Date & Time - FRIDAY, 16TH FEBRUARY, 2018 AT 10.00 AM



Please ask for Democratic Services (01362) 656295 e-mail: [email protected] Greater Thetford Development Partnership Friday, 16th February, 2018

Page(s) herewith

1. APOLOGIES To note apologies of absence.


3. THETFORD TRANSPORT NETWORK IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY 8 - 9 County Council will provide a short presentation followed by a discussion.

4. EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS 10 - 12 Jan Munn, Norfolk County Council’s Lead Adviser Education & Training will present a short update report on the educational landscape in Thetford.

5. MARKET TOWN INITIATIVE 13 - 19 Rob Walker, Breckland Council’s Executive Director Place, will provide an update on this new initiative to strengthen the economic, social and cultural standing of Breckland’s five market towns – Thetford, Dereham, Attleborough, Swaffham and Watton.

6. LITTLE OUSE WATERSPACE STUDY 20 - 21 Tina Cunnell, Thetford Town Council’s Town Clerk, will introduce a short summary paper on the Little Ouse Waterspace Study and the opportunities which improving navigation along the river from Brandon to Thetford could bring to the regeneration of Thetford’s riverside.

7. A11 THETFORD JUNCTIONS 22 - 23 Norfolk County Council will introduce a short discussion paper on improvements to the five A11 junctions around Thetford which are included within the County’s adopted Norfolk Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2017-2027.

8. IMPROVEMENTS TO THETFORD RAILWAY STATION 24 - 25 Norfolk County Council will introduce a discussion on desired improvements to Thetford Railway Station.


a) Officers Group 26 - 27 b) Communities Sub-Group Terms of Reference 28 - 30 c) LEP Representation Greater Thetford Development Partnership Friday, 16th February, 2018

Page(s) herewith


11. THETFORD SUE AND TEP To receive a verbal update from the Chairman.




15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To be agreed. Public Document Pack Agenda Item 2


At a Meeting of the


Held on Friday, 15 December 2017 at 10.00 am in Church on the Way, Grenville Way, Thetford IP24 2JH

PRESENT Roy Brame RB (Norfolk County Council), Duncan Butler DB (NHS England) Robert Campbell RC (Breckland Council – sub-group chair), Sam Chapman-Allen SCA(Breckland Council), Richard Doleman RD (Norfolk County Council) Terry Jermy TJ (Chairman [Item 1 only] Thetford Town Council) Robert King RK (Croxton Parish Council), Tony Poulter TP (Brettenham & Kilverstone Parish Council), Robert Whittaker RWh (Communities sub-group chair), Rob Walker RW (Breckland Council),

In Attendance Teresa Smith – Breckland Council, Democratic Services

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The Terms of Reference had been updated to reflect the recent changes within the Board and discussed at a previous meeting. Membership of the Board would be reviewed annually and should include a representative from each authority, and the Chairman of each of the sub-groups.

Following the resignation from the Independent Chairman, a decision had been made to no longer continue with this role and the Chairman should rotate on an annual basis between the respective authorities. There were no substantial changes to the meetings and ways of working.

TP asked why the Chairman would rotate. It was AGREED to remove this line from the terms of reference.

TP went onto suggest that the board should monitor and advise, rather than oversee; however it was felt that as the delivery of the Board would be by the authorities of the partnership, the board could recommend or advise.

RB, a new member of the Board sought clarification on the role of the Board. He felt that the Town Council were not fully aware of what the Greater Thetford Development Partnership would be delivering and felt very disappointed.

1 1 Greater Thetford Development Partnership 15 December 2017

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RWh felt there should be a fourth bullet point added that included communication and engagement with the public.

SCA said the aim of the partnership was to achieve what was best for Thetford. The Board needed to be mindful that it had not been given a mandate to make decisions, however as the three-tiers of each Authority were represented on the Board it could work as a collective and make a difference to prioritise and deliver the needs of Thetford. It was important to understand that the Board was self-funding and was an opportunity for everyone to deliver, not just the District Council. He added there was no reason why the Board could not invite the LEP or utilities to provide updates of the delivery of the Greater Thetford development.

RW added that the GTDP Board consisted of different tiers of Local Government and should have an awareness to deliver a shared agenda in a co-ordinated fashion for Thetford.

The following actions were agreed:  To remove the 2nd line under ‘Chairman’.  A 4th bullet point to be added to the Role of the Board, to read: “to ensure plans and developments are effectively communicated to the public and that appropriate engagement and consultation with the public and public stakeholders is undertaken”. 11/07 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN

It was agreed Sam Chapman-Allen be appointed as Chairman for the ensuing year.

It was agreed Mr Tony Poulter be appointed as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. 12/18 APOLOGIES


RWh asked for an amendment under Item 6 – Thetford SUE and TEP update to include – “Decision on whether planning permission to be made has been requested”.

Subject to this amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2017 were agreed.


Duncan Butler, (NHS England) worked as a consultant providing strategic planning and develop health facilities. He was considering in detail on the issues of the current health practices and the impact the new development would have and how this would be met.

The three practices were working collaboratively with the Watton

2 2 Greater Thetford Development Partnership 15 December 2017

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practice, and discussing how future development affected neighbouring services, including the acute service contracts.

In order to open a new practice at least two GPs would be required as well as a large number of patients (ratio was 1800- 2000 patients to 1 GP); therefore existing practices would be considered and expanded where possible. The piece of work would provide recommendations that the Commissioners would need to sign up to.

