Rivers, Canals, Oxbows, Major Streams and Subsidence Flashes (RCF) Habitat Action Plan Doncaster Local Biodiversity Action Plan January 2007 Table of Contents Page 1. Description 1 2. National status 3 3. Local status 4 4. Legal status 9 5. Links to associated habitats & species 10 6. Current factors causing loss or decline 11 7. Current local action 15 8. Objectives, targets & proposed actions 19 9. Indicative Habitat distribution & Opportunities map 29 Doncaster Biodiversity Action Partnership Doncaster Council, Environmental Planning, 2nd Floor, Danum House, St Sepulchre Gate, Doncaster, DN1 1UB. Telephone: 01302 862896 Email:
[email protected] For further information www.doncaster.gov.uk/biodiversityplease visit www.doncaster.gov.uk/biodiversity or contact; Doncaster Biodiversity Action Partnership, c/o Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Environmental Planning, Spatial Planning and Economic Development, Directorate of Development, 2nd Floor, Danum House, St Sepulchre Gate, Doncaster, DN1 1UB, Tel: 01302 862896, E-mail:
[email protected] MM67-120 DONCASTER LOCAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN 1. Description 1.1 Within Doncaster, the River Don is the main large river, but its tributaries and other rivers such as the Idle, Torne, and Went are also important. The course of the Don contains a number of oxbows, now cut off from the river and there are several important subsidence flashes formed as a result of mining and river engineering. This Habitat Action Plan includes rivers, oxbows and subsidence flashes and, due to the close links between the navigation system and the river, the Habitat Action Plan also covers canals as a slow- flowing riparian environment. 1.2 Flowing water habitats and associated floodplain wetlands include aquatic habitats ranging from swiftly flowing rivers to slow, sluggish canals.