REG. NO.130705096







Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. Dr. Dra. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A. NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19630109 198803 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. Deliana, M.Hum. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D NIP. 19571117 198303 2 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of

Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara on February, 06th 2018

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S ______

Dr. Deliana, M.Hum ______

Dr. Dra. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A. ______











Signed :

Date : February 06th, 2018













Signed :

Date : February 06th, 2018


ﱠﺍﻟﺴﻼَ ُﻡ َﻋﻠَ ْﻴ ُﻜ ْﻢ َﻭ َﺭ ْﺣ َﻤﺔُ ﷲِ َﻭﺑَ َﺮ َﻛﺎﺗُﻪ ُ

Alhamdulillah, First I expresshighest gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa

Ta’ala for blessing, commpassion, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis entitled A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS IN MUSIC VIDEO OF NAUGHTY

BOY’S LA LA LA that submitted as the final requirement in accomplishing undergraduate degree at English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, and support for me. In this valuable chance, I intended to express gratitude and appreciation to all of them. I present my sincere appreciation to The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies,Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S., The Head of English Department, Dr.

Deliana M.Hum, and The Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,

M.A, Ph.D, who have given all the opportunities and facilities in completing this thesis.

I present my sincere gratitude to Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S as supervisor and

Dr. Dra. T. Thyrhaya Zein M.A, as co-supervisor for the guidance and suggestion in accomplishing this thesis. Then, to all lectures who have taught and supported me in finishing my study.

The gratitude also goes to mybeloved parents, my mother Lili Julianti and my father Rajab for the endless love, pray, and support to finish this thesis. My brothers

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Aulia Rangga Jaya, Angger Arya Kencana, Imam Muafa for every support in any form to finish this study.

I am very grateful to have some close friends who always support me. The appreciation goes to M. Rizki Hawan, Irhas Azmi, Aulia Anggie, M. Daud, Yunita

Safitri, Ika Damayani that support me while doing this thesis and become a good listener for every problem I faced, especially when I had to revise this thesis and re- start over and over again. I also want to express my appreciation to my spiritual partners Ikhwanda Zikri, M. Syukur, M. Yusuf that give me a spirit and emotional support while doing this thesis. Your oppinions never stop surprise me and also allow me to see my problem from a different angle.

I would like to say thanks to my brothers of Jagung; that accompany me while manage the business in the faculty and thanks to my brothers of DWP for the gaming time that we have while bored. I also thanks to Grab Company that allow me to take a part in the company that help me to acquire some money.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who was important to the successful realization of this thesis. This thesis is far from perfect, but it is expected that it will be useful not only for the writer, but also for the readers. For this reason, constructive thoughtfull suggestion and critics are welcomed.

Medan, February 06th 2018

Dimas Anugrah Satya Reg. No. 130705096


Seiring perkembangan zaman, masyarakat mulai membuat keputusan berdasarkan informasi yang ditemukan di media–media elektronik seperti Radio, Televisi, dan Internet. Salah satu media yang sering digunakan khususnya oleh generasi muda adalah video musik. Tertarik dengan hal tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan : mendeskripsikan tanda-tanda semiotik yang terdapat dalam video musik Naughty Boys-La La La dan mendeskripsikan makna yang terkandung dalam tanda-tanda semiotik yang terdapat dalam video musik Naughty Boys-La La La. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan dengan metode observasi dan dokumentasi dengan mengklasifikasi video menjadi gambar-gambar dalam bentuk sekuen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisis data-data secara komprehensif menggunakan teknik struktur film dan teori semiotik Roland Barthes.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanda-tanda semiotik yang terdapat dalam video musik ini berupa tampilan visual yang terdapat pada gambar- gambar yang menceritakan perjalanan seorang anak dari rumahnya menuju bukit tambang bersama teman–teman yang ditemuinya dan verbal yang terdapat pada lirik berupa kata-kata yang mengandung unsur pembangkangan; Kemudian makna dari tanda-tanda yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah makna denotasi berupa perjalanan seorang anak dengan mengajak seekor anjing, penjaga gym dan polisi menuju sebuah tambang untuk menghadap patung kambing; Makna konotasi yang didapat adalah tokoh utama sang anak menyampaikan ideologi tentang pembangkangan kepada orang-orang tertindas yang ditemuinya; dan mitos yang terdapat dalam video ini adalah adanya penggambaran seorang messiah kepada sang anak dalam mencari pengikut untuk melawan iblis atau kejahatan. Temuan yang didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa penelitian semiotik pada video menggunakan teknik struktur film untuk memudahkan pengambilan objek pada suatu gambar.

Kata Kunci : Video Musik, Semiotik, Roland Barthes


As the times progressed, people began to make decisions based on information found in electronic media such as Radio, Television, and the Internet. One of media that is often used especially by the younggeneration is the music video. Interested in this, the writer do a research with the objective: to describe the semiotic signs realized in the music video of Naughty Boys-La La La and to describe how the meaning of semiotic signs realized in the music video of Naughty Boys-La La La.Data collection was obtained by library research through observation and documentation by classifying video into pictures in the form of sequences. This research used descriptive qualitative method by analyzing data comprehensively using film structure technique and Roland Barthes’ semiotic theory. The results of this research indicated that the semiotic signs portrayed in this music video were visual signs that realized in the images that told about a boy travelled from his house to the mine hill with his friends that he met while travelling; and verbal signs that realized in the lyrics that portrayed about rebellion words; then the meaning of the semiotic signs realized in this research were the denotation meaning was a boy's journey to a mine hill by inviting a dog, gym guard and policeman to face the goat statue; the connotation meaning was the boy as main character conveys the ideology of disobedience to the oppressed people he met; and the myth realized in this video was the depiction of a messiah that symbolized by the boy in seeking followers to fight demon or evil. The findings that contained in this video were the film structure technique that used to analyze the video, help to focusing the object in the image.

