' ■ n. ' ' ■\: ' \ r / 'I '/■ '.j / ' J . ■/ -N ' ..J . ■ ■ ■ . '1'!/^' ■ .... \ ■ 'V \

T H U R S D A Y ,\F E B R U A R Y 2B. ■ ...... — • n r the Week Inded - —• ■’•k n a ry Set ISm-' ■v'.rfiiasryL :/ } • • / id UM^Audlt ^Burmn a( CIreulaUeM ...ummiMom M antheater^A City of ViUago Charm V0L.LXXm,N0.125 Ptmtamt’^ S x tn Valut TMm malna auch in dur«t«nc« ta MANCHESTER, CONN;, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1954 tlta ammiBt 9t aiMt you t*t (or your aumoy ttMU you can (SIXTEEN PAGES) ...... : .. . ■ ...... z : PRICE tans over Egyptiim Helm 4'^ .-'I Vor apoelal naat valuoa tkia waticand oi|r maat mmnacor BiU Mr auggoata: Calm New\ CHOICE GRADE 'Substitute Sirloin or Short ^ ^ s t Fear\ Is Forecast Is Def iaBP ■vX;. 4 ■■■( f t „ C airo, E gyp t, F eb. 26 (/P )^ itf) . E gypt s under 40-year-oId W aghington, Feb. 26 (/P) To Shop is Halo’^ Seff Serve and Meat Dei booses today calm ed new Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D - Sm m baked Pinahunt Idaho PoUtoea with your W estern fears th at a younger 1 T ok) forecast today the Sen­ ataak. Mr. Butler aaya that Idahbea this week aro D O M N iO BESTFOODS m an in the top- job would a te w ould adopt a substitute even better than usual B lbs. 89c—19 lbs. 75c. BREAD M d lUTTER .»“ «•*)» turn again st th e W est, by Sen. G eorge (D -G a) for v' u*** ***** American tt- th e B ricker treaty-pow er con- iUGAR w5i**i *" 'Y***’*”**®” * n d , Loodoa lt»TPH* glCAU. v'^paLT ~ dgured that the retinbval gtitutional am endm ent. Johnson, th- Democratic leader, CHOICE GRADE PICKLES No More Clowning Lbe Bog Naguib from the NUe made the prediction at an informal ndestag 15 Oz. J a r .. ? preaidency would change newi conference. The Senate today Hgypta foreign policy. Laterlt went Into what may be the last day NewTang^ was concluded from freah events of debate on *he measur* propoi Shot STEAKS • 7 9 ’' -.~.,me KgypUsn trend of friendlinesa by Sen. Dricker (R-Ohio),. would tiuiilUiu i 'Tu . ii^ by ■—-Oeorge •Tiar-pm poifga '‘g '"j If you an in a huiry anm Wrda Kya Tnoeh FHos with niW untH 9:30 . . . Usa> » X ‘**£L.?*J"“ **** ^®ulme effective as (Lower H ouse) t(xlay ap­ T he E lsenhow er fidm inifitn^ bexas as prafar . . . internal law only/thr jugh an act proved constitutional changes -SAMBA TEA wm . *"4„®‘‘*‘*’">an of the nil- of Congreas. / tion ’8 fresh ly-stiffen ed stan d N •• -I ? mg M llita ^ Revedutionary Council aiithorizing the arm ing of a |ust spaak uVand say how 2 Rolls •4 Count *' ■/ by a s - y e ^ ld U . Col. Carnal Abdel Heee Twq-TMrda Backing sgaiiw t “sbu8e”g)f A rm y w it­ Lamb Shoulden boneless easy to sUce. M EAT DEPARTM ENT half m illion G erm an soldiers nesses bum ped into s defiaat you want thant paokad... M*J**r;^*J- Salah Salem, fieriest Joiinaon s®ld he believea that. to serve in th e proposed E uro­ A ^“ T k f . of the Council members and the If the Senate adopts the -George retort from Sen. M cCarthy .. Average $2.85 to $2.69 each. a pean A rm y.. The sm ashing and ramambar ho tipping, I T he racM slM Is hw w scid ore w c glad to om iouiica n»U«al guidance minister, hur- propoaal by majority vote, it will (“ •W is) and raised prospecta nwly summoned foreign cor- *° fl«‘«ng the two- V ote w as 334-144, today there m ay soon bs • plaasa, for tha eVry out ,***P^««ts last night to tell them: i thlrda approval needed for final The decislc>r represented en Im­ sarviea. ■ - Stewing Lamb it! It's th e rocM sioH hi tW p rk c o f m o o tl, _‘There will be by .no mesna any Senate' pasaaga portant victory for pro-Westem head-clashing test on the . Ouick and aaay if you hava a ; eookar. change In our policy, either ex­ ,J*?][® Senate yesterday rejected ptancellor Konrad Addn&ucr, who i s s u e . \ • BIRDSEYE ternal or mternal.” 50-42 a modiflau proposal by |iR» bRae l III / FLAVORHIL CHUCK T A B S m A T ^ Y Salem said the republic's poll-1 B rlcier that wo lid "have required linking West Gannany miUtarily a h u ^ Wltneeaes, declared ha Our Tony Buyaaaa ia an m pnt m poultry . . . can taU CHICKEN PIES else “have always been mpde by i i l congressional actio j to make both and politically to the West. would not pull hU punches in dtos ------Sava thivwaab«a / what thagr had dor leaakflBst Juatlw h w h ^ a t tha oonb r . - X C W R U E •U..mamberj, 0j th«L.(revollution- tlvaUes.And exccuiJAx. agreements ..®®to Ho ’ses oLihe Bonn ParlU. Blag into whet he calto Aims Ha raiaaa poultry, ao fnaa Ua point of irlsw. poultry prices ■ ..."C O sit...... BONELESS B E E F - ^ - a ry ) OsuncU.” The group of young I A**** y***»‘. *•. •«>««• ae he arrives at operative as internal law. ^ n t have approved the Army ‘•coddliag of Oommunist*,** SALADA TEA BAGS \ ■ army officers who led the revolt *" *^*^ ^®*^ * eeeelon at nhick he was a m e d Sen. Knowland of California, the Treaty *'ut Adeniuer's coalition To Caa Zwleker Back Gat 16 axtra for Ic or to* ^ a n Just too low ri|dtt now. . . . Anyway, hon at PUehurat WRX PAPER gainst ex-King Farouk and have | Republican Leader said he believed maintained the chant'es -approved And he announced he intends to \wa i n going to hara both roasters and large ftyan at low SPRY_ dominated.nv the ”government -...... *Se upriaing which ousted King Farouk and the .lensta would be ready later today were needed to end a .Social­ °®"- ****P** W- *wl«*er ta l o f M bags fo r only 56e. -JWCiGh.e-a P O T R O A S T RiB ROAST / membership 7^®. a out ef Kgypt. (AP Wlrephoto from l!^ in the day to decide the issue ist concsntlon In the West German bad- befors his Senate Investlgn- ^ 2 Boxes remains unchanged, except for ■•■•) —~ mvw ««■ flnaiTy. ‘ ..... Supreme Cottrt that the treaty tt ttone suboommiUce soon. He didnY Naguib's removal. unconstitutional. set.a date. i'*— jwr''»nriis:Tir|W rf.KwsT‘ THEW iRSW UXSEa 3 Lb. T in .. '^* ^•IW .lltiej. M th*. SenaU X m rttsr toe 'bdn'ndl Kft inidsM reached the crucial point a-ere TWe tWo cpnstrtutlonaT chang^ and ff lie do^ it omidd S a v a o n GOOD SIZED PLUMP NATIVE ROASTERS AT that Nasser had been the reel three: charge the federal governirf nt lead to a new McCtorthy-Zwloker leader of the revolt against Fsr- 1. Passage of a 3-polnt pack­ with responsibility for defense, tangle and a showing of: W oodbury's Shampoo $2.69 and $2.19 EACH. ouk and that Naguib had been age plan proposed by Knowland suUiorixe compulsory milltaj-y 1. Just how far the administra­ G at $ 1.00 sixa for only SOe. SNOW CROP MIXED only a front, man. Neaeer, Na Syria Ruler on Run; and other Republican Senate lead­ service and declare i^eciflrelly that s tion wtu go in bacMng W* the pro- d t couna, Wa win hava naUva ftash (Owl from n a d Miner’s gulh's vice-'Pfemler, also has been- ers and already tenUUvely ap­ the European Army Treaty and the r.ii *r"*^**'*®*^ tabes its first steps on spUats after a noimcement by Secretary of tha Egypfs chief, negotiator in the Allied-West Germsr peace con­ Army Stevens tost night, with *T00 Oofantry poUttiy fbnn. 651 ,/ . ■ ■'■. proved by majority vote. Know- *'®'**' ®* '** *• Bedford, ^ a s . Pup 591 tract do not violate the constitu­ E VEGETABLES now - stalemated BritUh-Kgyptlan )v cent support” from Pnsidoiit land says it la accepUble to Thomas. 6, and David, 4, sobs of Mr. Sony, if you missed o u t «» the Sinah Lamb Legs - 10 Oa*. talks to aetUe tha Suss Canal Is­ Army President Eisenhower. -— ^—:—:—- tion- ...-_.... ___'. . _.. . •wl Mrs. Rola^ E. O’Bomsawlii. when It ML Pup has quit tryiag isenhower. that ha WlU “nsvoraiK— S a v a o n ^ ~ sue. Must Be Ratifled cede to the abuse of Army pr ufi- last wedc , , .\we will have more of these tender 7-02. FANCY 2. Passage of a substitute pro­ to chew the splints off now that It can navigate. (AP Wlmphot^X MENNEN'S BABY OIL EASY MEAL Salem said the revoibtiem leaders Thej' now go to the Bundesrat |iel under eny circumetancca" u g n t m e a t p r e m ie r ^ U N T S posal by Sen. George (D-Ga.) (Uj^r. House) where Adenauer's choice Lamb Lags this week. If any run a little w m the start had agree4 that no D gm ascus, Syria, Feb. 26 , splinter parties. They were ar­ which the administrstion opposes, 2. What, if. anything, other - 69c valua for 49e. Council mamber should have more rested Jan: 27 and accused by the coalition has the necessary two- mmbers of McCarthy's Senate In- ' larger, we will gladly sell you half a le g . . . • power them another. The showdown W )— R ebel arm y leaders sent although not as determinedly as it thirds majority to a< orove them. Tomato SaRce dirtator of “openly calling for did the sUrUng point of the de­ veetlgations aubcommlUee are TUNA LAMB /<) A Jrith_ __ wnen Naguib came, he said, when ®***tcd Dictator-PrcsiT mutiny and disturbance.” The next Then they must be rttUfled by the willing to do if Stovena feoto an the P ru d en t threatenedT o' reriCT G«n. A dib Shishekl^, bate, an amendment offered by three Western t-ccupation powers Probe Rule Change Army officer is behig ahuirnd. Ste­ TThen AHted Waigtf first Joined our meat cutters, we had I •l*y itoUhekly clamped martial laa- Sen. Bricker (R-Ohio). S a v a o n a hard jOb conriaclng hint that yon had to ramove an tha C an . unless he* was given veto powers I packing into neighboring on the cquntiy. ths United States. Britain and vens says he has "assurances? rinew aM a ^ flat whan fixing up thaaa tander Chuck Pot . 3 C ^ n s on OouncU declUonSion and the rightrisrht I L sbianon aariy toduy and ; One of those arrested on Jan. 27 8. Failure of either of these France—Aj-ho alre:.dy have given from GOP m'embers'Of the groin iakar's hdoist Coconut Woaata which aan eunantly at dbe a lb. Ho’a loarnad our way. iM. to dismiss cabinet members. was Hachehl Bey K1 Attasai, a two proposals to muster the ntod- tacit approval to the amendments. that there will not bo "abnee.” P A r r m s frdM 12 ixititiM l iM ^ rs he ed two-thirds margin. That would * 1 7 Naguib Net Anreetod ^ By changing the constitution, Special package a t ragu* howew .,. . and now enjoyb aalling thaaa Oxtn vitw wan former President who a-ai deposed Seen in GOP Study It wae McOsrthy’a treatment of tPlHBJWDQ rOGSISe Salem insisted Naguib is'not un­ had atrestod last m odth. by Shlahe’dy on Dec. 2. IfSl. Lead- almost certainly shelve the whole Adenauer Intends to force the Zwleker, commet^t of C«m der Arrest In his soldlei^ringed Their tblease woe .aphounoed tn w U yestsvda-r a revolt called for issue for this year. Supreme Court to throw out the Kilmer. N. J., a t a cloaed hearing lar price minus Sc. ^ m e In a Cairo subuH). He said e com>m.-nlque from the Ateny W !" this Wfek, . Pinahursf offers Choice him to be recognised aa tha law­ , w®“W bflva to be fol- Socialiet.suit challenging the con- in New York 10 days agw whith ii -*‘T Iff from Mgkw jpH M th# ev-Prsaldant « ^ d be -kect a( OUef-"6f , SUje,. .Oenr.. .Shawkat ful new Pres^aent. towatlfctor simltoz^illouse action and *^M^lM-af,ragriWU»esU.^ Washington, Feb. 26 (ff>-^Tlje Senatg Republican Policy tod to A-hot '|]"*---g- *TTrn-im Rib Roasts . . . the king o f v oven roasts . . . Shukeyr, who laat night appealed Despite the fact It Is the Moafeih TatifleaUon by 8fl aUtea to write . The Bundebtaffs vote came after pbminittwtodaor .wrleriHlAhfudyTctolung to ^ssible chhniw Stevens and McOkrthy tost waito- at the low prtca of ....«;...... Ib . 5 9 c 2F o r- j'thblow pdc^.:-' . (CtmUaimd an Pago Ctght) for the nation of three million Imlidhy. the- $>Tian.--Parliament a s t ^ Warning by Adphauer that to the^ rules under which inycsUgitions. such as those made Sura w are tow on pricat Ho o ff Added the Bwlln ■conference; Showed free end, followed a “pcaca «mfsp- ■ j X I 9 u u J u u iuiwUMi J W "iiv^J] j i m ai i m o ' —*c wept lnt|li M>ecial.eesstoit tai.tBataH j e g i a H a f im Tfigg K w a j ■EnmiMTinm-ig^ m mTO condtieted . C hairniaii FV rgu- • • . fust compare these "lU gular Ground Beef a t 39c lbw^3 lbs. for $1.00 The "laemurandbm of under­ underwortd, was hit today with the Royal Loatlan Caspital of France and Luxembourg. Communists, in govemmtot”” ”*44 Just4 below Um recvird. I f r ^ poultry: Tmidcr. nicoty roostore, large, fdump two. liens covering unpaid federal Luang Prabang and are pulling standing" issued after his confer­ Today members of the Chancel­ Asked if the issue of alleged I The rise was too small, however, ence Wednesday with GOP n«fie»-. PREMIER income taxes amounting, with back intb the Jungles to the north lor's four coalition parties stressed abuse of witnesses was Involved, to ptevenl ■ workers in the auto, PILLSBURY fowl, yooog fryors or broNorsi and raodcr cldckM penalties and Interest, to $86,655- ■ X undqr heavy sir attack.,.,,., tors of McOsrthy’s committee had In debate on the constituUonal Ferguson replied : aircraft and farm marhinery indus­ been “misinterpretoil" Stevene SPICED W h o l e 26 for tha seven years from 1945 LoaiMe Seen H e a ^ changes that ‘‘It is the duty of the “If there Has been any such tries from losing a penny In hourly lit SWANSDOWN . to 1951, Inclusive. N ew ,H aven, Feb. 26 (;p )—.\5 grass w as grow ing in the roed- •aid. He added he would not ham I ports. AN pooltry is modt roraly prlcod—ot HALTS. ■The crack Communist-led Divl- Germans to help defend the Free abuse I assume that we will look pay rates. More than a million First Hint Of V. 8. AcUoa T he B rotherhood of L ocom o-i *’®**® ®* ^He Old Cblony Branch” |doh 308, which had threatened the World.” ® agreed to it except (or “aamar- lETTY CROCKER LAND OOAKES into It and all other matters." workers were involved. ances" he recelvdd from membeia We have just added an extra Ice Cream esse which Tha liens, filed at city hall are tive Firemen and Engineers' “ “***^^ Massa- little royal seat of temples and The opposition Socialists argued, H iese workers got a 2 cent In­ CAKE FLOURS 33c CRAB APPLES straw huts, suffered, heavy losses, that German integraUon with Free M’sato U st Compiled toat “they wUl not permit eadl ! W T«»n-for display of frosted Yoods . . . the flrat public Indication of an of the N ew H aven R ailroad i k „ * ^ Ferguson said he has asked the crease last toll wtadn ths goverh conditlona to devridb in the fu­ Inteneive U. .8. ‘Freasufy Investi­ to Jto ?®mi»lgn. the. French said. Europe will only deepen tb«. split ment index bit Its. peak of ~ I15A^ per r You snn find not only many new items . . . but find BUTTER a dollnr ar twa an n eenpl^^nieela by aerving m an (ln «.) lod iy w „ ilig n rf w ith The Vietminh first started the between East and West and wreck Policy Committee staff to rom-; ture,” gation that was started against n o w cent of the 194 7-49 average in Jr ^ yourself to the whole frozen food i. (In Quarters) oeafaad. fram Hnla'a _ P resident F rederic C .; the road's service, Watson assert- f u ll- ^ k iMt Tuesday, when Oiey any possibility of uniting this divid- pile a list of rules ak they Ike Baeka Steveaa ■ \ the State's bast known rackster exist. Investigation committees October. Une. 7 ^ wedc we feature's new Beef GriU steak, D u m a i n e , . . in •P * ' *?■ ®® <*®®6ribed - other aeeom- Hh®d. .the .riege. of, the. hfi»«gvered «d ,countcy,...„^___ .■...... ______Presidential Secretary Ja m a s Fl- H SHURFINEor L b . more then two years ago, the, gcneraOy; have madb their own Today's rise brought the index Providence Joumar-Builetin says ‘ plishments of the Dumaine Fortmas of Munong Sal, 56 milea The West German Parliament ap­ Hagerty aald Stevens* stateawaB SUNSWEET S portkms^to a pM ki^, special opmbination price pfom ching control figh t w ith aa: northwest of Luang Prabang. EvAi rules and '^ih®y »r« not always to 115.2, the same'figure as last had "100 per cent” endoraeamat proved the European Army’Treaty parallel. Septemljcr. The index had decUnsd tw . . Si, the Birds E yt msn, figured a little too BOSTON BLUE I I ’ f « a k ,* o j a . Pfltrick J. M cGinnis, New ng the attackers of the Royal sad the Weeterii peace contract from the PresidenL PRUNE JUICE One lien, for J65.132.40, U Y o r k fin a n c ie r ^pltai were withdrawing up the) slighUy in NovemIjer‘snd Oacem- McCarthy, whto Informed ef close ioT c o h o r t (or profit) on this deal, but we go We have M m on, Swori, Halibut, Ced. Haddeck, MfackenL Freeh aninst latriarca alone for the ‘ SL* ______» Worcester line, Tong'closed to last May. But the SoclaUats block The Michigails Senator aald he bsr. along with Wm ... ; ^ v B m R lj^. Valley. The Fiwnch said led Hn«T ratification by filing suit will call all Settate Committee Bteveng’ statement, dectetad that 3 1 c ‘ Oybtere, etc„ aad tUe week we are offerlag - f ■■ 1S45-47 period.. The seemtd Hen. o e w m l ^ S r i ™ ^ ' m senger traffic; the road's sponsor­ today the enemy divlaton hatf re -' Today’s Index, reflecting prices ship of the new South Boston Mar­ chairmen together *Wer to dia- paid by consumers In mid-January, "absolutely no coaceadoa W|W' for f21.53r.86, is against Patrisres wauSm S S lT rstaT lm l^ treated northward 75 miles from I fOoBtlBued ea Page F|vq) cuss proposed chahgeom the rules BEEF GRILL STEAKS ' and hi. wife, H.ldn G. Pntriarcs | ‘“ “*thU ^t ket Terminal; the construction of a Luang Prabang. — U the highest living coat flguroTn FRESH WHITE SHALLOPS 6Si for 1948-51. new Post Office annex . in New governing the. calling of li'^easea. history with the exception Of Ust (Omttaaad aa Paga BgM) L A R G I g r a d e a ' ' PREMIER poppycock” Insurgent , charges Haven'to handle parcel post' and It was the second time the Viet their testimony rights antt the October.. ISLEOFTOLDor Tho liens were signed by John that Dumaine ‘‘hex been In any mlnh had staged q. lightning niakaup of the Inveatlgating com­ F R E N c A S k s A- O'Connell, district director. Of the purchase of 100 multiple unit sault on Laos, cutting scrobs mittee themaelves. The index, prepared by th^ i.«tM»r SHURGjQOD tho Internal Revenue-Bureau.- way detrlmenUl to thO New ‘Ha­ commuter cars for the New York Department's Bureau of Labor sta­ ; J . r t g . Premier Unsweetened ven. Railroad-and the people it end of the i^roaA, and threatening the bordfirs It will have to be determined MARGAfflNE EGGS LIMA BEANS HM Urs'A FAVtMUTB: PaMarca is the second maJof lM^ea' Burma and Thailand. And It was tistics, was 115.4 per- cent of BIRDS EYE PEAS News Tidbits later. Ferguson said, whether the the 1947-49 average In mid-October. GRAPEFRUIT Rhode Islander to be hit by the Cites Achlevenaeata. 'TjTs shows, Watson said, Uiat the second time they had pulled full Seaate will be asked to adopt BuUetiiis 2 5 c — ^ •P h g . • >' : ' Do*.’ . Treasui^ racket squad In recent "Dumains's actions have been an back, hastily vrithout engaging in Culled from AP W ins It had risen steadily though moder' ISHLR SIZE CANHEO HAH “A lot . of people have forgotten asset to everyone concerned. That a code for Investigations or atsiy during moat of 1953. from thfi AP Mras SPECIAL S6J5 'Weeks. A $50,675.54 tax lien w u the condition of the, New„Hayen a single major battle:- whether committees will Juct on. i o r . /, kL.'l>yBL.»'/x|riSTlTTai»A«bg - . Uia- pubUa . who. rids" tkeT , . TtoHra.jsw«.sU^.jyMi« MIWTI^AfftORANGE JUICt;. Sled against Louia feMekl'-Roaen'-' ^ toi» Zhjknsine "totensto took - 'Bothr' xampadgiw-'-wers ' Mbh''48.'^ feld, desibribiKd by the Journal-. railroad, the people who work for intended more for political pur- state auditors 'call for strlet Clines In November with the gov- V. 4 6 0 x . T h i We am vefF^eaaeg te im i; u aen yea thJ. item which over the.road,” Watson said. 'The Ferguson said the nwve brijgi -A -French spokesman said today FUOAIM S COLb : . SUNSHINE Bullion as one-time numbers boas economy In Connecticut’s 60 mil- ;.la n - m l l r a r i - N ^ . ^ k ig h ,^ - - eq|Hpment wax - anta^lated -and -■aw.liaga-.TWa)'; l)pn dqUaf nragtam- cuT' POTATOES Atff) POTAtOES here, on Feb.- 3$ a t CritBston O ty nassUgggg an Faga FIva) ,'4rak^;4)|maS ,HYDROX 25c and 39c valiiSi norM ' das#' doss th e Kiiig®iT«st ner in coffee." . . . Scottish legis­ ':!■ ^ o Relief in Sight three articles backgroBadlBg the '^**®“* * mUUon of the Vlel lator complains Communists are more Important are: 8 3 0 war aad the aver-haaglag p » h h » « | "Ve in tha kreas controlled Leader Passes at 93 ■muggilag thenaelves a b o a rd 1. Prjimtuma for health tn^r’ Yellow Sjquush 2 x im . 2 5 c s lta a tls B . Communist Ho Chi Minh'a Vtot- trains In Glasgov to “pesUr” mem- aurance which does not pay for: •Miami. F la. Feb. 26 (fi5 — minh forcea The other 12 bdra of Parliament to back Soviet fncdlcal expenses cannot to de­ LswIb, dr„ T0M ?0S0lir. ^ nshine Drink your coffee and pny the lion Uve In the. xone of the Wallingford. England, Feb. .26 German policies. ducted from income. Some pollclee Hanoi. .Indochina, Feb. 26 .(F)— (JP»—Ths Very Rev. Sir William M ary’a< HLHO CRACKERS C c B o P k f. price. The, Vietminh forcea generally at­ Dal government* The Stats Sen. Jack Stock of Bridge­ pay for lost time 'from work but % y Night CUCUMBERS ea. 19/ 19c \ That’s about all the American tack. at n ig h t They come out of the Vietnamese forces hold moat R. Inge, 93, Qiurch of England port says be wlU ask next General not for doctors, boepltato end EXTRA IsARGE TEMPLE family can do, because there really Jungle with mortars, rifles, pistols, the richer areas, principally __ leader who eumed vforld renown Assembly to Increase property tax mstUclne. You still can deduct: isn't much coffee in Brasil, four grenades, knives and raxor-sliarp. deltas of the Red aad Mekong riv- as tbs “Gloomy Desa" of St. Paul's examption for veterans... Of­ premiums on moat health Inaur- [ SEEDLESS PINK 3 F o r 33c P k f . ~SUr^SH1NE riubwomen Invited to InvesUgaU e ra - CathedraL' dlsd at his home here ance as medical expense. | bamboo spears. - ' today. ficial Communist party newspaper — a Lb. aiaa— (8 to t In). ORANGES advised upon returning here, to­ Against this kind of foe the The conflict that has marred Pravda says Soviet Union’s cam­ 2. Some health bbnefit payuients Dos. 75c day. French Union forces, even with In retircmsiit for two dscadeS)' paign to spread more food and must to added W^Otcomt. When —Tha-J this land for more -than seven bad been suffering from HYCBOX ^ The four, all bolding Uttportaat their American-suppUad firepower, years Is baaicaUy a civil war. Tto consumer goods among U.SA.R.’s yodr employer pays you bsatfitt posU in the Oeaeral Federation oi^ never have beta able to land a lUs for several weeks, psopis togged en wide frsat dur­ through a “ptoa of toaurancc.” E a c h 4 9 c millions of Vietnsmsse, Ho Chi Dean Inge has said be believed ta g ltto m ta GRAPEFRUIT ea. 4 5 / Women^a O uba went to BrasU njt cniahiag blow.. Minh is the symbol of a flgbt for ing January. that ia. not incaaie. But It Is not a COOKIES guests of that nation, gnd checked EoMkm Are Tliad In Heaven, . helL nor the Marine (3orps inquiry. Into con­ “plan of Insurance" if the em- iadependencs and an end to th.. Socialista who canm to ______Tfila to no hmgar the caaa « the coffee supply ‘peoWM#. fr&n - Tfc®. * ® ® ^ - fiPidtec;on the' i*Bwanti .of French CelonialiSm. duct of CM. F. H. ^nwabto-wbea jJloyer pays for it out of compuay you got benefit toaf da net I PEARS 3 Fw 21c (farms) to empty ware­ Franch-VlatnBmeos. rido ia dead Many of them

.X • ■■ '^'A \ . »4”. ■ ' />■ r‘ JY I ■ m J'' ■. ■ '^ r I ‘ Jr” r ■ :l N| mm aiANCHESTER EVlffllNG HERALD, HANCHESTER, CONN^ P to A Y » FEBRUARY 23.196^ A :ii-> ■FA

■a.'- ... ------.*:clear And coavtacins taastea.*^ ml aa|gaa '.ta ladT&ioD ^OlnatklsMlkr M tb a aatlw W m t t f in g €aiT^dV6 M oh^y bastwNtt; workins A msaiiiie atore meat group,’ end Prteiaent #m4MiK«fim« J*." •orfewerhonrss^alMliar arciah- ■n«iiia.-':-'T‘ " ..- ...... past; Slid tha ahowtag w ill__ Th-TraTnlng ScminiiF^ieMM Mtaiborough an exdellent opportunity for tha stances. Business men have, in the laclcs D u ih ra n e ^ I^WIthriBaacter NOW HAVINO V Hed Cross Quota (4 ra «a One) past, protested that one revenue NrwsBrieTa Lniie la Aligned with MCOlnnla. British poople ta Manchester and Wa are proad to aaaouaoa . others to see scenes of their •tent would approve a actiedule WILL ADDRESS FAlUIERS Inns brought the court- action poaaeaoioiia 6t tho UnltM SUte« and another afent ndtht some after, he charged. Vice Frssidsnt the exehHlve FIK8T HARTw ■ Placed at 11,700 Town Reports Set childhood aiMl beauty spots of the aiArf nUZER” U m FREE Sprtagffsld. Jtasa. Fsh M (tV - In iXmO SUBURBAN SHOWING BritlslL teles.. Thf- •re no lonf er conaldered Income. It alont and atang* it because he had Homsr U Brinklsy, etecutive vice Oaorgs F. Carmichael rsfusafl to gutaite— M- A M i kiUhiu *t tactcrte't* ywar liiiA you are one ot the 80,000 peo]>Ie dUferent ideaa Mvs him ths. list prior to ths ef ClBeaaaSeope' with Stereo, *r ciMalac ky S to 1. Pf^dwrt ef tha Nhtional Oouncil ^WApping, Feb. 28 , (Special)— For Distribtttioh Other entertainment is planned ^CitaiM who set them, you do not,even 8. Business men can pay excise (Ooatlaaed tram Faga Qaa) March 18“ dsts ^.rscoid.” pboale Soaadi • and a moderate'fee will be rc^ of Farmdr CoopsraUvet, Washing* !nia.l<>ca) Red.Ooaa quota la thinys ' iw'iiiiaiaihaM I of nU lN B D 8EWAGB STBCHAUSTS have to report euch money. And If taxes 4}uarteriy insUad of monthly ton, D. C , is,scheduled to be guest John P. Rutherford of West* ceived at the hall. The program Is OX aMM!MMrjr~4tB8CLTx.A you are ah old. hand, you can make lutder a ruling by Ooukiniasioaer of ths railroad, sad the Industry that huiy, N. T., Who broutht the suit 'THE ROBE" ^-Rl.TOO-, * A 'Rad Croaa in eveiy Marlborough, Feb. » (Special) for the purpose of adding to the as4 aMSMtiss tax claima for what you ipaid oii •ps^sr Rmliht at ths 88th an* depends on the railroad." ^ With —Town reports for distribution to psMsd sa. Internal Revenue pplemaa. An* ^l^m MUngof UmiRsUKa with Lens, Withdrew from the csSs ^tedow," js. the slogan -that say. convention^ fuiid of the .Loy.a) auch allowanceg hack td-1950. ' dreVra ^ " Walaon aUd that Dumglna "felt at the opetalrig'pf Ihb hekriag yes* Rtckard Wurtoa.JiHuii SteKnoas the 'diizens' have ticen receive Ofange IhiitlCuiioh. TTie conven­ W%rm9Hf Bschanga adopted for the campaign EnOURE ynm'Ttm aw-'tjiisiiBg \. THIS IS W HY (Deadhne for ISSO clatms la fl:80-«ilt. i.'0(;'Maanb 6. Yod may deduct, among nmdi* Julian B. IlMytr. poultryman with alaesrity'* that It was of ut tordsy. Rutherford’s attorney, from the printer. The repoMs are tion will be held in August bf MSL let st hslp |0a.TtoL- March IS, ISM.) However, Um rul* David K. Whsatsr, explained that w h j^ ^ g tn s Saturday snd water . . . mofc peopit can cal expenses, paypnenta to paychbl* from Rocktall. Coan., will prsslds moat importaacs to bring to ths Fricea for this eagagemeat available at the local stores and 1958 at the new Statler Hotel, now reneseeaed t t tflM Bsm In* dooe not at>ply to "territorial Rutharfo^ had igrssd la a stmlter in course of erection fii Hartford. McKIm c j ^ Binw. oglsta authorised under state law pubUo and Msw England industry onlys— at ths town clerk’s office for those poet differenttala” where an em­ to practice psyax>logy as a healing New Tork-Suprama Court suit to ; W is Show Plaaaed V The general public is cordially ' R a **no4HrMr* *f*w8 nroroia (XMiFLAiNs better service through now equip* Eve. Adults 55o»(3illdrea Me who wish to pick then) up. (1) Prompt Service ploye gmtM pMd for difficult rather device. wait for the prosy list until March • riyl* show of' the Dump to Close invited. William J.; Brennan, 19 kte chois4 J ir Worcestor, Masa, Feb. M m — BMiit, Improved roamSda, Incroas* 15. Mat. Adults flOo-^OhlMrea 85o (2) QoaUty Work than more cohtly livliis conditions. Bi.-t you can't put a value on (Tax laeL) 9 * F t s ,«'» Home Bconom* The Town Du.np on Jones Hol­ Edgerton Sf., is chairman of the . 4. Depreciation schedules for ^ b e rt W. Ulutram. a Worcester. sd opsrsUon of feeder lines end Judgs CulHnan's dscislon moans is? ^Isworth Memorial h t g n I hwawsaiMiA (3) Reasonable Prices your blood when you give it to UM Tilegram photograi^er, eeys a moN frequent scheduling of low Road will to closed April 1 and committee of arrangements. vtoffNtklsta nusinesses, once approved, will be Red Cross or other agencies a>^ .hayi to wait Hllgi School Will be presented moved to a new location on Hodge g tn ip .c f men- whom -picture-he frslghtr nnd iMSsengtr trains;----- uata March 15. 'fV * * 7 ’ • ... [M.!Ngafiuiiia- ■E S A F f . V . M S U t f dednet the Attbuht u ^ rity / lh U a had taken et en office workers' Assertlng that many conflicting ™^'^**1~*^‘^*** **9®i‘»y™n»«iuinr "Rewr owned and operated Ihy’ * ; •• **r* • is not a donaUon of property. . ( i/iT ' ■ ' ;r w. ■ r StudenU wUl dleptej^cloUilng that thur telelb. 111* • s union raseUng g r a lM hU cam* •tatsmsnte and half-trutha have :i’f A D'rdele is iir,with pneu­ was returned to him un* neutral.. Lorenao J. A. Xssiian sad Vio­ TCL. MfhiiwB s-saesi la e -itt i v a b l s t ^ mancbbsteji Ps'dine Simmons, 83. of Meriden damaged. Sandra Jsworski, Marjorie HIsv monia at hla hutae on Johnson Rd. lUrtlHir Dni{ Slereie “Naw. U t h e ___ let W. Ksonsa to Allan R. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gilnack has been absolved of blame in con* U ^ r e m MenUfled the union as "But," ha added, "I think there Etas. Janet Stoddard, Jean Blliaon, ’•iMiEt 4 surPLY cal SAPORin MEMORIAL CO. ,^^U on with Um highway death of sad Mery C. Kosaan, propsfty at : VF*^I*A Balf, and Sally .Newbeny. .ahd.apn of Gtestonbtmy ATO vicar, *>iMrihutors, Proeeaslag-^ and sasa a time when' every man iffOt MWisUr St. ^ XMorge Baglehardt. 79. in Walling* . Peraeaal Mestloa tioning in Florida. Mta. Gilhack is ; il7(F CENTER STREET ,/TEL. W-S-TUt ^ c e Workers of America (Ind.). should stead up and ha couatofl." DoasliUck Carapoaso and Do* MIPcIm H 94525 ' ford last Feb. 8. Englehardt was He suffered minor injuries hut said Mr. and Mra. LaRoy Burnham a daughter of Mra. T.v W. Dober- In Bridgeport, one phase of ths msnica CamixMSo to Ernest A. renta of this town. ■ struck and kUled by Mra Sim* hs would not fils a complaint. proxy flght for control of ths New V o f long Hill Rd.. and Mr. and ‘ ^ • moos’ automobile as he started to Ritchie, property on Hawthorns Mra. Arthur Miller of Pleasant Haven may wind up In ths Oon 8L Maadieatcr Evealag Herald cross Old Hartford Turnpike. In ASKS "SCITABLB MEDAL" nectlcut Supremo coiut. Valley Rd. left yeaterday for a 'hla flndinx - veaterdav Coroner OrvUle H. Parks and Wllale T. A seriis of asminsrs designed i------In-training ,.»»•«course for heads of departments in *town ^ ^ r n * Marttorough correspondent Mr*. Washington, Feb.' M (F) A This posslMIlty canM lest night vacaUon ;in Florida. ment gOL undqr way Wedneaday afternoon iKthe hearing Howard Lord, telephone East ..dui^ .propnesl. to autheriae -t .M. ItemptoB ggy:^ '— --- — mons blameless^ because Erfgle* Hsian A. Dwirs, t OOlamait Rd. r DlWCtor-Sr'Igi-IHimute^PDl^^^:esearch and a teach«r at the University of (Jon- dent to present a ‘‘suitabis medal'' ment stockholder, John D. LaasL itor of the seminars. ______... liardt'was wearing dark clothing to George E. aark of Lawrence. Shown (n the photo, from left to right, arc Raymond M. sold ths move whs Under con­ Don't let' y«Nir underchin area . • ------A general manager; George Elliot, Ometery Dept, head: James a ' Shrokev* when he was struck, the •area Mm , h former ca reta k er of sideration. Lane sought In Superior upon the flrst of the week. Mhere the accident occurred was bridgea oirer the Merrimack River, tell your age. Frequently dur­ Sermon Aaaoaaoed i77Tne!.e**".7!r‘ 7 *''^ '’ assistant aui^rintendefit.of the Water Dept; Frank Steele, asalsLint^ow^I Oi^ngemen to See Court yoatsrday an ordor permit* ing the day preea your tongue to engineer, and Jamea L. Perry, clerk*of-the*works. * . ? poorly lUuminated and Mra Sim* was filed yeaterday by Sen. Ssl* thig him to obtain inunodiaUly a .'ftll NT.M W'hfntP WOHNFRS The Rev. Dadd (Lockett will Boons was blinded by headlights of tonstsll (R*Mass). the roof of your mouth and drop use "Love st lU Beat”: for his list of tho New Havoil'a sto^ ' the Jaw. Repeating, pushing bard IAPRY TRUDIE L E U N G Glepney Pictures approaching automobUea Clark Is credited with prsvsn* holdcrrs’ namso. Rivuc Sunday eermon toplt The Pilgrim Hebron terdsy forenbon to take cXre of a H. E. Heebner frofiA^ut-of-town ray Bills By Check. Ung accidents involving M men, against roof of mouth. Youth Fellowship will meet In the grass fire st Jules Rebillard’S place over the weekend. / six wonMn and fivs bova while hs Judge John T. CuUlnan ruled Miss Gwendolyn Olenney 'and -Sf. Lane hsa shown “neltlicr his right Ooram inlty House st 7 p.m. ill' Gilead. Soon out, no damage;-, was caretaker of ths Union Street ainic Schedule Reported her brother. William, daughter and Bridge. nor tbs nscsssHy*’ for having aucta Firemen Report Msnrheatrr Evening Herald He­ Then You Can Check Maaebsster Evealag Herald Schedules for the immunization bron eorraapmdeat. Miss Sasan son of the lateChristopher Glen- a .list. Urn petition wm denied. ney, will show pictures taken by A timilBr bill has been Intro­ Lens’s attorney, Fhllo T. Cal­ Wapptaig correapeadeat. Mrs. An* Successful Year clinic sponrored by the local PTA. Priidleton, telephone HArrIson cS r. ...V duced by Rep. Lane 'Ordtsen.T Ha said -also that three years , The msmbera df the Flower of safe driving Isn’t much of a S t a t e Cs«n])i]ltt«s..of.th» Fnsiidshipi Otesa ~ ' Is Hsijis (shsls (WM f vro» ie« iodvw* SKtxn.ro-wi [a lO-ysar oafs driving reobnL Mrs. StsphanlsiSdhl Solid s, Mrs. Doris RE«i PRICE $1 I f ;fi m FWIIL TOESilll Hstatx snd Mra. Msriode Hoffmsn. Amenea^i Oldest Wdsim SECOND CRASH DEATH st. from 148 We won't sell Mrs. Heints Is In roarge of the Canaan, If. Y., Feb. 3fl (P> — flowers for this mdhUi. Manufacturer The second death resulting frmn Personal Meatloa IC* J. MW N IV I a two-car collision hers occurred what we can't Mr. and Mra Bdx'ta Hetatx of ^UMIlt 4 SUFFI.V C aj OUR 9UAUTY SERVICE, today at S t Luke’s Hospital, Mata Street have been entertatatag X- Pltteflsld. Maas., where James H Mr. and Mrs. Donald Halmstrom of Mattress Special Taylor, 38, of 205 Dickiiuon At, o t a m k service. Floral Park. L, I., N. Y. Mltchdl M52S GIVES YOU MORE THAN JUST Roc.hester, died of Injuries. Oroceiy Social Slated Edward H. Quinten, 44. Of Med* 'the American Legion Post and G O O D D R Y C L E A N IN G . . . I ford. Mesa., s railroad brskemsn, RrailM m R R O A D Auxiliary wiR h

