JOURNAL OF BACTRIaOLOGY, Apr. 1976, p. 232-242 Vol. 126, No. 1 Copyright © 1976 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.SA. Control of Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Properties of a Repressible System in Extracts of Wild-Type (Ino') Cells MICHAEL R. CULBERTSON, THOMAS F. DONAHUE, AND SUSAN A. HENRY* Department of Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 10461 Received for publication 28 August 1975 Inositol biosynthesis was studied in soluble, extracts of a wild-type (Ino+) strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Two reactions were detected: (i) conversion of D--6-phosphate to a phosphorylated form of inositol, presumably inosi- tol-l-phosphate (IP synthetase, EC, and (ii) conversion ofphosphorylated inositol to inositol (IP phosphatase, EC The in vitro rate of conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to inositol was proportional to incubation time and enzyme concentration. The pH optimum was 7.0. The synthesis of inositol required oxidized nicotinamide dinucleotide (NAD+) and was stimu- lated by NH4Cl and MgCl2. NADP+ substituted poorly for NADI, and NADH inhibited the reaction. Phosphorylated inositol accumulated in the absence of MgCl2, suggesting that inositol-phosphate is an intermediate in the pathway and that Mg2+ ions stimulate the dephosphorylation of inositol-phosphate. IP synthetase was inhibited approximately 20% in the presence of inositol in the reaction mixture at concentrations exceeding 1 mM. The enzyme was repressed approximately 50-fold when inositol was present in the growth medium at concentrations exceeding 50 ,uM. IIP synthetase reached the fully repressed level approximately 10 h after the addition ofinositol to logarithmic cultures grown in the absence ofinositol. The specific activity ofthe enzyme increased with time in logarithmically growing cultures lacking inositol and approached the fully derepressed level as the cells entered stationary phase. Saccharomyces cerevisiae grows on defined over of phosphomonoesters in polyphosphoino- medium in the absence ofinositol, and mutants sitides of S. cerevisiae suggest a plausible that require inositol for growth have been iso- mechanism for controlling the availability ofan lated, suggesting the existence ofa pathway for 5'-triphosphate energy source at de novo inositol biosynthesis (10). Further- sites of active membrane transport (21). In ad- more, inositol is known to be required for the dition, physiological studies ofS. cerevisiae mu- synthesis of seven inositol-containing tants that require inositol for growth revealed (22), including (phosphatidyl- some unusual properties that may be related to inositol; di- and triphosphoinositide) and sphin- the function ofinositol in membranes (10). Star- golipids [ceremide-(P-inositol)2-mannose and vation of these mutants for inositol results in several others whose composition has not been logarithmic cell death, which can be prevented determined with certainty (22, 23). The meta- by supplementation with inositol or by inhibi- bolic relationships among these lipids are such tion of protein synthesis (10; S. A. Henry, T. F. that free inositol, which is shown in this com- Donahue, and M. R. Culbertson, Genetics munication to be synthesized by a soluble 80:s41, 1975). Mutants auxotrophic for satu- enzyme system, is transferred to rated fatty acids behave similarly when starved 5'-diphosphate- to form phospha- for fatty acids (13, 14). Evidence from studies on tidylinositol, which serves as precursor in inositol-requiring whole cells and protoplasts subsequent steps of a branched biosynthetic suggest that starvation for inositol may lead to pathway leading to the formation of the poly- uncoupling of cell division and macromolecular phosphoinositides and the spingolipids (1, 21). synthesis, possibly through the loss of normal Several lines of evidence point to an impor- assembly, function, or integrity of the cellular tant role for inositol in the phospholipids of membranes (A. Brotsky, K. D. Atkinson, M. R. membranes. For example, rapid adenosine 5'- Culbertson, and S. A. Henry, Genetics 80:s17, triphosphate-dependent formation and turn- 1975). 232 VOL. 126, 1976 INOSITOL BIOSYNTHESIS IN YEAST 233 The availability of inositol auxotrophs af- the biochemical characterization of inositol-re- fords an opportunity to study gene-enzyme rela- quiring mutants. tionships in the biosynthesis of inositol; how- (This work was taken from a dissertation to ever, the characterization of wild-type inositol be submitted by M.R.C. in partial fulfillment of biosynthetic , which has not previously the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in the been attempted in S. cerevisiae, is an essential Sue Golding Division of the Albert Einstein prerequisite to this approach. Chen and Chara- College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y., and was re- lompous (4-8) have shown that inositol is syn- ported in preliminary form [M. R. Culbertson, thesized in the yeast Candida utilis by cyclic T. F. Donahue, and S. A. Henry, Genetics 80: aldol condensation of glucose-6-phosphate and s24, 1975].) that inositol-l-phosphate is an intermediate in the pathway, as follows: MATERIALS AND METHODS inositol-l-phosphate Materials. D_[U-'4C]glucose-6-phosphate (specific activity, 220 mCi/mmol) was obtained from ICN D-glucose-6- synthetase