TJ had noticed some clinics being provided in community centres and welcomed the use of such buildings. DB said the new health centres could be very expensive to build, and some community organisations were requiring long term leases which was not always suitable. Many health services were now benefitting from co-location, and that formed the basis of the Healthy Living Centre in Thetford.

It was hoped the report would be submitted by the end of March 2018. Feedback had been received that the Healthy Living Centre was under-utilised for a variety of reasons; although it had been suggested that additional parking was required.

RWh said Section106 funding had been allocated for the provision of healthcare, however the funding would not be released until the new developments had been built.

It was also asked how Dental provision would be considered. Dentistry was commissioned in a different way and current services were provided in the healthy living centre.

TJ mentioned the Charles Burrell centre offered midwifery services and diabetic clinics, and further space could be found if required.

ACTIONS –  Board Members to provide specific written questions for NCC to work with the Public Health Director to unlock communications.

 NCC to invite Public Health Director and Clinical Commissioning Groups to attend a specific Health focussed meeting (proposed April meeting).

 DB to also attend the health themed meeting in April.

 RW to email DB contact details of himself and RD.


RW said that as the organisations were no longer part of the Board work would be undertaken by Officers to create a co- ordinated report that would be presented at future meetings. It 3 3 Greater Thetford Development Partnership 15 December 2017

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would also allow the board to see the objectives prioritised and allow more focus for the Board.

RC informed the Board that a new Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Strategy had been published; as well as the Norfolk delivery infrastructure. The Government Industrial Strategy white paper had also been published in November. He would bring a further paper at the next meeting for the Board to consider the priorities.

RB asked for Officers to take the scope for the TEP and consider access to the bottom of the site.

RD said phase 1 and 1a of the signage work had been completed and work on Phase 2 had commenced. The Thetford Network Improvement Strategy would identify the most effective transport improvements to support future planned growth and help address transport issues such as congestion, enhancements to safety and access to public transport. Whilst there had been some stakeholder engagement the timescales were still unknown. The Board would be updated on progress.

RW was working with Flagship on the regeneration of housing, with a particular focus on the Abbey estate and Barnham-cross estate. The Board would be updated in due course. Work within the Market Towns began to gain pace with the highly successful community fridges being launched (re-allocating excess food to those that needed it to reduce waste).

An engagement event on ‘green infrastructure’ had been arranged in the Carnegie Rooms, Thetford, and the confirmed date would be communicated to the Board as soon as possible.

TP asked for the A14 / A11 junction to be added as a priority for Officers to consider.

TJ asked for a previous piece of work to be re-visited on creating a brand for Thetford. This would also prove useful for all board members to have clear points in selling Thetford, for all to use to share the clear vision.

All Officers would work together to create the co-ordinated report.

RWh asked for the disabled access issues to the rail station and lack of parking to be assigned to one of the objectives. It was agreed that this would be added to the infrastructure list and reflected in the Officers report.


Materials relating to the GTDP partnership and website would be updated following the agreed recent changes to the terms of reference. A formal report would come to the next board meeting and RW welcomed input from all parties involved.

4 4 Greater Thetford Development Partnership 15 December 2017

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RWh had submitted a paper on transparency of the Board and sub-groups. The Board responded as follows:

1. The board should resume production of a meeting highlights summary, to be published rapidly after each board meeting. This is already being carried through.

2. Except for emergencies, all reports, papers and proposals should be published with the Agenda in advance of each board meeting. The Chairman would ensure this happens.

3. Board Members must be consulted on the proposed agenda for each meeting, and have the opportunity to request additional items be added. The Chairman sets the agenda for the next meeting, but expects the Board to set the agenda in future.

4. Papers and minutes should be published in accordance with the agreed timescales. This would be attempted to the best of ability.

5. At each Board meeting, written reports should be provided, but each sub-group; TEP and SUE progress; and, activity on the boards strategic objectives. The Chairman asked for reports only if there was anything to report.

6. Some form of minutes, meeting notes or summary should be published after every GTDP Board meeting, sub-group, or Officer group meeting. The officer group meeting would not always have minutes, but the chairman of each group should feed into the Board meeting.

7. The GTDP website needs to be updated to include details of the current Board members. As previously mentioned, the website would be updated following agreement of the terms of reference.

RWh asked for a specific page on the website for each objective. The Chairman suggested that when the objective re-fresh had taken place then this would be considered.


It is expected a decision on the grant would be made in January 2018.


(a) Communities

5 5 Greater Thetford Development Partnership 15 December 2017

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A report had been submitted raising public concerns about the state of the surface of Station Lane. Norfolk County Council had said this was not a public highway and the Sub-Group asked the Board to recognise the importance of maintaining public rights over the route, and for NCC to look again at the legal status. RD confirmed NCC had already carried out extensive research which required significant resource.

It was agreed the Officer group consider the proposals available and report back to the Board.

TJ suggested that consideration should be given to the north end of the station, by moving the allotments to a suitable venue, thus gaining access to the north which would aid traffic issues as well as solving the disabled access. TJ would raise the issue with the Town Council.

(b) Inward Investment

Nothing to report.

