New Mexico Lobo, Volume 061, No 57, 3/7/1958 University of New Mexico
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1958 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 3-7-1958 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 061, No 57, 3/7/1958 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 061, No 57, 3/7/1958." 61, 57 (1958). daily_lobo_1958/20 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1958 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .,, I"" .,.,,·~ . - - Newman Center PATRONIZE Get the ·' ' LOBO ADVERTISERS NEW MEXICO LOBO ttend the Popularity Ball JUMPon Tomorrow. Night. *. -The Stall To Be Dedicoted EXAMS THE VOICE OF THE UNIVEltSITY OF NEW MEXICO SINCE 18117 Dedication ceremonies :for the Aquinas Newman center will be with BARNES & NOBLE Vol •. 61 Fdda.y, Ma.rch 7, 1958 No. 56 held Friday at 4 p.m. with the Most COLLEGE Rev. Edwin V. Byrne, Archbishop Another Favorite Line ,--~ ,, of Santa Fe, officiating. OWLJNES After the blessing, a Pontifical • Low Mass will be celebrated at and ' UNM. Scientists. 4:30 by the Most Rev. Sydney M. at '• EVERYDA.J Council to Study Metzger, Bishop of El Paso. The sermon will be delivered by HANDBOOKS the Most Rev. Maurice L. Schex nayder, Episcopal Moderator of the Your Favorite Ladies Shop Will Do Research Frosh CQmmission; National Newman Club Federation. Present at tlie ceremonies will be chaplains from Columbia Uni . j:!:: versity, New York University, famot.tS educc; paperbacks - On Cosmic Roys Longhurst to Talk .~ . Northwestern, Arizona, Colorado, Houston, and Chicago Universities. over 140 titles on the following subjeCts: A reception will be held at the Tina Paige ANTHROPOLOGY' STIQUETTE POLITICAL SCIENCB center at 5:30. Wives of three Uni ART GOVERNMENt PSYCHO~GY versity faculty members will act as BUSINESS HANDICRAFTS RECREATIONS hostesses. In charge are Mesdames DRAMA IDSTORY !)CIENCE W. W. Hill, Harry W. Basehart, ECONOMICS LANGUAGES' and T. T. Castonguay. SOCIOLOGY A dinner for the Catholic clergy EDUCATION MATHEMATICS will be held at 7 p.m. at the Al ENGINEERING MUSIC SPEECH varado hotel. The featured speaker • ENGLISH PHILOSOI!HY STUDY AIDS will be Fr. James 0. O'Brien, chap .Average price $1.50 lain at the University of Connecti- , , ~ cut and the national Newman club ON DISPLAY AT YOUR BOOKSTORE chaplain, who will speak on "The New Apostolate.'' The Master General of the Do ASSOCIATED STUDENTS BOOKSTORE minican Order, the Very Rev. John 3110 Central SE Dial AL 5·1751 A. Driscoll, and the Very Rev. John T-20 Ext. 219 · "'"'E. Marr, w.ho will represent the Open Tuesday Nights Provincial Superior of the Domini- SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE LOBO can Order, will be present at the 1~========================!!!!!!!~~!___ -=:::.._:_::::-=:::..:_:::~~::::::...:::~::::._ ceremonies. ,- _____ _____ The Re'V. Driscoll is coming from the International Headquarters of the Dominican Order in Rome, Italy. You'll be sittin' on top of the world when you change to 11M The new building was designed in · the traditional pueblo style struc ture with modern interiors. The lounge, auditorium, kitchen, offices, and game rooms provide for the church activities, educational facili ties, and social programs. The new building has_ been built in the same location of the old one, the old Sigma Chi house, and the former Albuquerque country club. The chapel, auditorium, and resi dence for the Dominican staff form a "U" shaped building, enclosing a parking lot and patio. Dorm, SUB Bids Cotled by Boord Plans for the new student union building and new men's dormitory have been released by the archi tects, it was announced at last Sat urday's meeting of the Board of Regents. The student union plans were re leased by Meem, Holien, Buckley and Associates, Santa Fe architec tural firm, and dormitory plans were released by Schaefer, Merrell, Pendelton, and Associates of Clovis. Bids on the new SUB were called :lor by the board and are expected to be in on April1. Bids on the new dormitory will be received from the contractors on March 25. All bids will be opened at the next regular meeting of the board on April 3. The total cost of the two build ings will be approximately $4,- 1300,000, Plans call for $3 million to be spent on the new SUB and $1,800,000 to be spent on the dormi· tory. The University is currently ne gotiating bond issues to cover the cost of the new buildings. Rodey Play Tickets Selling at Box Office .Light into that DM · Live Modern flavor Tickets for the Rodey theater FILTERS <'!! production of A r t h u r Miller's Only L&M gives