Key Words : Music Video, Semiotics, Roland Barthes


AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ...... v COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ...... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vii ABSTRAK ...... ix ABSTRACT ...... x TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1Background of the study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 5 1.3Objective of the Study ...... 6 1.4 Scope of The Study ...... 6 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 6 1.5.1 Theoretical Significance ...... 6 1.5.2 Practical Significance ...... 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 8 2.1 Concepts ...... 8 2.1.1 Semiotics ...... 8 2.1.2 Video Clip ...... 9 2.1.3 Subliminal Messages ...... 11 2.2 Theories of Semiotics and Film ...... 14 2.2.1 Semiotics theory of Roland Barthes : Order of Signification...... 14 2.2.2 Film Structure ...... 17 2.3 Relevant Studies ...... 19 2.4 Conceptual Framework ...... 21 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...... 22 3.1 Research Design ...... 22 3.2 Location and Time ...... 22 3.3 Data and Sources of Data ...... 23 3.4 Data Collection Procedures ...... 23 3.5 Data Analysis ...... 24

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ...... 25 4.1Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence I ...... 25 4.2Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence I ...... 28 4.2.1 Denotation Meaning ...... 28 4.2.2 Connotation Meaning ...... 29 4.2.3 Myth ...... 30 4.3 Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence II ...... 30 4.4 Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence II ...... 33 4.4.1 Denotation Meaning ...... 33 4.4.2. Connotation Meaning ...... 34 4.4.3 Myth ...... 35 4.5 Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence III ...... 35 4.6 Analysis of Semiotic Sign’s Meaning of Sequence III ...... 38 4.6.1 Denotation Meaning ...... 38 4.6.2 Connotation Meaning ...... 38 4.6.3 Myth ...... 39 4.7 Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence IV ...... 40 4.8 Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence IV ...... 42 4.8.1 Denotation Meaning ...... 42 4.8.2 Connotation Meaning ...... 43 4.8.3 Myth ...... 43 4.9 Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence V ...... 44 4.10 Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence V ...... 46 4.10.1 Denotation Meaning ...... 46 4.10.2 Connotation Meaning ...... 47 4.10.3 Myth ...... 47 4.11 FINDINGS ...... 48 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 56 5.1 Conclusion ...... 56 5.2 Suggestion ...... 57 REFERENCES ...... 58 APPENDIX



1.1 Background of the study

In the last some decades, the media and its influence on the societies, have grown with the advance of technology.Telegraph and the post offices, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and the internet are the example of the media from time to time. There are positive and negative influences of mass media, which must understand as a responsible person of a society.

People need news/information for various reasons, it can be used to socialize and to make decisions and share opinions. Entertainment would be the other function of the mass media where it is mostly used by the masses to amuse them in present day hectic environment. Educating the masses about their rights, moral, social and religious obligations is another important function of mass media.

In present era of globalization, majority of people in the society depends on information and communication to remain connected with the world and do the daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, socialization, travelling and anything else that have to do.A common urban person usually wakes up in the morning checks the tv news or newspaper, goes to work, makes a few phone calls, eats with their family and makes his decisions based on the information that he has either from their co workers, TV news, friends, family, financial reports, etc. People need to be conscious of the reality that most of their decisions, beliefs and values are based on what they know for a fact, their assumptions and their own experience. In work, people usually know what they have to do, based on their experience and

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA studies, however on their routine life and house hold chores, they mostly rely on the mass media to get the current news and facts about what is important and what they should be aware of.

One of media that exists nowadays is music video. Music video is used to express the feelings,share opinions and information. Music video formats are popular among society; children, adolescents even adult. When music lyrics are illustrated in music videos, their potential impact is magnified. Music video may contain the images or scenes that have good values but disturbing images frequently appear.

Teenagers who like to hear rock or underground music cannot avoid the disturbing images that often appear in rock or underground music videos. In addition, music videos are self-reinforcing that if viewers hear a song after having seen the video version, they immediately flash back to the visual imagery in the video. Music videos may represent a relatively new art form, but it is one that often contains an excess of sexism, violence, substance abuse, suicides, and inappropriate sexual behavior. In another cases, there are some music videos that do not have clear visual or meaning. People are difficult to absorb the meaning or information that shared by the creator whereas the information that shared perhaps are dangerous and does not appropriate with the norm around society. Music video tends to have subliminal messages that can influence people who look or listen the music video.

Jacobson stated that subliminal message is a process that created bycommunication technique, that people will accept and respond the information or instruction unsconsciuosly. Messages are contained in words, images, or sounds that given fastly or indistinctly through mind or consciousness (Jacobson, 2015).

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA An information or stimulation that can be accepted consciously by human beings can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, denied and may be rejected by viewers. Something that programmed in the subconscious subliminal will not encounter any obstacle like that. TV viewers can protest, or an image of the virtual world will be rejected, but according to experts, subliminal information can be stored in your brain and able to influence consideration, character and human behavior.

Subliminal perception generally occurs when stimulation are presented below the threshold of consciousness, found to affect the thoughts, feelings, or actions.

This subliminal perception term originally used to describe a situation where weaker stimulation are perceived unconsciously. In recent years, the term has been applied generally to describe a situation in feeling stimulation unconsciously.

In the book Mind Control in the United States, Steven Jacobson (2015) explains why this technique is so effective:

1.This technique worked on human subconscious that has great power when

treated appropriately. By diverting the man from the thinking process and

rely on feelings to act, the idea that had absorb, will be accepted without a


2.The use of additional instruments such as music, contrasts color, and a

wide range of processing techniques in the studio, create the powers of

subliminal message are growing.

3.When operating in the subconscious, desires encouragement of

human(lust) operates inexhaustible adding the effectiveness of this


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.There are number of parties that very eager to use it and willing to spend

big amount of moneyto buy a product like this even funding the

researches. With the power of their money also the ethical controversy can

be calmed down creating most people do not know anything about the evil


The things above would have been very dangerous used for crime, even more worrying when the subliminal message allegedly used by film and games makers, both adults and children movies or games, and the more terrifying,most subliminal message used by the parties to promote sex, pornography, astray doctrine, etc.It can be concluded that the purposeof subliminal messages are to make mankind deception to the devil and establish a culture of extraordinary moral damage.

To be aware of signs or symbols contained in a media, someone should make a detailed observation and know the cultures that exist in an object. Therefore, the writer chooses Roland Barthes’ semiotics theory to analyze the music videoby analyzing the denotation, connotation, and myths that exist in themusic video. It will be easier for the writer to make a detailed observation and also to know the culture embodied in an object.

Barthes stated that denotationis the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression, as distinguished from the ideas or meanings associated with it. Connotationisthe associated or secondary meaning of aword or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning. And myths is the hidden cultural values and conventions through which meanings are made to seem natural, universal, even though in reality that specific to certain groups (Barthes, 1977).

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Based on the issues above, writer chooses music video of Naughty Boy’s La

La La to be analyzed whom the writer finds it does not have clear intention and perhaps cause misunderstanding and confusing among the viewerssuch a puppet that become a policeman. People should asking why the music video’s author choosed a puppet to become a policeman that manage traffic light. This kind of thing become a question mark for common people. The writer finds many symbolsthat hard to understand in this music video such numerical symbol, satanic symbol, and also absurd images. One of that symbol represented in first sequence while the frame showed the door with the number 1111.Twins number have meanings that most people didn’t know. This kind of things are interesting to be researched. ThenMusic video of Naughty Boy’s La La La is produced in 2013 by Naughty Boy. Then, this song is familiar while it produced in its year. This song has entered the billboard charts in Europe.So, writer is interested to research all issues above on the titleA


1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background, the writer decide some problems that should be analyzed. They are :

1. What are thesemioticssignsfoundin music video of Naughty Boy’sLa La


2. How are themeaningsof semiotic signsrealized in music video of Naughty

Boy’s La La La?

