Issue no: 1159 • JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50

In this week’s issue... Kakha Kaladze’s Weekly FOCUS Priorities: Taxi Taxes, ON FLOODING Parking, & Accessibility A CENN report looks at the lessons to be learned in fl ood prevention PAGE 8

POLITICS PAGE 3 So-Called Elections Held in Occupied Region POLITICS PAGE 4 The US Wants Chinese, Russians Kept Out of POLITICS PAGE 6 First Ever Interview is of Georgian Origin SOCIETY PAGE 6 A Look at the Biltmore Does Face Suspension Wedding Fest of Visa-Free Regime?


ince the visa-free regime took effect for Georgia with the European Union She Was Meant to Fly High: in March 2017, certain EU member states have expressed concerns that On Inesa Merabishvili Georgian citizens are misusing it, with CULTURE PAGE 11 SFrance, Austria, Germany and Sweden in par- ticular stressing an increased number of asylum seekers from Georgia, even after it was placed Homo Urbanus Europeanus: by several states on the list of safe countries. Georgia’s Institute of Politics (GIP) says while A French Photographer to regular meetings do take place between Geor- gian and European interior ministers to discuss Include Tbilisi in Project and coordinate their responses to this issue, speculation abounds about the possibility that the visa suspension mechanism will be used against Georgia, an action which would have major consequences for the country. GIP asked experts from Germany, Belgium, Image source: GIP The Netherlands, and Georgia to comment on is it that the visa suspension mechanism will be EU will suspend visa-free travel with Georgia. the likelihood that the EU would activate the introduced against Georgia? “First, it would have a huge negative impact visa suspension mechanism against Georgia, Alexandra Stiglmayer, Senior Analyst and Sec- on EU-Georgia relations. Second, deep down, focusing on these two questions: 1. Does the retary-General of the European Stability Initiative, member states know that they themselves can abuse of visa-free travel by Georgian citizens an independent think-tank that has worked on EU reduce the number of unfounded asylum claims,’ represent ‘an emergency situation’? 2. How likely visa liberalization since 2008, does not believe the she said. Continued on page 2 CULTURE PAGE 11 GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 Georgian Dark - Stories of Scandal Surrounds Castello Masculine Georgian Women Told through Bold Gothic Artworks Mare Hotel & Wellness Resort Meskhidze, Deputy Director of Castello BY KETEVAN KVARATSKHELIYA artworks drawn with ink on vellum might Mare, to fi nd out what happened. REVIEW BY LIKA CHIGLADZE be coined as conceptual vintage, incor- “It is the policy of the hotel to raise the porating elegant aesthetic and minimal- fl ag of the country the representatives ism with deep meaning and subtle hints, n June 12, photos taken of of which make up the bulk (over 45%) he ironic-Gothic series of marked by monumentality yet recogniz- Castello Mare Hotel & of the clientele staying in our hotel at ‘Georgian Dark’ represents ing the delicacy of the fi gure. Wellness Resort, located any one time,” Meskhidze told us, going a conceptual series of draw- The long-awaited exhibition named in the Ajara region, showed on to emphasize that was no dif- ings done in the Gothic ‘Georgian Dark’ by Georgian artist Tina a raised Russian fl ag. The ferent in this regard. style, showing Georgian Tskhadadze, was hosted by Dedicace Gal- Oimages went viral on social media, spark- “However, as this action caused a lot Twomen from a new perspective. The lery in a historic part of the capital. “I can ing strong debate. TV25 was fi rst to of criticism, the fl ag has been removed. images tell stories of Georgian women say this is the turning point in my career. release information about the case. But we also have to note that the wave yet can be applied to women worldwide I was creating works of fi ne art and now Some members of society say it is of anger towards the hotel is groundless, and perceived globally. These stories through my new project I came up with intolerable to raise the fl ag of Russia, a as Georgia is a country distinguished for include everything but prove nothing. a fundamentally different type of artwork,” country which has occupied 20% of policy of annexation. its hospitality and we are used to respect- The fascinating and impressive graphic the artist says. Continued on page 9 Georgian territories and continues a GEORGIA TODAY contacted Zanda ing our guests,” she demanded. Does Georgia Face Suspension of Visa-Free Regime? Continued from page 1 alties. It shows the EU that Georgia is the Visa Suspension Mechanism,’ that immediate danger, mostly based on this was asked about the possibility of acti- taking the problem seriously. The rest the European Commission concludes high level of readmission and coopera- vation of the suspension mechanism. He The expert believes the reason this is up to EU member states,” she added. Georgia has followed up on recommen- tion in crime-fi ghting efforts,” he said. answered that “everything is fi ne.” question is even on the table is the rise Rikard Jozwaik, journalist of Radio Free dations stipulated in the fi rst report, and Commenting on the same issue, Open The visa-free regime with the EU took in asylum claims by Georgians from Europe/Radio Liberty in Brussels, says made progress on other migration-related Society Georgia Foundation program effect on March 28, 2017, meaning all Geor- 11,100 in 2017 to 19,300 in 2018. At the there is a high risk that Georgia will lose policies and action plans, adding Geor- Manager Vano Chkhikvadze says regard- gians holding biometric passports can same time, only 5% of the applicants its visa liberalization status, but says gia has recently signed an agreement ing the likelihood of invoking the visa enter the Schengen Area for 90 days within received protection in the EU in 2018. there are no guarantees either. with the EU’s EuroJust agency, aimed at suspension mechanism against Georgia, any 180-day period for vacation, business, “Getting to suspension is not easy. It “Since we are talking politics, it is worth fi ghting cross-border crime. it is indeed diffi cult to make any predic- or any other purpose except work. requires the agreement of the European keeping in mind what sort of winds are “However, the report identifi es the tions. Georgians are able to travel without Commission and a majority of all mem- blowing in large parts of the European persistent high infl ux of unfounded asy- “If Georgia continues to meet the cri- visas to the following 22 EU member ber states, following an examination of Union at the moment. These are the lum applicants in various member states teria necessary for invoking the suspen- states: Belgium, Austria, Germany, Den- various factors such as the number of winds of closed borders, consolidation which requires immediate action,” Groen- sion mechanism, and if the precedent is mark, Spain, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithu- affected member states, not many in and introspection,” he said. eveld said. created whereby the European Union ania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Nether- Georgia’s case, and the overall impact Jozwaik says a small number of Geor- He noted the levels of abuse of the visa suspends visa-free travel with any coun- lands, Poland, Portugal, Greece, France, on the migratory situation in the EU, gian criminal gangs active in some EU waiver does not represent an ‘emergency try, then the likelihood that Georgia will Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Finland, which is limited,” she told GIP. member states do not yet pose an situation’ for EU member states yet, as be next increases,” he said. Sweden, and the Czech Republic. However, she says it is important that increased risk to the security of member defi ned in the suspension mechanism In mid-May, European Commissioner Georgians can also travel without visas Georgia continues to cooperate with EU states, “hence the suspension mechanism clauses. for European Neighborhood Policy and to four non-EU-member states (Iceland, member states, in particular in the read- could not, at this point, be invoked on “Most crucial, however, is that Georgia Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) mission process, and does what it can these grounds.” maintains full cooperation on the read- Hahn, said everything is going well with as well as four Schengen candidate to reduce the number of Georgian asy- Jelger Groeneveld, Dutch Liberal party mission of nationals, an important key regards Georgia’s visa-free regime with countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania lum applicants. D66, Board Member International Coop- point in the assessment to invoke the the European Union. and Croatia). Exceptions for visa-free “This is not much: information cam- eration Division, says in their visa waiver suspension mechanism. Currently, Geor- During the 10th anniversary of the travel include Ireland and the United paigns, checks at the border, some pen- feedback report ‘Second Report under gia’s visa waiver to Schengen is not in Eastern Partnership in Brussels, Hahn Kingdom. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 POLITICS 3 Kakha Kaladze’s Weekly Priorities: Taxi Taxes, Parking, & Accessibility