you I' "Death of A Salesman" are now on ' this filter fact-the I sale at the theater box office or • ... i daily in the SUB. Students may obtain tickets by patent number on calling the box office between 2 and 5 Monday through Friday, or visit every pack ••• I .. I ... ing the SUB booth daily between your guarantee of a more effec· 10 and 11 and 12 and 1:30. tive filter on today's L&M. The "Death of A Salesman'' will open patented Miracle Tip is pure on a split engagement on March 12 white inside, pure white outside. .Free up ... freshen up your taste! and run through March 15. It will L&M smokes cleaner. Tastes Put yourseJf ·behind the pleasure end of an L&M. Get the flavor, re-open Match 19 and close March best. So Live Modern -change 22. to l&M today! the full rich taste of the Southland's finest cigarette tobaccos. The ------sl;ate bird of Washington is OJ:.tggotl &Ml>m TobaceoOoapaiiJ' the Goldfinch. .. ~··;·•·''' ;- ·.._] ' r D 1nt· h· .. Veterans Group Philosophy Club CJ,>. ifNEW MEXICO LOBO Lock of Interest. tJDgers rop . 7 ·, . , .. The Esquires, .a newly organized The Philoaophy club wih meet DO YOU OPERATE A CAR? ~ &;..!' veternns club, Will meet tonight at Thursday March 13 in room 102 1.1 Pwblllh..t Tu•du. ThundQ' alld Frldu of the NlrUkr unlvenlt, ;I'I!U' _, durlna c· I A d indow on the. World~ .. 7 in the faculty dining room of the of Mitch~l.l hall at '8 p.m. GUe$t Save Yourself And Money, Too!" WdQ'II end uunlnation perlodl b:r. the Aooociated Studen.b of the "(l'nl.venlt,. ot Nnr. .. 3b ~ llalco. l!lntend u ....,..d elu• matter at th• _, llfllee, Albuquerque, Alllrlln 1, 1011, once s wor , -5 . SUB. speaker will be Franklin Smith. Members of our Cooperative Automobile Club enjoy b11neflts which c!!n soon __. lhe M\ of Much 8, 18'7~. Prlnt.d b:r the ll'nlvenlt, Printina Plant. Subtarlptiou . · ' by Paul Sweitzer psen Scores I •-.---....:~·' I . ~ ...., '4." for the aabool :rear, puable In aclftnce. offset the low membership fee ...~ ~ ::.l • • Betsy Whittingham, president of UNM's Lobos made it 19 in 'a 1·ow IIIUtorlal ancl Buaineaa office In the Joomall1m Bolldinr. TeL I·U28. Mortar Board, said in a statement The big news this week' centers around three things; missiles, CHEAP-CHEAP-CHEAP GAS, 2¢ A GALLON DISCOUNT a- \ i ~ last night as they fell before the oS 1 politics, and the President's health, Aggies from Utah State, 78-68. AI· Tires, Batteries, Accessories Up To 25% Off :'! .... Editor --~----·----~-.. ----------~~---~---------------Paul Sweitzer ~~a!~~ }~~~~e ::~c~~fa~to~h:~ !~: SPECIAL BARGAINS-HARDBACKS "" ---------01--------- though the Lobes out-rebounded the Al•o in ANY Emergency,, Our 'rwa·way Radio Equipped Servicemobiles Can Be 1~ Managing Editor ------~~---~-~---------~--------~------Bill Heath Community Se1'Vice Awin·d was the Missiles: Tbe Army proudly launched a second satellite this week, visitors from Utah, they couldn't an the Spot WitMn Minutes of Your Call, DAY OR NIGHTI They will bring y:n: U)"'" .. • . lack of interest on the campus. ·from 95¢ up & down 00 ~ got it up in the air, and then lost it. ' · · get up enough scoring steam to pull gas at co•t, repair your tire for only 90¢ or switch a spare for 75¢. Pu•hlng and •"" 0 Tuesday Ntght Ed1tor -----------------------------Jam1e Rubenstem Miss Whittingham said that Mor- down a victory. booster service free, No service charge within city limits. .~ ~ Th d N' ht Edit · S fi Ch tar Boa1•d sent out letters to all Officials at the Florida testing grounds are now pessimistic about High point man for the Wolfpack come in and browse •• ·~ ..:I · urs ay lg or --·----------------~-----------· 0 a mura former pa1-ticipating groups, and the satellite's even being in orbit. But, aa of press time, all they can HOW ABOUT THAT? , ~ was "Rusty" Goodwin who hit 'the Friday Night Editor ---~-----------------------·Peter Dave Mirabal all of t)lem showed a complete lack do is speculate about what has hapJ!ened. For Further lnformo;~tion Inquire At Any Dixie Service Station ~ 0 bucket for 16 points. He was · fol "' u · · of interest with the exception of '01------- NEW MEXICO BOc;>K COMPANY UPTOWN .... Busineaa Manager-"--------------------------------Erie McCrossen two social fraternities. · lowed blr reserve forward LalTY OR CALL CH 2·2163 ~ 0ne·guess: The satellite's ~·adio,failed for some unknown reason, Neely who tallied 11 for the losing ~ . She also said that all of the social 3008 Central SE Phone AL .5-7.543 ; ~ Bw!inesa AdVlBOl'----------------------------Prof. Leonard Jermaln sororities on the campus jointly and hence it isn't tn1.ceable on the ground.