Kew Havea, ■agtoa eermpeadent, Mrs. G. F. Imer, 53, of WllUamatown, Mass. ihMytiw •iSe ( a a i M ^ o r Ril e y —wuiiaih' Berr, tolephoae Rockville 8^881 A . . Your suits, coats aad dresses are handled ‘SSi^o VALUE! \ I who said he had given (^inten a Cheaael M la. Gaaa. Matchless Features wnQit mono **** aurrln* Ana Jel- by experta, using the best and latest ^quiipmeat. lift shortly before the accident FORM ENFORCEMENT BODY Save 120 on this luxurious mattress! Nationally Mias Katherine Lsnfli of W ^ . lOMi! , . . «w,riL5f...... In shorty .you get the. kind of quality dry elean- • a. I ntATCBE Meriden,” Feb. 26 (/P) —The famous Sbaly quality / . .' fbr'flrih, natfu] support I mont, N. J., a pasMngar in Tay • :IS < sail BIO STOBY League for Law Enforcement waa CaPed for and. delivered tag service that we have proudly maintained for . with. expensive Pre-BuUt Border, side stitch­ I tor's car suffered minor injuries. •:se BOWDY noODY TIMB law enforcement with emphasis \ to St. Anne's -RomAn Catholic EvMiRgrimHl 8 \ ; I.!! SSgTFYoch woBtn dn, but not limited to, liquor tew c a U M l . t . n i 4 fOrammdr Schoot ln an ink-smear BBA) it** WBAT’A YOVB TBOVBLE S o fu rd a y violations. HI6H VANE A6ITAT0R Ingnighttlms foray. 7 The vandals uprooted petted <41>Iff! BOSTON BUCKIE NEW MODEL -Never A Parking plants, strewed paper and drink­ PERioNAimD / Problem At Keith’s! ing straws in the corridors sad un* •tU (Ml tn*Ea^y°'i|Bow „„M.^imi*e. LAUNDRY & DRY GLEANINS Use Our Private Park­ Keith’s la Famous'For Con­ LIFETIME LUBRICATION Uorksd s bottle of stain which they (U, so?SS“o"Arg‘ “‘ ^‘*"'* 808 Mala St. -k-TDeL MI-S-MSfl ing Lot AdJotjitag Tho tour Chain! See Our Com­ f daubed on blackboards and. floors. fK»BTlC5Sll K*r-• ' The EaUre Block Just South. . Choiee Of Fabrics- And -Col­ I Ths destruction was so extensive •iM I) SFOBTSCOFB-S TV SOCNDSIAOB—' WNITE PORCELAIN TUB that the school's 880 pupils, after i*ffee; , Mirror^- Mr. snd* TALL GIRLS! LOOK! ors . . At- Money Saving romlng to class in a heavy rain, Itt) NBWS—lYrd Dwv*r Blair’s are now ready to take care of your Spring and / Sala-Criraa! I had to be sent home again. !*1*(*•- AW>BTS^-G.frrv- - ‘Hrely <*s> OCB M W BBOOKS ' , S:4S ( *) WEATBBB rOBBCAOT Summer Fashions: Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Sweat­ <“ > AAKK — Scrll MAINE SPUDS DROP ers and BIouse.s. Come in and sec our "Sketch Book" of ^29-^5 Decorated » : 8 paosbcctob !i , Presque tele. Maine, Feb. 38 (P) ».ts ( CAVALCADP o r SrOBTS* the gorgeous fashions available to yoii tall girls at sen­ i —rMaine potatoes prices dropped manchestrR _—Wllllft ppp v». Lulu pprfcs * • sible prices. LET US HELP YOU NOW! • -w-'Mlr-. T5W* I to- the> ieeveet p e w W the -aBeAmr jBostori> Rocker? today. 80' to 70 cents a barrel to 1 o r a urim M B r! growers at thU loading esntbr. ™ TIR C&. " " I a ! \ A year ago. spuds were hrimriffr i»:M r ^^ 757 Main t3,tr>82,Afl. .. , , ,■ - I S S s t i- asKrc.n«j«* "'T' 1 . « L Saow p liraieli StM« 314 M o Ih St.<^ NM r AlMory attractive gold » decora­ 'Broad St. tions. Coffee Tour E^ds; < « ) SFOBT8______PABADB__ SUPPLY OF I 1 Q 0 Pbsae No Relief in ■a-8-4284 u:ti <,, «:i!r"io'ii5l5T CBIME <*•) M ' e^VE N « $ 2 6 9 5 m S i‘® today with M ch maehiRt purekasud <») NIOm^p'^EDITION j (Csattaasfli I Oae) JSI SS5S2!* »*WA j4ri. V»*AL EDITION—Ray MODEL I34F , (•!> BiaauoBTa Bud98t Terms ~ PBRVVES ^ m of It." ssM Mrs. T f i ^ n S. S:W 'K ^N A LTIB S in tbe (SI> WBATBBB-John Quill Lirniied Offer While I Chapman of Jerseyville, Rl.," flrst 1 U:U (M) TBE UTB SBOW THREE W A Y No Down Paymeht I vice president of the General Fed­ (Uat) CAPT.4IN VIDEO Hayliff ^ MANCHESTER/ Present Stack Lasts eration. "We saw mUliona of J O H N W A Y N E NEWS DB8B — lUrk (si> eleventh boue movib . CARRIAGE trdes deed of a frost which struck r^lnb^ra U:M ( 8) BADGE N*. fit « 3 **Fitting Is Our Business** ave s20! Kenmar As liHle As $1.88 Per Week “TALL in the SADDLE' 7tie WEA -^ack Webb « '■ 844.50 VALUE! lest July 4. There were new “ill i |> rCLSB o r TBB OTY A three way car­ trees, Just coming into bearing. — A L M — U:SS < t> MYSTEBV THEATEB • JSI "Secret of Stairtboui" ' • riage in choice of OTHER MODELS "The frost deprived the world "nowlera of Evergtedea" lil* < 1> NEWS " Blue or Gray ONTOUR CHAIR FOR THE BEST DEAL market of an amount of coffee »:»• 18} I^SBgSSftr’S B *'* * * ** * * ' leatherette with Dostgaed to relax nervous tension . . offers coltael UBERAL TRADE ALLOWANCES PLUS which would have supplied 150 NOTICE TO PARENTS: Taa*amw*s Dajrama-IOxUlchts Poll o x Parrot sturdy steel support to promote healthful retexstkxi. Upholatsr*. cups to every American this com ItrSe ( t> BIO TOP « Due to thouesnde of chil­ <3sai> bouoLASBWrASnm«md ■ ■ .X. frame,.foot ed in smart green Boltaflex plsatlc . . loag wear*' ? h »ff yssr,’’ said Mrs. Gilbert F. the o««* *:«s ( I) EASimBALI^ ri. Wayne" brake. Body is tag, easy toolean! Loeba of WstsrwiUa, Md., t^s fad* dren Mhe want to see . «!> T «A » THB LITB . '! V *. Philadelphia . > S o l "PINOCCHIO': »■ U»® Aftar* t:4k « A4t> NBWS CABAVAN — John SNOil POffJ^OY^tM^TlJIll ' removable', .take sratlon'a coiisamsr ch'airmsn. it with you ta tho J "And thsrs was drought end In* aeoa we are schednUag For Sports EqiUpw tRt ^ car. lasct damage bssldsa that." TWO MATINEE W O W - HBABT OrniB CITY [them to grow fronuaoed to pro- Ooatlauoue s b a w I a g af

/f r X-.. /.'- f ^ './'■ i ' ■ 0 ■: i * • I"' ■ ■ ■ ).. i p i | # : v . , :■,,„ • I ■ >• ) ■// 1 ; - ' 7 / 1 ■ iP MANCH^TEB EVENING HERAU), yANCftESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, FElPilUARY 26. i»64 ' - ! A , " m ______MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAIJCHES:] 5R, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1964 ‘ State P olice !Lo8e H a i r . ■jSbiH ^ pf Enj^and jMXca.. With.Byrla ant her . rAlKb-LexgitFvxiWetiiitrim^ r iVeteran T rooper 18((8 Palssrina • Wicr. Xi&iiNtllf “ lead er Ditis-at W CbiipIg^iSucceBB Syria and lorasl are locked" In a idBnits stalemated dispute before the U.N. Seen in GOP StUdv Stafford Springs, Feb. 38 (Spe­ Oh Our Formosa investment Security Council over Israeli plans . ^The Board of Tax Review has (CoNtlaiMMl from Pa|^ Oae)- cial)—Lt. Harris J. Hurlburt, 08. (Osethwafi/laas Page Dee) . I: to divert waters of the Jordan For Town, Red- quartermssttr of the State Pollco added $873 to the 1903 Grand List (ConUniMd from Pago d w ) Every Saturday Night River to a hydroelectric project in I; '■ -■■■■■ '■ P- •o n flic t Dopartment, died at hla home at Buyer or Chicken? name, its would com et offsadsrs bringing it up to 191,873,087 as In accepting the Infariin prekt- Israel. ^ with tharsmark; “Inga—it rhymas nated in the Senate and, was not 01 East St. yesterday morning rompared with last year’s Grand dency, Kuzbari said Shishekly Reports from north Syria Said The Amert-ran Red Cross blood?providiiial«provi h j ^ L', after a short Ulnoss. He had been with king, not btnga.” suggested by the White House or program saves 135.000 for Man-' ' I MS btSMlBlI BySAVLPBTT to eell,” an experienced friend A t 7;4 5 P.M. List of 863.428.083. The addition showed wltdoih In preventing the Army coup -^agaliut Shishekly Chester residentaa” . a member of the force for nearly oq He waa the embodiment of pteai- by Vice President Nixon,.wim-liaii I it is Mtrviea, ani (Per Hal Beyle)- tens me. “Y ’U taka a licking.” bfuodshed by his departufa. Kuz- was launched by former Resident This is , r. '1 loyal VlatnamoM aa SO yeara "Aboya all,'don’t put yourself In miam in tha popular yitw. But to to the list waa reported to Ueneral Attassi's nephew, CbJ. Fetsel El been acting as a mediator in the a sUrtUng headline to i New York (87—I have a problem ban pledged to work hand in. hand jC~aa afanttial BsUltarjr Hurlburt suffereif a heart attack uw j^ U o n of whara you have to academic circles of tha EaglMh<‘ ORANGE HALL .HWifidjr.RJchaxd. Martin-today-by he amsbted the pro- row. between.. ltcCarthy_and. Ste­ which la as peridexih and much speaking world kv waa a dla- vflth the Parliament -aitd^ Uip mlM- ShiHiekly commander of the Al- imerost I deliberately Rn ftMeate Today...... l u Feb. IS and waa diiwharged from buy,” another experienced friend MANCHESTER, CONN. Sheiwood Beechler, chalrmlui of vens. about the extraction of some $20.- admit thaia ia rnudi to bo the Johnson Meiaeriai Hospital more annoying than the quesUon tells me. "Y oon pay through ths ttngulahed . rlaaalcal scholar and the Board of Rsvisw. - tary autitoriries in upholding the kppo garrison,. Col. Omarkhan lar and added that- th8thi^j ADMITTBO TXSTERDAY: o ' which came first, the chicken ob noss for the next ant.” profound philosophsr. .His asvoral constitution. Tamer. Attassf was Tamer's sec­ Frdm one member of McCarthy’s 000 from Manoheater citisenry. bfforo tho Viotnamoaa bo* ’k'uesday. , in if ^ Board’s find- N o w ^ d O bss »«y» cialni to'gw^' I It flaat*claaa fl(hUnt forco— Mrs. deenor CiuckeA, 4 West S t; The deceaseo leaves bestdes his the egg. The alternatlva to the flrat p6- doasn pubhcarioils rangM from ly s . 84,000 was subti-BcUd from Shlshokly, his brother Salah, ond In comjnand. Bubcommlt’.ee there was a state­ "Society in Rome Under the Cae­ ' • ■ - . V) * ” and his adjutant drove across the Col. AtCassi was described as ment. meantime, that Secretary tog • the residtnta of Manchester, bafaro tho poOpIo aa a wbolo Mrs.'Lillian Oenkoiskie, Ck>ventry; wife, Verna Oowdy Hvrtburt, two . Tills Problem, of course, is one aiUon (having to sbilj iamaintain- V • tiie real property total and $4,923 $3,000 more than is collected bv S- the 0 ia a war "on. I ing two houses at tha same tlma sars,” tasuod In 1888, to "Diary border after midnight following a the behifid - the - scenes brains of Stevens was correct in saying be Benjamin Packett, 30 Morse Rd aona Harris J., Jr., and Louis A.; of a Dsaa,” 1M8. had assurances against abuse of contribuUon. What are the facts?! Ootiafl eamaiUoa top o m mll- two daughters, Mrs. John H. Good- m s n y .^ ^ e have had to deal with and paying mortgagas. taxas. in­ Tt? S a t* ^ swift ai-my uprising early yester-. the i;ebel movement. Last year he David Wiley. 01 Cheetm.t St., Fred Arniy witnesses at hearings by the During 1953, the Red Crossblood SwUdfa moro M tdBad. wouadod, capturod or hsU of Holland. Masa and '•Uss a n d /l Buppoae, many aurvived It. surance, ate.. on both. The alter- Hs waa Dean of St. Paul’a the ^'<5hicf r e ^ n fpr the decline of day and_ an ultimatum that the "]^J*hotographed with Shishekly prograto prevlded 1,035 pints of. „ . Kingston. 38 Hawthorne.8 t,. Susan jm a t Umdon cathedral. wkl^. ia **™?«t «.^h4lfrm^ dictator.resign the presidency, and. J* “ *®.^M*>.‘hg..Pf.the_oU„plpel^^ Subcommittee- 'Q m ooaflict haa , coat Barbara Hurlburt; a sister. Mra ITI bet All of-them were just naUvS-to tbaaaoond poeitian (haw­ Sen; 'Potter :-(R-*MlcliT told" re­ Mood for;-,ise by"Mahtheeter real- ‘'" ’ V argiw Uiefc g| ftaaca and tho Indochinoae about ing to buy) is putting your furni­ tha architectural masterpiece of get out of Syrfa within 24 hoursy froto' tt'e Iraq oil "field toT Syria's Pratt, ■ Conn.; Mrs. Ids John Hasailton of West Hartford ae uneasy, aa I sm since It deflee *1 of almost Bantos depot. porters: “In view of conversations denU.. cenUge of these lOSB ' 10 bWon doUara. Two inilUon Viet- Flschate, 18 Lawrence St, Rock­ and two grandchildren. ture In storage, hvlng in a hoUl Sir Christopher Wren, from 1811 U,000,600 in the assessment for The trio took refuge in BeiiuVs ~ . . . blood would be donated ffaalr.'* the logic, challenges faith and would to 1934, King George V, knighted Stevens has had with members of The Red ' bavo been uprooted from ville; uaudla Browii, 80 Tanner split the orthicon tubec of the lat- long enough to find an apartment ^ute*^ and Pioneer Para- Saudi .\rab|an legation. 8pei6'ula- the committee, Stevens' statement •'*6 Cross said, llie Funeral aervloea will be held to­ him in J980, naming him a Knight tion in the Lebanese capitU was the user or tliatf hniTioo St.; Mrs. Hannah Creaicy, 08 morrow at ,3:80 p.m. at the Staf­ eet IBM electronic calcifiator. you can occupy temporarily while Is absol tely coweet.” r "P®rha^r fait t M T S e - Iho United Statoo govemment looking for the ho\ise you can iff- Commander of the .Royal Victorian The Board of'Directors Is slated that they would continue on to blood or for the senicia required Red Cross blood pitoram. tlM jiik Summit St:'M rs. Romano Lawes, ford S e r i n g a . Cbngregatidaat It's simply this, 1 want to sell Publisher's Widow Potter t-efused to say whelber to proceea ind deliver t>Js Wood to rofi^ tM to b atrugfl* Rockvme; Mra Ja.ls OlschafsUle Yord, and meanwhile the bills are Order. fa COTStder fixing the tax rate that jountry. -f fesslohal donor has been naiARKM Church. The Rey. WUUem ThlsUe, my house. 1 want to buy another .. Though Dean Inge reUrod'from Tuesday. Martin has not yet deter- that reference was to assurances the hospital. The charge for blood business. There caanot r aolnat tho aproad of Oommuniam 31 Laurel S t, RockvtUe; Mrs. Delia house. Which do 1 first? piling up, the kids are being The rebel army cpifimand now In into Southoaat Aaia and hence paator, will officiate, aaaisted by scarred for life by all the disloca­ St. Paul’s taro decades ago, ha mined what he will recommend. runtrol in Damasriis, the Syrian Dies iu Bridgeport made to Stevens in a session of to tho ueer ia a hospital cost. for blood.' Farrtniton, 89 Oak S t: Harold the Rev. Roland T. Heacock, paa­ I want to sell my house for as the Secretary with -the-four CK)P affoetlng the aocurity of the United V/eb«r,. Hartford Tpke., Rockville; tion and pretty soon you can no kept on reading and studying the the Grand List became capital,* tetophoned Lebanon’s Blood donors give blood to the tor of the Staffordville Congrega­ much as the traffic wUI bear ehntts the or­ . irtnee 1000. Thia year America will Joseph Dubanaskl, 180 Glenwood for aa little as i can get away with A reporter asked if Potter, was pay out about 000 million d-ze, proceiM B*.ru|gia Shirley Kidney, TalcottvUle; David action, I want to sell and buy with- and then go racing off with a R E H ^R SA L FOR HOME:T'o prepare for dream of landing on McCarthy?” , / Red Oilna la aupplytng the Vlet- Berrlault StaffordvUle; Patricia and fr>m 7 to 8 p.m. walkie-talkie and the mlnnte I see He warned too, "Uils overpopu saved in expenditures. Press Kept Under Rein manager of, the Post Publishing and del’ver the Wood to-hospltals. out having to add any cash, or let’s « lated island la no longsr sri tm- Uie shores of their homeland. Natlonsllat Chinese soldiers go Co., died today in the home here Potter gnnneogrinned And ana repiieareplied matthat ‘ mink aftth'f.OOO tuna nf'war equip* Nuoukb; IT 0P^^)^>t|^lpg g opd flesh the wonl ...fflEgufeJSSaljaS^^ coast ,,.af^ormoaa,....„-, (The rebel command kept a tight ■say." not iH'aeii' Titttr' (niirlavoutiir ti pminiswHnffi'dTiiurroitw r a n -w ’wm'iisioKaeiiTts'^^ •nf*’l w r ‘d'da''iBlerr'Mrs7"Alma F lion such as the Red Cro.y be obtained by contacting the we can afford on the next house cats. the study were himstif end Sens. 1 C " ’* Laos) and among thoae Vlet- imtil we know how much we’re S o y H o ,/ ^ Aoenatier, anxious to push on posed by Shishekly to December, Servlcsa for Mra FUcker'will be large enough so that a situation DISCHARCUED YESTBROAY: Ice Bureau for Women’s Or- * with ihe army project, then de- 1951, in a bloodless coup, would Knowland of Callfornis, the GOP Dum ber 4 s u ff iv c g | nsmoBa aligned with Ho Chi lixaUons, 808 Main S t, Hart going to get for our house? Yhls, M i - M m private, at the convenience of the such as this need not occur. It pro­ Winb -Krance also la eager for Lnreen Connors, Merrow; Henry BAY ST ATE MAN KnjJCn * elded to rush the two conatltu- head up Syrla’a new government. family. The Rev. Wallace W. An­ Floor Leadei; Millikin of Colorado, vides for a steady supply of blood ford. of course, has always been a per­ X Attasi is president of the National chairman of the Ce nference of All peace. Addis, 087 Vernon S t; Thomas El; plexing problem. It's aepecially To Acid SfomcKl^ o tional rtianges through Parliament derson, pastor of United Congre­ to hospitals. Its sendee to the Mltchol 9^S28 llott 10 Columbus S t; Edws NO £ before (he court ruled. Assembly. ^ Republican Senators; Hendrickson Viet Nam’s Premier Prince Buu The marriage of Mias J*ean S. thorny now when the real estate Union. Feb. 26 (F>—Mendell M •■p If ^ iii gational Church, will officiate. Community is all encompassing. aays Iflet Nam wants a peace Jendrucek, Rockville; jaewT •• By this action he: Attassi’s elevation was demand­ of New Jersey, Saltonstall of Poetma, 138 Autumn St. and market is a little wobbly. lavtnson. 38. of Newton, Mass., 'ff4l8f-«8fl«i ed yestercay to a broadcast by Friends may call Sunday be- Massachusetts, Schoeppel of Kan­ that gnarantdes ^‘Indlvlduala ilber- Kingsbury, Coventry; Mra _ BOWN ^ I-. - P*PriV«A_.«>Pponenta of the tween.3 and.9 p. m. at the WHmol. na Burns, 143 Birch S t Naren A. BHs; 343 Main -St , will i r s not Just the m oney." The was killed last nigt.t when Ms car rebel army leaders In North Syria, sas. Mra of Msihe, and tiaa, respects the government ctf take place tomorrow afternoon at left Route 13 and crashed into a M AlsoNw te Fay .» European' Aitoy plan in France West and Coulding Funeral Home, the Viet Nam and the continuation Augusu Pitkat Rockvill question of riming is. tantalishig. . of the argument that the consti- who launched the revolt there by Young of North Dakota. 3 o’clock at the O nter Congrega­ How can I tell the owner of the rocky led;t'e. State Police reported. MADILAND IN HIS SIGH'TS; U nder simulated war condition, a taking jver the major city of Bridgeport. Members of the Policy (Commit­ of the Viet Nam naUeo.” These cis Schicbel, 30 Hamlin/^t.; Mra. Don’t let acid iadi- “ tuttonality of rearmament in Ger- The family has asked that floral Domenlca Camposeo.yM Walnut tional Church. house I might buy. whoevqf or His wife. Arlene, 27, was criti­ IT ROUS up or down In any woafhar Nationalist soldier digs In tor bs trie on a Formosa beach. ’Train- Aleppo. tee who were absent were Sens. will be guiding principles for the cally injured and two daughters, getdoa gat the bast many Is not clear. tributes be omitted. Sti Sherman Hills, $kat St. wherever he is, when I can take _ _ Ing by U. S. personnel; weapons are also American. ... . <-i" . the .Syrian. Em- Bridges of New Hampshire,, who is Vietnamese, Cambodlaa and Lao- .Bu.xep.i.S, .and. Anny,..0,- wsre-lass ofyiM.Dea’taaAtc onrf juminar i . ... .A.. 3^?*4efScoredhls.-determlna-...... •• • - a.*”" In addition to her'sow and Rockville; Miss Jean Ctoutieri 3t t Daughters of-Ubsity,. N o,-133, 4Ule-until-I-know when the new w ■ — » - i I — «0» ■" " w— — bassy^s press attache said informa- in Europe, CSofdon of " ‘ ' tlaa' daTegadidhs at Geneva: lALI, will hold a social party to­ serioiufiy hurt* State Police said. oeadletaiy with .. tTon to press for an early show- daughter, Mrs. Flicker is survived .oiivtlni owner.of, my houpo* whoever and By FRED SPARKS tion from Syria indicated AttasMi Dworshak of Idaho, _ - ?ncor^. St^ J^45iA,h,lta^th^ night at t oYBdek a r the homa hr 8gt.>^-Mwwd ■ Formelstsr stW ’li’eal’ tlSa fa "a q id" ^a.v - doiWA .oa= tbe-European - Army pro- has happenedrsinc«7tbeni-:lt'wu^B by tl)j.e« .«tatmrs„, .Mgs,, .EUtaheth "in unofficial peace foelara has de­ ___ Betty Tour- Wherever he la, can take' over any fR R M i^ O W IM It gglMOMIIIf w »rcoit/a or eottoe# ■■ 'NEA^'SriUrf would become Ppertd*nt;"lf be has Ferguaen. said tho^-move -wns'not' Mrs. Ethel Duncan, 8 Little S t Levinson's oar lurched out of con­ {j. J«^t In the otlier partner states, terrible mistake not to ust them Stecher, Mrs. Helen Zeter and manded Indepmideaoa for the Viet Ullo^ 133 St, RockvUle; house? Do I teU the first fel­ 'gaaty pre'atara notably France. Taipei, Formosa—ia the Chinese not already done eo.) inspired by a Senate speech thia Friends of ths lodgs Will be wal' trol in the eastbound lane of the early in the Korean conflict. Shishekly, army chief of staff, Miss Rose Engelhardt, all-of Cin­ week by Sen. Morse (Ind-Ore) Nam ha profeaaaa to head and Mra CSiarlotte Waters and son, low, look, I don’t know exactly palasi Eat 1 or 2 Tuaat for top- RHONE TODAY—For FREE homo dpmonkration * Aden.auer's forces went all out Nationalist Army on Formosa, 71 Barry Rd.; Mra Frances Frede­ come to attend. when, I can move in but if you'll highway about a mile from the If we did send Nstioiialist troi^s from 1949 uiitil his coup and the cinnati; and six grandchildren calling for a uniform code of rules INCL recognition of his “democratic gov­ Massachusetts line. __ _ . speed relihf whenever distress to guarantee the necessary two- 90 miles from Communist Chins, ernment.” ricks and daughter, 88 Wells S t; Just holdyou r breath. Til race a good investment for yoiar ' tax to Korea it would be wise to mix survivor of-3 8 aMsssinatien at­ for tha conduct of investigations. The Soroptlmiat Club will have The wife and children were otcars. Tams caooot ovstaikalisc. thirds majority on the constitu­ them with GIs. The Oriental is tempts and plots on his life, said He indicated the decision to act FURNTTURB How far Ho Chi Minh’a demands Mra Nancy Johnson and aoa, 338 right back, put my house on the tional changes,' IV ’o members of, dollar ? Omtar S t. Mra Martha Griffith a dessert-meeting Monday at 7:30 taken to a Stafford Springs Hos­ Caa’t dwsc add tehowad. Reqatta MNGHEStER AWNIIN . more interested In saving his in his resignation iater to the As­ now had nothing to do with Know- AND MUSIC may be praaaed probably will rest market and after a few weeks or pital. - 00 ths (Christian Democratic party Under our government's present /Chenev. a/ ' Aircraft ia the hands of Red China. and son, Rockville; Mrs. June p. m. at the TMCA on N o r t h months I'U be able to let you ao ^atar, ao asiaiag, ao arakiag. ^ 185 WEST CENTER SX. policy to- strengthen , any anti­ “face” than his hide. When for- sembly speVter he was quitttog “to land's criticism of Sen. Ganger (R- Etnbinder and daughter, 30 Clyde Main St A brief busing sesaton Gat a haady.toU o f Tiiass to cany who were traveling abroad were .eigneca are matching they () Aimrican soldttrii here auper- hostllKy toward Israel, are fraught have.been, atabhipg out from..the DR. E. M. ROBBINS New BlvMes Are Being-Made viaing7 .the - distribution- of oUr ences between our America)) Mili­ ments of $3,OQO. The space wiU b e. fortress in groups of 4,000-0,000 Mra Lillian White, formerly was In the fa n ^ ' plot ln Sfohlng- RETURNS tary Mission and tjie Chinese High 'With'incalculable consequenciu'uid used for manufacture and storage; ton Cemetery. Dr. P bey waa l a . Care #f Chroalcally III armaments and suggesting how cannot but .Caqse, the government nien in an effort to draw the Viet- employed in the business offlee at BoMaess a ai lafihMual best this, tadkls be employed. Why Com mand ?. ___ _ j. ______.The Aircraft firm has. leased jmt ■MlWtB|iMjr'''3ill CTiM li^' ^ WIU a .b e C LO SE D . A. The most serious difference is of tSrimr seridua concern.” If the French Union f o r c e s cnuaetEsM^w^Xsan. the Amer­ 344 NAIM ST. W 40iy EDWIN -R. JORPAX, A4^P, returned to the institution’s staff ican Heart Assn., and the New the quesridnS'and answers; w e r ptmtwar dffWiorB" Tio’ p^ finally succeed and knock out of today. She ia in charge of the Fsr Appetotaseat GUI Written for NEA Servlee important part in the army even Ikigland m art Assn. Memorial FOR ONE WEEK Everyone is agreed that one Q. The Free Chinese Army is action the bulk of the 30,000 rebel out-patient department ITEEtEftSON 800,(KH),., the Red' CHilnese Army on company level. troops, they will have aoored the aervlcea will be conducted next RAY COOPER of our greatest health problems is Richard Hultman. a polio vic­ week at a time to be announced at M3 VERNON ST. BEGINNING • ' chronic illness, including those 6.0()0,000—10 times as large. Isn't We have no "right "nbf derif^ to first major victory of this long tim ia 1849 who haa been in interfere, except when we think swur, Harvard Medical Church, Obbv- CAU MI-3.S4I( diseases which lead to abnormal that like the baby and the wolf? charge of the department during bridge. Maaa. IF NO AN8 « | ^ Td. MI.V4Uf or .. change or behavior in some part A. Maybe more like the mouse the political advisors set back our lasewhare there doea not appear hla recovery, will soon leave to MONDAY, MARCH 1 training prdg.-am. The chief of the to be any chance for a victory. The CALL MI-8-i| I88 the W. G. Glenney Co/s . of the body, and which last for a and the elephant. In President Ei­ , ke up employment with Pratt M I-9 -7 8 4 2 political advisors Is Chiang (?hing- C lear^ce Vietmlnh have their 808th Divi­ long time. Included among the senhower's new budget, the U. S. * Whitney, where he was em- chfonic disordere are tubercutosis. Army is pegged at 1,000.000. kuo, the Generalissimo's eldest son. sion deep in northern Laos pointed plov^ until stricken with polio. He is s wise, fair man and we have ..at Luang Prabang. Gen. Henri m eh ^ disease, diabetes, asthma, Which means CTiinese Nationslists Hultman also waa night switch­ the effects of polio or accident, are three-fifths as numerous. every hope of resolvirg our differ­ Last Day Tomorrow Navarre, French Ckmmsader in Mn.Z ppi ences with him. board operator.and informant for 9 and many other things. With more Chinese (released Most of the items listed below are m.lorked below cost. ThOM Chief, aaya there la ho change of several months. Rertiember Pork Barrel'^ the Vietminh’a taking L u a n g Some , of these chronic disor- POWs) expected from Kores, plus articles must be cleaned out to ma)ce roomi for our new spring Pnbang. Hultman was the second victim R tiitr M i AiwiMr . ders are more serious than others Formosan inductees and Chinese Q. What do the Chinese soldiers Natorally all could not be listed in this advertisement living abroad (now enlisting),, the .. The French express optimiam to contract polio during the ejri- A person yrith hemorrhoids, for themselves think of their leader­ Hurry for these wonderful to^i^TOMORROW ONLY. demlc here iil T948.' For iT year el RIvetsMe Park. Agawam, Is example, is generally hampered force here might soon match the ship? that coming months will new leeated at 308 Fraaldia X': bring a^Tavorable turn, partle- and five days he waa in an iron only slightly, in occupation, U. S. Army in size. A. They realise something went lung at McCook IsoUtion Ward in Ave., Hartford, aerem from the yvbereas someone with severe tilarly with tho more effecUve Art TiMater. Readlags by ap- Q. What is their chance of re­ wrong when they were booted off help of the expanding Vietnamese Hartford. He also ’ made medical rheumatoid BrthHtis mav be com­ taking the mainland alone 7 H:e mainland. They know and pri- Odd! 'n Ends history by undergoing a gall *»lad- Bcintnient only. PRom H aM oH pletely disabled for. a long period Army.' — r $8-8738. Alt wsloonm, ^— r A.. Same-as surviving a trip v.-.tely, talk about Nationalist top- But as the situaUon stands now der operation whilo in the lung. of time. \ over Niagara Falls In a soap dish. dogs who played ‘‘one for you and thsre is nothing to wdicete where, Dollars In any event, ch r o ^ illness of Only a home-grown guerilla one for . ine” with the treasury. vrhen or how that fiivorable turn all kinds Is most im^rtqnt. Three movement on the mainland would They feel the grafters have been might come. out of every four patienfa In hos­ make it thinkable. If the Na. scratched and it would be unwise TABLES pitals ■ are there for this reason, tionallsts could- hold a beachhead, for anyone, to ask for seconds a t f Mawy MW homti'buiMan w intt moMy..E)ac8RiM and 80 per cent of all dissbility Is 13 od cssio^ Ubies. both modem and traditional, some BANDITS GRAB gisl however, a guerilla movement the pork barrel; Many of the gen­ with form ca tops, vaiuea to $19.93. A c accounted for by chronic illness. plus popular support might, do It Bathd. Feb. 38 (A —A hotatm erals, like Sun Lei-jin, chief of the The whpM group goes for G* ‘Xee man and hla accomplice ded im d^ **“ y ^ ««t 8lvaMouglr coittWapoHoii t» PU N ­ The rime lost each year from pro­ We're not how tralnmg them ground forces, ai^ as popular as Each the gun Shota from liquor store ductive activity because of chronic for major invasion. We're pre Ike was with the foot sloggers in proprietor John Brett isst night NING. With our PUNNING SERVICE you sovw disease ia believed to be more than parihg them to ( 1) defend For Normandy. after the pair, made off with $180 (• a billion days, pr the same as if OSS. (2) play a major rofe in nearly four million people were from.his cash register. State Po- UM M . . . ' • •d.s(a If total war comes, and (3) Uce said the gtmman succeeded in J ' unable to work for a full year. ect as a w.et blanket on snv more BRIDGE LAMPS getting the money from Brett while . ■ I ’ ■ The problems 'of\chronlc Illness Chlndae Communist anribiUons. MHpIe with parchment shXdea. only five lit stock, you 2 Include, therefore, -both the med- the accomplice remained in a • Oursto# wiH guidt you in sotacting nratwrl- This is.no BchooTfor Suicide. can’t even, buy a taMe lamp at jththe waiting car. As the twp bandits '7- t' leal and ths econoqiic aspects Q. Bbt why should America" .W - *; since a person of working age. sev- price of $ 4.95 Each sped ofT. Brett wont for hla own . ^ ■‘• t p qM<4I»y up, e m d ^ t down. (D o faith In the same leadership ,7 gim and fired three Shole. All . ereiy disabled by chronic illness. that failed before? mleeed. . ♦ Is often, unable to do much toward A. When the U. 8 . Army mis­ AUTHOMZID . you know thot groan OMtohi homlo^ n t - !' the support of himself, the family. sion went Into Greece many I and the rommunit.v. . Futhermore, Americans went “tsk tsk" at the bargain prieos wiR eoel you moro In tho ^ a severe chroidc. illness tod often form of monarchy then iwevall HIGH CHAIRS , lends' tq the exhaustion of avail- ing and the poor showing made 4 only, many were sold at the price of 812.98. but this 'Unf-iTP- *.»