3Rd Scientific TEXTILE SCIENCE an Zrenjanin, 10
UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD TECHNICAL FACULTY “MIHAJLO PUPIN” ZRENJANIN, REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 3rd scientific-professional conference TEXTILE SCIENCE AND ECONOMY Proceedings Zrenjanin, 10-11th November 2011 Organiser of the Conference: University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia. Publisher: University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, Djure Djakovic bb, 23000 Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia. For publisher: Milan Pavlović, Ph. D, Professor, Dean of the Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” Technical treatment and design: Vasilije Petrović, Ph. D, Professor Jelena Stojanov, M. Sc, Assistant Stanislava Sindjelić, M. Des, Assistant Design: Stanislava Sindjelić, M. Des, Assistant Printed by: Printing office “Diginet – Pro studio”, Cara Lazara 16, Zrenjanin. Circulation: 150 ISBN: 978-86-7672-150-4 By the resolution no. 451 – 03- 02640/2010-02 from May 9th, 2011 Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Serbia donated financial means for printing this Simposium Proceedings. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 677(082) SCIENTIFIC – Professional Conference Textile Science and Economy (3 ; 2011 ; Zrenjanin) Proceedings / 3rd Scientific-Professional Conference Textile Science and Economy, Zrenjanin, 10-11th November 2011 ; [organiser Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin]. – Zrenjanin : Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, 2011 (Zrenjanin : Diginet). – XI, 366 str. : ilustr. ; 30cm Tiraž 150. – Bibliografija uz svaki rad. ISBN 978-86-7672-150-4 1. Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” (Zrenjanin) a) Текстилна индустрија - Зборници COBISS.SR-ID 267249927 NOTE All the papers presented in this publication have been reviewed. However the editor’s and organizer are not responsible for the contents presented within the paper. II THE SCIENCE COMMITTEE: Chairman: Jovan Stepanović, Ph.
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