deliberateDELIBERATE suicide.SUICIDE. A FRIENDLYFRIENDLY “"SE SETT TO. " ALMOST AN EXPLOSION CORRESPONDENCE. ALMOST AN EXPLOSION. CORRESPONDENCE. LATESLATESTT NEWSNEWS BYBY WIRE.WIRE TheThe VictorVictor CushionCushion Tire. ? £VEK MAYKH EXOH HW UFEHdW-»W A ViRTHNORTH f'LAPLAIVFIELDEI IN FI ELDERt WAWAKH A THATTHAT MIGHTMHillr HAVE COKTCOST -MANY\ JIBE AT ELIZABETH. wrni A BtxLETr Tares1\KKV isDJ asdAND doneDONE F(>Bfur.. * if ointr«ry bkaveBKAVE nvvxLHEH. . . __ers ar» rtpsmn "ThR Arr«Jp"Ar.n.1.-- andand Hcvmlfederal (N .»« MM I ..«,.! in th- B -%\ Un«,kl»nBrooklyn AaiaiiAtnatra r and 1Plain- BvlldlnpBulkllug*. MarRnrurd Mr d.. ind a Plain- rk KeMW-lriac** lUury of the l*h-r r Mm m^OmJmm I>uc-r* Wi •''i- ■•‘Ii'l Amairartmalnr I-]..,r . ilon UMIrCMHga £j.ir*arrg.IIT^ N.N . JJ., . AprilApril W.tS . (Special(Rpert "-< 'PltUP I'l I •>•'. Till- I'.'U'll F <-f»r>' * '••olnlniiiK (III' Ih-itl. nrtaMta. TIM- I>HBI Man rind MOREMORE .UMTABOUT THETHE DEADLYDEADLY TROLLEYTRt»IXET rrAmu rhr l Man nada iila't Kiplodp- Mr. r>non'I.>II If,, IITT Mayer, a IT INI'-OH Hound1:..mi.1 En.a,Knoai h u«l4>d In tbe ban lama* “Arcade la Thf BAard »f li.dei HTIIIT. Still II. Id .ini.li.Tnf Mr Fella \l. fVrrli Tl*c fbmrd tinier writer* Mill M. Id In*." cm . In a rwrutrecJ-ot "EvF!m»ri S*w*'NEWS" r*'(r.»nliri^ Bnn*li-!"«. IMi.-i- bn grnrulr .11 ! 1 Iffli«p .-me lP yMd n- II for a iiMmlb !•*»« II*!•> ifI'* til«hin -M-nda. fri<-iid«. andand ati-sth>-y m;suy hrb- Iu* I rvport of the i'hlhidelphia I'nder- opinftin < i MinTi it I be* report of the Philadelphia Under- p«alpost trftteo.nIKw. TheTin- flreHre al%ralar m nn'l 1-lephun r*ry; 'bandy w.th it.. |..t Il.r i«m.r a Idiyal- ry ytmadj- with n«.Ki<>v<^n. writer*wrttrrB ta*4last Notrml-r.So«-pmU.r. opposingopposiaaf thth?e K fay hi* ri'n — H RfMIRiCM. 42 fVntral Ilial twooding nt»r ..o. intimated ilial Mr Ib-rnruan Trolley systemn <>fof pro|prop4*tlin-ilinr^ streetstrP"t care,, 1 . oGU-o*T wore"ere Inin the Ihe tmil.l huil,iiri B nn-l *«• waaSuin likewisec (10. iiilimatt-. hcii'li “l andthat MrSir . All*-aTil'111 rugam i Inm utid in r M p IlMPlgtit liM-nrmldr, was likewise 'hnndy.- and Mr. Allr sud- •«T h>«n and is reported a* follow#: attracted my attention, and I wrote* ihe Jtdroyni. rk->'l '»• hi* mind anil • aiiwl him I N- IU-1 a frian.Ur —t t« - Wr BerrlmanB lb* Kaaoline Move IM»-I lo and <*iw.| til in lo '••'I a fr II-II,I!I wi to." Mr. Bt-rriniitn *r.'fr(n7 t« knownow ifif theretuereba. bad* '»-»*nl«-n anyany Tb«-• ‘"Arcade Ar*-mde"" wawans own d by Ho al lu-t il.-mrirr.il i.pn wa* •ion* had Roue oat for wan* of jrn ai Br»i demurred I Kit na finally pcr- change•hanKe inin thethe viewsviews ofof ihrthe EiwsitrvExecutive Tbe beat fln« eraruUtel • > IIPII ; i* m.ri II ii IK M nsual IIP arui ■"d HieH lab.lwok l.p.|\ -i-.,,.k kppitpr,tt, ! J.-1-. /.-clingfi'ellne<'hi1 1 lark. TtehalAw gram* •Ull'l")a toto e*MM»-IIImwot. . C'ommlUrr'ommiUer Ofof eUdsaid eaeoHafionatww-Liti.in TheTlie cq.-» . Pillsbary flu- uu. J- <-srly mid ii^ijF#-nr.-.l to !»• In Ilic Iwst I I l.-rk Ke« triiiK to rf Hll tlif sio' ► T».eTI.e 'Pirntirsi Satbdkalonal I71:in tin kw b Piltwury Iwrnu ni". II • I- r-> tOpM-lIHiTr. H Ibt S'.c,prr ! tA f *#•»•"** Clerk Kpwi Irina lo refill flie clonedlosed iiIs a ropy••rtpy ofof ib«thi ' r»i>lrtv j>ly «fof lb*-the »*••,.!- r Floar, SI •liirtf*. n.. •aatatnl Tlii- ."*• l.mui, M ami IIrIiIrlit II.It . loto RetRet someKune bral.heal. Tb*Tit" mu ! w Uk-tra.) joins the An-a,!e. .-a W nit# w n(Pt Plow 'Imrlo ItulTllwni. ID linrtW-m I lie nm tary • lii. h you «-au puhlb-U for th* In- • K.'-h*r.iJ n-f\ Sutphm Kf" iii"-l >n H line »aa |mmit»-*1 Into the tank n irtnation of our rtttWHl* that inny ll.ehant.a-vl Sulpha aod tlV Lilt.r took 11 r Mure, Jr., tu Hi 'and alt hen icb at n-*oti the na. S\tla Baitir. bf. (T>O ntry, BJa Ik round i ylind-r al I be lopof a r<»l •« itereKted In the mitijvi-id. KlRia IVitter. U: rr, d.|H,t in run.- to <-»t,-h Ibe fl.» a. i. ■ ■eeifed It ablaze,. theIbe Bremen.flrt' w|hi are D*iTt But'sr. l\ •:-* *•>•! feet above tbe •lore, W aa Keaa Vourstnily. Dairy But'or. i\, CS ( iraiu. - :, . tb. r tbe knowing weul anil bad be.wll.wly nettle, ted lo abut •> l*M»Hr.lv. I•<>!**hope tot pave It. C.rei 10,501 Jflftj. Wh.ii Hi.- IKV'IIIIUII returneimedd loto il. minute* the principals arrived. valveral-rf whichwblob enuattro trotsb thethe su|»ply->i;.Hy ofof g tnenf prevails. B. & A Lvd, 10c. boUM, |,v 1-o.il.t not tin.) Mnyer. Think j Matir I'lnintl.-ld.-r*. on Ihei Nrv[.r->-. Lite. lOn. t-eR*n.in. ItIl dl di dl notnot la-tlast longlc.tgr . FourFour r.round* 1I hUhi- wmiMvt>nld Piorie- !• harehave l«**en1 •." n potTK• ii'li i.- Ienti to 3 pall* of lard. Sis.; S pall*. Bl hav afte Sew York. Plopped off here h>; iuulen-1. .1 to ih.- upp.nppiT r au.rystory of had l—.-n1" .'ri deckled.'. ' 1 |. .1 U|»d. N(,,.r: tailtint luit i e-utc-..11, uu- hare <-au«e.l tbe Are. after tbe match Iliini. wtniti 111*' BKkNBd ui.Mn MeecMiidal.W-in.' .' 1. way Mr.Mr. AllenAlien >wwus likelik,>t theh badhad been'.!•!. llRbtedlitchtwl neariirrll>lc»l|[hl met tils CUM-. Miiy. -aao I in 11 - After jd-ylng with Him ary.iry, midmid .me one familiarfamiliar withwith thetbe uaeam ofof building and a i*>rtlort „f ft,. .hum- Move*, (o wail, fni-ordint: to tbe lay m-rii'ii Ihi- IK-«I, lit an unco f-r awhile•Ii' Mr.Mr . Itenimu.Barrimau bUhit him him under tlie*.* atov.w, U> wait, iv-c-.nlmi: I** tbe were deairtived. Tile lw U r.t CORNBB ttHILY wid DOKR BTRBBT8. TKLE I'p.i 1.dilkMt. Lit ion w ••«.»*| | u,.“t., dimtaUoi-irculiilioi) ofof air.air . a.,mesome fenten oror Bftcenfifteen #130.000. 1 ha for to |««olT, Instead of this tbe on Ihisqiiestlou. We all t lied th*' i-ir-. >*• - Hurl T l\- II wen ui.al.le »oto rwpond.n>a(iuiid. Mam | i Mr.Mr . IlerrltnanBertimi ll.e rajmr U» |au«> off. Iiwtead of thla the .but U ts a flrc prmnirios; currenl Hiyshmii Id's. FhlUau'l lotor. 1 r -,:,,!.,,,[, clerk!• 11- . limnedlalelrimmediBtvlT litlit a* match,mutch, ami I fdiypH tan InV Frltla and Kuahinore ar- ■a# de. bired llie victor He ■tnllitiR left •onvyed inside of liuildlnjz* nn t tel^■ Mr. leo Levy of New York>|M-ut y. LotkOMfw Hack H-«T-J riverivedd all.wilyshortly afler.after, ladl.ut theyUHy couldi-wilil led the lin|.rlii arena. wofMlerliiR wbyWhj a pre*lo!JWlOl iuin anan knptaotInstoiit hi*his armarm whpwas aflame-j at >hone or eloctric IiKht wires. He hMl allowed som<> of the cnwilii Jiaf lii-i-ouiit. a« well 11s of death 1 '^iC .lerday• with hmalab r.. Mrw.Urs . ■I . H" . •* - . MVI>save the(lit- UlMii'aiiimi'i. life,life. liell» |iiiRere<1.-m-. i. ,1 In|u aai a*»r*- wi'-nt ill* mnn hmlhud not iMw-urlmaen. He ha./ allowed aom * of the caaolliie lo • R ckck WurMWorst anltill ' Kcuf Eroot, «t spill overbid hand 111 flllint: so 1l1.1t : -lualttles, " " " 1 vtitorourfy • . . .7i J ofof "wes <-Ptt Fr-aitPromt 1at rr»-t. •lieunconsciou OOP. loo*s eoudltlouWffldWoN untilpitml halfl.silf- i|awl •pill over lil» hand iu BlIUiR po that there ] l.y the iii 'ini|.:mi,«. If you Kof 1 ••:i- ntniodant fuel, a«idr from wba j Mr. liParp <%demonn f.wiurorm.'rl f CHAR.CHAB. SMITHSMITH A.* HAIAXXS.HA1.OUN. eoniiiiwill. i ninenlui- oO'olocfc ciock., when« ip' II be ip. .-spired.<'2plrcd. THE MAim-NS AKKIVAL. wu* al>unin'«rn iple of what hazard' Mr. (..•„!-!• c d tblp A -Will- .in .J .dof III*his ■r)•* • | •■ Itlil.llt*I I hi. UT -WAP W MI lientl ajdUedipilieil ooon thetbe Boor floor- Tb-Tbe yummyouns; ladyUvty runran h uch a syste iiitrolmei. city. Call HOW of Onnire, p rtyirRtjittte Ing WIDSK«>AV, Auni 1Mb. Taw iH\tmt ofof IbeIhe »torrstory loto Rive rfve Ibethe alarm . HumeHorn, iutitif*. 1 would referyo to Alhany vtaitcult loto frieudafriends hereberp SatunltSatonlay . but WEDNESDAY. AprB 1M*. m-eb.made, UI4.ruKiHlitt-t-ii bUrtWUW tleru., addnwrdaddnMaed lo N. Y., where tbe OrenJarmKinll !! Iriplinn 'ime nf>e,-snaii]y elapsed before the en 1 follr.-ing Bock BMT will I- on the tir t •In-elitn-el returnedr«tumeil to-dayIO-'IHV froifrom a pleapicii(wti Pauli rwowwkoaH:for t > ii* >if L nn I j 1 lilahlsi'iiiplciyet employer,. andmill •*In a*as followfollows • : tbetrh.w;..•-!!•..• into|pto thethe ptore• 1..I i' an*l'L:I.1 T. ! . <.'l thetrtheil rinit to his cuuaiii. Miss Lain... of S« wart -If"If anyllilORunjrihiiic aleaildSIIPHIIII happenImppa-n lotom mee givep wayway IbrouRh1:J 1 -. 11 L: 11 Ihethe d-u*odcuao amofce.smoke, ol.livl-<>l.|jvi MraM r*B. .FII.-n,. El J ** nWatah. ^Vfllsh died. i"li*'( Jid ii It her home o 'Oattf.Ooltf. KrKrucit r BMJ B«M> llikptothis U, MrJit. |.lnk-n.r. In Marx, tip' Of tbe i'i.! thnt they wnre withlo a thehe TerrillTen-ill madroa.l ywlAnlayysterdny. Ihw-euaedDeceiisei Mr.Jfr. Vrtl*mil Mmrt.Mar/, £m.£*,. few feetfeet ofof aa kegki-R ofof gunpowder.gunpowder. TbTb*e AN A IU MISTS waavat oneone huu'ffclhun'fr^d y.-arayears ofof arcayo andan^ lhad liai In-Mr Pir Aa I do not feel well dor .-r.| :ili,. ;.\\ ) ],[>• Ut-Jtii- I 1'V !l,i "site ill* tlii- hul wn-k, mid H IUUI lie keg liad III ready l«-«*«iae hewteil by ibe lived ... the boupe IU which ^te died for Ore, wh^n Mr. HMPBMI rusheil in from know, wbal inlRtit iuipiM-n lo luiu» ir, 1 (om.-P. for one Are. when Mr. Hmon ruplu-d lu from ' Ten»{i!ai»ce he Btli»- thirtyhirty year*.year*. Bock Wurst and Sour Krout kliox. WhBL Ull|[llt il»I,|K II to illlll*. II ii- 'Ihnter. mid workintc hi* way IhrouKb They Vow Tengt-anoe on tbe Kllaa* Bock Wurst and Sour Krout pupuft downil.iwn bAreh*rV aa fewf.'w lu.e*line* forfor youyo uin *l>e«-le of blnfa hl« dinner. K(*l work (hr Mp way f/if»NiR/i The Hev. Jos. B. Cleaver ot Nortl iflba wrvtd free all «l»y fFwJoeaday. rtmradav. Friday and Rttunfay U -**a dwellingdwelling onon theth' i’l*JVIIM «-- rommunlial*i'omiuiiiii.al*. m .-aaev. . of,,r pbsi ,lui.w kin-w ifre Ihr grar-ebil andand removedremuved itit fromfrom tb-Mi- buildiu*.huildinK. TToo Tl.e AHwItar Manner, hor. a -itirinc laiidolpb farm at Bound Brnok. wh! orord.mu d. ala.. with«nl> Mr.Mr . VviUMui\%nii,,ui ICoii.i'l.>l,,h k.lph.. tto. !>rave :i> 1 of his in prolrahly due the Uandoipb fans at llouud Ilr.M>k, wluch wlM.uiwin.II, youmu will uill Budlin.l au lellerli-ltt-r iuin mymy trunk, trunk tbla brave act of hla ia prolaiMy due the MM-iety. esprlledexpelled Tburadav'ihuradav uigbtnlehl lourfour 1of lun-haf •0,'! ed 1 already a.rdi*wcd Mi.aiM aiiylhiiiR hat lialntleld 1- aot today lu mourn. ilier* who are known a» pr he ro'-etilly pur>'haaei|.t overhauled by ~ I anrthllif. fa«-t that IlaliiOeld Ip not to- bla aerioua. I I bap|-ha.pp.- n tott me,— Mr.r RudolphKi'i'l..l|.l Ins for not only many l.rave firemen, hut DooiK i.| Aintn-hlatP. The men. FVltS ADMITTEADMITTEDD BYBY ALLALL l 1 wilwilll alien-1ml loto mailer*p.i'iii. i- Fleaw*yi. I-.