L-inositol-l- Pharmaceuticals, Inc. myo-[U-_4C]inositol (specific phosphate phosphate activity, 215 mCi/mmol) was obtained from New NAD+ NH4+ England Nuclear Corp. Cation-exchange resin AG 50W-X8 H+ (100 to 200 mesh) and anion-exchange inositol-l-phosphatase inositol + resin AG 1-X8 acetate (100 to 200 mesh) were ob- L-inositol-l- > inorganic tained from Bio-Rad. Purified bacterial alkaline phosphate phosphate phosphatase (Escherichia coli) (specific activity, Mg2+ 15.6 ,umol of phosphate hydrolyzed/min per mg of Studies on the purification an(d separation protein) was obtained from Worthington Biochemi- of inositol-1-phosphate synthetase (IP synthe- cals Corp. tase, EC and inositol-l-phosphatase (IFP Source of wild-type enzyme. A haploid strain of S. cerevisiae (ade5, Ino+,a) from which a series of phosphatase, EC in C. uttilis indicate inositol auxotrophs was derived previously (10) that the two reactions described ab ove are cata- served as the source of wild-type enzyme. lyzed by physically separate enzynnes (7). Preparation of enzyme extracts. The composition However, the reaction catalyzesd by IP syn- of defined growth medium was described previously thetase is of sufficient complexit3y to suggest (10). Cell cultures harvested for the purpose of en- that several enzymes or an enzynie aggregate zyme extraction were grown in medium containing may be involved. In support ofthis view are the 10 1±M inositol, which maximally derepresses the facts that oxidized nicotinamide a(denine dinu- enzymes responsible for inositol biosynthesis. Cul- cleotide (NAD+) is required in the reaction (5) tures (1,500 ml) were inoculated from 25-ml precul- , tures to give a of5 cells/ml and placed but NADH does not accumulate (4 suggesting in a gyratory shaker for 24x 105h at 30 C. Cells were at least two steps which involve cotupled NAD+- harvested by centrifugation at a density of 5 x 107 dependent oxidation and NADH-dependent re- cells/ml, washed three times in cold deionized wa- duction in the formation of inc)sitol-l-phos- ter, and suspended in 30 ml of 20 mM potassium phate. In addition, evidence from cstudies on IP phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) containing 5 x 10-4 M synthetase in bovine and rat testes indicate the reduced glutathione. The buffered cell suspension existence of at least two additione1i intermedi- was disrupted in a Braun homogenizer containing40 ates that are tightly enzyme boiund, 5-keto- g of glass beads (0.45- to 0.50-mm diameter), which glucose-6-phosphate and inosose-2-1-phosphate had been prewashed in 1 N NaOH and 1 N HCl. to The homogenate was centrifuged at 48,000 x g in a (2, 11, 20). Since 10 unlinked loci wrere shown Sorvall RC-2 refrigerated centrifuge (4 C), followed be represented among inositol-requiring mu- by centrifugation of 9 ml of the supernatant at tants in S. cerevisiae, the genetic e vidence sug- 100,000 x g (4 C) in a Beckman model U-B prepara- gests that a large number of poly peptides may tive ultracentrifuge. The clear supernatant result- be involved in these reactions (10)1. ing from this procedure was dialyzed, unless other- The present work concerns the characteriza- wise indicated, in 1 liter of 5 mM tris(hydroxy- tion ofinositol biosynthetic enzym(es in soluble, methyl)aminomethane (Tris)-hydrochloride buffer cell extracts of a wild-type (Ino+) strain of S. (pH 7.2) for 48 h at 4 C. The medium was changed at cerevisiae. Two reactions in ino,sitol biosyn- 12-h intervals. After dialysis, the amount of protein was determined the method of et al. thesis are described which presuimably core- by Lowry (16), n other orga- with bovine serum albumin as the standard. The spond to the reactions catalyzed iI og final yield was 7 to 10 mg of protein per ml. The nisms by IP synthetase and IP phcisotsersphatase lysates were assayed immediately or stored at -20 addition, evidence is presented thait the inositolin C for not more than 1 week. No significant loss in biosynthetic pathway is regulatedI by inositol- enzyme activity was observed in preparations that mediated repression of enzyme syrnthesis. The had been stored frozen for this length of time. accompanying paper (9) presents evidence on Reaction conditions. The complete rection mix- 234 CULBERTSON, DONAHUE, AND HENRY J. BACTERIOL. ture contained protein from the lysates (specific 95% and subsequent fixation in 6 N NH4OH amounts given in each experiment), D_['4C]glucose- (24). When treated as described, the inositol area 6-phosphate (concentration and specific activity turns dark brown. Radioactive inositol isolated from given in each experiment), 0.8 mM NAD+, 14 mM the enzyme reaction mixtures was identified by au- NH4Cl, and 2.7 mM MgCl2 in 100 mM Tris-acetate toradiography. Kodak No-Screen X-ray film was ov- buffer (pH 7.0). Final volume was 1.0 ml. The reac- erlaid on the chromatogram and placed in the dark tion was allowed to proceed for 3 h at 30 C and was for 24 h. The radioactive inositol area ofthe chroma- terminated by immersion in a 100 C water bath for 3 togram was cut out and counted by liquid scintilla- min. tion in vials containing 10 ml of toluene with 0.4% Enzyme assays. Inositol biosynthesis was as- PPO (2,5-diphenyloxazole) and 0.041% POPOP {p- sayed by a variation of the end product method of bis-[2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)]benzene}. Charalompous and Chen (3). IP