ANALES | ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE ECONOMIA POLITICA LI Reunión Anual Noviembre de 2016 ISSN 1852-0022 ISBN 978-987-28590-4-6 Local Innovation System: Interactions and Innovation Efforts in the Olive Sector in La Rioja - Argentina. Starobinsky, Gabriela Navarrete, José “Local Innovation System: Interactions and Innovation Efforts in the Olive Sector in La Rioja - Argentina” Starobinsky Gabriela ψ * Navarrete José Luis φ ** ψ National University of Chilecito, Department of Social and Legal Sciences * E-mail address:
[email protected] /
[email protected] φ National University of Chilecito, Department of Social and Legal Sciences ** E-mail address:
[email protected] Abstract The present research studies the role of firms’ interactions within the Local Innovation System (LIS) in relation to their innovation efforts for the olive sector in La Rioja, Argentina. Empirical analysis is based on information gained from a survey conducted by the National University of Chilecito in 2012. Quasi-Poisson and Binomial Logistic regressions are built in order to deal with statistical data. The main findings states that the more interactions firms establish, the more technological efforts they make, as well as the relevance of relationships with S&T organizations. However, heterogeneity amongst firms and LIS weaknesses would limit smaller firms’ performance. Key words: Innovation Efforts, Interactions, Local Innovation System, Olive Sector JEL Classification: D21, O18, O30, R19 Resumen La presente investigación aborda el rol de las interacciones de las firmas en el Sistema Local de Innovación (SLI) sobre sus esfuerzos innovativos para el sector olivícola de La Rioja, Argentina. El análisis empírico se efectúa en base a una encuesta conducida por la Universidad Nacional de Chilecito en 2012, para cuyo procesamiento se construyen regresiones Quasi-Poisson y Logit Binomial.