fi ne. Parents will also now be held respon- BY SAMANTHA GUTHRIE sible for such actions committed by their children. “This is a very important story…We ach week, the municipal gov- have seen so many cases of torture and ernment of Tbilisi holds a ill-treatment of animals. It is very hard meeting at City Hall. Preced- to watch. Tightening the law in this ing this week’s meetings, regard is important,” said the Mayor. The Mayor Kakha Kaladze spoke new laws bring Georgia closer in line aboutE several topics of interest. with international legal standards. Kaladze opened the meeting by remark- Kaladze also discussed concerns over ing on Prime Minister Mamuka construction work in Vake Park and Vera Bakhtadze’s visit to the United States, Valley, assuring Tbilisi residents that and his joint press conference on Tues- construction in and around Vake Park day with US Secretary of State Mike will be respectful of the cultural herit- Pompeo. age of the area and will protect important “I want to congratulate Mamuka monuments such as the Cascade. In Vera Bakhtadze on a successful visit. We heard Valley, which was hard hit by the mas- yesterday's statements, which are very sive summer fl ood in 2015, Kaladze claims important, and are once again assured that after careful geological and hydro- that assessments by our strategic partner logical research, construction is only show that the reforms and advancements occurring in areas of the valley that are that have been implemented in the coun- not at risk of fl ooding. try over the last few years are very City Hall claims it is taking steps to important…Such support from a strate- make Tbilisi more accessible for people gic partner is important,” said Kaladze. with disabilities. Kaladze explained that The next topic on the agenda was the Image source: Tbilisi City Hall all City Hall infrastructure projects, as new hourly parking plan that City Hall and it will allow the city to better regu- “Specifi c programs have been designed, trian and bicycle paths and rest areas, well as many health and sports programs, is introducing in the capital. The pilot late traffi c fl ow, particularly in the most where [taxi drivers] will have the oppor- and is expected to cost 413,000 GEL maximally accommodate the needs of program, which will launch on August congested areas. tunity to take a loan and replace their ($151,838). persons with disabilities. 1, will delineate certain zones, starting On a related note, Kaladze addressed cars. There will be cheap credits and Regarding the new park in Dighomi, “It is clear that people with disabilities in the city center near Liberty (Freedom) the concern of A category taxi drivers support for taxi drivers,” said Kaladze, Kaladze remarked that its construction is one of the most important issues for Square, for paid parking. Parking fees – those that comply with the new regu- forecasting that banks will announce the “is very important for our city, because us, not only in our words, but in the will be hourly, and the price will range lations (white color, left-hand drive, fi ve- details of programs in the coming week. we all recognize the value of green work being done. You can look at all from 1 GEL per hour to 3 GEL per hour, door) and are thus able to pick up pas- In line with policies to improve quality spaces…it is important to work quickly, the infrastructure projects we are car- depending on the zone. Car owners who sengers from the street or through ride of life in the city, Kaladze mentioned as soon as possible, to correct the unpop- rying out in the city…they are always live on zoned streets will be exempt from hailing apps. Kaladze explained that City that plans to build new public parks in ular ecological situation in the city, one adapted to persons with disabilities. the fees. To ease the transition, informa- Hall is working to design preferential the Temka and Dighomi districts are which endangers us all. We need more Also, all new buses are adapted, and all tion booths will be erected along Kote terms for A category taxi drivers for underway, with the tenders for their green spaces, more parks and more rec- vehicles purchased [by the city] in the Abkhazi St. (formerly Leselidze St.), fi nancial services and tax regulations, design and construction having already reation zones.” future will be similar. As for sport, Tbi- information booklets will be distributed including favorable terms for loans to been announced. Another issue on Wednesday’s docket lisi City Hall has a parasport develop- to residents of the affected streets, and replace old taxi vehicles. The mayor “Of course, maintenance and rehabili- was the recent approval of a package of ment center, where 192 athletes are new city buses will travel along the paid explained that tax reform is “one of the tation of existing parks is important, but legislative amendments on the treatment trained in 15 different sports. This center parking areas with increased regularity. main directions of our transport policy,” new city parks should be constructed in of animals in Georgia. Jail time is now has had a serious impact on our paras- Parking will also be free for persons with and after extensive meetings with taxi the city,” said Kaladze. Temka was selected at stake for those convicted of poor treat- ports at the international level, which disabilities, for A category taxi drivers, drivers, City Hall is working to design a as a location for a new park following ment or torture of an animal which results is a source of pride for me personally. and for electric vehicles. tax policy that is both good for drivers extensive geological, hydrological, and in its death or mutilation. Poor treatment They will have our maximum support Kaladze explained that the zonal park- and supports the regulation of taxi ser- dendrological research. The new park of an animal that leads to its suffering in the future to be more successful,” ing model is an innovation for Tbilisi, vices in Tbilisi. will have a children’s play area, pedes- will now come with a 500 GEL ($184) announced Kaladze. Kenneth Yalowitz Supports David Kirvalidze to Lead FAO reform to what some feared could reads Yalowitz's statement. BY ANA DUMBADZE become a failed state. Dr. David Kirvalidze was nominated "And then a natural disaster struck in for the position of Director General of the summer of 2000, a severe drought the Food and Agriculture Organization ormer US Ambassador to of historic proportions. of the United Nations by Georgian Prime Georgia Kenneth Yalowitz "Fortunately for Georgia, Dr. Kirva- Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze in March made a statement about David lidze was Minister of Agriculture and 2019. Kirvalidze, Former Minister did a superb job of navigating the coun- Kirvalidze has 28 years of leadership of Agriculture of Georgia, try through this crisis, which threatened experience in agriculture and rural Fwho was offi cially nominated for the food and seed supplies and the very development sectors. He also served position of Director General of the Food future of Georgian agriculture. The two terms as Minister of Agriculture and Agriculture Organization of the United States had provided Georgia and served as the chairman of the Agrar- United Nations (FAO) for the period of with signifi cant economic and techni- ian Issues Committee of the Parliament 2019-2023. cal assistance since independence in of Georgia. “I strongly support Dr. David Kirva- 1991 and was very concerned about the Elections will be held at the 41st Ses- lidze to become the next Director-Gen- threat posed by the drought. I had sev- sion of the FAO Conference in Rome eral of the UN Food and Agriculture eral meetings with the Minister to dis- on 22-29 June 2019. Organization,” the former Ambassador cuss the problem and his plans for deal- The fi ve candidates for the position stated. ing with it. I was deeply impressed with of Director-General of FAO are as fol- Yalowitz said he believes that Kirva- him on several levels. His education lows: Médi Moungui (Cameroon), Qu lidze is the right person to lead the FAO and background were perfect to meet Dongyu (China), Catherine Geslain- and that he is "a highly qualifi ed, honest the task. He was a visionary with strong corps which led to an outpouring in culture both in Georgia and internation- Lanéelle (France), David Kirvalidze and goal-oriented person who believes ideas and the drive and will to imple- emergency assistance to Georgia. The ally. He is, without doubt, deserving (Georgia) and Ramesh Chand (India). the FAO has the potential to defeat the ment them. ambassadorial trip was well-publicized and highly qualifi ed for the Director- Members will cast their vote on a one hunger and poverty in the world." "This was a period of weak govern- and played a key role in reassuring General position at the FAO. He has country-one vote basis in a secret bal- “I served as the United States Ambas- ance structures in Georgia and David Georgians they were not forgotten. I personal integrity, drive, vision and the lot which requires a simple majority for sador to Georgia from 1998–2001, which stood out for his expertise and execu- also know from speaking with President ability to organize and delegate. He is a valid outcome. was a tumultuous period for the newly tive acumen. I observed as he mobilized Shevardnadze that he credited David an optimist who believes the FAO can The next Director-General of FAO independent state. Beset by separatist resources across the government and for bringing Georgia through that crisis. do even greater things to ease world will be appointed for the period 1 August struggles and civil war, the government engaged the foreign donor community. "I have kept in close contact with hunger and poverty and a proven exec- 2019 to 31 July 2023. The Director-Gen- of President was He organized a trip to the drought- David since leaving Georgia. I am quite utive who can implement those plans. eral will be eligible for only one addi- trying to bring peace and economic stricken regions for the ambassadorial familiar with his excellent work in agri- I very much hope he will be elected," tional mandate of four years. GEORGIA TODAY 4 POLITICS JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 So-Called Elections Held in Occupied Tskhinvali Region

