2005 Fall Chapter Reports

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2005 Fall Chapter Reports FALL 2005 CHAPTER REPORTS FALL 2005 CHAPTER REPORTS ALPHA Allegheny College .Afier hours ofhard work and vilal communicalion between the undergraduates, chapter adv isor Dr Tony LoBello. .Alleghenv College slatT and the Housing Corporation, we finally have a fully operational kitchen. This marks Ihe first time we have had a meal plan since 14%. Thank you lo the House Corporation and Alumni donors, who. wilhoul Iheir suppori, such a huge task would nol have completed. In addition to the kilehen, .Alpha has completed a number of other sheller improvements: anew sludy lounge and a large painting oflhe coat of arms in the stairwell. Fulure projects include a llagpole and a spotlight to illuminate the lellers on the side of the Sheller. We also undertook a number of philanlhropy projecls this semesier two of w hich included our .Adopi-a- Highvvay road cleanup and brolher .Anlhony Paravali's organizafion oflhe .Andy Fund 5k Run. "fhis evenl helped 10 raise monev for brain cancer paiienis. �Alumni involvemenl remains sirong, and we appreciate all vvho visited. This year 26 .Alpha graduates relumed to Allegheny for our homecoming barbecue lo conimemorale Ihe opening oflhc kilehen. W'e hope to see ihem and manv more during our spring golf lournamenl in .April. On the college campus al .Allegheny, Delta Tau Delta has eslablished itself as an example of excellence in leadership. We currently have 11 members w ho sil in non-chapler execuliv e posilions, five of w horn are presidenis of iheir respective organizations. If you would like to know more, please check oui our new website loeaiion al wwvv.adelis.org. BETA Ohio University Going inio fall quarter the Beta Chapter had a few challenges to overcome. We had only 24 brolhers living in the sheller compared to 35 last year, mainly because of Ihe shelter's condition, .Af\er discussing this mailer wilh our house corporation presideni, Terrv Russell (Ohio, 1961), almosi all the problems wiih the house were deal! vvilh and five brothers moved into Ihe Sheller for ihe winier quarter. The sheher vvill be renovaled following the academic year and will take 14 monlhs. We were able to lease a similarly-sized house on College Street for our sheller next year At our annual relreal we addressed many issues. .Afier seeing our grade poinl average drop last vear our academic adv isor. Dr, McCarlhv, and brolher Tyler Galtemiever implemented a new grade policv lo promote academic success. Our overall GP.A improved during the fir.sl quarier During the fall quarter the Bela Chapler recruited 2.i men. I hese young men have been aclive w ilh the chapler and we now have a canipus-high 9ii members. During Homecoming week we placed fourih overall and received firsl place in the fioal competition, GAMMA Washington & Jefferson College Gamma Chapter .started the vear moving inlo our new 26-man sheller. The shelter is a vast improvemenl over Ihc 30-year-old house we occupied before. The alumni vvho relumed for homecoming were as exciled to see the new shelter as we were to show it off The tumoui for our homecoming receplion al the end of September was large. Many Gamma Chapter alums relumed to v isil the cuneni brolhers, lour ihe new shelter and share old stories with us. So far this year Gamma Chapler has had a strong presence on our campus. Our see-saw maralhon for hurricane Kalrina victims raised more than S750, We won firsl place in Washington and JetTerson's Homecoming float parade, first in Greek Week and our represenlalive for Ihe Kappa .Alpha Thela Greek God contest also took lop honors. Gamma Chapter welcomed one pledge during the fall semesier We are pleased to have Matt Kozar working towards his goal of becoming a full member. We also look fonvard fo conlinuing our fall msh program in the hopes of having another greal pledge class for the spring semester Page I of 38 FALL 2005 CHAPTER REPORTS DELTA of . , . University Michigan , , , is schedule for the fall 2006, Alumm assistance is needed to help The recoionizalion of Gamma Tau and officer mentors. For more infonnafion, contact Gan-ett Hall at eslabhsh an Alumni Advisory team ;>hal lfevisieon.com EPSILON Albion College a few at the shelter, new The beginning oflhe semesier broughl changes including carpet, freshly pamled letters more visible. We are walls and Iwo Irees removed from our landscape to make our currenlly renovating our aclive room. in hundreds of dollars for our Albion We completed three successful philanlhropy evenis lo bring charily, Interfailh Ministries, during the semester Our two bake sales have been a hit on campus for hungry students in our Bash Wabash for which included a belween classes. We also held a major philanthropy/rally wilh Charily, member'scarbeingsmashedbystudentsandfaculty to rally forour football team's firsl round playoff game against Wabash College. Our inaugural Snowbowl is