Chinese Archaeology 11 (2011): 60–64 © 2011 by Walter de Gruyter, Inc.· Boston · Berlin. DOI 10.1515/CHAR–2011–007

On the issues relevant to the Majiayuan Cemetery in Zhang- jiachuan County

Hui Wang* ring foot, animal mask-shaped pushou ring handles on the shoulder and three bowstring patterns around the belly. * Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and However, the bronze vases from Majiayuan M1 and M14 Archaeology, 730050 look more slender with long neck, round belly, cylindrical high ring foot, and animal mask-shaped pushou ring Abstract handles on the shoulder and three bowstring patterns around the belly similar to those of the bronze vases from Majiayuan Cemetery showed diversified features from the M43 at Huangjiagou in Xianyang and M6 at Miaozhuang nomadic tribes in the Northern Frontier Zone, the Central in , the latter two of which fall into the Subtype Plains and the aboriginal cultures of Gansu-Qinghai IIIB5 as Professor Gao’s analysis (1989), who dates region, and so on. The earthen cave tomb with the cave on them as the beginning of late Warring-States and the end the side of the shaft was the burial type of the Qiang and of the Warring-States Period to the early Qin Dynasty, Rong ethnic groups, the chariots luxuriously decorated respectively. with gold, silver, tin plaques and glass beads was the The yan-steamer from Majiayuan M1 has the feature of the nomadic people in the Eurasian Steppes same shape with the one unearthed from M3401 at and the bronze ritual vessels and the iron weapons were Shangcunling Cemetery in Sanmenxia City, Henan, both from the Central Plains. The types and assemblages of of which consist of the zeng-steamer on the top and the fu- the bronze ritual vessels and the potteries reflected the boiler at the bottom fitting snugly by the ring foot of the features of the late Warring-States Period; the coexistence former and the rim of the latter, and the grating between of the various cultural elements showed the interchange them. The fu-boiler has a globular belly and round and communication of these cultures in this region, and bottom, which are the styles of late Warring-States Period. the owners of this cemetery might be the elite people of a The ge-dagger ax found in Majiayuan M1 with long West Rong tribe. blade, medium-length hu-vertical blade and three holes for fastening the shaft is the popular style of the Qin State Keywords: chronology; cultural elements; ethnic during the reigns of Kings Zhaoxiang and Zhuangxiang, attributions; Majiayuan Site (Zhangjiachuan County, which were in the late Warring-States Period. The cocoon- Gansu); typology; Warring-States Period-burials. shaped jar unearthed from M1 also has the style of the late Warring-States Period. Therefore, we can date the Majiayuan Cemetery in On the date of Majiayuan Cemetery the late Warring-States Period to the early Qin Dynasty as a whole; the M15 and M16 might be as early as the The main artifacts can be used for dating are the bronzes beginning of the late phase of the Warring-States Period and potteries. and M1 and M14 might be as late as the end of the The bronze ding-tripod unearthed from Majiayuan Warring-States Period to the Qin Dynasty. M15 has similar shape and style to those from M1 in Yehugou, Gaozhuang, Fengxiang County and M3 Analyses of the cultural elements at Huangjiagou, Xianyang City, Shaanxi and M3 in Guanzhuang Township, Miyang County, Henan: all The Majiayuan Cemetery reflected diversified cultural of them have lid with three ring-shaped knobs, double elements, including that of the Northern Frontier Zone of attached ears, three short hoof-shaped legs and globular in the east of Eurasian Steppes, that of the Eurasian belly and round bottom, the latter three of which are Steppes and that of the Qin Culture and the traditional all dated in the late Warring-States Period; the ding- cultures in Gansu-Qinghai areas, and so on. tripod from Majiayuan M1 has similar shape to those The side cave tomb with vertical shaft and stepped from M2011 at Shangcunling Cemetery, Sanmenxia passageway is a feature of Majiayuan Cemetery. As City, Henan and M16 at Gaozhuang, Fengxiang County, early as in the Neolithic Age, the tombs with cave grave Shaanxi, all of which have oblate globular body and opened on the wall of one of the longer sides of the attached ears and are dated in the end of the Warring- vertical shaft have been found in Gansu-Qinghai areas, States Period to the Qin Dynasty. The bronze vase from which are believed to be the origins of the cave tombs Majiayuan M16 has similar shape and style to that from of the Jiang Rong ethnic group (around the end of the M1 at Yehugou, Fengxiang County, both of which have Shang and the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasties) flared mouth, thick neck, deep belly, hourglass-shaped at Liujia Village in Fufeng County and the cave tombs