«maSgr»a?v.,<{' loog- wo, thoD oar t oo»onnd nnittilaUf) rrs.'fftBH'.waeii: - - thai ^thatoonUnued agmhmt'Red'YnerrllH)*:’ ' " ^ - 1 ftURfaer JiAg;haeis d is e o o ti^ ^ ^ w-v,..- !«.•**» aKtV-Df4*We*ci.-r49 ...... r 7 . _ 7.-». care becomes aa enortnous burden- In two years the Greek Arniy clearing the remaining high chairs at G 0 » ^ 0 Each CUTEU CHEVEOLET CO, hw, CONLON ■). *on the famllv or the communltv, was forged into a oledge-hammer . 311 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ^ - WISHES to .to plan w moot _ OBOUP STUDIES FKQBLEM _ that beat the Imalns out ufvOom.' All fala Is fairly swll known. ^ N N m w c E w r awfiiL\coM ''wtanrypaf— ileeplw m OPENING OF HIS also about this problem. For ex bag-froze to the ground and had ample,’ there it now a commission STROLLERS ” OFFICE to be ripped off like a plaater from LOOK AT TNI * liiiiiling ofthnotos. on chronic illness eatsbIiShed by a hairy leg, we had no better Covered in 'blue sailcloth, fine for shopping downtown 29 HAYNES ST. the, American Medics] Associsrion. buddies' than the troops from or taking on the bus. Very light and A C USED CAR BARIAINS the American Hospital Associa­ Athens and Salonika. M I X A N ^ f w O folds flat Only Each MI-9-8979 * M O ta rials doUvorod ds your craw is roody tion, the American Public Health • • • .. » ■ FOR THE PRACTICE Association, and the American wliaa yo8 buy a goHoR^sr Mwt of Public Welfare Association which Q. With their limited education OF RADIOLOGY to usa tham ' »no sterogo probioins to can Chinese soldiers form a mod­ is stud.vlng this problem. ern army? The advance of medicine itself, 1949 FORD 19S2 CHEYROLir worry about. - - ^ A. We’re not asking them to ip / 8EAUTIPUL PLAY PENS a : particularly In the detection and drop their comic books and pick NO DOWN PAYMENT ODORLESS Improved treatment of many dis­ tfDKORATOR COLORS 2 only, Oils number has been discontinued by the manu­ TUDOR SEDAN D| LUXE a U l Cf|L FIRST FAYMCNT NEXT APRIL 1S54 eases which formerly became up Nublear Fission. Magazine. As facturer. Reg. 812.88. You cerUinly A m * Wa'M Jiolp orronga a consfrucHon loon. chronic and disabling, has added we found in Greece, Turkey and MIX TO MATCH can't go wrrong for Radio aad heater. LdW asUcage. Ueatae, 8 YEARS TO PAY to the improvement of the situa­ South Korea, where moat soldiers A real value. .. $795 WANDELL- tion. TTie- Increased emnhssia oh keep in touch with their honeys SIMPLE AS THAT 10-YEAR GUARANTEE via professional letter writers, KT...... $1145 Coma in aud^soa picturM of homos wa’va holpad wbM is known as rehabilitation of Color COndilioning Points the chronically HI — that is, fit- semi-primitives are capable of FREE INSURANCE PUN handling modern Infantry weap­ ANDERSON bund oH trough this oroo. Mnr thpse who are pertlsllv dis- ons. DOOR MIRRORS iUILT TO MEET ALL SUILDINO COOES abled Into Jobs for which they, are •• • • Full length, finished In whit# or mahogany 1 9 5 0 W IU Y S Building t U t t e h i n i IHTIW08 RAT WAU FAINT *4“oi suited — Is also a sten forward of frames, these ahouM be a sell out at # 4% A O the highest Importance. Q. Isn’t the whole business too 1950 lU IC K a»a easy far you i* costly? only ^ 2 . 7 0 1950CKEYROat W oH holp yon buUd u ciistom-plonnad homo of • Each STATION WAGON Contraeton Baa aril aract fw yax, __ A. Not under present policy. SUPER RIYIERA RwddiMillalsCMaMMKt^ f o r w a l l s V H BI-G lO a INAIIIKl '4*ortlng cigsrettM HUNDREDS OF UNADYERTISED ITEMS iuater. 1- a Ob into lUly., .. $1095 ______- WafAerafleli The w e ^ ’s groceiy bill for a '\W- - V , - ---- ■ Phaae Hartfer* 8-4888 Local police reported the follow. MANCHESTER f W’I aimM m m C o Y f n f o Chinese soldier is $1.25. Any GI Repreaeatiag Ing arrests during the past 34 w a l l p a p e r s p a in t C O . hours r who might have to fight aiiother 348 BROAD ST. r ■ Charles N. GUbert, 42 WeUington war wonld gladly dig 10 bits out 1951 CHfYROLET 1950 CHEYROLET l - t 4 ' L A JOHNSON PAINT (MMPANY MANCHESTER. CONN. ATLANTIC COAST • R., spseding. of bis fatigues to keep an extra LUHSEB caar. 499 M a in STREET TEL MI-9-4501 Albert C. Bopino, U Eldridfa rifleman alongside when th# stuff D. E. n U K fflB T m Prop. PLEETUNE DE LUXE D S L U n ^ D O O R AWtlO, fit.. Intoxication. . ^ . flies on Bullet - Boulevsri). IMARLO ff41.t»W8lLj|f8.. ■AHtim.-fOiN.^^ Warfan M. Russell, Bast Hart­ Cefad Fight Iir Kora* ^ 2-boOR SEDAN ford speeding. Q. In case o f renewed wait in SHOW YOU THIS " • JMtN.MAINBT.ItANi Oohald Plummen 312 Center St, Korea, could we use tNese? ^ FURNITURE OtPARTMlNT Laer. pitfMagr- Rsdle. M l-O -U U toUBdeatfaB. — -X flu AbFoUtMy! GbeMdirbar^BlMt AMAZmO SYSTHi ■ BPiSi $1195 Fa a a a«« • erw « n

'■.b ...... ■■ . '__, Si'-i-'..', ■ ' - ; •• . '"A- «P?-.,>-M(/. • '/'■V '/-V -

(f f

'■ : MANCHESTER EVENING HKRAUX MANCHESTER. CONN. FRU)AY, F y UARY 26. 1964 MANCHESTjER EVENING HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, FEBRUA 26* 1954 which, wam .tpo .hiE it.w as also.: ohsM^-^hto j-ahr 'Ms' b^7invt|«tot«(t;' » /o i l and a question period wflt tDth}^ pcobaWy'part dissatlsfacs. tartdd- Ms-NiWng paiiT i- wHh .peatfts; , . _ ...... MfohaH-hottr panel tHsetraafon: ' Jriewaf .4t W a t c h ’ S^et tion -wtth-htm'that'thrTrtieR ■■with' Bt hlag hot a r . itfcalilBg 'Jh Ihls we' Jiave commuhloA 'fhe The monthly btruuwy 'm ifcir«r Tuesday,. ■ . ' -i.. ■ m that this was the way . she " F di w r'»P»r*.*Jm a'' ' ^ ' WOOO-UM Grange members who celebrate which he faced the outside world •By J . F. D.. snow all have in co'mmon-rdootor, Buterq BtoiManl 'T li^ w n c —!••• fCrange to Hold ''~'"'OamlBg PvbnU" ’ " Ihlltai <^emes Home not big enough. caught him oa the Kook!- hoUaewife, Janitor, achooi child, bicthdaya in February’ will be held 'nilmhle-puahers wUi meet Sat­ In East Hartforil "Dentist Says. He Uses colo'red and white, the aged and with a large birthday, cake fea­ %lUtev^ the difficultiea Sec­ Now, at least it seems to be ^Tho toUowi^ prograin aciioclulMilifo- tured for thla program Item, urday at the home of- Uiielr leader, Hypnosis Snccesafully’’ y6ung, .fr&strated and content, Mrs. Myron Lee of Hebron Read,' retary of StAts-Oulla* exparienpha g^eraUy expected thel^ his suc- ministar\m|lkman, mother. HEARtNG AID USER aro .wppUod by Uio radio maiutK«. Panel Meeting Mra. Hazel Floyd will conduct a East Hartford is out to deter­ »«'•'» a« A* .^ir Force dentist Edgar at 2 p.m. , ™ mine Just how fast tntfilc movea ^ iiw tryiiti^ t o ' d ^ R ii^ r will be tougher toward Ihnitk . . . made clatro the .ntaer A Thought for Totlaiy It bindq ue together—Ita beauty, I inanu ahd ara ■ aubjact to ctaanKa Chinese auction fOr which mem­ WUTH-f“ .S:d.rco<* bers are requested to contribute ait along Its shorter neighborhood slaM they can bo no sqM's com- tain on the question of Sues day . that he puts patients ita Inconvenience, ita .challenge, Its without notlca. * Ti::>•— Manchester Evening Hetold Bol­ fun. It brings Mease. NIW H you ore one of th# many Hiou- «sM- ' ' On Lfegislation item Of food, either baked or streets where residphts frequently y p twhiweaoma: than he was.' This raises the qiies- la a trance . . . te keep all pain tondt el portially dsafanod par-. WHAV-^ppei Berenade canned. ton correspondent, Mrs. Joseph complain of spMdera. aa-qy .. . he aeede ae ether or a TrtE DHITY OF THi It is one of the g>f ts of God. Parade of Jlualo i W------TK i-«aw------a ol- w«rldWorld iritaBn, telephone Mitchell S-5545. inifibilifiaa he .-facii(/jii|i tjie tloiiV of whether or not British Gloria C. Post DAMMM JR. sent who need a haorinp old Wp»5-^Attli; laltoaa lad Bolton, Feb. (Special)—Mni. . .. Student Elected Police Chief' Timothy KeHeher gas . . . nor other anaesthesia Somehow, the felUr WGTH-G. Heattcr /^fWloda batweiu, aegotiatkiwA Then might -have- -been-wlserr -to ~ Bponsored -by - ►he- -ManchoaUr Dniy to r spaclaL ocoaitonsrinavir Wniter F . JnUdiL let^aiaUve ehnlr^ - JoM : sHaUtaway, alnth- aaid, today that . the town, baaHirr- . . bfTdi^' U s B i m VeiKi Iw dTg htndrits ti^thfr. Ai iL a!' PBiiiNOTON d ir s dCred'-an electrical "speed watch” he must undertaks the task of deal \ niore generously with the « .. ar pliers make a seixure .. body awakens, his eyes behold the Council of Churchee. KARM6 AID )—Funeral trees, his ears sense the 'quiet aa Grange meeting /tonight at the Student Council in a special elec­ cats which pass over two hoses ft' •••ftft&f*************** 1*12 opinionated and highly factldhial In mich a world aa ours, one . . . as victhns asouat his ehair itrumeni that you can afford to servicea will, be held tomorrow for stretched acroas the road. ■ftt . ftM . . before he tells them: "open the gently-falling snow softens the personal Hearing Service Community Hau. A distinguished tion last Friday. The kpecial bal­ L' ••ft*»***«*»««»*w«**^*« |Uw Araarican'^poIiUcians. more mt of turbulence hsMly MS Mala S tn e t buy and use only when you mail American Oub list of O r a n g ^ will Serve on the loting liecame heceaaary when a Rusaell H. Pellington, 65. presi­ He said the device will be used wide" . . . he grips them with harshness cf everyday sounds, his BANTLY dent of the Hydro Chemical Ob.. principally on short streets where, Thusi when he made hia.report seems to\ matter. B ut that we must nose fcela Uie e;:bilaratlng eharp- Manchester. Connecticut 1 need H. The new OAHLIBIG JR. panel whlc^ will discusa current three-way tie developed in earlier a stare . . . to date his subjects UJPSS” ?*®""* Shop legislaUim-mattera. . . elections. in Farmington. Pellington. a for­ residents say cars spurt by at high on the Berlin conference the other know to be an muslon, and the have been men . . . now la the ness'of ihe atlmclating cold. O fioex MSd beekloi J wtight bM 2 ounces with bat- WGTH—JaA Downey ^^g^S^rW ^TOater mer town prosecutor, died at his State/Rep. Richard WlUiama of There were 160, votes caat by. apeeda. The chief! pointed out it is mght, Sfmta^ tqi. de­ aertpua realty .is. thht. the..N*ii*i(r Air Foivr crew ... A bat Jaat.as ....He is ..%W.Ako!.Tr:^body,. mind,.and OIL CO. • -D WIHUX eSIleSMes. Jhio J torlefr U’t aaty la wtari easy an home-yesterdny-foliowing" a lonx difficult to ctock drtvera over short soul. » . lMt0bury wm 'be" hfoderator; punlli" of grades"" toree, "through vote his main ingsiiuTty and argu­ East is throwing off sparks of soon as he's discharged . . . he'll ■ fIH Heao OoisesiirsKes. I your oars, May be worn W ilh^ W URC—l^ti/Periwin. O t ^ members will include; Mrs. illneas. He also was s former mem­ spans. The "spMd watch" should tackle women, too . . . the day tfL. MI-MSW eight with Jonn receiving 68 votes. ber of the Republican Town C^m- MW* dlipateliW. ment to the business of trying to many klnds\ and that if two soar His mind chuckles aa ho pictures I button in aor... j_W*»TH—Starllib^ Theater WRliame. State Rep. Ellsworth Her .nearest opponent received 50 help cut down fast driving in those ' MkanrtM crad he tries' hypnosis on . . a sweet his neighboors' ".dig^inv ’-’I" or MM.4IM (aovell of >ndover; John Griswold mltteo and a former member of localities, he said. tka weal hawa ml---- maks Hia actions odd declsioiuC|it happen to get together there could mlso, coy but dumb . . . we feel ; PERSONAl HEARING ’WHAY-Ulhuanla. i\AmsrlcAn Club votes and the third candidate, 42. the Hartford Metropolitan Dis­ Chief Kelleher aaid the watch ' ri«htt at rar«MlcatioD^. apada) body quickens and muscles feel WTIC—Bob Hope x 'pf Somers an officer In East Cen­ Joan’s election means that the ------barala ara alao raaarvad. Berlin acceptable to hia domestic be a confliwaration no outsid" this system will barlUIre . . . an'l their power as he bends to tnc * SERVICE WDRC—Arthur G odl^ Diaeat tral Pomona Grange: Mr. and Mra. trict Committee. -He leaves his waa similar to radar but he ftolt critics. He had, moreover, to fape' Doc himself wlH aumh . . . when shovel, the broom. RMIQE AND FUEL I Manchester, Coaa.—Ml-f-SSSl JJJRUf—Parade ol Muile ^_W^TH—Lone Ranger three offices in the Council are' Widow, Edith Leslie Pellington. It is leaa complicated and more ac­ eUant p t N. ,B. A. 4cra> power or grm p of powers vfould CSt- WCt.C—Record Revue Wilber Uttle of Manchester, past Spread over the three upper grades the ^ t thpt one of hia aavai^t know how to W al with.. The new he has thusly lost this grip . . . Other lives stir and come forth MM MAIN ST.. JARVIS BUMi. S~y'y*"S?“Xel>da Natinea WHAY—Eileen Barton maater of Bast Central Pomona and a son, William U Pellington of curate. Cost is about 5700 and one 'K aprw auttaea: .Tiia OIL DRTRUUTOilS WT^^Woman in Uouie WriC—Bob Hope . at achooi with ho one grade car­ Wethersfield. / man can operate the Avatch. c ritic uraa' oona other .than Sena­ regime in Egypt >%ill need anxiouc she''R lead him down the aisle wrapped beyond description, s'*r*. and current member of the Execu­ a toaafil Agtm ai — Maw .. . then like a weak but know­ *''**""' Uodlrey Diget rying off ail the^honora. President Two rubber hoses start and atop . Datnlt aoa SdetoM ' tor Knowlatid, th e administration and smiling, and breathing ateam. ^ WGTH—Jack Downey ^ Wt.TH-—Lone Ranger tive Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Le- Stephen McAneeny is a seventh AUDIT BtmlAU OM watching. \ ing. wife . . . sbeTl make hhn He leant upon hia shovel, resting. 333 Miio Slioot von Parmakian of Wapping . and AMVBtS PICK NORWICH the watch. As a car’s front wheels .TION8. leader in the Senate. Adveftise in The Herald- -It P ay s ,}SfJ^-J>arade of Mu»lc 'wHAY-i>hvenie, eighth grade. sWlfch setiteoff the timer. As the' Mania P r t a ^ Otmipaw,^ Iws.. Senator Xnowland had publidy Matinee WDRC—Arthur ‘Jodfrey DIgeit \ Htllatown. , • WiUlmantic, Feb. 26 MPi—The ■ DO flaaadal raapoatlHUty for ^ WVTH^Newt, Sporu ^ Among topics suggested for dls- Peraonal Mention Connecticut Dept of the AMVETS wheels hit the second hose, 132 pUcal a m n appaartag In ad- expressed hia “miagivlnga” ovisr WDRC—New* iMioii are: Federal aid for schools Mrs. Elizabeth Grace Brock re­ Will bold its 1954 convention In feet away, the pressure stops the .^ c a U aad otMr ra a d ^ anttar ttia one decision made at Baiikr! WGTH—Bobby Benton ’WHAY-Nlte Watch ' turned to her home in Rochester,' clock. The time is recorded in miles ha Haaebaatar Kraaing HanIA tlU - WTR^—Pftll Harrla-Allca fWve in ^fense areas; milk bottle cap Norwich in June. The convention per hour. which was to hold a Korean peace WHA^--Weitern Caravan WDRC—Arthur Godfrey DIgeal datin|r and health standards in N. H. yesterday following a visit site was selected last night at a Friday, Tabnlhry *8 . WeXX:—Record Revue ^ WGTH—Sammy Kaye milk liA n d 1 i n g establiahments, with her daughter's family, • Mr. meeting of the AMVET executive Chief Kelleher said warning conference, with Indo-CKina also WKNjB—Jukebiix Malinee signs will be used to tell motorists ]i ijiiji I iijiu ^wii.'i^a'^wiiNwgywfWiiWSwaB 0-1 so Vfc«T.sS'»f3m< -'WH*V--NhW'Wirttir™--''-’- .Xri>lJw«tee.Ctoitrla,xeiauaDiatriftt. ,And.Mca-.J!hUlDJPQQlay.of. Wat roiia. committaa-Meat-poat. tMa-yeav wW- Courts; retmlred Red Cross train- Rd. Mrs. Brock helped celebrate ’WhwtKrtimena'nr'6){!«fsti«fr.''"’"'' \ WTIC—Newt: To Your Heart be the Taftville post. The conven The chief arid, court officials in­ :' Tfliy Si t f i iiHiT Revoked Ouiununist China attendiiig. And WGTH—Bobby Benton WDRC—It't Mutlc Time ing for alf \ ambulance drivers. the sixth birthday of tier grand­ tion las^ year waa in Stafford in back of Sanator Knowland. i:* a- ^ WGTH—Ogtle and Harriett . Other topics to*y 1** introduced daughter, Susan Dooley, who en- spected the device at Wethersfield ' *T gueaa I didn’t handle it too Springs. where it is in use. there has been a whola chonie of WHAY-Utln Quarter WHAY-Nlle Watch well.” WcCC^Becord Revue WTIC—Newt: To Your Heart Important voices, warning against WKNB—Jukebox Matln.ee ■ X — Hist somewhat rueful statement WTIC—Lorenxo Jonei WDRC—It't Mutlc Time \, the pitfalls Involved In ever meet­ WDRC—Memory Lane j^WGTH—Ottle and Harriett . from Army Secretary Robert T. ing the Chinese Commuhiats, quits WGTH-Wlld BUI Hicknk WHAY-Nlte Watch Stevens, one of the flns'bualneu- 8*48— WTlC-^Flbber. Mollv as though, indeed, we had npt al­ 'WHAY-Newe men serving the Eisenhower ad­ WDRC—Newt; li t Mutlc Tima ready met them on the battlefieh' WTIC-Paye to Marry WOTH-righta ministration, may be the key ex- Last day Tomorrow. WDRC—Maaay. Tilton M :U — •. warning against appeasement, WGTH—Wild BIU Hickok WHAY—NlteUI&alch Idaaatlai of the shameful fwsltion • :«a- WTIC—Can Vou Top Thli warning against recognition; WHAY-SporU WDRC-Newt; 1ft Mutlc Time ■ that administration found itself In wnc—Newe WGTH—nghit yesterday—from which It could warning, in fact, against every­ WDRC—Newa Ig.gg__ thing ehort of a declaration of WGTH—Newa WHAY—Nile Waten only escape by what amounted to and a day packed with WTIC—Lltten lo Washington war. • t l t - WDRC—^Newt; Mnodt for .Romanea opehtny new and unsettling con­ WHAY--fcpper Serenade WGTH—Flghtt So, the other night. Secretary WTIC—Strictly Sporta troversy with Senator McCarthy. WDRC—Jack Zalman WH AY-Nile Watch It now seems clear that Secre­ Dulles had to defend himself. He WGTH-Palterton MQ'IC—LItlen lo Wathlnglon had to reiterate that, at Barltn, hr •:W- WDRC—^w t; Mnodt for Romanea tory Stevens went to his famous -Annual Sale Values! ^ A Y —Supper Serenade WGTH—rightt had formally atlpulat^ and foQ ^ WTIC—Emile Cote ...... - ...... _!_j «»ferw ice with.SMUi.tor McCultiy. WORC-Mttrv tombard#'...... upon the Russians a atatement WHAY-Nlte Watch and the three other Republican T'VWMI s -V WGTH—Bill Stern WTIC—Three Ring Newa \ that our participation in the ftU - WDRC-Newt members of his committee with WHAY—Supoei Serenade Wt!TH—Newt ,the good and honorable intention Geneva conference would con- WTIC—Three Star • Extra 11:13- GIANT FOR THE FUTURE WDRC—Low-ll Thomaa WHAY—Nile Watch ___ of accepj^ p. decant settlei^ atituto no diplomatic n^gnitipn WOTH— Ask Quettinne — ------WTIC—World Newa ...... ^---- ^ ‘ of Communist (SUna. T:ee— WDRC—Night Owl ^Wbo-Hydromatlc piopellera, and «yen newar typos ars the controversy if it could be ob- W HAY—Supper -Serenade WGTH—r. Edwarda fainsd; It seems -dear, ^further, » 'Furtherwiw e',- Beefatary “-Pidleef ’ir.'j2anatanrArs>if?R2afigS'W¥' .ctkij. ^1, fiifurg Tiighi apaaii tonnspflrta -T.rSfs*»iartj'’ra?c:*r?»»»STTr"!'rt . WTDRC—iramlly Skeleton WHAY-Nlte Watch that he himself thought, as he re­ felt it neceesary to plead for aome WGTH-rullon I.ewlt WTIC—Starlight Senenada aikd bbaiben. Pint production modela of tha big propdler will ceived various Informal assurances public acceptance of the theor>' .^WgRC-NIght Owl Iffy aoon iq a Navy turboprop veraion of the Stqpiw ConateUa* . from the members of the commit­ that American diplomacy Was not Television Programs WHAX-rNite Watch ^Uon. One of the largest propellers buUt, the 'ntrbo-Hydxo-, WTiC—Bitfllght Senenada tee that Army officers would be just an innocent, gullible lamb On Page Two WDRC-Nlght Owi ,matic dwarfs thS four regulaf propellers on the B-17 taat , treated reasonably and decently in fated to be shorn any time it en­ installation shown above. Thk airplane, with a Pratt 4 the future, that he had gained hl» tered rough company. Whitney Aircraft T-34 turboprop engine mounted in the Important point — which was, “There is,” he said, "ho reason Coventry noee, often can be seen flying in thia area with only tha one big \- propeller in operation. simply, that Senator McCarthy why we should refuse to seek ahould not be allowed to abuse peacefully the results we want Army officers Just because they merely because of fear that we wlP Heart Drive Head Namedf were following orders. be outmaneuvered at the confer­ It was at the next stage of the ence table. Ifo informed obaerver 1^365 to Get Donat&bn/Bids proceedings that Secrets^ Stevens believea that we were out- Latex Mattresses 7 9 .5 0 ■-V ' ^ ' fell into the clutdies of men maneuveied a t Berlin. Twin sizes with niktching hand-tied box Coventry, Feb. 2S-< Special)— • here Wednesday at 8 p. m. with politically much mCHre clever tbaih "We need not, out of fright, lay Mrg. Charlea Pettis has been Mrs. Leo T. Leary in charge. i 'he. - springs. Full density, full weight, full down the' tools qf diplomacy and named chairman of the Heart: „ . , Ha thought it would be under­ the poaiibiHtiea which they pro inches thick Latex Mattresses with ticking stood, by some process of official SEWN to tapes fastened to bottom and top Drive with Mrs. Edward Scliul- The achooi hot lunch menua i t vide. Our cauae la/lot ao poor, an theiaa aasiatlng. About 1.8SS let-^ the Robertaon and Center Schools .and.public confidence .ip himaelf, our capacity not ao low, that ohr; t« rr-to boxhtJldera wm go om m'- thta coming weeTt fonoWr^ M that he had not done any such nation must seek security by sulk­ the mail today soliciting for dO'do- — chicken noodle soup, peanut thing as surrender. -—, ^ - ing in |ts_ ten t” _____ natktna toward the, run)l. ' butter and Jam sandwiches cake ---- There- will be •only ■— ;w Tin«rtis;m ‘'me n r. Dynesi^ e a isit suffetii —-St^wtoBs-Hid^ii-Beds iS M ------— -...^ one- letter] aquai'CT; ^~ThegdBy ^- itrext—RSST having the things he had ipdned to each box and anyone not receiv- ! french friqa, carrot atlcka. cookie.er from, of course, is not merely t Regularly $309.00 Holiday Inn Lawson Ing one, and interested in donat' Wednesday — Welsh rarebit on the assurance that his officers fact tlud aome Senators^/are Ing, is requested to cm tact Mrs. g e l a tin: Thursday, ravioli or would be treated with respect and /m odel in a choice of Dark Green, French 7 "China Firsters’-', «nd tbmfore Values like ihiT Griiy, Cafe-au-lait or Lipstick Red " Uie Windsor Loclw Plsnt. .a. time, it la about Urns for this coun­ V a l u e s The Rev. Reginald A. Merrifield, a,":: . rMsarehOqn^imHdi^TndaEitMenRlaatFReaMm administration could long live with try to begin to-reallie that there sale pHcee. Included are: DRRXEL PINE, miniater of the Second Congrega­ PP®AD b r o o k IM PipVIlS—More thiui two hundred I t COMPLETE chambar ia ona. Whna lodsad tngatliiR. ths Is only one way for any one coun­ DREXEL TRAVIS COERT MAHOGANY, l i k e t h i s tional Church, will use “Abiding employeae of the former Broad Brook Company have been 7 2(Mhot halvas of the diambar fcem a vacaam So, yesterday, the Elsenhower try toi enforce Its own rigid posi­ KLING ’MAHOGANY BEDROOMS. In Christ" ss hia.. sermon . topic employed by Hamilton Standard, and are now handling Sunday at 11 a. m. There will be RADIATOR ,,cdl in which the balance of a lOtatiBg pro* .administration set to work to ra- tion upon every other country in CUSHMAN 'EOLONIALS; STATTON jobs in virtually every dq>artment.-Hamilton Standard’s pellar can ha maaaurad wHh gratt claim lu aeU-respect Flrat, It a Pastor's Training Class at 9:45 ths world, and that is the path of TRUTYPE MARYLAND MAPLE AND o f . a. m. Sunday for all interested- in , planned acquisition of the Broad Brook plant and its and ths ] Jilad.ta:aocampUah''IMa>by gettinr TRUTYPE CUMBERLAND CHERRY/ SERVICE : hinnf ef a,subetanttai immh^of the w ^ tfer iriht workotv; the Republlo^smembers of .the out to deal for peace, |f he can do BAUMRITTER BIRCHCRAFT M ODEI^. will take the place of the Adult have been of major importance to the people of Brood McCMr^ tomd^iffM-.to coafirnv Bible Claaa iintli Easter, -: , ao honorably And fionstrucUvely,- • C L S A H K ^ Bn6k,m>eptbay wmad>^i^a^.otibtuoiiiaatMBd Largaat pttbB dir«icm t»w ^^‘ ■vei Table and 4 Chairs Thf ChrtAian Endeavor Sheletji^ -Win siip im 'tSrC liuHm-CowiBgnP;: m ^tal prinoiple. And it would be ty House at 7 p. m. Marv And been glym t-taU m S'^t^ Mundt, pleasant to see him receive at 18th Century Tables 29.75 B u f f e t Davis and John Motycka will lead Dlrksep apd^.Ppttqr were appe^nt- least’' some posltlvs backing in the servicee. RECORING ly wilUiig to do aomething like'this, that aim of his, instead of nothing Regularly $39.50 to $65.00. Choice of Fif­ ' Set-Back Played but Senator MeCkrthy refused. teen Styles including ne.its, cocktail, end, There were nine tables of set­ but hotrified demands that he o r back in play Wednesday night in Prompt servtM for aN mahM ThM, the nmit recourse whs to C h i n a cease diplomacy altogether. step, commode, drum and lamp styles 1 All the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ la opr speetally ataffoe toJIa: ths Isahsnes. of a statsment from with gold-tool^ la th e r tops. ter. Prises were awirded to the tor repair Ropaflwiea t. B aetetur SteVens, a t the White ' J ■ ■ A djustable following: Woman’s first. Mrs. House. wttlrm a small plant In Pkofwayiiwpnia going cm inside hlm-iwas-not jaa- admloyiiig ^ to Ha modem wdl-equipped plants in Windsor Locks ^MaOUtthytam upon ua, aonable in lU future portents. The BY GEORGE McMULLIN to'iinteR thare haa at 704 PARKER STREET—NO PHONE covering more than a m il^ square fiset of floor epace. In STANDARD ressoa given for hia ousting is •odW oo to jRropftllHs, HamOtoii Stendftfd now manufiKtt^Vftft n vftHftly fisnl and official that he waLAseklng dktaUirlal DIVISI8R 8F VHITEB Aafi A ia A.hor- poarers for himself. ~ T SOUTHEAST SECTION a it iSS^^ioaiaipim eam . fud cpntrob&ia *y*^P*y*f* V ""jdOT aircraft. TAOthover 8,000 amplo^eai^ Ha payroD ia now ■ I -■ I Bserstory Hutj altbougb be may be af--l, I - i MONDAY, \ ;snatRarff w ip a t m ^ l^vhhad of havtag penoaal ideas iriNDSOR iQCKS, ■ '‘T \\ i ' ■ ) ■/■ I’V- " i -- -r* . r-- - V V - ■ ' ■■ i~‘ ' r - : . 7 i; -■ j- 1) ■ f./' i \ V f f

-Sr-4.: \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAFEBRUARY 26» 1954 e v e n in g h e r a l d , MAN(;afEgTER,.CX)NNe FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28,1964 -4 T- iie P S : i m»- aoetol •raw' wherr■ #pi injg^ -p- ; ■■ —IV-' quarter matotlals, will be * dl# * 0 4 cusseo. * s^et New Waniingt Bearing Sdbednled Adult BlbTo Dtocuiirion group m Calth Hearing on Mod^ LoFointe Cuts 125 Workers wUl meet at toe home of Mrs. ■ SI Campaign Status warning letteni to para- Gatami B NMffMrbak. IM Arthur Savage Monday at | p.m. In Tax Evasion Sidney Ellis, of Manchaater, who 1 p. a# pries# ■ On Pipeline Issue Personal Meatloa f)NPOlB«> Uations while .m.Jntatnlng 'an offi­ .keet bu^ora wera being sent oi cial hands-off atUtuds. controls both Manchester Modes,, As Unemployment Grows ': \ Bank StaleiM Mr. and Mrs, PonU Of Hartford (CaaNaaad ‘ Paso One) ' . ft of qUoia Amount today—{hU\ time by the Hfdith visited at toe home of Mr. and Bivlstm W est F e a r V Ths reasons aro obvious. In a Inc., and Britaln-Hall, Inc., may be .. ASkad Andover, Feb. 18 (SpeciaDr- Amount collecltd coiltctMi Rockville, Feb. 38 —(Special)-*-Clinton which was originally ^ n - Dept, of Easls^Hartford whi First National Baiik Mrs. Howard Spear Monday. Mrs. ***YYmoltt»i <■7 ■■ ■ . alavery, robbery^ hl*jacking and AutMfiotive...... , region-torn with strife between aubpoeilasfi to teatlty at tha Na­ James Hendrj', president of the News Tidbits ^ t 1,750 85 1,500 ICmitBiwd frea Pag# 6 m ) Bmployihent In tha city suffered rared by the City' Consumers dead budgie has^'^een foui\|) -to be of Manchestor . '$4 38- Ppnti to the forinor Jacqpeline Zwlcktir implication in tha bloody Eaater Flnancd mnd Utilities .... 4.000 38 trahition-eoaked rivals, such as tional Labor Rolatlona Board Hartford National Pipeline Land, Osimers’ Assn, an- (Cornwall, who mads her home 4 CuU«d iiMt-AP Witts 1.560 .the,j$taW.--And ;Jews. a Jtome-; . ilM ncond a«yec«. Jolt I n ^ .many. to ^*** me.nbershlp 11m- infected with paltthcrals virus.' r«s iki^iday-jatt-break a t Rhode laiand Real Estate and Insuraiice 1 3 5 0 IVIOO" TlOBWr atHT" Tk IROQtn Of two ^ haaring invalvlng tha «tm-4uiaettl«d r Bank and Trust .... 8 Y 34(~ ikHUMes that'a-hrarin|r on toe At« with.- too Spears for four - years; grow# alllancs would mako faitar union' election which was held et weak# yesterday when 125 lyork- Similar warning pdters were Hartford COiin. Trust . 85 ^ 90 She attended scliool here and will wa^' “mlaUkta State Priaon in liM. Construction, Building And’ V then can tall his aids of the story expand its member;<'tlp, opening‘it gofi'quin Gas Pipeline controversy hsadway than one planted from the two womtn’e tmat-and-suit era were sent home from the to the public. . sent out this week taNImyers of Mancnaater Trust 80— be remembered as the daughter of & M l ^ e h e t l 9 l k S #-'m to mUln- Condition of Pope Plua X n ap* Hia notoriety reached Ita hi Allied Trades ...... publicly If he wants to .' tho outside. . ^ ' budgies from Hartford atbres and will be held at the town hall Mon­ $M MAIN 8r, niiiriinira in lf40 whan ha figured in im* 1,750 78 1,376< planto last October. ‘ VDX antenfia Division of .La- Any person Uvjng within a 5- Phoenix State Bank Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cornwell. paara nlativaly naehaafad and "We told him wo accepted hia Pakistan and 'Turkey, along a New Britain stora. day at 10:30 q.m. ' — ...... V ^ t f . tf» what want Machmant of ' Daniel H. Dan) Manufacturers...... 6.000 74" 3,700 Jack Suall, a ropreaentaUvo of Fointe Electronics Inc.* . mile radius of the local PoeTOffice and Trust .....,,. 59 54 % Romana are urged to Intenalfy rasignatlen and aaked him to stay with Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the International Ladies' Garment Oh Feb. 18 some 125 workers The birds bought from the Hendry and 29 signers of the MaachMter Rvenlag Herald An­ Tark haar- Ooakley. a member govar* Professional ___ 1.250 38 . 476 may now bocome a merjber. Hartford store are suspected Plira bweraaea Oomi■poatoa their prayara for hia recovery in hi# housa without leaving it for compriae the 5-nation defanss Workers’ Union,* disclosed thie to­ of the Holstein Rubber Product# ‘Oiarlea. Lans to president, with Aetna Firs ....,, petition for this hearing are not dover correspoadont, Mrs. George , t o an affidavit uot’M council In Mi tta. Retail and Wholesale having been In contact with thd ...56 59 Premier Chan Chang aaya in affect 7,500 46.1 3,436 chain that ia contamplated. Iran day, but would not apoclfy what Co. were temporartly laid off Hefiry Weber vice-praahlent. Other iartford Fire . X/ the only persons feeling grave con­ Itavana aftar tha Natlonaliat Chlnaaa muat attack Coaklay waa imp^ ahortly Fuel Oil Deialers 500 : tho Ume being," Salent said. and Saudi Arabia, weighted with psittacosis infected bird found ...183 188 Nelson, tetopkoao Pllgrini 2-8788. aftar -Patriarea ah extra* 626 the union hoped to gain from mi when the firm filed a petition for officer# include: Harold . Btaiger, there.------— ...... ational Fire ------82 cert) about the proximity of toe Rad4iaid ^'niblBland within two Diversified . . -V- However, the guard at Naguib's domestic woes, are not considared examination of Bllii. Ho aald Uia teorgatilsatloh with the U. S. Dis­ toni*xr:v ordinal^ pardon /tltar aarving M 2.000 1,575 houat sUn barred aU visitors and treasurer: Mrs. Louise Irmtocher, The letters, from Dr. John N. ...'