(c) Planning and Projects

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Future agenda items to include:  Officer working group to set the objectives, and suggest priorities for the Board going forward  Invite the Director of Public Health for the next meeting (February), and in addition, the April meeting would have a ‘Health’ focus (Director of Public Health and Clinical Commissioning Group to be invited)  Infrastructure  Breckland Council to investigate access at the bottom of the TEP site.  Parish and Town Councils to consider cemetery land available and report back. ACTION - TP to liaise with Pigeon regarding the provision of a cemetery under the SUE provision.  Formal report on Communication at the next meeting.

21/18 2018 MEETING DATES

The Chairman could not attend on Fridays, so asked if possible future dates were arranged, but to avoid the Breckland and Norfolk County Council Calendar of meetings.

6 6 Greater Thetford Development Partnership 15 December 2017

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RW asked for feedback following the suggestion of funding officer support for the GTDP. Whilst some finance would be available from Breckland, further funding support would be required from Thetford Town Council and Norfolk County Council. Norfolk County Council asked for a firm proposal in order to provide clarity and stimulate discussion.

TJ asked for further information in order to take to a future meeting of the Town Council, as he was very keen on officer participation. It was also suggested that the Town Council could host the position.

RW would provide more detail on the position to formalise the request and share across councils asking for financial input to resource the post.


The date of the meeting was agreed in principle, Friday 16 February 2018, venue to be confirmed.

The meeting closed at 12.17 pm


7 7 Agenda Item 3

Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board 16 February 2018 Item No 3

Thetford Network Improvement Strategy David Cumming, Interim Team Leader Transport Norfolk County Council

Summary Norfolk County Council is carrying out a series of market town studies – termed Network Improvement Strategies – to identify the most effective transport improvements to support future planned growth, help address transport issues such as congestion, enhancements to safety and access to public transport, and support the local economy. The agreed programme for the year commencing September 2017 includes Thetford.

A presentation will be given outlining the work. It will provide an opportunity for the Board to assist the study by providing details of any ongoing or recently completed work, and to give views about what the Board considers are the most important issues for the town that the study should aim to address.

Recommendations (i) The Board is asked to give views about what it considers the most important issues for the town that the study should aim to address.

1. Introduction Many of Norfolk’s market towns and larger villages have a considerable amount of planned housing and employment growth identified through the relevant Local Plans. Addressing the transport pressures this growth will bring is vital to facilitate the economic prosperity of these towns and villages and as such planning this ahead of growth allows the county council to respond accordingly. The suite of market town transport studies will identify the most effective transport improvements to support future planned growth and help address transport issues such as congestion, enhancements to safety and access to public transport. It is intended that the studies will support the economy of the area by helping to prioritise proposed schemes, assist with growth assumptions and influence potential funding opportunities in the future and ultimately facilitate planned housing and employment growth in these towns and villages Norfolk County Council’s Environment, Development and Transport committee (EDT) in September 2017 agreed the current annual programme of market town studies – termed Network Improvement Strategies – of:  Dereham  North Walsham  Swaffham  Thetford  Long Stratton.

8 2. Scope of Studies EDT agreed the scope of the studies. In summary this is as follows:  Understand current transport problems and issues  Understand the future situation (growth proposals and their impacts on transport)  Develop implementation plan.

3. Work programme Working on the studies has started with an assimilation of evidence about the known, existing problems and issues. This is being followed by external workshops to discuss stakeholders’ concerns and priorities, and what existing work is already being undertaken. This is the stage that Thetford has currently reached with the Board meeting being the first engagement with local stakeholders. The next step will be for Norfolk County Council to agree which aspects of the scope to focus resource on and agree this with stakeholders. Technical work will be commissioned and the study completed over the summer. Drafts of the studies will be circulated to stakeholders before the study is finalised and reported back to EDT for adoption. For Thetford, this is anticipated to be during the autumn. 5. Contribution to Board Objectives The activity will contribute to Objective 1 to improve infrastructure and Objective 6 to encourage economic vitality. 6. Recommendations (i) The Board is asked to give views about what it considers the most important issues for the town that the study should aim to address.

Officer Contact

If you have any questions about matters contained in this paper please get in touch with:

Name Telephone Number Email address

David Cumming 01603 224225 [email protected]


Background Documents Report to Norfolk County Council Environment Development and Transport Committee 17 March 2017 Report to Norfolk County Council Environment Development and Transport Committee 15 September 2017

9 Agenda Item 4

Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board 16 February 2018 Item No 4

Report Title Report of Educational Standards in Thetford Jan Munn Lead Adviser – Education Participation, Infrastructure and Partnerships Services (EPIPS) Children’s Services NCC

Summary Educational Standards To share key information with schools in light of the anticipated growth in the Town.

To identify what needs to happen so that a sustainable and stable education landscape can be developed to support children and young people’s learning.

To identify the key challenges and any opportunities for change

There have been some significant changes in the education landscape in Thetford in terms of Academy Trusts and the schools within them. We feel that this change will result in positive educational outcomes for children.

The EPIPS Service along with other NCC colleagues will work with the Thetford schools cluster to ensure that a sustainable and stable education landscape continues to develop to support children and young people’s learning. We propose to develop a project in collaboration with all education settings – Children’s Centres, other pre- school settings and schools that will support this key objective and at the same time prepare for them for the growth in pupil numbers in the short to medium term and in the longer term, be ready for the development of the new school and its integration into the cluster.


We ask the Board to support the development of a project that will prepare local schools for growth in pupil numbers including the introduction of the proposed new school.