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.3 Objective of the Study

Related to the questions on the problem of the study, this research tries to find out the answer of those questions. They are:

1. To describe the semioticssignsfound in music video of Naughty Boy’s La

La La

2. To describe themeaningsof semiotics signsrealized in music video

ofNaughty Boy’s La La La

1.4 Scope of The Study

Related to the problem and the scope of the study, the writer has to limit the scope of study in order to avoid wider analysis. In this thesis the writer would like to analyze the signs contained in music video of Naughty Boy’s La La La that released in 2013 by Naughty Boy in Youtube and take the semiotic meanings that contained in this video.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The analysis of this thesis is expected to be able to give significance for the reader, both theoretical and practical.

1.5.1Theoretical Significance

1. To give explanation how signs portrayedin music video of Naughty Boy’s

La La La

2. To give explanation that Roland Barthes’ semiotics theory can be applied

in music video

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. To be an orientation and representation of research for the next researcher

to study about video’s semiotics

1.5.2 Practical Significance

1. To enrich the society’s perception about language and message, especially

language and message in the video

2. To give information about signs meaning

3. To give information how to absorb signs meaning in the video





Semiotic term is introduced by Hippocrates from Greek, the founder of

Western medical science. Semiotics comes from semeionmeans mark or sign

(Sebeok, 2001: 4).Based on the terms above, semiotics produce signs or symbols as a part of code system to communicate information. Semiotics consistofvisual andverbal signs with tactile andolfactorythat means can be accepted by human senses.

Aristotle defined the sign consisting of 3 dimensions: the physical part of the sign itself; the referent to which it callandevocation of a meaning (Sebeok, 2001: 4).

Saussure stated Semiologyaims to take in any system of signs whatever their substances and limits; images, gestures, musical sounds, object and the complex associations of all these which form the content of ritual, convention or public entertainment (Barthes, 1977: 9).

Charles Pierce also stated that semiotics is a science, with the findings & theories, and technique to study anything that produced signs (Sebeok, 2001: 5).

Pierce defined triangle theory or triangle meaning consisting of three elements; sign, object, and interpretant. Signis a thing that can be caught by human senses and representating another meaning. Object is the social context as references of signs.

Interpretantis a sign user or a mind concept of one that using signs.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Eco stated that there are scientific semiotics and non-scientific semiotics, studied by metasemiotics. A semiology as a metasemiotics studying non- scientificsemiotics. Semiotics can be denotative or connotative so it should be there is a metasemiotics that means connotative semiotics(Eco,1984: 4).Eco concludes that a sign is not a negotiable semiotic entity, but a meeting place for independent elements derived from two different systems from two different levels, namely expression and content, and meets on the basis of coding. Eco focuses its attention on modifying the sign system and changing the concept of a sign into a sign function.

Based on the statement above, Semioticsstudies a sign and how the signs operating. Semiotics studies systems, rules, and agreement that enable signs have meanings.

2.1.2 Video Clip

Dyzak stated that Video clip is made to promote and increase the selling of music album. Video clip is a short film with compact plot contains images that compiles to a part. (Dyzak, 2010:11)

Moller also stated that video clip is a short film that created to accompany music, commonly song to promote a song album (Moller, 2011:34)

Since MTV arose in 1982, video clip becomes the instrument that promote a music. Even the video clip is more popular than the music or song itself. Nowadays people are not satisfied by listening music without watching the music video.

There are some definitions that explain about video clip or music video:

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. A display of song recording accompanying with dancing or piece of act

occasionally a concert with three or five minutes duration containing

pieces of image fastly, various styles, computer graphic, or erotic

(Columbia University Press, Encyclopedia)

2. A show presents song recording using film or recording video

occasionally illustrates the musicians accompanying a song or visual

displays that interpreting the song lyric (Houghton – Miffin Company


Steward and Kowaltzke stated that music industries divide video clip into main 2 types; performance clip and conceptual clip:

1. Performance clipis a type that focuses to the singer, artist or band. This

type is popular in 1960 – 1970, so most audiences regard this type


2. Conceptual clipis a type that focuses on a related theme. This type has

a plot or act of sequence and also a mixture of images.( Stewart &

Kowaltzke, 2007 : 132 )

Based on the kind, video clip can be classified into two types:

1. Verbal video clip

The design illustration is fit with the lyric content that image and lyric

are united.

2. Symbol video clip

There are no congruent and relation between image or display and

lyric or song.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Music Videoof Naughty Boy’s La La La

Naughty Boy’s La La La music video released on YouTube on 18 April 2013 with the duration about four minutes and three seconds. The video is directed by Ian

Pons Jewell and shot in Bolivia for four days (Youtube.com).

Then the video concepts focused on a child’s magical journey. Jewell said that it is also compared to the Wizard of Ozand a local legend of demon El Tio. A combination of the song and the little boy’s ear-covering has been a hit in Bolivia with serious implication that use to mocking politicians (Promonews.tv). .

Naughty Boy’s La La La song then released on 18 May 2013 as second single of Naughty Boy’s debut album . Naughty Boy produced the song featuring vocals from , a new comer singer at that time. The song reached number one in 26 countries, including on the UK Singles Chart (Youtube.com).

2.1.3 Subliminal Messages

The term subliminal is derived from the construct of a limen of consciousness, a threshold or line separating conscious from unconscious. The concept dates back to the literal beginning of psychology as an empirical science separate from philosophy in the seminar writings of Johan Friedrich Herbart in 1776

– 1841(Vokey, 2013: 289).

Subliminal messages are messages thatare delivered or accepted underneath thethreshold of normal consciousness. Subliminal messages are hidden messagesthat are embedded in another medium toact consumer subconscious mind. Theymake consumer think or want to dosomething without realizingit (Atrees, 2012).

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA An information or stimulation that can be accepted consciously by human beings can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, denied and may be rejected by viewers. Something that programmed in the subconscious subliminal will not encounter any obstacle like that. TV viewers can protest, or an image of the virtual world will be rejected, but according to experts, subliminal information can be stored in your brain and able to influence consideration, character and human behavior(Couto, 2014). Here are the pictures of subliminal message:

Picture 2.1: Subliminal Message

When someone looks the picture 2.1 may feel ordinary because It is only few plants that grow on the ground. Maybe someone will make that image as a wallpaper in laptop or phone because the aesthetic aspects that are contained by the image.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Picture 2.2: Subliminal Message

When the picture is looked closer as presented in picture 2.2, appeared an unexpected sign or inscription. The sign or inscription do not have a definite relationship to the plants. But, It is sure that mark or inscription has the specific meaning made by the creator to the viewer.

