proton signal in the (±)threo counterpart was shifted downfield and 23 observed at 3.28 ppm (Figure 4). The second proton associated with H6” 24 25 also provided a distinguishing feature as it appeared as a triplet at 2.96 ppm 26 in the (±)threo spectrum. However, the same proton signal in the (±)erythro 27 counterpart was observed as a multiplet between 2.832.80 ppm. 28 29 13 30 Some distinguishing features were also observed in the C NMR spectra 31 (Supporting Information). For example, the 13 C spectrum of the (±)erythro 32 racemate revealed the carbonyl chemical shift at 171.36 ppm, whereas the 33 34 same signal was observed at 171.48 ppm in the spectrum of the (±)threo 35 counterpart. The aromatic region also provided distinct differences. In the 36 spectrum of the (±)erythro racemate, the aromatic carbon signals (C2’/6’, C 37 38 3’/5’) were observed at 131.55 and 116.65 ppm. In the spectrum of the (±) 39 threo racemate, the same carbon signals were shifted upfield to 131.03 and 40 116.21 ppm, respectively. However, another aromatic carbon signal (C1’) 41 was observed at 129.85 ppm in the (±)erythro spectrum, whereas the same 42 43 carbon signal was shifted downfield and observed at 130.52 ppm in the (±) 44 threo spectrum. Moreover, the carbon of the methine group (C2) was 45 observed at 57.55 ppm in the spectrum of the (±)erythro racemate, which 46 shifted upfield in the (±)threo counterpart and observed at 52.68 ppm. The 47 48 piperidine carbon (C2”) was observed at 53.55 ppm in the spectrum of the 49 (±)erythro racemate, which shifted downfield in the (±)threo counterpart 50 and observed at 56.93 ppm. In general, all carbon signals associated with the 51 52 piperidine ring (44.84, 26.03, 21.94 and 21.55 ppm) were shifted upfield in the 53 (±)threo spectrum compared to the same signals in the (±)erythro spectrum 54 (45.26, 27.39, 22.10 and 21.93 ppm). The mixture contained the 55 characteristics of both racemates. 56 57 58 59 60 12 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 14 of 26