- 'leliver_ AUeuthal.. . J, Edward&lward Dpe-k.Dpeek, ».J. B-rgerBeraer . andand remormlremoval therethere withinwithin aa fewfew week*weeks, Hka Th<>sc birds aJpoalso nianvmiiny m.-umen . womenwomen audand children,children, I"utt. ohject«l to the «>elety tak' present residence in to be octnipled IlM-l-flerIT B.»-lr-—e.iii,I'l I I..to Aimhim either.'II lid pei«r\ who hail fbitln-rt'd 111 !r orUiMw. J~" n (• iili 1 ii. L'I 1 .a.'-r ii'i'.iiiii in ult.ii- beedtawa of tta|* Oratit'a feeble attemptsut lenjpt* ainlid waiitedan tbett» mooeymy ththatt tbe ao<-iety Dr. Chariep Tblvra. ihe <|eottal. ItiiiiiEv. trunk ..IP,I 1H.H1...V to forty* them lawk,liH himaelf uuawurriiware oofl wouldwould •pendutll toto belie uardused to pHMBoUpromote TbeTbe funeralfuneral ofof Mr*.Mrs . AnnAnn VordonVerdun looktook W#We anlicitmliett rvaryboly'.mryboly'i p*tr»«MR*patrnoasn inip BTAPLRHTAPLR andIIT,.! FANCYPASCY OROCERlIrt,(iROCF.HlHrt, Ba.1md ni.-ioMr. ltu>tulph, nt«. •rafo-n D the day. In fact, arrive iu PliilUO-ld tbe terril.le danger. ilU hId•IdiUi B meetingti " andJ ]niy- lace from her '•>• • residence Mr. Ito-K-Ipb. also wwgc* if tie r*- - - ._~riffb powder In the •tore •ocinliawi by Itoldiug m.-etlURa ao-1 pay- place from her late reakience ou Honier- goartbtavuaraLto* lowaatlow«*t prioriprfcfi andand >ba'be HUbeacHlabcat HtaodanlBtandard andmul qatliiyquslity ofot food*. icoodii . are iniy .in.- to mi-. I'lctuh- do not Then- waa ei*ai*h nowder Iti Ihe atore ing for tiiraWcr*.j*. TbeThe c*iii*ervatlveooiinervRtlve elirle^ H street Saturday morniiw;. L.niv nioih.-r M» H Niiliti'ii KIKK-BS mlctil before it*1 removalremoval toto havebBve l.lownIIIOWEI ththe. it lliiviil.ii.-l to withdraw if " "aet atreet Saturday moniliur- The fun- WpWt carrycirrf a verynrj lire*Ur«« atomitock ofof grorvrtaiKroceriei tblatbi* SpringSpring andam i willwill mafeammk* KaraHoes BoPoaaBotlou lied her aa a Poddeti -Im« M alight T iii!i.n 1- numerous onlooker*. o ahinn miM killed all in tb' aient riirealeue.1 to withdraw If th« era! cervices were held hi HI. Mary's univi' too uiiiili fur h.T. 1'luw sutiii nil 1 laiUdltiR to aloiua Hint killed all lu the .rvhisia were not ousted. A mi Pric**Want, toto tbe**tborc whowho baybay into Iarg# Uwgs qaaetltVa.quiutiti. a. I“U u.ucli for her. IWe wild all •1 • 1- 'l r ., iiiiiii. and, as uimal, Anan-hUta ware uot ou>ted. A motion eral service* were held In Ht.1 Mary a vieinllv Hb-p*>r. j™ ab.Hil.1 -houlii In-1H - takentaken loto pre-pre - . _ xpel lh«n wai y wouldv>-i>ulwuae«| the Bro.*cker,Brot'i-k. a eataaplctautia, •• in? [licui 111* Turner.Tun the family wen* very IntereatlnR. Mr*. mallna.il ordw*..-.r.l.T-. HIOHB8THIQHSBT PRICERPRICEH PAIDPAID FORFOR PMODCCEPRUDUCB OFOP ALL ALL KINDS. KINDS . beIH- cured.I-WTM. II knowknow you3-014 willwill regardregard ihr Mart*-op -et up hmuw-keeping In the ptory window* to .'rack. n'a hual»ml died tome years ago. Up! -i.I„v uf a |«ur mipermbta man and large blrd-bouae'•ii.l in.II— onon WealWm t FrontFront aafreet."t Therehere was KK>n.eM raw4metcaiwiliii nr other aaW Venloo a husband died a.*me y.-ara iiro 1 1 Like bin wife he died loved and respect- IHliiui IliiUikk youy "u'lir.'iC-rliT'n^iirtlly. tb. refote beartlly. "^1 wishwtah ppoatt* Music Hall. whloU thfj havt iKv lu UvTir• yardn whichwtik-b anW TbeThe J*rfJBJT OimWOmtitt WoNo*t Agree. Like hka wife be died loved and reap.-, t- nppualie Muaie Mall, which they hare K- II in if*, wdi.'lirhloh., bvIIT the th way. were not ll who knew him. United Tea & Coffee Growers' Association to Ibank ton atao for all tbe kdeliM-** wtvupied• n j .1. , 1 forfor ao*o manymany years.\ . .> 1 - Th-Th espar- spur - ed by all who knew him. Mr andtiii 1 .v.n*iilerwftaMi>'nii«iilt>«kUoii shownshown CoU> meinr InIn tbeth * The i-aae of James Morrisonir tria ’‘"IIIJIBl on Rat . YrnhaVwdon win choaeuehoseu yearywtr afterafter yearyear aa u !***«.I«ul. also«IIKI Ur*.Mr*. HeUgnian.twIlKinau. row# WhorhubsT havef ue*l.-dti' -*'••] Iherv.thfrv. bndhad theirtin n or a moment to t-nvt-lyp*. nearly al] M. Randfonl ivune op for trial on Hat. 1 of tb PMTO. t.y which he I luii»1 rloiw uuw as I «lo no! f«f I we] pproprtat* '! or thrown out. Thf rear or the lmildiuK. But It wm> t nrdayrday lastlant la*fhveIvfbre JuatpJui e Wadsworthi and Joatk-e of Ibe pea--, by wbk h he „te I iuupI close IM)W aa I duedue himbim aaas balanceDalftnce f..fori painting. popularity Iwoame *u. ti that be wav Tbe'1 In' follow 1..I1.H- log ilii: puatw-rlpu |Hi-l- M|,I-«,'!, wen.• wHtteu,»l lit. L*'iwnt|4^ Ileixm's from (Mlmsn'i • • ww told:! -1 J 11. > „. made tbe candidate of lattbill partic*.;,:irt ii-. HMe. AUCTION' I «tn»a-l»or> «»ittmn. kindn.wa to th# birds iaIs wellw-pll repaidrepaid aaa* Tbe history of tbe case waa told aa follow* T. J. QILLIB-% IYONK wwbiac On# Pekta daek apparentlynpji 11 • 1.111 atat different different (hue*Innn : [iiods slori- ("The Bee Hive,") wa* • On May last Morrison entered Into a never rn.-ooragedgi-il lit.Ration,litignti but «a ou T. J. GILLIE*. A-»ettaas*r. will #all on lor parting purpoaoa, oaa o*Uln an they devour luuumeralde annoying iu- yuiMmie paintpaint Mr. Hanford’*_ _.ifimTi TieMUf.r«:*IM|-. APEII.1PIIL I1 ATM. I'l II, I’lca**-tl. ..-. mailMi.nl aiaoalso letterl.'ttcr addressednil.lr. *.. .1 ito. •roved Ure-primf. it I* a peeultar 1^,^- use for tbe .-©ntrary n peacepeat-emak maker.e Mb.-relt hour for Ch- sum of fcMO.»M0. TheThe paintingjmiiithiR at 1010 o'clock,o'clock, at«t **«*<% . ITIT OwoeilOoKsnt •-•no*.Bv»niiH, John Mayer. IK<- Win. Klillman ban k.- trui'iion which Uiinl.'r* onjrht to make ant d with nnd waa poaadde when a .-omptaiDUud up lorry, onk. *'vnw.='l,■ B. W. and M. Farni- HAT««arBrJThbo5TT l*o not (xndrmii me for any wrong Ht III man baa kept a was prwmtal with and after Mr Hand- nd for Cbarry. oak. ehoo'rwl, B W. and M. PuroL a. |p.I Ip 11.>luay( , .mil.-inla- doing.n 11 ii- 1fo hardlyr mif wknow lary mfmorandum of thethe arrivalarrlva of 1 nole of. since tt ha* dy thin iron txt-ti i.:!i-! Mr. in.l IK Mr. S-untfon] then aend the would-be lltiRant# away de«a*,attet, artrittei.tio mg*. Madrasa taila and an tao*d dinin curtains,g roo oakm f daairad [VI nf two year* ago. livK rconsulting iiiiisullin e ■io« been paid for.Biwl be (Mr. KandfordL wlthwine wbolt>*ale ndvicc that usually bain. atbrxtm.moo. oak an dtaita euaot^e aadd brdroudialogm room•uio-, Inmlile Ibrli I could puaniMy stand. hi follitwIiDcIiiM*- It will IH- MX-I, thnt waai notifiednotlRnd bvby thethe materialmaterial menmen anandd ■ Uh Mime wbol.wle attrliv that uaually imuble then 1 iambi puamhly stainl. tb.- following tat-le It II Ite areti that _._of powder wu founil li_ laiVorerm thai unltwa he paid ""lid* hil"l" had'the deatred effect, and made tbe chair*.Mir m-ittrr"' a*k. oah, hra»*dd aoaawtadWti X; feathetwdrocmr pliln to ,Up. ts. ..p.r.V.^.1 Youn in.lj. " > miKI 1'iit a few ilar* mi.-i-i. 1 laborer* that unless be paid said bill* hadArtie Hbes settldeal rede theieffect,r difference* and made. Ithen a hair' •mtttr.* -i. WriiDg . b*d, arocknr• « r*.r faalbrrsnd glu ptllowv.* VM .Mm. 1, I& 1801, V**\> Him at tbe moat l*it a f. davs intervene lerwiiti mo•torre after the fkre I>r one of hat they waulrt prooctnl to Ami the - nur*ry It 3 Mnn h 18. 1991. '""KkiTta let wren tbe- dates,lntcs ofof their yearly visit that they wauid proceed to illtmn whic theh portIe«Iriendl y aetfb-way withouttbeCr , irab rxnfcara.ruekare, r#fngaratorrafticaTat, J ltentoa'j arMDh i*. l-e your ganlj-ner for another y-ar. ith of - "M » .-.iili.-r- wet. a., aa to if of no u*r my said Jpills nntil he bu paid double lawaulta.chaTK* the aam thefee *H-,ulre wher e wouldthey tooneverk hi aitc-wn foroitorv aad at**wlla. Mr. Pl-raon removed wai he amIH > put EST32into the expense. On Ibe otherr band.band. VMr . Uor- with, which after all 1* the main tbi— " n B hit < sean-bing the b#*l, Mr Hoffman store,Ion', amiand itit vuwu lateUt« ISaturda •ry u!«i.i.Uipbt, riaoninon claimedilaiiii-Hl thatIt]at thethe extraa] oo#C rocnibouw*. Roualr* City Hill*. 3 3W foilf diuK idl a smallsmall 1-duug-glaa*looklntc-cukw andand ItIt laU aupauu ~ still•till ou00 thetbe sidewalk.r.|. . . Thonsht to Hav Milout o#ion theUM> otherutbrr ableride ofof tbethe hea.1.heail. Their Mala Object Thought to Harr TbeThe KlIsabelhKllubeth HospitalHoapltal PutPu t In (Jaar ryaot riohool Buildtn«. VWn in Release a Prisoner amine lor Two Weeks. I).,., 1 be Bnarcd. Ul fljl^ J1UY 1 IIIU.,lh4ll. n"^.^.'-', —*.MM—* K^iuilt Itonttx f oKowtog \lf A Mayer waa ln.ru iu Maiuk. Germany. Don't b# Mnared. H. Conway, alto. Mr. J.C. Travin.r i.-uur, Mai.M.i. hI , 2Mb.SMb . 1M7I-.. lieHi- emigrated.'im^r-.K. il luI" I Ills When• 11 JailorJailor viWilwt lionn ofof tbeHi. -Hotu-rvet Ibe medical staff of tbe EUialieUi EverytmdyEverybody admit#admlta thatthat eleotrlcelectric <«r*cara Mr. E. J. Harding. Ba»^ Mrs. Uouan, ply y.al 9 Third p tana. •• uuutry-"IHIII > arvrtiju-ti-n year*van agu.Mjrii. LaatLaat ji*rjrmr hehr countyunity JailJail alat s..nier»llle.HvmcrtUlr, anwarose earlyenrly Hospital have vlo*.-onilnK bebe f«wudfound aa lamp lamp lairnlngl>timinu nmmoii borse car*. But that don't fol- Ever Bright and Fair'' as the offertory. and placed all Ibe Inmate* lo1 aa strict-n :• r commonow that frtnhorsew W i*r»e are giveButn that proof doo’ts ever fol-y wysagSWan ri-tumuia: U* waa i-mploypd '•> Mr.In a r«->m In the rear of tin- Hberlff# low that Hwe we are given proofs every The naif bearers were Messrs, Blatl, JuDduu of Rock view mmd ffm n-lun.fng he was employed by Mi oflbw_i-e ar»lami th*Ihe northnorth wirwfowwindow ofof Ibethe roomroom •n to tbe day of the dancer of the trolley that we Coward, Qros* and Philips. Addrw# tor tbwthrM Aajadaj* -Fa"farm " can of Mara, when' br'viirtn) up to Hi.- tli <,immiitiiM\ which nt.-ad# even l« Ibe davwan tof it (lie. O dangern Saturda of rbey w trolleye (rave thatanothe wer Patat*r'* Marx, wherv-.be worked up to the lim openten. TheTh e lowerIOW.T paripart ofof th#the livingHvlnK- luiraa-p, houa.- pbyaicluta and attcmUnt*!• 1 i-l-llJt •- want it. Ou Saturday we gave another or bla I- ,•;, 'ii Marx (praka of hi apartmeiitsuf•artmeiilB of lb-I IIP CourtCoart H.aaacHouse were—~ lu a Itemtern showingshowing tb-the death#doat.h* causedciius«l thetbe dayda y p of bis death. Mr Marx speaks uf Mi Noo |e-r*ouiviwii willwill In. allowed to I-arel.iv, itit l>efore tn the city of Newark, hy the jonnoi.JOTTINGS. In tbi- hhttmt t.-rtn. mul wy. he m o topsyp»T tarrylurry •rwlltMi.coiiilLtlon, showingshoi. ..^, evt ntn thth..' p. rii^rii^l.ipipe- Sik or injured before m the city of Newark, by tbe Each a be pra—nt*l la a aaalcd en vtl- SCUM* in lb.