Subliminal messages have already been used during earlier times. Historical scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, and even texts such as the Bible have alluded to a subconscious phenomenon. Early artists, such as those in the Renaissance, have also used subliminal techniques in their artwork (Lechnar, 2004).

In the book Mind Control in the United States, Steven Jacobson (2015) explains why this technique is so effective:

1.This technique worked on human subconscious that has great power when

treated appropriately. By diverting the man from the thinking process and

rely on feelings to act, the idea that had absorb, will be accepted without a


2.The use of additional instruments such as music, contrasts color, and a

wide range of processing techniques in the studio, create the powers of

subliminal message are growing.

3.When operating in the subconscious, desires encouragement of human

(lust) operates inexhaustible adding the effectiveness of this technique.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.There are number of parties that very eager to use it and willing to spend

big amount of money to buy a product like this even funding the

researches.With the power of their money also the ethical controversy can

be calmed down creating most people do not know anything about the evil


Atrees, the assistant professor of Faculty of Apllied Artsin Helwan University also stated that the effectiveness of subliminal messages depend on some factors; simplicity, familiarity, conciseness (very short), the frequency of exposure, the exposure time, demographic of the characteristic recipient, the individual mood, and the subliminal messages types (Atrees, 2012).

2.2 Theories of Semiotics and Film

2.2.1 Semioticstheory of Roland Barthes : Order of Signification

Roland Barthes is the successor of Saussure thought. Saussure is interested in the complex sentence formation and the sentence forms determining meaning, but less interested that the same sentence may convey different meanings to people of different circumstances (Barthes, 1977:9–11).

Roland Barthes continues the thought by emphasizing the interaction between the text with the personal and cultural experience of its users, and the interaction between convention in the text and the conventions experienced and expected by its users. Barthes' idea is known as order of signification, including denotation

(dictionary meaning) and connotation (second meaning by cultural and personal experience). Here is the point of difference between Saussure and Barthes although

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Barthes still uses the term signifier-signified that Saussure carried. Barthes also takesanother aspect of sign, mythsthat signed society (Barthes, 1977).

Picture 2.3: Order of Signification

Based on the picture 2.3, Barthes explains that the first signification is the relationship between signifier and signified in a sign to external reality. Barthes mentions this as denotation, the most obvious meaning of the sign. Connotation is a term used by Barthes to show the second stage of signification. This illustrates the interaction that occurs when a sign meets the feelings or emotions of the reader as well as the values of his culture. Connotation has subjective or least intersubjective meaning. Selection of words is sometimes a choice of connotations, such as the word

Pelacur ‘harlot’ with wanita penghibur ‘immoral woman’. In other words, denotation is what the sign represents of an object, whereas the connotation is how to describe it.

In the second orders of signification relating to the content, the sign works through myth. Myth is how culture explains or understands some aspects of reality or

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA natural phenomena. Myth is a social class product that already has a dominance.

Primitive myths for example, about life and death, humans and gods, etc (Sobur,

2009: 128).

Differences between the two orders of signification are not clear-cut, but for descriptive and analytic purposes some theorists distinguish them along the following lines. The first order of signification (denotation) is seen as primarily representational and relatively self-contained. The second order of signification

(connotative) reflects ‘expressive’ values which are attached to a sign. In the second order of signification relating to the content (myth), the sign reflects major culturally-variable concepts underpinning a particular worldview –such as masculinity, femininity, freedom, individualism, objectivism, Englishness and so on.

Susan Hayward offers a useful example of the three orders of signification in relation to a photograph of Marilyn Monroe, an American artist:

Picture 2.4: Marilyn Monroe

At the denotative level this is a photograph of the movie star Marilyn

Monroe. At a connotative level,it is associate with Marilyn Monroe’s star qualities such glamour, sexuality, beauty but also with her depression, drug-taking and untimely death if it is one of her last photographs. At a mythic level,this sign is

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA understood as activating the myth of Hollywood or the dream factory that produces glamour in the form of the stars it constructs, but also the dream machine that can crush them all with a view to profit and expediency (Hayward, 1996:310).

2.2.2 Film Structure

To analyze the film or video, it is need to know about the terms that represent some of the fundamental actions and concepts in film making known as film structure. There are 3 termsof film structure:

1. Shot

Shot is a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes unit of action

in a film. Technically, shot is happened when a cameraman holds

recordbutton until holds the record button again which means recorded only

one take.

2. Scene

A short segment of story that illustrates continuos act which restricted

by space, time, content (story), theme, character, or motive. A scene

commonly contained by some related shots.

3. Sequence

A big segment illustrates a whole story. A sequence commonly

contained by some related scenes. In literary, sequence means a chapter or

some chapters.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA To analyze film or video clip, type of shot is also needed. Type of shot means a technique while an image or video is shoted by a camera. There are 7 type of shots


1. Long shot

A shot with a far range and shows all areas of event location. Long shot

is used to explain the viewers until they know all the elements of the scene.

Object and background will be visible.

2. Medium Shot

A shot that displays the main object becomes larger and dominant, the

human object is displayed from waist up to the head. The background still

looked comparable to the main object

3. Medium close up

Displays the entire surface of the face to the chest or elbow. The object

of human body dominates the frame.

4. Close up

This technique is able to show the facial expressions with clear and

detailed gesture.

5. Big close up

This technique called very close shot. If the object is human, it is only

looked certain kind of object such eyes with its part clearly

6. Two shot

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Only focuses of two object while there are two human as object.

7. Over shoulder shot

Shot is performed behind the opponent of subject and the subject face is

in 1/3 frame. It is usually used to shot two peoples talking.

2.3 Relevant Studies

After looking for the relevant studies as the references of this research, writer found some journals and thesis. First, the writer found Taqiyya Hani (2011) Analisis

Semiotik Terhadap Film In The Name of God, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This thesis helps the writer in knowing how to analyze video by Roland Barthes semiotics. Taqiyya Hani analyzes denotation, connotation, and myths that contained in the film.

The next research was Sopianah Siti (2010) Analisis Semiotik terhadap Iklan

Susu Bendera Edisi Ramadhan 1430 H di Televisi, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

This thesis helps the writer in knowing the other way of Roland Barthes Theory to analyze the video by analyzing denotation, connotation and myths with taking the messages of the video.

The writer also found the video clip theory from the thesis of Aryanto Muiz

(2014) TA : Pembuatan Video Klip Band Indie “ Edo “ Dengan Penggabungan

Teknik Live Shoot dan Reverse Berjudul “The Prayer”, STIKOM Surabaya. This thesis helps the writer to know the theory of analyzing video clip.

The writer found a journal of Atrees, Fateen Faroutk (2012) The Concept of

Subliminal Messages in Brand Design, Helwan University. This journal helps the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA writer in knowing the concept about subliminal message. This journal also explain the example of visual subliminal messages which exist in society that add the writer’s knowledge about subliminal message.

