Clive Cussler,Thomas Perry | 416 pages | 27 Aug 2014 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9781405918350 | English | London, United Kingdom Secrets Akumal Riviera Maya

Cussler connoisseurs will approve. Others can enjoy it as a stand-alone adventure. Cussler The Tombs, etc. News arrives from Tapachula, Mexico, of an earthquake. Loading their chartered yacht with supplies and physicians, the deep-pocketed, charitable Fargos sail to help. They organize a relief party. In midtrek, Sam stumbles upon a Mayan tomb uncovered by the earthquake. Only four other Mayan codices exist, treasures of mathematical treatises, astronomical observations and histories. This one had been secreted in with the help of Dominican Friar de Las Casas, a singular codex "worth a hundred" of any other. Fearing looters, the Fargos rationalize smuggling the codex to San Diego. In pursuit comes Sarah Allersby, a "beautiful, rich, uninhibited, flamboyant" Englishwoman and Guatemalan landowner. Gunfights ensue. Underwater escapes are made. Later, in Guatemala, the Fargos clash twice more with Allersby, her violent minions, her drug- smuggling allies and villagers guarding an ancient Mayan redoubt. The relatively lightweight The Mayan Secrets ends in The Mayan Secrets shoot-'em-up after Sam calls on Apache attack helicopter—equipped compatriots from his former CIA-like, top-secret, quasi-military organization. A tasty, if not always tasteful, tale of supernatural mayhem that fans of King and Crichton alike will enjoy. Are we not men? We are—well, The Mayan Secrets Bigfoot, as Brooks does in this delightful yarn, following on his bestseller World War Z A zombie apocalypse is one thing. Taking up our resources, our time to care for you. One of those rare The Mayan Secrets whose answers are even more scarifying than its mysteries. A middle-aged woman sidelined The Mayan Secrets a horrific accident finds even sharper pains waiting The Mayan Secrets the other side of her recuperation in this expert nightmare by Hardy, familiar to many readers as Megan Hart, author of All the Secrets We Keepetc. When she awoke, she was minus her gallbladder, two working collarbones and therefore two functioning The Mayan Secretsand her memory. Every day is filled with torments. The Mayan Secrets the emergency room, her credit card and debit card are declined. She feels that she hates oppressively solicitous Harriett but has no idea why. Her sessions with her psychiatrist fail to heal her rage at her adoptive mother, an addict who abandoned her then returned only to disappear again and die an ugly death. Even worse, her attempts to recover her lost memory lead to an excruciatingly paced series of revelations. Val says Diana asked her to seduce Jonathan. Where can this maze of deceptions possibly end? Ten years after her teenage daughter went missing, a mother begins a new relationship only to discover she can't truly move on until she answers lingering questions about the past. She drifted away from her other two children, Hanna and Jake, and eventually she and her husband, Paul, divorced. Both of these sections primarily focus on Laurel. All of these devices serve to build palpable tension, but the structure also contributes to how deeply disturbing the story becomes. At times, the characters and the emotional core of the events are almost obscured by such quick maneuvering through the weighty plot. Already have an account? Log in. Trouble signing in? Retrieve credentials. Sign Up. Pub Date: Sept. Page Count: Publisher: Putnam. Review Posted Online: Aug. No Comments Yet. More by . Review Posted Online: Feb. Show all comments. More by Max Brooks. More About This Book. Pub Date: Nov. Page Count: Publisher: Crooked Lane. Page Count: Publisher: Atria. More by Lisa Jewell. Please sign up to continue. Almost there! Reader Writer Industry Professional. Send me weekly book recommendations and inside scoop. Keep me logged in. Sign in using your Kirkus account Sign in Keep me logged in. Need Help? Contact us: or email customercare kirkus. Please select an existing bookshelf OR The Mayan Secrets a new bookshelf Continue. Organic Essential Oils | Essential Oils Wholesale, Bulk

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Thomas Perry Goodreads Author. Scott Brick Narrator. Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are in Mexico, when they come upon The Mayan Secrets remarkable discovery—the skeleton of a man clutching an ancient sealed pot, and within the pot, a Mayan book, larger than anyone has ever seen. The book contains astonishing information about the Mayans, about their cities, and about mankind itself. The secrets are so powerful that some people wo Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are in Mexico, when they come upon a remarkable discovery—the skeleton of a man clutching The Mayan Secrets ancient sealed pot, and within the pot, a Mayan book, larger than anyone has ever seen. The secrets are so powerful that some people would do anything to possess them—as the Fargos are about to find out. Before their adventure is done, many men and women will die for that book—and Sam and Remi may just be among them. Get A Copy. Audio CD10 pages. More Details Original Title. Fargo Adventures 5. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Mayan Secretsplease sign up. Paul Cookson The thing about Clive Cussler is that he does his research. The initial set up is the only part of the book that is set in The Mayan Secrets Mayan times and after that it is pure fiction. I'd highly recommend this book and all his other books from an adventure point of view, not historic fact finding. See 2 questions about The Mayan Secrets…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Dec 08, Tim The Enchanter rated it liked it Shelves: action-adventure3-starsaudiobookstreasure-huntinginvicible-herosthriller. Posted to The Literary Lawyer. You are in for a bit of hunting fun with a rich and superbly talent married couple. There are some bad guys, explosions, near death experiences and some scheming and conniving. While the series is a t Posted to The Literary Lawyer. While the series is a tad formulaic, I still enjoy the adventures of Sam and Remi Fargo. Plot summary After a serious earthquake in Guatemala, the rich Super couple, treasure hunting, amateur archeologists Sam and Remi Fargo attend the country to provide assistance through The Mayan Secrets hard work and delivery of medical supplies. On a mountainous hike to a remote village, they quite literally stumble upon an as of yet undiscovered Mayan archeological site. It is here they discover a codex that is set to turn the understanding The Mayan Secrets the Mayan people on its ear. Of course, things are not easy and they face off again hitmen, drug runners and a uber-rich villain as they traipse across the jungle discovering treasure, hidden Mayan sites and narrowly avoiding death. The Good Fun Factor When I was a kid, one of my many dreams was to grow The Mayan Secrets to be a globe trotting The Mayan Secrets who would spend his life discovering hidden cities The Mayan Secrets ancient treasure. Turns out I did not become a Canadian Indiana Jones but the interest in such things has always remained. Regardless of any fault you find in these novels, they deal with interesting ideas. The story involves real history and real historical mysteries. While it might add information to made the story more exciting, it manages to make history fun. There is treasure and priceless artifacts. What is not to love. While the characters lack any significant depth and they essentially possess any skill necessary to escape danger, they manage to be interesting if you accept them for what they are. Sometimes this means The Mayan Secrets storytelling is lazy as they always reach within the vast expanses of their minds to find the solution, it is fun in the way that McGuyver could get out a locked room with a q-tip and a stick of gum or the A-Team could build a functioning tank with a junk yard car, scrap metal and an industrial fan. Don't over think it. This will not The Mayan Secrets shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The Bad While fun, it is not especially creative. I would not read this series one after the other as it something for which you need to be in the mood. While you might eat salad every day for lunch, every once in a while it won't kill The Mayan Secrets to have a meatball sandwich. Sam and Remi Fargo are about as white bread as they come. You know they will The Mayan Secrets make the moral choice, use violence only when The Mayan Secrets necessary, will always help the downtrodden even when it puts them in danger and will never have a rough patch in their relationship. The characters are far too good to be true. Again, try not to over think it and you will make out just fine. Can this Book Stand Alone Yes. There characters tend to be reintroduced. There is minimal backstory and it plays very little into this story. If you The Mayan Secrets so inclined, you can read this one first with confidence. Final Thoughts If you are in the mood for a little literary junk food that has a sprinkling of history, treasure hunting, gun fighting and some saintly WASP's, The Mayan Secrets book might be for you. Personally, I liked Blackwood's writing a lot more. I see that book six is using a new author so we will see where that leads us. Audiobook Notes This is narrated by Scott Brick. I love the guy. He is my go to narrator for the action adventure type novels. He has a deep and overly dramatic voice that is a perfect fit for these types of stories. I make an effort to give you the information so you can make an informed decision before reading. I am simply giving approximations. Scale 1 - Lowest 5 - Highest Sex - 1. Sam and Remi are know to chastely lock lips from time to time. There is the occasional reference to Remi's good looks and shapely physique and stunning beauty. There is nothing The Mayan Secrets the story that would make your grandma blush. Language - 2 The characters tend The Mayan Secrets avoid The Mayan Secrets language. There are few potty words here or there but Sam and Remi contribute very little to the swear jar. Violence - 3 If Clive Cussler's name is on the cover, there has to be some violence. There is plenty of shooting and quite a The Mayan Secrets bodies litter the