Georgia, as recognized by international the sovereignty and territorial integrity law.” She emphasized the consistency of Georgia within its internationally of the EU position in support of Geor- recognized borders.” The process, read gia’s territorial integrity. Kocijancic con- a statement from the Ministry on Sun- tinued, “In view of so-called elections day, “represents yet another futile attempt that took place on the 9th of June in the by Russia and its occupation regime in Georgian breakaway region of South Tskhinvali to legitimize the ethnic cleans- Ossetia, we recall that the European ing of Georgians in Tskhinvali region/ Union does not recognize the constitu- , the illegal occupation and tional and legal framework in which forceful change of the sovereign borders these so-called elections took place.” of Georgia.” NATO also rejected the so-called elec- The so-called elections were held on tions. James Appathurai, the NATO Sec- June 9. Local residents went to the ballot retary General’s Special Representative box to elect 34 MPs to the so-called par- for the and Central Asia, told liament, 17 of which were elected from reporters that “NATO does not recognize party lists, while 17 are majoritarian. In the so-called elections” in the Tskhinvali a May 20 op-ed for GEORGIA TODAY, region. Appathurai also repeated NATO’s political commentator Zaza Jgarkava said support for Georgia’s territorial integrity. that during the pre-election period, can- The Parliamentary Assembly of the didates made dramatic promises, includ- Council of Europe (PACE) also expressed ing ending unemployment, increasing concern over the so-called elections. incomes by 10 times, and turning Tskh- The PACE co-rapporteurs for Georgia, invali into the next Geneva. Jgarkava said Titus Corlatean and Claude Kern, made that “The issue of the August War 2008 a joint statement, saying “We reiterate and ‘aggression’ of Tbilisi still dominate our full support for the territorial integ- the narrative, with de-facto President rity and sovereignty of Georgia within Anatoly Bibilov and his party United its internationally-recognized borders. Ossetia especially concentrating on it.” The so-called parliamentary elections Despite the de-facto ruling party’s con- in the Georgian region of South Ossetia fi dence, their margin of victory was far that took place last Sunday are therefore lower than the 2014 elections, as reported Image source: neither legal nor legitimate. They hinder by DFWatch. In 2014, United Ossetia calls the Tskhinvali Region and what local recognized borders.’ The only countries the peaceful settlement of the confl ict won 45% of the vote, while this Sunday, BY SAMANTHA GUTHRIE de-facto authorities call South Ossetia. in the world that recognize South Ossetia and instead of uniting people they only they took home just 35%. This opened a This week, the de-facto authorities of the as an independent country are Russia, drive them further apart. We can only space for the opposition People’s Party, Tskhinvali region held ‘elections.’ The Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru, and Syria. condemn that.” The pair plans to con- whose 22% dwarfed their 9.5% in 2014. wenty percent of Georgia’s elections were widely rejected and con- The European Union rejected the so- duct a fact-fi nding mission to Georgia The Nykhaz party took 14%, Unity 13%, territory is occupied: the demned by Georgia’s allies, including the called parliamentary elections. EU in the fi rst week of July in the framework and the Communist party just over 7%. Autonomous Republic of United States of America, Ukraine, Lithu- spokesperson Maja Kocijancic released of ongoing monitoring activities. In the run up to the so-called elections, and the region ania, Latvia, Estonia, and the Czech Repub- a statement on Wednesday affi rming The Foreign Ministry of Georgia also the crossing points along the Adminis- around the municipality of lic, all repeating the key words ‘sovereignty,’ that “the European Union supports the condemned the so-called elections, argu- trative Boundary Line were temporarily TTskhinvali, what the Georgian government ‘territorial integrity,’ and ‘internationally territorial integrity and sovereignty of ing that the process “blatantly violates closed. Victorious Georgia – Ex-Minister Okruashvili’s New Political party

Court of Georgia Kote Kemularia, Valeri in France. He was sentenced to an 11-year BY THEA MORRISON Gelbakhiani, former lawmaker, comedian prison term in Georgia in absentia in actor Nika Ramishvili (Drupi), Guram March 2008. Chalagashvili, ex-head of the Georgian He came back to Georgia after the GD rakli Okruashvili, who held dif- National Energy and Water Supply Regu- won the parliamentary elections in 2012, ferent posts during the United latory Commission, and others. but was arrested again and released on National Movement (UNM) gov- Former offi cial Okruashvili said his January 11, 2013. ernment, has presented his new party will cooperate with any member Some opposition parties are thinking political party, named Victorious of the ruling party who about cooperating with Okruashvili, IGeorgia, which is made up of 17 people. will oppose GD Chair and founder Bidzina among them the UNM. Member Roman At the presentation on Tuesday, the Ivanishvili. Gotsiridze says it is very good for Geor- former Minister of Defense and Interior “From today, we are going to work on gian democracy when new parties emerge Affairs said his team has the ambition the organizational structure in Tbilisi. opposing Ivanishvili. UNM member to set up a big movement of “many angry We are going to the regions in July and Salome Samadashvili stated, “it is impor- people” who think that there is an unbear- we will go to every village and street tant to confront with able situation in the country. and from house to house to make people united forces and force him to change The party includes former member of see that changes are necessary,” he said, the game rules in the country.” the opposition National Forum party, Gubaz adding their party door is open to any However, former members of the UNM, Sanikidze, former chairman of the Supreme force that opposes Ivanishvili’s regime. who formed the European Georgia party Image source: in 2017, have said they are not going to Several days before the party presenta- Interior Minister ,” he cooperate with the new party. tion, Okruashvili said “nothing good is stated. One of the leaders, Giga Bokeria, stressed happening in the country” and this is Okruashvili served at various impor- they will never cooperate with those the reason he decided to come back to tant posts in the Government of Georgia political leaders and fi gures “who visit politics. under ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili, Moscow or participate in Kremlin prop- “The only good change I saw during including Minister of Defense from aganda or preach hate and violence.” the last seven years is the prohibition of December 2004 until he was dismissed Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze stated smoking in closed and public areas… in November 2006. that “the Georgian people will respond Nothing else…The silence of people like In September 2007, Okruashvili staged to each political party during the 2020 me equals a crime today. We need change,” a scandalous comeback to Georgian parliamentary elections.” He noted it is he told Palitranews. politics, openly confronting Mikheil not right to make any comments about He also criticized the cabinet members, Saakashvili and creating the opposition Okruashvili’s statements. saying he would be a good tutor for them party Movement for United Georgia. On GD’s majoritarian MP Lado Kakhadze and teach them how to rule the country. September 27, 2007, Okruashvili was also says it is early to evaluate Okruash- “The only thing the ministers do is arrested at his party headquarters on vili’s party. compete with each other in doing non- charges of corruption, money launder- “Let us wait and see their program, and sense…I am thinking of becoming a tutor ing and abuse of offi ce. In 2007, he left afterwards we can make comments,” he and training them. I would start with Georgia and was granted political asylum said. GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 POLITICS 5 On the Future of “South Ossetia”