- highest terra* and aaya be was ou deme*tcr* ofat a Itmrxlary air* la ry . AA search sxarch throughrhr.Hieh until lb. period expire* Hick or injured veryvery systemsystem |*ropoa#dproponed forfor PlainfieldFlnlnneld . —Bead what tbe United Tea and Coffee n.l slT of Hi.' tiumi faitliful in.ti be ever bad person,•eraoneraon* whowtn> (during(luriuil c thatthat timetime maytnay rere- Hnewhere we ^tve a '.etter from tbe seo - Read what tbe United T* of tbe nuot faithful men be ever bad I the ' bouarbciuw reveuie.1n'vt-aliil thethv fa. fac tt thatthat nothingnothlna; uire tioKpltiBl tn-atinent will «e «e t to Elsewhere we give a letter from the sec- Growers' AMoclatloD say ah B«iim»ta for Oarpsntar and Uaaao work to W lil» employ. uilii.- «;i- rin—iiii:. 1 11 .-p[ ;i [HM'fti-r- ■ iu!re b-wpital tr--aHn- nt will be a-iitn to etiiry of Ibe Boanl of I'rider writers of tiroweni' Amh-UIIou say a hta employ. or value waa intaatiig. exiept a |—Li- ewark hiwiiitol*. A. Ueica. a eiireij pa- retary"' " lelphia of tbe, Boardahowiuf ofr Underwriter*bow the trcil ot- and fanpy groceries. , *cnMnpantad wit* amtam ot two r**pjn«i- * ivNitaluIngcontalulUB aa small*mall •amsum ofof mutieymoney . Newark•put f| mbo*|iitala wiu .lirM-hfirue< A. (lekaa.l fro am .-ure.1 thetiizn pa-- Philadelphia, dtowing bow tbs trol and fancy gro*-er1ea. 'JOOMlHASIl Mayer was a «1ew ei.dani fr.Hu a roya very l.,i,. .m drawer and .•],-.•* had tient -v ho was dip. bnnred from tbeEUza- r--irnr> l.-l there. But what of that ? wu tbe late P. Everv tiureuu drawer aud ckwet bad .1I1 11. — i>it*il on Thursday, the day (he lev la regarded tb-re. dU»t what of that ’ T.T Barnur Ptans and t*u-cifl^tioo. maf b* anao b» f Sewing Mcbtoa. for ml; »*, »7, »7,W. fbmily. bin! bta relatives iu (reraaauy. Iftb ll.mulUtl on nmrrnlmr. fbe .lay th* Dura anyiny oneone supposesuppose tliatthat thethe .-.cnl-inccotnhine "that Hi1 ro*vl to fortune was Id maeblnas npalrad. Oik, bdia, •(«.. SI nt attei lyy ptiu*phii* feverfever iwi-ur w*awa s ife.Ietfitn. tec teal1 there,(here, ivnes anythinganything aboutBbont tb-the UveaHreB ofof ou.airr said ‘that tb- mad to fortu* ra itw hoon of DIM a. m. and «trht p. m.. Juai alter tb«- iveetM anem|de«t >-ar-ap*- baaan I-VDtM-va t>rtNjgbt hroueh l tau-kiiuck l»Vl. ythe tiin author!nuthori - an? Doe* anyone suppose thnt in -in iiii printers' ink." aictOctot UMPUiBflHJQu and Ktoetrle a will tni|ui-aOmijt Mil In* i>roprrtj «*f wane priaotiera there wutn organised ien to the lu.titill ion. and will have to Htixena? Does anvone wipp—e that thnaigb printers" Ink." altempt to reiei«#e J<*bu Hall. iH»e of the ties t<> tbe Institution, uid will have to public- opinionopinion oror anythinganything elseelse wlUwill atopstop —In a collection taken up>t the Cres- LigutEb( Loaipaay.CompMj. I» ARIIUAL MKBTINO -i^i.'i. h.i-iiui pri*iHwr*. l-v friend* uulalde. The Hber- nndenrnndento thethe twotwo weeks'week*' probationprolmlion. NNoo Uieu>.1 eg.-epilog a maielaraoa from Ibe -In a ooTleclion taken uplat the Cres- J H.K .PHOBAHCO, FBOBAr«CO, I CornmlttM When llii< n:ntaini wctr 1-. .ir.ii. l.-nnw-j tit the plot, mi.l for *nm- ew <««eii have cropped out amona the t o^rTiti^ ill eenl avenue Pr«byt*.naB cbunh yes- .ff laarwed .rf the |4..i. and for *.m. tiro. leveii iiii]in(ei> of the infei-ted house at .-ourt^rtAnl Ami that"#V what our cltiacaa will cent avenue Preahytenar — ** KDWARD U riNCtL lu UHiiwy in,I a KOJII woli-b »u !,inu,| DD *1- • i»l >111. < ra *lcpi al the Jail Ui purl elcvell ||i in*t.-* ..nVe^fe. Ie.1 lemL- at irolnsl'ly resort Remember this: rd«y, H3.0O0 wa» realiWHl. HDWAW u ruca. f <» Bsudiua In mouey and a gold wa«.-b was fonn-l on ~' lx-tbport which is under *#-.| ihe |.n*on«e del-Indedt r bj any hapel to-morrow ere nine '»' eight tend. Tbl* will tw a Btrd o|iportujilcr MMS iHirial. line refUBe the 11 chapel to-mofTuw * reulng at eight \ i'.- r i HI MI.-."* .'i .• i*-ni''* I'll t.i 'IVmll lln-ting they wei>* miioI.IF to gain acce*# 'clock. Th* remalu#.weVe removed to Terrill lo nilinJailerg (he W’llwHiar were al.-eidlig»II»I>1* ( o*|-M j i.i.-tita A Vnnnx liirl liijared. rdituui.-e to make it h.-"..iin.' a» that of o'clock. EYES EXAMINED A Col*I'fllx aR undertakingn.,.l.t inkuij: rotwniouv fn>mfmn uhh-hwhlcb they dtatnrtH*! .Hber thing* lo gire the •>ewark as a brttter protecnor -Tbe-The roeml-r*jnen>ti.Ts ofof ZephyrZephyr HookHook anandd |pl 1. -• ttn- liniiiiil ii'iiiiml IbiMmuruliiK. linprvrai.Hi that rotthcrv wa* the inotlvr WhileVfblip dew-ewlinx-I.---•i-n-lniL' thethe rn.Niminintakm ■ . n.-nr itv It WD< noticed at the last |j»r the funeral m.vrml lhtatra.wnlng I-ni-- Hall ttuneo friend ago* 0 1asking for •mall (tirt, at>|>areiitly ;• 11 ten years rman'Kwise amendment* the <•._„ ■nonthlfHithlyy uievtlugmeeting ththisi evening.'ml whi.-h Ceroetcry.IVro.-t.ry. a amall girl, apparently sIhh would hold a whispered conference with I IF.i- • illi. . T- fc the ensuing y,•* r wUl he AUCTION! help iu anakiug I Os r**|e. f .1.:' tnlmeil her (.'.ptni^ anil fell to the lie rwilnin'1 iwi.iae. audit seeme.l aa if it time oflk-era for the euauing year -U1 he AUCTION! .M:n,i tia^l t-viil^utly i-.-u .i.nlfin- of age. nilaaed Iter footing an placed In nomination. .Mayer ha*l evkleotly hern lunlcm- rn. MrikiuKberheail on a projecting plac'd in nominal ion 1 T.T. 1.J. CAREY.CAREY, AMU—r.Auctioowr, ooon I.IHIIIIB ihf ni»b M-t for.irw Unit-IHMI. I'l, :»,l.il (..mi. 10 Assault. iMdh.ru. alrlkiug her hea.1 ou ■ pr»f.Prof. FrederickrnEDERICK a.A., jokes,JONES, Idating the niab a. | for some tlata-t«a«. Pleaded aallty to Arnault, iiu.l luflk'linK a deep fcaiib OQ her '•" f The" liita-resta* Of™h*e the women's Christian Temperance >- ,>r ibo I, M'-T. found were .i.iti .1 N .'i.-i.niL' an Italian shtH-maktr •tore- iui I Inflicting a deep g city or £talnneia. W'ho cloulils tliat this -In the women s Christian Tempemn— Horn*- uT the letter* f.-m.il wet*- *lata-d lost evening an Italian shoemaker ead from which the IKHH] flowed there are 800.000 members. la the THE EHINEBT OPTIClM WILL IE *I Mi.-:, Mti. Miii. n 1 1I1. Miiii-li 1Mb. and gained 10 f,4i. .-in-ir. CHMB lhat • forehead from which tbe t was not their i*ole puf-posv ? Wt- lutvis^ Luka there are *0.000 members. Ia the TRf fMibcar opTtciia will at at Wednesday^Wednesday, Aptil Aptil if t$ Mar. h Mb. Vlar.li is th. Mar*-b 1Mb. and -. i\ >h. wu taken to the at-areal our people tn Uyht this thinjt until we King's Daughters there are 13S.O0O, In •T STMtt had :iii. ttipt. -.1 to iii mi nail y aaassull pro fusel v htie waa taken to King’s DuuAhtera there are 133.1X0. Hi ■ he dual ta March l*«h roan had attempt-./ lo. rtmmalJy assault house andHitd herher woundswound* w.wer e dreaved have another council.—one which will thebe Humanaw,i ,, in - ReliefRelief CorpsCorps therethere araree 3 DAYS ONLY. his-wit, wife, Whilenliil.- *besh>* w*awas walkingwalking .Jongalone serve the t>wple and not he rflsunopit to 10U00,000 ‘»10.. InIn thethe '•EasteruJjM•Ea#«evu>tar'W therethere arar.e aahinffton *Ireet. A l.» mmtii. * nii.r- give awav valuable privilenes for next Washington street. A few minute*after UJ nothing. K.O033.000O memtH-ra.tnember*. Tbra#Thwe .vmaUtuteconrtitute aann I HI mil I r. Tin- Pullman »\mi|ii»nT b n want anotheranottit-r manmax ivwnplalnedi-omuUined thatthat a armyarmy ofor nearly nearly aou,000>omeh.500,000>ome»i. Hays»ay» tbth>e liig a ilhilQK i""r WI-TIW via fellow> had hail attempt-i'i. 'I,;-' 1: to10 .• rVninaUy• .;;in -i: 1 asas-- A Snail Fire. Woman'Woman'ss JournalJournal 1 "TheTheyy an-are allall eallaleidenlisted WI UrvnCS 70 CALL IT TUT TIM, tt.op.ni.sWp, Ui- i.'-i' 1. - 11 year old dauxhtt-r. with a p. 1,,-n.u* spirit for tbe public V-I'i- I MI. I., l-.-.n S.-« \..r sault bta fourteen year old daughterv l: . • 1 • 01 1WDmitt«e of the Crea- At about •„' l-"p 1 ."-I.- k 'hi* afWrnoan ID 3 DlLIVtBY WAOOOR, X" e tudWrnin boslxned to tl.' *|K>t. with a generous n**nt for the putdk The policeman baat.-ned to the pjhH. .•nt Lemcue M Satunlsy eTeulii|Pt ten- responw to an alarm the flre enipoe* mil th- a.. u*.-.l iiti.l platiil him nii.i.-r NHOO CHAR6ECHARGE fOBFOR EXAWMATIMS.EXAMINATIONS. S HAtureg* BTa found the a>v*a*ed ami pla.-e*1 him uinl. r •,.!'.« Ii ! to the residence of Mr. ¥— ••si. His mi'-uilt-il vletlm* i.lent iti.-.i arr-si lira kalendrd victims i.1ent>fl.-l I .11 : - Several memli^n of the team, n La* Unuide avrnue. WE0NE80AY.WEDNESDAY, THUR80AYTHURSDAY A FRIDAYFRIDAY him aud when arraigned in court thta luilinfi Ibe 111gij.11. were present and Tbe •Mwmd-Mory ttat-k room, used gut. TERMS CASH. * V.>rkS30p. m.. j ■mwisingmine; behv |flea>le.| j«l'-ii' I. • 1 guiltysin lit v toto tb- tb<- --hargeh ir^- . cry nij.ivalU- -veuiiig was •pent. •wlnft room wa* tilled with stBoke, and AiaIn Sorth PUinfleld. April 11. 1861 AprilAPRIL 15,15, 1616 andand 17.17. IS! 1- and1 (TtyIIU Judge Jii-lv?' CodiugtouL'udliiKtoa cavecave himhim theth e WH, as a fireman put It "as hot as John Hair. a*«d 13 years .S month* » • E Imilt raprmwly for UM> un Ibr Royal .H-.- at paying a flu.- of nil y dollar* or wo >• .. k- from next Sat an tar. Great diflimliy wit found in a TAB WINKLE. .-bote# ot paying a Bn.- of Bfty dollar- or Funeral w^rloe. from hi. late r«i- Blue Uiir ami IIM- hl^h niawkri •pending•iirfiiig thirtythirty day*day* inin (he(bo *mntycounty MilJail . tbe fir.-, vbtpb ni het#reu .-o<-e Lelaud aveane. Tuesday after- CaleCalebb Dickinson,Dickinson, M, - 1,•) >. '• i, ! 1 Ibp Pullmmi li.11.1 tbe ane. -Tfce rtty Cm ii.oun.-il will 1 "tiH-f U.Mij,- nil illy found tt an UWMITApril 14. at two u .-lock- Belaijves 4ilanuy.ai.law aM* 1 celebrated.ftelimled. wBIwill »WIn- fall*fully u HeMidbU name wma Chariw Miller n ailjiHim.-cl 1 m.l friend* «* reapectfuDy mvil*.l Ut ::so. 1*u PARKPARK AYHXUKA YEN UK. In CW—4 . l.t o • !• v k. - ~ *M T«O 14u PARKtui AVENUInmi o;. HtatluuMiiMi loutlt-i uiol JAbvrtyLilx-rit dtrrtPtr* tlut be w»» twenty Iwo ye*r» of age. L tv PLAINFIELD EVENING NEW$, PLAIN FIELD; N.• U MONDAY, APRIL 13-

Uack mustacbe, wbJU Pol THE ITALIAN IMBROGLIO. CHICAGO'S BiG BLAZE. •Utnfl.tb C«tain« BETHODSOFTHEMftFlft. tAal Us uppw lip was alwt, _ Had hi. beotber been produced the wit- ,,iw XowK, April 13.—All airsn«er. > ii i " • -'I an miiint bare irt>ni>ned him aa theItaly Will Wait for Secretary Nearly $2,000,000 Destroyed by Synopsis of the Confess-on Made u at the Ulltax and I'..lit* would ba»» bavp now been csmpleted for the forth by Politz. sen tbe mart important witnwm f')i " Blaise's Reply. a Sunday Fire. ate. •eatfueof the United fetat«. For *o tVraapa tbe brother anticipated ' days Secretary Uumphney h*s been re^ in« very Batterinit report* o( the streni HOW C3T3 HE5BES3Y ¥AB TTTJ.KU •uch (l.-ri...i.-ini-M and SDOght safet HO *I-tHaT FUT AT WASHI3GT0S HATMABEET THEATER WEECKED. igbL He Usud to have returned to I of theomaniiuilioii. Tbeconvnition.whicl