1 2 3 XRay crystallography 4 5 6 Both salts were crystallized from a water/ethanol mixture to give colorless 7 needle shaped crystals. The crystal structures of both diastereomers are 8 shown in Figures 5A and 5B. Both crystallized in the monoclinic space group 9 P2(1)/n as the chloride salt. The (±)erythro salt is shown as the (R,S) 10 11 enantiomer (C2, C3) and the (±)threo as the (S,S) enantiomer. As these 12 molecules crystallized in a centrosymmetric space group, the inverse 13 enantiomer was also equally present. The piperidine ring in both compounds 14 15 was in the chair conformation. In both diastereomers, the piperidine was 16 substituted in an equatorial position. The plane of piperidine ring to the 17 fluorophenyl ring was 69.9° in the erythro and almost orthogonal at 84.5° in 18 the threo salt.For Each NH Peer group was involvedReview in hydrogen bonding. In the 2 19 20 erythro salt the Cl anion was strongly hydrogen bound to two NH 2 groups #4 21 (N1Cl1, 3.0704(12)Å, 170.1(15)°; N1Cl1 , 3.2414(12)Å, 146.8(16)°, 22 symmetry transformation #4 = 1x, 1y, 1z) with the carbonyl oxygen more 23 loosely held by weak CH interactions (C3O1 #1 , 3.3239(17)Å, 150°, 24 25 symmetry transformation #1 = x, 1y, 1z). This formed a symmetric dimer 26 (Supporting Information). The threo salt also displayed NHCl interactions 27 (N1Cl1 3.134(2)Å, 167(3)°; N1Cl1 #1 3.215(2)Å, 164(2)°, symmetry 28 29 transformation #1 = 3/2x, 1/2+y, 1/2z). However, N1 formed a bifurcated #1 30 hydrogen bond to the carbonyl oxygen (N1O1 3.011(3)Å, 113(2)°). Unlike 31 the erythro salt, the threo salt formed an extended ribbon parallel to the b – 32 axis (Supporting Information) These structural motifs are also seen in similar 33 34 congeners which also form hydrogen bonded dimers or ribbons extending 35 parallel to the baxis.[49] 36 37 38 Infrared spectroscopy 39 40 The (±)threo and (±)erythro racemates of 4FMPH were also subjected to 41 analysis by infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The IR spectra associated with the 4F 42 43 MPH HCl salt forms of the (±)erythro and (±)threo racemates shared 44 similar characteristics although one difference was observed that facilitated 45 differentiation (Supporting Information). The absorbance for the carbonyl 46 group was observed at 1743 cm 1 for the (±)threo racemate compared to 47 1 48 1726 cm for the (±)erythro racemate. The vendor sample consisting of both 49 racemates contained two carbonyl absorbance values consistent with those of 50 the isolated (±)erythro and (±)threo 4FMPH racemates. The second 51 52 powdered vendor sample and the tablet shared the same characteristics as 53 those of the (±)threo 4FMPH racemate. It was encouraging to observe that 54 the infrared spectroscopic analysis was able to provide an important 55 distinguishing feature between the 4FMPH racemates, which would be 56 57 beneficial when working within a forensic science laboratory setting. 58 59 60 13 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 15 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 Monoamine transporter activity 4 5 6 When the analytical investigation revealed that two distinct 4FMPH products 7 were present, further questions arose about the potential for distinct 8 pharmacological properties associated with the individual (±)threo and (±) 9 erythro form of 4FMPH. Figure 6 shows the effects of the (±)threo /erythro 10 11 mixture, (±)threo 4FMPH, (±)erythro 4FMPH and methylphenidate (MPH) 12 on the uptake of [ 3H]dopamine (DA), [ 3H]norepinephrine (NE) and 13 [3H]serotonin (5HT) by their respective transporters DAT, NET and SERT 14 15 (Figure 6A6D). The corresponding IC 50 values for inhibition of uptake are 16 provided in Table 1 and MPH was included for comparison. As revealed from 17 the dose response curves, all test drugs were fully effective uptake inhibitors 18 at DAT and NET,For with littlePeer activity at SERT,Review thus, displaying catecholamine 19 20 selectivity. 21 22 The 4FMPH mixture was about twice as potent as MPH at DAT and NET, 23 although addition of the fluorine atom to the 4position of the phenyl ring did 24 25 not increase potency at SERT. Importantly, the data shown in Table 1 indicate 26 that the biological activity of the 4FMPH mixture predominantly resided with 27 the (±)threo and not the (±)erythro isomers given that higher potencies were 28 29 determined for dopamine uptake (IC 50 threo = 61 nM vs. IC 50 erythro = 8,528 30 nM) and norepinephrine uptake (IC 50 threo = 31 nM vs. IC 50 erythro = 3,779 31 nM) at DAT and NET, respectively. The reduced activity of (±)erythro isomers 32 at DAT has been reported previously on other ringsubstituted analogs. [4] 33 34 Previous investigations also demonstrated that (±)threo 4FMPH showed 3 35 nanomolar binding affinity toward DAT (IC 50 = 35 nM, [ H]WIN35,428) and 36 that it inhibited [3H]dopamine uptake via DAT in rat brain synaptosomal 37 [4] 38 preparations (IC 50 = 142 nM) consistent with the findings reported in this 39 study. Consistent with the data shown in Table 1, (±)threo 4FMPH did not 3 40 show any appreciable binding affinity at SERT (IC 50 > 10 M, [ H]citalopram). 41 Furthermore, (±)threo 4FMPH was shown to be about three times more 42 [50] 43 potent than MPH in a drug discrimination assay. Overall, it appears that the 44 acetate group and the piperidine ring must be oriented in the opposite 45 direction for the drugs to interact optimally with transporter proteins. 46

47 48 Conclusion 49 50 The analytical characterization of two 4FMPH powders obtained from the 51 52 same vendor of ‘research chemicals’ revealed the presence of (±)threo 53 isomers in one and a mixture of (±)threo / (±)erythro 4FMPH racemates in 54 the other, which suggested a failure to isolate the (±)threo racemate that may 55 56 have formed during the synthesis procedure of the main (±)threo product. 57 Various chromatographic, spectroscopic and mass spectrometric platforms 58 were employed followed by xray crystal structure analysis. (±)threo 4FMPH 59 60 14 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 16 of 26

1 2 3 was shown to be more potent than methylphenidate in its ability to inhibit 4 uptake of [ 3H]dopamine and [ 3H]norepinephrine into rat brain synaptosomes, 5 6 with significantly less activity associated with inhibition of the serotonin 7 transporter. The significantly reduced potency of (±)erythro 4FMPH was 8 consistent with (±)erythro MPH and other (±)erythro MPH analogs reported 9 in the literature. These findings suggest that the psychostimulant properties of 10 11 (±)threo 4FMPH might be more potent in humans than MPH. Since the 12 biological activity resides in the (±)threo form, it is anticipated that other 13 MPHderived ‘research chemicals’ on the market might also display this 14 15 configuration. 16 17 Acknowledgements 18 For Peer Review 19 20 The authors thank Scientific Supplies Ltd. (London, UK) for support. 21 22 23 References 24 25 26 27 [1] L. Panizzon. La preparazione di piridil e piperidilarilacetonitrili e di 28 29 alcuni prodotti di trasformazione (Parte I). Helv. Chim. Acta 1946 , 29 , 30 324. 31 [2] R. Meier, F. Gross, J. Tripod. Ritalin, eine neuartige synthetische 32 Verbindung mit spezifischer zentralerregender Wirkungskomponente. 33 34 Klin. Wochenschr. 1954 , 32 , 445. 35 [3] M. Stahl, Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis 36 and Practical Applications, 4th edition , Cambridge University Press, 37 38 Cambridge, UK, 2013. 39 [4] H.M. Deutsch, Q. Shi, E. GruszeckaKowalik, M.M. Schweri. Synthesis 40 and pharmacology of potential cocaine antagonists. 2. Structure 41 activity relationship studies of aromatic ringsubstituted 42 43 methylphenidate analogs. J. Med. Chem. 1996 , 39 , 1201. 44 [5] R.C. Malenka, E.J. Nestler, S.E. Hyman. Chapter 6: Widely Projecting 45 Systems: Monoamines, , Orexin. In: Molecular 46 Neuropharmacology: A Foundation of Clinical Neuroscience (Eds: A. 47 nd 48 Sydor, R.Y. Brown), 2 edition, McGrawHill Medical, New York, 2009 . 49 [6] Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). Methylphenidate 50 based NPS: A review of the evidence of use and harm. 2015 . Available 51 52 at: 53 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_d 54 ata/file/420983/TCDO_methylphenidate_NPS.pdf [08 August 2016]. 55 [7] M. Prashad. Approaches to the preparation of enantiomerically pure 56 57 (2 R,2′R)(+)threo methylphenidate hydrochloride. Adv. Synth. Catal. 58 2001 , 343 , 379. 59 60 15 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 17 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

