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Trades WORCESTERSHIRE I J TRADES. HAB 4fjl • 'Bobetti Hat'If Edward, t& 'C<tmer tdr Sturges J.E.76 Bitmingham st.Oldbry tWilliams J. J_k. Co. The Cross & St. I; * Nelson rd. St'.J()hn's, Worcest Swingler William, 137 Salop st.Dudly Swithin'a str~t. Worcester f Boberts John Henry,-38 Dingle stree , Symonds Mrs. M. E. So Windsor Williame ,Arthul' H. ;JZCl Wplverhamp- RoUlld's green, Oldbury road, Evesham I ton street, Dudley Robertl! W. Astley Cross, Stourport Taft Jn. 152 Otimora rd.Kidderminstt Williams Charles, Birts ;Street, .Birte­ Robine Geo.A.4High 'st.Lye,Stourbrdg 'l'albot Georgs Willia.m, 49 Clensmore morton, Tewkesbury Bobinson: Charles, Broadwas,Worcestt lane, Kidderminste:r Williams- John, ,A.lma 11treet, Cradley Boclt F.P35 Worcester-st. Stourbridg TandY' Mrs. .f,, ~2 New st. Stourbrd$" Willis Alfred,. 011-llow End, Worcester Rogerw- Henry, Cross street, Tenbu Tarhng William, Post :office, Hanle *Willows James Martil\w. Court rP!id, Bogmo,w J()seph, CleQbury road, Far Castl~ W~r~~tel" Great MaLvern ForesW Bewdley Taylor ..A.rthur, :r High street k. 2 t*Wilson J, B. k. Sons, 139 High et. Rollason John, 8g Maltmill lane, Bridge street,. Stourport Bromsgrovei Stoke road, ~ston Blackheath, Birminghani Taylo:r Mrs.C.A.1 George st. Redditch fields, New road, J"install, Brorns- Boll!UMJD Mrs. Mary .A, 'I MaltmiU. *Taylol"G.E.AU Saints.' ;rd.Bromsgrve grove; Catshillt< BroD;lsgrovt~; 1~ ~lackheath, Birmingham Taylo~ H. E. u High st. Stourport .Alvechurch, Birmingham & Bel- Rolston Wm. T. 71 High st. Droitwch Taylor Mrs. Mary A. Chaddesley Corl broughton, Stourbridge Rose Q. W. 31 Birmingham st.Oldbrj' bett, Kidderminster Wilson Mr~t.A . .159 London rd.Worcstr Bound Bert, 416 Stourbri.dge road, Ta-ylor Thos. 4 Hill11tJ Lye,Stourbrdg Winter Augustus Charles, Church st. Holly hall, Dudley tThompson & Sons, 5 High street k Eckington, Pershore Round John, 49 Park lane, Oldbury Hawne, Halesowen tWood Henry & Son. 46 High street, Bowlo.nds A. 41. Vicarage prospectr Tilley Bertram, s~~ Stourbridge road, Dudley k. 58 Owen street, Tipton Dudlef 1 Lye, Stourbridg8 J Wood E. Hampton (llarlea, Tenbury Rowley Richard .A. 81 High street, Tilley G. H. 19 Mt. Pleasant,Reddit Woodcock J. 155 Low.High at.Strbdg Wollaston, Stourbridge Timmis Mrs. Eliza~ 34 Worcester st Woodhouse John1 II4 Hall st. Dudley Rutte:r Solomon, Blakedown, Strbrdg Kidderminster Woodrow J. ~ J,.<wne st.Kidderminstr Sanders Ernest Edward, Worcester Tipping & Morris, Abbey rd. Grea Wright Ebenuer,.. 43- New st, Dudley road( Witton, Droitwieh Malvern Wright Edward, Heath st.Stourbridge tScriveu. Al & Sons Limited, 19 'folley Abner, Far Forest, Bewdley Wright J. W. Elmley Castle, Pershore Halesowen !road & Northfield road, Tolley M. H. 28 .M!; 29 Cambria road, Yardley Willia.m Henry, 9 Hill Top J)letherwn,~ l>udley Evesham I road, Warley, Langley, Birmingham Scriven Jspb.Merton rd.Malvern Link 'folley William, Fa:t' Forest, "Bewdley Sheldon Alfred, 3 Wolverhampton st. Tonks Samuel, 2 Portltay rd.Oldbury GROWERS' SUNDRIESMAN. Dudley Towndrow & Oo. Worcester road, Liversidge & Co. 4t High Sheppy Charles,. 