1. Introduction Thetford has seen significant change in relation to its schools and the governance structures managing those schools. There are nine schools in the Thetford cluster and six of these are now academies. Academy schools are state-funded schools which are directly funded by the Department for Education. They are independent of local authority control. The terms of the arrangements are set out in individual Academy Funding Agreements. Academies are overseen by the Regional Schools Commissioner who reports directly to ministers. The Local Authority continues to work with academy 10 schools and has a statutory duty to ensure that there is a place for every child and that they have access to transport where needed, that vulnerable children are equitably included and that every school delivers a good or better education. It is important that all schools regardless of their status continue to work together through their cluster and with other educational settings to ensure that the children in their care have a successful educational journey. The High School is part of the Inspiration Trust. Of the other schools, Bishops Church of England School is part of DNEAT (Diocese of Norwich Education Academies Trust), Norwich Road Academy, Diamond Academy, Admirals Academy have recently become Academies with Eastern Multi Academy Trust - EMAT (previously they were with Academy Transformation Trust – ATT), along with Queensway Infant Academy and Nursery. Only Raleigh Infant School and Nursery, Redcastle Family School and Drake Primary School remain LA maintained schools. In addition there is Pinetree School that provides education for children that have special or additional educational needs. This schools is part of the Engage Trust. 2. Educational standards in Thetford are inconsistent and are of a significant concern to the Local Authority and the Regional Schools Commissioner. Outcomes for children up until the end of Key Stage 1 (7 years of age) are broadly in line with the National average. However, outcomes at the end of Key Stage 2 (eleven years of age before transition to High School) are well below average. We expect this picture to improve with EMAT and DNEAT overseeing the primary phase schools that are academies. The focus of the academy trust to bring about swift and sustainable improvement. At Key Stage 4 (16 years of age) there is an improving picture with the Inspiration Trust becoming more established.

3. However, the Local Authority recognises that the new growth proposed for the area could put significant pressure on schools and could impact on the acceleration of the improvement of standards if it is not managed and supported well. The Local Authority is beginning conversations with academy trusts and schools to consider how the children in the first phase of building development will be accommodated within existing schools up until the new school is operational. Our Early Years colleagues will also be working with pre- school settings to ensure that Early Years providers are prepared too. There will be an analysis of existing provision and early engagement with providers will ensure a place for every child in line with the LAs statutory responsibilities.

4. The Education Participation, Infrastructure and Partnerships Services together with other NCC colleagues and partners will facilitate a project that will enable schools to prepare for growth whilst also focussing on the continued improvement of outcomes at all key stages. We will continue to promote close collaboration between establishments as well as ensuring access to sources of additional funding to enable this work.

11 5. Contribution to Board Objectives Contributes to Objective 6 enhance education and learning to ensure that residents can access jobs and skills near where they live.

6. Recommendations We ask the Board to support the development of a project that will prepare local schools for growth in pupil numbers including the introduction of the proposed new school. The project will also enable them to continue deliver improved educational outcomes for children.

Officer Contact

If you have any questions about matters contained in this paper please get in touch with:

Name Telephone Number Email address

Jan Munn 01603 222304 [email protected]

12 Agenda Item 5

Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board 16 February 2018 Item No 5

Breckland Market Town Initiative

Stephen James, Community and Environmental Services Manager, Breckland Council


This report seeks to provide the Greater Thetford Development Partnership (GTDP) Board with a background and update of the Breckland Council Market Town Initiative (MTI), with a specific focus on project developments pertaining to the Thetford area.