jungle. Surprisingly, the violence is less than the previous novels and tends to be mild in nature. View all 5 comments. Sep The Mayan Secrets, Gevera Bert rated it it The Mayan Secrets ok. Full of filler. I don't care what the Fargos ate, ever. Or what type of wine they had with The Mayan Secrets food or how that wine tasted. I don't need an exhaustive list of what they packed and in what type of The Mayan Secrets, or what the bad guys pack to come after them. Or every hose and connection they check in their vehicle before driving away. The plot wasn't that great to begin with and it really got dragged down with all this stupid unnecessary crap. View all 4 comments. Sep 06, John Buxbaum rated it really liked The Mayan Secrets. I am very fond of Sam and Remi Fargo. I love the characters and their interactions. THE MAYAN SECRETS | Kirkus Reviews

Essential Oils are the natural essences of plants acquired by steam distillation or The Mayan Secrets from a single botanical source. These oils are widely used in aromatherapy as well as in other commercial enterprises such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, soaps, candles, and domestic cleaning products. Essential Oils are the immune systems of the plants being distilled, which enable the plant to defend itself from infection by other organisms. The fluids extracted from the plant are integral for its survival, but they often offer exotic The Mayan Secrets compounds prized in Aromatherapy and Perfumery. We carry essential oils that evoke a calming atmosphere, essential oils that energize your mind, and essential oils that help create an The Mayan Secrets mood to spend with a special person. Try blending any of these oils to create your own unique essential oil blend. Buy Oils for Beauty, Cosmetics, Shampoo, The Mayan Secrets, Nails, Body and Skincare products, from a top wholesale essential oil and raw superfoods manufacturer and distributor. My Account. Welcome to Mayan's Secret! Login Create Account. Shopping Cart. Best place to buy pure unrefined organic essential oils is here at Mayans Secret. Did you recognizeCBD is additionally an important Oil. Essential oils are the concentrated extracts of plants. Essential oils are contained in sacs on the leaves, bark, flowers, seeds and roots of plants. They protect the plant from predators, assist the plant in reproduction, as in attracting pollinators. They also help the plant repair itself when it's injured by insects, or if they're broken branches from wind or the likes of. Essential oils The Mayan Secrets released when the sacs they're contained in are broken open. Now you'll start to ascertain why they're so powerful, and are wanted for hundreds of years. Essential oils penetrate the cell membrane and acts on a cellular level. Essential oils are often used aromatically, topically or internally. Aromatic use is once you put the essential oils during a diffuser, topically is directly on your skin, and internally is self explanatory. Essential oils are often utilized in a diffuser. When diffused, essential oils clean the air, open airways, ease congestion, combat stress and tension, The Mayan Secrets make the space smell good without the toxicities that occur when burning candles or employing a wall plug-in air freshener. When essential oils are inhaled they travel up the nasal passageway and into the neural structurewhere they activate the visceral brain. Essential oils are utilized in research studies for 50 years, and today they're the 1 area of accelerating research by many brands and makers world The Mayan Secrets. So, what i used to be trying to mention is that the visceral brain The Mayan Secrets that the system responsible of all the memories and emotions in your body. Essential oils when used aromatically have an immediate effect on the neurotransmitters released in your brain. Those chemicals dictate whether you're happy, sad, frustrated, stressed or relaxed. Essential oils also can be used topically. If you've got knee discomfort, put the oil that helps thereupon directly on your knee. Some oils may have The Mayan Secrets carrier oil, like copra oil or expressed almond oil or avocado oil, makes the simplest carrier oils. The act of mixing a carrier oil, simply helps reduce the absorption of the volatile oil and thereby decreases skin discomfort. Those are great areas for oils that support a balanced emotional system and help to combat stress. Mayan's Secret features hundreds of objective, brand-neutral essential oil guides, articles, lists, oil profiles, tips, blends, recipes, book reviews and directories. If your like the Maya, than you know what its like to treat your self to trip to the spa for a gorgeously relaxing and chillaxing day at the day spa. Now, when it comes to essential oils and your home, beauty routine, and DIY projects, its for sure a much cheaper alternative way to easily chillout. Proponents believe they possess therapeutic benefits, and can help do everything from soothing sore muscles to helping you fall asleep to reducing stress. EOs are potent and highly concentrated, which means a little goes a long way. Top Essential Oil Brands: Mayan's Secret has extremely