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of the Western Zhou Dynasty at Zhangjiapo Cemetery in and ornaments, is one of the features of the bronze cultures Chang’an County, both in Shaanxi Province. The large- in the central Eurasian Steppe and the Northern Frontier sized wooden coffin chamber tombs in 甲 -shaped plan Zone of China, which is different from the feature of the and with ramp passageway flanked by steps are not traditional cultures in the Central Plains, which is using seen in other areas; however, the idea of showing social jade as the main material of decorations and ornaments. statuses and hierarchies by the step numbers of three, five In Scythian and other cultures in the Eurasian Steppe, the and nine would be incurred by the Qin Culture or that metal inlaying and granulation techniques are also widely from the Central Plains. applied. They are treasured by the living people and also The lacquering of the chariots unearthed from seen as the talismans preventing the dead from decaying. Majiayuan Cemetery showed the traditional style of the In early China, the using of gold is seen in , Central Plains, the single pole and double wheel are also Siba Culture and Lower Xiajiadian Culture, but in China, the traditional structures of the chariots of the Central jade played important role even in the Han Dynasty, when Plains; however, decorating chariots with large amounts gold has become the symbol of wealth, jade still had key of gold, silver ornaments and iron ornaments inlayed with functions in ritual system and the costume and personal gold designs and beads made of various materials is only adornments. However, in the Northern Frontier Zone and seen in Majiayuan Cemetery. High wheels with numerous Northwest China, once gold was known by the people, it spokes and long hub are believed to be the characteristics was firstly used as the material of personal adornments of the vehicles in the steppe areas. Therefore, we can and gold ornaments also became one of the marks of the believe that the chariots of Majiayuan Cemetery belonged culture groups in these two regions. to a unique chariot type integrating the styles of the The advanced understanding to the gold started in the Central Plains and the Northern Steppes. Moreover, the Shang Dynasty. The gold products could be attributed gold and silver chariot ornaments with openwork tiger to three large cultural systems, which are the Northern and bighorn sheep figures showed the influences from the Frontier Zone and Northwest, the Central Plains and the bronze cultures of the Northern Frontier Zone, but their Southwest. In the territory of the first cultural system, all shaping is seldom seen in these bronze cultures. of the gold products are found in burials as the personal The main common elements of the bronze cultures adornments of the tomb occupants showing his/her power in the Northern Frontier Zone and the Eurasian Steppes, and wealth; in the Central Plains, the gold products are such as the weapons, animal motifs (or beast motifs) and mainly decorations of other utensils and horse fittings horse fittings, are all found in Majiayuan Cemetery. The found in chariot and horse pits, while the symbols of animal victims and the coexistence of the bronzes with the state, power, kinship are the bronze ritual vessels; in the Northern Steppes styles and gold ornaments are also the Shu State of the Southwest cultural system, the gold the features of the bronze cultures in the Northern Frontier products are all found in sacrifice pits; as the main roles Zone of China. in the sacrificial ceremonies, jades and bronzes jointly Among the bronzes, the ones can be confirmed as the created a surrealistic holy world. In the mid and late typical ones of the bronzes of the Northern Steppes are phases of the Warring-States Period, the gold implement the three-winged arrowheads with shaft sockets, swords, manufacturing and gold and silver inlaying techniques knives, bells, mirrors with knob-shaped handles, serpentine were greatly developed. Seen in the view of central ridges, staff heads, bighorn sheep-shaped chariot fittings Eurasian Steppe, a Gold Age existed in the north of and chariot ornaments with openwork designs, etc. present-day Kazakhstan; in Herodotus’ historical works, Around the 2nd millennium BCE, the potteries the legend of griffins guarding gold is recorded. At the decorated with serpentine ridges (змейчатые валики) same time, large amounts of gold products appeared in emerged in the Northwest China and Ordos regions and the whole central Eurasian Steppe. Kiselev attributed diffused to other areas gradually. The pottery li-cauldrons this situation to the interruption of the trades of the with serpentine ridges are found numerously and densely Central Asia with the northern steppe zone because of in the south of central Inner Mongolia, and they emerged the invasion of Alexander the Great which caused the early, lasted long and had complete evolution sequence. overstocking of gold in the original regions. Seen from In the Spring-and-Autumn Period, this kind of li-cauldron the fact of Majiayuan Cemetery, no jades have been found appeared in Maojiaping Site, and during the Spring-and- in all of the excavated tombs and the gold products found Autumn and Warring-States Periods, it is found in the east from them are mainly the personal adornments and chariot and southeast of Gansu and its influences could reach the and horse fittings. In the view of cultural