synthetase was as- The overall pathway from glucose-6-phosphate to sayed as follows. After termination of the reaction, inositol (IIP synthetase plus IP phosphatase) was 10 ug of unlabeled carrier inositol was added to each assayed in a manner similar to the procedure out- tube, and the precipitated proteins were removed by lined above, except that treatment with bacterial centrifugation. The pellet was washed twice with 0.5 alkaline phosphatase was omitted. After removal of ml of 200 mM Tris-acetate buffer (pH 8.0), and the precipitated proteins, the samples were treated di- reaction mixture and washes were combined in a rectly with Ba(OH)2. Using this method, any phos- total volume of 2.0 ml. Commercially prepared bac- phorylated inositol would be retained by the ion- terial alkaline phosphatase (40 ug in 20 ul) was exchange column and would not be recovered. Thus, added to each tube, and the samples were incubated the inositol this procedure is dependent for 1 h at 30 C. The reaction was terminated by the for its formation on IP synthetase and IP phospha- addition of0.2 ml of50 mM ethylenediaminetetraac- tase present in the reaction mixture.+ etate (EDTA). This procedure was sufficient to allow In addition, a method was devised for separately complete dephosphorylation of all radioactive, phos- measuring the amount of [14C]inositol and phorylated compounds. The purpose of this proce- ['4C]inositol-phosphate. Separation of phosphoryl- dure was to convert the intermediate ['4C]inositol- ated inositol and inositol was accomplished by pass- phosphate to [14C]inositol, thereby combining all ing samples through ion-exchange columns identi- products of IP synthetase in the form of dephospho- cal to those described previously. The inositol pass- rylated inositol. ing through the column was isolated by the proce- The dephosphorylated samples were diluted to 10 dures outlined above. Phosphorylated inositol bound ml with deionized water and passed through an ion- to the column was released with 20 ml of 0.1 N HCl, exchange column. The columns were constructed in concentrated to 2.0 ml, adjusted to pH 8.0 with Tris- Pasteur pipettes with a cation-exchange resin (AG base, converted to inositol with bacterial alkaline 50W-X8 H+) on the bottom and an anion-exchange phosphatase, and isolated by paper chromatogra- resin (AG 1-X8 acetate) on the top. The resins were phy. Since phosphorylated inositol is isolated in this preequilibrated by being washed in 0.1 N HCl and procedure in its dephosphorylated form, the method 0.5 M sodium acetate, respectively, and each resin cannot provide information on the position of the was layered to a height ofapproximately 3 cm. After phosphate. Although Chen and Charalompous (6, 8) deionization, the eluates were concentrated by ro- showed that the true phosphorylated intermediate tary evaporation at 60 C until dry. The residue was in inositol biosynthesis in C. utilis is inositol-l-phos- redissolved in 3 ml of water and transferred to a test phate, the phosphorylated intermediate in S. cerevi- tube containing 1 ml of 0.3 N Ba(OH)2 to hydrolyze siae will be referred to throughout the remainder of radioactive glucose. After boiling for 15 min, the this communication simply as inositol-phosphate. samples were diluted to 10 ml and passed through The assay method of Charalompous and Chen (6, columns identical to those described above. The 8) for measurement of inositol-l-phosphatase activ- samples were finally concentrated to a volume of 50 ity (release of inorganic phosphate from inositol-l- Ml. phosphate) was not used because the substrate inos- The entire 50-Ml volume from each sample was itol-l-phosphate is no longer commercially availa- spotted on Whatman no. 1 paper (10 by 10 inches ble. However, the above procedure is expected to [25.4 by 25.4 cm]) and chromatographed for 12 h in indirectly provide evidence for the presence or ab- an ascending, one-dimensional system with either sence of IP phosphatase activity since, under condi- acetone-water (85:15, vol/vol) or propanol-pyridine- tions in which IP phosphatase is inactive but IP water (3:1:1, vol/vol) as the solvent. Authentic synthetase is active, inositol-phosphate is expected standards for glucose-6-phosphate and inositol were to accumulate. chromatographed along with the samples as con- The recovery of [14C]inositol at all steps in the trols. After chromatography, the paper was air- chromatographic procedure was 98%, and dried. ['4C]inositol was found to be completely stable in the The inositol area on the chromatogram was iden- reaction mixture. [14C]glucose-6-phosphate was tified by two methods. In preliminary experiments completely eliminated in the purification of inositol and controls, nonradioactive inositol was identified from the extract. by staining the chromatogram with a saturated so- Enzyme activity is expressed as the amount of lution of silver nitrate dissolved in acetone-water enzyme that catalyzes the formation of 1 nmol of (100:3, vol/vol), followed by development in a solu- inositol per h at 30 C. Enzyme activities, expressed tion containing 10 ml of 10 N NaOH and 190 ml of as counts per minute in radioactive inositol, were VOL. 126, 1976 INOSITOL BIOSYNTHESIS IN YEAST 235 converted to mole amounts of inositol on the as- thetase and IP phosphatase) proceeds at a con- sumption that the substrate D_[U-'4C]glucose-6- stant