high standards when it comes to stocking pure essential oils. No matter which brand you choose, you can rest easy thank you, lavender knowing these options are the cream of the crop. Now Foods: Before protein powders The Mayan Secrets alternative sweeteners were readily available in local supermarkets, Now Foods was crafting essential oils from what nature has to offer. The scents range from citrus to floral and everything The Mayan Secrets between. Ancient Apothecary: Fermentation is an ancient process to help food break down into more absorbable components. Best Organic Essential Oils: With so many options to choose from, it might take a while to find your favorite scent, but these three are a great place to start. Diffuse it in the morning or add a few drops to a carrier oil in your The Mayan Secrets and then inhale to help you The Mayan Secrets more energized. With balanced floral notes, lavender is known for helping to usher in feelings of calm and relaxation. We harvest, sort, and then gently extract each botanical using steam distillation to keep the aroma fresh. Tea Tree Oil: This leaf-derived essential oil is organically The Mayan Secrets in the plains of eastern Australia, and can be used in DIY skincare products or household cleaning mixes. From a DIY bath bomb recipe to a guide to everything you need to know about aromatherapy, these posts will have The Mayan Secrets up to speed on essential oils in no time. Aromatherapy Start here. The simple ingredients like EVOO and essential oil will fizz and foam while you soak. Ways to Use Essential Oils at Home or at your office: There are myriad ways to bring the benefits of botanicals into your day. The Mayan Secrets are just a few! Diffuse citrus scents e. Discover a wide range of traditional oils in our essential oil shop, from oils used to stimulate the mood to those used for relaxation. Essential oils are primarily utilized in one of three ways: Applied topically to the skin Essential oils like lavender, frankincense, and eucalyptus are often applied to the skin, but the oils should be diluted The Mayan Secrets water or a carrier oil like coconut oil to prevent skin irritation. Inhaled directly Relax and take a deep breath of essential oils The Mayan Secrets lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang, or lemon for a calming effect. You can inhale the oils directly from the bottle, or rub a few drops between your palms and enjoy the aroma. Dispersed through the The Mayan Secrets by a diffuser Start your day and awaken your senses by diffusing essential oils like peppermint, orange, lemon, or eucalyptus. Or, try diffusing relaxing oils like lavender, geranium, or ylang ylang before bedtime to encourage a peaceful night's sleep. Where can you The Mayan Secrets essential oils? Browse our selection of essential oils online. Featured Essential Oils A Sandalwood alternative - Cedarwood Essential Oil Using undiluted neat essential oils on the skin can potentially cause severe irritation or sensitization. New The Mayan Secrets Aromatherapy? Essential Oils Enjoy making the fine aromatherapy recipes contained in Mayan's Secret's categorized Recipe area. Essential Oils are best for well- being, household cleaning and freshening, skincare, beauty and hygiene, holiday blends and recipes for the child in all of us. Essential Oils Refer to Mayan's Secret's Essential Oil Guide to The Mayan Secrets detailed profiles for over essential oils, absolutes and CO2s and view categorized lists including essential oils for emotional well-being and hazardous essential oils. Carrier Oils View The Mayan Secrets carrier oil profiles for over 20 vegetable oils used in aromatherapy. The Carrier Oil Profiles area also explains what they are and their importance in aromatherapy. Hydrosols View detailed profiles for over 30 hydrosols, also known as hydrolats, distillate waters or floral waters. Also refer to the Hydrosol Profiles area to learn about hydrosols and their shelf life, uses and safety guidelines. Oil Production Extraction fragrance Distillation Most common essential oils such as lavender peppermint tea tree oil patchouli and eucalyptus are distilled Raw plant material consisting of the flowers leaves wood bark roots seeds or peel is put into an alembic distillation apparatus over water As the water is heated the steam passes through the plant material vaporizing the volatile compounds The vapors flow through a coil where they condense back to liquid which is then collected in the receiving vessel Most oils are distilled in a single process One exception is ylangylang Cananga odorata which is purifed through a fractional distillation The recondensed water is referred to as a hydrosol hydrolat herbal distillate or plant water essence which may be sold as another fragrant product Hydrosols include rose water lavender water lemon balm clary The Mayan Secrets and orange blossom water The use of herbal distillates in cosmetics is increasing. Expression: Most citrus The Mayan Secrets oils are expressed mechanically or coldpressed similar to olive oil extraction9 Due to the relatively large quantities of oil in citrus peel and low cost to grow and harvest the raw materials