.iOO 108 Algohquin plpeiini to th«Rlemefi- of tha haarinf, yaara or Iom all chance of doing daya of b likely to Join any time soon. But subpoena would probably bo aervod trict Court in New Haven. chairman of Supervisory Cbnuult- tary school. ao and, poaaibly aea Coihmuaiat It waa itUaged the telephone lines still wera cut. officisls said today Iraq may come Gain van, East .Hartford director Md l■dera■tty las. Co#. •*7 McCarthy aarliar this that Patriarej pardon waa b o t^ t ToU U r'weieeaea next week. ^ Yaaterday'a. action waa announc­ tee; Walter Friedrich, chairman of of health, warn that the birds Aetna On Fob. 14, 1952 an explosion conquaat of Formoaa. . .100 626,000 61.34 |16,336 Tha RevohiUonary Council today in within a year. Hit "Back Paaalag” ed by LaPotnte Vice Preeldent and that at ena point for tSO.i named two vice-Premlera to the tho Credit. Commlttoe; Caaimer "may have been Infected.” and Aetna ty .. on this line caused some damage told Zwlckar, a much* Bulgarian Premier Vulke Char* In recent years, Patriarea has American officials have not riiltd Although Suall declined to General Manager, David R. Rawl. ClechowakitMoaeph Lentocha. Wal­ Oonn. Genei to home owners lit the vicinity, vankow aaya in radio broadcaat cabinet, one from their own group from notifying owners they must Inform "vataraa of tha Norman* rem alM out of the reaches of po­ and the other a ctviUan. out the possbility of Egypt's Aven- elaborate on the purpoaa of a He said tha lay-offs resulted ter McClatdhey, Walter Hoppe, the health officer of any symptoms Hartford Stei breaking dishes and tumbling EMERGENCY ROASTING CHICKENS „ i of World War n. that moat antt*^mmuniat political lice pul he continued to be the Ilia military man named to ae- tuslly joining a Near East anti- subpoena for Ellis, union rapre- a curtailment of production and PUney Roy and Howard Taft are of the disease which may appear. Travelers furniture. Everyone in town at prlaotMra jailed by Rada in Bul­ would In all. probability be only '■■y-i : hot fit to waar hia uni* -feai^ underworld figure in siat Naaaer waa Wing Cmdr. Red alliance. But that will have sehtatlves have praviously ex­ the other members of ths Board. Dr. James C. Hart, dilator of PaMie Ct that time can recall the tieavjr ON. lURNER garia have been pardoaad state, the Journal-Bulletin says. to wait, they aay, until a settle­ pressed annoyance at what lihey temporary. Grange Night Set explosion made by the blast. It's always sprint for Okolt’s chMcns. AU t h r o ^ rael nea ir Maariv aaya Oamal Salam, Salah Salem's older tha Bureau of PreventoMf^edlcine Conn. Light Power SERVICE MoOarthy's^ announcad Elsewhere in the Rhode Island North Coventry Volunteers brothbr and presant mlnJater of ment of Egypt's dispute with Brit­ called tha "hurt: passing" of com­ Rawl added 'thatt he antenna The Vernon Grange Will hold in the State Health) DepL, aald Conn. Power ..... Play Scheduled the year our roasters are nnif«Mrmly railed to their fidt _ to racaU Zarickar, San. front pag^ itorial laraali fi ain over control of Sues Canal business cpuld be termed seasonal •'*4 fsinlly night tpn.*ghi capital a btuiness promoter who communlMUpha. A job ho wiu pany ofiicials who have tosUfled. today that many ..of the. infected Hartford. Elec. Lt. A play enUUiecL’ the L a d ^ Un­ zrowik for delicious flavorr yet tender as nudi t1t4a>y, a mmhar of hit aboutd ma OH Suax now to obtained a number of war con­ tain. . bases...... With Ellis, they would havo the and he expert^ an upswing in at the Gjrahge Hall In Vernon Cen birds have been traced to. a New Hartford Gaa Co. , der toe Maple Ti-ee,” will be pre­ CALL too, told raportara ha aura aacurlt^ it''wrpiiaair* '-frow'bseaiwe-^ordiirTwein'TMaW'lSS’ Arrow. Harty.Heg..;-<..>^.-39-— * * * * * ■ * * # minute pumper truck with a 600 The elevation of a civilian------toone 'iuiue ttondaynihpriSSi'lK toirFeo-' ' Assoc. Spring 25H WorftU Day of Prayer Group of anSrHHavia tha raw batwata Me* He appeared in court under the eral Building in Hartford after # At peak performance the La­ oebe presenieapresented at m the e Sykes Audi. birds being infected this year, gallon tajnk from Zabcck Motor of tho top cabinet jobe whs viewed • ' Bristol.Brass...... '15H e local church is an affili­ Ganhy and Stavana ia ovar—that name of William F- Sullivan, but week's recess. Point# Bloctronics firm gave jobs torlum for the Mile of Dimes. though some have been suspected. ate willXs^rve tola prayer day, lu t'iu ghfa atatamanta wara "Juat (C Frsm Pago one) Sales of Palmer, Mass. aa a move to quiet any xpuUlc D e a tlia Appointed C^wirmaa Cheney Bros...... 8V4 10 ' he has been known here also aa The truck will be eimllsr to the fears that the military might Imve About half of Gia witnoasoa al­ to aoma 700 workers. Yesterday The outbreak of' psittacosis has Collins ...... 96 108 Monday autoe Columbia Congre­ S final blew.” intereat ia aroiiaad ready have testified, and coufisel before tho cutback there wera 238 Dr. (Jeorge S. Bit>okes wiU di­ prompted Uia Budgie Club of Con­ Fred W, Warner and Fred W. Sul­ the amendment into the ConsUtu- one bought by the towm Oct. 33 too tight, a grip on the govern­ Em -H srt...... 32 36 gational ChUrto. The Rev. Mr. Aaethar conunittaa member. in The Herald entitled livan. Sources in New York for both aidoa art expoctad to wind en the payroll. Today there are rect ths 21st annual Easter Seal necticut to press for outlav^ng Im­ tion. for the South Coventry Volunteer ment, Mlaa Anna OsmldMlI campaign for funds to give help to Fafnlr Bearing____ 35 38 Wyman, pastoiNrf the church, -will San. Dirkaen (R*ni) who atninted Co. rata callad inauffl- City say he sometimes usM the up thelr,..dlroct Mid croa#-exam-. only 113 left. portation of birds for 'sale. James Landers, Frary, fak. . 26 28 apeak on the suDjqct, "That Tliey Fire Company for $15,iM of which NaaseVa principal aide, Mej. Miss Anna Cbhnpbell, 85, died inatlon of tho remainder by the the handicapped people in this L. Dodson. 20 Willard Ril. head naauocaaafully yarterday to woric name of William Spellman there. Lnto yesterday tha Senate de­ Iho town voted $lS.500. The Aasln Shaker, told newsmen the this morning in St. Francis hos­ Rawl alM said the firm had been New Brit. Mach. Co. ,. 48>li 5114 May Have Life,” \whlch is the out a atatament oa which MbCar* Sullivan's business address was end of next week. going through a long program of area, according to announcement of the budgie group, placed the feated 50-43 a new secUon by balance was earned by the com­ hew Premier also would act pital, following a prolonged illness. made by the..Connectlcut Society North and Judd ,,.... 27 30 theme imlversslly gtVen through­ *thy and Stavana could asrae. It ia generally coacadad that tha listed as 17 Exchange Street, Bricker, which he described as Study CooMaay Rooorda gradual, curtailment of produc­ blame for •the upswing on South? Russell Mfg. ------914 11 >4 out the world on this day. Special pany in a drive. Pnaidant of the republic in his Bot^ in East Windsor, a daugh­ Also to bo oonsidorod aro com­ for Crippled Children and AduHs. ern importers. ha had read Stavana’ White H< avila of capitaliam ended with tha Providence, and his firm waa embodying the heart of his origi­ The South Coventry truck le tion, following the decline in new Stanley Works com. .. 43t4 48*4 music will be IncludedXin toe Sunaire + atatament ”and I thoufht it capacity aa chairman of ths Revo- ter of George and Sarah Biasell pany records from both planto. orders. The campaira will start March 18 dawn of that great boon to America given as the Berkshire Steel Fab­ nal proposed amendment expected in about three weeks; act luUonsry Council. Shaker paid the Campbell,\ahe had been a resident Terry Steam ...... 1 0 0 110 service. . ^ \ vary temparata.” rication Co.. Inc., New York. Robort Fuchs NLRB hearing offi­ A recent Indication that La­ and continue through Easter Sun­ Torrlngton _____ .... 27 29 known aa tha "New Deal.” It wSe Democratic votes which cording to Fire Chief Delmar W. Council had tried to avoid conflict of this areaNqll her life. She was day throughout the country. "For Every Child” Is toe flUu to Dirkaen waa aaked aa^ what Operated Steel Company beat back the Ohioan's revised cer, last Friday ruled in favor of a Points waa ' experiencing dlfflcul- U. S. Envelope.com. . . 73 80 be presented at the School Thuto- aaauranoaa Stavana had iteelved in Thanka to F. D. Rooaevalt, "tha Potter. with Naguib by offering him the a sister of th# late A. Storrs union request for soms of ths com­ Coining Events Retired Airman Jacob S. Temkin, V. S. attorney, vsrsloB. Twenty-nine Republicsns Action will be taken on the new tioa was provided by tho com­ U. 8. Envelope pfd. .. 83 88 day at 8 p.m. This picture ahowa hia Wadnaaday conferaiiM with the great white father” of the thirties, stotua of a parliamentar}’ presi­ Campbell, well' known Hartford panies' boolu and records which, pany’s annual report released on The Rockville Homemakers will tha so-called robber barons wdta said prosecution Was sent here and 13 Damocrats, most of them appropriation Wednesday at a dent—presumably that of a figure­ lawyer, and the aupt of . Mrs. Wil­ Veeder Root ...... 30 33 church school needs. EQUALS THE FINEST VENETIAN BUNDS MADE four OOP mambarayCK McCarthy’a because Sullivan Sled hia 1M7 and the union bays, will support it# Feb. 10, showing a net loss of meet tomorrow at l:3 0 p.m. st the Kills Self, Wife The abn%6 quotations ara not to aommittea. strippadT of their rapacious powers Southerners, supported Bricker. special town meeting at 8 p m. at head chief of state—but he liam Wilson of MatKer St., and of claim# that workeni laid off at the home of Mrs. E. Gworek with the cm Tuesday there will be a and a new bountiful era of by 194S tax returns in Providence But. 32 Democrats along with l7 the Church Community House. Tho Irving Campbell of V.ernon, for­ noma $489,000 for the fiscal year Oa'construed a# actual markets. Church School Teachers’ meeting uaaad'Proeedara while operating the steel company insisted on "holding executive time of the election were scheduled ending Oct. 31, 1953,- This loss subject "Etching Trays.'' Ha rapliad Inat many aubjecta labor uniMis and the coipmon RopubMcana and Sen. Morse (Ind- meeting will be asked to empower powers like the President of the merly of this town. tp be recalled. The Busy Bees Homemaking Brewer, MaYne, Feb. 28 (>P)—An V Kirsch Sunaire Blinds, custom-made by pla waa finally in New .York. Ore) voted "na” was recorded despite' a sales gain ware toudiM upon inchidinc lad. the Board of Selectmen, to buy the Umted SUtes.” Her funeral will be held-Bundsy This is the nub of tho argument Group meets tomorrow at 1:30 elderly- retired Air Force major EXTENDED FORECASTS dynasty bi rid W arn, Sullivan pleaded innocent t<^wo The next teat due today, ia to truck and enter a c o n t^ ^ wjth at 3 p. m, at the .HpImeB FUneral In operatlona for last year. \ Findell with new Ruslon tapes, will give lUtwh. wpeadora. of tha.aubcomr indictments -and was - release in Optimism lx between the two plants, -wMch are ...... CkoriM TeRehearte p.m.as the-hpm#of Mis# Gertrude and hts estranged young wife' were Boston. Feb. 35 — Tha temper^ fnlttaa in daalins with Army and an UHpraCaatinied;jiro*iicUva~ ln-1 ho' on The aubaUtute offered’ t^ the North Coventry C o m ity to Meanwhile, in Waahiligton. Home, 400 Main St., with bUrial considered one bargaining unit, Gworek. ature in New England during the s and years of trbuW (^ff^ 7e ffic l^ coma, a natiohal^bt of soma STB $5,000 bail. The first charges that Sen. George (D-Oa) for tha tenta- Tha Tolland County Chorus un­ shot fatally late la.st night in what the Berkshire Steel CO., and Sulli­ protect the town's equity in the American officials were reported in Enfield Cemetery. There will and the ILCiWU. which la seeking der the direction of G. Albert Pear­ Return tron Florid# next 5 daya, Saturday through i ^ while they add beauty to your windows; ¥ m d e U bUUon d low-disputed “memo- which furthermore behooves me to Mrs. Walter Meals, of Wethsrs- Joseph Kom is on duty at the of­ retired major. the newspaper said. Nunan is now two-thirda. recommendations at tha next town India's Prime Minister Nehru in a field, and Mrs. Thomas J.. Meila, puted ballots are atiU sealed Mid 4-H Rally Set darstanding.” raise a small voice of protest to.the will not be opened and counted un- fice also this week. It was ex­ Police found a .32 calibre pistol request of the Connecticut poiarer under indictoent for dodging taxes At laaat IS Senatora oppoae any meeting. Utter obvioualy intended to avoid of East Hartford; 11 granddiil- A Vernon 4-M Town rally will be near the husband’# hand. give and taka” Mundt on his own returns. constitutional change on the any further ruffling of Nehn/a oft- Icsa the NLRB dccldea the work­ held March 12 c.t the Vernon pected that today and Saturday was understood it would Co. to increase their rates. Upon the request of business­ dren. 35 great grandchildren, and would he verj‘ busy days for the After the Republican adminis­ treaty-making power. The stse of men In town voters Will be jMked voiced sensitivity toward arms for one great great grandchild. ers who cast them had an axpecta- Grange Hall in Vernon Center at YOU HAVE BUT . necessary in the future to The writer oan sympathise with this group waa shown in ths 74-lS the Near East. tion of reemployment within a office. Andrelski said 4,36,1 had got the statement that the poverty- tration came into office, Sullivan to establish a small claims court. Funeral services will be held 8 p. m. Margery Gaylord, a former la Army officers *— that retained among others Rert vote by which the-Senate rajectad A special committee will make Nehru-has campaigned long and reasonable time limit at tha time exchange student to Europe, will new registrations up until yester­ Three Men Killed would ba voluntary witnaasaa stricken Connecticut Power Co., is yoater^y a -motion by Mocae to Monday morning at 8:15 at the of the election. ' ' day. Last year 6,277 registered OiR CHILD, A BABY7 realising leas than 5 per cent on an Bradford, former Republican gov-^ recommendations proposed or­ hard against miUtary aid for Pak­ tell of her recent trip snd show their tasUmony was needed, and ernor of Massachusetts,' the Jour­ aand the Bricker resolution bkck istan or any other country of the E. G. Fisette Funeral Home. 20 The companies’ books and rec­ . alides. Booths set up by the or- vehicles at the local office. that they would m treated "civilly investment of approitlmatcly 100 dinances to control the operation Sisson Ave., Hartford, followed by nal-Bulletin stated. to tho Judiciary Commltteo .for of power boats on Lake Wamgum- region. He argues this will upset ords, some of whose material will untsed 4-H Clubs to show what New Arrival As C ir Hits Tree Unl6M 3^ want to take the and pro^rly.” ' ' million dollars but 1 Would a<^. our more study. the balance of peace. a solemn requiem Miss at Our probably be made a part of the A son waa born in Mr. and Mrs. Mundt said reports that Stavena long suffering customers of this SulUvin attracted attenUon ia baug. The group waa aat up Lady of Sorrows Church at 9 H work is being carried on in the chance th i^ h e baby will in- Rh6de Islandman anin 15M wmnsrhaa iwhe Eunii*turn, Thirty-three votes would aaaure. last fall by the GOPww. Town...... fOom-- American officials were un- hearing record. Includes customer rtown will be a featuck. Walter Graezyk of 42 Spring St. ■ <54 not ja a the text,. of the, memr beneficent public utility when they 4# 4# # .t -of; aay.^Aonatttiitional o;rtqck, Burtii wOl h« in ML S t. Tuesday a t the Hartford Hospital.' - Kensington, N. H., Feh. 28 ed up; ##^ oae-ofOB# of -two tom majormaj ■ corn mtttoe. «e“ratjraww-ir to feel that Nehru, hav- «idei«,< raw- -material- purchases ' ...... Oonattoaa Betaff Received Three nien 'were killed last nl|Hit ;\- herit. twoetnb^^of, your. ea-- ‘ snjidum oaforo it i waa released tdlllaed any rata' reductions from tributors to ,tho auccfaafm Senata amendmant. AcUially, it probably '-Ing had hia aay, may ease his Benedict Cemetery.- snd payroll records. Herman Usher of the local Sav­ were incorrect • Mr. Barney's progreasive policies. to act oh the ptoposala. The funeral home will 'be open when their oar smashed against a • tatersee'yoar Vw.ver about a campaign„ i of J . Howard McGrath. will taka only 30 to S3 alnca there The Beard of Finance will rec- critietam now that they failed to ...... JDiftiiy IMssohiUoe — ings Bank to accepting contribu- Taicottvllle item* aro now han­ Ha iUd Stevens devoted' "dve Of course, alt of these proposed for the; Convenience 'of friends tb- Mganwhll#. nritAin-UMU dled through the Mainchester Eve- tree on Route 150 near -the- Jund- 9HIL wiP' contribute" to- -emmewd-fiiHuioiiig--#-$80»000 ap-1 N.QsMJSa^ 5ty Lanna.a,ld..„..'nie.inT,. ..tlnnauaaai— aaaaaisaaouaaas#inwaavB^waaaiffa#P4BpSBBsobjHfciBafl.Poi..3?f. f- the Snal draft of the sUtOment better service and must be in< lawa. and from 7 to 10 pj m;— ’ rated at One Market S t, telephone The vicUm# ware identified as: corporatsd to Justify the increase appropriation will. covtc..JUio coot move toward Communism in an- mitted by a nfanagement attorney or containers in public places in Francis M. Fanner, 47, of 49 and "all tha changes ha auggested Earlier. SulUvan.bld aucceasfuUy soeUoa# deaignod to mako cartain ger bu'ut wtl) conUnue his efforts at the hearing last wtok Indicated this'area, rosidento are aaked to Rockville 5-8188. firara pul in."' in Mr. Barney’s dividends, 1 maan that trhatlss and other inter&atlon- of an elementary school alto, aita V'ator ' St- .Newburyport;~Masa,; ratas; However, it still seems to a on a number of QUonaet War con­ development, survey of tha site to weld a hsutrsl buffer bloc be that the corporation waa sched­ , mall or deliver all contributions tb Charles Clark, 30, of 126 McDon­ Meantime, tha White House ra- tracts, and he flgurad In aeveral al agreamanto are superior to the tween the East and West. uled to go out of existence Sun- ' the Heart Fund to Usher. AUTO DESTROYED BV FIRE Rfped to give out any information rather Ignorant aubacriber that ■ Cbnafltution. The other provision and architectural, cost of final ough S t. Portsmouth. N. H., and five per cent return on any invest­ invoatigaUons by tha Navy, tha plans for the' -proposed, new ele­ As yet. there was no official F u n e r a ls \ r ^ ' . . VPW i;alt Head To Visit Tolland, Feb. 26—A 1951 Cadil­ Patrick F. Kean, 32 of 19 Dove St., ee how imblic reaction is running newspaper aaid. would roquirs roUcall votss oa Sen­ comment from New Delhi, hut It Atty. Waif rid tiundborg Friday Tha Ladles Auxiliary of the lac sedan went up in flames yester­ In talekrams .and letters on tha ment, ia these times, plua the of­ ata raUficaUon of treaties. mentary school. Newburyport. ficers' meager salaries and ex* In another matter votera wlU was speculated there Nehru introduked into the hearing a d r- local VFW Post will meet tonight day on the Wllbiw Cross Highway ThrM other men in the car wera Stavana-MoCartby pontrovarsy. George’s aubaUtute contains the might diecuse the matter in Par­ bits. Bertha Geaa Rymarslek tifleate of amendment to Britoin- a t 8 at the Post rooms on Elm hero at about 4:15. In the car, \ ”We art not tunning a popular? peases, adds up to a total which NUcaU provision and also a sec- ba aakad that tha town abandon seriously injured. They are: Farm­ HARMAC’S ■\ should aatiafy an honest laborer. a secUon of road leading from liament today. The funeral of Mrs. Bertha Gass Hall's certificate‘ of incorporation St. Department President Genevi- sides the driver. Dr. Arthur N.- er's brother, Norman, 49; Joseph SHOP NOW tty contast” Proas Secretary Hag- tloa idenUcal with one In the Re- At Karachi, Prime Minister' Rymsndck, 388 School St., was which termlnatea the life of the eva O'Shea will mahe'her official Kruger, 38, of Kingston, P.-,., were arty told newsman. Why do not our elected repre- pwwif«»»ii leaders' ifian to cstablirii Silver Street to the residence of Hudson of 7 Graham St., Newbury­ aeatativea ask for a flnhnclal coat and ^ WUfrtd E. HiU and Ruth Hill. Mohammed All qaid Pakistan has held yesterday afternoon at 3 organisation on Feb. 28. visit at this tim#. three passengers, including the port, Mass., and Frod D. Moore, Hagar^ reported receipt of "a t h i traatlos or oxecuUve agreo- She will be accompanied l)y analysis of this company's posi­ monto in conflict with tha constitu­ Becauae' of the town meeUng. pledged "not to engaifo in any act o’clock at the Concordia Lutheran The amendment which revises owner, J. Harold Flannery, S'r., of 29, of 2 Water St., Newburyport. let o f telagrama,” but he repeat­ of. aggression a|^nst any na- Church, with the pastor, the Rev. the "In perpetuity” clause of the District President Katherine Kirby Pittson, Pa. All four escaped in­ edly declined to give any indica- tion, including an itenUsed account tion are void. tho OOP Town Commlttoe meet? Farmer and Hudaon wera taken of the officers' salaries, stock- <1—Which . ___, two. tr, B. Ing haa boen postponed to . March Uon.” He added that the United Erich O. Brandt, officiating. Rob­ certificate, waa reported voted at of Hartford and two past depart­ juries. to Amesbury, Mesa., hospital. sesf OBxMMitlVtt Chftck Is Kttjr Mba aa to how the wiroa wara run­ States has* not ariced for bases ert Torek - presided at the organ. ment prestdahts, Florence Streeter State Trooper Edwa r isauaa. Hagerty shot back; ^aa alectrio. light they ahotud 44—V-Where warn 4he firs Edward R. Bagtey, 81-yaar-eld ooovlBced that-th# j^cant of aid It Kleinschmldt, Arnold . Klein- tions as of Sunday. ------— : Jones. Mary. McLaughlin. Anna DepartmonUi responded to the caUi stata Une,' — r —------— "So what?” tfva domaaficaBy u r this country Pollnaki, Audrey Bliss and Esther thkik about the above. It should pariah ergaalsed la the Ualted without an act of Cmigress. pediatrician who practiced in Hart- deaifr'-hfis.to ■< rengt en the defenee Schmidt, William F. Gess, Jr., and The Secrotary of State's office, ■ \ prove iUumlnaUng. BtatealItatear Kaowland read to the Senate yes­ ford, shot himi to death in hia qf the tree world, bei'eve that it Richard Gess. ' where the certificate of amend­ Gruantg. Entire Balahee XH Stock } R. R. Sloane A—At Portland, Mainfc in 1936. terday a memo approved hy Atty. home hare. Dr. y Allen, medical will pot ba datrimantal to India'# ment was- filed Jsn. 18, said it Food, Rummage Sale Set Car RegiftiratioiiB .Thai broadcaata -wera lnt«ulad for aea.-Browneli; #|aUng thle would examiner. :d.. - ...... defeme..'!__ ...... -.j______.._8CELHA.,PASSRflU-TEST- ... was only on« Pf a -number of jLfood and rummage sale spom "Priatad PelaoB” peoplo imable to attend church. seriously curtail the powers of th4 Firem en______ed______to the young__ SpaholaUoa MaoaU chMiges that had beep made re­ sored by the Ladies' Aid of the To tho Editor. ^ President. physician’s home late yestertoy to Spoca’aUon on the anioiuit of Rome, Fsb. .38 Mh —PrinM cently in the company's financial Chryatal Lake ^Community Church H«re Total 6,300 aUMtaryaid to Pirictatan has run to will be held at the Community Be Moved Regardless of Prices. I waa very happy Indeed last i j—Was aa attemp4 ever aw4e George replied scathingly, chUlng force an entry Intone locked bath­ Mialster Mario Soelba passed hlk structure. - - to oast Reed finsoet af Utah from Brosimell "a pretty curious kind of room where he died. between 25 end 50 million dollars. first parliamentary'trat tonight, House tomorrow starting at 10 week to read the aeriet. of articlea RANGE and FUEL OIL Rfith onljr eno mor# day to go, the S eu te? Attorney Oeneral" end sn "odd fel­ * Dr. Bagiev, who Mavee a widow But officisls said no figures are winning a vote oP ooafldenoe In A LITTLE S'Ur PLUS ''c- a, ra. - \ tha aub branch offiea of tho Motor in the Hartford Gburant condemn­ A—Religion was at the foot of low.'* iUid he told his coUesgues: and two children, was educated at Arm tmtil a r;ii tary survey team the Itoilan Senate.' ^ Sports Night’ ' '• GAIARDINES VoMcla Dept, haa iasued mora than ing; the ao-calldd"comic” books an unsuccessful attempt to oust "If w aste going to be governed St. Thomas Seminary, Holy Cross gpa# to Pakistan and determines Waabtofitoa, Feb. 26 VP) Many vtoltora are expected for Only $2.00 Pr. Our Loss Is Your Gain the aenator in 1904. He was a Mor­ the Country’s needs. the Legion Sports Night to be aaoo rM4>toatiena. A total of which glorify evory facet of de­ by what .the Attorney General CoUegt and Uih Vnlversity of TODDLER lULLED BV CAR JPeatagon Spokewnan told HOnae COAL - COKE • SHARKSKINS mon. says or the President says, we Georgatown Madlcal School, from Btsenbower also eihphasised the held at the Legion Home on West For Second Pair , f5e won dUtributed today by I pravity. , This la not \S prohUm lavestigatora today ttie Army •CHECKS a’eldek; might as well go ahead and let the which ho was grattuatod in 1944, recent Paklstan-Turkey agreement .Essex, Feb. 28 (S»|—Datid kaa five time* aa many suppllea St. tomorrow with a roast beef Boy 1 Pr. Ref. $7.95 The office will be open tomor­ which concorna Hartford citUens <)—When did the Britfsh ffMa Attorney General and the Presi­ Aftar compleUng .Jiia internship to f4>rm. an alliance with an "open Frilhwald, 3(j-year-oM Essex as necessary Ip some Medical dinner being served at 7 :30. 24 Hour Miyery'Sorrice • SiiM 28-42. Get 2nd Pr. Only l^ilO MEN'S HEA^ WBOHT row Iran 8:80 a. m.' until noon. and Hartford ehildron cions but is eeatral ef the lale of Maaf dent run the government,” at St. Francis Hoapital'iii Hartfora, end,” that is, open to otitor Near boy was killed today while ehae- Dopartineat Items and aooM “Larry" Oneto will' be the lUain of vitel impoitance to parents and 4A—Inl785. * Bricker’s new secUon, beaten Dr. Baglay spent three years as a Bast BsUons. The United Statee ing a baekethalt acroen Wartaw attraction of the evening.' repre­ iWter that time, local motorUta atedkpiles. aro anfflcieat far senting the Winchester-Western- FAIRS ONLY who do not.aocuro ngtatrationa children in every place where yeaterday,’waa similar to ths key captain in tha Air Force Modicml haa givan strong beblnd-tfae-scenes Street in the Ivoryiea aeetiea of three jTara’ peacetime epera- •Re«.$7J5 1 Kids’ Shoes I scene literature is sola,. Now that <)—b there* a fnfit eaUed the provision in the George sub- Corps, I support to Pakiatan-Turkey nego* towa. He waa struck by a car.. tleas. Anna and Ammunition Divisions %gfe pauat go to Hartford. Cur- amagoeto^T rqdt tMiatratlona axpire at mid- the (^>enihg gun ha# been fired I sUtute, axcept 'that it stated that ef QUn Industries, Inc. MORIARTY BROTHBIS hope th#t eVwy parent and every A-rYes- It grows dn tha East treaUea aa waU qp execuUvs' agrec- Hs will show two films. One $3.99 Value ' Bight mmday and new Inaerta Indies and tastes much Uka hn called the "Realm of the Wild-," in Buut ba dlapUyed after that hour organisation in Manchestor In- manto muat be implemented by 315 CENTER STREET TEL. MI-3-5135 Reg, $2.29 cluding_).e___ PTA'a_____ and____ the_____ Mother's orange. It Cannot be grown In the Congress to be effecUve in this technicolor and sound, shows Half PriM Salt oa ALL-WOOL SUCKS iNCMnAii imataK. .vtbicla. can.gn. on. Gitcus'wfir contMUi: ’^*4to* fitotm »* OtripartestofTramwIba^ Valuo only to keep thU "printed poison' The jOhloan 'has aaid he would .in North America, filmed in their Tharo wara 8.048 rogUlira'Uona Q—Hew .did the werd hely? ara. sixts ws $i4.fi ... - out Of the hands of their own c)dl' airport Oaor; .B;a.ptan if his own , natural .hkbitato. . Tlte second ; Is dran het .to riimiBBts i t ?ri^ 'th e cense to innaa "eeriAMng the' Were beateh. 3ut hCilso fold 're- ehUUed"5portlhg Arms and" A i^ MEN'S ifiraiwiiaHdiaad .. .#tA-ehlp t" I ------■;pmtsi #■' litosasa propcaat'sra#;-tlto 6 ‘4wfiltos^ri*ldt*flfcsto*-b$behf m sm m . fifUf- 'A—FiragB^ia of broken monu- the-scenea picture of the manufsc- nooB win bo out of luck BOW aa Ume. The buslnpm' piou rvho run minimum he would accept ea . a these stomr are a part ef our com moato from a church In England permanent solution to possible AND tura of guns and rifies. # n 2ND PAm AT I j j j j j p Hiq I j munlty, many of them property ware aaid to have been used at one abuse.s of the treaty, power:, he To Expaito Meerberriilp Ownen and parant# Lat ua bc|>a UoM to eorub the decka of ahipa aald that he would seek ^ con­ Annorndemeht was made yester- Loafers that they will have the courage to of the British Navy. It ia from this tinue to make a poliUca} issue of diOr that the local Federal Credit tax ealUrtor, U cloaad on fiatur- nfuBO the "paokage” which con­ pracUce that ths Word is derived. the matter; parUculariy in this Reg, $2,99 Value tains comice. of the nature de­ year'a congressional 'alecUohs. BENSON Rege $4,99 aub branch will ba' opan scribed. However, ' this pl*on*up i^ W h at to tha bobm of the Mrd •gain during tha final waek of should not bo confined to comic which feeds opea eyetera? HAVI UCN ASSOCIATED April'to iaaiM driven Ucenaea. books but should axtond to an oh* A—The oyster catcher. It haa a Aato Wnaiim axsafihaUoha will n - acene literature including the lurid long, strong biU which It uaaa Uka Purnell' Parking ; fOE 2S YEAEl bera TMadiy. Teats are pockethooke wipch glorify crime a chisel to open the' oystora. Unued daring the period, of and sex and which have bacoi. a IN MANCHESTER OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL g regtetrationa and Ucenaaa, Meeting Tonight ISO ao popular amongat opr toaa-agars. Q—Where Is the eldest Hght- tm ---uO&U' : ''i, a Solids, check, plaids I m ar pSrUculariy tu a pocket- beaee la the Ualted States 7 book called "Facto- of U fe and A—Sandy Hook, N. J^ arectod Widening and extending Purnell a All sizes • Leva for ften-Ager " wliiaiJaavaa In 17fiS. Place ct an eattraated coat ol OPEN SATURDAY I I A J L UNTILSPJL .AlrautTown nothing to the ioihginsUo^ and - -3=5 $100,000 will coma up for diacua- New Feattoes Galore For D • R ^ . 63.96 and |4.95 which condone.^ pracUcoa i ’ oaal tonight your outdated equipment Pubgc RaUtlons, Wedneadey weU being. WASHISs or black. No pure Arabian horse Cost to the town X- ould be about Vraaeis Ho^rital. Hartford. An Interested Mother to ever spotted. , ^ RINSIS,DiUMP.DRIIS CHARCE m u n .a $47,000, to be taken from the Park­ ACCOUNTS^ WBA Guard Club will meat- ing Meter Fund, with merchants ’ NIGHT GAME gPBClAUST . 4 — laveattoa ia m i imneflttlng from the project ahv- • Get our BIG trade-in PULL fIZE INVITED at 5 o'clock with Mrs. made paaafcle the ' bulldlag e l Barratt, 16 BldrIdge S t ing the additional expense. To Cleveland, un Joo Ginsberg, Bsadoni eaaato? complete the plan, in will be neeea- ha iHaniaaad for the who divided his Unis in 1553 be­ A—The cdnal lock which made sary to buy soma lapd and tear ia Hartford. March 30. tween the Cleveland Indians and It poaribit tor canals to run offer now! THE VvASHlR down eeverfJ buildings. _the Detroit Tigers, did hia beat through land of various .levels. Tho pn^2oaal would widaii Pur­ (W E ARE NBVEItKNOWINOLY UNDER SOLD) PHONE .V IM TH* lA/’ OUS f W m gaa, iaf Cam-^ pUying under the lights. Joe bat- nell Pit cO;- nd exteaa th from Oak DISeOUNT HOUSES INCLUDED a mua the bride M .414 in 37 gai^ at night 4 -^-How fa st to tha popidaitloa Straet to Birch Straat. Mlfch«ll 9-7 ITI) SHAN, OO J Mt s ccre^ to day games he hit a puny .15fi. a l tb# world laeroaalagV lo ts MAIN AT iLORIDGE or Mltchdll 3-8606 ■vr.SHlN''- Af riON QlASTfM ote . t p. SB. tai the Hia ever-hll eaaaen avenigo was A—At the rata of about 70,000 OkardL 142 E sn Center SU AmiMOEOO. 946 M A |k STREET — Next To AitU«r J)nic f 4ajf. Mfififteiter ■.J r Yr V..