(i) That the GTDP Board members note the content of the report

1. Introduction 1.1 On July 10th 2017, Breckland council members took the decision to conclude the Pride in Breckland programme and to reallocate the residual funding held in reserve for this programme to the MTI. 1.2 On September 13th 2017, the MTI steering group met and agreed the governance structure (appendix 1), the short, medium, and long term definitions of the project scope (appendix 2), and the project vision and objectives (appendix 3). 1.3 Since late October 2017 officers have visited all Town Councils and have commenced the process of collectively identifying key projects and partnerships that will fall under the umbrella of the Breckland MTI. Communication with the Town Councils continues on a regular basis. 1.4 At the meeting held with Thetford Town Council on October 31st it was unanimously agreed that the priority for collaborative work under the MTI should focus (in the short to medium term) on the elevation of Thetford as a site of significant heritage. Concerns around the local retail economy and general high street cleanliness were also discussed, along with more medium to longer term desires for improvement to Town Centre infrastructure, parking, and transport routes. 2. Current Situation 2.1 Breckland council officers have continued to work in partnership with the Town Council and key partner organisations to develop a scheme of work under the MTI banner. Overviews of the projects which have been identified, and their progress, are provided below: 3. Projects 3.1 Thetford Heritage Project - A Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) bid has been 13 drafted in partnership with the Town Council and key partners and is being reviewed ahead of a formal submission mid-February 2018. The HLF were encouraging of the draft proposal and recommended a 2 bid approach over the forthcoming year; Bid 1 an ‘Our Heritage’ grant up to £100k for a 1 year project of high profile events and superficial infrastructure modifications. Research collected during bid 1 will form the evidence base of the application for Bid 2, a ‘Heritage Grant’ of up to £1m that would focus on the physical development of a central heritage hub for Thetford as the central draw. 3.2 ShopAppy – Breckland have committed to working in partnership with social enterprise ’ShopAppy’ to boost the digital agility and presence of our small independent retailers over a 2 year period. The BBC One Show recently gave national coverage of the innovative initiative in Yorkshire that is looking to take on big businesses and revive the high streets across 10 of the counties market towns. ShopAppy have a very clear mission; to offer local people and visitors to towns an easy way to shop locally, and give local shops a simple solution to developing an online presence, grow their business, and increase footfall. The offer to our traders is a mobile-friendly website designed to encourage customers to use local shops and businesses directly and more frequently and to help shops and businesses reach more potential local customers. By working in partnership with ShopAppy we will be supporting each of our local businesses to have a central online presence, enabling local people to browse and purchase products from multiple independent retail outlets and pay for it all in one simple transaction. There is the added benefit of being able to ‘click and collect’ all of the shopping at a convenient time during the day or after the shops have closed from one location (e.g. a local pub) enabling people to buy locally who are at work. It will provide all of our local businesses with training on how to get the most out of the scheme, as well as an online advertising window through which they can promote and sell their products or services collectively online, with an easy click and collect service increasing footfall and spend. 3.3 The Glutton - An order has been placed for an innovative street cleansing product called ‘The Glutton’. This is an urban waste vacuum cleaner, which is electric, environmentally friendly, and economical. Currently used in more than 5000 cities in 60 countries. This is a major step in making our town centres more attractive places to visit and thereby driving up footfall. 3.4 Discretionary Business Rate Relief Scheme - The scheme will offer Breckland businesses willing to relocate to an empty shop within our market towns the chance to apply for up to 80% off their business rates after all reductions given for a period of 1 year, the desire being to see less vacant properties within the market towns. 3.5 Small Business Package - The small business offer will encourage small businesses development within the district. Consultation is to be held with Small Businesses in the district through Feb 2018 seeking views on the proposal to offer a package that includes the following benefits: Small business rates promotion, a retail and compulsory training grant scheme, and access to the aforementioned ‘ShopAppy’ initiative. 3.6 Visit Norfolk - Work has begun with Visit Norfolk to improve the Breckland offer hosted on the website. Superficial changes have already been made making a clear distinction between what is ‘Breckland’ and what is ‘The 14 Brecks’. A further piece of work is being undertaken in partnership with the Towns to nominate the highlights of each Market Town and getting each town a more comprehensive and attractive presence on the website. 4. Contribution to Board Objectives 4.1 Contributes to Objectives 2 (destination of choice), 4 (revitalise Thetford Town Centre) and 6 (encourage economic vitality) 5. Recommendations (ii) That the GTDP Board members note the content of the report

Officer Contact

If you have any questions about matters contained in this paper please get in touch with:

Name Telephone Number Email address

Steve James 01362 656 [email protected]


Appendix 1 - MTI Governance Appendix 2 - MTI Scope Appendix 3 - MTI Vision and Objectives

15 Market Town Initiative (Breckland)


Executive Rob Walker and Paul Claussen

Project Sponsor Riana Rudland

Project Manager Steve James

Project Support Natalie Warren


The Market Town Initiative Steering Group will:

 Provide strategic direction, monitoring and coordination of the Market Town Initiative;  Agree a programme of delivery;  Monitor progress of delivery and spend, including reviewing programme risks;  Implement a Communications Strategy and secure the co-operation of key stakeholders;  Develop and promote a Market Town Initiative ‘brand’;  Identify, lobby for, secure and coordinate funds and investment;  Engage the Council Executive in the Market Town Initiative and its development;  To provide the resources and authorize the funds for the project.


Paul Claussen (PFH, Place) Rob Walker (Director, Place) Riana Rudland (Project Sponsor); Steve James (Project Manager); Robert Campbell (Economic Development); Alex Cruickshank (Planning), Ralph Burton (Commercial Property); Sarah Barsby (Communications); Stefan Clifford (Locality Team Leader); Mandy Chenery (Finance).


The Group will meet on a monthly basis or more frequently if required. Meetings will be Chaired by the Project Sponsor. Project Support will administer the meetings.

Decision Making and Finance:

Whilst this group is not a formal decision making body both the Executive Member and Executive Director hold the delegated authority to make certain decisions, inc. finance, which will be used as appropriate.


The Market Town Initiative Project Team will:

 Work closely with the Steering Group and the project leads for each project;  Implement and deliver key projects;  Project Manage the Market Town Initiative  Be responsible for financial reporting, project tracking and risk management;  Explore funding options and identify/secure funding for key projects;  Develop Town Visions and associated Action Plans;  Engage Ward Councillors and other local stakeholders in Market Town Initiative;  Ensure buy-in from across all Council services.


Stefan Clifford (Locality Team Leader); Rebecca Lumbis (Community and Environmental Services); Cassie Ruffle (Economic Development); Ian Lambert (CIP Team) Simon Taylor-Avery (Facilities); Mike Brennan (Planning); Zoe Footer (Asset Management); Nicki Clarke (Housing); Matt Barnard (Communications).


The Group will meet on a fortnightly basis or more frequently if required. Meetings will be Chaired by the Project Manager.

Decision Making and Finance:

Responsibility for operational decisions and spend only within agreed budgets.

17 Market Town Initiative (Breckland)


The Market Town Initiative will focus on Breckland’s five market towns (Attleborough, Dereham, Swaffham, Thetford and Watton) and the surrounding areas they serve.