The writer also found the documenter video of tinyrevolutiontube from

Youtube that explain about the condition in Cerro Rico hill. This documenter video helped the writer in describing the mythand condition of Cerro Rico mine hill, which is one of the location that realized in the music video.


2.4 Conceptual Framework

Music Video

Type of Shot

Song Lyrics Sequence of Pictures

Pieces of Picture

Roland Barthes’ Semiotics Theory

Picture 2.5 : Conceptual Framework

1. First, the writer classifies the music video into sequences of pictures.

2. Second, the writer analyzes pieces of picture from the sequence by mention the

song lyrics and type of shot (film structure’s theory).

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. After the sequence of pictures analyzed by film structure’s theory, the writer

analyzes the sequence by Roland Barthes semiotics’ theory that explaining the

denotation, connotation, and myth meaning realized in each sequences.



3.1 Research Design

To analyze the study, the writer uses qualitative method because the writer considers explanation and description while analyze the data. The reason to use the qualitative descriptive method is because in this research, the result cannot be acquired by statistic procedure or quantitative but through explanation and descriptive technique. Data will be taken in images, sentences, statements and ideas form.

In this research, writer takes focus in Roland Barthes semiotics, that familiar with denotation, connotation, and myth.Thewriter analyzes Naughty Boy’s La La La music video by categorized the pictures of music video with Film theory and explaining denotation, connotation, and myth of the pictures.

3.2 Location and Time

This research is done in writer’s home, Medan, Sumatera Utara started from

April 2017.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3.3Data and Sources of Data

The data is lyric and pictures that contained in music video of Naughty Boys’

La La La. The sources of data is music video of Naughty Boy’s La La La that takenfrom Youtube, produced in 2013 by Naughty Boys.

3.4 Data Collection Procedures

To get tha data of Naughty Boy’s La La La music video, the writer copied the file from Internet, especially Youtube, then this file became the source of this research. To complete the data, writer uses library research to find the references that appropriate to the objective of research.

To do this research, data collection procedures that will be done are :

1. Observation

Observation is done by copied the source of data from Youtube, that

ismusic video of Naughty Boy’s La La La. The datais analyzed by the

relevant theory to get conclusion. Then, the writer observes the data to find

the relevant concept to analyzed. From the observation, the writer chooses

semiotics and subliminal message as a concept and also find some relevant

concept about music video.

2. Documentation

Documentationis written sources, archives, video, document, article in

the Internet that support research analysis. The writer got the documentation

from supporting books, article in the internet, journal, video and thesis.


Data Analysis is done by using Roland Barthes semiotics’ theory. First, writer select the pictures from the music video of Naughty Boy’s La La La. Then, the writer classifies the pictures to sequence. After that, the writer analyzes the sequences by film structure’s theory with analyzing song lyrics and type of shot that realized ineach picture of a sequence. After that, the writer analyzes each sequence by Roland

Barthes’ semiotics theory. The writer analyzes denotation, connotation,and myth that realized in each sequence.




4.1Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence I

The first sequence sets in the boy's home. The boy is looked moody and under conflict with his parent. His parent comes out of a room angrily and scolds the child. The boy seemed to ignore the man's words so the man gets more angry. The boy who is fed up with his parent run away from his home to find a new life.

Signs Type No Visual Verbal of Shot

In this picture, there Medium is no lyrics. There is Close Up only the sound of music’s instrument. 1.

Door’s Illustration

In this pictures, there Medium 2 is no lyrics. There is Shot

only the sound of music’s instrument.


Man’s Anger

In this pictures, there Medium is no lyrics. There is Close Up only the sound of music’s instrument. 3

Man’s Scolding

In this pictures, there Long is no lyrics. There is Shot only the sound of music’s instrument. 4

The Existence of Helper 5

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Na Na, La La La La Medium La La La La La La Close Up

Boy’s Ignoring

Hush, Don’t speak Medium When you spit your Shot

venom, Keep the chat I hate it, When you 6 hiss and preach, ‘bout your new messiah, cause your theorys catch fire

Boy’s Escape

Hush, Don’t speak Medium When you spit your Shot

venom, Keep the chat

I hate it, When you

7 hiss and preach, ‘bout your new messiah, cause your theorys catch fire

The Anger of Man to the Boy

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.2Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence I

4.2.1 Denotation Meaning

In the first picture, It can be seen the door of a room has numbers 1111. The door seems dominant to be the main object on the frame. In the second picture, there is a white-haired man in red dress sitting on a sofa, smoking and looked annoyed. The man seems comparable with the background. Viewers can see what he was doing with the things around him such cigarettes and alcohol bottles. The author want to focus on a man and what he was doing. Then in the third picture, the man comes out of the room and scolding someone with an angry expression. The frame focuses on the man as a main object. Viewers can see what he was doing with the man’s expression clearly.

In the fourth picture, an old man with a strange shirt with a dog is listening to the incident. The frame focuses on the old man and the dog, also with the background. This picture want to show the old man, the dog and the location where they standing. There is a difference set of location in this picture.Then in the fifth picture there is a boy who covering his ears with an indifferent expression on the man's tirade. The frame focuses on the boy and his gesture clearly. The location sets again in the room where the picture 1 to 3 is setted. It can be seen from the window behind the boy.

In the sixth picture the boy left the home approaching the old man with a strange shirt and the dog. The frame focuses on the act of the characters. The characters seems comparable with the background. In the seventh picture. This frame focuses on the act that the man done. It shows the angry man throws the bird eggs in the window towards the boy.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.2.2 Connotation Meaning

The connotation to be conveyed in the first sequence is the existence of an inharmonious relationship within a household between a child and a parent. It can be seen from the first picture that the man as a parent does not reflect good behavior by drinking alcohol and then scold his son very rough. This can be seen from the gesture while scolding the child, The child who is fed up with the condition of his parent, seen ignoring and covering his ears as if to say "La La La La". It is match when the boy is gesturing cover his ears with the lyric of the song.

The word "La La La" has a negative connotation means ignoring. This word is commonly used to ignore the words of a person. By saying "La La La", someone such listening to a song and gets carried away by the circumstance and singing a song unconsciously, which indirectly means someone is not listening to anything other but music that is listened because the mind is only focused on the music.

Then a disobedience or indifference is also affirmed by the lyrics in the sequence "Hush, Do not Speak" that there is a refusal to stop talking. So the child is fed up with what his parent taught and done that he feels no need to hear what his parent taught or talked about. It is also supported by the lyrics “When you spit your venom, Keep the chat I hate it” . The writer interprets that the utterances that talked by the boy’s parent like a venom. The boy think that his parent spit the venom by talking the utterances that he hated. Then the color that dominates on the sequence is black. Black color sets in the atmosphere of the event where the event occurred at night, and the condition of the room also looked dark. This black affirms the darkness and sadness of this sequence.