17 Friar .stree~ & 2 Malvern Link, Great Malvern Union street, Worcestel' Towndrow F.M. Malvern Wells,Malvr} GUANO MERCHAlilTS. Sherw~Mrs.Bretforton,Honeyb~urd Trapp Daniel, Areley Kings, Stonrpr~ See Manur\;M:erchants. Shewa:t:d Alfred, Catshill, Bromsgrv~J Tupper L. I Severn ter. Worcester Shrimptoa F~ank1 :zs The Tything, Turner Geo. 21 Church st. Halesowen GUN MAKERS. W~r<lf)ster Turner Wm. H. 8 High st. Stourport Osborne Tot 36 Brirlg& 8'1;. Evesha.m fSh~Impton ~ . .A. 57 Load st.Bew~ley tTurner Williani M. 17 Ombersley stf Pollard Herb~.E. 6f! Broad st.Worcstr Shr1mpton V. Crabbs Cross, Redd1tch Droitwich s:uker Wm.. g8 Springf hl. ~a~eSQ1Ven Tustin John, 21 School rd. St. John's, Wild Thomas, Gun !.work~>, WhittaU t Shute:P. & Flays Stores Lmuted, 51 Woreester street, Birmingham &i s~ High street, Worcester- Universal Tea 0o ll35 Market place Sidaway William, 2 Wren atr~t, Dudley & 3 Bull ring KiddermnstJ GUN BARREL MANUF ACTRS~ t Netheztonr Dudley V'l J.. F H E h ' d H dl s· d G E B'h d Oldb 1 e, . ves am roa , ea ess Rose Brothers Limited., Halesowen ~mon s ' · 6 am, r · ury Cross. Redditch S1mona. Albt. Sansome walk, W orcstr Walke-r & 'CO', 43 High stl. Evesham GUN EXTENSION MAKER. Sleeman John D, 283: Causeway Green Walk 1' M' M .....rr L H 1 road Langley Birmingham e . ISS a. J • uwer ag ey, Homel' H. Long la. Blackhth. B'ham ' ' Stouroridge Slim Mrs. Rose, 152 New John street~ . h Maltmill lane, Blackheath, B'ham Wall Da_vi~ L. Br~ad eath, Worce~ter GUTTA PERCHA MANFCTRS~ Smith Mrs. Av w. ;rs Alce~t~ st, Wall Wilham, Clifton st. Stourbn~ge India Rubber, Cutta Percha & Redditch Waiter Alfd. C. 57 Grove st. Rt;dditch Telegraph Works Co. Limited 1 offices, xoo & 'ro6 Cannon at.London Smith Mrs. Bessie, 48 Malvezl\ roa~. Waltort &1 Co. Sheep 'street•. Shipstont- St. John's, Worcester on-Stout E C; works, Silvertown, LondonE; Smith Herbt. 61 Lowesmoor Worcstr Wlllton Mrs. Sarah Ann, Bagley \t. branches, 15 Martineau st.Birming­ Smith J. jun. 32 Bridge st. 'Oldbury Stamber mill, Sto~bridge ham .& 28 Angel street, Sheffield ~ Smith John, 95 Parsonage st. Oldbry Walton W. H. ,rd.Gt.Malvrn gutta percha sheet & tissue, golf Smith R.H.41 Mill st, Diglis; Worestr Ward Alfred, L1t. C.atshill, Btomsgrv balls, tubing, buckets &c Smith William, 11 Whyley street, Wa:;d Joseph, 17 H1~h street, Kate's GUTTA PERCHA BANDING Langley, Birmingham hill, Dudley . MANUFACTURERS, Smith William Charles, 30 Lyttelton Ward Thomas, 70 Buchfield road. street, Barbourne, Worcester Headless Cross, Redditch Nayler John i!1i Son Limited, Castle Solven Mrs. Jessie, Post office, Wych~ tWar~er W.58 Bewdler rd.Kdrmnstr belting works, Dudley bold, Droitwich Warmmgton& Co.46 Bndge st.Eveshm Southall Alfd. 18 Rumbow, Halesowen Warr F. 105 Hagley rd. Stourbridge HABERDASHERS. Southall B!lnjamin, 29 & 95 Collev t*Weaver & Guest,I Worcester street .!dams Mrs.L.23 Chu:rbh st.Halesowen gate, Cradley · & 62 High street, Bromsgrov~ & Ainsworth Mrs. E. 41 New st. Dudley- Southall W. B. 35 H;igh st. Cradley Belbroughton, Stourbridge Bladon Misses M. & E. 55 Evesham st. Sparshott & Milton, x Mealcheapen Weavind Frdk. R. I4 Tallow hl.Wrcstl' Redditch street, Worcester Wellings Wm.164 Park st.Kiddrmnstr Bourne David, !alt Drew's Forge lane .. Spencer Mrs. M.57 Colley gte.Crad~ey WestwoodS.F .. 3l_'ark butts,~iddrmnstr Halesowe~ . Sprague Henry, 33 Horsefair, K1d- Westwood Wilham, 162 High street, Brettell W1lha~, .333 Long' lane, derminster Holly hall, Dudley Blackheath, Bummgham ~quibb W. H. Barnard's gn. Gt.Mlvrn Wetherall G.B.& Co.35High st.Wrcstt Broadfield John, 34 St.