In the SHORT TERM the Market Town Initiative will ensure that the council services delivered in each of the district’s five market towns are well organised and demand-led. It will work collaboratively (internally and externally) with key stakeholders to better focus resources on the ‘things that matter’ and have impact.

In the MEDIUM TERM the Market Town Initiative will secure inward investment in each town, taking a strategic approach to, for example, market provision, car parking, asset management and better alignment with [amongst others] Norfolk County Council’s work on highways and their own discrete review of market towns (e.g. Dereham).

In the LONG TERM the Market Town Initiative will coalesce with the Government’s long term economic plans, which include support for local shops and high streets, changes to business rates, parking policies, support for local leadership, business improvement districts, support for local markets and planning changes. The relationship with the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership will be key to this work.

18 Market Town Initiative (Breckland)


The intention is to create a vision and objectives (underpinned by detailed delivery plans) for each town. However, the over-arching vision and objectives for the Market Town Initiative are as follows: -


The vision is for a district that has five vibrant and sustainable market towns.


 To ensure each market town is economically vibrant

 To achieve the long term sustainability of our towns

 To ensure each town has a clear and distinct sense of identity

 To make our towns attractive and popular destinations for all

 To enhance and protect the environment in each market town

 To secure significant third-party investment for strategic projects that benefit our towns

19 Agenda Item 6

Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board 16 February 2018 Item No 6

Little Ouse Waterspace Study Report of Tina Cunnell, Town Clerk, Thetford Town Council


This report seeks board support for the aims and objectives of the Little Ouse Waterspace study.


(i) The board produces an open letter of support (which can be used to support funding applications) (ii) The board lobbies in support of the studies objectives when opportunities for specific projects arise.

1. Background 1.1 Breckland District Council and Thetford Town Council and have prepared a high level Waterspace Study for the River Little Ouse from Brandon lock to Thetford Mill. The purpose of the Study is to help provide a vision for the waterspace to inform and assist partner organisations, statutory authorities, key stakeholders and potential external funding bodies to deliver sustainable regeneration of the river corridor.

1.2 The Study was created by working with a wide range of partners, including the Environment Agency to create an integrated approach to promoting Thetford as a waterway destination, while maintaining the uniqueness of the cultural heritage and valuable wildlife rich landscape of the River Little Ouse.

2. Aims  To help redefine Thetford as a ‘waterway destination’ and develop water and land based activities along the River Little Ouse.

 To inform and complement Thetford Town Council’s and other key partners vision for the regeneration of the river in both the short and long terms.

 To identify opportunities to promote access to new or enhanced water- based activities (including associated services and infrastructure).

3. Key Objectives  To integrate existing and proposed land uses along the river corridor with the existing and proposed water based activities and facilities. 20  To capitalise on the river corridor as a linear recreation, tourism and transport resource and identify further physical, environmental and recreational improvements, which will sustain and provide new jobs and economic opportunities.

 To identify improvements in the provision for paddle sports, slipways, canoe portages and in the long-term boaters’ facilities and visitor moorings along the study area.

 To recognise ‘Access for All’ and the importance of open space in enhancing the waterway corridor by the promotion of sport, healthy outdoor recreation and visual amenity.

 To protect and enhance the river and adjoining watercourses as wildlife corridors. Manage the implications of increased recreational pressure and protect sensitive areas in accordance with the relevant environmental legislation.

 Produce high-level design and development guidelines including where possible costings at strategic and site specific locations together with a programme of achievable actions.

4. Contribution to Board Objectives The regeneration of the Little Ouse and riverside will contribute to multiple board objectives related to public health, connectivity, local economy and Greater Thetford as a destination of choice.

5. Recommendations (i) The board produces and open letter of support (which can be used to support funding applications).

(ii) The board lobbies in support of the studies objectives when opportunities for specific projects arise.

Officer Contact

If you have any questions about matters contained in this paper please get in touch with:

Name Telephone Number Email address

Tina Cunnell 01842 768541 [email protected]

Background Documents

Full Waterspace Study Report: 21 Agenda Item 7

Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board 16 February 2018 Item No 7

A11 Thetford Junctions Report of Richard Doleman, Chair, Planning and Projects Sub-group


This report seeks board support to lobby for the upgrading of the A11 junctions around Thetford to support growth and the strategic importance of the route.


(i) The board write to Highways England and the Department for Transport to lobby for improvements to the A11 junctions at Thetford.

1. Introduction 1.1 The A11 corridor is a vital transport and economic connection for Norfolk and Thetford. The A11 dualling from Barton Mills to Thetford was opened in Dec 2014, competing dualling from Norwich to the A14 and the A11 Tech Corridor is a partnership set up to promote growth, investment in infrastructure, housing and skills. 2 Current Situation 2.1 There is currently some congestion at the five A11 junctions around Thetford. The planned growth of 5000 houses will mitigate its impacts and the exact form of those works have yet to be agreed. However at the works will be developer led, it will only mitigate the direct effects of growth and not address any existing problems. 2.3 There is a longer term ambition to improve the Thetford junctions on the A11 to alleviate congestion and support the routes regional importance and improvements to the five A11 junctions around Thetford are included with the adopted Norfolk Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2017-2027. The Norfolk IDP is endorsed by the 7 District Councils in Norfolk and New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership. 2.4 This issue is compounded by the planned growth in Thetford of 5000 new homes and employment development as set out in the Local Plan. Improvement measures to the A11 junctions will be provided by the developers of this planned growth to mitigate the impact 3 Proposed actions 3.1 Whilst the improvements are not in any current programme it is important to raise awareness of the importance of improving the A11 junctions with the responsible bodies. The County and LEP will continue to seek to get improvement priorities by the relevant bodies. To support this activity the board are asked to identify this as one of its priorities and write to Department of Transport (DfT) who are responsible for the governments Roads Investment Strategy (RIS) and Highways England who are responsible for agreeing trunk 22 Road improvements arising from planning proposals. 4. Contribution to Board Objectives 4.1 The activity will lobby to secure improvements to the A11 and contributes to Objective 1 to improve strategic infrastructure and Objective 6 to encourage economic vitality. 5. Recommendations (i) The Board write to Highways England and the Department for Transport to lobby for improvements to the A11 junctions at Thetford.