The myth contained in the first sequence is the existence of a message in the first picture which there is a door marked 1111. Twins numbers in many regions, especially Europe, are believed to be angel numbers. Angel numbers itself believed to be a whisper or a message conveyed by a supernatural or mystical creature like god or angel to give an advice about things that someone has to do.

The writer interprets the angel numbers in this sequence means a revelation.

The character of a boy in this sequence is the main character that is given advice by angel to get out of that place and seek a better life. He lives in a place filled with ugliness, where he feels isolated. So the number 1111 here confirms that the boy gets the revelation to seek a better life by going from that place.

4.3 Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence II

After leaving his home, the boy with the dog he found go to a gym where he meet a gym guard who looked dull. The gym guard who is fed up with his job decided to leave that place with the boy and the dog.

Sign Type of No Visual Verbal Shot

I can’t find no Long silver lining, I Shot don’t mean to 1 judge, But when you read your speech it’s tiring, enough is enough

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The Beginning of Boy’s Journey

I can’t find no Medium silver lining, I Shot don’t mean to judge, But when you read your 2 speech it’s tiring, enough is enough

Boy’s Journey to The Gym

I can’t find no Medium silver lining, I Shot don’t mean to judge, But when 3 you read your speech it’s tiring, enough is enough

The Meeting with Gym Guard


I’m covering my Medium ears like a kid, Shot When your words mean nothing I go La La La, I’m 4 turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it,

The Activity in The Gym I’ll find a way to block it I go

Na Na, La La La Medium La La La La La La Close Up La


The Boy’s Doctrine

Na Na, La La La Close Up La La La La La La La


The Ignoring of Gym Guard


Na Na, La La La Close Up

La La La La La

La La


The Woman’s Anger

4.4 Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence II

4.4.1 Denotation Meaning

In the first picture, It can be looked that the boy is walking with a dog in a street. The street seems dusty and there are some cars and buildings. The frame displays the character with the location. The type of shot is long shot. This picture focuses on the characters and the location they are.

In the second picture, the boy and the dog enters the gym and meet a gym guard. In third picture, it can be seen that the gym guard is very dull. In second and third picture, the type of shot is medium shot. The frame focuses on the character and the partial background. In the wall, there are backgrounds of female wrestlers pictures. There is even one picture that a female wrestler defeats a man.

In forth picture, inside the gymthere are also 5 women who are dancing with strange facial makeup even there is one makeup that looks messy. The type of shot is medium shot. The frame focuses on the character with partial background. In fifth picture, the boy tells the gym guard to ignore the women by covering his ears just

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA like the boy did. In this picture, type of shot is medium close up that focuses on the boy’s gesture. In sixth picture, the gym guard do what the boy done to covering his ears. The type of shot is close up that focuses on the gym guard’s expression clearly.

In the seventh picture, one of the women angry to the gym guard. The type of shot is close up. The frame focuses on the woman’s expression clearly. Viewers can see the woman’s make up that looked messy.

4.4.2. Connotation Meaning

The connotation that found in the second sequence is an invitation to a disobedience. The boy who go from his home to seek a new life begin to teach a concept he embraced. The gym guard who looked dull like a statue that is not given respect by the gymnastic women. In the gym, it is shown the female dominance against men. This is indicated by the presence of female wrestlers’ images, there is even a picture that shows female wrestlers beats male wrestlers. This means a disobedience in which the degree of women is higher than the men. Even men are similar as a statue that is proved by the presence of a dull and dusty gym guard and he looked silent without doing anything.

Aware of his condition, the gym guard is bored and has to get out of the condition. The boy also teaches him an ideology symbolized by covering his ears and saying "La La La" as he did in the first sequence. With that ideology, the gym guard then rebels against the domination of women and follow the ideology of the boy.

This argument support by the lyrics such ”I’m covering my ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I go La La La, I’m turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go”. The writer interprets this lyrics as a rebels utterances. The character covers his ears from hearing

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA someone’s utterances. Although someone speaking much, the character would find the way to ignoring the utterances.It also means disobedience. There is a male's defiance of female domination that occurred in that place.

The existence of disobedience is also confirmed by the lyrics of songs such"I can not find no silver lining, I do not mean to judge, But when you read your speech it's tiring, enough is enough”. This phrase means that the character does not get enlightenment with the utterances he heard and intends to stop the utterances.

4.4.3 Myth

The myth contained in the second sequence is a messiah symbol described for the boy. The Messiah that derived from the Hebrew word “Mashiah” means the person who gets the special task to be a savior. Messiah is used to heard in the holy book of the celestial religion as one who will come at the end of time to save mankind from destruction. In this case, the boy is like a messiah that is given revelation to awaken and recruit the oppressed.

The gym guard who was initially afraid to disobey the gymnastic women, finally dared to commit disobedience after obtaining the ideology or enlightenment of the boy and following him. It is like a messiah story that enlightens the oppressed and recruit them as followers.

4.5 Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence III

After visiting the gym, the boy with his dog and the gym guard travelling and meet a human heart salesman. The boy buys heart for the gym guard. Then they see a traffic policeman who looked like a puppet dancing to organize traffic. But everyone around does not care about him.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Sign Type of No Visual Verbal Shot

If our love is Long running out of Shot time, I won’t 1 count the hours rather be a coward

The Boy’s Journey with Gym Guard

When our worlds Medium collide, gonna Close drown you out Up 2 before I lose my mind

The Purchase of Heart

When our worlds Close collide, gonna Up drown you out before I lose my 3 mind

The Giving of Heart

4 I can’t find no Long

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA silver lining, I Shot don’t mean to judge, But when you read your speech it’s tiring, enough is enough

The Meeting with Policeman

I’m covering my Medium ears like a kid, Close When your Up words mean 5 nothing I go La La La,

The Boy’s Doctrine

I’m turning up Medium the volume when Close you speak, cause Up if my heart can’t 6 stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go

The Ignoring of Policeman

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.6 Analysis of Semiotic Sign’s Meaning of Sequence III

4.6.1 DenotationMeaning

In first picture, the boy along with his dog and the gym guard travelling and see a human heart salesman dressed as an ice cream seller on the street. The street seems crowded. The type of shot is long shot. The frame focuses on the act that happened in the location.The heart seller's face is the same as the old man who owns the dog in first sequence . In the second picture,the heart seller take the heart. The type of shot is medium close up. The frame focuses on the heart that taken by the seller and in third picture he give it to the gym guard. The type of shot is close up. The frame focuses on the act that done by the characters.

In forth picture, then the boy sees a policeman who looks like a puppet dancing across the intersection to arrange traffic. But the people around him do not care. The type of shot is long shot. The frame focuses on the act that happened in the location.