rate for at least 3 h and is proportional to phosphate is converted stoichiometrically to the concentration of enzyme added in amounts ['4C]inositol as an intact 6-unit, as demonstrated by ranging from 1 to 3 mg of protein from the cell Chen and Charalompous (5). Enzyme repression and inhibition. Repression of extract (Fig. 1A and B). the synthesis of IP synthetase was examined in cul- Dependence of the initial reaction velocity on tures containing several different concentrations of the pH of the reaction mixture is shown in Fig. inositol. These cultures were inoculated at a density 2. The maximum reaction velocity was ob- of 5 x 105 cells/ml from precultures lacking inositol, tained at pH 7.0 to 7.1 in 100 mM Tris-acetate grown continuously for 24 h, and harvested at a buffer. density of 5 x 107 cells/ml. IP synthetase activity in Cofactor requirements. Figure 3 (A and B) cell extracts prepared from these cultures was deter- shows the effect of NH4Cl and NAD+ on the mined in reaction mixtures lacking inositol. Under conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to inositol. these conditions, differences in the level of enzyme activity measured in vitro were presumed to reflect Stimulation by ammonium ions reached a max- differences in the rate of enzyme synthesis in vivo. imal fivefold level when the NH4Cl concentra- The kinetics of repression by inositol was studied by tion was 14 mM. At concentrations exceeding inoculating cultures lacking inositol at a density of5 14 mM, the initial reaction velocity was in- x 105 cells/ml from precultures lacking inositol. The hibited. The requirement for NAD+ was abso- cultures were allowed to grow to a density of6 x 106 lute, and the maximum rate of reaction was cells/ml, at which time inositol was added to give a achieved at concentrations exceeding 0.3 mM. concentration of 50 ,uM. Comparable cultures to Substitution of NADP+ for NAD+ gave 23% of which no inositol was added were included as con- the NAD+-stimulated activity. When 0.8 mM trols. Cultures with and without inositol were har- NAD+ and 0.8 mM NADH were added together vested at various times after the addition of inositol, and IP synthetase activity was assayed in extracts of in the reaction mixture, the resulting activity each culture as described previously. was 57% of that obtained when 0.8 mM NAD+ Inhibition of IP synthetase was studied using 24-h was added alone, suggesting that NADH in- cultures grown as described above in medium lack- hibits the reaction significantly. ing inositol. Cell extracts prepared from these cul- In contrast to the work of Chen and Chara- tures were added to reaction mixtures containing lompous (5) on C. utilis, the conversion of glu- several different concentrations of inositol. This pro- cose-6-phosphate to inositol in S. cerevisiae did cedure was limited by the fact that large amounts of not show an absolute requirement for magne- inositol in the reaction mixtures caused severe over- sium. a loading of the paper chromatograms, resulting in ions gave approximately poor separation of radioactive inositol and other la- twofold stimulation at a concentration of 2.7 beled compounds. However, at concentrations of 1 mM in reaction mixtures containing cell ex- mM or less, reasonable separation was achieved. tracts dialyzed against Tris-hydrochloride buffer. Thus, roughly half of the enzyme activ- ity remained when magnesium was omitted RESULTS from the reaction mixture. The addition of 5 When substrate (D_['4C]glucose-6-phosphate) mM EDTA to the reaction mixture further re- and end product (['4C]inositol) were added to duced activity to 34% of the complete system the reaction mixture in the absence of enzyme, (+MgCl2, -EDTA). glucose-6-phosphate could be eliminated from Since the routine method of enzyme prepara- the mixture by passage through an ion-ex- tion may not have been successful in removing change column, and the free inositol could be all divalent metal ions, the effect ofmagnesium recovered with an efficiency of 98%. The effi- was investigated by using enzyme preparations ciency ofthe method described for detecting the dialyzed under a variety ofconditions (Table 1). intermediate inositol-phosphate was estimated In general, the enzyme activities, as measured to range between 80 and 85% on the basis of in the complete reaction mixture, were signifi- determinations made with glucose-6-phos- cantly reduced when the cell extract was di- phate. The efficiency of recovery probably rep- alyzed in the presence of 1 mM EDTA and/or resents the efficiency of elution of phosphoryl- 100 mM KCl in 5 mM Tris-hydrochloride or 20 ated compounds from the column. It is assumed mM potassium phosphate buffer. Regardless of for these calculations that phosphorylated glu- the dialysis system, the maximum stimulation cose and phosphorylated inositol elute with the occurred at a concentration of 2.7 mM MgCl2. same efficiency. At concentrations exceeding 3.0 mM MgCl2, the Incubation time, enzyme concentration, initial reaction velocity was slightly inhibited. and pH. The overall conversion of glucose-6- Enzyme activity was reduced to the greatest phosphate to inositol (which involves the se- degree (28% of the complete reaction mixture) quential action of at least two enzymes, IP syn- in reaction mixtures lacking MgCl2 when the 236 CULBERTSON, DONAHUE, AND HENRY J . BACTERIOL.