.' V ' ' ■■ I^NCaiESTER EVENING HEUALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26.19M V \ r;--. MANCHESTER EyfemNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CQNM„\ FBJDAY,.FEBRUARY 26, 1954 ^AilW ^Xr FU[NN¥ BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER CROSSWORD PUZZLE ipyr + - C tA o t t b i t t Senseiand: Nonsense TcoxjplB S|>ieatier Grocer Gej^bndE F!iie Suit Banquet Notiilg" : Gives Up IS^OOO^ D i n n t r C d l SkywAtch ScKeldul§ For CraEh Injuries ‘ Daughtar—Mummy, can I go in Patisnt —Tea, thank you. I took It to tha druggist and had it mada 44th Birtlulny ai^mmlng ' ' ' , Bridgeport, Feb, 23 (/P) — Batnrjay, Feb. 27 ACBOSS SOpantk iolo * Mother—No, dear! The waters up, and 1 feal mufh betlar alm dy. -Midnight—2 a. hi...... New York, Feb. 23 (Special)-^ WOl t Bavor c t Threatened with nemg hurlad into ...... Dick Frosch. Gordon Pomeroy l A — . o ( dangerous here. . Of Scouting Set 2 a. m..-'-4 a. m...... Volunteers Needed •’ P.aul and Irene Germond, 181 diium Daughter^But. mummy, dad ESgotlat -A iM.raon of low taata' a river a kidnaped grocer last butter 4 a. m.—8 a. m...... • VoVnteers Needed BrookSelo St, Manchester, CDnn., iPrimtribtol tCooks for dy’a In swimming. ■ ' ^ more" Interestad In bimaelf than pight opened his atbre safe and 3 a. m.—9 a. m.- . 4 M T I F S 0 i Einnor M oth *—1 know, .d e a r , but Columbia, Feb. 23 — (Special)— r.:... Voluntfieys Needed Wed a 9179,300 personal injury, in me. permitted bandits to scoop out |9,- 9 a. m, - Nbnn .. ...-...... Roland Morin S8m ooElo daddy's insured- I Cub Scouts Will hold their 'Blue gait in the U. S. District Court In BDaowrt 000 in caah. ,^...... • • Noah 3 p. m...... v.-,-M...-±j-»-LVolHntecr<_Needed--- . * — mn -«S«0E«O - Tommy—Mom. It lb trua thll gnd Gold Banquet in , YebmanS New-York yw niitey-for EftYEVJ ts war god I Then grocer AlfiXKl Onorato, 41, T p.' h j . - f lp. m. 7 ...... f.... Volunteers Needed UVorahUcbaBd ' H a yfoot- A nice gal can Work we come from dust and will fa- Hall at 7 tonight witn parenU nnd 6 p. m.—S p. m...... Volunteers Needed _ „ ■ sustained by them in an a d W turn to duet. ... of Easton war bound with wire Mlndividuolt a wonderful change 1n a man. special guests Attending. ThU and left in his automobile In a 8 p. m.—10 p. m. ,...... Volunteers Needed \ mobile collision on Feb. 7, 1053. OPE Strawfoot— V e a h —and relieve Mom— Yes, that’s what the Bibla LL DAY is in celebration of the 44th an­ riverfront parking’ lot. 10 p. m.—Midnight '. . rfc...... George Swain Named defendants In the aifft t .. JIAromoUe 43Gaal him of a lot of It, too! says. Why? ' niversary o f Scouting and Cub­ - Onorato said he was intercepted Volunteers may St are Edward Dalton, of iGuttenben, M Tbid taloo bcin( tliito 4|Dinanaa Tommy—Wall. I just looked un- register Civil Oefenm Headquarters, M Z bing. by four bandits while he was driv­ nicipal Building, .fanchester oh Mondays, Wednesdays and F N, J„ ahd his employers, Keuffu A iz tBStroigbttn IfTima markera 33 Irdand colmi . Man's mind stretched to a new der my bed and thare'a somebody Roland Lnmmic, dlsttict oom- days from l-5*p. m. Ekise.' Co., of New York, 'j If Erowntd 33 Playing Cards 44 Formerly .. ing home from the store shortly UButtoMiM Idea never goes bark to Its, original there, either cornin' or goin'. niiesioner from the Natchaug Boy after 3 o’clock. , According to the complaint, / ttCooMaioo bread SlCalnLj. 43*‘it e o ^ b f dlmenslona. ~ Q1 i-v e r Wendell I Scout afaa, .wtU be guest speaker Germond' was driving . cAAt'..on .M SSParfumo -- • .MDaam...... - .'Mw "VkewFvr*' — A black feedan forced his car-to .... EttOWf ■•'... Holmes. Give me the money that has end will show movies of the Ns- stop at the roadsldo about a quar­ penae* connectM VilUi an appeal Robte SiS; near A.menia, N. Y „ ler Appeals’ since Malm is without funds. SEYMOUR NEtEBfR.njbS: 34Ibodflsh 34Ripi>ad aistage 4Mapaneee • been apent in war, and I will tional Jamboree In California last ter of a mils from his Reaview with his wife as a paasenger/when M Italian dty 38 Japanata whispers / alcoholic clothe every man. woman, and summer. John Osmond, Seoul Coegroye said he needed the the car collided with Dalton’a can- She—They alwayd say I'm beau* Ave. store, Onorato said: and two extra time to dra-.v up the assign­ SILobittrU edible Niools 43 Larvae / beverage child in an attire of which kings from this towh- who was Ina of men got ouL—.-one with a gun. The Murder Conviction going n the other dlractl Wishi^s to AnnouncB ' Ufui but dumb, rm not dumb In ment because of the demand for -— food 33 Having 41Measurea of A43‘‘EmaraldIslt'’ everything,' Just in spelling. And and queens would be proud. 1 vNIl those from the Eastern Ornne.ctl- gunman opened his car door and Dalton is charged wi nMll . baarlng organs land / SO Sargaant (ab.) build a schoothouee in evary val­ cut Council, who made the trip ordered: /■ his services at the current criminal gehce and full rcsponsl MSoviot rity even thst'e not my fault. Hartford, Feb.'28 (d>)—CJonvlcfed session of the Superior Court. t y for » H o t He-Why not? ley over the whole earth. I will with Lnramie, wrote the ecriot "Move over or I’ll blow/ your the mishap in which Mr. Mrs. NEW OFFICES : 1 1 strangler Robert N. Mslm, of Neiv- Sfalm, who has been .••entenced to •MRoU • s r “ 1 1 1 1 r 1 She—:! couldn't learn to Spell be­ pcoiaui eyery htllstda with a placa for the picture. He, too, will be • aiJ aoBk. iABUiMt*! brains out." Ge~mond wera injiired. Ger- ,U Soadi for cause my teacher • was always "of wVfship consecrated to the (treaent, aa will his father, chair- • Onorato told Det. Lt Dominic ihgton, baa appealed his first de­ die July 12, is now in death row at monds seek 9177,500 f< thelr In- % -i d * I" the State Prison in Wethersfield. AT H7 EAST CENTER frtlEET. ll'l» iMWorm ' / changing the words. gospel of peace. man of the local Scout Commit­ The Rev. Forrest Slusser, of. Conte he was driven then, to the cree murder conviction to the juries and the resdl me(Jlcal .aai •U B ate — Charles Bumnar. tee and Mrs. Osmond. riverfront, only a block froin. Ihc State Supreme Court of Errors. He ia the seventh man awaiting expenses .and.- loss -Income, and 1 - ■V \ ■ -/ b- RockvlUe, wilt be ^hoRuest speak­ execution there. " - TP «I n nbaon a The gr'Miter psrl of prdgress la Other epeclal gtfests will in­ store, where the men threatened /The notice of appeal was filed an additional-91 for damages MANCHESTER ~TELi^»I^EML9^^^ the desire to progrese.—Seneca. clude: the Rev. John Ho­ er at the meeting of the "Mr. and to throw him into the water if he to their car, V dniorts 6 Guide — W e are now paaaing yesterday by Public Defender a-2k-5<» “ Mow ton mo mil about your faforioriw oomplox!'* •MStudont the largest brewery in the state. nan, representing St. Columbia's Mrs. Club" of the Temple Beth refused to hand over the keys to James D. Cosgrove on the last day lUE CONFERENCE .OPENS The defend^ts have not yet doctors -A m The doctor whose medical skill Tourist — Chapel; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sholom ^ Sunday evening at 8 the store and the combination to he was permitted by state law to filed their answer to the charges. a Why? the safe. • (daan / far exceeded the clarity’ *of his Kapian from Chestnut Hill Syna- o’clock In the vestry of the temple. make it. Convicted persons have /H artford, Pcb. 28 i-,-A two- '41 Bladibiit! N i handwriting aent an Invitation to gogua-and Mr..and Mrs. Henry Q. Cnoiatp did what he .was told two weeks from their date oT coh-. day New England conference of OUT OUR W AY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with ^ _ BlijurOgJ^^ w You heard that vaudeville died; He iwlll give a lecture entitled and two of tl)e four myn y fpt, fo .y!e„intemMtpnaL.y[nton„ -il-toedrln aaL,-4rn i ..--“id A4«UenL.jto,spfnd.An,AV.e.aif^^^ well.' 'tctevtitrar tr-th e-bex— .:Wymaiy pnstor-.nf-.Columbtn..Caiw.| ,ytctlon-to-,fU<. aopenls. Malm was ■: ratBmmc»',i’iemenminjeistU ^ luPg=Myaj:wTiwpweaip»iWH»R|aiapf.WajWari i m iauiw e— iimneM 'iW 'm u r r w ' him. adding that there would be ■••TfiMy~DByrw'Mia^w7lwmg ■{Ke 'sibre. But they ^returned 20 convicted Feb; 11 of slaying 11- cai Workers (CJIO) opens today. dinner Dl - put it in. Which reminds us o f an gregatiofua Church and his wife. I'LL HAvfe, \ W K C rS THE r music, cards, and so on. as illustrations large waterColor ninutes later, the grocer raid, com ­ ycar-old Irene Fiederowics by One of the top itenna for discussion TO ICEEPX DlFPr CARS VSAH, 0UT -t « MAJOR 1>40U6HT |'4S Enrage The meak planned by the Den The friend failed to turn up and awful scare we had last night. We plaining they were unable to.open strangling her with her own scarf Is the lUE’s liattle to rid Con­ Oi BACKIN’.^ LOOICTH'SAME MI6HT HANS CDMC UR v4ltH' • 4B Ona who viai t - I mothers, wUi\be served by mem­ pictures drawn by himself from :Y0U b l b r n HAUE10 FBRRET r / sent no explanation. When they turned on my radio set by mistake the aife with Lie combination CVECy HORN ON BOTH ENOS.' AMNESIA AND S a o Hl« iN ;S1Ab — :> o< .. 1 bers of local ^ A , the sponsoring real life. The pictures and lecture after sexually molesting her. necticut of Communist-dominated o u r , 1W I666/ X OlOMnr s o ^ met the following day the doctor and thought We'd gone blind. Onorato gave them. Maim was the only defense wit­ fO R A MILE MAY A UENDON in VENUUELA.^-^ , com B . OTganicAlton. \ _ are based ipon the experience-of unions. A| FTartnett, international c umdersround o r n o tm in '/ r / asked whether he had received the The man then ordered Onorato ness and his teatjn^y repeated al­ •S.TAieTftTO MEOCACME LOOK like a m an »irm SlCiy otiialtt P i Tow* M e e tl^ Slated living for 30 days in Skid Row. recretary-treasurer; will ~ keynoB SOUAWKIM' IdHT IS > rrv 3 i « ' tm rt i a u a v if u l 1 note. Some self — made men should The spring special ^own meet-^ -New York City, in lli49 and more to return to tlie store with them. most word for word hl'a signed con­ tha conference. 3-TRANSISTOR Soloing money, f S3 Wax get themselVee patented to pre­ HP VDU EVEN ,L/ S4Uaadtoglida i ing will be held in Yedm&ns Hall recent visits to the Bowery, .nnd a He said hs walked the block to the fession of the alnying. HESITATE.* OONTT recall RI a n R I e God has given man memory, so vent there ever being any others store between the two bandits. At the trial b^efore three Judges ABOOr ANY j on now / March 3 at 8 p. m., w>th little Close association with Alcoholics i he might have roses in January. like them. business scheduled. Necessary Anonymous. After the men cleaned out the Cosgrove sought dismissal of the li3 h t SSVory (Ft.) safe of money in Va.louj denom.- charge against Malm on the jsd Egyptian I changes in Ufa estimated expenses The artist-minister was burn in in , ihsL PL AMT IE Inations and sorted in envelopes, "RayiN.r* CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER for tha current year as appro\^ Smllhvllle, Ohio, and studied at grounds the state had not sustain­ irii^ Niw I n{th l\ O A. 8 the tv.’o men took him bbek to his ed its burden of proving the crime at tha annual meeting last Octo­ ^Blufton College and Hartford car and bound him with wire. end had not produced sufficient ber, will bc.made and a tax on the Seminary Foundation. He has Eieri! tf NIARIN9 AID IT Oronato totd police he broke I , aefved churches in Connecticut, in proof against Malm to meet the h . -■ Grand list for 1953 laid. The dafe loose 10 minutes after the bandits requlrementa of the state’s two- y Operates for only 154 a votcrrJ when the tax will fall due is to be Hadiyme, Winchester Center and sped off In their sedan, — witness statute. - nr 40 month intuad of lit to 30i PortlamL- and at present he is serv- S#te Shortly afterward, police road­ W t e lA d R a ilii tenia aMlVitaibiM a for old-type vacunpi- BUGS BUNNY ing as8 pastorprfat of the Union Congre­ Accomnanying the formal notice / tube side! if you’re that way about model planes, fly Returns From Hospital of anpeal, Cosgrove filed two re­ gational Church in Rockville which blocks were thrown up in the down to HOBBY SHOPPE first chance you Mrs. T. A. Lcughrey of Bayhljl quests. One wss for an extension L Life-like louhd. truer end / i.s an active, influential church of Bridgeport area for the black C01UCI9K has returned home from Windham sedan. of time in which to draw up an dearer then ever! get. We’ll show you the finest Array of (!ummi.nity Memorial Hospital. 1,1000 member.^He is the author ^ T|m o w "A'' beitery latte a planes in town---powered by motor, jletfOL VMTTA.CACKBT/ d n m m . of numerous magazine articles on PoliCi In Stratford repo.tAd pur­ assignment of errora_^e other Her mother, ■ Mrs. Margaret thim- waa that tHe state" pay the ex- full Bwaib. ^lio I.. '’ _B" bat-__ ALL Z •OTTA 00 human relations ahd social sub­ suing a car they suspected of being 'o f rubber. Complete line of niotora and i ^ N o r ings, who has spent the winter the handlta' but the auto eluded ltry...rcwerbailsrychtn(es! accessories. ,■ IS TAKE IN TH' hers, left Monday to return to her jects, and has received^ide pubilc- DOUCH.' It.v for the social studies which he them. They said the car was head­ •"'T q is ■ horns in London, Canada. ed In the direction of New Haven. .(liaeCesestUss AcsttMty. Me4ttM. Eitis Cetll a e Brush . Fire Squelched roadr by living in Skid Row. More Stamps • Coins • Model RR SERWUMIU recent studies have t.aken hlm_to AsMUWe by lb. CouBcil on >hyiic*l -eSA S / . — The . Columbia Voluntocr Fire ----- ■ bWfeine sad aebsbiltuiioh ef------^ Equipment • Crafta Materials GS oT HIDING. Department vas called out Sion- Harlem. Central Park. N. V., isnd SIGNS Mm AsMtican Mtdical Atsocittioa JU ST GOING day-mornttig for A binisR -lire on .acQmit.to .coaat,ti'ip.pf A.m«rica. . Military - .. - • Sewyl-OWa— a—ilbe-Ailed AROUND Pine Street. No perceptible amount As sn artist his work has been 8top worrying slKiut how old you is eider reftovedf ED’S SIG N C O . ■foel— about tha years that are gona. a-iA ■»■ ."Sr 4JOI6TLV of dan’.age wan done. exhibited widely in Rocl-ville. Hartford, Springfield, New Britain Winners Named Do something. . iN tfe SupMr Nets $100 MItelwfl 3 -m t AV.hat you should do la try C i N T C a I T , MOT BORN and ether parts of Nerv En-;land HEROES AREeV ioe- iiTTfiriiTKitemai OAI^- M rs.' Louu Sofacchi, cKairmah FBirniZAX — Iba' errecHVa r*eoa- of the mother's group which helped and the mid-west. He is a member At the Military Whist held at the atriicltva Irnn-Iodina Tonic and the young people of the eignth of the Connecticut Watercolor So­ VFW Home, Wednesday evening, dietary supiilemenf tn handy tablet Mitchell / ' ciety, Suringfleld League and Tol­ form. grade of Horace W. Porter Senooi the winners , were Mrs. Edward ALLEY OOP Start Esplaininfr land County Art Asooclations. FKRIllZAN not only brings you BY V. T. HAMLIN put on a spighetti supper recently, I Churtlla, Mrs. George Churlila. a genaruus supply of the. valuable 9-7 2 3 3 , -Refrethm'ents will be Served Mrs. Gustave Jo'nnson aad Mrs. PJA.C. Bi and Bs/Vltainlns, plenty of Iron M v .fO ttr m iKNBiYrME YEAKANT 1 announces thaf 9100 was turned after the lecture. Tickets may be S i^ O P P f over to the class. Bernard MIesch. Also receiving for richer; redder blood, but most CORNER CENTER and GRISW OLD^ HM8MAN COULONT HURT TOEiE /WBX,AEMUCM1 purchased at the door. Mrs. David Important of all, the full minimum lOJf t ONLY WANTO ID This amount will go Into, the prizes for the lowest scores were kHAr HAI>PB4S ( AS 1 HATE ID Rubin and Mrs. Samuel Pearl arc M;-a. Alexander Stuart, Mrs. Flor- dally requlremant of the precious ’ I I- I- ','JlNN -----WIMnOHAEPCN fit m i Twe AX VHAMPBtTHE class trip fund. Mrs. Soracchi.also co-chairmen of the event. Iodine for the ductless-glands. bounce s o f p n N pursuitof said all milk used for the meal | ,ence Plitt, Mrs. Oglore White and To correct tM«e diet Inadequacies |YDUR s u tu J V rebemch.. was donated by Maple View Dairy. Mrs. Marie Hale. — to give yoil more strength and The Janitor's fee, contrltuted by I The beautiful pink and white doll A t energy—help you , feel and look Lester J. Hutchins, l.ecause he said waa won by Mrs. Nettle Sweet and younger-T-be nmre optimistic— yoii tha knitted cape by Thomas De- NEW LOCATION should iry KKUttl/.AX. the young, people did sych a good i Manchester 'Hila Gcnrrinia Offer Today Job of cleaning up. j Lucco. ' Mrs. Florence Streeter, chair­ Ydu've nothing to lose and every- Mrs. Soraccht named the com -. Date Book man of the card pArty, will donate ththa to a:aln. You must feel better mlttee which helped her: Kitchen, j POLISH AMERICAN /-lo o k better— w ork better and rest the proceeds to Cancer research. Mrs. Francla Baker, Sirs. Burton better— be completely satiidled In d ihoney bark, Starlfev, Mrs. Barstrom, Tonight (P-IIB BALLROOM ...... - Mrs.-John Osmond; tickets; Mrs: MTa.sonlc Ball a t the M a s 6'fiJ ...... " ‘ ' 3 108 IMHcla-Otiijr . . . r;■;. .$l;58 T. h, fc,. u. S •»*. stTM t 8.50 T a b ic is ...... 94-50 »W4 ,, U r^. k,. R'lssell Evans, and dining room, Mrs. Maurice SlacQuade and Mrs. ..Ton,.,,..- ikt.tBit BSWraAMAT I RocdcvHItt ;;i*jy.JHAILE.C^ iwrtfilTiSW drfu n JT 'M '■‘"Adelpk”'Be«mlry;" American Club. ► AT LOW PRICEC Mali Orders lOe Extra Chitf—thgy want to g«t soma dxptrt adviot!'* Mnncbeater Evening Herald Co- Annual Ladies Night, Army and . k a . . g. g ., 4 EVERY MONDAY CHRIS WILKIN, Piamteer Eaqiloycd Again BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM Navy Club. r ■-aa...- n-..-. va—» lufflMn coriYspondent' Maurlre { Arthur Drus S to rn j BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES rnferference BY EDGAR MARTIN M orrow , telephone HArrlson Manchester Improvement Assn, AT 7:4S P.M. ~ TWT» 3-3S53. dinner dance, Lithuanian, Mali, 7 pja. ^ "rrr p. m. ^ - 1 01^ VH VMW HFTTPy 'CRASH VICTIM DIES Tuesday, March 2 ' DOUJS«OM)i TO LOOK Talk on "How the U. N. Works," FOR SOMtTWteG I Waterburjr Feb. 26 typt—John Nathan Hale School auditorium, 8 \ V. Burdls, 63, of West. Cheshire,, p. m- 1 HObbOQ ? • critically hurt in- a flar.iing auto­ FrMay, March 5 mobile erteh Tuesday. ..died .last World Day of' Prayer service, night in St. Mary's HoepitAL here. Salvation Army Citadel, 2:30 p.m. Waterbury.police-said Hurdis’ car Tuesday, March 9 iffl rammed a tree here and burst Into Study group on U. N„. Commun­ ity Y. p. m. flanfiea I t was Waterbury’s first 8 Saturday, Starch 18 Remem^dr when }ust before last Christmas you was^e both autO'fatality o f the year,. Tail Cedars Ladies Night, State • • • ID 0 Arm ory,, MIKC( mE$ thrilledffrhd relievecl. upon receii^q your Christmas Club Tuesday. .March 16 Cheeky ; ; ■ SprdorwBb Oiamon^i' Study group on. U. N., Common; wm iouriVQKK ity y , 8 p; m. ell, realizing that many of us ate prone to piit off un/^ morrow what ,we should have dona today wa continua to PRISCILLA’S POP Na Crsdit RY AL VERMEER OR«lK)RiOr! keep open and to receive MICKEY FINN Ckirrectioii' Jiisf Wrap And Tie. T^«V ,.rA N D ^ BY LANK LEON.ARD ]|? il WERE BOTH. . [GRABBED ME ..7 I -‘l i ; ^TTIN Q y>>iWMEN FOtKSMT AND ■u I ? ■'' SCREAMED - CHRISTMAS CLllB ENROLIM BUT THEV^ ^ We will be receiving Christmas Club enrollments and pro- LSURROUhCCO iRASQED ME vidifig, any of O ur many otlier banking sarvicas on Thursday iS&I ble evenings 6:30 to 8:30 and on Saturday mornings until noon, ^SAND in addition to o.ur regular waek day banking hours.

\ But, why not decide today to open that Christmas ,Club account and in just a fe>|v rnonths. you will Again be happy If the First National Bank of Manchester ahd Colchestar livers to you tbbt very, very welcome little'pieca of paper* ^ Will then have no Christmas worries and tha Yulatida .SVAWWKU*'-* «Mi ilii lyp S H K B H /^ ftUiiq 4nr wriH Yndeed cautethiesumte^binA'farrghtBrAbd'Ctrrist'i mas td'be Marrier. * - CAPTAIN EASY Emotion BY LESUE TURNER FRECKLES^ND HIS F R iE N ^ Is tliitfe g ^ q«i^r-W R7 to. i^t xiMM Am la The Hole BY MERRILL (L BfcO «H p SBOimiwewWBlF-X BBTTflp-l **SyReemsteef**-4oteB'Rxo^soretiy^in8ti^yog'“ OF n»auAXaSL« W» Mgp TMIG IA5T -A nd sb (SREGORY PECK MCED VWATS THIS a l l T h e ONLY.W ^l CAN RNP YtNt. u m c R , z c t e «EB 1 PNtny, IME ROMAN CiriZCMS Wmt a b o u t , w a y m a n ? ctli do it in 15 minutes. . . with your screwdriver. OPEN SATMROAY MORNINGS UNTIL’ NOON entOMa. on. lutum. t —— n Bur RAISED HAND * MEANWHILE* nHOOGHTlOU , ^ c l a s s INTERESreO IS TO SUBSmUTE NAMBS OP Of course you never have to paint themj or worry DEBORAH------WERE ONLY ‘ a !m , emd THURSDAY EVENINGS 4;30 to 8:30. MOVIE STARS./ 6 SOPPOSEP**? MR. ,, about wsrpinf or swellinf.. « iMm READ THE classics/, WllSOli/ f CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT NOON) Cleaning’s a breeze. Just wash *‘SpRcemR»- ter’s” beautiful vinyl covering with plain soap and water. You never hitve to do anything with DWR the double-strength steel frame. It just lasts and Only Dryar with CaWaat laata. See "Spacemaater,” xnade’liy the makers and Drum finiteffd M UfaHms Parcalollpl bf famous "Modemfold” doors, today. m : . l.CrochatIng this beautiful 19-lnch Wan't HirsW aff a)eamy . i* i centarpieca will fascinate you. heat Sr tNchy Ibitl n c r u N T ± :£ ' Letter From Lily BY MICHAEL O’ MALLEY Forming the eight diaipond aec- BACK-WRAP THui S'i'ORY OF MARTHA WAYNE We Meet Again tlona, each containing three apider- Ne store 8fMnf—bondliio^lionffina BY WILSON SCRUGGS web diamonda (oiie in a filet s M m m y z hoovy cieibei on waihddyl WHh ponARtei^iOGgr block W will hoi: your Intereat. huUt-in ntTRATOR you con\ put Dm EMC ASPIRIN, MNNypnoiMKreNDM AGVlDAWLaiiBlJteBPDUar 'OaflO/lKNCkOECP ” HiaOQUNZT»6..7^ e,Ug$.»#M«.^TH« NOMAN HCTTV IS THC ONLY ONE^ You’ll be aiuprlsed at ,bow quickly '■ M w " •MW FHCIDAWE BJCTnc\0RVCR ZMn.uKBZJu«r M «Gm«UOH MWVHUrTTWJYOUb PONT WORRY, rgANOB,] A,.8limming princeaa home frock porW c a n a w ------^rlDKBBS «N0 StueVCO HER NEPHEW aOULP K SNRO.PUT yOURSeiF YOlALaETTHE and aaolly you've completed the that'a eaay to wear and care for. .anywhoro |fi yevr b e ^ Nwdi no TOSNO. COME a*CK tan M» M HOC PUCC.^.HOW WOULD YOU PCIL r a LOVED ONE w o t doily. „ 'Mah-coit pkimblng or* dumfylvsnh. •0uN0...ir«a4NT PND'/THlSWkYNe Just wrap and tie o i back, and _^,^uooeNLv tCTVjRNiD arroi M ay oiviN uF FOR b u o ? l^tteCn No. 5385 conalata of ma­ you're ready for the morning. W. HARRY Site it iteoyl Sm . our PrcM-o(- CRHTFORYOUID terial requiremehta, crocheting in- Pattern No. 8053 is In sizes 88, ) Votoo domontlrolion. TNctNnOMMC-’ athicUona, atitet. Uluatrationa and 88. 40, 42: M. <4. 48, 50, « . Size 38, flniahing dlrectlbna. yards of 4S-inch. Send ,38c in Coins, your name, For this pattern, send 30c in Bddreaa and the Pattern Number Coins, your name, nddreoa, size de- .NCLAND to ANNB CABOT. MANCHES­ aired, and the Pattern Number to TER BVSNINO HERALD, 1159 SUE BURNETT. THE MANCHKS- AVE.. AiaOUCAB. n e w YORK TER EVENING HERALD, 1189 le, N. Y.- AVE. AMERICAS, New Yerk 19. PFdMjBtlnjr .the complete Anne N, V. lOabot Neeoli^drk Album. Dlrec- Don't mliB the lafesr fzsue o( Riona for puppet mlttena, baatc ^m- Basic Fashion. The new Spring 'M p roidciy Btitrbea and grand de* catalog wU) delight you witb-ita up- ^ ^ s * ^ fr h p a .s r e printed In Uila iaaue. 25 lo-the^inlnute otylea that ar« ffew- simple, tend 29 cents today...... ,■ 1 •' \" V ,'\- ■\^'- w .■■-vsr. . ^ ■■■{ ) . ■■ / ■ ;> d V r ? ' f ' «■■ •. . ' I'v, ■'. '■rWtJEXHW ; ■f ' fei..,-''- M - # ■ '■.4: MANCHES.TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1964 ..X W i ' •mi-i: '8 tt *'• eta... '-♦rt ^ * ** ^ 0 i i S : •b x e s m It? Herald W S i l V Y i :en Hugh’s RBCord‘Eh'eakin|E Swiinmerfi I Fwnnm i o s e 20-Ycar-Old Nsw York, Esb. 29 OPi-^Fur- place votes than the controversial .man'% Frank Selvy, who seta a ma­ his ■ 100-polnt spree against New- M m u le y who wars picked on both dale this year, was called by eoms Bsvo Francis ef little Rio Grande berry on Feb. 13 and Uia fact that / 6-5 Favoriie. jor college record every tinte he (Ohio) collegt. bfit made the first Uto ; I949 *nd' -1949 AMkAmerie* b ''bAsMstiiMii. MitaaiHnF.’^ acores a baaket, tops the 1954 Ae- he la the first major college player teanu. He stands 6:06 s M Is ths In Bee^ Blayo^^g a'8atun)fi]|; j Y team by ytotue of numeroua sec­ to acore more than 1,000 points in The majority held, however, that HATVRDAY NIOBTS impor. UnoUte aoctsted Preaa All-America collegi­ ond teaip msrka son of a Phlladalphia pollcsmsn. ate baaketball t*am announced one season. As of Feb, 33, ha had Bevo haa demonstratsd his sbtl- In T V E y e n t Unt college basketball gnaw at time PetiMt tallied 102 first place 1,099. Ths. ball handling ability and FrankiiM and Namiffe, two natu- j _ . 4 ' ■ ------^— r - y - , — ^ an top of today. > floor ganeralehlp of Hagan, 6:04, Ity against major competition and Worcester between Holy Crou and votos to 119 for Bevo, but got 137 ■ i MansflekI ati t'p; m, Named as Sslvy's teammates by helpad mighty Kentucky regain that His high-scoring feats oil 1953 Now York, Feb. 26 ffiV -It’s the Ctmnecticut will be brooduat bv a vote of 369 aportswritera and seconds to 86 for Bevo. ‘n>us he HELVy CAN DO everything night in a ^^den death™^ayofi j Camji BrlRfi gained the edge over Bevo for the well on the court, but the Furman tha baakatball heights thia year were no fluke. A year ago Bevo with the winner reaching the finals i mUmams old story of the up-an-coming W H AY arid W TH T with George broadcasters wsre Don Schlundt youngster and ths fading votoran A BTAOOBlUNa; first teapn by a mere 17 points. senior has concentrated on a Jump nftsr the Wildcats’ absencs from gained national prominence by Erlich handling the play-by-play. of Indians; Tom Oola of in Madison Square Garden tonlstit Broadcut time ia 8:25 . . . N*ir players will b* c| shot that , is virtually lmi>osstble to compstition last ssason because ol scoring 116 points Against Ash­ National Ltagua ' Ctor H t(M of Kentucky ' Bevo’a 767 points ssslly put him disripline fro m th e Southeastern Sl-yaar-okI WlUie P e fT tS u England amateur boning chomp- ■ Pettit Of LouUiann SUtr. at the top of the second team, In­ atop. This has helped him to a land and a third team befth on Phils’ O ’Neill Will\ Hold compb by Morcii 1. Conference and tha NCAA. battle will get underway at 8 hie fistic future against 20-yeAr-old lonohlpa will b* held Monday eve­ Not elnce the heydi^ of Keev diana's Bob Leonard, Kentucky's 42-point p*r game average this the All-America. After the sea­ Lulu Peres in a ten rounder. turning aervtcemen 1 Nai^ Hagan, now claaalfled as a sen­ son the NCAA threw out the rec­ o’clock. ning, March "b at the Boeton O u- Eecause it waa not made 1949 Haa a player been accorded Ricketts and Western Kentucky’s t h e BROOKLYN SPBEDHOY, retMeoent New EngUmd in the Na­ (Bravu),' $m a fOlanUF) slQcq ha made the 1953 team ias a against a four-year school. TH IS W UA. BE the fourth meet­ Season Drills and Lloyd Merrimfiii; ■- ‘ -r - ■ ‘ft— • FETTIT as many votes as Selvy, a native Ton|i Marshall round out the eec- Schlupdt, a Junior, hsa played a only nine vidien the HArtfovd tional Senior Amateur buing ■ ), ond quinteL Junior.. However, like Bsvo Fran­ Pettit, one of the biggest (6:09) ing between tha.tiuuna. Both cap­ A total 0<88n9iHlii88i.^ ^ hler I \ of Corbin, Ky. I major role in, keeping Indiana's (Omn.) boxing m uter won the champlonshlpa . . . Billy Taylor, of 4 —■ - He wai.p(cked on the first team 1993 N C A A champions In the cis of Rio Grande, he figured in a players In the sport and called by tured 20 point victories once and ^ 40 bartha ffttlLUBi MItAi 99wnw ! Togo Palasai of Holy Cross; A r­ By ED Co r r ig a n “In the dsys when I played and fentherwelght titje f jr the fimt Hartford, aori af the well-known on 280 ballots; 41 times on the nold Short of OUlshoma a t y ; Boh thick of the struggle for the Big controversy in the voting. ‘ his coach “the fastest." cracked ' the third meeting saw Naasiffs time, ia a *Hght 6-5 favorit* to Plratu,. A ir tofiau ------OOUF grind out a thrilling 78*75 win. Associated Frees Sports tVriter wlian all otr coaches played, 'll Hartford p h ysi^ ediicaUon teoeb- second team. In other words he ' MatUck of Oklahoma AAM ; John- Ten title. The 6:10 native of South Many of the sportswritera and Southeastern Conference scoring d ^ the rlng-etfiirred Pep’a bopea er and ring referee, won the wel­ May 12 toMibte I lo Sofln I NamlffH had added height and wa* part of the day to work out toe Umlt of was named on 321 of'the 38S bal- ,ny Kerr of Rlinoie and Dickii Bend last month set a Big Teh broadcasters contended that Hagan records during the season, but his The Philadelphia Phiillea may of getting another crack at the terweight boidng championship'in experience in the late stages of the In the morning. Of course, we play­ ta n 4SJM k>ts from all parts of the country. ^Hemrlc of Wake Forest were single' game individual record by and his two Kentucky teammates, feats w ere. virttisliy overlooked eoifia up with A craw, of WhU rt6-pound title. ' to* Jfew England Touroameat « t the basis of five points for because of Selvy. ' campaign with the addition* o f ed aH' day ball. But even bo, get­ Trtth tha A! Chili" named as a . third team, scoring 47 pointa against Ohio Ramsey of the second team and bba they did in T h is one h u boxing's insiders Champions in'Lowell, Mau., lu t a Tint team vote and two points The Baton Rouge, La., senior giant Burr Carlson and Wally Wid- ting in a morning w'orkout after intrigued u well u ptoin Joe Fhn. and 48,561 CoekW Thaaa ! Gene Shue of Maryland; SI State. Plajing mostly around the Lou Tsioropotilos of the honorable J950 when they won the National .night gim es isn’t going to be too Wedneaday plght. Young Taylor la for ^ second team, Selvy polled Green and Jim Tucker of Du- owns every LSU scoring record holm, both Eastern League cam­ Although the 10 p.m., (B »T r bout ore tha two moot: pivot he is known aa “Mr. Inaide" mention list, were not eligible be­ paigners from New Britain. Frank Laague pennant, but they’ll defi­ hard on the players.” a atudent at Springfield Collage. . . om(mg the raffli points, ■ 273 points more than queane; Paul Ebert of Ohio State and recently set a new SBC sea­ will be broadcast (ABC) and tele, Oreetest Flghte of .the Century to Indiana followera. cause they sctimlly were in their Toro, a consistent point-getter for nitely not be Accused of loaflhg. Elsev/here on the citjus circuit: t a g Angalu Stats the 1.309 rolled up by Schlundt. and Bud Matheny of California Gola.' who gets aa many re- fifth year. The NCAA ruled/that son record by upping his total In caat (NBC) a crowd oi around tonight will faaturi* the second J u Indlana'S\record scoter In the Bis conference play Hits year to 594 the Arms, is slated to start at one Msylu Stqye GMelll fa thinking The trading of Vic Raschl to the ittisalon h u ralnotaUi HMi laitena head a list of 27 additioi)al players boimda aa he does points and he U they could not play In the NCAA Osfdlnals by the New York Vi 10,000 may pay up to $W,600 to Louis-Max SchmeIlng,^bout. Louie IStB. ^ fiM ao-hoaeinabls 'msattew, jMlnU.. and Judge involvod lfi.UM raoont Hw shftreh fiCTn3trkPili*1ilirXaBilR^^ holm Wline Carlson is at center. ■atF YtS^er. j,a pwiJ Ti«»'pfoliiSry-i^^ ua.8te-tla major collega records like match- straight years. Aa a repeater this ' * * * be Lou Desci, Howie Krough, John­ apparent tbnt bis ebarge* wer*^ uader way until March I. cIAah for the world’s hghtwnight aticka threat from anywhere on the floor. the ex-champion. ’T know he still iMve for Lokelojid. Fin, early noxt hoxkiff-Ka* one week f r ^ tonight PetUt actually polled less first year he has equalled the feats of . FRANCIS. WHO SCORED 118 ny Novak. Matty \Forman and going nowhere. flo4ne e f the ex- /Jo# Black, the pitcher who could H# is perhaps knbwn best for He averaged around 33 points per m »M a lot to the Brooklyn Dodg- has a great flghUng brain. The onth. He expect* to be ajMignad at New York’s Garden.. . . Ameri­ Ralph Beard of Kentucky' and pointa in one game against Hills game. Marty Kllngle. NovAk and For­ iMrta ^ he wps to* lenient wltb S Jamutown, N. Y „ In th# Pony man give Frankiee the big men- » e k ite Everyone wao agreed ers, 111 be permitted to work out only quMtion ia whether he h u the can League bpseboU taoma wiU etouina in a-fight with a young­ needed to battle for rebounds- that the youngsters couMa’t take his ohmiWn Jproblems, says Manager a • look over 135 rookiu with Detroit Walt AlMi ster. P eru is A tough tut. Uatlng 21. . . . C h i t ^ CUb Man­ Palmer Pace^^ DeKi is on* of the top scorers In pres^rlty and epeat to* muoh nn . , . Ron Necclal, the DON LANGBN.MTER. former Wonieii Bowlers in Second Round the loop. Johnny Le-ille, Frank one-time minor laague strikeout “ Wtllle hAs started to ta lk __ ager Phil Cavorettn smo dosed out * * ^ . ” *^*"*^ **•*•'' e llp ^ g s . fighting Bandy Sadler (the fenthi Hartford High ba.ketball player, his 19 year career last eosoon, 1963, BorM. Red Leonard, Ken Pirmey This year. O’Neill said, the Phil­ whlx. is havjng stomach trouble weight champion) again for h u returned home from Rio ployed in IbfiSjmaJorloagtM gamaa. [HAGANI Mexican Open VI*-'*- and A'dam Kowalski give the lies will hold regular morning PittobuiTto General Manager (tnfwcfty title,” added viscusi. "You knoW he Grande; Ohla Don entered Rio Drive-itu a strong reserve corps. practice seaatons—and that goes Branch Rickey has ordered him not Grande earlier 'in the month and • • • to participate In intra-squad games said he had aun enough of Sadler “PITY THE FOOR Wroatl^' Is Mexico City, Feb. 26 (A>—John* even after night games. i f the after lonlng the last one. If he look* played in several gamea with Bevo roi;i«T«V CM'II WOMRN club keeps climbing it should be . , . With the itigninFpf Don Muel­ th* title of a featured., story en «>• Pslmer of Charlotte. N. C„ • ...... Ti-am No. 3 ( i ) ...... FR AN K IE S REACHED the sec­ good against Peru, we may go Francis and Co. Ho may. enter wreatllM in the current issua of ■User* . J. Jlcfoor ...... 