traditions, Guanzhong Plain and the southern Ningxia. The bronze the cultural elements from the Northern Frontier Zone li-cauldrons with serpentine ridges and shovel-shaped and Northwest China and central Eurasian Steppe are feet are the imitations of their pottery counterparts, and integrated in the Majiayuan Cemetery. the products of the integration of the bronze cultures in The polychrome inlaying, granulation, filigree and the Northern Frontier Zone and the traditional cultures in other gold processing techniques have close relationship Gansu-Qinghai areas. with those in the Eurasian Steppe. Inlaying with carnelian In the view of the cultural traditions, using large and glass and gold granulation and filigree techniques amounts of gold implements, especially gold decorations are the traditional ornament styles and skills in the

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early periods of Egypt, circum-Mediterranean, Sumer- in Chenqi Township, Lintan County, which was located Babylonia and Persia; in the Bactrian bronze cultures in the upper reaches of Tao River, bronze neck ornaments around 2000–1800 BCE, gold tiger inlayed with agate and similar to that found in the Eurasian Steppes have been turquoise has emerged. Among the gold wares unearthed unearthed and dated as the late phase of Qijia Culture in Majiayuan Cemetery, the inlaying technique is mainly which was around 1800 BCE. However, the gold and applied on the belt plaques and personal adornments, and silver necklace parts found in Majiayuan Cemetery look the inlayed materials are mainly carnelian, turquoise or different from them but in wide semi-circular shape, and faience. In the bronze cultures on the Eurasian Steppe might be a developed form of the former. around the end of the 5th to the 4th centuries BCE, such Very few pure tin products have been found in as Scythian Culture, these techniques were also widely Majiayuan Cemetery, the main types of which are chariot applied. Moreover, the shapes of the inlayed gems ornaments and belt plaques with openwork patterns and on the gold wares of these cultures are also similar to animal and human figurines. The chariot ornaments and that found in Majiayuan Cemetery, mostly in crescent belt plaques are also the elements absorbed from the shape or “comma” shape; the opposing gold granulation bronze cultures in the Steppe region. The hat with pointed triangles are also seen in the Scythian and Altai Culture. top worn by the tin human figurine might imply the The eardrops unearthed in Majiayuan Cemetery have influence of the costume of Saka Culture. similar styles in general with those found in the nomadic Majiayuan Cemetery yielded the most glass wares cultures on the central Eurasian Steppe. Drip-shaped and quasi-glass products both in the artifacts of all of gold and turquoise pendants are very popular in Scythian the materials unearthed from this cemetery and in all Culture; the double-conical gold beads are also popular of the cemeteries of the same period within China; the adornments in the ancient cultures on the Eurasian Steppe. categories of glass artifacts found in this cemetery are The gold plaque with tiger-biting-goat design and also rather rich. The earliest glass products found so far in the gold belt hooks unearthed from M16 have flavors of China are of the Western Zhou Dynasty; in the Warring- the bronze cultures in the Northern Frontier Zone, while States Period, glass became much popular. The “eye the motif of griffin fighting a serpent on the rectangular beads” found in Majiayuan Cemetery have styles of the plaque is very popular in Scythian and Pazyryk Cultures, Achaemenid Dynasty in ancient Persia, and also show as well as the motif of bird heads on the back of the tiger the influence of the compound “eye beads” with crescent- on the belt ornaments unearthed from M14, which would shaped “eyes” which were made in China. Han blue has also originated from the Scythian and Pazyryk Cultures. been found both in China and Japan, but Han purple has The using of silver ware is first seen from the silver only been found in China and believed to be produced in nose ring of Siba Culture. In remains of the Shang and and is peculiar to China. Faience is firstly found in the Zhou Dynasties, silver wares are seldom seen; as late as tombs of the late Spring-and-Autumn Period in Yimen in the Warring-States Period, silver products appeared Village, Baoji City, but has declined in the late phase more frequently. However, in the Bactrian bronze cultures of the Warring-States Period and are only discovered around 2000-1800 BCE, silver products are very popular, in the Northwest and Southwest, but it is found in large and in Scythian Culture from the end of the 5th to the amount in Majiayuan Cemetery. The glazed pottery cup 4th centuries BCE, silver wares with Hellenic styles are has shapes and styles rarely seen in China; the earlier also found. In Majiayuan Cemetery, numerous silver decorating styles seem to have foreign cultural elements, chariot ornaments with openwork patterns, silver personal but the purple part of the seven rows of nipple patterns adornments such as silver beads, neck collar and