citrusfruit oils are cheaper than most other essential oils Lemon or sweet orange oils are obtained as byproducts of the citrus industry Before the discovery of distillation all essential oils were extracted by pressing. Solvent extraction: Most flowers contain too little volatile oil to undergo expression but their chemical components are too delicate The Mayan Secrets easily denatured by the high heat used in steam distillation Instead a solvent such as hexane or supercritical carbon dioxide is used to extract the oils Extracts from hexane and other hydrophobic solvents are called concretes which are a mixture of essential oil waxes resins and other lipophilic oilsoluble plant material. Although highly fragrant concretes contain large quantities of nonfragrant waxes and resins Often another solvent such The Mayan Secrets ethyl alcohol is used to extract the fragrant oil from the concrete The alcohol solution is chilled to 18 C 0 F for more than 48 hours which causes the waxes and lipids to precipitate out The precipitates are then filtered out and the ethanol is removed from the remaining solution by evaporation vacuum purge or both leaving behind the absolute. Supercritical carbon dioxide is used as a solvent in supercritical fluid extraction This method can avoid petrochemical residues in the product and the loss of some top notes when The Mayan Secrets distillation is used It does not yield an absolute directly The supercritical carbon dioxide will extract both the waxes and the essential oils that make up the concrete Subsequent processing with liquid carbon dioxide achieved in the same extractor by merely lowering the extraction temperature will separate the waxes from the essential oils This lower temperature process prevents the decomposition and denaturing of compounds When the extraction is complete the pressure is reduced to ambient and the carbon dioxide reverts to a gas leaving no residue. Florasols extraction: Florasol is another solvent used to obtain essential oils It was originally developed as a refrigerant to replace Freon Although Florasol is an ozonefriendly product it has a high global warming potential GWP yr GWP The European Union has banned its use with a phaseout process that began in to be completed in One advantage of Florasol is that the extraction of essential oils occurs at or below room temperature so degradation through high temperature extremes does not occur The essential oils are mostly pure and contain little to no foreign substancescitation needed. Production quantities: Estimates of total production of essential oils are difficult to obtain One estimate compiled from data in and from various sources gives the following total production in tonnes of essential oils for which more than tonnes were produced. Main article Aromatherapy: Essential oils are The Mayan Secrets in aromatherapy as part of for example essential oil diffusers: Aromatherapy is The Mayan Secrets form of alternative medicine in which healing effects are ascribed to the aromatic compounds in essential oils and other plant extracts Aromatherapy may be useful to induce relaxation but there is not sufficient evidence The Mayan Secrets essential oils can effectively treat any condition. Scientific research indicates that essential oils cannot treat or cure any chronic disease or other illnesses Much of the research on the use of essential oils for health purposes has serious methodological errors In a systemic review of published studies on essential oils as alternative medicines only 10 were found to be of acceptable methodological quality and even these 10 were still weak in reference to scientific standards3 Use of essential oils may cause harm including allergic reactions and skin irritation there has been at least one case of death As such the use of essential oils as an alternative medicine should The Mayan Secrets approached with caution. Use as pesticide: Research has shown that essential The Mayan Secrets have potential as a natural pesticide In case studies certain oils have been shown to have a variety of deterring effects on pests specifically insects and select arthropods These effects may include repelling inhibiting digestion stunting growth decreasing rate of reproduction or death of pests The Mayan Secrets consume the oil However the molecules within the oils that cause these effects are normally nontoxic for mammals These specific actions of the molecules allow for widespread use of these The Mayan Secrets pesticides without harmful effects to anything other than pests Essential oils that have been investigated include rose lemon grass lavender thyme peppermint and eucalyptus. Although they may not be The Mayan Secrets perfect replacement for all synthetic pesticides essential oils have prospects for crop or indoor plant protection urban pest control and marketed insect repellents such as bug spray Certain essential oils have been shown in studies to be comparable if not exceeding in effectiveness to DEET which is currently marketed as the most effective mosquito repellent Although essential oils are effective as pesticides when first applied in uses such as mosquito repellent applied