9« S3 73 251 ond round of the pisyoffs with s St least a contender for the pen­ ler. the New York OiaMs have onl ariother college cloeer home . . ', hotter than when he ran second m . N. Johnson ...... ----.. 7» 74 IISt ^ Jf...... W one of their top operA; after the ahot. If not--^’’ Look. 1 ^ ' article atate* toot *ia 54 A. Johnson ...... convincing 111-43 over a weak M il­ nant, and O’Neill is taking no (Connecticut returns home Monday the recent Tjcxss Open, today led ...... W 70 1 Lou’s voice trailed off. He shook tha majority of pro wreatUng Spado .rH.. ler’s .five,...... chances. . outside the fold - Whitey _ a field of 13;: stars from four M Mb T o t a l s 1*7 l i i hishead. night meeting Tufts at Storra____ matchea, it’n Uka^ that-ento tha J.o>ronuon ...... Tonights preliminary features a “It Ish’t^A matter of overwork­ . . BHiy Hoeft, the Detfolt continenU as ths 312,200 Mexican F Nolsnn ...... One of the ring’* atl-time greats, Coach Joe (Christian's UConn baae­ iVerea, the promotw arid ths SS 337 R. Bailars-on ...... S< St SS 3t4 I a y o f f for the Intermediate ing or punishing the followa.” laid strihgbean. said he fee!* ball team will play a 19-game Open went Into its second round. J Totals ...... — A. Batlarsron ...... ins 133 SS .727 than ever and thinks this will WUli* would'be a cinch to win if wreotlers themaelvu ofn 100 per M7 Lragiie between the BA Juniors the epsy-going Irishman. “ it ’s schedule, plus seven Southern cent suro who la goittg to'wln; how The North Carolina pro shot a " Ares and Bohns. hi* year. / he w u only one-half the Pep of sizxiing four under par 68 yester­ Dummy ...... 73 315 ’ ^"**'* ...... l i i i ~is7 ~tol merely a matter of doing the Job “ practice’’ gomes this spring. long it will take and ediat aories Up Freni tM Finn; Nk i lye’re paid to do. ___ Boston Red Sox yl^ahager Lou yeateryear. But the speed h u gone day on the dUfieutt 6,47iLyard i ^ - iaS ,L383 ______„ ...... /./ ___ ’.------out of hla legs, hia- reflexu have Caning “practice" gortie is sched. of holds he la going to us* to do tt. ulhlin ...... M 257 _..... Tram ■ («) riLLUBS NOMINATED “Last year we were' in good Boudreau planned/an intrA-sqUad uled March 27 against VinonovS In 72 course that was once a bstUer l-ockwond M 3S3 Phillips , ...S« m SS » « gams, today because of the "condi­ slowed, and he is getting hit by . > . RuxHn’ can be dangerous, and field - In tin Me)dc>an^Xfii^eW; iii -PMHifm vvii4"‘ m;- ifW'-'awr’"'' r.-awBFr’/.fra.iM*"' shape ttoUL,the .middle n f (be ae*., pwiches'-itow that "wooidttT WAve YlU«ooym...Pa- .EUatreguUc.gana m tejr-el .the -frunt -amt ■groow i’a - New York i/P) —Four flUtes tion’’ or pitcheto Jae 'D «l*bii, ; Leo will be against Brown in Provi­ War. N son. We were either in first Wely and Tom Herrin . . The come close to him in bygone day*. have been injured.. . . A pro Totals ...... 437 411 447 1385 Totals ...... 310 MS 304 441 have been nominated for the Bel­ place or only a couple of games dence. April 14 . . . PeeWee Reese . . And Now tD Re^at flie Yankees The star-sfndded east was being Tram t It) Cardinals will have only one work­ The lacy network of scars over his pier must learn how to smash a\ D. Brown mont Stokes on June 12. Two of claims if he is ever called iqx)n to whittled to n more iHnnngenble M ...... '...SO 73 7» 332 from the lead. Fellows took it out a day , , . “ Second workouts eyu te*r open euUy. man in the face without injuring \ 41 8. Brown ..,.,..,.,.109 101 S3 »>3 them. Clear Dawn and Kilt easy and we were lucky to finish manage a ball‘club, “ n i try to run him. He h u to know how to.crodl* ISMt o r o ix Articles flniaUiv iwemd to Rochester, Moit~ today, naid Judging from e p ^ g -Obrrmski- SO S3 ai 3U would be for people who goofed off • 9 • - . i . i ' Aiuirrson , » 113 to 2tl Totals ... Danoer; are owned by John W i In a third-place tie with the a boll game like DuroCher (Leo a man’s head, befrnn pounding Um By WALTER ALSTON treat beat Buffalo four games to day play s4Mne of the fanatd naama V WtlW- .... 149 174 171 534 o n t ." n y g Alanager DESPITE THE INROADS of Durocher) did, and. try to handle Jimmy Foxx Looks 107 7t St 275 GalbreaUi'a Darby Dan Farm. The Cards. Eddle Stonky. to the mat, so his brains won’t bo Mnnager of l>odceni twd and Rochester four games to may be udeatag la the final Somm-rs 7S 77 S4 2SB *1*—n. w.. , ,s, time, Wee Willie h u bun able to the players Shotten’s (Burt Shot nothing in the pisyoffs and went rounds. HlllnskI .. other two fillies eligible for the shaken looee- He must learn, to ap­ Vsro Beach, Fla. (N E A )—It J 0 J « to 27Q,d. Morrison .74* SS win 19 fights in a row since he ten) v/ay.” . . , Automobile racing ply the flying toehold whU* his on to crush the Tsnkee-afflUated S7 251 $100,000 added mile and a half Isn't necessary foir me to hold S^t- For Baseball Job Palmer tied off with a slim lead Totals .... 4M 440 434 i » : " ' Morrison ...... J04 Jim 114 S2S' classle are Roy P. Steckler's Mon- w u. stopped by Tommy Collins in car owners in Connecticut, West foe ia rebounding ocroos ^ ring tofother meetlnfs with the Brook* Kansas City Blues four out of five — one stroke better than Ed Pallpn (*) six jrouiitjs lu t June. Saddler era Moaeochusetts and Rhode Quish ...... 8* 70 74 2»> ...... ISO 194 301 177 trachet and King Ranch's River- Holman HappV Dairy,Queens at 20 m llu on hour. Moot of aB, a lyn Dodsen at Vero Beach this in ths UtUs Worid Series. Furgol of St. Lbuis, Mo., and Te<^ - Tram No. 4 13) u. i6(Lyard freutyla relay team‘of*Manchi»ter stopped him three times. Pep hu Island have formed a Car Owners matmon must acquire a repertory Tampa, Fla.. Feb. 26 (dV-Hall (illtM-nson ...... 7* 7* S5 » lr.|n>iih ina. The latter is well-bred for High which eqllpaed the aehool mark twice this week. About an spring. I managed 25 of the Dodg- We beat the Tankee farm team. Rhodes of Chicago, who runs i m ' Chomuk ...... *8 79 ...... 72 S9 74 335 her sire was v the noted distance won 128 deqisioM and lost only Racing Aatn., for th* coming of dramatic expresaiona that would a n in the chain, and every spring Now to beat the Yankees. of Famer Jimmie Foxx, generally I.Uarry ...... 88 88 3*4 .**■ ...... lot ___ 105 97 n i hour after the' boy* posed fur this shot at the Rec pool yesterday one fight that went to route. That own golf school. - ^ i-skiiic :.. Ss horse Princesuillo and her dam Nam e son. First (CORA sanctioned meet moke Alan Ladd shudder: cravaii at Vero Beach I made it my busi­ What^Und e f a game will the recognised as the greatest right- ...... 83 W M 70 j Totals ... Win Overtime afternoon, tha quartet went back In the Water and set a new 1:18.0 w u to Sammy Angott, the light­ will be on Sunday, March 28 at behded power hitter of modern North Americans dominated the . . m 1*4 171 ~644 waa the fleet mare Bee Mac. fear, fiendish cunning, inoupport- ness to get acquainted with the Dodgers play? I’ll tell yeu more top 20, although they .had compe­ Totals ...... TS "»* 413 1329 : mark for the event. Seated fr^n left to right are Sal Squatrito weight chamidop, 11 yu rs ago. Stafford Springs Speedway. able shock, righteous w r a ^ others. about that after Pve seen mare e f times, is looking for m Job in base­ KaxU* (41 Tram 3 New York, Feb. (F) — Nat and Johnny Leander.y Co*C*ptalK Tommy Smith and Forbes War­ Pep’s record i* 183-5-1 with 55 • • • ball. tition from Argentina./Canada, Bostick ...... 85 42 74 221 **• Turn»t Olympic springboard and piat- Overtime period waa required abused innocence, and Inauffocahte them from a maBager'a angle. 1 94 373 Holman, the graying court perfec­ ren stand in the rear row. knockouts. \ W ILLIE ' PE P climbs through urogonce. I've had this Job in mind for The slugging first baseman of Spain. Mexico and Auptralla. tlanswrra ...... *8 *3 40 240," Tl'i'ner...... ; IH 99 310 form divlnjg champion Pat Mc­ last night in the battle between the ■OHM time, you see. looked at them every epporfunity Defending champion Roberto Dc Hamilton ...... 97 98 74 2731 • ------tionist who spent iM years making Perex, a boxer-ptecher with a the -ropes tonight at 10 o’clock for the Philadelphia Athletics and B-nton ...... 84 96 S9 3tS,|TPI*li> ...... 195 195 193 5,3 Cormick is the only wnman ever Dary Queens and Manchester Auto The only Brooklyn player 1 1 got while numaglBg Montreal for Vincenxo of Buenos Aires waa still a ty College of New York (C(3NY) style similar to Pep*, hu bun Ms 193rd professional fight Boston Red Sox, whose 534 home Phrlan ...... 9* 77 to hold all five A A U titles In one ” *rta In the IntermAdiate League fighting pro only two Years, eight ' don't luioW well Is pitcher Russ four years, oddly enough ueuiUly definitely in the running with an _ ■ - I *<• H-dliiiwI ...... 7* 73 year. before a winner w'as declared. The against youthful Lulu Peres at runs ranked him second only to Totals 47 334 s basketball power, iii happy his months. A good boxer and a crisp Last Night *B Fights kfeyer, who came to the Codgers .entchlag them n’ the Pole Grouade. even-par 72. De Vicenxo was under 4m 413 1349 H-dlund ...... DO 139 133 .741 Queens won out, 34 to 33, In a i n d h a m New York's Madison Square (Jar- Babe Ruth, has been out of base­ ■::\- France* Crandall name has beien cleared. puncher, he has a 34-2 record. He den. The pick is Pep via the knock­ from the Phillies last Season in a They toll me Pee Wee Reeae Mts ball for five, years. He ended his per until he shot a double bogey Rourkr M 45 2«7,Tot*l» .. thriller. The North Ends trimmed and runs well, that Jackie Robin­ IJ4 202 ^ , 517 r'hie 56-year-old Holman, who lost decisions to Charley Slaugh­ out route. . . , P e^ twice world’s By THE ASSOciuttED FBESS Ihrae-way swap. active major league career with on the 18th. « 57SS,.i 77 St S3 35* ' Moriarty Brothers" In the other son does the same Ihing a t timee. • SS-” ** 2tlf--=“ ----- ter and Dave Gallardo but b u f featbervvelght champion, h u onb Johnatown, Psr^ocquaa . Boyar. Tkn inest graUfylag experlencee the Phillies in 1945 and managed PRBPrMK IRAGt-R / •waa cltorged with conduct unbe- game, 60 to 52. I ’ll'look and see for myself and fit « *3 74 304! ■Hark Masir 14) / them in return bouts. He h u 19 of the most fabuloua records in 159>4, Franca, stoppad Tony An­ rv e kad In handling m eaf Well, the St. Petersburg club of the .«S ^ 46 195 Gr-mmo cO|n'ing a teacher, was exonerated Ronnie Larson’s successful fine ArRee/l^ash c o r d the game to the meterial. This ...... 90 SI /— 171 kayos to his credit. ring history. Active u a pro since thony, 157, Naw Tm-k. 8. Florida Ihtenia^nal Leane from •throw proved ,te be the d e lin g Soh Addla had a good iaat>asswwa»iTS«jg League b )Fajsis»iPaTOaisj w vra ,8.9 aALA.aAA.«.a>. - 35 *! 1™ *5« .0?. Wa > sound 'CutiiyH mt'^dfHHtMrru' -FalB9'4brtlm-<|ue8te‘ H tt^ p b T n W Tice find le one of the highest average pinner* in ^ - n . iMcCann .... ■ .,,.-..^.108 lit lie S33 (Committee yeaterday. ’"’^Himclieiit'i?----Higfi’^~Zl60.yird er like Pep, P eru plans to switch 187 victories -while .ninerlng only spwMl, I ’ll run. If I have power, * Sohluki ..... led hie team In scoring. BUI Mox- aent‘ ta Montreal In '49 and they I'll go for the long ball. In Brook­ ‘m angioua to: get back Into ...... 94 111 77 244 “ It’s been horrible, that’s a ir I freestyle relay qua.te/ApIafhed toj tactics and go after Willie from five loues. During this stretch. Emerson Butcher, 148, Rock ...... i. In Broo Concludes Slate ■W— >. Pasaol'* r*s BaekyUlr...... It). , Jscohii ...... ter (14) and Ballsleper (10) paced a new school re coi^ in the Rec j didn’t Uke him. I took hliq^ back lyn, they tell me Itn have^^very- ^-Jhall in almost any capacity, ^-4JCorr-nll ... ----125 112 13r .744 ...... — *0 104 144 can say.” said Holman of the long the opening bell in the hopes of Pep ran up two n'lnning streaks of land, HI.. JO. the Marytaha strong boy said at Schroeinkr. the losers. pool yesterday afternoon u the; to St. INial a id he hit A M and had thing. That means wt'll do evtry- ---- 107 - 106 117 .729 Totaoln viTT-...-..^ 473 -4*4 4S0 1430 inveetigatlon by the Board of wearing down the oldtimer. 82 and 73 fights, Taspectively. TTw 'NawMrk, 'N. J. Hortdd Cartar, ' another terride yeari the recent Baseball Players' Golf The |wo filial game* In the ‘Y* T. Phillip/, ... 124 104 1.75 3S7 Kmrraadr It) ^ Frsnk Butkus (17) and Jim Sel- Indian sivimmera^urprlsed higbly-; Hartford will-o-th*-wlsp won the thing. nirsaoK .. ... 112 101 110 .U7 M-v-r ... . Higher Education after the fixing "'T e p will be dangerous, real 187, Linden,,outpointed Jqt LliM- Coming out of military service, Tournament st the Tampa Golf Junior league were played 'Diura- Ansbn^s White Sinkings Goodrich , ... 123 147 91 341 Cormil'r ...... ,---- 9.7 42 74 253 scandals of 1951. xl* ^*** **'Y iruns for the favored WindhAm, 43 to’ 24. ‘The dangerous for five rounds,” ' said 126-pound title from C b g lk y u y . 188, Brooklyn, A By now I've found out that writ ■ J* North Ends while Mike Escavltch Rocky Nelson kicked around in the and Country vCTub. " I talked with day morning with league champion Mlhl* ..... - i"2 174 victory for tk* locals produced'a MKBa l u l k a g f k X b«Jv Gregory, ' Peres’ manager. Wright in 1942... . Peres, a clever Fall River, Mom — Orlando ing about myself is tough. T m i ToUtla ...... __ .... 595 5*9 .99 79 •— I7S “ I’m glad It's ever. My plana? (24) and Jay Brsinard (10) set minors and with the Cardinals and Hank Greenberg (Cleveland/43en- Roy Motors winning from Moriarty W4 1744 P-miirrlOii 104 *4 91 291 three-way Me for the CCIL lead Feiics i««i»rw is irla ...... 113 1.70 in* 351' • — M 77 140 Nothinf to ^nd away for yuterdey's opponents. Each wound ■ • • • ...... • .IS 118 .711 ory ... r- 83 88 Moriartyawe. Silk 0|ty. 7—Y. Zatkowaki. g Tom Donnelly. Booto Is now swim­ StraCun ., r!j t-apprn' ...... 130 St. Paul of the American Associa­ St. Johne (Bkii) 66, N YU 62 the Midgets, in e halfttme score- poUtoes which had been stoked Everybody, that is, but the bsll- 2 ^ “ * ...... 103 100 107 309 Totals 43* 4.33 ;(431 ia9 Telephone MI-9-1.132 yeaterday because It still must be Ufi 88 10) /Green Manor vs. Hillhtklt, 8:30 ...A...... ,113 137 12* .76.7, Vosl. X . ... ming with the Univerelty of Conn. Hcck ..... 111 no 106 3M “ **■**" ------tion in 1948,1 koped.I was on the St. Franrie (Bkn) 69. Iona 61 — Y. • ; . wss 25 to 14, Gros-Ites. In during the ivlnter. DespRe a. pJ»y«rs. They don’t get paid for passed by the full 21-member trib­ LXllry .... . 97 102 threshold of the majors. « Curt Wright added a pUr of vicu .102 360 .316 *43 6* f 21‘ indi JUMNifiindl YMb* Canieiua 83, Buffalo 75 / The playoffs start Saturday distinct lack of strong sunrays in, the entire grapefruit circuit and Totals .... 50* 537 544 1587 Rlviwa Faberse (3) unal. Tntala ...... _ torles to his Imposing list, winning Low Man ‘ 7* 79 72 There my clubs finished third Tiienday. March t ...... '.... SO 94 44 4*4' Scorr at ft ilmoV fi-i* NortlTEndii! Renaaelaerfi^Rpcheater gl Rec Senior League Playoff*, 8— morning. At 9:30 the Indians meet the off-season, the White Stock- there have been notable Injuries • CorrenU ...^ ...... 9* 131 the 300 futd’ 109 yard freestyle Tulala ...... 55* "647 555 / and won the pisyolt in 1948 and the tiige' *11 had - a rosy glow to their suffered during it.. They could I Roe»e|to_ ...... -----... SS 107 9* .727 Rec. Keiths and at 10:30 the Motora will Uacen 4!a*earaUa* ...40 — . — to Mhimann. x ...... 3 p o ln ^ 'early; The Whippets grab­ LaFor|/ft w Trabo. r ..... In '51 and '52. . Last season, after D>etrolt y Chicago 2. rrcchfllP. f ...... 0-0 Club of the steam circuit-*- and Walter O’Malley of Brooklyn. His Totals ... rnktn/>. g ; ...... 2 ,ln 9* ..3 1-1 E ...l..... 636 5*7 5*1 1*9.7 ...i----.110 103 99 312 Larson, g ..... * bed firsts in the m>ecialty events Campbell, c .. Romaniu, f ...... 1 0-1 2 Vero Beach, Fla. „ operation this I Beaas It) Totals 568 1774 F'n''-y. a ...... « 8 Y m ti>phrnMn, c ..,...... *8 *1 '91 270 Clifford, X ...... X 0-3 an<] diving. ; ' "STI 8 n 0 , ings dominating the league; during ...... 127 114 im • ...... 90 SS 178 _ Mascfcssler Aau Parts tS'i 12-man team to the State Meet In Maary Or*rr <11 I Stock!, X ..... LaPolnir, g ...... 3 oo 'C 1 the next few years with this ar­ away on the best food the Dodgers Twaronita ...... 100 138 124 .753 T„..i. Ballsleper, 1 ...... s M the Yale Pool toipor.oiv afternoon. Grosno ...... 1(0 9* • fU W Rasefai^iU Win I^mmrl, g .J... -.2 .. 04) ' rangement. . , . can offer. The Brooks have gone T ^ r t , ...... 1.75 130 ITS T«T i Totals ...... ■ ..,.:..'.4S* "Sa *490 14M Jlske, f ^75 TOUU -...... 14 3-13 SO Fi«kp,- g ...... 10 04) 1 2 0.3The regular season came to a elsu Glanrit* J13 88 BMksHIa 49) *> M far aa to bring office eecreUries toUU ... Rotionls ...... - 92 84/ Amion’a m ov^ Hianged the ..... 577 575 5*8 1720 MRBrNANTB LRACFR, Koxlckl, X ...... n fvn yesterday. Manchester finished I McMuifin Jf Tourtellot. ( ...... 0 TotsU ...... "T i ‘ 47 i down to handle the correspond- i lit 1( ,*1 Marcham f ,...... 0 ORLY $1111 Sar. Francisco. Feb. 26 (iPi— Joe Kellk'a ItHtria 123) thinking ef a number af major . r*"»i»»ally Press«(4) Mnjuier. X ...... <...14 X 2-9 w ith '.* 6-.4 Nort.iern Division Twarnitr-^... 89 102 IJf 2?Z n, Janton,' ( ...... 1 DiMagfflo predicU Vic Ranchi, New B. F. P league ewnein who found them- ! BRUTAI'RANT LKAUI'K ill'? ? "-'...... ;„97 — II* 213 MIkPleit. X ...... : 1 ^ 9 LeA*^e ma-Or. . • Dummy ...... 87 85 85 265 Burkhardt. t ..... , ...... 0. It s no secret tiwt it took n nlnv- ' *tih»rs i4)- ...... ^ -*■ 1.10 331) Quinby. x ...... 1 York Yankee pltriier sold to the . 3 (WO .... 53b $59 TT; 71;; Bdmondo. c . . 0 . 1-3 1 moophf re eaci Off Md n cbupie of Worid serila !S i** !ol wS? ...... 7*** 83 292 fiAnERIES 540 14U F. Janton. c. St.- LkHila Cards, “ will be a conris- Beale, c ...... 1 I spring. The Wasb- —v*v ornc* DTRImnna ...... US 148 toi ‘M4 ...... 129 S9 aiT I Totals 16 4-14 Parrsl Past (3) Satryh. g . . . . ■sm Rilimri . 1 In the pniit three yenrn to-keep Pontiiio ....,,,..,,,..119 loe lu. '•>■»m Seaton Seaton ...... lot...... !H 9S5? n = a?li n I ■tentvwlanecf f .■ thia^ aeanen-/ i.-. ,ii44ba*s..4l jiu-a .= ■>.;. i S . ■af jBgton/tean*,, wbleh. hud .4 : young '.jr p W I-M to > 4aa. KInlaer, g ...... 4 i-i .t/enteher by the nanie BUDGE A LITTLE SLOWER- Warrrt'tM);.,S. Sriidrra DiMaggio, former Yankee *tsrr of.' Connie ra (W). Time, i,,ixl ...... /7* 104 107 290Smith, g Albert, * . . : 1 (V« » i Maek en H ’teok” i r t i r e 1 ^ " * ^ ' ’* ? become ...... — . i .JM _m _ 90 " | ttru a i m e New York . (Ah—Don Bo.dge. 2:13.5. Avljn«m» outfielder, added “I doubt very 40 lard Irevstyls; 1, Souatrlto (Ml: _ 9.1 W2 m 295 • ToUti* - W ’-' « • 1511,^ making'a comeback in'profesaional Moriarty 90 83 3»8 TolaU .. mucli that Vic U tm hed np^ „ a t — . : - — a * »» • I f i S f A S * ""‘J*v'"'“ L jlcPberiron (Wj ;. *; Snitm Farr IMr 314 314 j ° ' ' /T can’t understand the deal at *r gmrnge-llke nllnln a t ! tennis, admits that he has slow ^ S .—Oialna*-l,-.|V>atpl« "4 W7--»/o’etwnpr -- k- PHO'WAeWIH raAliLl-e^-- "Ifr.'TtrWi* reia*urin^^ — W M W S W -...... 388 dfwfi/^ittat-Tr-Tfttfifi- rrw6“ 'sr-y*itr| •,(W); 3. Grady (fi). Winning point*. ™ _ Bay |la4ara ld Budge who grabbed every top Philadelphia 81, Minneapolis 72. { hind Raachi. Day in, day put. he’s te pny for the enmp. , t £!■ ; JUGt about . B. F. P(». s:S S S §! I-Sf S 9 .S S DEALERS EVERYWHERE UNDER tennis crown in 1938—U. S,, Eng­ Ito yard freeatyle; 1, Wright (M): 2. a -b-i- hi Air Mall (4) Rochester 102. Baltimore 88. ^Inby, r ...... 3 1-3 '5 Before long, everybody was fol­ With thie, it would seem a ,® ’ • •_1W J17 113 337 flora ...... 85 85 « M6 ...... 101 9* Ralon, f ...... land, AuitrsKa and France— is r«Warren (M); 3. Zagar. (W>. Time. Boston 101, Syracuse 96. .3 (VO 4 lowing suit and the ■ all-inclusive movement to cut expenses should' Toiaoia ...... 118 92 Brass, f ...... 4 (VO 8 -production' Which we know as ....523 5*8 50* im TpUli ...... • ...."iis* “o * ”474 Im TERAAS OF OUR GUARANTEE. now touring with th# Jack Kramer Iflio yard breaalslrok-: 1. Heraant ‘ Humphrey 85 108 Fort Weyne 82, New York 62. McKeever. r ...... 1-6 13 get under way — storting with ' group. fXV); 3. Sloane (M): 3. Smith (M). Gustafson. X ..7• f 1-4 18 Spring Training had started. spring training. Connie Mack, In villa i/■■l«a (8) VIr's H«da B|m ! Avoos, * ...;,...... Time. 1 :11.5. ..1 oo 3 It 1* a common thing for Spring -a visit ------to —w-Los *.s.ew)a««^Angeles, MilAsaid fliche ; n. Nr ACMflAreJo'” ...... 11* 115 lb* .737 P o u i 91 185 ion yard backstroke: 1. Barber (W): ; Tully, -g t...... 0 1-2 1 Training to be" the object of biting • . 109 93 Bcneventn 114 95 — 307 Backrta (47) 2. Stiles (M>: 3. O'Coiinrl (W). Tlmr Fbr Btseker Block lIKed the town « « a posaible spot' Boiini>ki • 99 — |Aa Duhskln , M M 11* .70* r. PU. J :M.3. MATCH I Toiala ...... M criticlam at this time of year...... 13* IOC Rcabert'.. Wlnlsts. f 1-1 9 .» for hU Athletics. He could'beat Tw-.r,?.' ? Zwk-k .... II* 100 119 331 1*0 yard freestyle relay: 1. Manchea- . Whiter WbMosk I MartaHjr B n (It) Many writers, moat of them. In* training camp expenaea there, too- ziUhlnie ) • .119 13* 2 134 134 UO 388 PonUllo, f 1 ler ((..eander. Squatrito. F. Warren and B. r. PU. cidentally; in the north, point to 1 ...... / - *7 12* 220 , r- 107 .99 30* Krol. c ... 34 {T. Smith). Time. 1:18.9 (dew school rec- “ vP i'ta a s ! ;T. ONell. f ...... 1 oo 3 The man has some .nerve. (Ttwvei. X ' ord). Mare Ton* la Botw THIS TRIO! IN. T«erdy, ( ...... 7 (VO 14 ToUls .- ^ ...... 572 Tio I w im i ToUle 564 518 5*1 1*33 McAuhlsy, Mete 2IC1IA 21-Wi B. Twerdy. f .3 (VO 4 ■•Hm Lake ■•ase .ll) Hawlrda ID Get 6B T Y MacOonaid. c ...... 0 (VO 0 SoMskI ..... *4 11* 10* 3i»:9''f™‘*" TouU ..... S4 47 ’I’iirk Lown. righthander for the I FREE • H E A L T H Rylander. t ...... 3 (VO * Kondr* . 94 101 117 .712 • i"hnsr>n . Chicago Cub9^ was wounded in the 11 MrCavanauxh. g . . 2 OD ' 4 Celtics* **Big Three** Beats Nats Kochln' , • 94 IM 117 n i Ifeflford , F. PU. ... MsrLauxhIln ns 115 ISO Mri'i ... VIot. ( ...... 04) 0 Battle of the Bulge. He served ' | • E X E R C IS E 3*3 Totals ..... - ...,,v,,,,,,, IV1* IIdo 33 Phelps ...... JM_1M. 93 3 0 0 . Cowles . Leslie, t .., with the infantry in World War i •Scere at h*lf lime. IM Motors. To Close In on New York Knicks Olivar. c ... n. ‘ V ?• A ToUls ...... Mahew c .. • P L E A S U R E _533 « » ^ i i » ToUls".’' F R E E ! Of Extra Cost!: BRC MIIKiRTB -■ J • . ' 537 557 499 I5U Gaxnoa. x .. Educational Course - ...| ' (iardea <41 Hamll. X .■■ During the 1953. seaeon the (Cin­ BOWLING GIVES YOU Haraels tltl Goebelno. g ' d F. Pts. The Boston Celtics, with Bob ' ^ ’ ’ *4 103 311'^,,. White GUsa (41 cinnati Redtegs played 77 road -B-_, A ooinmJNiiiiiE Salinonds. I .., Ot). 12 134 107 .74.7 •*r. games arid hit 77 home runs in op­ A LL THREE Misiretia, ( Cousy. Ed Macauley and Bill Shar- ScM^mi,- ...... 141 •.••,..,.,..114 93 *7 304 TolaU 0-2 18 '1- Anderson y 413 r .742 5^“ " '••• • ...... 98 lot 9* 303 scare at half time, 23.3 RockrU. position ball parks. Sun*Oil Co. has a course that will teach you tha Wabralh. c .... man setting a blistering pace, were >"o*t of the way...... no •91 94 295 Sf*!*,*'’ i-...... 85 91 ,100 27* FREE! iNSTALUnon t - - O P E N - . " J. Mlslrelta, g wtthin shooting dUtance of the «*»ead to stay at 85-92 Jones ..■■...... *0 GUARANTEED htaat mcFchandisinr and scUing techniques in re­ Lons, g 115 106 310 ir'i". 8r. • 13* 139 103 375 Bagley. g ...... Eastern Divtaion lead In the NBA 2* * . ToUU • 100 93 m 903 tail markftinf. . i Week-Days 5 pjB. to IS p.m. today. Miwauley’s field goal - M* 512 521 1*01 today. Oardea Orart U) (Fartelt)' , TolaU '• i - ...... 63* 619 • ■ ^ i . ■ ^ FREE! Totals ...... 15 Pphl 510. is*r mitCiKtsays: Saturday, Sunday, Holidays 'Hu . Celia. {nilUcd In the rlealng Fort Wayne broke Iti game Hilti FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR CAR OP MANCHESTER We will train you for aii^ niontha and pay y against New Yor.. open In the ‘**"*ri ...... K .103 fl 27* r.• ’ ^Merrhal?!*'*..*..^,'^' ^"''rrnani ...... infi ta M FLETeHER OUSS CO. 3 p.m. to I t p.m. P. Pis. minutes to whip Ib e Symihiae Nn- 96 3*3. M l token Hulsoii, I , tlenal* I6I-M last night and moved third period, outscoring the Knicks ToUU 96 919 pn adequate weekly salary while you learti. On 00 0 19* «9 327 938 131 333 Modern Rest. Roome ' • MrPartlsnd ( to H-ltbla n half game ef the aec- 16-1 In the first- five minutes of ...... 100 i « 9-7879 completion of this course you .will be'able to re^' nJENTT o r FREE PABKOfSIPM Hennequln c 04) U m im o ...... — . — . 9* 8 o v m You M onuyf lU WEST ItlDOLB TURNPIKE FBEE PARKING 0 •ud-ptaee Nat* nml three games ef Out session. Larry Foust was high MIXRD INirBLKB ns 104 Elewarl. g ...... 0 two' .PRlmPf • 89 90* ceive financial aaedatance toward opcratlDK a Bonnies X ...... | o-l the pace ■Setting New Yerk Knick- foi the Pistons with 19 paints while „ ■ . .. Team Na. 7 (4) • - ■ .8*. 10* 197 8Y un-TiMi iA rm r co8P. oa a m iu ic a Byrlmlskl. X ...... 4 1-3 R...... *3 117 1<« 315 AUTO GLASS INSTALLED lucrative business of your own. erbecker*. Connie Sinunoiv. paced the losers J. Cuahlnx ...... 190 98 *9 327 toia U ..... 503 'tos'iiw in i MNCHESTER Inradclla. X 0 . 0-1 The Knicks were cooled o.ff by with-15. -.i • TEMPLATES FOR ALL CARS TE SEAI^ TeUls •...... R3S 215 JG4 \ d i All that is needed is p small investment and a Totals ...... S 14 It the Fort Wayne Pistons 82*62 In Pblladelpbin’s Joe Gmbosbl ex- Team It (*) (raHeH) ‘be five .catcher* on MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES MIRROi^ (Firepikee Md Dtwr) BOWUm 8REEN Score at half tline 194 HonieU. Miami Jtoach, Fla. in other games, pMtled for 88 polate, seven in a row « e Philadelphia PhtUiea’ jl9M • ■ - GLASS FURNITURE TOPS MEDICINE CABINETS willlnfneaa to learn. the Philadelphia Wanjora defeat*- Taam No. • (*i During the Off seaaon Sid Gor­ to.tbe tM rd qikxter aa the WnteJ-wr-inmana/* ®!^i«b-hlttoto,. Ken-SU-— ' FUTURE FRAMING WINDOW^ PLATR^LASS •tim iiiig CO., me., mw voiK;ff. y. 654 CENTER ST. cd tha MiiutanpoUa Ufitera 81-72 rtori milled____ tram aa ___ 88-air Me at | “ *T. ..llf *1 sn wt9m, /Mike Saadlock and Joa 112 WEST CBITER S T ^ O R . HAKTRIRD RD. fippolntment telephone Mian Mu^hy~Se^^ TEL Ml-t-iSU ' don. now of tha Pittobiirgh Ptratbr and the RocheeUr ftoymia trounedd . OTEN •ATUROAVS>-onat THURSDAY BVl^lMaS ftJiMr. 7t» oiAiN triiiTt inM-time. de^'rp Bflluin uto V em It*.‘MorganT??r..^:.‘ 7l**’A4 75 b“ from .either side of the tween S(;00 aan. and 5|00 p.m . BUUer f-OMl. works as « talesman In a cloth­ the Baltimore Bullets 102-86. - MUOtetowwIUi I I polBta cm ^ ***T*flfl. ••••*,****;_M lo* TELEPHONE MI-3-4114 ing .atort. . Jbmndlng out a wcU-bnl- / EBXOIAnS jHaADUr Shaman was the big man ta Um~ «.:TirT.rru!S’15’Xf;.'';SS \ \ ' w « \ ‘ ( .\ '‘..H \ . - t . ’ J , 'r^ r rfl% I i /' \'i 'r- ' • V -I

. j ^ jV f > / , ' x ; : ;

M4MCHESIE8 EVlaUNC HBEALP, CONN, JTlffiAY. FEBRUARY. Jt 1*M ' r- ' ,v c-'i* k?, x; ■ '-'r .S ® MANCHES'Ttat EiTOMG MAHCHEgTO^ CONN., FBIDAY. fEBRliAHY 2«taS6* ! a,; . ' a-?■ .'’x. ■ A D f f M M — Wanted 8F-A V t ^ w i ^ 3 6 'AirjUfIsa larliate !::!^^'ilo6MS" wlllKN il:B6Bri”^ ft': ■ . T i l MAH ofe^ ■ NQW' r'-fB r;S slr'’ ■''■■”~72 l4Y jjog.C 6dte R i 8 ^ .flttog: tecoutta*-riffes, sank^ tfie 4^^ novat. m ao toBant dwiiab: ALiCUif l^im f^iiliiMk- irUjkNiSiniD~R%M ' near ceata^' fioiV d r cradit anablo ua to 'aooapt M Gtntiemiim,' W TOTFote: g,i»te R i«; SIX-ROOM cqtonial, excellent Vietramli; f li^ V668SI naar Son Tky; a r(v*r Mrt MttebaU f>«034. erafs. TEETk R-Ba b e , Practically new, washer and Wrlnyer, 8W. Tel kltcheh privileges. Lgdy or couplt. T q L W . 3-7478. . * jutet Ume on market) cut- cooetnicUon, tUe hath, lavatqry, 26 mil6a northwest of Hanoi.' down. Ootiftaa llotora, MS KsyAcna Oecori|toiU. ML| over $8 and aimertoncad. Ml 84. Can MI. t-MM. ' Just Miss Record •-UOb. P6S10. Wyman’s Gulf Sarvii Rbckvllls 8-im . Absentes owner. MI. 6-S406, ton tefit 1661. Two bedroom fireplace, shade treee, very cen­ At Hanoi’s Otolam Airport, inURNtTURB Rafmiahtng, antlauo Sarvice. rteCh,- lane living room with flw- tral. 818.800. Carlton W. Hutchtoa. pn nfltO L irr Panol track 1M«, furntturo a epectalty, chairs caned RUGS—8 X 18 Amarican Oriental, / Drive on l^os; nerva center of French air opera* B R O 'A nSh ladTladddr nieka. - Good- - condttkm. BOOKKEEPER with knowledse FOR GENTLEMAN, pleasant room Apartnent^Flat»— Ptoce and picture window, dining MI. 64138 - 9-4864. ^ rushed. Anion F. Ihorp. Courses snd For tM BEST buy .to 8 x 6 rose btoadloSm, fas ranxe, next to hath, near Cheney’s and fCMitoMd from Pig# Dm ) Uons agatast tho Vletmlnh aeroas Prtvato' ownor. TM. ti ^rpinf for Beet Hartford offipa. VENETIAN BLim>S TmaMMta . os room, unumially large cebtoet Phone MItchoS PSIU. v. , odd tahlea, waU m irror, ramo, Mata St. Phone MI. 6-6669. utchen, ceramic tile bath, cloaad north Indochina, air rild alitew P t : Ml. Reply in own handwrittnf stetinF Cell MI-S-4886 TWO-FAMILY Flat— 4 and 8. 888 French Attack were being tested. Tlie Vietmiith Mro-BLBCTRONICS. Televiatai lounfa, toattrepaia, lawn mower, ecitehed and monthly income. Price reduced to erament index at llB, and to D« F . M . MANCHBSTBR r. V. Service, ' lerviclnf. “Laarn by Doiliw" at afo, e^rionce end salary do- riNDELL MFC. CO. ' cam ber, at 114.8. forces stlU have no plsnte, but tm t PONTIAC Gtab eodan. Fully electric iron, 'curtains, drei>es. FOOJi RGGM apartment, heat and li* “l!*** •?*!*** breesaway, 13 x 811,000 for quick sale. Immediate radio and T.V. raeeiatwts stnee OcumocUcut’s OMaat. Electronics Bex A. Herald. 4S5 East Middle Turnpike Can MI. 6-4878 or 6-7888 after NORTH END, front room new / Rtotog food prices to January, ‘ . (Donttoted from Paga Ona) they are getting supplies from a q u ^ n ^ Priced to aell today at 193t Housk seivioe crl> $A60. hot water. Write.Box O, Herald. 22 attachei garage, emeelte drivedrive. occupancy, 81.000 required. CaU ■I .-.;■ Sdiooi. Enroll tor aprlaf c Xr p b n TBR ' Also RscondlUon^ p.m . home. Near bus. MI. howsvsr, r6versed this 2-mqnth de­ Communist China, which has. Ontor Motor Baloa. 4U MItchaU PMI8 day er Bifht term. BvaMnf Tapes and Oofde-hy fiard- '^6»M>>4nt. Ahsco com- ACB Realty Oo. MI. 9-8862. ______A IW clae# cSmv2(!ySireh;^]ffiit e i g h t RGGM apartment, two btoatton acitehs aM storm, semi cline and headsd ths index back in the VietnUnh withdrawal was "a Army sources explained the M anA lOUi: day claae atarUrw Due to popular demand we ars the dlrecUon of last October's psak, great defensive victory for the liON^^Him FRL Canter 8 t baths, two kitchens. Ideal for two testa were made Just to make sure BUYS IM l • UM PLTMOUTH8. Two to| Mmrti 16. 1864. Can B artfort DBL'^A-DB Wa l t power toeto and extending our sale. 80 to 80% dis­ Noti couples. Ml. 8-8624 after 6:30 p.m Lots for Sale 73 Th# Index today reflecta the c«i- French.’,’ the air raid warning apparatus is f m j C M , ASHBS, RUBBISH, ArUclea moved. I chooaa from. BIxcoUont condlUon: Can MI. P48». CHepel 7-1610, or wrtta tor fuU M aeoeteoMea. Salas, aervioa, demoo- count on all furniture and appll Bumer price aituaUon to mld-Janii. A comnuudque aaid: "The offen­ to working order if it is aver SATURDAY • A. BL fw tlio yoar. Only |T dowiC ConUr tormatton. No# B n l^ TSchni- SslessuMi WsQted S6-A ■traUon Terms arranged. Capitoi ancaa. - Speeisl ’Ttfivn Meeting ONE RGGM Apartment, all con­ MANCHESTER -r WeU located A outer Labor department atatis- sive scUons by our ^otces from needed. cal InaUtuu, IN ffinimbuU tt. veniences, 818 per week. Phone sons iota with water and sewer. Motor Saloa. Ml Main S t GCMfDBR’S T.V . Swvtoe. avaUahle] Equipment Co., tt Maln'St ^ CKAMBERS FUKNITURE The legal voters of thk Ihwn of 818,000. the Escott Agency, Uca already announced show that Muong. Sal and toiaiig P'shang •oy time. Antenim cooveretono. Hartford. Cm«. ■ SALESMAN. Salary and commis­ Coventry. CdnnecUcut, are hereby MI. 94114 or 9-I918, licensed broker. MI; 6-76U. 60’ or 140' frontage, good depth. fo^ Items toefesssd at to# whole­ hava forced the Vletmlnh to give w a x IM l PLTMOOTR Bolrodora. Boau. BEAUTIFUL Selection of wool rem­ V . A t The Green v The Escott Agency, licensed brok­ TOUGH IN DOUBLEBEAIMEBB Phllco factory supervised service. sion. tranaiUUiaUon furniahad. Ex- X Mitchell S-6187 warned >n4 directed to meei at sale level durtog January. Farm up their objectives.” tiful new condlUon througliout. Tel. ML t-14$S. perience preferred but not eesen- nants at low prtcea. Also ruf wool the Qrtirch Community House, SLWCHESTER — six finished er. MI. 6-7683. products rose 8.7 per cant durl^ The Vle’.minh had ihreatened to Many oxtraa. Low mUoaco. tU M . M o r tE s g is . SI UaL A foldSp y ft Ovw^Rlehmasi. rin^ IM l GRKVROUDT Station waffon. BoaliMai«Oifortaiiitiea 821 Male or Feinale 37 Very reeaonahle. Can arranfe to Ublt, two step maple ted table, Town Meeting. COVENTRY, On Route 44-A, five Labor StatisUcs Oohxmlssioncr have occupied fortiSed positlohs t* tliiii cH MI. »€»«. honest service. Good traffic locaUon, 700 aq. ft flntohed rooma and atoraga apaca. abandoned by the rebels in the both games. The Wsahtogton OPEN EVERY IVENING BxcoUent condition, $1100. Pbone - j suit. ML 8-4180. yeUow plasUc top terdme break ARTICLB 8. To authorise the ' plus full baaement, lavatory, heat­ room ranch, three bedrooma, large Ewan Olague, in announcing the ML O-OUO. EId>BRlBNCBD Shoe clerli for fast set with four chafra. AU to ex Oak floors. Hot water oil heat. northern LaoUan/sres. They also Senators were the only, 6ne# to von-4>t»ttoai Book No. FREE EDUCATIONAL cluidren’e ehoee. Pert orfuU Hm« - Town of Coventry, to borrow SSO.