· Andrew's st. Stallard Mrs. K.L.Shrawley,Worcestr Whale Mrs. Kate, '157 Stourbridge Netherton, Dudley Star Tea Co. Limited, 7 Stourbridge road, Kidderminster Broadhurst Mrs. Della A. 1S3 Baxter road, Lye, Stourbridg.e t 3 MaTket Whatmore Thos. So Stafford st.Dudly avenue, Kidderminster - place, Redd;itch & 34 Shambles~ White Geo. 33 Summer hl. Halesowen Brookes Edwin Charles, 26a, Brown Worcester White James Hy. 42 High st. Cradley street, Kate's hill, Dudley tStephens A.L.3x Foregate st. Wrcstr Whitehouse Sam, 365 Halesowen rd. Brown Mrs. M . .A. 79 Barbourn~ Td. Stephens Thomas,II Northumberland Netherton, Dudley Worcester avenuv, Kidderminster Whittaker Misses S. A. & M. .A.reley Carter Reuben, 139 Salop st. Dudley Stevens Harry, 23 Stourbridge road, Kings, Stourport Clift Henry, 76 & 78 High st. Cradley Lye, Stou:rbridge *Wilkes .A.. R. Lansdowne st.Worcestr Cutts Mrs. Lydia, Market hall, Kid- Stevens J .F. 44 Market st. S~urbrdg Wilkes Arthur D. Bredon, Tewkesbry derminster tSteveJls & West~way, Hazel vieF, Wilkes Joseph, Crowle, Worcester Davenport Percy, 6o Long lane, Cake- West Mal"~rern, Great Malvern Willett Jas. 130 High st. Bromsgrove more, Blackheath, Birmingham Steventon Eepjamin, 77 Maltmifi la. Willetts Edwin, 336 Long lane, Black- Evans John S.Market hall,Kiddrmnstr Blackheath, Birmingham heath, Birmingham Gri:ffiths Mrs. Mary, 205 Cradley rd. Stretton Jn.69 Bewdley l'd.Kddrmnstr Netherton, Dudley • WORCS. 29* .
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    A9: Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan 2018 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Future pressures 4 3. Approach – planning for the future 5 4. Our planning tools 6 5. Defining our planning boundaries 8 6. Risk based catchment screening 10 7. Conclusion and next steps 18 APPENDICES A Strategic Planning Areas 20 B Tactical Planning Areas 109 C Catchment Plans 150 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION We are developing our first Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan Every day we drain over 2.7 billion litres of wastewater from our customers’ properties. We then treat this water at our wastewater treatment work before returning the cleaned water back to the environment. Our wastewater system consists of over 94,000km of sewers and drains, 4400 pumping stations and 1010 treatment works. This system has to continue to operate effectively day in day out but also needs to be able to cope with future pressures and this is where our Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan comes in. Our Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan will cover the investments we plan to make over the next 5 year period, 2020 to 2025, as well setting out a long term (25 year) strategy for how we are going to deliver a reliable and sustainable wastewater service. The first full publication of Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMPs) is not scheduled until 2022/23. We have chosen to provide a draft of our initial findings to: support the strategic investments we are proposing for AMP7; demonstrate our commitment to long term, sustainable, wastewater planning; and, provide an early benchmark to support and encourage the sector in development of DWMPs - in keeping with our position as a sector leader and innovator.
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