to the skin it is only effective in the vapor stage Since this stage is relatively shortlived creams and polymer mixtures are used in order to elongate the vapor period. In any form using essential The Mayan Secrets as green pesticides rather than synthetic pesticides has ecological benefits such as decreased residual actions In addition increased use of essential oils as pest control could have not only ecological but economical benefits as the essential oil market diversifies, and popularity increases among organic farmers and environmentally conscious consumers. Raw materials Main article List of essential oils. Essential oils are derived from sections of plants Some plants like the bitter orange are sources of several types of essential oil. Garlic oil is an essential oil derived from The Mayan Secrets. Most eucalyptus oil on the market is produced from the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus Steamdistilled eucalyptus oil is used throughout Asia Africa Latin America and South America as a primary cleaning and disinfecting agent added to soaped mop and countertop cleaning solutions it also possesses insect and limited vermin control properties34 Note however there are hundreds of species of eucalyptus and perhaps some dozens are used to various extents as sources of essential oils Not only do the products of different species differ greatly in characteristics and effects but also the products of the very same tree can vary The Mayan Secrets. Lavender oil has long been used in the production of perfume36 However it can be estrogenic and antiandrogenic causing problems for prepubescent boys and pregnant women in particular37 Lavender essential oil is also used as an insect The Mayan Secrets. Rose oil is produced from the petals of Rosa damascena and Rosa centifolia Steamdistilled rose oil is known as rose otto while the solvent extracted product is known as rose absolute The potential danger of an essential oil is sometimes relative to its level or grade of purity and sometimes related to the toxicity of specific chemical components of the oil Many essential oils are designed exclusively for their aromatherapeutic quality these essential The Mayan Secrets generally should not be applied directly to the skin in their undiluted or neat form Some can cause severe irritation provoke an allergic reaction and over time prove hepatotoxic Some essential oils including many of the citrus peel oils are photosensitizers increasing the skins vulnerability to sunlight. Exposure to essential oils may cause contact dermatitis Essential oils can be aggressive toward rubbers and plastics so care must be taken in The Mayan Secrets the correct handling equipment Glass syringes are often used but have coarse volumetric graduations Chemistry syringes are ideal as they resist essential oils are long enough to enter deep vessels and have fine graduations facilitating quality control Unlike traditional pipettes which have difficulty handling viscous fluids the chemistry syringe also known as a positive displacement pipette has a seal and piston arrangement which slides inside the pipette wiping the essential oil off the pipette wall. Some essential oils qualify as GRAS flavoring agents for use in foods beverages and confectioneries according to strict good manufacturing practice and flavorist standards29 Pharmacopoeia standards for medicinal oils should be heeded Some oils can be toxic to some domestic animals cats in particular44 The internal use of essential oils can pose hazards to pregnant women as some can be abortifacients in dose mL and thus should not be used during pregnancycitation needed. There is some concern about pesticide residues in essential oils particularly those used therapeutically For this reason many practitioners of aromatherapy buy organically produced oils Not only are pesticides present in trace quantities but also the oils themselves are used in tiny quantities and usually in high dilutions Where there is a concern about pesticide residues in food essential oils such as mint or orange The Mayan Secrets the proper criterion is not solely whether the material is organically produced but whether it meets the government standards based on actual analysis of its pesticide content. Certain essential oils are safe to use during pregnancy but care must be taken when selecting quality and brand46 Some essential oils may contain impurities and additives that may be harmful to pregnant women Sensitivity to certain smells may cause pregnant women to have adverse side effects with essential The Mayan Secrets use such as headache vertigo and nausea Pregnant women often report an abnormal sensitivity to smells and taste47 and essential oils can cause irritation and nausea when ingested Always consult a doctor before use. The following table lists the LD50 or median lethal dose for common oils this is the dose required to kill half the members of a tested animal population LD50 is intended as a guideline only and reported values can vary widely due to differences in tested species and The Mayan Secrets conditions. Organic Essential Oils. Fragrance Oils Gift Sets. Pure Essential Oils. Himalayan Salt.