silver has been identified as Han purple, so it is very likely cup are unearthed. The tradition of using silver wares produced in China. The glass and quasi-glass wares found here might also originated from the Eurasian found in Majiayuan Cemetery have very diversified Steppe. The method of imitating the seams of leather features including glass, faience, artificial pigments and bags on the silver cup shows strong style of nomadic glazed potteries, and rich origins including domestic and culture. Silver shoe sole is only seen in M16 of Majiayuan imported products. Cemetery; the silver soles have been also found in Ordos Among the grave goods, the bronze vases, ding-tripods, region but the latter had patterns decorated. ge-dagger-axes, cocoon-shaped jars, pottery fu-cauldron Arc-shaped gold necklace parts were distributed from and gray pottery jugs are the cultural elements from the the east to the west along the Great Wall route since the Central Plains and the Qin State. The single-lugged red early Spring-and-Autumn to the Warring-States Period; in pottery jugs and li-cauldrons with shovel-shaped feet are the Xia Banzhuwa Cemetery of Kayue Culture located in the traditional pottery types in the archaeological cultures Hualong County, Qinghai Province, an arc-shaped gold of the Gansu-Qinghai areas and also frequently seen in necklace part has been found. Similar gold objects have the cultures in the Northern Frontier Zone of China during been excavated in Trans-Baikal, the upper reaches of Ob the Spring-and-Autumn and Warring-States Period; River, Irkutsk and so on, which have been suggested to be meanwhile, this kind of pottery wares found in the tombs the relics of Scythian Age not earlier than the 7th century of the Qin State in Guanzhong Plain are also believed BCE. This kind of arc-shaped neck ornaments might have to be the reflection of the influences from the cultures in been originated in Qijia Culture: from Mogou Cemetery Gansu-Qinghai areas.

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shovel-shaped feet belonged to a culture other than the On the ethnic attribution of Majiayuan Cemetery Qin Culture, which have different distribution centers but whose distribution areas are overlapping; this situation As the historic literature, the people living in the eastern matches the records in the historic literature on the spatial and southeastern Gansu during the Western and Eastern relations of the Qin people and Rong tribes. Moreover, Zhou Periods were Qin People and West Rong 戎 tribes; seen from the fact that this kind of li-cauldrons appeared although the composition of “Rong” is rather complicated, as late as in the tombs of the mid and late phases of the the people referred to this term were all tightly related Warring-States Period in present-day Baoji area which has to the ethnic group mentioned as “Qiang 羌” during the been the traditional core region of Qin people, this kind Shang Dynasty. The tribes called as Rong by the Zhou of li-cauldron could not be the aboriginal element of Qin people were mainly distributed in the vicinity of present- Culture. Its appearance in Guanzhong region during the day Baoji or the areas to its west and north, which were mid and late phases of the Warring-States Period showed the original places of Qin people and the traditional the eastward migration of the West Rong tribes using it in activity areas of the West Rong tribes. Therefore, the this period. occupants of Majiayuan Cemetery might have belonged The tombs of Yimen Village Cemetery in Baoji City, to Qin people or West Rong tribe. which yielded large amounts of gold artifacts as the tombs In the Guanzhong region, the Qin tombs in the of Majiayuan Cemetery did, are also believed to belong Warring-States Period mainly have two types, namely to the chiefs of certain West Rong state annexed by Duke vertical shaft pit tombs and cave tombs; the former took Mu of the Qin State during his conquering over the West the bulk and the latter emerged as late as the mid and late Rong tribes. The common custom of using large quantity phases of the Warring-States Period. The tomb occupants of gold wares reflected the common ethnic psychology are mostly in flexed position, while the much fewer and tradition. extended positions are mainly found in the cave tombs. During the Eastern Zhou Period, many ethnic groups The cave tombs also have two types, which are side cave were existing in the Northern Frontier Zone; their tombs and coaxial cave tombs, and in the late phase of archaeological cultures have both common and different the Warring-States Period, the coaxial cave tombs was the features. Some scholars unequivocally pointed out that major type. The bronze assemblage in the grave goods is the cultural remains of this type in the south of Ningxia ding-tripods, yan-steamers, vase and mou 鍪 -cauldrons, belonged to the Wu tribe of the West Rong. It would and the pottery assemblage is li-cauldrons, fu-cauldrons, be the remains of another tribe of West Rong than the yu-basins and jars, and cocoon-shaped jars are also occupants of Majiayuan Cemetery, which matches the fact popular. 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