who were running under the status of OP-ED BY ZAZA JGARKAVA independent candidates. Apart from this simple election math, the main intrigue of the elections on the occupied territo- ast week was marked by an ries was completely different and totally election day not only in Tbi- unconnected with the process of the lisi’s Mtatsminda district, but elections. also in the breakaway region Changes in occupied Tskhinvali were On June 9, of South Ossetia. On June 9, forecast a few months ago upon the 31,000L voters in the occupied territory return of the former de-facto ex-president 31,000 voters in elected 34 MPs, half elected proportion- Eduard Kokoity, who was sent away on ally, while the other half under the an “honorable” exile. His return was the occupied majoritarian component. regarded as the beginning of the end of The elections beyond the occupation the current government. And the June territory elected line were held peacefully and, like those 9 elections clearly showed that the fore- in Tbilisi, the voters gave their trust to cast wasn’t a mistake. Tskhinvalians are 34 MPs the representatives of the government now waiting to see if the Kremlin will explain away the aggression by hailing party. However, interestingly, the sup- renounce Bibilov fully, making Kokoity it as “a confl ict between two neighbor- port was not that strong, as the prelim- once again a Trojan Horse which will ing countries,” Georgia and ‘South Osse- inary vote count showed that the United start “the big cleansing.” tia,’ in which Russia is just a third party, Ossetia party, lead by de-facto president Meanwhile, Kokoity’s popularity is ris- “having the role of a mediator” and “not Anatoly Bibilov, had lost the majority. ing and his main motto about independ- to be blamed for anything if the equal 35% of votes, that is six MPs propor- ent Ossetia is as popular as ever, unlike parties were unable to come to an agree- tionally and seven under majoritarian that of de-facto president Bibilov, who ment about Truso Valley or even about from United Ossetia, got through, while calls for unifi cation with North Ossetia who should own the Kazbegi-Stepants- all the other places were won by the and joining the Russian Federation. The minda area.” party of the former de-facto president question as to why Bibilov and his motto On the other hand, Kokoity, who doesn’t Eduard Kokoity. The fate of the majority might be unacceptable to the Kremlin support the unifi cation with Russia, will be decided by the six majoritarians is still unanswered, but the situation is wants to conquer said the above areas far from simple: if we examine the reac- fi rst and only after that wants to announce tions of Russian political experts and the historic “creation of a Big United journalists who are close to the Kremlin, Alania” which will include both Kazbegi we can see that there is something in and Truso. Bibilov’s initiative that they don’t like. It is too early for the unifi cation of And, unfortunately, it isn’t diffi cult to north and south Ossetia without these guess why Russia is not rushing to make two strategic territories, thinks Eduard If Russia takes a decision. Kokoity. Perhaps this is why the Kremlin In reality, there is nothing benefi cial in is keeping the issue of Truso Valley alive “South Ossetia” this hesitation for us: quite the contrary. in the media, testing the political senti- If Russia includes “South Ossetia” in its ments, but in Tskhinvali and not in Tbi- into its federation, federation, thus "making the century-old lisi, as we mistakenly thought before. dream of the Ossetian people" come If Russia takes “South Ossetia” into its it will mean giving true, with it Russia will lose its leverage federation, it will mean giving up the for pressuring Georgia. Not that we have hoe and its long-term plan to annex other up its long-term the illusion that it will ever give us the territories of Georgia as well, if not fully territory back as a “federation” or “con- and forever, then to a large extent. This plan to annex federation,” nor that it will ever try to is of course not what Russia truly wants. lie to us by giving such false promises. However, the “Ossetia lobby” is still at other territories of But, importantly, while the breakaway work as before, quite successfully, and “South Ossetia” is an “independent coun- it will become clear soon whether Georgia try,” Moscow can continue trying to Bibilov’s or Kokoity’s plans will prevail. GEORGIA TODAY 6 POLITICS JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 The US Wants Chinese, Russians Kept Out of Anaklia in Washington that China might try to BY EMIL AVDALIANI use the issues surrounding Anaklia to help out the Georgian government. True, there is plenty of work to be done eorgian PM Mamuka in and around Anaklia to cement this Bakhtadze's visit to Wash- nascent transit advantage of Georgia on ingtom a couple of days the global map. But international atten- ago came at a time of tion paid to Anaklia means that the cur- heightened debates sur- rent and subsequent Georgian govern- Grounding the Anaklia Deep Sea Port as ments will always be interested in further well as international tensions between development of Anaklia as well as the US and China over trade and tech- and . nology. This interest comes out of Georgia's Part of US Secretary of State Mike current geopolitical circumstances where Pompeo's statement is of particular inter- Russian pressure from the north propels est to us: “…I communicated our hope Tbilisi to seek ways to counter-balance that Georgia completes the port project. Moscow. In that sense, the success of The project and others will enhance the Anaklia-Poti-Batumi line is directly Georgia’s relationship with free econo- linked to how strongly Georgia's posi- mies and prevent Georgia from falling Image source: tion would be defended internationally. prey to Russian or Chinese economic Pompeo's words essentially negated gia is something new. ested in ports, railways and other critical Overall, I would reiterate the point I have infl uence. Those pretend friends do not this possibility and it is now highly likely Georgia’s current geopolitical circum- infrastructure around the world and made in other op-eds for GT that the seem- have Georgia’s best interests at heart.” we will see the successful completion stances and those of global powers such quite naturally Anaklia would be a focus ing ambivalence in recent months regard- The statement is notable in several of Anaklia Port in the near future. as China, the US and the EU, converge of Beijing's attention. The US thus will ing the construction of Anaklia has been ways. First, the mention of the Anaklia But more notable is that Washington on the signifi cance of the Georgian Black try to obstruct any Chinese moves where only an internal matter, even a local prob- Deep Sea Port which has of late experi- now increasingly regards the Anaklia Sea ports as a transit post for Chinese possible and it seems that Anaklia has lem. Since large regional, even global pow- enced a number of fi nancial setbacks project as a part of the geopolitical bat- goods to Europe, and vice versa. become one of those places. ers are interested in Anaklia, its construc- and some criticism from the government tle which is now opening up with China. Essentially, the US expressed its inten- It is also notable that this strong-worded tion would proceed. It has also become in Tbilisi. The construction of the port Russia too was mentioned by Pompeo, tion to be a leader in the Anaklia project. statement from Pompeo comes weeks clear that Anaklia has turned more into a was put into question and there was a but the US has often criticized Russia Washington regards the port from the after after the Chinese Foreign Affair’s geopolitical affair within the global con- growing fear that it might be abandoned for its actions in Georgia. Yet, the men- perspective of the ongoing struggle Minister visited Georgia for the fi rst time frontation between America on the one entirely. tion of China within the context of Geor- against China in Eurasia. China is inter- in decades. Perhaps there were concerns side and China and Russia on the other.

SOCIETY First Ever Interview is of Georgian Origin

Wiki item, there is an article, titled ‘For of 1756, the time the interview was per- BY NUGZAR B. RUHADZE the Genesis of Interview as a Genre’ by formed, the only technical option for well-known Georgian scholar and ped- Gabashvili was to produce the interview agogue, Professor Paata Natsvlishvili, text as a handwritten document. Hence he historians of literature published in the December 2013 issue of it is a manuscript format in which it fi nally and journalism would per- the ‘European Scientifi c Journal’. Accord- came into existence. This is the curious sist in establishing that ing to the article, the word ‘interview’ way the researched text was born. In this interview, as a journalistic was fi rst introduced in 1867. It was exactly context, a straightforward statement could genre, irrevocably belongs then that it came around both as a jour- be made that the fi rst edition of Timote Tto the series of purely American efforts nalistic term as well as a method of jour- Gabashvili’s work, dated 1852, precedes to make the world a better-described nalistic writing. The fi rst known samples in time the fi rst known samples of full- place to live. Wrong! The interview is of ‘interview’ as a way to disseminate length interviews ever known. Moreover, not an American discovery. It is a Geor- information with the help of means of it comes much earlier than the word gian invention. To wit, I mean not the mass communication date back to the ‘interview’ itself. state of Georgia, but the country of Geor- 1830s – not earlier than that! Therefore, Conclusively, as Paata Natsvlishvili gia. Incidentally, I got this information the discovery of samples of written dis- suggests to the world, in the light of the from the helpful and famous Wikipedia, course, included in one of the readily archeology of journalism, ‘until the dis- which literally says: ‘The fi rst known available ancient Georgian texts, is wor- covery of an older example that would interview that fi ts the matrix of interview- thy of serious scholarly study because fi t the matrix of interview-as-genre, as-genre has been claimed to be the 1756 they comply totally with the criteria of Gabashvili’s interview should be deemed interview by Archbishop Timote (Tim- a journalistic interview matrix. Image source: as the oldest interview in the history of othy) Gabashvili (1704-1764), prominent In the mid-18th century, Timote Gabash- interviewer, and the main interviewee implementation, but loses its signifi cance journalism’. Thank God, the Georgian Georgian religious fi gure, diplomat, vili created a travel essay, calling it happens to be Eugenios Boulgaris. when we go back to the fi rst samples of scholar’s word was well heard, and there writer and traveler, who interviewed ‘Mimoslva’ (Travel). Notably, some of The author of the article also empha- journalism for our analytic consideration. we go – the news about Georgia’s pri- Eugenios Voulgaris (1716-1806), renowned the excerpts of the work render it obvi- sizes that our contemporary journalism, The interview in question that has mary place in the invention of the inter- Greek theologian, Rector of the Ortho- ous as a journalistic verity and percep- as an act of human creative activity, makes remained in history for our thorough view genre in the history of journalism dox School of Mount Athos’. tible as a subject for further research intensive use of relevant modern technol- scientifi c reckoning falls under the anal- has been adequately refl ected in the Moreover, among the references of the that Gabashvili is playing the role of ogy, which is an indispensable tool for its ogous category. In the long-bygone year world’s most-used encyclopedia. SUBSCRIBE!