In the fifth picture, finally the boy tells the police to covering his ears as he did. The type of shot is medium close up. The frame focuses on the boy’s gesture. In the sixth picture, the policeman does what the boy done to covering his ears. The type of shot is medium close up that focuses on the policeman’s gesture.

4.6.2 Connotation Meaning

In the third sequence, there is a seller of the human heart. Strangely this heart seller looks like an ice seller and his face is like a dog owner in the first sequence.

And It seems that the people around to behave as usual while selling the human heart that is a forbidden act. The first connotation that the writer got is the heart seller here likened to an angel who comes to help the boy's journey. In the first sequence it can be seen that the owner of the dog gives the dog to the boy because at that time he

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA needs a friend on the way. Later in this sequence, the angelic figure exists again as a heart seller. The gym guard is shabby dusty with no spirit such a statue. So by given the heart, the gym guard will come back to life. The writer interprets life as a spirit.

By given the heart, the gym guard will be eager to live his new life after a long time buried in the gym.

Then in this sequence also seen a policeman dressed like a puppet. Policemen who usually look dashing and firmly here described as a puppet that become an entertainment for people. The policeman who organized the intersection is interpreted as performing dances by people on the streets.In this sequence, the policeman is saved by the boy. The boy sees the insulted police condition and then tells the police to covering his ears as he did in the previous sequence.The lyrics appear again such ”I’m covering my ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I go La La La,”This lyrics such a spell that taught by the boy. When this lyrics are sung, the video displays the boy is covering his ears.

4.6.3 Myth

The myth contained in this sequence is the existence of a ritual in which the internal organs such as the heart are consumed to initiate rituals to demons by the group of satanism. A human heart seller in this sequence is described as an ice seller.

Ice sellers help people to release their thirst and get excited to run their activities in hot weather conditions. In this sequence, thirst release or booster is the human heart.

Human heart seller's portrayal in a video that commonly consumed by public is unnatural and seems creepy.

The creepy essence also supported by lyrics such“If our love is running out of time, I won’t count the hours rather be a coward, When our worlds collide, gonna

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA drown you out before I lose my mind.” The lyrics mean that the character of the lyric hate the person that talked to him so much. The character thaught that when the world is about to end and all people is going to die, he will drown the person he hate first, before he died. This lyrics are the kind of hate speech that explain about how someone hate a person so much.

Then there is also the myth of the presence of angels or supernatural beings who help the oppressed. Here the presence of angels or supernatural beings is symbolized by the presence of the heart seller who is the same person with the old man dog owners. The man exists in the first sequence when the boy needs a dog as a traveling companion and then comes back to the third sequence when the gym guard needs a life encouragement.

4.7 Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence IV

The boy, dog, gym guard, and policeman travels together through various places to the destination of the boy.

No Sign Type of Visual Verbal Shot

Na Na, La La La Long La La La La La Shot La La


The Boy’s Journey with Friends 2


The Journey in Railroad Track

Na Na, La La La Long La La La La La Shot La La


The Journey in Salt Field

Na Na, La La La Medium La La La La La Shot La La


The Camp Fire

I’m covering my Long 5 ears like a kid, Shot When your words

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA mean nothing I go La La La, I’m turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go

The Journey in Mine Hill

4.8 Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence IV

4.8.1 Denotation Meaning

In first picture, the boy, dog, gym guard, and policeman travels out of the town together. First passing the highway on the plateau. The type of shot is Long shot. The frame focuses on the location where the characters are. In the second picture, the characters pass a plain railroad track with wrecked carriages with fixed television though there is no electricity. The type of shot is also long shot. It focuses on the location. In the third picture, then the characters pass a vast salt field where the police hold the boy and the gym guard with the dog. The type of shot is also long shot that focuses on the location.

In the forth picture, at night the boy fall asleep in the arms of the policeman and the dog with the gym guard. They rest while lighting a campfire. The type of shot is Medium shot that focuses on the act of the characters.In the fifth picture, finally they arrive on a dusty hill. The type of shot is Long shot that focuses on the location.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.8.2 Connotation Meaning

In the fourth sequence, the frame focuses on the locations that the characters passed while traveling. It proved by the type of shot that mostly shoted in long range.

The lyrics that appears in this sequence are only repetition. In this sequence, the connotations that the writer got is the attempts of the characters to accomplish their purpose. It can be seen in each picture that the places they passed are far from the crowd. The characters want to get away from the crowd and go to an outcast place, somewhere that make them feel comfortable.

4.8.3 Myth

The locations contained in the picture are famous places in Bolivia. One of the places is Salar de Uyuni which is the largest salt field in the world. According to

Spanish, Salar means salt while Uyuni comes from Aymara which means Overlay.

Uyuni is the name of the city contained in that place. According to Aymara legend, the ancient mountains Tunupa, Kusku, and Kusina that surrounded the Salar de

Uyuni were giants. Tunupa and Kusina were female giants while Kusku was a male giant. Kusku married Tunupa, but Kusku escaped with Kusina. Tunupa cries while nursing his son for lamenting the escaping of Kusku so that tears and breast milk of

Tunupa fall into Earth mixed into one to form a large salt field. This place is a place that Bolivians are proud of.

Then there is Cerro Rico which is the mine hill that is the last location they passed. Cerro Rico Hill is a large silver mine which is a source of income for most of

Potosi,Bolivia. Cerro Rico hill is also called the hill of human eaters Because many miners who become victims while mining in Cerro Rico. The writer found that the taking of these sites became the setting for the forth sequence to obtain the mystical

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA essence found in these places as if the characters do a sacred journey to achieve a

sacred goal as well.

4.9Analysis of Semiotic Signs of Sequence V

. The boy, the dog, the gym guard, and the policeman arrive at a barren mine

hill. They enter the cave on the hill and leave the dog outside the cave. Inside the

cave, they face a goat statue. After that, the boy, the gym guard and the policeman

looked farewell with a sad face. Then the gym guard and policeman leave the boy in

the cave with a goat statue.

Sign Type of No Visual Verbal Shot

I’m covering my Long Shot ears like a kid, When your 1 words mean nothing I go La La La,

The End of Journey

I’m turning up Medium the volume when Shot you speak, cause if my heart can’t 2 stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go

The Condition of Dog


I’m covering my Long Shot ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I go La La La, I’m 3 turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to

block it I go The Farewell

Na Na, La La La Medium La La La La La Shot La La


The Boy’s Ignoring to the Statue


Na Na, La La La Medium La La La La La Shot La La


The Leaving of Boy’s Friend

4.10 Analysis of Semiotic Signs’ Meaning of Sequence V

4.10.1 Denotation Meaning

In first picture, the characters that consists of the boy, the dog, the gym guard, and the policeman arrive at a mining hill. The type of shot is Long shot. The frame focuses on the location. In the second picture, then they enter the mine and leave the dog outside the mine. The type of shot is Long shot that focuses on the location.