- ed. 878 a: month. Call Warren E R«Mra windows and doors. Rear closed-in ; breeseway, aluminum new index, iuUd: GRAVBtr-Quiek delivery- Washed' cellent cteAUon. te . adld to 000 to finance all expenaea Inci­ storm windows snd doora, garage, "Consumer prices have been claimed to have seised stocks of do the tri'ek. The Yifiks sput t^ 'ffo O o r J * « S S » fitrkit that iM l I>|BLUX1! Fbrdor, tuteno bluo COURSE A pj^ Iq peraon. Mre. Blow, Tots aand. stdiie, loam. Nuaadorf Sand i Howland, Raaltor\Ml. 3-8600 or A I»rch, Ameslta drive. Fine condi- se'ven doubleheaders. / ^ T e e M ,Ih i lot, 8390. May ha aeen Saturday at dental to and Included in the $30,- - Rt. WUkie, J r., Ml^64386. amesite driveway. Lot 100 x 300. staying fairly btable. Coma items munitions and suppHet left behind OpMiM aw M No. M l, Chovrolot Radio, hoator, doCroot- Offered I.VA BC., 8N Main St., ifan. and dtone Co. Tel. MI. 8-7408. 118 Orandvtet^t. Uon 812.1^. MsdeUne Smith, by the enemy. WMod tgr lita Mmcheator Saviaga Sun Oil Co. has a course cheater. 000 appropriaUon voted at a Sp^ Realtor. MI. 9-1843 Or MI. 8-1144. CaU owner between 4 and 7 p.m. tooresaed, , seme decreased, but oi: Whitt walla,-otc, JUaaonaMe. dal Town MeeUng of September .OFFICES FOR RENT, 1-2-8 PI. 2-7807. , they average out within a very Heavy combat occurred yester­ and Loan AaawiattDn. Inc., haa M l 9-m^ CfXUfICES. Oirapas knd alip covers that wiU teach you the latest 1668 KELM custom-made by Cteaaic Decrnn- Model 1 15, 1653 and amended at a Special rooma. CentraUy located on Mato WEOT SIDE-^Two-family, 12 room narrow range.’’ day on the mouhtalnoua plateau iMm loat and appttcation haa boon merchandising and selling! LIONBL ELECTRIC Train. Can storage cubic feet, shelf e FORCED TO SELL below cost, tear Laplt, 10 miles north of BROWN-BEAU tors. For frek estimate caU ML Town Meeting of November 31, St., near Post Office. Plenty of duplex. One-car garage, vqry mada to aaid AaaoeiaUon for pajr* 186$ FORD OonverUbte, Fordama- M l. 6-17M. 18.6 s ^ ) feat, freealnf cepecite Clague Indicated that a continu­ I-6IM or ML SAKl, techniques in retail marketing. ORGANIZING 1653. parking apace. Center Springs IteS* lot, steam heat, oil, copper new four room ranch which is Plelku, the French reported. They mont e( tbo amomt of dapoalt. ttc, white walls, fidly etratiued. „88.p0im :aDe.gaaatove.XalLML .ready., .for.-.. Interior — ■decorattoufy ing rise In jtelces for pork; coffee.. AWnCtE T» T«t*r • Realty-•©O'.T'VTirMafarSt.'Ckn'M; -piumblng.-to“gis9g-OK. IM l Henry J . tudor. E xcel­ IBENDIX WASHER SERVICE by ceive financial assistance to­ SECOND FLOOR, 3400 aq. ft. 28 BOWERS ST.—Charming 5 room TOLLAND—Modem 4 room home, jgn rinae, good condiUon. CaU to the propoeals contained in plenty oght, two lavatories, three workers is based' on escalator Vletmlnh to batalUon strength. The ISWAT M lU B - Sbooa ud lent mechanically: G o ^ Urea, E. J. Morency— U years as field OPENING MARCH 10th TATLOR TRICYCLE, wheel. 14016. cwonlaL basement garage. Large well built, oil steam heat, |>aM- Iplomot $2195 ward operating a luci^tive A rticle 3. front rooias. suitable light manu­ clauses to !aber contnxte between French repUed with massed sttacli^ „ aUdayWedfc^ |4M. No down' payment, | ».M service enftneer on only Bendix 810; emaU tricycle. | wicker “ Ttog room, fireplace, attractive ment garage, artesian wfU, good by .infantiy. artillery, tanks spfi No. ISA—ISJMO miles. b u s in e s s of y o u r o w n . Btroller, 88. MI. 64076. ARTKU-B 6. To see If the town facturing, la rg t offlea halto> Apply coop, Jarga lot. 810,000. Talbot employers snd unions. principaUy . Open dam, • a.m. to S p.ra. monUily. Cole Motors, 4M Center. t^ e laundry «iulpm«nt Call POSITIONS OPEN GENERAL ELECTRIC weshing wlU Vote to authorlM the Board o f mntog room, modem kitchen. aerial strsflng. The Vletm US Went Middle Tpke. MI. i-o s n . Nswlnftoa 841m. R a v a r a a All that is needed is a small machflic with automaUc Uraer, Backer, 86 Oak. Master bedroom, twin else, Ule Real Estate, Andover. Please tele­ the CTO Auto Workers Union. ONLY THE REST, ch a ifes. FLY ROD andI oM'salt water boat Selectman to InveaUgste the poa- phone Coventry, PI. 2-6600. These clauses require quarterly re­ fought desperately, according to investment and a willingness 1. Manager • CaU 648TL sibiUUea o f obtaining a mora ault- beth upeUire. Screened side the French announcement, .^oups BA1V TOUR diild’a portrait taken rod, com pleteI With lines and reals, porcb, G, E. heating eyatem, dtsh- vision of -pay rates according to '52 Hudson at:homa. Special Mr the month of I WEAVING of burna, moth holaa t o le a n t. 2. Experienced Snack Bar 818.80 each. MB. 84888. .ahls site for the town dump and to AIR CONDITIONED tetlcea. Mod- VERNON—Custom buUt, three bed­ changes In the government index. of them clambering ovte tanka IIM PLTMOUTH. Ilka new, fiaOO. GET OUR trade-in offer and profit ern design. Near Poet Office. Main wsaher and dispossL Lovely parl^ March~4resular tT.fS portrait for Can ML 8d8», . V* and torn d othlnf, hotoery runs, M an ahartof deal on tVhlrtpool automa bring In a report and recqmmenda- room ranch, two fireplaces, tile The workers affected by this and dropping grenades to the tur- H ollyw ood WN^SALE THE REST AND For aiqxdntemnt telephone HOUSE SAFlB, outside dlmeneians, Uoma at the next Town Meeting. street, corner Wadsworth. MI like yard. Excellent financing renta to an effort to cut the I1.W. can BKo studio. MI. s-nss. 8. Maintenance |ian Uc waahen. (W# an nevar know available. Blva Tyler, Realtor bath, steel beam construction, montit's index received pay boosts ^ S t'* m S & * ‘*55el^|"^,”Miss Murphy ^*vny^oetween between 9» a.m.a X 17H X l7Hi inside dimen- ABnCLB 6. To see if the town 9-9776, or MI. 6-9816.' heated garage, bus. no develop­ on a rlatog index since last April French firepower. / 4. Cashiers togly undaraold). Benaow’s, Inc, MI. 04486. $1795 NO MONEY DOWN men’s shirt coUais revenSlaS I ® pjn. BUtler 9-6291. none, ;i8 x 12 x is. Three number 1088 Mato. will vote to astsbliah a smaU ment. $13,000. Carlton W, Hutch­ when they. received a penny cut. Vletminh radl^ transmitters civ/THEM ALL THE FAMOOS 5. -Car H ops. comhtoaUon. WeMt 228 -pounds. claims court. ins. MI. 9-S1S2, 9-4694. -•waww,Today’s * saswvraindex riseA S«« was WU HVl.not . BUIU* auffi- launched------a aeries of violent attacks replaced. Marioer'a Little Mei Houses for Kent 65 UGLONIAL Georgian type, four 1947 Chevrotet Tudor tn f Shop. Never uncrated, inrst 880 takes it PHILCO refrigerator to good AETICLB 7. To see If Um town dent to bring it up to the record agatost “Amertesn ImperiqUsUc TBB PROSI^BCT EDU School for Help Waated— gwaala 381 Jomorrow only. 18 South St. bedrooms, large living room', fire­ I VERNON —New three bedroom 1946 Dodge Sedan WRITE: condition. Oaa etove sttoable for will vote to abandon that sacUon FOUR ROOMS and baUi, Cap Cod place. lot 807’ deep. Near bus, October figure when the workers Mrtervention’’ in the Indochina '5 2 C h b v . ponne cblkban. Tranimoctaflon cottaga. la . 84086. ~ of road leading from Silver Street ranch, full ceUar, baseboarif got their last pay increase, with Wte, and accuaed the United TAINTOR TEST _ 1948 Psoksrd Tudor [IMBALBRS—Demonstratora — Sen house, hot water heat. Aduita pre­ school and stores. For quick sale. radiation, fireplace, plastered itnaiabaA Mim Lola Tyhuc,.e newspaper "Nhan Dan," offi- 1151 PONTMO IMCPONVIM AH wMoome. 3H FraakUn Are., 1939 LaSalle Sedan jahtnete, bio^ tUa caiUnfs, al- TOUand counUas. Write Dutch- R F D N o . Z— ^Manchester 810 down. Order a Sea King deluxe Vernon. Howard R. Hastings ______— jaeroaa from the Art theater. For ” »M. M Capen St., THadaor. 8 H.P. now, price 81S6.M. Just 810 tion the town will take oa the house on lake. CaU MI. 3-S4U. Agen^. Call anytime. Msnehes- VBUlNON-rThree bedroom ranch pay. Also, If It had gone down cisl oi-gan of the Vletmlnh Party 1946 Hudson Tiidor tM to u a , addlUotw. Cktt Frank / recommendation of the Board of ' JI M ercury 4400R appointment can GHapM ASTSS. Oootote, ML 841878. Coon. f *' holds it for you untU May I8th. MacliiiiciT and Tools 52 ter, MI. 6-1107. large Uvlng room, with efficient enough they would have loet two M-tegue, which said: "The direct tn- 5 1946 Hudson Conv. Coupe Pay balance wa or mmm. aak ttkWUiabout terma6«rnU Finance to appropriate the sum of cents. I tervention of the American im- 23r’- ’‘“"'$895 . S u b a r b a a l o r R im i 6 6 kitchen,, wfdk-in h ^ . ,Hydtnmatlc,..iadtoy. haafar... 19:48 Hudson SddStf^’'' 'lORIIia^'W B' alM jWOMAN VTANTED: M tef i S H a a titeia ” wnwrr yqu'vou' Ptwrft up: Wtetfoihefy WS WUr-giU-TTSde^lltet: 616,864 ’toward the-purehase .of te™ LARGE ROCm On SirCOhd floor of team'cohstriit^oh, aluminum win­ perialtata to todocMini KsA ntealed 2*D ooP"$1295' XNOOMB TAX prepared. Can Dan eraon. New Model Ward,S, Mato 8t., Manicliester. new fire Pumper TVuck for the . this home may be study, hobby the real aim of their propaganda No. IB . t of carpentry work, Pd 3 8 mowers, chi to saws, -tillers. ssr> ROCKVILLB, 24 Grove St., HiUside dows, large lot, good view. Made­ OOrapUG,SSL?'*'’ O o o a e o ▼$1395 ■ ^ Moater, ML PAISO. McCLURE AUTO CO., Inc. modeUnf. alteraUcna,etteraUens, aummwummlt w. St. ______t o factors, outboards, powsr Coventry Volunteer Fire Aasocia- House, two-room apartment with room, or tedroom for the In-law. line Smith, Realtor. MI. 6;1642 or Bus Driver Has about peace and their plans which tools. Terras arranged. Oudtol Uon, Inc., No. 2. On first floor Uulre are four bright MI. 9-1146. consist to provoking a war. The BOOyiat VACtnm cleaner ■ / private bath, on bua line. ChUdren 873 Main Street S tor] WOMAN DeMras baby sttUiy eve- Disttonds— W atdits— Equipment Oo.. » Main Strete ARTICUC '6. Th empower the - accepted. Inquire first floor. Apt. rooms and bath. Baaement ga­ fTi,’ IF/ • I ^toted States must assume before i5»Poimu la a relce.'LaFlamme AppUance Tel. BO-9-9442 - „ ^------— ftod bur J e w e lr y Board of Selectmen to purchsM rage. , Amesite drive. Bus, 1 W O J b X tl'a W 1V C 8 Gie world the reeponslbiUty for an '51 Olds''78" Co„ fiyen . OaU Dick _al PL 848^ ntofk iq f 84487 after 6 p.m. 4 8 9. U Oak S t ML P A i i S r ^ ^ lohn at ML 84766. ■mall manufacturtof company an from Zabeck Motor Sales, a pew churches, storeaj nearby. 818,800, ~ > augmentation of international ten­ CUSTOH M TALHU ida« place to work. Many advant-1 Wanted—ResI Estate 77 Open Evenmgs LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re- MnsfcarinstniBiento 53 Fire Pumper Truck for the sum of MsdeUne Smith, Realtor. ia. sion to the Far Bast." Conv. $1795 1951 OHEVROLET PHJ0 TOUR inooma tax return in sfM and excellent opportunity to Rttnations Wanted— grir^aCUuete ^wtc l^ expntly. 815,364. > Bridgeport. Feb. 26 Triple j t n t own home. Call ML 0-d iNimr PRB-enftoeqred farafS. No| Wanted To Rent 68 6-1842 or MI. 8-1146. READY BUYERS waitiiig. For im­ . The broadcast said "since their No. BSP. / Moot te BMB to ho am ueias- paymwit. five years to pay. advance if efficient end accurate. d a l^ . MUSIC Iretrumental rental. Cbm* ABTICLB 16L To authorise the mediate action list your property trouble seemed to stote tod.iy for defeat to Korea, the American Im­ Power glide, radio, heater, new n r appointment 1641 PLYMOUTH. Radio and heat- M a le 8 9 138 LENOX od. Loaded with C 1 0 0 K Built to yo«qr apems, living room tors, CH. 9-8489, evenings, MI. a bus drivor, when a non-support to the French colonists so- as to Beautiful a t ...... G ' G v mopMR TAXES awSt- cover. ML 6-T364. yaar warrantee. Pay aa little as contract with the Coventry 84.60 a week. By Amarican Home XOUR SPARE Ume can be vi WANTED-Chaln saw work. Call roeenttog Olds. Selmer. Bachi Volunteer Fire Association, Inc., S4 room tenement or house. Near with dinette _ IS, kitchen Lino 34948, JA. 8-3989. charge {.gainst h ^ by one woman prolong snd extend the war of sg '51 Dodge Inf and hookki eervlce. By able. No experlance neceasaty./wa | wsU, bathroom appointment POlU. Development Cotp. For MI. 8.8867. Pedler and Bundy. Metter’a Mualc No. 3 for tha purpose of protecting school. Unfurnished. Can give ref­ waU. Second led to police ch^es that he has, greaaion —v.. against *..uuvi.ui«- Indochina- me The MI. 8^ . ' e « « n « e . train you to earn food m m y Pvel and Feed '49-A Studio, 177 McKee. M l. 8-7800. erences. Please help ua. Write: floor ona ftoto bedroom, one IJ8TINGS WANTED — Single, two other w l^ , Capt. Georgs A. United States is taking advantage 2-Door Diplomat Trailen far Salt 6-A rta r^ immediately. Writo Box r f - the equity of the Town of Coven­ ntOOMB TAX Bervic 1—18 yean’ I try in the Fire Pumper Truck, M i s . E. Dancosse, 104 West St.. unfinished, two jrraers. Asbestos two-famUy, three-^famUy, busi­ Wartiburn, ^elective chief, re- of the critical situation of FreiVch eamortance. For [GENERAL QARPBNTRt T altera-1 C, Herald. Doga—Birda—Pats 41 SEASONED Hardwood for stova, RockyUle.' s exterior, hot si heat, oU. Lot 50' ness property. Hate many cash ported. / colonists to Intervene directly and 1556 OHEVROLEr appointment SACRIFICE—U64 House ' traitor. tuqUaca or furnaces. CaU Leon­ ARTICLE 11. To see If, snd for / $1295 1546 FONTIAO write or can Jo A, Cheater, Inquire Mr. Bondteau, Vertiaq Inn, tions. addlticns .and new construc­ Wearing Anttrel—Pnfs 57 what price, ..the town wiU authorise X 180’ . WUl be imld with washing buyers. Mortgages arranged. OUncan/was rtiarged with non- shamefully in the Indochina War." \ tion. Dormers, porches, farafse experienced Aaideitet book- CANARIES. GUARANTEED ard Q i ^ . ML 8-7088. WANTED—Four, five, six room machine. Moiftgage arranged. Please call George L. Orariadlo. N P.258A. EERO COUPE Broad Brook. TPL Locke, TaicoUville. kaeper, pdyroU, ^rptof. Good i the Board of Selectmen to aell to support by Ruth Davis Duncan, 38, Th# French today reported the MAUonal S-47M. and rooms Untahed at reaaanaUe m , all colon, also lamales. TWO OVERCOATS, alse 88. In good rent, two children, ages 4 snd 8. Owner moving Mit of town. Buyer Realtor. MIteheU 6-8S78. 109 of this rity. whom he left last July loss of a small IM River patrol COUPE hom . food pay qnd benaate. Cun ML 64481. 8BA80NE3) Hardwood, hardwood the Volunteer Eire Association, SpetligM; radto. c ^ Workmanahlp fuaranteed. condition. Both for 818. Tel. MI Willims.-itic, HA. 8-4033 collect. may move in immediately. Real Henry strtet i the police said. After poUce Invea- I boat *— ^ under'—■*— Vietmite— shelling. • MI. 6-8371. alaba, sawed, and delivered. Tele­ 84181. Inc., No. 1, the building now be­ bargain price; ! 89,5r' ~ Radio, heater, new ant or seesad a MAVB TOUR Income tax return Auto RapairingM-Painting 7 M eattmatsa. Robart M. Alexan­ [THE ing used by said association aa a ------j^-,500, OeOtge L. tittigated e t e d DtincaA’a l ______marital tangle_____ he Communist-led rebel gunners '51 Olds "88^' prepared In your own home by der. yei; ML 6-7716. MANCHESTER Pet phone WUUmanUc, HArrlson 8-1457 Grasladto, Realtor. MI. 9-5878 IF READY to buy, sell, mrchange titea.,A hay at .. O a l 6oooo«Rqaaoo4 WANTBp-'^xmf lady to work in pMrter,IT, 665 Mato St., invutn you or Stom , GArfleld 6-9668. Fire House, together with a auf- eaftor. wi® charged with bigrmy to a war­ $ 2 9 5 former Internal Revenue asent Honaes for S iils 72 le: estate, mortitoSte arranged. rant 'as. ed Iqr tha city prosecuting K fine ladtoM W opentaf soon. Full to visit pete'of aU Uada. Q » . Wnniod—-To Bny 58 flcltet amount of land to put a C'-nsult Howard R. H- -tings. $ 16 9 5 Phone CH. S4IM after 6 p.m. PORTER STREjEr Section —Four attorney. - CAR BURN OIL? Reonnc—adlng 16 wine. Experience' necessary. necUcut bred Perakeete. Ml suitable addition thereon. PR&WAR Six room Cape Cod, Agency, Mitchell 9-UOV. No. S05A. P ra -W a r C a rs A v a ila b le 1 5 0 t o |100>—llfo 'M o n a jr D o w r S M i^ jto ia commiaston. CaU ML 64273. Houre Monday throurh WOOD—89 a load. DeUvered any GUNS. PISTOLS, 'bbotguns. rifles, -Signed; large shade treis, artistic atone rooma snd tile bath, first floor, Lieut. Joseph Walsh, said Dun WAMtBD—Paeaenfer from 'MaO' evening. CaU PL 84619. two partially finished rooms sec- ^ can adLdtted mar.-ying MUis Vlr cheatw to vicinity oC Travelere hi- FOR THE BEST in built Friday, 10 to 8:80^ Wedneaday any condition. Alao awords, da Goodwin W. Jacobepa walls, no deveilopment, centraUy CASH WAITING for any type real .Jjconoiny..JHariumLi „ gwsr arrow -h «i^ ' piowdir ■iw^tadi" imirtrtw- atoeaie ■J)OfL... Hnuss la..,..fully.. -insulated ijj- ^gto-FINO, Sidtof and carpentry. Uens CaU MI: 6-8070 between 8 Gatto C d\ CH. 9-8489, evenings erty may be inspected by calling See Ckmuan Motor Sales. Buick Alterattons and addttiona Ce^ end 8 p.m. for appointment. TaL ML 8-7406. UNPAID BALANCE WANTED—Baby carriage, in good Howard R. Hastings Agency any Duncan's second and tfatn' wives / RIGHT FRICES FOR SAFE and COuitebUB Auto | Has Been In storage 5 Months condition. Reaaonable. Ml. 6-7561. icB stotioN ovolabit for M aiiChesteX>«. 3-6946, JA. 8-8689. ThU la to rlva notice that I. AL- v/are to City Court this morning. 4-Door $995 6Mss ^ Servtoe. SSS Maia Drivtof Instractton with iwured infa. WorkmaneWp fuarabteed. time. Manchester MI. 9-1107. . I BERT J. STEVENSON, of 807 Wood- street MRoheU P-467L Open eve- I sold this to s young cdui^e 8 brldfe St., IfanCheater, Conn., have Ncitbsr had previous Unowlodge of /RIGHT GOOD CARS No. S6SB. dual control edr caU Laraon Driv- ^ A, Cten. lae.. 888 Autumn E x p e r i e n c e d s a l e s P(Hri%ry snd S o m iHc s 43 n ln fs. itraet. hOtcheU 8-4f80. 1 months ago, but they are not gst- looso 00 Uglily trovoltd 82300 DOWN, 6 roqm ranch, radiant FIVE MINUTES from Manchester, filed an applicaUon dated Feb. iS. 1954. Duncan's other maniagee the po- tof__8efaooL Phone MlteheUl ting msrrieid. R oobui wlfhoBt Bnsrd 59 arlth the Liquor Control Coramtaalon (or llcs said. . / . RIGHT PLACE TO RUT 8-6070. WOMEN FCm HIGH CLASS I GAS BROODER stoves. SOO chick heat, garage. Phone Adams 3-6M7. beautiful five room, three bed­ 1860 CHEVRcB ^ JFordor, radio, room , weU constructed ranch. Hot a. Packase Store Permit, for the . aale DILLON highway; In Maoehosftr. STORE SELLING QUAIOTY' CMMtctty. 8 electric Ume clckske, BLONDE BEDROOM ' NEWLY DBOORATED,, BeautSUUy of alcoholic liquor on the oremlaea, '50 Ford "8" baator, axoaUant tintoighout Briiw DRIVING InatraeUons tram yoi R e o fin g 1 6 -A t e n m i n u t e s L ,. Center — water oU heat, baseboard radia- Daley waiey Rdko Rt.m. 31.»i. Coventry,uovemry, Conn.conn. Keep white lemther accessortci 1953 MERCURY • assorted feeden end wistercra, LIVING ROOM SUITE furnished and WMUdoos iroom. The Uon, two fireplaces. An exceUent "rhe buaine** u owned by^Aibert j. ytotr own mechanic, a be homo, Dual-control ineureo car.I WOMEN’S WEAR electric hot water heater end % ExcoRoot poSoiitial. C ol Three bedroom rsncl years spotless with frequent sudsinn. ROOFDfO—fpoctollxtof In rnalr- most complete fight boUsekeeptag old. Attractive living . valua at Manrbaater_I “ t® St'venaon, of 807 WoodbrtdSe SPORT COUPE 2-Door $695 SALES and SERYICI a t 8846. Douflaa Motoni;\888 ] standard or antoraati-.:. Can Man- h.p. motor. AU items like ' new, 6-PC. D IN E I^ SET facUlUca avaUatoe to BfihiCharite flre- VBIM M sis,aw . ManenesMr— our gt,_ Manchester. Conn., and win be «on- Whip up dry suds adth a s UHIs tof roofa of aU ktoda Alao new Apply A t ’WebUnghouss'! SUec. Ref. ' place, torture wtodow! rOom Cape- Ood, naar schoola and | ducted by a l b e r t j . ste ven so N. of water as possible. Apply ,4dth Hardtop. Color blue. No; ttSB. FORD JW Sae Acafaaiy. pf, roofa. Guttar work. C8itouM>ys roaaonable. - RockvUle 8-6880 You wiu marvel at the cleanUness H a r t f e i ’R, J A d u M buses. OU hast, exceUent condi-! Woodbrldge St., Manchcaier/conn., 8-7846, Toil traa. morntoga. "Colorlc’’ CombtoaUon Rang* of thto buUdtog. Children accepted. room off kitchen, 7110___ ------I OB n^rmittrp . /'*■ sponge or soft brush. Wipe with rally equipped. a f ) A O C ^ abeolut^ baautiful cleaned, repaired. 88 years’ CONNECTICUT STATE stall shower. Hot water oU Uon, 89,500. The Ellsworth Mitten 1 p^rmiUc*. ■ another sponge or cloth jtomedl In avery perience. Free 4 " ’’Maytag’’ Washer Cent^, Priced so reasonable ^ ALBERT J. STEVENSON. Low mileage..... ^ , ^ 8686 nm BAUAROB URnrOfO scaoou..^ estimates. CaU] . e m p l o y m e n t ssa iv iC E [ BgOAD BREASTED Bronse Tur- • 4 1 2 5 3 . basement garage. Luge nito Agency,. Realtors. Mr. Whltchsr. Datrd Feb. If. iNii. y stely and blot dry with ^Wel. - F a R D - p rice avriy. Dooflas Mbtoito, Howiay. Mancheater MltdieU - ’’Emerson’’ Television Set you’U gasp! Be sure and see thto '4 9 O ld s " 7 6 " "Maneteator'a oldsaL” Ownar- Room 16 keye. Fresh froien toms, 14 to 20 ■”Hoover’’ Vacuum one. Mrs. Dorsey. 14 Arch St. secteoed porch also front porch. 6-6831 - MI. 8-6930. 1950 PONTIAC n s M S-8S61. Lovely: lot 100’ x 200' with many, ------— 319 MAIN STREET .CntUled ty AAA and Board cf | 806 Main Stipei, Henchester pounds. 88c Ib. Sebeub’a Turkey Alao Included Simly innerrartog ------,— ::— / M A N C H E 8 T B S ticn. We offer tralntof, ex- Farm . 188 HUlatown Rd. shhibs snd flowers and trees. Ex­ IXFORD STRESn^, Large living 4^D06R SEDAN '2 -D o o r $ 8 9 5 CUSTOM tudor, ibdiOi Btettreaa snd Box Spring. "Alexsn- centrally located. ' "h fireplAce. very pleasant No. SlIB . - iJ Beautiful maroon ftnUh, toteat methods. llSebeU Htating—4*hiBibiiig 17 Monday and Tuesday der Smith" Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Continuous hot water. GenUemaii clusive wtth Elva Tyler, Realtor. U-SIS. t-toa green. Hydraniatkv , i.. preferred. Phone MI. 6-7136. M l. 9-4489. two bedrooms and tile radio, heater. vers. Runs Ilka n Ariiclon for Sale 45 Kitchen cabinet, Inlaid and a few bath. Simeioua second- floor. Fine QUARANTBSiD PluaBbtof «wd March 1 and 8 1. from owner. Good condlUon. Oil Uumlnum screens uUUed, courteous Instructor. En- faa water baatera sold and AU makea of adding machtoca HARTFORD CHapel 7-0359 Phone MI. 6-0181. F O R •eteam heat. Vacant. MI, 3-5636. 100 X 164. Madeline 'oUar FOR flJ^Uar overthrlve, radio, d o ^ tsachiiw msUiod fuaran- in- Help Wsnftd—ahJi 861 ^ Hapel 7-03 \MI. 6-1643 or MI. 1952 RUICK 4-DOOR A « i beater. ExceUent condlUon. ^ e atailecL Time paymahta erid te ranted. Repaira en aU P 4-Door $745 tw tower Msons, Ucense to- After 7 P. M. 0H*6-4690 SINGLE ROOM, ~ private home; \ No. 82B. aw nef, 8680. Cra t e seen after Rkriley BtoUwa MltcheUsSflLi r time teleSmah, toakeri. Ifairlow'a. » shower, S m t L i D SEDAN p. m. at » Nye St. MI. 6-821S, eluded. ML 6-7388. with abUity to seU an enbraly new . S e e Jt Day Or Night parking space.. Tei. MI ______— ..—’------You Can’t Matal^Thosa i*ENNOX Furnaces aiMl warm air BAILET’ S AntlqtM Shop, 888 Mato If you have no means of transpor* 6-4081. place, ceramic tile bath,' hot‘^^NCTOETBR—Attractive 6—two Green. This car to C l T O E 1851 FORO OUSrOM YUBOR household sppUaiMe, that is a| partly flfilshsd, shed dormer, -cel Uke new. U-664. ^ 1 / T t e nils haatinf. Earl Van Camp. must to every bonie.^Csn make up ■traet MRbheU 84008. Modarataly taUon I’ll send my auto for you. No water-oil heat, garage,-^ amesite “ " ‘ ...... A Real l.eadad Car. Gangwi SdrVicB— .8-8844. obllgatton. driveway. .Screepa, storm win­ Isr, hot/wster oil heat, fiteplaqe, ‘ Cars- Anjrwr nara lis '4 8 B u ick 1864 Pontiac ntar Chief Hardtop to 8600 a weak for one that to not prioad itema to china, gtoas. ttan ROOM'-WITH twin teds for two combtoaUon aluminum storms. S to r s g d 10 Mrato to uas his spiuw time. See ware, pewter and funutnre. dows. ExceUent condition. Price T952 RUICK RIVIERA ■; ..„Jl .MIP! N o ■ Overt e ad ’Dsm anr~’ " 4iWi!M>M.- ‘«A**""L“'-B' • :5S«)L DEiaiG N E^. , J.19,i!ffiqjIfiA.,.Bscott.-.Agsi»cyr.-ll'. I : /p-fri r r >n^‘u^6•/‘ 4idDooi: J$$95 Tntertor with colors to mat^ ALMOST NEW SO-gaUon Frlgideire No. 36SB. 1151 FORD MEWLINE FORDOR 8ae U today. ^ I MI. 84161, 43-45 Allyn 4% H artford censed broker, 386 High St., W., t ! » 3 Folly equipped. This GARAGE FOR Rent. 84 Grlawold electric eutomatlc hot water heat- • RETAILERS _ ' " corner• MMcKee. ------MI. 6-7683. Mancheatar, '6 0 . 8-6046, -JA. ' ' 'Radio aad Heaty. St. Tsl. MI. 8-7711. SO I RockVUlir Road. TalcoUt^e. SAM. milea.-Hew ear-gimnuitea. ■ ■ . cu r wUljmt beLhere to . < 1884 CtevtolaC Sedai. te. Ixmr Orica.for tmmadtate aale. ATTPjTlON Ladtoef SS|KW»era "AUWiTN"" CHAIBOERS p q, Phone MI. 6 -^ after f. qnd drapes eustow ma<*. Re-nn. d e s i g n e r s iJUPLEX 84, exceUent condition, with powar . |1«BCi8ANIC-Must be ■^fmis wwitiB irilh 'tete'AowBv-BHHiy !^ 7 O lds . ^ *-*Bid'b«*ter."W i^ movtuiit -GdothwageerStof GOr jwoite saiee. W i l :ns. etdrage. STEAM OR HOT water boUer and . posaibfiitiss. 181’ lot. 4% mort- large lot. Four delight^ roomi— HR i^«rim ofia«io% ' - iW flifbm irfM 1545 F0R8 «,1» 00C PI= = day. CaU B O ttoU 171 Union Street, RockviUe 8-88081 p rtote aoUda. Esnert SBRVIOB OHARo B 8346 •TOOL and DIB MAKERS 8 Completely furnished, including Priced to seU today. GUARANTEED >187. Hartfora 6-1428. or 5-8780.' oU w m r unit, to good operattog finished: 15 down,. 6 2 Wtekl ^ gage, oantraUy located. 812,600. Color green. Radio, 2-Door $595 BCyHador. P^T ^ quality condition. Carlton W, Hutchins. MI. 64133, electric rtove, tefiigerstor snd >*M,Marc(iry Monterey Conv4F- VliiQD MlTViCA Low price fOr linmedl- tetoce one year to pay. Cali • MECHANICAL tenter. One owner. No. 808A. ate removal, Phone 9-3846 T a . MI-9.444S 9-4694. wsahing machine. Amesite drive.- nblo—Lustrous blue finish, M«r- fora 8 p.m. wiu te sarvicA aania Y O U t h e k n a c k JAckson 3-7780 or JAcka^ 44164, Gary Oil heat. AU yours for 810,800. 1952 DODfiE CLUB COUPE nighL M L 8-1847. ary. Local light tradung and after 6 p.m. Out of town reverae charges. • TOOL and GAUGE c m m Uc drive, sutomsUe win- pactoe daUvery. Refrigerators, FOR KEEPING THINGS Madaltoe Smith, Rssltor, MI. Plxcellent condition. ■ , II 1551 FORD OOSTOH TUDOR oows, radto. beater, sifnal lifhts, TRADE-INS Accepted on Schick. INSPECTORS MANCHESTER 1949 DODGE CUSTOM ' Radio, teator. WIRING INMTALLA'nON of aU I washers and stova moving a RUNNING SIMMONS BEAUTY fieat mattrass 6-1648 or MI. 6-1146, '460lds"76 uof^ental edieel, only 14,000 apecialty. Ml. 64na. Remington, 8untean> rexors. Alsj 4-Deer. Radio, heater. No lob too amaU. Pater If 80, wg would like to tell you and box tertng. ExceUent cmldi- LAKE STREET— Just over Man nmee. A. real htauUful car at a cutting beads for aU rasora. Rua- tlcn, 888 comptote. ML 84643 after • GAUGE MAKERS ‘ One :bloek from Center: ISa PLYMOUTH 4400R .seat covers. Mtetantlal savtaf, Puteluk.,40 Foatar atnet Phone about the job of Envelope Ma­ chaster Una to Bolton. Three bed Special De Luxe. E.; H., DX. 2-Door $295 MltcbeU 8-7303. saU’a Barter Shop, oornsr Oak 0 p.m. Large 6 and 6 duplex with one U-S6T. $ 8 4 5 No. 865R 1951 STUDEBAKER PsiBtiag—PsparlBg 21 chine Adjuster. You don’t] and Spraoe. • PRECISION GRINDERS room ranch with basement ga 51155 8W2 Ford Fordor—Original 20,000 car garage. Nice size lot. One rage, 8% years bid. Attractive liv Sedan Coupe. qOBIPLETE Repairs by gtuart R. COMBINATION gaia snd oil range, *** •aceltont PAINTING, and ^ a l u m in u m combtoaUon win- side availablis for immediate tog. room, fireplace, built-in book 1988 CHEVROLET AERO SEOAM 1450 PACKARD WMoM on wrtqger and Mitomatte, J “ I creaih and tan, amaU stoc, with • SHEET METAL ’ II eoi^UMi. As food as nsw. priced ■ PAPER HANGING • t6CiiniCM school jt^EOUfttCel dowi and doors, satfaetoring,-sava oil burner and drabser, 810. Phone For Sale o cc u p a n cy . cases snd picture window, Lmin * A good clean car priced right 4-Door. Gray. Radio, heater, waahtof raachtote. vacuum clean, MECHANICS '42 Olds "76 Many of our best adjusters! 66ri, riimfort, ccnvsnlenee, last a MI. 6-4641. . dry room off kitchen, Ule bath ir black. New C O A ^ tel, motm, teiatt appUancea. FLOOR SANDING Many Other Listings 1555 FORO TUOOR came from non-technical call­ UfeUme. Free demonstrsUon. CaU •JIG BORERS ^ with stall ahowsr, Venetian blinds, t Jeb. U-T91. . . 1681 Oidsmobils •’88" HoUdsy Waldlng, ISO Mato St. PbrneBo! and REFINISHING anytims. Bill Tunaky. MI. 64096. awnings, storm windows snd 19«7 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 2-Door $125 gsndtgp—tsistidus blue metallic 64878. ings. The work is interesting T. J. CROCKETT, Broker No. 6C. IShoe Store • EXPERIMENTAL screens, - large rear sersened Mechanically perfect • -i 1947 PLYMOUTH GILBERT FICKETT and important and paya in COMBINATION Aluminum win­ 244’Main Street porch, disappearing stairway, hot 1555 FORD 54IYL TVDOR OPENEb, keys fitted, dows and aersons, $17.96 and up, MACHINISTS 4-Deor^ Sedan. Radle, heater, copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, M I-3 -6 9 8 2 proportion: A dju ^ rs glm re> water oil heat, amesite drive. This New point diver has the best. plus tosteUatlon. Combination S**««««fii»y coofUcN O ffice; MI-3-5416 home is situated on a lovely tand- 1987 BOOOE 2-OOOR 4 it eovere. New C E A E MANY OTHERS TO fona, ate., repalrad. Shtera, ceive of course, all the other aluminum doora 846.80 plus tostal- LOOKING FOR tireo. U-SS6...... M o OMamoblle ••86?’ Tudor— wu vea, mowsra aid. put mto con- Residence: MI-9-7751 scaped lot IM’ x 800’ and la to FnUy recondltiened. CHOOSE FROM PAINTING AND benefits of our liberal per­ latlon. Mancheatar Homo ImpUEAR BENTON ST. and'location SPECIAL ATTENTION - < : i vacation with {toy a year; paid forBM nyym fairawR of new high school, six rooms Tj/Ier, Realtor. MI. 6-4469. 1949 0008E ^BOOR ANB 4-BOOR A N D H E A T E R R.-H. Inspect them cleeely. to rstorniiig KOREAN COMPLETE Band and powar lawn JOHN M. McCANN holidays; life insurance; IN A 1009& ^ a r d a y s complete, front dormers, fire­ PARKER STREET—There la qual­ moyrte salsa and eervlce. Motors weekly sick benefits for , s«lf; of 40.e00 pooplo. WoR -place, corner cupboard to dining ity—and—quantity to this Six room WAR veterans. ^ My Cbie Are Honastty n ito anf’ overhauied. Pickup and 30 LaurelrStreet SEPHO TANKS 8 A. M.>,to 12 Noon O pen h o s p ita l b en eflta f(Nr s e lf a n d ] room, good closet space, plaatic home. Four rooms, fireplace, tiled IS a FORB CLUB COUPE Guaranteed T e l. MI-3-7388 or MI-3-6738 AN D : •ttahRibid hotiiiiM Wcekdajra tile, bath, large kitchen, steam oU AU cA is tisno A son c a a n r , Sr aSir^®*' family aqd congenial work­ LOCATION? bath, oo flrst floor ; two bedrooma A nice one. B v e n i n p s 8 A . M. t o 4 :30 P. M . heat. Hot Point electric hot water and lavatory with gtaased-in p iU yB R at PAINTINO, ttrtarite and totertor, ing conditions. If interested 1M8EB SEWERS heater, laundry tuba, brass phimb- 3 S 4 A V UNCONDITIONAL O U A B A M I t ANnQUES^tiuia Reoiilriied. Rmlrtiw W e have Just such of flees whh oxeeReef fehwo. rtiowsr on sspond: sU reflecting MORIARTY dona teP toa n g tog . CaUtogs Krefintoh- ask for Jack Rowan or m ys^. hig, acrecna, storm wtodowa, im- dtocriminatlng Uete. Recreation YOUR CHOICE MAY NOT RE USTED— lidTOS SALES awaiting your inapcetioii. mediata occupancy. ExccUent’con- IM' ed. Wati papar hooka « requakt. Claude BUson, Supt- At loosr $10000 tm O t room to hes^snt, qU hot water TelRuboM p ii-M W • ririam Eetlm atee given. Fully insured-. 6htUM CItlMd. For cBm^etc inforaMtioa PEATT and WHITNEY , ditioa. Price 818.600, Escott Agen­ heat, sxlstlog 28 ysair G I mort­ y/E HAVE MANY MORRTO CHOOSE FROM ^RROTHERS UNITED STATES OaU Edward R. Price-MRcteU set F ^ k MiQer at' cy, licensed broker, 386 High 8t., gage may be assumed. Madeline l i n o o l n -m r Kc u r y Haay OOMrOsad B i i p i n l i 6-lOM. ENVELOPE COMPANY a i r c r a f t W., corner M cK ee, 6 0 . 6-7668. #O W E R b u r n e r s Wstaiw Smith, Realtor. 60. 