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[email protected] +995 32 229 59 19  Tel: (995 32) 2 45 08 08 10 Galaktion Street E-mail: [email protected] GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 SOCIETY 7 UNFPA Celebrates 20 Years in Georgia

Credit: UNFPA Georgia/Gela Bedianashvili

his year marks a double anniversary to Maternal and Newborn and Reproductive Health commemorate 25 years of the ground- Strategy and the Action Plan; introduction and breaking International Conference on support to the innovative cervical and breast screen- Population and Development (ICPD) ing program; improved HIV prevention; introduc- and to celebrate the United Nations tion of peer education for youth on the issues of TPopulation Fund (UNFPA)’s 50th anniversary. In 2019, reproductive health, HIV prevention, gender equal- the UNFPA Country Offi ce in Georgia also celebrates ity, gender-based violence; support to the state’s the 20th anniversary of its support to the country’s multisectoral response to domestic violence and development. The event took place on June 12. violence against women and girls; support to the The UNFPA Country Offi ce in Georgia was estab- prevention of harmful practices (early marriage, lished in 1999. Since then, the UNFPA Georgia team gender-biased sex selection, female genital mutila- has been actively working to ensure that every tion) and refi ning the law on child/early marriage; pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and cooperation with religious confessions for strength- every young person's potential is fulfi lled. By pro- ening prevention of domestic violence and harm- moting sexual and reproductive health and repro- ful practices against girls and women; enhancing ductive rights, advocating for gender equality, men’s engagement for achieving gender equality strengthening the policy frameworks and systems, and supporting the MenCare campaign, winner of striving for the elimination of harmful practices the ‘Emerging Europe Award;’ strengthening the and combating violence against girls and women, Offi ce of the Public Defender for monitoring sex- supporting youth development, collecting quality ual and reproductive health and well-being within data on population dynamics and supporting their the frameworks of the human rights monitoring application for planning the country’s sustainable system; capacity building of the National Statistics development, the UNFPA is making a strong con- Offi ce for improving the collection and analysis of tribution to the advancement and development of reliable population data; elaboration of compre- Georgia as a democratic state. hensive demographic and population aging poli- The presence of the UNFPA in Georgia is linked cies, and advocacy for healthy aging. to many initiatives, among them the launch of the Having partnerships with state agencies, NGOs, fi rst reproductive health mobile teams at the begin- private sector organizations and religious confes- ning of the 2000s, with the purpose of providing sions, various fi eld experts, activists, artists and free and quality reproductive health and family athletes, the UNFPA Georgia team directly sup- planning services to the population, which helped ports the realization of fundamental human rights to save the lives of hundreds of women for 12 years and actively continues its operations for making of their operation; four nationwide surveys on individuals, their rights and choices, central for reproductive health; elaboration of the National sustainable development. GEORGIA TODAY 8 SOCIETY JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 On the Verge of a Global Climate Crisis: CENN Analyses the Hazards of Disastrous Flooding in Tbilisi he global climate crisis is expected to lead to drastic changes in our environ- ment. Extreme weather events in future are likely Tto increase the number and scale of natural disasters. Urban areas, and big cities in particular, are complex and interdependent systems, extremely vul- nerable to threats from natural hazards. Considering this, it is essential to have a comprehensive strategy of urban haz- ard mitigation aimed at the creation of resilient cities, able to withstand poten- tial threats. With this in mind, CENN recently pub- lished a new edition of the study ‘Haz- ards of Disastrous Flooding in the City of Tbilisi’. The study was conducted with the support from the Austrian Develop- ment Cooperation (ADC) and analyzes the physical-geographical and geo-eco- logical preconditions for the occurrence of catastrophic fl ash fl oods on the trib- utaries of the River Mtkvari within the limits of the city of Tbilisi. In addition, it offers an assessment of the rehabilita- tion works undertaken since the 13 June 2015 Vere River fl ash fl ood, and gives some general recommendations for the mitigation or prevention of negative effects of such extreme natural events. This comprehensive look at the River Mtkvari urban watershed in Tbilisi is a key storm water management planning tool to prevent future catastrophic fl ood- ing and loss of life and property. The CENN study notes that the tribu- taries to the River Mtkvari are charac- terized by narrow channels and steep gradients, which already predisposes them to fl ash fl ood events under certain climactic conditions. A long history of watershed development, including defor- estation in the upper reaches, urban development in low lying areas, disposal use this area for construction, which m, and 2015 peak fl ood levels exceeded of household waste and illegal dumpsites leads to the narrowing of the riverbed. 7 m. Two bars were built into the Vere The confl uence section of one of in the riverbeds leaves the River Mtkvari It is unlikely that the tunnel, with its River to trap sediment and other debris. the River Mtkvari tributaries - tributaries without the capacity to con- current water conveyance capacity, will These two bars may be inadequate in Gldanistskali River - is used for tain and convey storm water runoff dur- be able to convey large volumes of run- preventing damage from large volume the disposal of household and ing peak storm events. Increases in pre- off generated by strong fl ash fl oods. fl ash fl oods. While these measures are industrial-construction waste cipitation intensity and duration due to Under such conditions, water levels may certainly benefi cial, a more effective, causing to the pollution of the river and the reduction of its climate change underscore the need to reach higher marks than those that were long-term solution would be to remove water conveyance capacity. catalog and address these anthropogenic observed at the intake of this water tun- the underground water tunnels and factors. As an example, in photo 1 we nel during the June 13, 2015 fl ash fl ood. restore the natural riverbed. And while can see intensive construction taking While refl ecting on the situation in the the implementation of an early fl ood place on top of the tunnel laid beneath Vere River, the CENN study states that warning system may prevent death and the Vake-Saburtalo highway. This will in the aftermath of the devastating 2015 injury, populations in the fl ood zones create unfavorable conditions for the fl ood, several storm water runoff defi - and relevant agencies will have a maxi- implementation of preventive measures ciencies in the Vere River were corrected, mum of 10-15 minutes in which to respond aimed at improving the water convey- including reconstruction of the intake to the fl ood threat. This limited time ance capacity of the tunnel. At the same tunnel beneath Heroes Square, reinforce- highlights the importance of pursuing time, the surface of the right bank of the ment of the riverbed, and construction mitigation measures now to reduce river at the intake of the water tunnel is of a dam at Mziuri Park. However, the potential fl ood risk and threats to life being elevated with extracted soils to height of the protection dam is under 4 and property.

Intensive construction takes place on the top of the tunnel laid beneath the Vake-Saburtalo highway. This will create After analyzing the geo-ecological con- be sized for a hundred-year fl ood peak unfavorable conditions for the ditions on the 13 tributaries within Tbi- discharge event; implementation of preventive lisi‘s urban portion of the River Mtkvari • Future urban development needs to measures aimed at improving watershed, the recurring issues identifi ed take into consideration watershed geo- the water conveyance capacity include undersized storm water convey- morphology and stream discharge pat- of the tunnel. At the same time, ances, lack of storm water system main- terns, as well as incorporate storm water the surface of the right bank of tenance and obstruction of channels management infrastructure; the river at the intake of the with debris. • Proper maintenance of storm water water tunnel is being elevated To demonstrate this, in photo 2 we can management systems (culverts/tunnels) with extracted soils to use this see the confl uence section of one of the is essential to prevent blockages that area for construction which River Mtkvari tributaries - Gldanistskali result in dangerous impoundment of leads to the narrowing of the River - being used for the disposal of fl oodwater; riverbed. It is unlikely that the household and industrial-construction • Controlling and reducing illegal dump- tunnel, with its current water waste, polluting the river and so reduc- ing of household, construction, and conveyance capacity, will be ing its water conveyance capacity. industrial waste in stream channels is able to convey large volumes of The CENN report concludes with a imperative to keep stream channels and runoff generated by strong fl ash number of important lessons learned for tunnel intakes clear; fl oods. Under such conditions, future development and fl ood preven- • Wherever feasible the natural stream water levels may reach higher tion: channel should be restored. marks than those that were • Development should not occur in a observed at the intake of this fl oodplain zone; water tunnel during the June 13, • If fl oodplain development is unavoid- 2015 fl ash fl ood. able, storm water conveyances need to GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 SOCIETY 9 Singularity: Svaneti gle goal. The proportion has not improved bery rose too. If you didn’t have a good ilies coming into existence. dramatically since then. local guide accompanying you in, or at Now, if we can just do something about My wife and I DO notice the improve- least the known protection of the right the new local corruption which report- ment in new births here, chiefl y by count- people, you could be in real trouble if edly is also fl owering since Misha left ing children entering grade 1 in school stopped on the road anywhere. the scene, and is indeed growing in my year by year in Etseri. A few years ago the In such a situation, many people packed own experience, Svaneti can return to total was 10, which they hadn’t seen for 9 up and left, given any chance to settle the prosperity it once knew before the years, we were told; it also has remained somewhere else. They abandoned houses, USSR dissolved. It was never perfect, high since then, so this is a good sign. possibly returning only in summer to but there is such nostalgia for the stabil- Perhaps the statistics of single men and check things over. Roofs to which snow ity of those times, even though the Church women, both, are merely from the gen- stuck could collapse in a single winter if was under a stranglehold here. I really eration which is now passing, giving way not shoveled off; I have seen this. And hope we can live to see the needed to a younger, more hopeful one. I do see those who stayed because they couldn’t changes and improvements, because I the numbers as a symptom of the hope- bear to leave or had not the means to do expect to be here for a long time yet, able interest to me. lessness which pervaded this faraway so: how to fi nd the optimism to contem- alongside the Svans. BLOG BY TONY HANMER Rather, my title is about the prepon- province as the USSR collapsed, vital plate joining with a marriage partner, derance of single people in Svaneti. Hav- support from Tbilisi waned, and mafi a/ raising a family, making things better for Tony Hanmer has lived in Georgia since ing been visiting this place for 20 years bandit structures rushed in to fi ll the oneself and the little ones? I believe that 1999, in Svaneti since 2007, and been a ere I am not referring to now, and living here for 12, I suppose vacuum left by law’s decline, leading to many people simply gave up on this option. weekly writer for GT since early 2011. He the arrival of full artifi cial that one’s observations can be said to a rather Wild West of Georgia. Tourism At least the local weddings, returnings runs the “Svaneti Renaissance” Facebook intelligence or the sudden account for something. The main ques- virtually collapsed, as did the main road. and home renovations or buildings from group, now with nearly 2000 members, at achieving of the next level tion is, WHY so many unmarried indi- The free electricity was very erratic in nothing are increasing. So I really hope of human development. viduals, remaining so until death? both existence and quality, with brown- that, with new roads, tourism infrastruc- sance/ HNor to the point at the heart of black It was a score of 10 funeral feasts I outs, blackouts, surges and dips wreak- ture, job possibilities and so on, people He and his wife also run their own guest house holes where physics breaks down, attended here, of people I had known, ing havoc on electrical appliances large can raise their view a bit and, with hope, in Etseri: although all 3 of these are of consider- before the “wedding” side scored a sin- and small. Kidnapping and armed rob- do what they can to see more Svan fam- A Look at the Biltmore Wedding Fest, June 12