On Eh* m<.miint of March 11 there hall. Cincinnnti. %t noon on April 21. ,Ther* Flutist-urr-.it -rin.n-- flrninriuMlklFin be l."iw ilrlf(tat*-» pnaent. There wi with 1 •••.•/ when PDIHK sabl in pUI~ "" ;wo delegaMa at large from each sta t II* ratal Itlas. inflation of tbe league and two del HK* mr upon the wi«- __ Mtrom each p>n«Tww.naI district In IWOKLCASH, April IS — Tbejtrand Jury, and I will 1.-U all I kn. ~ ROME.April 13.-TbeOpinkmeaay»: Tb* Cmcaoo, April 18--On« o( the flereest uew» from Wasbinitton is tbe sub>ect o( which there are one or more permnnen and moat disastrous fires tbe Chicago llr. Flynoreplicitbat Republican rlub*. together with the pre*i- r n.'il'l"Jf the -i,'.-r-*|i|»-:.l IILL-*, Ti i .i^" mid not do that, but if Politi winbed U> much commwrt. If Mr. Blainel* niwMe partment has fought in many yean swept dent and serretJOT of each ptjite's IIWOT" '«• J"- ,v"i : i 'li'- to be a hi.n.nwl •kea M«r«H*tit all be bad to Ut make a catpgnrical raply to Italy* -im of Jurtk- snd the wn.akiu« «f p*BUl*r All ofBcero of tbe National league are d«le- through We*t Madison street Sunday aft- »<*!•]. fuiK'l and all Ihi- rml uf na." i court, enpnw tbe wish tn«wIIr api.il tb* Italian -u-i"- i- in the pie and straightflnrwUd reqneat we can BteH ex-officio. ernoon. Tbe \nn Smjitu- buildinR that The fl . !,.- ..r- (--innn.n^ to pormit it— ih pruon. will rur tbe Dm time, pvnb await the cnoclwiou at such a strand The national secretary. Andrew a Hum astends from Union half way to Halites " n-siixin*. tba aly M,-II-H that abl|r. make puMlc Ih* •-• HI or threat*. I"ubBc ojilnlou, uowever. "n tional league officers at the Grand I nts of John M. Smytbe & Oo.*l furnitni •nor 2^--i^ aWal awtra Whafha at n\. Ttiey botb »i-l*« of tbe Atlantic will hardly .con- Cincinnati. April IS. Tbe twentv-fiv m*e. tbe largest retail wtnlili-ilmu'tit in Tuberculous!, MlliiS IL. howIT ww.n . may rujm-l •ml onr *mnl to llnitw on the very bonier uf sider digniHed -Hii-Ji a painful ••illusion oi publican cl'ilmat Cincinnati have perfected the wnrld. All tint is left of Kohl A Mid- arran(cement* for tbe comfort of the dele Wast Side Dime MUJWUUI omlnry I •BWtl*. A writer in The i Politi gates and tbf Miccau of tbe cnn\-*ntion quicker lhaii any ol tbe i.tbrr* to »•* Itie heap ot bricks and charred timbers. On M*li--»1 A«p sanM an tin- caw of ' V.-. •eeroed u. leal Hint tbe tUM ha.1 c The hotels have nearly all reduced theli gride of |Hfpul&r m'l»»{u»ti"ii. Kitrl.v FoliU amw and faced (he mor? WASHIXDTON. Af>ril It—There were no side of Madison street from •. • r,~ \t* evidently made up hi* mind Then- WHO a buab. Pnliti appnurrd developments In U* Italian aff.nr ypstvr aMocint iono have (rrnnted reduced fare, the •« t to the Haymnrket tbeatci H» HT. that llancroft's lima life and re- irn traitor la > .-• canuadaa apd earn raougb Suddenly a look of intense!, day, and thf revivini? interest taken in it. -.;lt-r.,.:n.. to sell ticket* on tbe lulldlngs were destroyed. Thns ia*fk..'rl.. tvt'*i"i"ij of hit j. .•*• r«. men- ovrnpn-ail hi- fmturen. Then ramracry M plan. Alt special certincata oi, account of the)it7 nrv>ke were ki signed by Secretary Humphrey, >m of fire like bonnes of cards, aud al Assortment of Itnliaa. '•SrslTnli killnlthe chief!" Than part of the Italian government to signally ' eveninK of April 21 a Republican azarcW- and his moderation, whatever time tbe roof and a portion of tbe display it» re«*-ntmeut by ceaidng io have league ma.™ meeting will lie held in the BEHTLJtil AtTH njRHIHHIHOH, LATKttT the lant Bay mean. front ol the theater building was burning tbe t; .." Had the heavy band of tb any further diplomatic interoomrw with BtTUES IK HJIAOORAH, ETC. la [ i.-' • . .' out the . !,• ••rf Mafia r. -.- '.- I forward and silence.) th tbe rnit-1 States unleM tkU BBveTO- Tb* meeting will be unde :ly that every body thought it of yenr. which wemay pnj,*y. ih* J'iry. Tlie Mai* rlmiiinl that *li telltaletonicue' Anyhow, Politi wa* II*T< » or the lennu*. AmonR the • ts neighbor*, bul r*«l|ti incrtniiuKiliMfami he pn>t<->i«'l I a«*,n ID roo'litinn to testify. From ttu In Tt." M*bam\ Am aays v .. nl ration of 'Premier Rudlnl wit hi I en invit«d are Jame- C. Blaine. t'hai r Eugene M. Laing. moiii-nl Ihe policy of Mr Klyiin chsB « tayooBjf Milthry am fiftj. n K a* tlie Italian I M. Depew, John C Sjiooner, ex Seer but In a *erlously damaged conditio and tlw ln--iil defeu«e of Politi heenn. 1 HO. * PAB1E AVK>Tlt id t .Kler t limi prime tilt neVentj or --•.•.; Justice to Mntrnniia. one of the j 1'uliiz. ii intnit fnir f> vi wh^U it can allow the AmeriOati govern and t:."-•'••> John M. Sinytbe fl tetty.-.ir- fr.,tu that on till llipy si that n.i cmnr-tion with the Mafia wi ment for the makintt ol ita aiwwer. n - will lose nearly (flUO.UUO. frml totbl p 1 , hnndn-l they tnay spend in ^ n-u Lapwd iatoa di!«p t hht snythinK ^tartlinj will iicriir ,kull fractured by (aJUnJ-fromtJ WTH of Nrrth •Tf»«« sod IVsc >tm«, |1M d."~('>r jnv.« tif r*foplc wjjo di f Nh •Tf»« sod IVsc >tm« between now and Wednesday, and hlgli nupporting beatu of an electric tight : •alall tt*r attention toto lhh» ffar t lb.lb.1 rtwy *> Mi«n 11^ Kn^wttn mrib.-l- md i 1 1 DALLAS. Ten,, April 13.— In th and expwt 1" lire a century- atorlal ..-.'. i ,. an certainly im r. .!»•!.,;.- aa i .• friw! uf llie iiimdim. A tlrfiniiu waul; itrioUiUy f r»te[>r»t-e[>s wowororkrk . PVncoinr * mmmm- well, and irrwn ib* brf>n»-l »n.l cri ]W C. Owh. on trial here fir the murdet lJ tl tb d rini UvKHmDrhulwIUtmilof!! ly or •:•••• Italy's reported purpoae t«i take jure-l liy a flying piece of mortnr, nnd tn J nded to with -li-i«ur ' of K. T. Youni(. the jury rendered lt C nuch a bo-ti|p atep an would tie that uf or- * spect.iirn-^ wlni yi'i miller Uie dai cniW-i III- v il>- !>}• rt(th't -f puwr*no i ; diet of acquittal. Thin cane has e be a dering HlalabR Porter from Kome. - were. hurt, but none of r. I..'in so Brr.it int'tvst in the south. It i* alleged i iifij-eiKhi nmmbM*in cnu.-i It Would Mot Help Italy. :y thai Ihpy were unable t» go b Iwir'li"'""")!- <•-:•• tryiii.ii. >•- w«filulal nit in the rvar of tint nlnge. Sc \\v\vr nni« t>» the door, when Ha trinl of lier huslmnd. Anil afi iiul at him again, and flrwi a ihii ' the jtroApi-cE' of Cash from cii-.to.ly. the former husband country on the Italian A rush WBi wrntuin and iiulrinnryv o*s who s«t I, •HI k door. Tbe only damnif? wan QUALITY COAL JIHIIIC strickenk . Hulfof the* i wound in tNe toe of AHjertus Voeg Dtplonatlata tinabgfa would rert-ive th WASlllMiToN. April 13 -The Hon. W. H. l of women and childn-n. an TAKD AND omci news of the i-vrreiK-e at dip!«m;uk- rein Wllwm, r>f West Vlrainia, left Washing pied the seats In front. Tun tiou* with profound regret, for the reiis . ton today for thf we«l for tbe purpose oi Kht hold of iliv Itgtlt, inH that it would for n long time beacsu^- o y .I «i™ mude short work SOUTH AVENUE. Tws «nn7 Hull n»IH| ortoint7HiK HemtnTHtic i-Iiibn. His irip j ike tilled the ball while Uu jwi>|. I^OTIKntLE, April 18.—I^miKvilio i l d rf! i will extend to Tacema, Wash., and will (iilin , nnd i P O. BOX 1467. ihethmt K.iiiieof ihe wries from ('. A Krew m.iny milter1* of noiTipnp-H- flrilin- Inj il from one side of the t bus EtuniUy Lonlmllld jiuiijie.1 m, I i.niri;i'] ;irii.,.iii,,-i-iii,-iil he K- IIII.T rwentalive of tlif Xatiomfl A»ociAlion "I bftween th* two countrie, IIU» •wvpn runii. Ifaily «-IVH very effectivo Ltemncratic Clabs, winch has perfectwl u )u, . idi, m.> U'llli.... HHI liy reteu cnipni it would renilfl plan of r n the eirnptinn of the tlrsl three inn 1 year* i J,i ;U least. Thrra, is always [hi The (eMtuiVH o( i lie mime were the OehUnfi !» the *])i>n»'al tot 1 PLAIN WBLD, ADTU «, 1WL wmfoiiT l.,.«-..v.-r: It we cannol lire n of Itanovsn ami (he Imttintf of Ifeiird • "f and BOagM*i to our i.l«ji?t alwny* mcan nt least tr our bail to INI HI. and ihi stouly efToi <- fn^TcNBte A CARD! rDemooratie^riub ietr hinge. will !*• blinking us conataully cran «|THi I'pnn. I iu tbufolmd Suu ~t them -sM .»rry a wk, i>f din. ident wlert*ll your attention m tb* hrl Bin Lhe hall wa* empty, Our frii-nili l!ic wjcialints. wl..i will IK litvcU-.! from Wi Hit •• nowoonlrol tbn«nilrs«ru»r l.uMntw, lie audience gut out none to mmu. for 0' nn i uf rtrnr ITIIJ ami I'lftli iiiir. Iniim will DM occur ami tfttal .in- ii . 1 already Uiktu hold of the state, i ly conducted by Hewrm, Ettelle, Taj lor and •tvrythiaj .for everybody, will I* quite m^-IT n, pins aim man pnrk In i.itn.-- I tip ruR-iMiJti-Mt will again be on harmoniouious Wfw wiili- teea, chrtin.ii, froot. I^Hiiii t»n>**- flpectaJ ifri'und mle* hnd •• Eleuman. W a shall b* -[ 1*««1 lo .t.» ; r.«. in«ymp.ttliy willi lb-p«-t of-H-iinn-iiu. Lbe Qfent of < ••«. 1'., out aiiythiuiiHlarming haavin' _g vaktt, plrtte j Ian Kan for Th.il U*M be raadu, IIIK! il tras m;r.-*d that miy hi m 1 rd n thankiagyonfor pa*t t»roi*and Losing lor .now making i,j •rfeotifle eijB-rt-i to as- at Mutoiwtf-i • - (•••» • There wa» nothing to b!-«• ItMra^Imrqed t«Hi«jl ... " ,, ™ ."i" -^ Uylhi-.ti,iie Sniythe St Co.'a liig Imild- into ihr crowd would be Kirt % t.*k like a whirlwind, bursting throiiKh 1 1 on the Wi'*":i»[isiji < »',itrjil line, betweep 1 Stranger lh[|n;s* than that have already J TOH.I.'HUH tii^i tup < 1 Neurcan Bros. • Tom Klnoanl, (he "Michigan Cyclone, he r.iof anil tht front window* and lenp- oa the subject uf the Italian inciden bam aoeom^ltabad by science j *•• '" '" IIMIHWW 'now of i hi- city, nnd Mike Queenati, th( O(ii;learacr"!»». tiiestreet until thi-ycAU|{ht , Chicago »tix-kyitrX SHOT DEAD BY ' pitched in an open field, and about 3U0 ier of Madison and Union stiKetn, occu- Profw<.ir Cerl Myers, claim* to tie able ' whittle "** ^ " I'EK u;>i RIDl'CIIOl ned by Alfred Peats as a wull paper lioums, to nmk.' il rain at his own iwe.-t will j ftta* Oprnni r Mm.l. rv,. l.lHr.1 I. sports from this city, with a delegati. in prtoa cl SHUMCS , 100 from Chicago, were conveyed tt ran the next to catch fire. TUe three story scene bj aspecial train. The fight wa otl thl liin-l i i S.L;:- IL. s:..- t»,i ..:.-. !r : being ' '•'-'" "'J,^, a purw iff KlW nnd Tr. and •£> per cei JIBVIU*, April II—Wamt chflrg tbe receipW, Kenuard inilicltd ter unspi nicy ludrfrnud. olitjiiin punishment njion gueenan, and when the f lhaheat. The ot her buililing*. jpo off an-1 pnKlucn a trcmi-ndonn ruction through th- side '1 jr ralw preu-u*s nnci embc-zzlfnirnt yesttnUy by n mob of about fifty iu.i-ke.1 •nnnij,' tin- rlouda. Ir tlie elnlnc cur- •httnly. and wen> i»-urd ntoiinBt Th-udore Schwartz. n, who overpowered the jailor, kiUtM which was liflon-ii an La llur^e, two prisoners aod then scattered iu round bpth his eye* were cloned, and Kei .