In third picture, they faced the goat statue and hug each other as a farewell sign with a sad expression. The situation is very dark inside the cave. The type of shot is long shot. The frame focuses on the act of the characters. In the forth picture, the boy faces the goat statue with covering his ears as he often does. The type of shot is medium shot. The frame focuses on the act of the character. In the fifth picture, the gym guard, police and dog get out of the mine leaving the child alone. The type of shot is long shot that focuses on the location.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.10.2 Connotation Meaning

In the fifth sequence, the characters arrive at their destination. In this sequence, the boy is left alone where he should not be. When the characters are separated, an expression is shown by each character. The connotation that writer got is about a sacrificed done by the boy. It can be known from the sad expressions they displayed.

Then the boy faces a goat statue that has negative connotations in various regions.

Goat Statue is interpreted as a demon or a badness.

The boy shows again the gesture of covering ears facing the statue as if he is fighting against the statue and the lyrics appear again “I’m covering my ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I goLa La La, I’m turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go”. This time the lyrics is used to fight against the demon that symbolized by the goat statue.

4.10.3 Myth

The location of the fifth sequence is Cerro Rico hill which is a silver mine located in

Potosi, Bolivia. The mine took a lot of fatalities about 8 million people died while mining in the area. Because of that, this hill is also called a man-eating hill. Then they make a statue on the mine namedEl Tio. El Tio is a demon statue created by

Spanish colonials who colonized Bolivia.

At first, the Potosi people believed that the Spanish colonials were the angels that God sent. Spanish colonials obligated Mita to the Potosi community. Mita is a forced labor that requires people to stay in the mine for 6 months with 20 hours of work a day and just 4 hours break. Then many peoples are aware of the crimes committed by Spanish colonials and they opposed not to work with colonial again.

Knowing this, the colonial made el tio statue that derived from the word “dios” which means god. Spanish colonials say that el tio is a god in the mine that will kill

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA those who do not want to work.So the statue of el tio is believed to give prosperity and safety for miners in Cerro Rico. Until now the people of Cerro Rico still worship and give offering to el tio for protection.

The boy's gesture in this sequence is an opposition to a demonic figure who has become a culture for the Potosi people. By sacrificed of the boy, the people of

Potosi will be free from demon’s crime. It illustrates the messiah who is believed to come to fight the demon and bring a peace.


Semiotic Sign’s Meaning NO Sequence Visual Verbal Signs Signs Denotation Connotation Myth

1 Sequence I 7 Images 2 stanzas √ √ √

2 Sequence II 7 Images 3 stanzas √ √ √

3 Sequence 6 Images 3 stanzas √ √ √


4 Sequence 5 Images 2 stanzas √ √ √


5 Sequence V 5 Images 2 stanzas √ √ √

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. Sequence I The visual signs consists of 7 images in this sequence :

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The verbal signs consists of 2 stanzas in this sequence :

1. Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

2. Hush, Don’t speak, When you spit your venom keep the chat I hate it, When you hiss and preach‘bout your new messiah, cause your theorys catch fire

The signs’ meaning that portrayed in this sequence :

1. Denotation : This sequence told about the conflict between a boy and his father. 2. Connotation : A disobedience that done by a boy to his father 3. Myth : The boy got a revelation to get new life

2. Sequence II The visual signs consisted of 7 images in this sequence :


The verbal signs consisted of 3 stanzas in this sequence : 1. I can’t find no silver lining, I don’t mean to judge, But when you read your speech it’s tiring, enough is enough 2. I’m covering my ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I go La La La, I’m turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go 3. Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

The signs’ meaning that portrayed in this sequence:

1. Denotation: This sequence told about the boy that recruited the gym guard. 2. Connotation: The invitation to disobedience. 3. Myth: Messiah symbol described by a boy


The visual signs consisted of 6 images in this sqeunce:

The verbal signs consisted of 3 stanzas in this sequence:

1. If our love is running out of time, I won’t count the hours rather be a coward, when our worlds collide gonna drown you out before I lose my mind

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. I can’t find no silver lining, I don’t mean to judge, But when you read your speech it’s tiring, enough is enough 3. I’m covering my ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I go La La La, I’m turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go

The signs’ meaning that portrayed in this sequence:

1. Denotation: This sequence told about the boy that recruit the policeman 2. Connotation: The invitation to disobedience 3. Myth: The presence of supernatural beings

4.Sequence IV

The visual signs consisted of 5 images in this sequence:


The verbal signs consisted of 2 stanzas in this sequence:

1. Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

2. I’m covering my ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I go La La La, I’m turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go

The signs’ meaning that portrayed in this sequence:

1. Denotation: Boy and his friends traveled out of the town 2. Connotation: The characters want to get away from crowded 3. Myth: Cerro Rico Myth

5. Sequence V

The visual signs consisted of 5 images in this sequence:


The verbal signs consisted of 2 stanzas in this sequence:

1. I’m covering my ears like a kid, When your words mean nothing I go La La La, I’m turning up the volume when you speak, cause if my heart can’t stop it, I’ll find a way to block it I go 2. Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

Na Na La La La La La La La La La La La

The signs’ meaning that portrayed in this sequence:

1. Denotation: the activity in the mine hill 2. Connotation: The boy fight against the demon 3. Myth:El Tio myth




After analyzing the sequence in music video of Naughty boy’s La La Laby finding the denotation, connotation, and myth meaning, the writer concludes some points such :

1. The semiotic signs that found in this music video are the visual signs and verbal

signs. First sequence portrayed about the boy’s conflict with his parents at home,

second sequence portrayed about the recruitment of gym guard, third sequence

portrayed about the recruitment of policeman, forth sequence portrayed about the

location and condition that are passed by the characters when travelling, and fifth

sequence portrayed about the situation of the characters in Cerrro Rico mine hill.

2. The meaning of semiotic signs that found in this research are:

- Denotation meaning

The denotation meaning that reflects in the music videoof Naughty boy’s La

La La is about the boy who come out from his home to mine hill that

accompanying by dog, gym guard, and policeman.

- Connotation meaning

The connotation meaning that realized in the music video of Naughty Boy’s

La La La is about the boy’s attempt to reach the mine hill and taught the

ideology he had to the oppressedpeople.


The myth that realized in the music video of Naughty Boy’s La La La is about

messiah that symbolized by the boy.


Relate to this research, there are some suggestions :

1. Before watching a video, people should ready to be served by the stereotypesthat

realized in the video. Because the videos have subliminal messages that inserted

by the author to consumed by public. It can be positive messages or negative


2. For English Department USU, the writer hopes this research can add the

references of studying semiotics in the video, and the student of next period can

study video by another semiotics theory and subliminal messages’ theory.


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Sequence 1 :



Sequence 2 :



Sequence 3 :



Sequence 4 :