o 0 6120 10 1 00 E 8 80 100

40 50

60 120 80O 01i 0.2 0.3 0.4 Time (minutes) Enzyme concentration (ml) FIG. 1. Effect ofincubation time and enzyme concentration on the rate ofconversion ofglucose-6-phosphate to inositol. (A) The complete reaction system is described in the text. Reaction mixtures contained 5.00 mM D- ['4C]glucose-6-phosphate (specific activity, 152,000 counts/min per ,mol) and 2.3 mg ofprotein. (B) Reaction mixtures were identical to those given for (A), except that aliquots of increasing volume were added from an enzyme preparation containing 7.6 mg ofprotein per ml. Incubation time was 3 h. Substrate concentration. The biosynthesis of inositol from glucose-6-phosphate is roughly consistent with Michaelis-Menten kinetics over a range of glucose-6-phosphate concentrations between 1.25,and 5.00 mM (Fig. 5). At higher concentrations, the reaction shows an apparent 20/ substrate inhibition. Phosphorylated inositol as an intermediate

e15 in inositol biosynthesis. Preliminary experi- ments indicated that inositol could be recovered from the reaction mixture in amounts greatly 010 exceeding the amount routinely observed in the E assay for the overall conversion of glucose-6- phosphate to inositol if the sample was treated prior to ion-exchange chromatography with 51 bacterial alkaline phosphatase. This result sug- gested that inositol was being released from a 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 phosphorylated precursor by the action of the pH bacterial phosphatase. FIG. 2. Effect of pH on the rate of conversion of Since it was anticipated that magnesium glucose-6-phosphate to inositol. The complete reac- might be involved in the dephosphorylation tion system is described in the text. Reaction mixtures step (6, 8) the method for separation of the contained 4.25 mM n-['4C]glucose-6-phosphate (spe- substrate (inositol-phosphate) and product (in- cific activity, 177,000 counts/min per ,mol) and 2.7 ositol) ofIP phosphatase was applied to reaction mg ofprotein. mixtures which either contained or lacked MgCl2. On the assumption that magnesium cell extract was dialyzed for 24 h in 5 mM Tris- ions stimulate IP phosphatase activity, it was hydrochloride buffer (pH 7.2) plus 1 mM EDTA expected that, in the absence of magnesium, and 100 mM KCl, followed by further dialysis phosphorylated inositol should accumulate. In for 24 h in the absence of KCl (Fig. 4). accord with previous results for cell extracts A summary of the cofactor requirements for dialyzed in Tris-hydrochloride buffer, the rate the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to inosi- of synthesis of inositol was reduced approxi- tol is given in Table 2. mately 50% in the absence of MgCl2 (Table 3) VOL. 126, 1976 INOSITOL BIOSYNTHESIS IN YEAST 237

mM NH4CI mM NAD FIG. 3. Effect of NH4Cl and NAD+ on the rate of conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to inositol. (A) The complete reaction system is described in the text. Reaction mixtures contained 5.00 mM f-['4C]glucose-6- phosphate (specific activity, 152,000 counts/min per ,umol) and 2.3 mg ofprotein. (B) Reaction mixtures were identical to those given for (A), except that the NH4Cl concentration was 14 mM.