-ly of«-uin« Hre n[«.ii Sr , (.'niiiiiiliuti llmkenliHii^h ami Clmrl™ U. B. Crane, creui dincciuns. nsrd dealt him blow after blow ou tt e of the Hay V. t"raii«, prmiilrnt, caabirr and lell*r rp- Deck and jaw. Queenan then deliberately ere on fire. Men HATTKR aod •pactively, at the .lefiinct JKbwarU bank. fouled him to nave himself f rum a knock ling tbronjfh their ojw U fol-1 „ the vbief. which fsilHl receuily with llatiilitle* of out anc] the referee, awarded thefight U xfor their lives, bonje DW anythui, CUO.UdOnnd practically Douuvta. Schwartz ., April 1S.-A dam in Kennanl. rtrly e d and Frank were bn.u ht to police hesd- Nichol'* pond, above the FitcLbnrs ruil f»n.i v. . .r It la not this watrr. bow- about tl.e killms K Pnllee mm Hand. t 1 b di t 7 'lock, ak " road, at Baldwin vills, gave wsy ffuu.Uy Th«T FoniHl a Can Df Mir., i;ij r-rlm.. •W.the pnifmor d^aO, on tor 1* t % *£**im . Nearly a thousand persons wen auem ei o Tbe break w»" cau»«l by the hi'.ivy r..].,- WasniNuTos. Pa., April 13.—About fou «Bin. Imt on ui- motatnre that majha knoirat.yof Ih™* Hi in the I [ity markrt theater waiting foi t before Bond Cof n ondH -' late. The water carried nway both III.MII "' : place • •mtainnl in theclonda in the vicinitj picnt, br rr[>Ii«l on nimiUr char^a were it they wen dwiuu-iHHl at once through at the Mgfc#loa The powerful ezplo- " I Kmleiick Januien, of 'and did UN know IB hallway leading to Union xlreet in •J-4, will ahake the air currxntH. diatorb n, who disappeared tbe day the Ira d .mod order. All the streeta approaching th« >• ,ii.l,!ir:ii:n of limits Dp UIITB. ,, the fire were filled with people, and so dense bunt the cloo.b) anil cause rain to fall in nocrnt mi 1 IIIJ I the crowd get that they became nearly tauii H-B.1T for n Ing destroyed, the empty, and struck it against a fence post, lorrenu. i tu wall. ' dation being I idly shaken by tbe force, manageable, and it required a third ot PITTBTOV, Pa., April !.. - \l - - Sn causing a terrible explosion. Parts of the 1 entire police force u> keep those who Wholesale Wine Tb» th»«ry almple rooaeh and «-.,•>-"— the water and .he railroad iron agalnw M1UI Dickinson MI.I yaterday thnt mhe rinl body of the elder boy. who was killed in- re nearest the burning building*, from u>r ottciml tavMttgation that nil A family nai ed Kre«j«au, occupying stantly, were found 2U0 feet from the scene ABB. aile of her dealings with her *L* ahing headlong into places where their WUI it w^rlt? That th* UniteJ Statea kij cniii.nuf-1. »u.l b. w of the accident, Tbe younger boy was es would sot have been worth a mo- L Sb* would nmala IT liven- esperitnoiU. A Bn* a*«andth«r ™au at Drst deoied that Anna wan Insane was Tbe damage is entimatod at 1B,5OO. Internally injured. in* mbe at that time prefd lied out and put at work. Pipeme-n wers *Bpper w1W will b. att-clwd to th. l«J- "^V^In'T'I^u-i itributed all over the neighborhood in rouble detiHum. She had Dot board B«*4 hwia tae I'topla* provldeitee O*ts a Ptae*. IOOD who. itawwoJa. »uJ lhrv>uKh thij |.,,i,,',•!, ,„* ,.>»» r rd rrom either Dr. Seward or her «i» he alleys aud streets, on bouse tops and EXPORT ALE AM) P0R1ELV tbr clivtrv o»TTvirt will pas* ToaaT* vMtdrawal and lb« ClBb lD tbB U •zpnwe It uupmnl thai the eipori J(*nlJ Klyau. who public and aae did not intend at prawnt "who'wfr.^brougb™ thtX^*" "" " ^ were held in readlneaa to ii^lit tha fir* th*l*blllp 1 rinli or communicate with them. Her - loment it appeared. MUI halloOMWill b. CCOrtmctoUo/ S^ ;" ri'^r w jet hii-1 advi**>l her to »tay proceedings landeM at the barge office Sunday. M.n^ ^^J^T^^Z^^£ Fresh relays of men were sent down the •ilk poll, frwn won oat bank not* fneiull jkiiut Dr. Seward until matt*™ should by W. H. Mctioni intentions u pon I'olil*. a>l..pteJ, develop mare fully, and thU she had de- A-D FOUIB. FCttll We are all aware of tbe story tnat a fi' ' M'lirn alune i•nth the pniu'nerMi which nicked and totMred abovu their And Baat Al* (or kwtatt a*d Private baata* Brttaah nobleman runs a line of cftba to j.' \ kandrd him •eads. they pound water into tbe burning To AilJ-xirn April 14. lildlng* m torrents. They stayed there Ltwiii,.n. but not ern-ybody kuow* that an) Mr r'Unn nrat la.te.1 the liquid r. April i:i — Both Democmts and itil Inspector Shay ordered them to re- •iml.^ of tbe tu,-!ish artaWxracy run Mr Hi, refnaod.1•yto*. "U i'ii imv reat, and as they slowly retired the mu- om Knput.liqans have a^rwd t^ a.ljoUrn on baar and .Innktag salmms. Fur instance, April St. TBUWIII be tne earllestadjourn- luni front want down with a terrific roar. •ut. ari'I Itie,i' h» sei»,J* th^'"!T! DM Earl of IVrby hinuelf owns aerenty- *,,'! meui in mani years. The excise bill will gave twelve dulUrs. It wantba di ""•' "* """_• 4wo drinkinff aalt**&a. an.] ivckef tb# pmbablj- have a bearing tiu« weak sad ch« fuu.l that had been Mbecritwd This was but the beginning of the di.ii,. Piwinr Mar igration. The entire front of Smythe's rapt* of them with tbe £r*»teat rr-zular~ A after itoing tbronnh the aawmbiy will tto MM that l'oiitili "l-'ir 1 MViawrtr mor BUKUVCTON. Vt., April 13,-The Free Tta More tottered, aud finally topplad toih* wiuta. The supply bill wiil uu- Press print* today a #pecUl dispatch from Ity What i» »nr»'. a lord btatmp of the tl.i loubtedly be agreed upon <•' ver into the street, laoding la an Im- Oiur< l, of f^^g]nhjl is also the owner of ^ ' Xi« YORK. April 13 -About WB»binijrt.m In which Secretary Proctor lenw heap upon tbe very spot from which week. Senator I V -<•: r • i- report says that the interview telegraphed from •wa drinking aaiooDn. and likewiat ^ n will hers of tbe Phil Sheriilan command, qftliii, the Bremen had so recently retreated. IVoolUon & Bucklt, city, and ot Phil Kearney comniaaiL ol Omaha, Seb., which appeared in Friday's The wall paper house of Pent was the A dbvuwtou will be held on tbe papers, stating that he was not a candidate L I tax lMing bill, and there ia abo Newark, met at Newark and adopted *.LiiH illy one or tbe five buildings on the north With.*nt the least *1I>I,IM.AJ, <- t\j iU5 rxA- IT''. for the nenatorship from Vermont to HUC- likrly to be a similar dtwussion ID the as- lor a natioual convention of ^honu»l»iy lie of Mudisoa street that cnughi tlreifaat •m -••• Weil, that )• ifowurw than tb» *f* and navy, to be tield in tbloeity Jaly i Becretary i'n-'tor «aid chat tbe announce Hannah & Hogs handsome anlouQ and de- aril. A committee wan appointed ioari;.| roent of hi- can.iidncy was authorized, and Am-ri.- Tb«» har> been w ' iyed th* whole interior before it could iBvit*Uons lo all ori{aniulious of TIMMII If be *v appointed to the vacancy be !,.•,,,! U-iiv s stock of confections soldier*, sailors and nunia uf (be alibueat one time, but the flrewa s •buui Una- '««"••* «•' I Kht before it had proceeded far and the r 11 th* while that thrtbryv itenneatt ..yj^y^^,* .. "1*' *."»d'* place was cowpitratl-rely unit,jnn*l. After LI M»f..beu i.j-,j iwenty-tbree. wrr« U«t I be biirii.-i buildings had gone to pieces l?V ^••v^ n> MKITPTI tbe heathen I>QI uf the gr\ *?. i isjri 'ii O? * L | yn riding on Jiillrr's rivrr. they allowed the -A» KPOB afcar three hr.yB_ Boil. he airmen concentrateco d their effortffort.* oonn -"-' ' Hberai Wrr saloin) frnla Uifj rneircd MoqadliM l....ij liir w»r depart and E<]-lie C h«l OTooie of tbe w»nth side— the H.yinarket th™t«r building, which nre in bcrtl, F. O. Ilo» 1O0B. tb* New H,m>T Sewing MaVhinr romjpu, '• -'- foundaciin .. "" ™ na'f * dozen places, and •* ably works, and were carried over tbe dam and o*ld'»st.ii.t v inK powder in ftircb- drowncl A ton* ot men began at once The boyi. built a nr* to melt ItCCai open. Shortly afier an ex- ZflDad rirl't.igo. M o drag the river fur the bodisa. •\|IBB J "•|rfrnm wn. ploaiou followed. All three of the boys M Taac itf b l-t thought W A-niM!Tt,j, April 13,-Tbe nary tku ttw British provokeP d tb* I:IT(1I- >iiy. L " ~ . £,,,«»* b, ^ m nsa^ H,^^ nz i| on th* rock* at fLAINFIELPLAINFIELDD EVENINEVENINGG NEWS , NEWS,FLAIKF1ELD PLAINFIELD,, N. J.. MQXlj^TNDAT.N. . APRIJ., L 1313. , MO1891 .1891- Jialttrr* ««rt*. LYNCLVMCHH LAWt»H» AT NEWAT VCWK .HEW VOB« !*>F» «ar*#. HEW»|W TOKTOMEK MAILS MAIL*.. JR»i A IM< •* T«l. • »>» «"■ Cyatr.l BallraainXI < I ^• . wI Jr1.f w Ja-ae y CAREY'S *25»»L-i.“2ttsr.:w tou nid R MNew rork . Turk,foot «f Uhrrtfoot T aof liberty aUeaCCAREY'S \ ran. Aar.; II -A brafal ot •OtUHVOLM AJTAMDD um BAMFOMi MAHJ WMAI SSV?^CS^-?£E=SLA. Tlme-ra'danairnrui in Htoet**t> Mara.gw a loan.»th. M*l. •r ivonoa an4 FortFartjy uiBtf>Ulta • LB,M fcWp-m. m Bor* Wood - •«. r. o. Boo UM. «HTt fMlffdir «n«1WOl. «.a-«Bp.a. l*i5T-"«»Ts.iii>w.i.i»ri5*'i?S: Jmw* i>.*ia. '-?-££•» old. or Jfo: 2=r^.rif WilliaWilliamm C.C. Smith .Smith. i. a. m: 1 00.1 41. : v,, S.o,»ia,T»l » f* *». STORAGESTORAGE WAREROOM3WAREROOMS.. J«**t>h lum l«wlf •**. !*• rt> lit A.' M » -w yjitMb «.A •—r. r*Amm.rtUiag >■ • f.Amtow • »j * t 11 a ** 14 11 _ . Am>«r with * crv»*i or ■ »"^l. iU lla-aW^tfaqPr»ctkarwtkal~O l MasoMooca n poOBfalpan d Boildeoad r.MdBoiUrr d ?V,V.V.tt -mS:/ £ aV frowler " When it eamt h.loabAn.1 • a - limi,sraD.r tf.no, bay tbe "-" '" '•""I Hurt Xoonvy, a OSM opmitaUOUt. fmni t-JD to iOJO «. BL . Auctions Every Friday, at One p. in. key v>0 i-il'l him to pi. M<*>ney reluwd, Mall caoaai •IMOp.a.^^ pOFB. P. M. JIH1 llEBERtlf, *T5C7»«SI •9,.'ii ViVn.cT Auctions Every Friday, at One p. m. aa>d Darla attacked him • i'i-,.i«lj. knock- Fpriial grtltta. '•****“■«. m. POPB. P. M.ir Bkilklar, mad bard wood mactk itlliaSraAvivi^ill ■ad !»**»• attacked Mm rk-toa*ly. knock aDd (iERMAN LKSi-OSi* uBiS 1 toghimlw l,ln downdown an d kickinand g ankickingd beaUn . andI'alHcHapd1 beating I.KKMA.1 LgfttOXB •Kfcrr . tbepsoratror. f O^bfTionnrf tod and Baaaa ctfOroad^^d* 51 fS mvK -.TJi ;£ fcta brutally r atat ruruWnfwhj &•!«> by* tfackat' na«l*a. B.f« Wachw*- Rtfar- *m*. EM Plato Bald. B J •'H'i'™i m. .kill, k m u il Digit. CORSBB HtO.Tr ASD «1 iUVE HTrtF.l T-". Mb hr«lBll7 kw la ivhiFkalpBM*.. aid inilm.aid Eta U frexi»*mn »*W from ..0-10 ..- y Jf. Hrium*xs, ^tl Raxant at™*. ro*t*ng< p awm itrikg. (ORXER FRONT ASD OujVg STKEl TB. PolkcemnaPoliceman DaljHalfr hean UHl the both*r • aereamboy’ea rmmi PlaliDrtd Hl*h H4»'A ti d Bad nn Io tb* ac«u> and arnsted Daria. prtnr»p*w of PWiofickl Blab ThompsonYe*ml aid Park, aad ran to th* ■ «t*1 .rmi-lb«amr. lu.U.u. K fsaator-.Bl i tkcvutarlmf Lfa Thompsorf Legw n Park, V. BAUM8, ?5 iR ;s Hainrf •••was takati*k*ui l. j f byrlmd *frteuda U> hi* homeu> .hi.IM. bomu. Mr. r« r Fm>nt c*a Bo-Kroflemon*. • nte no Frnf. BAUMS, Mitm Wi-n«-.ii KurtT-nlnt Forty b a(Mbultrwt. . «(rwC!>»!> started MbitOnly rtart^ :»U Flalcdrtd Vi-i V. .1 OnV*F M. B01Omtrn. :«i; Bog mt. W r. it’2- S!i'! 