The summer bar Azura was the even- ing venue of the exhibition, with guests hosted with delicious snacks and cock- tails while a DJ performed. Hidden in the greenery, Azura was decorated thematically for a wedding, showing off its ideal character for wedding cer- operate in the wedding industry grab- emonies. TRANSLATED BY KETEVAN bing the chance to introduce their prod- The Biltmore Tbilisi Hotel was also KVARATSKHELIYA ucts. The festival was held in entertain- among the participants of the Wedding ing and business formats, enabling guests Fest, as an incredible venue for large-scale to explore event organizers, confection- weddings. The Biltmore Tbilisi Hotel has n June 12, the Biltmore ers, fl orists, photographers, musicians, hosted a number of large weddings in the Wedding Fest, organized jewelers and more. The exhibition was past three years. The aim of the Festival by the Biltmore Tbilisi, a wonderful platform for boosting col- was to attract new clientele and promote took place at the incredible laboration between businesses. Guests the hotel as a wedding venue. Grand Royal Ballroom of were also given special offers and gifts The event was supported by Geoworld theO hotel, seeing 40 companies which by the participating companies. and Captain+. CULTURE Georgian Dark - Stories of Masculine Georgian Women Told through Bold Gothic Artworks Continued from page 2 various activities that as a rule are typi- drawings are eclectic, since they carry “I aim to transfer those experiences, cal to men,” Tskhadadze told us. different conditional stories and at the feelings and discoveries that I have made Indeed, the paintings are equally mar- The artist also teaches at the Tbilisi same time incorporate contemporary ele- in an aesthetic and sophisticated way. I velous, weird, psychological and spir- Academy of Arts has gained a lot of ments. I played a lot with my imagination like to express deep, dramatic narrative itual, urging one to think out of the box attention with her latest series, seeing and used such themes as Medea, witchery, through gentle forms. I decided to por- and encouraging women to take risks, both local and international interest and masculine functions, Georgian aristocracy, tray strong women with aesthetic min- fi ght till the end and try new things that buyers. Women clad in traditional Geor- glamor, arrogance: I merged Georgian imalism who combine masculine func- they have not done before. gian clothing play polo, go fi shing, smoke traditions with modern elements in a way tions and features on a transparent paper, Aside from the recent Tbilisi exhibition, cigarettes, dance Khorumi (the national not done before. They are tangible and vellum, to give more lightness,” the art- the artist counts a number of exhibitions, war dance); some play chess or hunt. simultaneously abstract. That’s why I think ist noted, adding that the drawings, per- both in Georgia and beyond, in the UK, Why can’t women do these things? Why these drawings are ephemeral. The paint- haps to some extent, subconsciously Germany, Iran, Ukraine and others. Her can’t they make wine or play the drums? ings are full of signs, so they can be read refl ect the faint melancholy of the unre- artworks have been sold in many coun- And if women were given the chance to and perceived in many ways. It is diffi cult alized energy of women. tries and are kept in private collections. do these things…or maybe they did but to catch one concrete idea in the draw- “I’m planning to expand this series and GEORGIA TODAY was taken on a we didn’t know? The artist poses such ings,” Tina explains. incorporate design elements like art personal tour of the Tbilisi exhibition questions through her works. “All these Tina’s artworks are unusual, sophisti- deco, in the Georgian context. But I don’t by the artist herself. abstract stories are just another reason cated and simultaneously extremely want to lose the concept of the project. “I worked two years on this project. to show the special character of Geor- modern. When looking at her artworks, I also plan to create portraits of men in It started when I was having a hard time gian women.” you see that these are the women who the future. These will be solely andro- and began to look at my thoughts more “These images incorporate many things: haven’t chosen a peaceful path, but genic portraits on large canvases. Like deeply. As a result of self-exploration the faces of my ancestors, grandma, mother, instead an adventurous and challenging the paintings of women with masculine and recalling my past, I created the fi rst friends and strangers I met on the street one. These women are courageous and features, with the men I want to play sketch of Georgian Dark that eventually and whose appearance and characteristics daring, with strong personalities. with the gender theme and show hidden expanded into a series of Georgian women affected me, even some scenes from old The author says the project unites what traits of their personalities.” clad in traditional clothes and national Georgians movies. I tried to artistically lies in the depths of our unconscious Tina Tskhadadze’s next exhibition will headdresses, ‘chikhtikopi,’ engaged in Image: “Akido” by Tina Tskhadadze generalize this data in my artworks. The mind. be in October. GEORGIA TODAY 10 CULTURE JUNE 14 - 17, 2019