scheduled for fiie spring semester Homecoming weekend featured a great alumni event, wiih the commemoration oflhe old Dell house and a reunion of Ihe class of 1975, A plaque was placed on the rock where the former Epsilon shelter once and many oflhe Delts who once resided there atlended, Afier the commemoration and the foolball game, alumni, family and undergraduates were entertained with a live jazz band, food and great stories. ZETA Case Western Reserve University The fall 2005 semester began with the iniliafion of 15 men inlo fhe Zela Chapter, all of whom have shown greal spiril and been extremely active in ihis semester's evenis. The Zela Chapter should graduate 19 men at Ihe end of Ihe spring semesier and our younger confinue to accept positions of leadership. Zela chapler held a successful dinner wilh 10 faculty members who were served a Ihree-course meal, given a tour of the sheller and received a thank you gifi for their hard work and inspiration. Each semester we honor professors who have had a significanl posifive impact on our academic experience. The men of Zela chapter eonlinue Io hold several posifions in ihe InlertTalemily Congress. Chris Thomas and Jameson Root are vice president of administration and vice president of programming, respectively, Brandon Roush has assumed Ihe position of Greek community educalional consultant and has done a fantastic job improving Ihe Greek academic community. A 24-hour fast was held lo help raise money for "fhe Cleveland Providence House, a local crisis nursery. Our is to donate goal S2,5O0, an amount we continue to approach as we raise money ihrough the holidays with a donation boolh located at our siudent cenler. Sixteen alumni attended an Alumni Barbeque during homecoming weekend, fhe barbeque began in Ihe eariy afternoon and confinued Ihrough the early evening. Hamburgers, along with several side dishes and drinks were provided for the alumni, Iheir families and the undergraduates. THETA Bethany College The fall semesier at Theta Founding Chapter has been .special with many individual and group achievemenls accomplished- In it was many aspects one oflhe more prominent semesiers in receni hislory. Four men and were pledged inifialed. The chapter dedicated ilself to excellence in academics and aniicipaled having one oflhe top grade points averages for Ihe fralemifies when results are released. The brothers also won Greek Week, nearly event. Also we had sweeping every great success in both road clean up and Big Brother/Big Sister Halloween event. Senior presidem Joe "Tuna" Allen won "Big Man on Campus," helping place Delta Tau al Delta Ihe top of Beihany College ffateraifies. The of feeling brolherhood is seen and clearly strong. Togeiher we attempted to make our shelter more We have appealing. discovered the need for exlra office furniture such as tables, rugs, or chafrs and would appreciate any help provided. '""'"^ '^"'^'^" '"^''"''' '^"'"'""^ '""^ ^'�^^'y ^"^ spending more fime wilh alumni. Also fiirih^"'urmer ^V^" on our working as weil as philanthropic projects, striving forward in our academics. We are also looking Page 2 of 3 8 i FALL 2005 CHAPTER REPORTS for many good men lojoin this spring. In all, the sense of pride and brolherhood are flowing well throughout the chapler. KAPPA Hillsdale College The recoionizalion of Kappa is scheduled for the fall 2007. For more information or to assisi wiih recoionizalion plans, please contact Sandy MacMeehan at Hotpenauin fit aoi.com. MU Ohio Wesleyan University The Mu Chapter mainlained a strenuous pace vv ith our inv olv ement in communilv affairs, academic success and furlhering our role as fulure leaders. Jusiin McCoy recently was elecied as ihe presideni of Ohio V\ esleyan's Inlerfratemiiy Council. Furthemiore. our communily sen ice projects hav e caught the aliention of Ihe Delaware communily. We were recently highlighled in the local nevvspaper for our donalions to the Red Cross and our house corporation made generous donalions by maiching everv dollar that we raised for charily. In Seplember we recognized Edwin Heininger (Ohio Wesleyan. 1948) as a distinguished .Alumnus al our annual President's Dinner, Mr. Heminger has served the Fralemilv exiensiv elv since graduating from college. including as inlemalional presideni and president of ihe Educational Foundation, W'e had great attendance from local alumni and the night was a great time for the undergraduates to converse wilh some very successful men. Recenlly. bolh public safety and the campus Greek adv isor commented on the safely ofour sheller They feel ihai we have laken great slrides in mainiaining a safe environmeni for sludeni guests. Furthermore, thev mentioned that our sheller is generallv one oflhe cleanest on Fralernilv Hill. Our image has been greailv benetiied by our new policies. These successes would not have been possible without the lifelong commitment of manv of our alumni.
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