TABLE 1. Effect ofdialysis on stimulation ofenzyme This experiment shows that, in the absence of activity by magnesium" magnesium, the reduced rate ofinositol biosyn- thesis coincides with the accumulation of phos- Reaction componentsP phorylated inositol, suggesting that magne- Com- -Mg2+ -Mg2+ + 5 sium ions may play a role in stimulating IP buffer plete mM phosphatase activity. Dialysis EDTA In addition, the results indicate that S. cere- % of % of Sp act' Sp act con- Sp act con- visiae is probably similar to C. utilis in that trol trol phosphorylated inositol serves as an intermedi- ate in the biosynthesis of inositol. Since phos- Tris-hydrochlo- 29.7 14.0 47 10.0 34 phorylated inositol was not isolated directly, ride but Tris-hydrochlo- 15.9 11.4 72 9.9 62 rather dephosphorylated and isolated as ride + EDTA inositol, it was not possible to determine the Tris-hydrochlo- 14.1 10.6 75 7.8 55 position of the phosphate on the inositol carbon ride + EDTA skeleton. + KCl Regulation of IP synthetase by inositol. Potassium 12.4 3.8 31 3.5 28 Two aspects of regulation were studied: in vivo phosphate + repression of enzyme synthesis and in vitro EDTA inhibition of enzyme activity. Potassium 9.2 3.8 41 3.3 36 It can be seen both from the density of phosphate + ['4C]inositol spots in the autoradiogram of Fig. EDTA + KCl 6 and the graph ofIP synthetase activity versus "' The overall conversion ofglucose-6-phosphate to inositol concentration in the growth medium in inositol (synthetase plus phosphatase) was assayed Fig. 7A that the enzyme system is severely as described in the text. In the preparation of cell repressed by inositol. Under fully repressed extracts, all dialysis media were adjusted to pH 7.2. conditions, approximately 1 nmol of inositol is Tris-hydrochloride, when present, was at 5 mM; synthesized in vitro per mg of protein per h of potassium phosphate was at 20 mM; EDTA was at 1 incubation compared with fully derepressed mM; and KCl was at 100 mM. Extracts dialyzed in conditions in which approximately 50 nmol of KCl were re-dialyzed for 24 h in the absence of KCl. inositol is synthesized under identical assay b The complete reaction mixture is described in the text. Reaction mixtures contained 5.00 mM D- conditions. ['4C]glucose-6-phosphate (specific activity, 152,000 As a control for the repression experiment, counts/min per ,umol) and 2 to 3 mg of protein. cells were grown under fully repressed and ' Specific activity is expressed as nanomoles of fully derepressed conditions. Cell extracts pre- inositol per milligram of protein per hour. pared from each batch of cells were assayed 238 CULBERTSON, DONAHUE, AND HENRY J. BACTEItIOL.





0.4 re f E 0.2 76

.2 4 S (mM G 6 P) I/S FIG. 5. Effect of substrate concentration on the rate of conversion ofglucose-6-phosphate to inositol. The complete reaction system is described in the text.

2 Reaction mixtures contained substrate (D-['4C]glu- cose-6-phosphate) at different concentrations, as follows: 1.25 mM (608,000 counts/min per /umoO; 2.50 mM (304,000 counts/min per ,umol); 5.00 mM O I l _ 1 2 3 4 5 (152,000 counts/min per pmol); and 7.50 mM mM MgCIg (101,000 counts/min per ttmol). Each reaction mix- FIG. 4. Effect ofMgCl2 on the rate ofconversion of ture contained 2.9 mg ofprotein. (A) Velocity versus glucose-6-phosphate to inositol. The complete reac- substrate concentration. (B) Double-reciprocal plot of tion system is described in the text. Reaction mixtures velocity versus substrate concentration. Velocity (V) contained 5.00 mM rs-P4CJglucose-6-phosphate (spe- is expressed as nanomoles of inositol produced per cific activity, 152,000 counts/min per pnol) and 2.6 milligram ofprotein per hour. mg ofprotein. The reaction mixture lacking magne- sium contained 5.00 mM EDTA. The extract was TABLE 3. Accumulation ofphosphorylated inositol" dialyzed for 24 h in 5 mM Tris-hydrochloride buffer (pH 7.2) plus 1 mM EDTA plus 100 mM KCI. The Product formec Reaction extract was redialyzed for 24 h in the absence ofKCI. system5 Inositol- Inositol Total prod- phosphate uct TABLE 2. Requirements for the enzymatic conversion to inositol +MgCl2 24.60 28.05 52.65 ofglucose-6-phosphate -MgCl2 38.70 14.02 52.72 Total inositol formed 't Radioactive inositol and phosphorylated inositol Reaction system" % of con- were separated by ion-exchange chromatography as nmol trol described in the text. After separation, phosphoryl- ated inositol was treated with bacterial alkaline Complete 258.8 100 phosphatase, and the dephosphorylated product (in- -NH4CI 52.7 20 ositol) was isolated. -NAD+ 1.5 0.006 ' The complete reaction system is described in the -MgCl2 121.9 47 text. Reaction mixtures contained 5.00 mM n- -MgC12 + 5 mM EDTA 87.1 34 [14C]glucose-6-phosphate (specific activity, 152,000 Complete, boiled enzyme 0.8 0.003 counts/min per umol) and 2.9 mg of protein. MgCl2, The conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to inosi- when present, was at 2.7 mM. The cell extract was tol (synthetase plus phosphatase) was assayed as dialyzed in 5 mM Tris-hydrochloride buffer (pH 7.2). described in the text. The complete reaction system " Expressed as nanomoles per milligram of pro- contained 5.00 mM D["4C]glucose-6-phosphate (spe- tein per hour. cific activity, 152,000 counts/min per gmol) and 2.9 mg of protein. change in the rate of enzyme synthesis, it fol- lows that the sum of activities observed in re- separately for IP synthetase activity. In addi- pressed and derepressed lysates should equal tion, the synthetase activity was assayed after the activity observed in the mixed reaction ves- the two enzyme preparations were mixed in the sel. The results ofthis experiment indicate that same reaction vessel.(2 mg ofprotein from each reduced activity in repressed lysates very likely lysate was added). On the assumption that re- represents an effect on the rate of enzyme syn- duced activity in the repressed lysate reflects a thesis, since it was observed that enzyme activ- VOL. 126, 1976 INOSITOL BIOSYNTHESIS IN YEAST 239