Officer Contact

If you have any questions about matters contained in this paper please get in touch with:

Name Telephone Number Email address

David Cumming 01603 224225 [email protected]

23 Agenda Item 8

Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board 16 February 2018 Item No 8

Improvements to Thetford Railway Station Report of David Cumming, Team Leader Transport, Norfolk County Council

Summary This report seeks board support to lobby Greater Anglia for improvements to Thetford Railway Station.


(i) The board write to Greater Anglia requesting a meeting to discuss how improvements to Thetford Railway Station might be brought forward.

1. Introduction We understand that Greater Anglia, as train operator, is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of stations within the franchise area, which would include Thetford Station. We also understand that one of the franchise commitments is to put funding towards station improvements, and there are also pots of government money available – on a bidding basis – that could be available to support the investment from the train operator (or match funding from other parties). Greater Anglia is responsible for prioritising which stations receive investment. They have in the past tended to do this on the basis of passenger numbers, which often means that priority is given to the busier commuting stations in the south of their franchise area.

2. Position of Norfolk County Council Norfolk County Council supports improvements at Thetford, particularly to address the issue about crossing the line between platforms. The existing bridge is old and people with mobility issues, or luggage, can find it difficult if not impossible to get from one platform to the other except by a circuitous road-route.

3. Options A direct approach to Greater Anglia is recommended as the best means of establishing whether they can invest into the station; and to understand the best means of doing this and how local stakeholders might be able to assist.

4. Contribution to Board Objectives The activity will contribute to Objective 1 to improve infrastructure and Objective 6 to encourage economic vitality.

24 5. Recommendations (i) The board write to Greater Anglia requesting a meeting to discuss how improvements to Thetford Railway Station might be brought forward.

Officer Contact

If you have any questions about matters contained in this paper please get in touch with:

Name Telephone Number Email address

David Cumming 01603 224225 [email protected]

25 Agenda Item 9a

Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board 16 February 2018 Item No. 9a

Revised Officer Group Proposals

Report of Richard Doleman, Chair, Planning and Projects sub group

Summary This paper sets out the proposals for a revised officer group to support the Greater Thetford Development Partnership Board (GTDPB). It looks at the purpose of the group and recommends a fresh approach


(i) It is recommended that the proposed principles of the GTOG as set out in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 are agreed and that these are developed in to a formal Terms of Reference for consideration at the next board meeting

1. Introduction 1.1 The Greater Thetford Development Partnership (GTDP) was set up in 2015 to bring together key partners to steer growth and change across the greater Thetford Area. The GTDP has an established governance of a Board supported by 3 sub-groups, Communities, Inward Investment and Planning and Projects. The Board has set itself 6 strategic objectives and is seeking to identify means of meeting these objectives 1.2 To improve its effectiveness, the GTDPB agreed on 13 October2017 to revise its membership to political representatives and the chairs of the 3 sub-groups. The board requested that the supporting officer groups be reviewed to reflect the new composition. 2. Officer group proposals 2.1 An initial officer meeting was held on 19 January 2018 to look at the composition and purpose of an officer group. This was attended by representatives from Thetford Town Council, Norfolk County Council Community and Environmental Services, Norfolk County Council Children’s Services and Breckland Council. Officers discussed the changes to the board and the form of officer support and assistance for the GTDPB. 2.2 A key topic of discussion was how an officer group could assist the GTDPB to support and promote the existing activates of the partners and delivery agencies. Also the extent to which an officer group could help the GTDPB to identify longer term priorities to influence delivery agencies’ future programmes and projects the Greater Thetford area 3. Key themes 3.1 Composition  The group should be made up of officers from the authorities represented on the Board. 26  The Greater Thetford Officer Group (GTOG) to replace the Planning and Projects sub-group and the Inward Investment sub-group.  The group to invite in and work with other specialist providers such as health or housing as priorities on the board determine.  The meetings to be held in private, with the meeting generating reports for the board and helping set the agenda and forward plan for the Board.  The group will not make any formal decisions on behalf of the board or any partner organisation.  The function of the chair of the GTOG should but arrange for reports to be brought before the Board for decisions  The chair of the GTOG will not be a board member 3.2 Purpose  The focus to be on delivery.  Identify where the board could lobby for strategic improvements or funding.  Assist the board in identification of priority projects  Allow a coordinated approach across the delivery agencies  Secure wider support for existing schemes and priorities of the partners. 4. Contribution to Board Objectives The establishment of a revised officer group will support the work of the board and support work on all 6 Board Objectives. 5. Recommendations (i) It is recommended that the proposed principles of the GTOG as set out in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 are agreed and that these are developed in to a formal Terms of Reference for consideration at the next board meeting.