WHAT’S ON IN TBILISI THEATER MOVEMENT THEATER introducing us to Italian paintings of individuals and serve as some Start time: 19:00 182 Aghmashenebeli Ave. the XIV-XIX centuries; a combination kind of therapy for those who have Ticket: 5-10 GEL TBILISI ZAKARIA TEL (+995 32) 598 19 29 36 of voice, lighting, immersive visual experience break-ups. PALIASHVILI OPERA AND and multimedia. Giotto– ‘Ognissanti June 16 BALLET THEATER June 15 Madonna’ and the ‘Scrovegni Chapel,’ GALLERY Tengiz Amirejibi VII International 25 Rustaveli Ave. FAUST Leonardo da Vinci– ‘Annunciation,’ Music Festival TEL (+995 32) 2 99 04 56 Based on the works of Johann Botticelli– ‘The Birth of Venus’ and THE NATIONAL GALLERY Participants: Alexander Ghindin, Wolfgang von Goethe ‘Spring,’ Raffaello– ‘The Madonna 11 Rustaveli Ave. Tamara Licheli, ‘Alter Orchestra’ Directed by Kakha Bakuradze of the Goldfi nch, Bellotto– ‘Piazza June 15, 16 TEL (+995 32) 215 73 00 Conductor- Mirian Khukhunaishvili Giuseppe Verdi Language: Non verbal San Marco,’ ‘Castello Sforzesco,’ Programme: Mendelssohn, Mozart LA TRAVIATA Start time: 20:00 Canaletto– “The Chapel of Eton Until February 26 (2020) Start time: 19:00 Music Director- Zaza Azmaiparashvili Ticket: 10-15 GEL College”, Canova– ‘Amor e Psyche’ GRAND MASTERS FROM THE Ticket: 10-20 GEL Director- Laurent Gerber and ‘The Graces’. GEORGIAN Scenographer- Massimo Bellando June 20 NATIONAL MUSEUM June 18 Randone "Our Theater" presents IOSEB GRISHASHVILI COLLECTION XIX – XX Choreographer- Nina Ananiashvili One-act play with puppets TBILISI HISTORY MUSEUM CENTURY Tengiz Amirejibi VII International Starring: Salome Jicia, Mariam PARADISO - KARVASLA Music Festival Baratashvili, Manana Iordanishvili, 8 Sioni St. Language: Non verbal Until July 4 Participants: Laureats of the Tengiz Tatsuya Kashi, Zaal Khelaia, TEL (+995 32) 2 98 22 81 Director: Irakli Khoshtaria SOLO EXHIBITION Amirejibi Competition- Giorgi Aleksandre Tibelishvili, Irakli Mujiri, Choreographer: Lasha Robaqidze ZERO Gigashvili, Salome Modebadze, Tamar Giorgi Goderdzishvili, Gia Asatiani Start time: 20:00 Until June 18 Makharadze, Sandro Sidamonidze Conductor- Stefano Romani BY GEORGIAN ARTIST VAKHO Ticket: 10 GEL KAKO TOPURIA’S SOLO and Founder of Tengiz Amirejibi Start time: June 15- 20:00, BUGADZE Ticket: 10-15 GEL EXHIBITION June 16- 15:00 Festival and Competition- Tamara The exhibition represents Topuria's ADAM & EVE Ticket: 20-200 GEL Licheli SHALIKASHVILI THEATER recent works, revealing nostalgia, D. Aghmashenebeli 164 Program: Chopin, Liszt, Prokofi ev, 37 Rustaveli Ave. ironic motives, feelings of closeness MARJANISHVILI THEATER Shostakovich TEL 595 50 02 03 5 Marjanishvli St. and more. Implemented within the June 15, 16 Start time: 19:00 project ‘Contemporary Art Gallery’ TEL (+995 32) 2 95 59 66 SIZMARI Ticket: 5-15 GEL June 15 A multimedia installation of June 15, 16 AUGUST 8 June 11-18 feelings, where your consciousness British-Georgian Academy and British The story of the war in Abkhazia and The exhibition of Lizi Budagashvili's becomes an inventor by itself. The South Ossetia. ELECTRO CARRIAGE International School of Tbilisi present works collaboration contains different BUILDING FACTORY Distress, pain, and tragedy is what ‘Poetic Mysteries’ the Broadway Junior Musical mediums: architecture, audiovisual, 4 K. Cholokashvili III Turn ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Georgia suffered as a result of this The works presented in the project sculpture and a synthesis with digital Start time: 20:00 war. are completed by the author for the technology. June 20 Ticket: 20-60 GEL Start time: 20:00 last year and most of them will be Opening: 14:00 FRENCH ARTISTS POLO & PAN Ticket: 15 GEL showcasing for the general public for Tickets: 10-20 GEL GABRIADZE THEATER the fi rst time. Start time: 00:00 13 Shavtelis St. MUSEUM MUSIC Ticket: 70 GEL TEL (+995 32) 2 98 65 93 June 12-18 GEORGIAN NATIONAL Georgian National Museum and SOUNDS OF GEORGIA KAKHIDZE MUSIC CENTER June 14, 15, 20 MUSEUM SIMON JANASHIA Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania Festival of children’s folk ensembles THE AUTUMN OF MY MUSEUM to Georgia present the Photography June 14, 15, 19, 20 ‘Mravalzhamier’ SPRINGTIME 3 Rustaveli Ave. exhibition SING AND DRINK Revaz Gabriadze TEL (+995 32) 299 80 22, 293 48 21 THE SCENES OF VILNUS – Mini concerts in the cozy atmosphere June 14 Directed by Revaz Gabriadze VAN DYKE BROWN PRINTS of Old Tbilisi, a mix of traditional Opening concert English Subtitles by Saulius Paukštys at Tbilisi History Georgian music of different genres: Participants: Start time: 20:00 Exhibitions: Museum. folklore, a capella, guitar, and Children’s folk ensembles: Ticket: 20, 30, 40 GEL GEORGIAN COSTUME AND Georgian pop and city songs. Khukhunaishvili Choir of Georgian WEAPONRY OF THE 18TH-20TH MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS Start time: 17:00 June 16 chanting and singing from CENTURIES 10 Betlemi Str. Ticket: 24 GEL STALINGRAD NUMISMATIC TREASURY (), the choir ‘Little Garedjians’ of Revaz Gabriadze Venue: June 14- 10 Erekle II Sq., Tekla V. Mchdlishvili chanting and singing EXHIBITION STONE AGE Discover the Museum of Illusions Directed by Revaz Gabriadze Palace Hotel, June 15- New Tifl is, school from Sagaredjo () GEORGIA Be brave enough to jump into an 9 Agmashenebeli Ave., Wine bar English Subtitles and two ensembles from Tbilisi– ARCHEOLOGICAL TREASURE illusion created by the Vortex, deform ‘Wine Station’, June 19- Corner of 2 Start time: 20:00 ‘Patriarch’s Godliness’ and ‘Binuli’. NEW LIFE TO THE ORIENTAL the image of yourself in a Mirror Turgenev Str., and 37 Javakhishvili Ticket: 20, 30, 40 GEL Start time: 19:30 COLLECTIONS Room, be free in the Infi nity room, Str. June 20- Europe Square, 2 D. Ticket: 10-30 GEL June 18 resist the laws of gravity and size ratio, Megreli Str., Hotel “Nata” Until September 10 Animated documentary fi lm and take selfi es in every possible pose. REZO Under the joint initiative of Georgian Enjoy the collection of holograms, and EZO FESTIVAL June 15 Directed by Leo Gabriadze National Museum and Georgian Post, discover optical illusions. Mtatsminda Park The concert of children’s folk Start time: 20:00 Exhibition: STORY TOLD BY ensembles– Ticket: 15 GEL POSTAGE STAMPS MUSEUM OF BROKEN June 14 ‘Bitchebi’, ‘Alilo’, ‘Erkvani’, Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of RELATIONSHIPS eZo: ‘Martve’ and ‘Dariali’. June 19 the fi rst Georgian stamp. 10 Betlemi Str. Levi Love Disco, Start time: 19:30 RAMONA Jeremy Underground, Ticket: 10-30 GEL Revaz Gabriadze Until August 31 THE MUSEUM OF BROKEN Gerd Janson, Multimedia technology exhibition- RELATIONSHIPS Directed by Revaz Gabriadze oDa: June 17 English Subtitles IMMAGICA. A JOURNEY INTO The unique collection of the Frankie Beatnik, The concert of schools for choir Start time: 20:00 BEAUTY museum aims to provoke Ata, Zip, Audio Space Ticket: 20, 30, 40 GEL An impressive journey within time, feelings of understanding among masters established by Georgian National Folk Center in June 15 different regions of the country. eZo: Start time: 19:30 Dr. Emmett Brown, Ticket: 10-30 GEL Todd Terry, Chez Damier oDa: Vako T, June 18 Tomma B2B Gio Shengelia, Participants- L.Magalashvili Margaret Dygas, Rati chanting and singing boy’s folk ensemble ‘Gudjaani’ (Kakhetia) 14, 15 June and children’s folk ensembles from Kosmos: Tbilisi ‘Little Georgika’, ‘Shavnabada’, Deka & MC Cutkill, ‘Chokhosnebi’ and ‘Mdzlevari’ L8, Toke (Live), Start time: 19:30 Vakho, Baris K Ticket: 10-30 GEL Nika J, Hatsvali, Micro Bax, Ako Von Unten, June 20 Tade, Soukie & Windish, The closing ceremony of the festival Hasiro Surosva ‘Mravalzhamier’ Start time: 18:00 Start time: 19:30 Ticket: 60-130 GEL Ticket: 10-30 GEL TBILISI STATE CONSERVATOIRE ARENA 8/10 A. Griboedovi Str. Village Natanebi (Shekvetili)