Standards Inositol concentration of reference

myo-inositol 500pM OOyM 50yM 25yM 0OyM 0. 5M OPm

i. AiLalk.. -X jmkl. .l 14 VW glucose-6-P

b- Oriain

FIG. 6. Inositol-mediated repression of IP synthetase. Cell cultures were grown continuously for 24 h in medium containing different amounts of inositol. Cell extracts prepared from these cultures were added (2.5 mg ofprotein) to reaction mixtures containing 5.00 mM D-[t4C]glucose-6-phosphate (specific activity, 152,000 counts/min per gmol) and other components as described in the text. After incubation of the mixtures, radioactive inositol was isolated by the IP synthetase assay procedure. Samples were chromatographed on Whatman no. 1 paper for 12 h in propanol-pyridine-water (3:1:1, vollvollvol). The chromatogram was exposed to Kodak No-Screen X-ray film for 24 h. The resulting autoradiogram indicates that the-density ofradioactive inositol spots is dependent on the amount of inositol in the growth medium. Repression ofenzyme synthesis takes place at concentrations of inositol exceeding 50 AM.



s 40



, 20

E e l0

2 3 4 5 pM inositot in growth medium mM inositol in reaction mixture FIG. 7. Inositol-mediated repression and inhibition ofIP synthetase. The complete reaction system, method of assay for IP synthetase, and criteria for distinguishing between repression of enzyme synthesis and inhibition of enzyme activity are given in the text. Reaction mixtures contained 5.00 mM D-['4C]glucose-6- phosphate (specific activity, 152,000 counts/min per ,mol) and 2 to 3 mg ofprotein. (A) Repression of IP synthetase resulting from the presence of inositol in the growth medium. (B) Inhibition of IP synthetase resulting from the presence of inositol in the reaction mixture.