5 to tar Waal Fort y-wv rath •trort •talioa ' ana loalr. G«a. labtvo, CarpenterCarpentcT anandd Bailder Bailder., >R Tii •«. K).r. P m: leave for Chvman wm ■ to Mr. Gatv. 1«M«. •wwntiWiii aT«ine, aaar daMt, ("ooa b"m~- with l.i» pfimmrr and K •- followed irrtaTam., I>«w Vora. L -mint PIANOS -ma , .*•— PYork. O. Box lUa. Jobbing atMoJed BX «• t J. P. LAIRE & CO. by a Ikrga crowd. Too ir.il had wit- riAAOS tud OB4IA.U. J. P. LAIRE & CO. IT !• UPIMCJCH, •• BI»«I daEartalty on all kind* o) work napatvlI theIba aiwauL n**AUllt ami were an.Ienrage dwarn at II.enraged 7at Bt r 5 S »f*«r* reaCtoto'yj fo rfor ff By*a< Tr•«• d »Tr wit hda [an wUht Stoc kLarge aod LoStockw Priosa and. Low Prieto. Darla*Davia' bnjtalllbrutalityy The y •urroundrTliay d tbaeurro'indrtt.rowm ._. th*|toarSi or^»ahl. F!eld ^1? rSahM Ftdd aad IL i*SsSr*»" gotaoltcema teamann andand nil jin-.urtaka r atxpnl aboulowmer d OardaaandSan** * abouledH«d1 wrdra tn balk.m Cwtabur mk o y\f. e&ijruOdar laa pUat rar run rriu add aoarariu.L "flame"llauK htmbin. Han g tbeIlaog wraith ' Blrtniba * calaryTomato,wraith andra* Hiringhaga.hU pttM.pUnt* to a**Ma*. Wbtta JohJohnn P. P.Emmons Emmons,. Uaw I1..0J.W m i IV t m. fGeneraGeneral w., a. II m l at dai Builders'Hardware d Builders’ Hardware.. him aj>■*' iru.1., T«lloyaito-* rcr kft** aad atoaewar*aad Mon.. Fwar.v 7ToV F*».«rrent and fot sale, SMYATltAYl UUP Wfi Oa^yDaly r*i.i»-raj.|a.il fo r aaointanmfor aa-IManra.^an. and •evera l 1 eaeftmltc otda r rttwijar, aoin unitujc. 1 poUcemrn ran to hi* aid ami tln-y tlron MABOSMASON AND ASDBXTILDSB . BUILDER. HOUSEHOU.-tB FUEUfl^HIHOrFUREIMB1SOB., 8TOVI BBIOVIE aad RAKOSH aad. RAROEH. CASH OR I thacrnwltb* croud i.-I—n k k Then tha pnHo-roi-Than than too ^kjamrnk OGIR look8 ORCDP* . CASH OR OtSTALLHEIVTfLJofcfctag • ivomptlytwanptly attanda *W*ndadd tax Oonwto. r of Otwnar c Hark* U> ibr -tattoo hou*e. -till K■ V followedKmwkjmHmuiriw rtrtiiar* .tea Arttofr malarhenPun n KctiMemc playr play*di for k *I.||*«I?o?aTann.a» *»1U»d aadPlt- M Frta»ac*pWta. P. ptooa.Uore PUmaetdF r I t «A 7 to. *0T. • «g *. n>. - bbyy thIbae crow.I crowd. bu t no •>bat' r • IIIJ.aoI wi alttoaptt mads t o wa*AAlMnamV,t rt»ali.'..maU fatolit*t ff»t F Field,Field, GardeGardenn ard Lawnard Seed . Lawn Seed. BHRDBt), V1KEH RtWA'rV' “ ‘ taktakaa tblUae (irt»"tfe pciw.F**r TklCH. HHKUBrt. VIA Eft raalagwlac a»aa atrpatrfaia: ••paetaMf ruirrmu anp lake aormanu. FRANCEFflANCE ANDANO GERMANY GERMANY.. iswpser’jrswjaa pUUUWCI>l£BiKHI A AUAVLS UAYLE,, purer Ptolnfiekl at * If. • (B ; 1 .0 p id. HARNESSHARNESS!! lapm •lllUa't C..ld***a Stay Cmm BUT TOUR LVATBWO rui«rii,n I WARD < ON N RtTIu.N* tabnodd•l... H-rU.lt.-HarUiU’t. K- . .11. ** a •tn . lor 1--.I Q. Allentown'»* . Kendlar, Mixedo. Allentown. Paint Reading, Paint$1.00 Per $i.ooGallon. Per Gallon. Ill- M Hrrbrtt*. en* French Hilf.torrtwuni.- urrf, I'.rf.i-,]]..Pd'-r.lto. Maiit-l i lU. hunk-h, "n- (bunk. Wtl- Paw*. Aj.nl 14 M llarbatta. th* French CarpentersCarpenters && Builder Builderss Itotoapnet.iant»p«irt . JaiiiHiMrn-aiuiScii||e*h*rreaiwi a Ikeaharra IK«m ton n^'i Ili.^iilM KiUjt. pT itoa m fomr Hiform iinrtmMlgi- llryiif-l Unii.cBridgeh nn an.-,n UruncE«KITI kaaton . Frauih minuter of r-.n-ixn iltlln, n dia- BabBabyy CarriagesCarriages,, r.F. Oa. BO Xbox «BX. «sl •o: a ib f« r Fleming on. If f. k Fiuorb minuter of foreign affaire.SweetSwtet a dlaas asits Nanuits Name Ua.too. llanri.fUngmrr • .1 M.ud , of the ainlm-ndor'* relation* wftb tba ‘ ImpMr*. Tina ft™*. f»U W K H ► aa on. t.le DON'DON’TTKamiing. SCOLD SCOLD HaIta (••,..,foreign. onV a ofh**M Hcrbeti a .,..>M : llarbatta uji Window SiiADis, etc., tameburcvMairc.. u.iub«.*rb oy>ii) p*ir,p A buy town rt Doao* A peror, wlin »;.- tonnrrly invariably affable U pulr<'Vl"mlnri«e. rM.« *1 mt«*n.Van Ar-dato,1 HE1HKSR yro willyen bi n ulutb* BXSTbar*. tba BIST. 1B bin Dianber, tn -|f,ik- cvrtly and )iaa SmokinSmokingg Tcbacco. Tobacco. GG.. R. R.Musgrave Musgrave,, H^aliI)Mhbdiug. Harrtahuag. Mauebthuak.k Ptti Pottorlla.l FAIRCHILDS im-li't'toin*!rlma*.la I jvttoil.to.R. Ernlnn, bamfkmg'.r. »4 Warn Frtmt St ran my ao< b* lb* aearrat p'M# for yon to trnto, bjg ig to IM BE1T, ForeftlabFor ml* r by CarpenterCarpenter && Builde Luilderr 1lM«iarrx..keatarre . Konict.uiv raK.-i,. H » mn>.Rawing Han.l-i-1Hnn-i.nrif bamokw i rta rwtiurg. faofmmin< n. MCTIM-II.- %.*. H Uvoriti. with Km fief*. 21 and SI F*M Front tore**, omxt to P. O. Mf>aii••"••"• !«'.""». M-uvh rhuDk. William >i.d that ll» lAmpkloai Ami-tl'-n BtuMrgarr 8uir» HurrjJ <56 IVest/^Viwr f Front si. DOANE & VAN ARSDALE, thatbe ni'nra.nli min iamhmbl* nl.il' (•r~ciii |*r—t.rtH ti-raia wittrraiab I li e wllb 21 aod S3 Faat rVoot itreat, wst to F. O. *M""'mV.Tfflcn, Iktbleb.ni and Allea- DOANE & VAN ABSDALE, chief* of tb* IWIIn r..n-t(in ..rfi iIts w. W.Mvon nmt'O.SB ax. IT. eh»rf• «.f |hr lw-rl.1t foreign > fti«*> OrfNWUOpprrtte MM.. B . charehX church,, I_ >i'« m Siniamd 1 forBund s-ii-*..11 . )|r< ti>]>>l»'TTifor . AlFaadfn.- Mrlhlebt-m. Al- If il.» Y ranch ifomumwi vorum* wtna, MHUIII I h.mk. u m,- iwn<- nn.l (TB(THES OintOSH PRIC K BOOPRICET ASDBOOT SHO E HOUSE.AMD ) SHOE HOUSE) • w. •llai—l Ssa.*a*i-lt..n. f...|Btal,!,Yrr. 1ifisst!-l-.rI . •1..H..MI' - IS iu""l m Miodara fo?Hl«n NrMM Uni BabyBAHY CARRIAGECarriagesS ! ! W»och. Fait"". Aii. (in •!). Mtiiitti ftiunk, Proton. k ... I'art* h.« rwrly recall Y aLL-.lam..,,, 1. !•'LX'XKr.:.r«lLY. 1-. iiii.. «. a ii't 1.ml ilarri-wira fStti. JI fnr K.uTnn% ItjhThim. Ai AlAlll PrlcfWPrice*.- •'Vice A-tairianeMTie*f kaariaml.CoaCoall an andd Wood Wood.. Dariel Hulick,MMit-wn. . arnbCtUlflk , Chunk,Head.ll* . liend.ng.H>.rri«lnirir .MarrkatMrg. Fa .tag AprilI IS Tba . EXTRA PARTI*. Daiiel Hulick, YOUR BLOOD. EXTRA PARTH. taB«M qualitTO»n«Ty ot Uhi*, ofh Coal'.»»» kapt co t Cofd bpt — YOUR BLOOD. John M Xnyaa. MauUy on naad. CARPENTER baring •—« ailed Pat a sols, Rods, CARPENTEAMD R -y llJ 1, 1 Mm«ay n* « o.* . Ororto >4* of lla lloll l.twh »i-*aah *m. byPatasols, Rodst OFFICE,OFFICV, witwithh ToolMo Wcototoon & Bookie S . Bnckto. lffa irvT^I m **'■ RANDOLPH’SRANDOLPH'S Itoirl.prl‘"'W lila-lhrr a tlbI'li* tU di.tnc Sptixgs,Sfilings. Etc.Etc.^2j7 Notth NorthAvenue. GeneraGeneralAvenue.l J obber. JTor obber. At lanur • Itj Jt a a ; Idlp. ml 1, court I l.rr. )n m,,r. Ml-.in u-ri.tl Ipt HOP, 3D Boffianrt Knot, Plalnfekl X J, »2"p **• BEEF,"* H UP *. a, : i QO. 4 H. IRON AND WINE. Lion Co*. 8Hf P. 30 Somanet MroeC. PlatoEald S. J. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. nunif.-if-nus.-'the r U ~ Co... ■ from 35r. la fta f BOt*apant-nn wraBB4h« HIIITE. YARDTABU., to »BIADI8O MADIrtOS3 AVBITCS . ATESUB. EXHICHBiEM4H11KJ IMM)IMFOV2RI.HHEDV '.RI.SHKU BLO3P . BLOOD. ladr ba> alrrwt] Irr-niui.t -i,n ao Jobbios promptJy a 1*^3 «.'.'i"»t. »«,* JOp.m. i 17 iiiH:I?'sunrti Koy<-Koyra* foforr *i&M- "" f*" htnt- N irf t>«jir^ r lira AA.S . W<4 W.. HANDJtmrilw RANH,, OpFottOpyoaM*e KW-riElrovtoc L'eh Lightt :• tatioo J tatloa.. a? V^IAL'p S* SKF* Mia* Holt||.dt -W.. ™ ,-,-nlv.l.a. ra, in rnm|—.ll*el>t lit ro.nl lliat 'iF*r freotun S *\ » S». •_«*«. tn. BIT, I ."#. t: PINPINTT BOTTLESBOTTLES,, 50 Cent? .50 Cents. Nnfn n»niil1i'l l.rf viltii nill'l on (lie FUPO. «4 WEK*4 T WEHTFKU M HTRE1.TFROST. BTRRkT.l Carney Bro* bae* repairingi Window ScreensScreens- ^•a -RI.'- U ,'aai. K 14. »Vi y m. I 17 nlirhL 11™ ,viT™"' i;Oirt"" “ nftdi> -l«t«l NOT« •« tl^ otbar i.«n*«• >h*rp>o> d and S.fipn PCSB Agt. *1 FIMf"-iW T STKBKTP«»**irT, PLAUfl'IBLDHTRBKT,, S. 3. PLAISFIBLD, W. J. of hi. , I lli>n.i]iiwl .1., i*r..l that it Onion Market,n^wtred^oua to-e wKtwrra^ ^«or mcra|tral nk Btlair A Jusuraiur was 1.1- i-lj-f Him Mis- it..li brmn hnwm. beraKtr »nlb mini in ordorU] glTe C*>lor l II WIST FKORT B1RXRT. My aajwrVi*# f.i ahow* that M*«ar* Etngr Jinr Fimr Fablr. Th* mf-crll- r Inform, b w frtw(’•net d-II- aadT BPIP Br-th*. ha* • e t»h**w rai'iicn an inrupee*** abarpenln gto *h*rp.oiogLSAAISAACG BfifKAB8IKAWW & ;0>".4 S0>, r-p irto« Uwn n-o-*r.. PSYCHO,PSYCIIO. SINGER.SINGER, UN.ON UN. ON pni.ac in g^aral ta*t ba baa upm. d a Imir Uiu. CnmB, REALREAL ESTATESTATEE Allen’sAllen' s StagStagee Lin Linee Tfcrp IEAT. V1OBTABLB, BLTIKK * EC HeaHandd |uuo 111)orr Cooler Cooley-. and DtMtK, April IS N.U- I*** Bight I MEAT. VEUETABLE. BUTIhR A Tt>e*»ZOO to no » ed fo -en<) y- or mow*r to any FAREFAKE FrVFIVEK CtBTi CEXY*U Dt*»rii I .ate la-i night tha and la**ri*M TbTb ananyy poin t BIIApointK the arout Loge withi ntha UJ* rout* within (hr poll._POI WT OIIf tfcW . II) r,...l.-.l « .iwHiinx bOI jf, i-y w^iuvdwelling Cartwj Hrol.oiMO . doib * r-iaimg on ti.r nmiPT o( Tblrtj tlr-i »tm-i * fact, ry w>lP ( me) Bro . do (heBrain fpairug Money to oan cn flr*i rr tpiilyiR*jrtgag*a ooff th etba Boroug BoruugD.h oa lf»r cm. » of Thirty tlr-t MMARKET,-t»*e« ARKET ami , They am eeaul the ■»>•»*. BO. ® I CEB H1KEET.WilWilll »la.a• r pa#wmg yam*eraF in Dm* for mrerttap Bfani.uiMart l dand Htrtiur mmur.. hart m I.a.iokt- t.,,rawwtolb.uk■t Iba >!«*< *»*rd wbera b* k |eiar*11' Scuth Pla» Bald. S. J. MediumMEDIUM GRADGradeE BAL L BEARINBalt, G Bearing thathatt aonwlhlni*.«uetl..n«l « n*rr> . r.«.ki, .rook.-l| *a»i(.>ii> wa*« goingrorawr .a** BFl«7 QUALITY of art**Mf»nMf»-r». Carora* Carneyy Bror . havBro*.* fo r terrrahave) for aea-ral ■ tbarriiither. :, , Tb*J w»Thar« rl.lily wararf.kfiM »t., bly rewarded. for Tear* repeu-.d aid itfrpHud my sowara AllAll I wanI t h»arti eneoarammeo to trocnaragemeot to «W* a lo giro • nto-Ub* price* - ear*l»aj » to mrrpru.dy «.tire 'B"irf»ll*l'lrTear dalaiKwgf W *x»c*t.d. Wew route*IjaatUVa will, be otaUWml a* rapkllj Tb*y made •• «ood a Jr.bcf fur nra*er aa RarprrtfaUy jour-. any <-ne ecald MMI i'»»iii Kni.tr, Edw. C. Muljuta, M-« I* from th* dcpM atoB» . C Muljuta, iauiri—My iwtorMt itrre t ton Wsuho *n EbnTiUaka from. Beyoo th*d <1*po» atone ware found in tin* lk>uil.iii|-. b-d.lup-," Mii-*k thirvo'iui* ...rahd thieve. and REAL ESTATE HatoM forK* wNaw Tora . Tor*.On 11 * MB aoO*d 1 3 atM. 9-A7 aad I* a hini-'l:..bou-rl.rrMkrra' ik. i- whii-whichh li-i - iifiIimi (iprratl t.mn opera ling trtotde^ruiii whwbo*bareo ba»e etrtnwle rotrwrredd ibel r n»oibetr" no**n to Mtodlpa. »mn p m. blretnrotrtp»E5QtrBntoW»ab morn trtpa g j otrart- Geo.Gclo oW% aah-W^. AtW. ot t ison.Mot Agents t ison. so . u f OUERHEAgent,T so. rouuaH bt*kk. curor aarecar*,. ai da. it adt all itb* - ouM r allrbdra*o U r ...ur. vodaaror to arod IwtooTilw. M*M tb* tralna which leaf* ■■ harborae fuforr aoln routee time .lima. Th e ur^nn Tbawan Mnlorganr -a* »n|ro EgtaevUtolew York at 11 a. m. aoMartd at 4 and 6tha p . B trnine which War* L men acd *a**y mower boon aa nearI.1HI right' Ka.il'B. Be- York at 11 a. m. and at « and 6 pm. frofromm a i alni n iicbi.n in Iliimiini b .in a lul'iirllartuon.n * HEhDERSON'SHE a AauHuhof DERSON'S a* d perfect a* rwa he. Bel wring w* rani.uri.iri. aav- DenvprDaatar . A lift y ««ll.A mfifty lmrn- gallon1 at ini'lw Iwrrvln of ni"U»« lafytj ibthar moa moatt partK-uia particularr owne r nownerf a lawn of, a* BUSEMunxsg lawn,S TO TO LOAM NLOAJI OK 1ST OS. MORTtt 1ST.J 0. MOHTBj O waa found barM nil feet in the oella fUTfar •• Maberp«ili .harp.w ao d repairing (oaa, wt r. wa* found Uirtrd Ml fret la tha callar 1 TbaTke valu»*lnae i>f Ibeof u J -tba rscunro good*d a^ r rmtirrad •ft’ir- main1 ththee poll* pnK* 1 bidlnit a*traair, 40 Horth t«M M-1T «t.BD( TBB tb« Pe inter Ps inter gmUm aevrr.il th..ii-ni.cl dullnrn. Flower & Garden CABLET IIKO"., Acrota. Flower & Garden Ro. IS 8IBLASDG18UXD UD BUtSMLSD V BUtSTiVi | and HigginsHiggins’' StagStagee Lin tLint and Mm N-r I>LKAB^VT. IV, April 13,-The DecoratorDecorator inlpii'lr-1 nmMutl at the ]ir.»lnr\ni: c ■ Boa o»o* x n tiiPOLLOwrji »oup*iwa BwuuiSLB tottofl*-- StoveStoves s anandd Range Rangess eoniiKinim fur a (mitral n-tumpdon SEEDS.SEEDS. Jos. T. Vail,mVSnZm Hiltokto arm aad tortey- d y b l m.t.torabl*illljl o tactMtatMnearltet rtaviMpTmt,*and «*• »• par omt, a t i'tn. Tbe lalxir lei •ad Bwttte BatbiaiadtDfaMargil by throughtbr<>iiKli..i. >uti ih e thar region Tba lalatr lewder* RF.AT, ESTATE aUrrwldd d iinjn at Tkrimimroimg** p al rnrtmi* j-hdI* REAL ESTATE on tba AlonsoAlonzo T.T. Ayers, Ayers, yaatmlay In tha i"- h..j»"' wardlD ofK *war.ltngFERTILIZERS, AMD *r. (111 •. traJ! MiMM l A FERTILIZERS, DRDR.. GRIFFEGRIFFENN Chas. F Dencklau's,Puaniwor to Manb A Ajrtv.l K "*- b»W m IVwinrr. iwn n l.llLBA.YLCf do UJt *o Chas, F Dencklau's, NO.HU. m EAB•» TEAST FROS T FROSTBTRlIT . STRMBT. wnUtfl hi-rbarer (o>ln; .today. Th e I !• rTha. M T ttlewtor*w nay tba r S PARK AVEWUH DEAJJUDEALERL B IRBLU E 8T0NBLUBE FLASTOREC QISC > FLAC QISC 8> I'AKK AVKM17C rtrlk* wilWilll B e prolongehr d prolongedMntil th e operuntil- tha < MERV0U8 COMFLAIHTF. !£ gtf r.JLpJfSS"- atora gt»an .- in . InTfa t mxliiMTba at thangina*« McC! at OthellOthellotba Met* o RangesRanges.. SKIB DIRE ARES, wtrr Ami lft»t night and tba fi OOSBTIFATIOS, ntends i<' try and m>uni« work. RHEUMATISM. Hallock & Davis, FEMALEFEatALX LOMPLAISTCOMPLAINTSB Hallock & Davis, DTBPEF8IA. JKUrfllanrou* €arb*. KORWA1.K. Co BABDWiFJBAEDWipg,, PLEHBISrumsG i T1KSKCs ,mmaadCTrcnic "Mu They arVfcf,« th* oorrw,fa *la. (t nfVaaf Mplff Ww* of «3i,«i> Inwrun TatapkoaTatoghoMoa a OaOnESImildlng. Ko Bo.. ft. E1 3 la* TroWU 8»r« Martt FrtmkDEMABESTDEMAREST, BkruM. . w TFAMADIk •»**» •LOOO-. oonn mwhinerymachinery,. IQ.OU tS.'UiO Th « borouicTbab borough - A MMMinB, rows.15Wray. In|CUM wagon*,and aa* oarto,the mtrfartlllaara. eiwi wfaytowa, TWTW,on bary haadiIto lab . tw n. "BITUL -UIUI-" SAT . a*T. talaklmou totall darkncsi d*rknaw>. It i> expecteItd thaUt rtt^twl that lillVBAACBuiiimi.. ■ ■ Purrta trow rnmmtm. Job. P.Qo-r ■WoM*.foofPilflr naiD* . BmwIt'nt it r brtrff—aia. thaalartthe alrrtri nrc Hsh hghtl rumpan companyj will havwlUe • nahavew a naw Park AvenueAvenue Grocer Grocer,t ■ jUNaaSrar r37 plant rannlng in two weeks. CleaneCleanerr Coal 1 Coal I = OcuOn MOTTO LO He. T Baat rront.au«a| pY B- MOBSAHE MORGAN., sussi TS ^ir^—- ntt*bwrg 6»U rile War King-L. A. RJuaume, Ag't,wltb rood qnalltr and •«. A. a.HAUiOOai Ballot*.. Ji« . WDATM. . Jaa W. Dajto Prrtam a.*,Apri l Apnlia-Pre.id.-Q l» t OSeUl*TN-ldaatl O NaUl ruaa JATA AHD MOCHA OOFTUL ^t/OST PEOPLE«VSDEALKR1KWMDMALER, , 8TATIOHERYBTATIOWERY.; f (iit H t L. A. Rheaume, AgtrURE JAVA AMD MOCHA COFFEE. MOST PEOPLE SI l-g Wart Proac rtroa*. ha* rrtuAicd from Oneinnatl» BM>ADWAT~OOB.VOTJ*SfBROADWAY.CORHa mat FOURTHl 8TRM1 STRATI., BXCIOSIOB HUGAR-CCRKD HAJIB •nboj-aUatr urf WM rrat ama*. Pitcher King at Hamilton, tl ,*nd wmrwdIn*twS *batha pabtlpwbhre t o tM(««to tt*M«M tb* operatic* tba] eper |"\BHIR»BLEBlRkBLEE BUILOIlfBUILDINGO LOT H LOTH bka algnat ur to a lilt-burgMMtapMhwur ka r—Itconi lrack. adnwi••as i iltntlaa*wa ; ntr.tlagmn^aal- owe wjuocm. U eat. ba pambiaad a* Hgawnd 1 0 ml w— for eut cowl, wblrh be c- fVWcUj Wm.A. Woodruff, D“tf KingKins "> lat' Kto« P.Wgrt • ™wi, »>l * fia l wna«»a,i fo r islnal*nd , wbtcW— k athaa cvrfideotl j . Woodtvff. WALL PAPER wrlUewrlttram a»»iraDna—urauta> of theof !', • •-'-•.:xthe • labIltt-hurg rlub WALL PAPER m.M. rW.. M . M.«IU«E LMANK,, thatthat it wilM l Ivrtwillr niboarl tb e uiat witunith PrehtdNt witht To nINvahlam dar Abe. Ton drr Aha. INSURANCE, Baai bteta BnaMr. CSS and aaa w*aav COO - ;rk Loafl a Lout*Hwwn m liman*.-l.ouM tba-laMiblt flub that dub INSURANCE, dldarkled u> go u. law tol h annualt Iba contract. P. M. Demarest, A . D. D.Va n StiverVan , Sciver, k P. M» . Demarestpare: averuh , ASASDD BXABEALL KTATK ESTATE. Rocoa- Ajro M PARK AVtSCI. TheyTbey «n*«n mco* tuouayy an d taav*and afane* wjperlo a r •«ropwtar toacB MEN and BOY'S BeR* wealwendd alt rtko an amain.er rarvatl raeauUrv loc-r bmaa4 Honaj Io Loak OB appnmd **earUr, Cor koaatoct Itotu. yrofri^iottalVrofreeional garhoCurbs.. MEN and BOYS vwl adfiwtrh fronjiiener.il Wiley rurtfhwerarllttwa for Tsfor i i laraltgm mn.4 P t aad ttmll •rar • MraKaad Park »H MW•! lag, laad I to prepared to-g^wiao U 0PPO3ITOPPOSITE* DCPOTD«POT.. iiuilioli at Mtirrwonl ; MALLIEMALLIETT BROS.BRO&,, iCbotola UAUlilDD, baa darkledljtnllj- ImproveIn.prorrdd »nei r in their OpticiansOpticians,. Las-■JSSi.. *-*' • - Clothing, lawful a*oration*. SKW YORK. .JBB8KY CITY 4rMdAanHliyrl.gkl.mmt uait amomuMTociuui SEW YORK.PLAWF.ECJJ. .JERSEY CXTf. •SALT MADE OR M4D* TO tR3EH. ToTo thethe Publi c Public! PII. AISFiEfcp. MilKnerMillineryy OpeningOpening,, LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. ChhCBlfJUU. v.x. April 13April. -A sprcUIX—Al (o Tbe *|rcial to 8fc»7 ParkPark A*«aa« kiraar.. On Hand Now, TlniTima*M fr.nfromn IK-rri'i IWrvilt -»\- Tie-*ar* runm r hrrTlwr rumorHa nag rur-baaad f rcco C. A. Brown tha flDiuoil. TkiMDit and BESTFudiT, WORE BAERS IP. On Hand Now, Satunlnr ui«ut that Crnnwl Alurr *u OS TUESDAY ASD THURSDAYS, FOR THIS 8UXOX. Balurdar uigut that t.rnnral Alger waa OH TCS8DAY ASD THUBSDAYtf, 1*K«II ISlb, IHh.kditll, F? 4jludyinka u i-fal- *fal*e. 11 ^ i» ier>lie «.ck l*. havln**ryu in- *.rk, baring in toS.»p. m. RiK I 1B«M, iu u a»dTrousersTrouser «tlb. s lrolromm $ 5 up$5 . up. poa TBia 8KU0H. * - AFRICAaifucaTstzaiN STZAI LAUNDRYlaundry,. h HavingBaTinc paBtrgraattyj *».l«r», aaUrgadd SOT militarawr ymiUUwry km Lowest Prices. thinks be mil mover u r are pragwrud to do all toundroNAB4IM HICtfUBOlBIB Lowest Prices. th*W ebaM are aadpr«fa>r« meatd tn daigroaado all lani^r jnlkA work It Onht ^H SuiSuitsSuit s fromfrom $1 8 up$18. up.LSuTTASS CALL and SEE tie acral * «p.u»la p lwpr»iM(. The BXWI rr.\y ff-brw* ar* vtf~ — OMpt, MW Urn.than .NewNew Yor k Yrt*1 ity. " Buo.ired.ot\.. Apri Apr,.’l 19 —GeneraIS l S|iinola'ifuneral> >*k.d.Mplnola’a by Unjavrwr U. HUI; InnBnl b>u and bnaaiu on txtrf- .TDtFACTION OCaROTTEED. CALL And SEE Consultation iikFtee« a <_w€.i» «/ tay t ai d a ptrtaat -jai dee •AyatciaoFbjBu-ian.* sn:.'connni.ral i-. . i ••; r vmpr !•":»• ;[Ttrmrnt ITJ !•:» rondiin- bl* ' condi-rratca T tionttoa duriDrduringi th e |in.*thet twenty-tuuj*v-t r twentyboon, four bourn, On all Wtrtt rEAST T timeFROS FROSTT 8TBMST STREET.. Lion abbitt. JUZ? daringduring tbthee pas t|*ud wMh . wbek. LI03 ABBCTTAL» , X.Oovaraor T. . KcQIIJ. Chanc ruui&mu. * mt imii wrwmuwt. ALr XL. T. KflilLU Cbancllor. yiAfa-mcf, Kline'Kline’sf—f, m»s ExtractsT«*Extracts, , HH.. W.W. Marshall Marshall,, R A. WATMOS. A.M.R.D .Clikaia « H. J30EHM,M Dt ess Suits to Hite Warm*,ir ^n.add partl putljry cloudy claadj,, followad faltoaadby bj ~;£2££L ' Dtess Suits to Hite Sk'ssmv. »-if..i. mifiriTiyrPutePutt FtFtuit uit Flavors.Flavors. I i i EVENING NEWS, WJanBA «• >>i MO^AY. APRIL .13. l8ol. YOUNG FOLKS COLUMN. r.iu.«r.i.n) Messenger SetSet vice vice «T«UCT™E »ND EmurTuma Thursday.Thutiday, AfritApril 16 / 6 READING FOR EOYS AND GIRLS. p >W. IftW *r*r-tmur Com* B &O&O.. Telegrap Telegraphh Co Co.. Selection*Sections frofromm th thee Writing Writing*, of of

ArtetBut Ward. W. & 8UTIK. Maa»», returned ■!* a ox THE ISOMIMOV «n>t pratMui' mertjoHt BarkalcwBarkalew &•& Dunn, Dunn,, »JKhu&49 1188 NortNorthh Avenue ,Avenue, FineFins Groceri.esGroceries,, u the Mil M*"*** <•'* (or OTSflfSU. •hitto havetag. ir.f«rn»d(MX 1 lUtl agi,-*t iMe M> are •hoirim an Bxtrm Fine Una of FavoriteAVORITE Dl>b«>, Krai Di h-f. Cum, ^aonvi ete., al a TFIDHDIDTrlfrm Knc L*CKItow*« of altof kiaiaa *B tMa rlcb ••t at right prtew. HowHow abouaUniit a •Bpn 8^« i«jwrr p'tr p, IQ-olfetr. * !<>;.*»©•Decora'a d TolDecora'odM For ToiM Gentlemen: t-fBd* r:W.'UBd.. Il--i.-.. lltopWo**nao. Rrurll' b I'oro'faifetch*Carpdo Tlin - rore-talnH—pn Dto- tL». I've •ke.U IIlx.l >••! - -.u tfaoM AH Wool Kr.E!r-h Special 1'noia oo Granite IrtMt War*. VANVAN EMBUEGEMBURGHH & wum& WHITEs

Fine Dma Qfevaa, THE METROPOLITAN STABLE, Far Ckpat THE METROPOLITAN STABLE Robber CoaM.tto.. at AtcTn I.V Hini MoXD »TTT»ir» >• Did 31 lonb lrr«ur, ThraaKB !• Secoad Hlrrrl, OM. DUNHAM'S lie Iwgan Wy nj l—b* By JVtST/UdT ARBJV'ItLARBJVKO* O M.DUNHAM’S -I »— U -I inur«.t.( UM Dutrh j \ pretty bad At' •tudylng «lw -run •rock of tlx-uj-.li IhltChthe «f WBaT rROIfT BTRKKT. ■-nfry. they U«-r ••imply aai t w''iU» ^wi.khFbe rm I rwvwtl. *—f** I Ur PX D TwoTwo CaCarr Load Loadss of Canad of aCanada Horees .Horees. •b-prtv-1 >4 paper ■ert.n*nl pn'-.nAt mx !<•wb'i *• atgnoabit tarn • •will -e-'n *erw1 rxir Spec toll* ion th#*n ►r > havnot ■nrutpM-ture I ».*• exhibited *1 the aaion In !l Badlte Hpneii, Rw]«fn, Bm;o-« a id F«TJI ..•nr,• Tim miIrt hri.ark 11—nto.l ago atxlWM-old . it for a ■mall ■urn. Though aume TINW0RTINWORSS of hi* nnat brilliant vliirrrrneiit* were In COMB AND IS3PKCT THIS LOT O? BTOCK. I llow dill lie n-j«y nix COM It A!fD ISJFECT THIS LOT O F BlOCK. FUBTABLK and BRICK MJIT F URHACaJJ phre m Tiw.nl*>. II* bawly undertook 'fariioii. l*-ui* it,Philippe* IV... «rki-n ret^-ti i he lielate onlyI’rmce becameCoo- U.w kin»Un ui.—l on r~.rt admirr-l'l-a lUxe” at tbe I'niepmal QUEEN * CO. 3KB. M»na«sr. A. D. THOHPM1, ProprieMr.; Qiwen(Jwwnn *.ff KneUmF.nglan.1i exhiiNiKin.wli.rh Nt|.'l«inti ow« t-.uglt Ocmltot* mU OytUtMM, . of iptlx- nutrketa m.rkrfa, '" MMH I wt.arvt.y he Ite- 1 for ai>»ut r-.UUU ao-1 preaenUd to hla i-i It- -ruum d.in't laitltrr t»»}''l '"• tl *'f I.U U*.«a guralA TbrtKefi.rwari. whatever he jmiuI- R. THORN'S, i-i.h»li t’at.ady,) . Imt J.-tlet*. he r bbaru llo- l UJ nr. thtia rwilnln'i*1 xi.mman-leil btah !'»«*• in IMP® he R. THORN'S, aV> iMM a* .1.-"- m.t«Wrlighter . SJn>She.. ltowpwr. howexer.'' mj praad n & bkew-.w aninijaniella the rni|--ror on hi" Italian glnnilly h«-i* h*r ■Ki.j>i. 2 Park Avenue, • '••-. i-*ll«l » <;..T'nrr (..is r 1! Sinn*- 111 at Solfenno. and afterward,nrd. unde runder tba the No. 2 Park Aver-ue, !i« "f r«!in.