CSCLA PRESS September 19th Time 7:00pm At the Church CSCLA CSCLA President Secretary Mike Middick, CML Pete Henley Middick’s Locksmith Shop Henley's Key Service 1422 Royal Gorge Blvd. 117 E Boulder St. Canon City CO 81212-3908 Colorado Springs CO 80903 Ph. 719-275-7787 Fax 719-275-3278 719 338-0889 Email - captkeyman@ Email -
[email protected] Vice-President Members at Large Paul Arens 141 E Navajo Carl Price Colorado Springs CO 80906-2255 Ron Cox 719-632-5085 Steve Cormier Email -
[email protected] Treasurer Newsletter Editor Barry Meyer, CPL Acoma Locksmith Service Could be you. 421 Perry St. Now awaiting for you to volunteer! Castle Rock CO 80104-2442 303-688-4104 Send info to the president. Email -
[email protected] CSCLA STATEMENT OF MISSION & PURPOSE The mission and purpose is to encourage, promote, aid in and affect the voluntary interchange, among members of the CSCLA, of data, information, experience, ideas, knowledge, methods and techniques relating to the field of Locksmithing. Central & Southern Colorado Locksmith Association Founded 1991 DISCLAIMER The CSCLA Press is the publication of the Central & Southern Colorado Locksmiths Association. Other locksmith organizations may use or copy the CSCLA Press (except text taken from copyrighted publications) without written consent, provided it is used to better the industry and proper credit is given. We reserve the right to edit articles for clarity and space, and contributions remain the property of CSCLA. Any articles or opinions expressed in this publication unless identified by the author’s name or contributing organization are solely those of the editor.