ity in the mixed reaction was 98% ofthe sum of free cultures for the first hour after addition of repressed plus derepressed activities, as as- inositol, followed by a dramatic decrease in ac- sayed separately. tivity (Fig. 8). After 10 h in the presence of IP synthetase activity in cultures to which inositol, IP synthetase activity approaches the inositol was added (50 uM concentration) is fully repressed level. However, IP synthetase comparable to the activity observed in inositol- activity increases dramatically in cultures 240 CULBERTSON, DONAHUE, AND HENRY J. BACTZRIOL. growing logarithmically in the absence ofinosi- amined in cell extracts of a wild-type (Ino+) tol. This increase is not simply due to an in- strain of S. cerevisiae. The conversion of glu- crease in cell number, since the enzyme activi- cose-6-phosphate to inositol was separated into ties presented in Fig. 8 are standardized two steps. In the first half of the reaction se- against protein concentration in the reaction quence, glucose-6-phosphate is converted to a mixtures. During early stationary phase, the phosphorylated inositol precursor by the action rise in enzyme activity levels off, and after a of one or more enzymes (referred to collectively total of 22 h of growth in inositol-less medium as IP synthetase). In the second reaction, free the activity approaches the fully derepressed inositol is liberated from the phosphorylated level (approximately 50 nmol/h per mg of pro- precursor by the action of IP phosphatase. The tein). combined action of these enzymes generates The in vitro inhibition ofIP synthetase activ- inositol. ity by inositol is much less dramatic than in The conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to in- vivo repression by inositol (Fig. 7B). Approxi- ositol requires NAD+ (Fig. 3B) and is stimu- mately 20% inhibition was observed in the pres- lated by NH4C1 (Fig. 3A) and MgCl2 (Fig. 4). No ence of 1 mM inositol, whereas higher concen- attempt was made to establish which of the trations of inositol did not substantially in- enzymes (IP synthetase or IP phosphatase) is crease the degree of inhibition. As described affected by NAD+ and ammonium ions. How- above, values for the higher concentrations of ever, in C. utilis, it was shown that both of inositol may be inaccurate due to technical dif- these cofactors are involved specifically in the ficulties resulting in incomplete separation of synthetase reaction (8). In S. cerevisiae, mag- radioactive inositol from other labeled com- nesium ions are involved in the reaction cata- pounds during chromatography. lyzed by IP phosphatase (Table 3). In C. utilis, the requirement for magnesium DISCUSSION in the phosphatase reaction is absolute, and The biosynthesis of inositol from glucose-6- this fact was used to demonstrate the accumu- a soluble enzyme system was ex- lation of inositol-1-phosphate in mixtures lack- phosphate by ing magnesium and to establish the role of this 50 compound as an intermediate in the pathway (6, 8). In S. cerevisiae, the amount of inositol 45 1010 formed when magnesium is omitted from the reaction mixture varies between 28 and 50% of 40- the complete system, depending on the manner in which the cell extract is dialyzed (Table 1). 0 35 _ 109 These results might be explained by two alter- 35 native hypotheses. It is possible that the crude 2 30 cell extracts used in this study contain sub- strate-nonspecific, magnesium-independent 25- 10 phosphatases. Although the phosphatase which is physiologically relevant for inositol biosyn- S 20 thesis in vivo may, in fact, have a stringent requirement for magnesium, this would not necessarily be apparent in crude extracts con- taining other phosphatases with less stringent or different metal requirements. On the other hand, it is possible that the results obtained in this study represent a real difference between the enzyme from C. utilis and S. cerevisiae. TIME (Hours) Purification of the enzyme system from S. cere- visiae should aid in answering questions of this FIG. 8. Kinetics of inositol-mediated repression. nature. Cultures were grown as described in the text. During IP synthetase is repressed by a magnitude of logarithmic growth, inositol was added to give a 50-fold in the presence of inositol in the growth concentration of 50 pM. At various times after the addition ofinositol, cells were harvested, cell extracts medium at concentrations exceeding 50 ,uM were prepared, and IP synthetase was assayed. Con- (Fig. 7A). The results of reconstituting re- trol cultures to which no inositol was added were pressed and derepressed lysates in single reac- included as controls. Symbols: 0, inositol-less cul- tion mixtures indicate that the inositol-me- tures; @, cultures containing 50 pM inositol; A, cells diated decrease in IP synthetase activity is very per milliliter. likely the result of lowered rates of enzyme VOL. 126, 1976 INOSITOL BIOSYNTHESIS IN YEAST 241 synthesis. The large net difference between re- pathway is regulated primarily by the repres- pressed and derepressed levels of enzyme syn- sion of enzyme synthesis. thesis stands in contrast with the observations The availability of mutants specifically lack- of numerous investigators that the difference ing the capacity to synthesize inositol may between minimal and maximal levels of en- prove instrumental in providing an approach zyme synthesis is generally unimpressive in toward understanding the mechanism through the fungi, especially when compared with en- which inositol biosynthesis is controlled and zyme systems in the enteric bacteria (12). This coordinated with the demand for inositol in the fact is illustrated, for example, by the threefold synthesis of phospholipids. In the following net difference between repressed and dere- communication (9), an attempt is made to cor- pressed levels of aspartic transcarbamylase in relate some parameters of inositol biosynthesis S. cerevisiae (15). However, examples in the with the metabolism of inositol in membrane fungi, in which the change in amplitude of phospholipids through the biochemical charac- enzyme production is large, do exist, as in ni- terization of inositol-requiring mutants. trate reductase (40-fold) or nitrite reductase (140-fold) in Aspergillus nidulans or aryl sulfa- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tase (500-fold) in Neurospora crassa (17, 18). This study was supported by Public Health Service grant GM19629 from the National Institute of General Medical Thus, the 50-fold net difference between re- Sciences and grant GRSG 5 SOI RR05397. Thomas F. Dona- pressed and derepressed levels of IP synthetase hue and Michael R. Culbertson are trainees in genetics does not represent a unique finding among fun- supported by Public Health Service Training Grant gal enzyme systems. GM00110 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. S. A. Henry is supported by Public Health Service The addition of inositol to logarithmically Research Career Development Award GM00024 from the growing cultures results in a time-dependent National Institute of General Medical Sciences. decrease in IP synthetase activity (Fig. 8). Ten hours after the addition of inositol to the cul- LITERATURE CITED tures, the activity ofthe enzyme approaches the 1. Angus, W. W., and R. L. Lester. 1972. Turnover of fully repressed level. This result can be inter- inositol and containing lipids in Saccha- preted to mean that the addition of inositol to romyces cerevisiae; extracellular accumulation of gly- cerophosphorylinositol derived from phosphatidyli- the growth medium prevents further synthesis nositol. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 151:483-495. of the enzyme, whereas the actual rate of de- 2. Barnett, J. G., A. Rasheed, and D. L. 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