|'anadyj makmakee it («lin'» of P«UC I -iit«|4ration of I tiler*Uatonr, -Hiatory."" began ThWTbwfatbegan M oto anllfjr th- pqhlte 'bat I b«T» po»- l,,,i, for M.i- ..(.I r .r 1 Vi*l; I™ hla aerie* ill ud ratingkit- "Xapolruni the c‘ ObaaedNapoleonic and will e «>.lnue the biuuww at Wfc'VB GOT THE GOOD*. TOD HAVE THB UO1EY. Wdan>•irta;,.., niu l f/T differ from., r~ele." To iltd* per***!K "IStB,talon*" tnr K*a—. e-n^ of x... Inn Kifud larrferllj 'MRC" atxll "IBM,—the" the liwt oladf rb eof thre thes No. threw. $4 94. Somerset Soviet set street street to picbao^a with you. an1 tf you wit] call at our More wa frill offer you *ock aixl UUrainl liar-, no doubt beingMug thethe ( 1lineal :. -' o f allof . all.tn I-^M.It. tin -I*M. jubile thee juNlae Tlwpnwrni fhit’iwr fSm’ral *>f OaaadfThe old mm uu- tor~'rtrfor-nprlr kebeotM b r Kpwtnbe uItewlno K Mnall-e I LouiLouiss BB.. Coddingto Coddingtonn b> L«.rl WiiXk 1 Mw him reviewmr family IHOUB hi* sk poor pay tun bus.otw. erdara will be da (water 11,mi mine. V.-n’ll alwa>a noti—. He retain-I i|>e extraordinary »trengthlieerwl 'creof d IDin ai alll part paru) of Coofs clt tMf fre rttye o f cfaafraei of chare*. ».>fcj- theI lie H-nv.tl.iway. thatU i Inibr- bl^-l.i-ru bl.-lx-rp iupn tbew.irb in ibrel wa* ekl neaer knnw’d to quale in Liadanger eyraight * 1 ill Um »rrj laau It wu hia • auui U, (III' low •• -I I'Ui"-- br i»it- ML ainmiy hour a man U. (he Ieaat maal hartwaa hr p*U on. marxrk.ua rt-ion w|»uh enabled him to Ilrl.r*. lilii'ral II «l I |i » — nlkalKx WrxrlaMyMy fUhrfather r wi wv.u a „ utlea antlerr In In the Kwroloo SHER WIN’S, 23 West Front Street ( e hail .: pmd'iiw. wlifiooc the help of glaaarw. rlfnetmCharles ArnoldArnold,, D..D.1 tl*>u Wat My failx-r <*rr he) a ofinterxoo lifelike rnliKm in the fans of the ai» SHERWIN'S, 23 West Front Street IPHIIIIMI nfTnlmHrar rrtfmrni pilni all »Hh (Jiii'raL I A Payette. of lifelike rawli-m In the fare* of tn* aim with lilt, ml la Fayette •« thumbnaithumbnaill whic whichh occu r<"ror in moa Int of ,moat of bM ALFKKD IX COOK. SOSKRT H. COOK. Ibelirw-tbini.-. hi-run fln.l ..mo lit. buck. lleaMed»r ai.kr.1 ].laJ Faym* F.yxBix u> l«i.u.n>i-ia:i ;.. t*>,,;1 y ),,-jay„ i»him tb e Fainl tbelimit-imiu Fall.. wtsr Whenn be painte be djaamt—l bis masterpiece >.j» maaterplww,, „ hutlafy Mhl • iwr..-.l.|n |-* it in itleth—ed "1S1*. " rpiirej*ntiiiti Napoleon re- time! and™ BndenlUuI it jmym. thr.' I l»'«p«." 1-afy ww French, an.] eotillrd "l-IA* n-prewoUng Napoleon rw A. D. COOK & B»o. I tamp" lafy wm. French, and hi-knowturulng I fromom MowcirM.—.iww at the bead of hla AAtt ththee Closes Closestt Figure Figuress Buy BuyA. D. Cook don't know a I,at a lord - wage- «l*e-4I. ourTlx. langwtdg* w« a Uule *haky. itinlly Ijad A rond'm*/l^down an wain-" "f' -HI l»'.'l.ntb »ud POMJUIP >tAini«. Immrjuily ..u niy riral hrre ■ta/T. be actually had a mad made down IV.an F ADAMSTba nerer break Bteel Hollow Wars, Oranlte Iron Ware, Tlawtrit, P rciilala Efltttaa, ea,’« .-f -.it to .bath ami |a-tag<- .lamixIn.mrjutly -U m, rlral heir I prroxdelincline.IIM , wilwaite,|I.-l . ! fn rfor tfa p the aaow to come, W.and F ADAMS The w»»r b'tab Hie-1 Hollow ITera. Omni:# Iron Ware. Tinware. P roalalo K Jl'jtJd(i litithto- I . .ha- - i ilii-.-a-uhlng- [.. .|< U.doi wiili Mustwith . Muaa.to<•> tbthee £poot*woo 8m*.»o.aJd House ,lloiiae. and (-a andi .allin* to flnafloe IroIronn ton *mm Crockery Crockary vim , Habeccware, i HebecraTeaPoU , TablFa* ePo’a, Olaw-rareo Tahl*t aiGlam-arel hlnda, Hamtfn* of all ,kUada,LUMBER Ha my aa-iat*n- a young man fmm northen town reqnUH toned a battery of artillery toba a mnoTrd hii piece of tutinrwi ta, Vaas ana Mini Limpt, Ch nn^« .V., B^t Bri»m». Tu'ia Wath board", Clotbaa Llna* thm .4 Ie.nl M.»k'B daughter*h n.U makeke tbtbee n:truin- i . be act btmaelf to copy Vaae and n ar»1 r.impi, timvjih, B-i Hwom*, Tula Wadibnard*. CWXbaa with him »n HIP' Mi-1.1. Sl.r ha* ipil.len who" » writ.wrltra* n a xr HKgnml\ rumiin ruunin*' hsn.l hand.. I pi I put n.r with him on the 11*1.1 She ha* gnklen .HO. «• BAkT I X<•anil mywiy funilij family- a vini ta at «»*tllf*Miii»i-il!< at - •.'."iMU-r llaldiu-vilto.ouittrr., \vli.Who» 1 B'pdivrI » L!-—I wan Mrwaa. ^Jiotavrood Mr .^jaKawouil., r—araixl('.•••,. -t.il>J irUiwgr in • %..n n«rr knil!.i kaitliu',i Mi- v Mi*a\J.i\k .lfoik.I' "'•!Mid. • "Sii''--> "Spnfay.. li. mb.-w .[.»'-> dnaa-lir r.ii**" -he" run»" PPsTfameiy erf ornery,, FopalaPopularr Novel aNotM* 10a , lelO*a tboaaao , tand u-erntbooaandi and ornamenta awful land niw nmemwttal, and ran warm, am hargalaabaripkina conc 5 S so andd 10 c10c. eouctfrm eouctm,, In fac Int everythin fact everythtofg io geaera iol bcu»-geacralf armibiuK boja-furoiahJagai mt at • hliellrMr- . imK<-WAiW mvim wilthe lwill .!IwM- thofntribiOfrbVyou iln-lap thelark- fair Inthing Atn*no*! I l»y“ShowHe}** "•"'-you.rallril tlw' " a-~'HJ«.gen’lmnn rnliudJ |«.rw,n piin*oo.to. anthe«x>wr*rd.d andaaid : maid. and BICYCLES . Cannel Coal AaA- . a>)tt)>-]M-kiiit -1-pya. k-t.. ab e hator* n"baa ekal . DoSh eekal Iti*'hijr»*‘ Idmm hi Shemhim ca nran numbe numberr 1." 1.‘* TBK 5 AMD 10c. STORE, LantMr «od oM aB a * I •'l*u‘t"Inn't GranGrantt ".— here*”• | mid•—• "FerhajaHaii) little brawn H. •• ID bi< brown BM bow He »S tfaw ww<»* allainutall al-mt., I don'I -t, don'tFlymtoriy—l a woulilu'wnulduTt oiiikI my turnin'n wit lr»h with AccessorieAccessoriess gigwnttc latxllwk. S1,inrirTiiHil-u» " CATALOOUB OS APPUCATIOS. Bnmkliii B ill admit I bat- Vm, I •hould f •'Po°1'! pewit!" h.ud^poT*y. -don't botb#» CATALOG UK ON APPLICATION. m ad FumituteFurnitute Express*Express. thick •... Hut «hi|p I don't harp tlir *lit- «-" * h"*"UTil my umbrelUonto the ittle browa Bee. FranFrankk L.L. C . C.Martin Martin,, CALL ANDSHE will "taip liiat tlw fcijrn. looked pool j i '"• »•*-> tba. wp(,Ln, 1 acoimpatltd Uie Af- HaM I ,ie htown fi.- u LABORLAROK COVE11ECOVRKKDD TBUCKB TRUCKH.l -N'n bnni-T rnp baa ah aT-" I'AIlkPARK' AVRRUR. (Vii* with iiH-.j-rillr rrulrr, tn Qurhrck. I "My brotbar, • I »>d. "aJryou n ware that Mai man>- ,-,.,«. all l,r ALL 1HH LVTEJT AM) BRST Onebn-k was aommd ami laid imt by a' ¥™ v* h*n "••nn|>at«l» I>..-yi.u realbe , Han fctndi-r hiii.- |,ur| fMllrmu wbo tixl Iw-n »fflu-m.» willi the b"" «1*>">» K la to be f rwf TrII me, m» J.ii-.'.m H..I.V... (mm CIIIMIMHUI, and d™f brother. .!.•« it no| m-na hi..- -.im BOOM etoanlnc made «jbji*»wo( MOVINMovingG OFof PIANO S Pianos fcrnn- Kin !.!.•« of thln»t» wa* a little trrrx'- «"«*™. "'d-> y,lu reulu* ibe i.i«t fact In Spring Styles in lll n Spring Styles in ClothingClothing.. kr. The MiwUla don'don'tt Inu l Iwwlnnywhpm anywherva> in • "la " * ' •»'• *"•')• maKnltcod'" Mrs. Martin’s • •pcc-fallr , imrtn-'k-r. but i etwywberravfry« firm Iinn ttin'nJgln'ral. Tha ThaI " * •" "*• "•""'•I «*•«* »™ Kin. Mrs. Martin's in i-l-.a •!•...> .M.i, .-: ,. ri-'i-.ir-l.-. IJIIK I 1 wa« abow d to the cowyard and Uid ZM prlcaa that are within reach of mV. a wvb bilib> *u .4« iwrpelalk'toror.r f.tlwr »iw bilto.. :'>•"" » «»d'r a iMii-mul( out The hotel A* a rule, imalanuli*ton ar e cleaan n by tia MADIC RKROVATtRO FLUID Hra-bra and ombrcomb*i moa t maAimai s t M AGIO R1ROVATIRO FLUID withwith tbr(bellim it,, Cat*,lurce anlarged sniail . make It will ram l milet* of aay class of ■I DO f.- , bwln^ rue u. I be JJbby Frtooutba iix-lTbo' . awfulI loilel* and from CT H await Jnti. OiiBl.it and I UIMM ahonM bar' uli-jit oimnilf ennlT if Ibe bed. . tb th» exception of *nn« of tba Werner’s Mammoth Clothing I gn«wa abool.l ha»’ *le|4 n.mfMe xmlT1 if the h—I Werner's Mammoth Clothing HouseHouse,, <•... !!i,t l \ti.Andl I .l,. Iu id.rti-l F->- wi-atllwj m** they'dM '•'"«*• liadn't Lin {.ullnluwlnl off mt e diirintan | thn.l«le oponunu oO me. .lnrtn'Tb« tioitheu mid tic" wash THE DIME H U< en inIn thitar*. » forfor.. ' vv I nillht. b1y Ia »vun.lrunight, byt wina—vKiixlnil, turn and hitrhowIm> ruml aud bitched ,i,,,rk h,. _,.„ ilteij litnca ID_ a war - w*'lo," to tb• e mulrc«rt an *..d drtitheT cartit oS aud. | Uidruvm It off ) thua . India •ul.brr .aawwnI- k nrw-hb.ely hMl |h11 Mr.m ha.I ,W*‘ "»T ruwr\u\ atxl my throat f*«U a Ut- C. E CLARE] «• WEIT PRO IT ["'tlwri-^n"":*re in : in#*j"« ( WoLrtTni'mJimrt. con.' - **« Ittwitw hitokyIhu luurnia' Ihi* . bioruiD ind ]>*•*!i.fj it orer to*- face and behind I«c. * Rart Front SAVINGS IKSTITUTIOM lattowa. ami Jo WINM UM.hMtba* tbe ' • the tnnlitng boriiMM. but It limui' Uku>..e a Wi*rr«nl UnnCaOl w» t..i»h k.llnlk.l-«I. dtopnMl a xtiiall pot an.l.-'lauc* IMueMiaM.t.ma..i-M.K...r(* Dt p^wrter to make t^.em move TheridbIWr.llt Tbrrr- I- r. loMd oO.( a tbn-. Xo«will goaUl ifOo i ,et■ ji.Bol furtbr r tbaa a furtWt lb.. . •rnlfil by ilu- uni'niUB ,•>-•(J* uf •> ry band, rm. Irt4rpUXato i t dorm'II t OO—uTtt wpfL T8t^ I t pii^rte.,IL* it I. HoKrU.II ••Mine, i-'.i.wk.- wbln (.-:i..«. That wu ' 1 met u J.i i in* axai Jil*rtiilwrtyj won t do at morb d.mia; • .. a (uoatot, to'. It will 1 -1.1 an-] inffr-j- -,U.|.,W • I »nd laflou e»u^ almsnc». am the foot oawparacnum. Wat>la Uurin' thr KmlBUMMn wT«« IV AM- ' l.l. and era be, ttai «jato Into it K aura ot a [w.ttj bard hnw. »cin the Old ^•JV*r*«a • a• "til. eMU. dlffTPCH Ul».mKa* t*t-«- la.—on ib* pr:e IX» o fiaca at JOHN W. MURRAY »"LI'in«ii«-l.ifc wajr, t*r..,ii;li MII , ww Bocd *ce and tbe prie. of a Lad «*. Int (hi. a n.1 lank nn-.o.. rmin Man>r fc> Qnrlwck, ' otA mroUtfiflio u, f ib.whil a tha d JT-r. noo/ e. I OIa.1 tb a on.. I at iba TU1IKWU<» .-f ibr l.uuUrM llun« ' laaaa. a niaio, .bu. ib. .Iowa 10 IX WILLIAM WHIT*, Vioa T.r, ii.',.. m lllv ' i.rt J1IW. II lineW ''111.. ! I^t w. 41 - IF , 'on iu,i to bfiwtii-Bd oot Mir V Gcmxtort, WATHAM BARfBH, "• hail'ron^ aT InaJftili ™k * "^ , DwHj • bfttPT ifebtirl •. -U-t IIA at "nir Mop B want to 6»i; th» I^rti'i.1 acd Sand- “.o'"«l mb.. . am, Ibol twrftctBhre mr, ELI Art B. POP*. UHTI*. . ^^ ":loUrtr^»li:ia..t iiia.!' Tlic Old KUrf la N auek of MW aod deamblp Caip^tt, ilu ih- i»1.1». ,^ it—.1 . .t____ 'f'-ralrnuJI tor me. Sir." he IUMH), "ruu Oil Cloth-. KaulDKr.Larear.il Lbpnllt* fur- OB Ibr Plain* of .thnhmi Uwr* An R Wd d •iirt •• make a had ,.,1klK1.»mln.*k,. •rry n«(.,nil>|,. brrAl-alfaatu: Q Nr- Ena> ODORLESS'DORLESS EXCAVATINE1CAVATI.NSG GOffll GOMFilTl • n.I »l*».-^ --,il uicrr. Mib.1 ferirjit^nn to la-Uut.1 rura anU Cbmt Mr K.rr.™p.| fidf 1 trnw.f I...', ml HUB' rur In and I ,:o D.JIII t('Wrt|it»"" t'ak(ll Wm 1.. 1 (i.i UPHOLSTERING and MATTRESS MAKING.

. . .11 ,_ BT B4V1SK SPICUL WOBK DOM SO» 133 DIIJ.Y CAU9XD A BUST BBA3O1I ■ R A V OIDBD. it «.-.i].! maka flull-cut JONESJONES &2C0&• OO.. . 1 ji.rjt.* tar tbe Buy I'rvyt MU -Thai ^•TI-W and oalr c 'a. qataur el naroii. aom. e .'.I Wxl,.l- f.) !•> a pant h GARRET Q. PACKER, ^ — u. »;: .' L !M Jaula 23, 25 and 27 Park avenua avenue. '(It—VMMftbW T^ -