June 15 June 16 Rezo Jorbenadze piano recital Black Eyed Peas concert FROM BIRTH TO Start time: 21:00 TRANSFIGURATION Ticket: 100-250 GEL GEORGIA TODAY JUNE 14 - 17, 2019 CULTURE 11 She Was Meant to Fly High: On Inesa Merabishvili

by the Town Hall. Tamar presented a musical numbers, among them a perfor- BY NUGZAR B. RUHADZE wonderful trilingual montage of Mera- mance of the famous local female chorus bishvili’s translations, performed by local and the nerve-hitting male vocal quar- schoolchildren on an amazing linguistic tette. A special gift of song came from ecently, Gori celebrated the and artistic level. Lado Ataneli, the world-class opera election of Professor Inesa The beautiful event was not a solemn singer, who amazed his audience once Merabishvili as a full mem- encounter of Gori society with its beloved again with his incomparable performance. ber of the Georgian National daughter, but an agreeable act of honor- Academician Merabishvili read to her Academy of Sciences. She ing the Academy as a whole for its truly extremely loyal listeners some of her wasR born and grew up in this lovely old signifi cant scientifi c contribution to the translations of English and Georgian city, situated less than 100 kilometers to entire country’s welfare. Among guests poesy. Inesa was accompanied by her the west of Tbilisi, where her maternal were seen a solid group of academicians grandson Tornike Koplatadze, a young grandfather was among the founders of and administrative personnel represent- movie director, who also greeted her the Gori Professional Drama Theater. ing the National Academy of Sciences, from the stage, having expressed his Inesa had literally learned to walk on and also a number of distinguished guests utmost gratitude to the city of Gori for the stage where her beloved grandpa from the capital. giving him such a celebrated grandmother. performed, and now, there she goes again, The house was brimming full and it Indeed, there is a lot that makes us proud triumphantly walking down the aisle of was taken by storms of applause many of Inesa Merabishvili – her colleagues, the theater grand hall and up onto the a time. Most illustrious among the greet- friends, relatives, fellow academicians, stage to greet the exalted audience, but ing speeches was the salutation of Mr. her native city, her foreign admirers and this time as a well-known public fi gure, Giorgi Kvesitadze, the President of the the Georgian public in general. And there a famous Anglicist, literary scholar and Academy. Further, there sounded warm is a plenty to be proud about: tens of translator, professor of the Tbilisi State and meaningful acknowledgements by books in literary research and theory of University, newly voted-for academician, Professor Valery Asatiani, the Mayor of translation, uncountable articles in local and of course, a real pride of Gori: the Gori Kote Tavzarashvili, his deputy Eka and foreign editions, poetic translations, comeback kid who has become a genu- Sukhishvili and the Town Council Chair- her own beautiful poetry, outstanding talent of Galaktion Tabidze to the world. culture and the western culture via the ine incarnation of shining success. man, Davit Razmadze. The presentation public activity, impeccable trilingual mas- And the Byron School of Tbilisi! It is English language. Incidentally, looking at The beautiful soirée was kindly initi- of Merabishvili’s recognition here in tery, even the pieces of her written music, founded, owned and currently headed by Inesa in her blissful childhood, her loving ated and organized by the Gori munici- Georgia as well as in the West was made and fi nally and most importantly, Inesa this famous pedagogue and intellectual, parents must have known their girl would pality cultural agency English teacher by Lela Khubuluri. The welcome greet- Merabishvili gave the Byronic depths and where the younger generation is learning someday fl y high, but perhaps not as high Tamar Putkaradze, and readily supported ings were balanced out by fascinating magic to Georgia and the unique poetic the English language through western as she has! Homo Urbanus Europeanus: A French Photographer to Include Tbilisi in Project

captured in all its delicacy, always in the EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY right place at the right time, gives the GABRIELLE COLCHEN city an unexpected majesty.

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT rom Italian roots, Jean-Marc TO FIND IN TBILISI? Caracci was born in Tunisia in Nothing special. I just want to add Tbi- 1958 but lived most of his life lisi’s pictures to my series. The only thing in France. In 2005, he left the I hope to achieve is to take at least one company for which he worked good picture, just as I do in any other Ffor 25 years and decided to become a full- city where I go to chase the HUE. time photographer. He made his fi rst prints in his parent’s bathroom when he IS IT GOING BE YOUR was a teenager and learned everything FIRST TIME IN TBILISI? about the art of photography by himself. Yes, just like it will be in Yerevan, and it He is creating a series of photos called has almost always been the case in each ‘Homo Urbanus Europeanus’ (HUE) in of 39 capitals where I have been to take which he takes picture of human beings photos. People often tell me I’m very lucky in different capitals of Europe. His pho- to visit all these countries, but I never visit tographic style is inspired by artists such the countries I photograph: I just make a as Henri Cartier Bresson, Elliott Erwitt brief stop in their capital city and go back or Raymond Depardon. He will be in home. I don’t do tourism in these cities: I Tbilisi from June 25 to July 5 to photo- just walk, walk and walk again, hoping to graph the 40th European capital in his be in the right place at the right time to project, then in Yerevan. GEORGIA take the best picture possible. TODAY contacted him to fi nd out more. Photo Source:, Belgrade 2014 ARE YOU GOING TO SHOW WHY THE GOAL OF tal and vertical lines. This way, I am able In light of this spirit of cohesion, I have There are a lot of colors in cities and YOUR PHOTOS IN TBILISI? PHOTOGRAPHING to realize clean and clear images, ones to integrate all European capitals in this they would interfere with the esthetics Nothing is planned yet, but I will try, just PEOPLE IN CITIES? that are easy to read. project. After Yerevan and Tbilisi, I plan of my images. By using black and white, like I try to do in each capital. I’m a real city-dweller as well as a Euro- to photograph in Kiev, Bern, Vaduz and I can better focus on the lines, shadows pean fervent. I wanted to realize a posi- YOU HAVE ALREADY Tórshavn. I still don’t know what to do and lighting. CAN YOU LIVE OFF YOUR ART? tive project on human beings and their PHOTOGRAPHED 39 EUROPEAN about Moscow because I can’t decide if I would rather say “survive.” place in the city in Europe. I began my CAPITALS. WHY SO MANY? Russia is also somehow a European WHAT DO YOUR project in 2007. The goal is not to identify While HUE is an artistic creation, it does country or not. PHOTOS REPRESENT? Thanks to Homo Urbanus Europeanus, the city in which the photo is taken by not hide its political side. Indeed, 39 Maybe they are a record of our world Caracci has already participated in 46 showing its particularities but rather to capitals of Europe have already been WHY DO YOU ONLY before anything else… just like any street exhibitions that have been held in 26 work on what is common to these places: photographed, each of them in an iden- PHOTOGRAPH CAPITAL CITIES? photography, since photos exist. countries so far, including three Euro- the urban setting. We don’t usually rec- tical sober style, without special cultural I think that capitals are the symbolic Every image of the series, thanks to its pean Capitals of Culture: Malibor 2012, ognize which city has been photographed, or social details. This way, the cities are representation of each country. The other special composition and its sober style, Plzen 2015 and Pafos 2017, and 10 Delega- but we always feel it is a European one. united under their European character- reason is because it is practical and eco- looks like a hymn to the splendid city- tions of the EU bought the rights to In each picture, only one or two people istics instead of being separated by their nomic since most international airports dweller. This person who walks, stops, organize exhibitions. are represented, just like a landmark, specifi cities. The HUE series clearly are in the capitals. sneaks across the city, often solitary, but enabling the public to understand the expresses a positive feeling towards the no less proud and determined. The pride For more information: http://homo.urbanus. scale of the picture. I avoid as much as European Union: these uniting images WHY DID YOU CHOOSE he demonstrates of being a city person possible convergence lines in my com- anticipate the future unity of the major- TO DO ONLY BLACK AND rather gives him the stature of a con- The interview has been translated from French positions: I essentially focus on horizon- ity of the European countries. WHITE PHOTOS? queror. Besides, this human presence, to English and edited for more clarity.

PUBLISHER & GM Journalists: Website Manager/Editor: ADDRESS Reproducing material, photos George Sharashidze Tony Hanmer, Zaza Jgarkava, Katie Ruth Davies 1 Melikishvili Str. and advertisements without Maka Bibilashvili, Tbilisi, 0179, Georgia prior editorial permission is COMMERCIAL Dimitri Dolaberidze, Layout: strictly forbidden. DEPARTMENT Vazha Tavberidze, Misha Mchedlishvili Tel.: +995 32 229 59 19 The author is responsible for Commercial Director: Nugzar B. Ruhadze, E: [email protected] all material. Rights of authors Webmaster: Iva Merabishvili Samantha Guthrie, F: GeorgiaToday are preserved. The newspaper Sergey Gevenov Marketing Manager: Amy Jones, Thea Morrison, is registered in Mtatsminda Sesili Tikaradze Ana Dumbadze, Circulation Managers: ADVERTISING & district court. Ketevan Kvaratskheliya David Kerdikashvili, SUBSCRIPTION EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT: David Djandjgava +995 555 00 14 46 GEORGIA TODAY Editor-In-Chief: Photographer: E-mail: Reg. # 06/4-309 Katie Ruth Davies Irakli Dolidze [email protected] BBATUMIATUMI VVIEWIEW

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