Officer Contact

If you have any questions about matters contained in this paper please get in touch with:

Name Telephone Number Email address

Richard Doleman 01603 223263 [email protected]

27 Agenda Item 9b

Greater Thetford Development Partnership

Community Sub-Group


The Community Sub-Group is part of the Greater Thetford Development Partnership (GTDP) and will, therefore, be governed by the GTDP’s Terms of Reference.


To ensure that the forthcoming development in and around Thetford is carried out in a sympathetic manner, and in the best possible way for the current and future residents, businesses, and visitors; and also to ensure full transparency and community engagement as the plans are developed and implemented.


The purpose of the GTDP Communities Sub-Group is: -

1. To advise the GTDP Board on matters of community interest;

2. To be responsible for community-related initiatives as directed by the GTDP Board; and,

3. To work with interested stakeholders from across the greater Thetford area to ensure that there is effective community consultation and engagement with the work of the GTDP.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The primary roles and responsibilities of the GTDP Communities Sub-Group are: -

 To act as an advisory body to the GTDP Board on how effective community consultation and engagement can be achieved on issues relating to the growth and development of Thetford and surrounding parishes.

 To develop a consultation framework for the GTDP’s work programme and strategy.

 To actively engage businesses, organisations and communities that are not directly represented on the GTDP Board in the work of the Partnership.

 To be a route through which residents, businesses, community groups, parish councils, town council and others can channel opportunities, issues and concerns, with a view to solving problems together and/or preparing submissions for consideration by the GTDP Board.

 To work closely with residents, businesses, community groups, parish councils, town council and others to ensure effective communication and consultation on GTDP related matters.

 To identify, encourage and take the lead on improvement projects within the greater Thetford area that are community focused subject to available funding.

28  To help influence decisions by making considered recommendations to the GTDP Board.

 To support the planned work of the GTDP Board.


The membership of the GTDP Communities Sub-Group will be representative of local communities and will not replicate the organisational representation on the GTDP Board.

 One representative from Thetford Town Council  One representative from Brettenham and Kilverstone Parish Council  One representative from Croxton Parish Council  Four independent members *

The four independent members, representing local communities, will be selected following public advertisement. Selection of these members – and preparation of advertisements – will involve the three representatives listed above and the Chair of the GTDP Board.

The Chair of the sub-group will sit on the GTDP Board and will be responsible for ensuring that the work of the GTDP Board and Community Sub-Group are coordinated.

The Chair will be nominated by the Community Sub-Group and agreed annually by the GTDP Board.

Membership will be reviewed annually.

The sub group may invite additional people with specialist knowledge or expertise when appropriate.

Membership will be supported by Breckland Council Community Services Manager and nominated officer from the relevant local authorities.


Scheduled meetings to tie in with the programme of GTDP Board meetings; however extraordinary meetings can be called at any time if deemed appropriate.

Notes will be taken at each meeting and circulated no later than two weeks after the meeting has been held.

The meetings of the sub-group will be held in public. Contributions from members of the public will be welcomed, at the invitation of the Chair.

Local Committee Clerks will provide support and organisation.

Decision Making:

29 As it is not formally constituted the sub-group will not have delegated powers therefore all recommendations from the sub group will require endorsement by the GTDP Board and the individual authorities that are represented on the Board.

Declarations of Interest: Sub-group members must inform the Chair if they have a financial or personal interest in any matter being considered by the sub-group. The Chairman will decide whether the interest disqualifies the member from the relevant discussion.

30 Agenda Item 12

Community Sub-Group Report GTDP Board Meeting Friday 16th February 2018

Since the previous Board Meeting on 15th December, the Sub-Group has met once on 17th January. Full details are available at Particular items of interest for the Board are listed below. Responses to Public Concerns The Sub-Group was pleased to be able to report positive news on two matters that had been followed up after being brought to a previous meeting. • A query about price of train tickets bought on the train had been checked with the two local Train Operating Companies. With the exception of railcard discounts on , the price of all other tickets for immediate travel from Thetford should be the same whether bought on the train, at the ticket office or from the machine. • Issues with the Bus Interchange had been forwarded on to Norfolk County Council. A positive response had been received, saying steps will be taken to address the height of the timetable displays, buses blocking the entrance, and parking near the exit. Health Provision The state of health provision in the town was again brought up the public, with particular concern over upcoming changes to drug/alcohol rehabilitation services, lack of NHS dentist and GP provi- sion, lack of mental health support, and the removal of the sharps bin from the Cage Lane toilets. It is hoped these issues will be picked up by the Board under a future agenda item on health. Integrated Delivery Plan With developments now starting, the Sub-Group wishes to stress how important it is for the public (and other stakeholders) to have access to timely and accurate information about how projects are progressing. It is suggested that the Integrated Delivery Plan is revived and updated. Cycling and Walking Routes Report An initial draft of the draft Cycling and Walking Routes Report was considered at the Sub-Group meeting. There is still work to be done on the report before it is ready to be presented to the board, but members may be interested in viewing the draft at We would be grateful for any input or feedback they have to offer. In particular, it was felt that some input from Highways department at Norfolk County Council would be useful to help gauge what resources might be required and available for the various schemes.

Robert Whittaker GTDP Community Sub-Group Chair 08-Feb-2018

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