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1 2 3 Biochemical and behavioural characterization of novel methylphenidate 4 analogs. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2002 , 301 , 527. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 19 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 21 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Figure 1. Chemical structures of methylphenidate, (±)-threo -racemate and (±)-erythro -racemate of 4- 30 fluoromethylphenidate 31 32 134x88mm (300 x 300 DPI) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 22 of 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Figure 2. A-E: Gas chromatographic (GC) separation obtained for the isolated (±)-threo -racemate, isolated (±)-erythro -racemate of 4F-MPH and vendor samples. F-G: Electron ionization mass spectra obtained for the 48 isolated (±)-threo - and (±)-erythro - racemates of 4F-MPH. H: Proposed fragmentation pattern for both 49 racemates. 50 51 281x391mm (300 x 300 DPI) 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 23 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Figure 3. A-E: HPLC separation achieved for the isolated (±)-threo -racemate, isolated (±)-erythro -racemate and vendor samples of 4F-MPH. F-G: Product ion spectra obtained for isolated (±)-threo - and (±)-erythro - 48 racemates of 4F-MPH obtained from in-source collision induced dissociation at increased fragmentor voltage 49 (110 V). H: Proposed fragments for both racemates. 50 51 246x297mm (300 x 300 DPI) 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 24 of 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Figure 4. 1H NMR spectra obtained for the mixed 4F-MPH product, the isolated (±)-threo -racemate and 31 isolated (±)-erythro -racemates of 4F-MPH. 32 33 142x98mm (300 x 300 DPI) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 25 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 Figure 5. A: Structure of (±)-erythro and B: (±)-threo salts of 4F-MPH. Atomic displacement parameters 24 shown at 50% probability and hydrogen atoms drawn as spheres of arbitrary radius. In B, only the major 25 disordered fluorophenyl moiety is shown. 26 27 81x38mm (300 x 300 DPI) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Drug Testing and Analysis Page 26 of 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Figure 6. Effects of 4-fluoromethylphenidate isomers (4F-MPH) and comparison with methylphenidate (MPH) on inhibition of uptake at DAT, NET, and SERT in rat brain synaptosomes. Synaptosomes were incubated 48 with different concentrations of test drugs in the presence of 5 nM [ 3H]dopamine (A, for DAT), 10 nM 49 [3H]norepinephrine (B, for NET), or 5 nM [ 3H]serotonin (C, for SERT). Data are percentage of 50 [3H]transmitter uptake expressed as mean ± s.e.m. for n = 3 experiments. 51 52 242x486mm (300 x 300 DPI) 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta Page 27 of 26 Drug Testing and Analysis

1 2 3 4 Table 1. Effects of 4-fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) and methylphenidate (MPH) on a 5 transporter-mediated uptake in rat brain synaptosomes 3 3 3 6 Test Drug [ H]DA [ H]NE [ H]5-HT 7 uptake via DAT IC 50 uptake via NET IC 50 uptake via SERT IC 50 8 (nM) (nM) (nM) 9 Diastereomeric 66.35 ± 3.27 44.6 ± 4.17 >10,000 mixture of 4F-MPH 10 (±)-threo -4F-MPH 60.96 ± 4.6 30.68 ± 2.64 8,805 ± 2475 11 (±)-erythro -4F-MPH 8,528 ± 1753 3,779 ± 570.5 >10,000 12 MPH 131.0 ± 14.2 82.85 ± 11.145 >10,000 13 a Data are expressed as nM concentrations (mean ± SD) for n = 3 separate experiments 14 performed in triplicate. For dose-response curve, see Figure 6. 15 16 17 18 For Peer Review 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dta