6-1848 or 60. DEALERS totere teyertly < 6-1146. W hite Corbin Diviaioh l a r g e h o u s e on large lot oa PAINTING AND THi SAVINdl l ^ S S l^ CENTRE ST. MANCHESTER Sattotactlon 88 years’ Rockville, Cbrin. Vss Ribiiov, te Ualtai AliteafI •afe Street asanrea your chiMren .^^BIsa'-gHtt 86 to^innetiiqateN - ritotetonee.. ■ Osfparailte' happy chJtOieod. with ptanty of $ O U M E N R i» TEL. Ml-S-8188 546 u r fte iiitoi m im m mo$. IMin Senieteim to futuk ■unahtoc. fresh Sir and s badroom jt o Vteli Mnr..CkB Rayneed PARTTlMEadMOl hiisdrivkr. Can] Rfaid B erakl Aidrs. $34 COirm SitRT — MM4I01 MOTOR SALE! T n iedteu. M L 6-1614. . BO.64218. ‘ SSS BL. gut BarOtei aplaoe. 8l3JM)0. Madalina Ssitth, A" V ' R ^ tor, ML’6-16U or 60. 6-US6. .SU Wart Csotar Stiart .....- I . \ m m 1 - ■\ * r:\ •> \ ^ /t J ! ' f ■/ ; > , V)''-. ;;'jV T - '■'/ ■ .1 ■•-r-'-/. ■ /■ • .'/ra ' \ i J \ ■ . ■-,■■•':■■ ■ .. ;■ -I ' ' . ■ ■- t r . -■ ',. ■' ■ - . .. .(■ '"V 1 / / , : . A. / y \ . - J---. •■ . ■ . ' ' • ■ ' V" , ';. /' : ./ J h- ■ I ■ I.:-' •■„ X \Jy . . J • ' .,'i ’J ',’jl'll* -'•"'•'.A. - fc-Jl-l-r .<■*,. ------\. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2«, 1951 ■■ a - JL- A^wfsffi Dany Net Presa Hw / / : / “ ■ tt-'- 4 . ,fyH.tba;JWssk-40Msfi'-- - visited: the ^P».animscaH Mbhlrtst^ ^ t m S WdTH: 0eint, wlwiM>jyhi u n f^ a SKrtifd M hrTiiSaiheiilita D en ie F w s 'WTRT's equipment with plans of , 3 n d h ^ wprttaiid hi Dartoaouth Ooncaption. Tha White House. Un- iSoBasa, Banonr, N. H.. this waak- establishing an independent sta­ 1 1 < !/ • Tour WAshington coin ManioriaL W a^ngton Monu­ tion in Manchester, la already aod. aa a fuaat of hla froahman ment, fMpitoi and rnnl'-hsonian In­ Face Competition Member ef tbs Audit •on,' ClMUtoa P. Shavor, Jr. Toung faced with > a competing appUcar stitute wara visited Tuesday tion filed by Samuel Elman, man­ Oreatottow dUiayar. tha' aalutatorian of tha Mrs. Halan Fltapatrlrtc, praaident inaBfiSfis:‘< aaaa of 1S6S at Manchaafar High Following luncheon in the Senate Additlmtal competition for John ager of WATR in Waterbury. of tha Hartfprd County Faderatlon dining-room at noon, tha group at­ Dame, tha Norwich radio man who Bngels said that before 'becom­ M^utuMter— ^A City of VUlnge Chtfrin School, ia a mambar of thia Toung of Damocratic Women's Clubs, and tended tha aaaslon of Congress, Rapublicana caub at Dartmouth. plans to establish a 250-watt radio ing interested in the WTHT fran­ r mi I I, . f e l • 9 m fU u tc^ Mra. kfary. Acetp. and Mrs. Kath­ visited the Franciacan Monastery atatkm ill Manchester, loomed to­ chise,, he had' been in negotions VOL. LXXm , NO. 126 (dasamafi •AfiverMskig * pag« leen McOuire, reprasantlng tha of Rrasentatives. day in tha wake of an announce­ with WCCC. Otib Scaiit Troop 15S, at Ita Blue Manchester Federation of Oamo- M A N C H ^ E R , c o n n ., SATU RD AY, FEBRUARY 27, 1954 .and;Qoid banqoat at tha WaddaU^ Mrs. Katherine Louchhelm, di­ ment by the owner of stations in (TWELVE PAGESr oratic Woman’s dub, this weak rector of women's activities for all Provoanca and wbreastar that he PRICE •n>b«rt. SO. Mn of School, Wadneaday avening, wate members of a group of*2S Democratic sromen's clubs, latpr •Ur./tnd Sin. Ilu««l P. Jobtrt caivod ah Amarlcan flag from tha will/ apply for the franchise of delagatea from the county, fedara- mat with them in Congressman Radio Station WTHT. OMtMr St, tt maklns prapa* Auxiliary to tha Diaabled Amarlcan Uon who toured Washington, D. C. Vatanna, No. 17. ^ a praaantation Thomas Dodd's office, and talked Robert Bngels, owner and opera­ PAINTS? CAU' U. S. Notes. KAiMW at Port Oavana, Maaa., to The other delegates -came from about tha program of the Demo­ -hAk. Of out/ /pailletoata in ' Kaerciaa - Fhuh waa mada by Patriotic InatrUctor Hartford, Naw BriUin, Rocky Hill, tor of WHIM in Providence, and SaUy MUlar. Troop Mahtar Ralph cratic women's cluba WORC, in Worcester, was Quoted ■ la aeliatfulad to taka Glaatmibury and Wetharsfleld. 1 'M^pert Bracf, Vt. C„ la Rooka accepted tha flag andjad in On the return trip, a atop over as saying he hat long becii inter­ N ew W a tha Pladgo of AUad^ca. Others Leaving HartTord Sunday night, waa made In New York Wednesdi^ ested In gaining an outlet- in Hart- April aisO May. Ha.antarad tha the group arrived in Washington at C. J. MORRISON ■Ansyvifi July, lOBS, aaO' oomplaU from tha Auxlitarir taking part ia noon for n tour of. the city and/a toiid and contemplated filing ap the program wara, Cmdr. Helen 7 o'clock Monday mbnting, and trip to tha Statue of Liberty. The appHcatlon with the Federal Com- PAINT ANS WAUPAPni COMPANY ad Uito tcainlns at Fort DU. first went on a sightseeing tour of ^MBII 4 lUrPLV ca l W. J. * Baaba, Conductraaa tCay Millar, Sa group arrived in Hartfotd Wednes­ munlcatlons Commission for the MS CENTER STREET — TEL. MI-*-«71< O f J o h iess Vice Cmdr/ Martha Millar, and Alexandria. Mt. Vernon other day night. The tour \ 'as conducted WTHT franchise. WE OIVB Ji-9C OREEN STAMPS Color Bearir Prelda Moorhouaa. points of Virginia. by J. A. Silar. district managar Of ,WTHT, recently gave up' its MNcImI M S » O p* Meeday tkreagb Setmrday S AJi. to • PJL *nia Hartford Oirpter o f tka In tha afternoon, the woman the Baltimore and Ohio RSUroad. fmnchisa pfter Joining with WONS < ^ t * '‘MWent Eisenhower won a WsshingtoX Feb. 27 (yp)^ Anartcan Sociaty o(,!C M Bng^ Sunaat Rabakah liOdga will meet aaatm'wlU install naw officmi Moo* » ^ o r victory in the Senate s voU .last night killlnff bro- The month/bf March, desig­ Monday at • p. m- in OddOdi Fellows nated b y / President Eisen­ in tba audltoilnardf Han. for ita usual bhaineM asasion. SStvote wJ.'mi.l''' to IMt Ir—ty power, ard Oaa Oo. CSiariaa V. U wiU ba "gams" nigdit, with Miss hower MAn economic weather dariaa ancinaar in tka Ra- Barbara Anderson and M i* Ruth lost w u one by Sen. O e ^ a vane^Avas at hand today amid 1^ ? # UtoKnoUa Atomic Matchatt ia charge. Mra. Florence A J14W,.wav« of unemployment- ; POirit Lakonlory in fiohattactady, - iDHJsI 'wMch had emerged ai Armstrong, chairman of the re­ 9Q final of Mversi veraloni that Sen- a fresh drop in farm wfll.ba tiia apaaker at tha freshment committee will be as- I whm wih follow k D G. fi**j'**,P*«n debating since Jsn. 20. pt^ices. aistafi by Mrs. Ustitta Rady, Mrs: • • • ' El Sphere$ o f InfluehcO'-^Jn Action Hm inataUation caramonlaa. >At Fair Brown. Mrs. Msybel Dowd, „ .??* Prtrtdeint objected that on# EiMnhower told n news confer' ttMi Akuiai to im hold at tk-^ City pan of the George propoMi^re- ence over two w*ka ago that his Mrs. Doris Cole and Mrs. Florence ^tring congressional approval be- C3oh o f Hartfotd prior to tha tadi* Mletxner. admintktration would go into nc- Bical jyattn p, ArU^r M. McQln- t o » internstionst sgreemenU H iir jl^ tioi$ if MArch faUDd to brina an .. itomesUfti antlCtDated untum in fti« -^Artitodr MnUfiiaHrnn^'Bti^^ WN^wouTd have impinged upon economic activity. eual tha eyrent iport acane. St, h«s entered Hartford Hospital T . PT**r» and hie authority' Administration apokMmen have for surgery, and wUl ba confined to to dsaljiYith diplomats of other na- ■7?------— ^----- the Institution for at Isaat two [ ITS a bloust insisted the country h u been go­ C * WMkS. b y The* agr*ments are made ing through no more than a read­ py^th# Pretident'or hl« .rfipreMN* justment in the wake of the end • r o m i ^ N m n o t t o tatives without having to be'rati- London, Feb/ 27 (JPy— Rainbow Glrla who are to regia-1 of the Korean fighting. But some Tledjiy the Senate, aa treaties are. Americfin finid^ British policy Democrats have contended the na­ ter the guests at the Masonic ballj Cloves The margin of one "no" vote, h«8 suffer^ s setback from this evening, are requested to tion already is in a recession. Cairo, Egypt, Feb. W (^p)—An army spokesman said toilBy : supplied drsmstically at the l* t the split vrithhi Britain’s .So­ Actian Needed Now port to Worthy Advisor Pr' minute by Sen. Kilgore (D-WVs), Gen. Mohamed Naguib will return as President of Egypt sod fMING SALE Hill before S:SO, Yvearlng Ukeirl \ cialistic Labor party over the Just yesterday, the Senate- Aaapicaa of Dareaa ftodaty apparently means there will be no Houm Economic Committee eaid it U.v^Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser will become his Prime Minlstfir. Ybhite dress*. Girls who g n to amendment at all. although it is rearmament of West Ger­ *rvs U ' waitress* wtR wear| For Early is sure “nny eerlous further re- The spokesman told reporters this wag the result o t /» com­ sh o rt-c u ff technically posalble to reconsider many. ceuion can to avoided” but it ad- promise agreement worked out to~' - ATLOTHttHAU atr*t length dresses. -the vote. Of JBnuaHl-SMlMnBa ObarelK X • ■ Even , if only temporary, the re­ Y***d "timely and courageous" setUe Egypt’s intomal political! Aseoclat* aaid the outcome—no verie raiMs the threat the W *t Mrs. Ralph Blodgatt/Mrs. Rob-1 •^1* I® •tir business invrotment struggle and formal announce- ‘ $ATURDAY, 1 MM. b ro o d clo th amendmmt would be ntisfsc- may dissipate s public opinion ad­ and consumer spending,- ment of Naguib's return would to ert Shooahan and Mrs. Ralph Os- • tory to the President. If the Senate vantage gained from the Russiaha’ wralfi, compose the committ* in Spring Wear The comnUttep, which h u b*n made public shortly. < had passed the measure, they aaib, adamant position nt the Big Four studying the President's recent Earlier, the ruling RevoluUonary i charge of he dessert sale, Sunday,'! the administration would have're­ Foreign Ministers' Conference in following tha Ifi a. m. Mrvlce at | economic recommendatlou, aug- pjuncll holed up at tha main Army! doubled efforts to kill or water it Berlin. guted in an unprecadented unaini- headquarters torrseka at suburban! the Saoond Oongragational Church., 9 8 down in the Hou*. GenlrrSlly, W ut Europ*n So- This, sale of fboda suitable for d *- i ^ S report that the administra­ Abbaasis- MtUng tanka, field guns ' — -Seii. Knowland of Californis, the claliets have oppo* d the id * of a tion put off plans to raises Qis and -automatic riflemen on gunrd—- * r t will he conducted by the Mwry OOP floor leader, went against the Cushman Group of the Women’s | W *t German mlfitary ’con' t*™ proffrnm embodying and broadcast the warning: LONG WEARING \ Pr*ident on the final vote, after tingCnt in a ’^European Army .‘qpd, high-level prica mpporta for "Any disturbances or dlaoitler League, at which Mrs. E. V. he previously had Opposed sub^ (EDC). Their opposition, "par­ Coughlin is Issder. New smart styles in nylon, double woven cotton' "Buie ycr«p>a with s hew asppori will to severely crushed.” i IV COLUMMA ARROW stltutlng the George version for ticularly in France^ has delayed syftemt ba*d on flexible propa. Counter-Flet Indlcstefi ' find strinsT gloves. Slip on styles in short, medium one administration spokesman had the ratificaUon of EDC, And.EDC The urgent sir of the mUiUry: Mafia to Otfiar Balph -^A- Howard, jr.. M Ridge j Thslped work out Tha 14 oommittee msmbars, botlt Dfimaseus, Syria; ■ Feb. 27 /'and long lengthX" 'v ,\ represents n corneratone of United Republican and Democratic S«na- pmeediiva suggested th« new ( St, mkfl* -the Deafi's List for | Kaewlaad Backed Oeorge Stst* and British policy for the Premier, and the 10 young officers ^ r-The Syrian Military- 'tha-'Wit aMMsi at-TvInity Oel> | •r T i nv5K 'r'.jr,*-.,iu 'r" • •: -^ -‘ vHiHmrlniiid-tO*d1IM cfdtNSgu* defense ■lof West Europe. • ^ ' And RaproaentaUvaa, -aaifi.-toa ObmiRsnd;''- whfdr ______lege, Hartfonl mange might "actually place the fwho sit wito min bn the cbuhcll forced that while the George propossl . Britleh Socinllste Respected had discovered a plot in behalf of Fresident Gen. Adib Shishek- was unsaUsfsctbry, the Senate farm family in a wor* position” Britain's Labor party is re- in the -months to romie "when the Naguib, the modest, conMrvstive' ly into exile, called oh the rest Tha Mfiirti niMtlng of tha Man-1 should pass it and let the Hou* gsrded^is a *nlor and honored executive they d ro p ^ Thursday Chester Girl Scout Council wlU ba j V thrut to our economic stability is o f the arm yJn a demBBstra- to ^2*^^ pr* try to make improvements In it. body by SoclnllaU bn the conti * generally recognlsto." M their figurehead on tha grotind MIMTOO. held Tuesday at 7:45 p. m. at the Speaking from the rear'of the nent. Had Laborit* here whole­ to w u seeking dictatorirt poweM, tion today to purge thlh last 699 Bbin St* ^M I.9-4501 home of Mrs. L. V. Carlson, IM Colors: White, beige, pink, navy, etc. chamber to emphasise thht he W* heartedly backed a W «t German Lnderiining thia sT..tement Wu A staff officer at the^^ ci^ cil 8. Main St G * har Wmmsi out... M dsNivfa a report by the Agriculture De­ stronghold of the little dicta-,, / Ulklng as majority I*der, military cohtribuUon to EDC, their headquarters * id "two factions of tor’s backer,s. hi fits "bid fadiimsd gW* fmth el ^ Knowland said he thinks a "dan­ partment which said lu t 'night example might have influenced that fa.'m pric* want down four- the army were In conflict/over the Plan* Skewer Leaflets heavNM 1(0* Chine srsulin gerous tendency has' developed” in their colleaguM in France, Italy, forced ruigiiatlon of Naj^ib" and lentba of one per cent totwfien mid- the headquarters w * temporarily Plan* from Aleppo, the nortiMTh the form of executive department the low coUntri*, and in W *t iRDchold fletifib'rKK MfibRfitoi siwbsei4i6iw nnra_aa- _ _• mCGooI vacatloa aa8 a front coHsn.. f af ^ fsaifailM In ih# encroachment on the legislative Germany lUelf. January and mid-February. ■BcnoM cDom, aetM pro^aptljra WketMr yan call tfco fame ^'eoGiikcfi,'' **r\nrnkcn*' or **not%hnvZ^ closed even to iu menitors. commeroiaJ center that to Syria’s \ At Just about the same time, largMt city, showarsd down psm- opbandy drMsi firm, iMe branch. - - But British Laborit* ppllt al­ you employ te ^ a ^e/*hnarWea.** "gluBM** or stlek e?i^ ou liii»rto admU toe* But up to noon, there were no phleis u thousands of dsmonstra- Sen. Ferguson (R-Mich), chair- most exactly down the middle. the Labor Department's bureau of signs of fighting in Cairo. with fu«e». rlwM anfi all wr Eiuloyment Security announced tors supporting tto rebels swarmed man of the GOP Policy Committee, A Labor delegation favorable to Abbwia is the Cairo suburb in through the bssaara demanding a split with Knowrlsnd to vote against that joblessna* among worker* NANNI7TEfa«er«ofifilafi,al EDC will discuu the queatlon with covered by unemployment insur- which Naguib, Ntoaer and the other purgs of pro-ShtotoUy elements in ^ Caught short — b u l^ so pleasantly' the measure. continental So<^ista at m*tings 8««n.H St And I. ea* y*'.i wiadeHnr.X^U^^^ officers launctod the revolt which parliament. helloYaiioPMl low pdew. . • S#!!. BHcker (R-Ohio), who sUrt- in BrusMls tnis weeicanfi. But sncq.ro* to 2.178,400 in the week w u M * are conwrtefi grow aeed toga ousted King Farouk 1 from the •^.in your new shortie-cuiLSiap’N Sh o m I' Mdefi Feb. 1$. This w u the big­ The slrbonie pamphlets urged •d all the controverey with s pro- probably tha influuice of the Brit- land of the 'Fhsrsohs in MUB tto anpy to Ignore any praaaurs Reflected glory: the pretty pearl links posal which was fought openly by gest total since February 1950 (The exiled King only yceterdsy Ufi deputation h u been frittered when It r*ched 2,338.990. exerlsd by what it called “ a email ACTNOW! U s- ... the qparkling peari buttons! Wear tl^ n e -p o in t Ihn White Hou* and lost in the away. forecast Miious trouble In Egypt numbed of officers of the' iriechan- •ehe*e*Teesiwifiee ‘ 3 / effort to compromi* the issue, aaid Though the. Laborit* have b*n Still another government report •sying he expected it to davel* Ised unit” stiU supportiiw Shiahek- 4 tM*. It iIm 2 ^collar open or closed. And wash the lovely c^ b e d An the other hand that he voted fMding for throe yean, the enphe yestorijsy-- by the Labor Depari- P ost next week. In Csniiu, Fran*, to •y- , 1 . cottmi broadcloth over and over... ^ ites, n^t'a furoau of Lqbpr SUtiati* expressed the -r'nitm that '•Owfirf “ We appeal to sU offleanr, nob- (Conflnned m Page Four) (Conttbiiefi «n Paga Elcvm) (BLSi — Mid the cost of living who SelMd power will not k *p it offleers and privat* of tha army Mr $SJI Other Dresses Priced From pastels, brights f^ow like new! Sizes 30 to 40. crept upward lu t month to 115.2 very long, not more than A doun to maintain unity,” tto pamnbtetii ------: ' ' ■ - ' per cent of the 1947-49 avemge, days," js ld "qnfi prove to tto w ^ d tJ ^ “GhRS-t«rS5;R8- - > ••'‘■■'-"'sftnwsWEAr- thus nndihif--roe-'9«miitr-iiTiiiEit Q im r. -7-fDtepatchea-frohi 'Oilra'lri'Vuli:: iriitovSF liXi iflsne in history. Ject to Egyptian cenMrihIp. This against ita own natlon.'*^ — .M ■ / / The congTOMionsI Economic Washington, Feb.. 27 (ffV “ Tthst hla dlfferencss with Stevens'-termed McCarthy's charges "sheer C^lro story, tto first of which w u Tbara ware demands for tb# L CLEAN OU Oommitt* came out for a large A /source highi IH , President A” — “ft he lives up to his nonpenw." filed at 8:30 a. m. (i.30 a. m. resignation of intarim Praaiitoat part of the Eiunhower economic Eisent)ower’8 soministration t®, >«t McCarthy quea- McCarthy, however, summoned EST) took nearly thr* houra to Maahmoun El Kusbari, who w u HiM Oit program, including ppOporals to reach New York, but was evident­ said today Robert T. Stevens tion Army personnel in investi- two other 'Army men to a h*r- Spuker of the House in Shiahcli- broaden Social Security and un- Rations of the stormy ca * of Maj. Ing Monday on a different ntatter. ly intact ‘ Part of an earlier ra ly's administration. YOUR CAR Van Raalte eranloyment compqnMtipn. will continue as Secretary of P^**Gw* Tile still unrssolvsd issM^e bs» Advic* to Beirut, Lebanoa, And to keep it 'abreut of day- the Army,/'despite the__ criti____ duration of the pre*nt tween Steveii* and McCarthy ia (OMtlnued M Pngs Fear) from usnallyfTeUatale sOUrc* aaid- to-day developments. It created a — ALL DONE At YOUR HOME — New Flex-fit .1.— X. cism levelled at bis conduct today to de^nd at the Army Secretary's obntention the demonstratoro had aelzad the subcommitt* that will check on durinir niinrrel------1 —..uwith o _ i*A*t j" in pailP®rt on the timing and that military personnel appearing Hou* of Parliament and forced — YOU RIRNISH WATER ONLY— Washington, Feb. 27 (/P)_-.000 a year. BstiiAatea are that \ P*'®'5*4ure of future prob* by Mc- before McCarthy's subcommittee the resignation of CbL Shawhat Sen. Williams (R-Dri) ex-of Congress now pay Ih fOMthroed on Pnga Fonr) McCarMy (R -W is). , earthy a S e n i^ Investigations should be guaranteed against the Rescue Teams Shkeir, the Army CSiief of StlUff FOR SERVICE APFOINTMENT Nylon pressed the hope today that ‘ fw.ooo a y*r. This. . .source, who declined------to— be— subcommittee. Kind of trefttment lie Mid wnm in. who had proclaimed his support' PHONE MI.9-07S1 President Eisenhower will | thft “f*** quoted by name, aaid some of the He hu .for the moment 'put flicted on a general, ” for a ronatituUonal solution of the The indocMna War aan^totraUon’a top advi*ra had **14® the ca * of Pereaa, whom to Stevena first r^uaed and then Press Search crisis. pensiOfh fund now h * ^ re*rve o f ^ u t c o p ^ M Stevens against taking- ®fijf • "Fifth Amendment Commu- R*ve permiMion/for that eeneral The Damascus army gantooR system for 531I-.W ir.embers of ' l*i millions but *veral Senators on McCarthy at a televised hear-1 ®i®t promoted and given an ton- : *nd .another t o appear u wit. .wu reported to have withdrawn Congress and their 4,300 em­ agreed that eventually the law- hig. The source said they werel®i'*hle discharge - from the Army. " For Lost Plane to its barracks in the face of tha ployes. inakera' retirement fund will/to American Help now aatisfied ibat. whatever loss P**'®*, a New York dentlat, h u (Continued on Fnge Eleven) demonstration. The Senate late yesterday gave in the red. / of prestige Stavtns may have suf The rebels appeared to be aim­ fered tocau* of an agreement GAaper, Wyo„ Feb. 27 (A^—Gbm- ing to instan k man of their deni The most perfect fitting stock­ final approval, by a 81-30 record WllllanU pleaded In vain with bined air-ground reecua teams, ing you’ve ever worn, in new vote, to the peuion measure which the Senate to *hd the pension Seen Bulwat^ widely interpreted aa a surrender, Choi* in the presideacy. ■early spring-shades.. Iwlce had jiided through the Hou* bill back M thaj contributions, he still would have been made to aided by clearing ski*, prosMd the Kuxbari, the Speaker of the "look wor*" if- the h*ring had March today for a Lon Angel*-to- Houm, took over as Prerident in udfhbut hearinge, debate or even now 8 per cent of anlary, could .taken place. «, ■ a record vote. to upped to 8 or 9 per cent to pay Against ReBels Minneapolia W*tern Airilnea plane automatic succaaeion under. tec for added benefits. Some Republicans in Congreu provtsiona of the constitution SHEER NYLON ■■ Ottor Employrs Affected expreued confidence that the roW miasing in Wyoming o“ South Da­ adopted in Shishekly'a reign u n 'Unless the President vetoes the Willisma said congreuional em- (Editor's Nete—Prlmif Mtalater over Stevens’ demands that Army kota with nina persona aboard: strong, man. He said he would hold meuure—and that *emed un­ Sloyea with 15 yeari or leu *rv- Nehru of India calls it "The End- The Cbnvair 240 airliner, with a l*a War," the eoafllet that la la witnesMR to . guarknteed against the offl* until a new President likely—Wijliama . Mid Congress :e would get a 68 2-S increa* in -abusive-trutment would now die crew of thr* and six paeeengers, could be chosen in a conatitutiaoal .3 5 benefits. Ito eighth yror. In Indochina. w u reported miasing late yester­ pr. will "find it impoMibie to say im Vario* . members of the U. 8. down. . I election Mmetime in tto next t*ro to aomf 2% million other govaiin- To Oet IISJMS Bm * McCarthy himseK * id yester­ day at Wright 'Junction, about 80 months. C o a g r** have expreaoefi fear that mil* north of Casper. meht employ*'who pay the ume He said that for -ah employe the Valted S t a t * wiU become day he did not feel he h u any dlf- Mexico City, Feb. *27 (/P)— ^was outlawed during the regime of Shishekly to exiling him—if te tring Wear retirement rates but get far len with a $10,000 average salary this ficuJIties with the Whijlo Hou* and Aleft nt Dawn ’ Saudi Arabia, a aiaUr stata af more deeply Ihvolved, This- '-p' prUele Mexico last .nififllt outlawed. f''®*‘4®'it Manuel Avlla Ckimacho Military and Civit Air 'Patrol J - litoral penaiona." "■ would .mean a "bonus" of $18,000, ipijralsM.aM ■ tto United Stot* to Syria in tha g-nntion Sen. Kennedy (D-Maas) Mid the a I the. Federated People’s party J^®tw War n. plan* from : Wyoming, Colorado # / M £ t r ..Pastel shades in lucite. Also new iiink simulated resulting from an' annual pension Tiiving). Tha Communist party remains League. He took off by-'ptoM • * ma Ny«M * WISP EXTRA SHEER ■ ' bill u fifAlly adopted would re­ inermse of $1,500. (FPP), chiff. opposition to and South Dakota went aloft at legal. It ia amalL dawn to trace tto alrUnairis route > pearls and colorful stone set jew el^. “ quire an *timated $1,200,000 ad- Hf said a member of Congre* Saigon, Indochina, Feb. 27 (/P)-— President Adolfo Ruiz Cor- The Interior Ministry, in accus- (OMtteaofi on Faga Fqnr) diflonal from taxpayers over could make back payments of over mountainous ttrrain between $ | . 6 5 'Tf it hadn't b*n for, American News Tidbits tines dominant Revolutionary} ing the HenHquistu of’fomenting Wright Junction and Rapid, (JIty. NO PRISSUREI amounts paid in by pongre* mem- $750 and eventually get paid aid, the' Indochina War would Institutional pa^y, on the i ^toturbancea. *ld many requests pr. tors and employ*. But he 'said $22,500 additional in pensions. Called from AP Wires S. D. Amphibious 8A-1S plan* have been lost three years ago.” zround it - engaged_ _ in “ con­con- been received from laoor farm from the 44th'Air Raacue Squadron NORINDINiSI this was propar and that chang* At presept members of Oonsp-ese This statement w u made by a : Wd political groups to suppre* .. . Sixes 8H to n . In. the measure had- whacked out v.Oto pay in S per cent of snla.-i* stant subversive agitation.’’ at LoWry Air Force Ba* at Den­ $ [.0 0 and *1 ?8 ea. responsible American offcial here 1 the party. ver. Oolo.. kept lip lia all-night Bulletiiis lUirOQAAiOITL-- ,.utn>3.' * fOatRss-.vcjNtv- ■V./vi..-.VI. ^ r at least six. yaara.grt.fulh.jN rocartl)c.Ha:, would : M« A. akunh-whioh aprayod own- Riiia,:. Cortinea, . rtected-' He said Civil Service reports BttmM'ie'ANIllilbitir'tltofTfJ^d ~ PLUS TAX. Sion on reaching 82. The hew meas- tl* difficulty getting the French dale, Calif., college teacher ia atilI PrqsldeAt In 1952 by the usual routs, ~ ■ m a t the A P Showed $8 former memtora . of i re permlU p ^ r n s a^ 80, s?ter. and the IndochliieM to Agr*. at large and preAumably iiqatoshcd political organiution ot Gen. **®8yy vote given an adminUtration OShgress now receive pensions of ■ Bteee iSSi the Ui«rtadi&t* lOto Miguel - Henttou* Ouzmxn; - a re­ party"i«mHn*e.-TH« nffleiai cotffit .Each , of th r* . Lowiy .ptosM by Um'rict hto vfrihh la tto broth- tired army officer who> ran a di*' which took off ai staggered Tnto? Hpl-FItt hy,Hpleiffoo! n a ^ , ... ^ n t o u j $2SA80 a month or $335,- (Pontinnefi wi Pnga P«n|- beeh pourihg. an ever zweillng tto- I S a *»Hwto“g ortinea hi the ■ vala ibirinr-thfcnlght TUBlTornteg^ rinrtrmfiitoy,'’'fKraffigri'SOT:«unr- carried a paratroop team which of stetch nylon . . v in mie T o r le tr ie s tione into ladochinn to help told Philadelphla sugguts Eutern 1952 presktentlal race. 579.000, Efrafh . Gonaalei* Luna Henrlqaes Is Slleiit w u to drop to inspect m y plane a f size. . . tiu t fits the foot per­ back the h>rdu of Mceeow-tralned Chithoilcs tarn off 285,000 and Vicente Lombardo wrecicage sightM. *rto plan* were Mr* af Your Incom e Tax^-6 Ho-Chi M nh. radio and television sets during There W * no immediate. com­ Tdedano, Joint candidate of the $2.50 Coty-Vitamin Com ply Cream ..... $ 1.25 ment from Henriquex. but pdliti*t to land at Rapid City, refuel, and McCraary anfi Tafi Ath fectly in cdtaifort. , . anhla Monatoin of SuppU* Lenten season. Popular and Communist parti*, then re-trace tha route. an atteMpt to rooha tern By lu t Jon. 31, 400 Amerlcoa or Democratic National Chairman sources Mid today strong protests 72.000. • raaaa at m alaali Fhffc. trimslways because Hol-Flez $ 1.85 Value Coty Instant Bcagty with are inevitable and the party, which At leut 14 plan* were alolt yes­ Fronch Viipo aAHin” frmn San Stephen A. Mitchell paa*e up St. Following the election there terday afternoon in wind and snow raatefi today by F M ^ Vitamin Craam ...... $1.35 Fronctoco 'lad diagorgod jn Indo­ Patrick's Day dinner by club polled 17 per cent of the vote in were arottered diaturbanc* over MaBywaafi, Fla. always STAY UP, Satisfac­ Experts Have -Answer 1952, win not be inactive. which cut visibility acre to one- $2.25 Valua Coty Pastal Tint with . china’s ports a veritable mountain to which he belonga when he the country. Only thia month, a tolf. , • tion Guaranteed. Made of of tha weapons, explosivto, guns, learned Sen. McCarthy (R-Wls) The general's FPP followers, Henriquista rally in mid-town Ground March parti* atoo ware B88 MIT BT Vitamin Craam ...... altplanea, ships and other material win be speaker...Hawaii SUte- called Henriquistu, arc .the first Mexico C?lty developed into a 100% Du Pont Nylon, Hol- $|.75 *nt out at acatterod points In snst- Spetin^WaaB, FbK. 87 (Fto> To Frequent Puzzlers required for mode.-n warfare. The hood Bill mhvee out into. Senote officially ordered out of the Mexi­ shooting riot that led to the arrest ern Wyoming and in South Dako- Flez aie easy to wash, quick $2.25 Valua Coty Claansing Craam with list: orena next week where Democrats can political, picture aa a party warl^slto^^at toateu fm ^ 260 million rottnda of email arme are expected to make strong bid to since tha rightist Slnarquist Union (Ceatinned on Page Eleven) (OMttanefi M Pago EIs v m ) flra aa tee FktrefeUfi Air Fmnn Vitamin C ream ...... ,. .;.. $1.75 Washington 0P>—The Revenue amafu;altion; 21,000 trn n ^ rt tic it in with similar measure for drying and long wearing. Service h u toen k*plng track of B a* rnnway anfi ' // vohicl* and traiiare, 1.4C0 combat Aluka. aariy tefiay bat $2.25 Valua Coty Instant Cleanser with White only. qu*Ubns most frequently uked by vchiclu; 360 miilUry aircraft; 390 IPwo Army rsMarchers report Vitamin Craam ...... $ 1.75 income tax payers A number of naval vasMla; 17,000 ra d io'*ta ; leolating from sick' soldier new the* have been answered in 175,000 luan arms ant automatic type of ndcrobe they * y might to Cpigrpti Hlgliliihtt $2.75 Value Coty Night Craam with r ^ U cr srtlcl* in this Mries. Hera cauM of some widespread ailments 2 **1, with shadowproof panels both are auwera to some of the other of - throat Snd respiratory system. REIM NAMB BMFOT Vitamin Craam /...... $2.25 .(OaatteMfi m Pago Thrm) t anfian. ifib. SI (F)~ lb 58-44. Tail lengths in 34-44^ Madera: .... Section of First Methpdlat Oon- iptir BOOKS 1. What is tax position when voenUon on Urban Life in America s'/ $1.75 Value Coty Cleansing Cream with I sell my home? uya privileged claao* soon or Ike plagued by GOP Strife tea UaMsfi N r*"* *«• ■ • • • Vitamin Craam . . $ 1.25 petucost, proportioned for perfMtlon of fit -. If you lo * money you are out later get Monopoly on religion. For children of all ages that much. It ia not a deductible Aiiy^ G reeting Ckimmissioner Chari* F. Ketley Washington, Fob. 27 —When?McCarthy said he "had. id * w conquered, 81-30, by an admirts- $2.00 Value Coty Sub Tint with l ^ t l n I" proportioned ehort, average loss. uya there's n bunch of Connecti­ Prcflldent Ei*nhower raturnad to whether the study w u aimed at tratlon-oppoeed veraioa offerid and tan lengths in sis* small, medium «»*(l isige, - It you make money you pay cut auto owners who'll' have to Id by riON CNARANfllB Vitamin C re a m ______...... $ 1.50 V'aahington at mid-wMk frm a him. He went ahead with plau te San. Georits (D-Ga|. It loakefi like BQIfinfib s f t ; fa x * oh the difference between Soafil, 7eh. 27 UP)—Tto l b * p * y up nearty $2AMA99 if they Srday rest in California, he-soon Illustrated books for boys and girls.- Also story question twje Army privat* on curtaine for the Ejeentow* foroa Haial Bishop Lipsticks ...... i...... $| .|p —------i what tha hou* cost you plus N< Two Swltto baMfffl tot# aaeh other went to drive their care after to­ found out his vacation w u qver- Monday. . . ' sin* a 2-to-l nujorlty eaa olmy a books, stamp books and activity books. We have prtrmai\|Ent improvements (like a •evaral fiaya ago—six * U * morrow midnight. . . Japane* ap- . Many of his troubles grew'.out tlnl*t of margiu. . Etsenhowar propoMd aonatltutinnal — —-* Hazel Bishop Liquid Complexion Glow..... $1.25 many titles to choose from. .. ' n ^ bathroom) and.what you get tax* on tha part of your sale above Kona. peql to-Maritime Safety Board for of eklnnialMS'by Republicau with scored a major victoryJn hla drawn ment. G r ^ SUnpa Given With Cash Sales for It, exropt: profit you did not roinvosL (If you Tto Air Faroe aalfi tafiajr F-fifi protorttoa frou'Comimwlet pirat* RepuMicana. Already off to a run­ out fight kgaiut any coutltutional in E u t China Sea- - On tto final vote tto caoat atoofi Toni Homo Permanent RaRII . . . . . $ 1.50 No Tax-rdf ' aold for $15,00e. making $5,000 Sato* Jets libwn bjr Ttoams C. ning start nt tee we^'a b*lnnlng amendment he *ya would impair at 90 to 30 ia favor of tea Oo*ga 7ou do not pay any tax If. with- profiL nnd bought for FULfiOO you Salte af Kaanwg. Ma„ atel Government dtoaaiaeeo lacon* w u n clash B®n. MeCtor- hla powen ia concluding tr * ti* ptoa when, at tha tart Lilt Home Permanent Refill. ' $ 1.50 te n year before or after the sale, pay * $2,000ij tax'aalt against' St. Louis garment thy (R-Wls) and Sacrctary of the and other international agrea- Kva-tet msnufactucer in belief principal Sen. Kilgore (D-W Varal arrivaKan to ea* —yaiLb^ and occupy and. new bena " If y ou buUfi VartssT thah‘ bdr A SdCeJBfi2r1toCL***^22^ Anny Baibert T. Stevens. menta. ter "ttor-fiacSBim- 'Lanolin PTurffaparations .... .77/...... -^$i.0d" WMeh ctoU an amrtfiit equal to homo raafiy-lniilt. you have 18 Iraiateg witaaw was dead, bgt finds out it Aa tto wMk draw to a clou the A White House-approved aubeti- vats * more than what you got for months Instoao of a yaai> to ro- Mistaken . . . French Army Senate RapuMleaa PaUey Commit­ tute for orig' ’rt CantDEBN-S BOOKS — m a in p l o q b tee : W. B3e Lady Esther C ream ...... : ..... 69c this o il invest tax fioa. 'toA^Ariara saiys. tank-aupportad tee, without, menttoning MeCkrtey pronoaodiby San. Brick* (R-Ohto) ir tha cosU of tbo nenr^ Iu» m to Woich - Union fore* k * t aK' 'by skOM, ontorofi k cbackiip to a * wlteateod. 8ff vatea to 42, a Brtok* tegs than the sale prl*. you pay « g l ^ ^s ^ M h by VirtMtoh te Bfid whrtiMr Um nitos ter Sanate te- attempt to rwtera what to ratltd Ortte- vaatigsUons akanM bfi changad. tto tou| eC hto plan. IBte it wqn 4 . t •r- •sr ' / '■V./'l / i ' ■ /