Chiltern District Council

Changes to the Proposals Map arising from the Adoption of the Core Strategy

Interim document to be used in conjunction with the existing Local Plan Proposals Map

November 2011

Version 2.0 – 16 November 2011


1. Purpose of this document...... 1 2. Role and requirements of the Proposals Map ...... 1 3. Summary of proposed changes to the Adopted Proposals Map for Chiltern...... 1 4. Next stages...... 2 5. Index of maps proposing alterations to the Adopted Proposals Map ...... 3

1. Purpose of this document

1.1. The Proposals Map was adopted with the Local Plan for in 1997 and incorporates amendments adopted in 2001.

1.2. The purpose of this document is to detail all of the consequential changes and revisions to the adopted Chiltern District Local Plan Proposals Map that will occur following the adoption of the Core Strategy for Chiltern District.

1.3. The proposed changes and revisions to the adopted Proposals Map are set out in Table 1 and are illustrated on a series of inset maps.

1.4. PLEASE NOTE: This is an interim document to be used in conjunction with the existing Local Plan Proposals Map. A composite Adopted Proposals Map is anticipated to be published in early 2012.

2. Role and requirements of the Proposals Map

2.1. A Proposals Map is a map, or series of maps, showing the geographical extent of policies, site allocations and land designations (e.g. Green Belt, allocated housing sites or defined District Shopping centres etc) in all current development plan documents, set out on an Ordnance Survey base map.

2.2. The Council is required to update the existing Proposals Map if the adoption of the Core Strategy would result in part or all of the existing adopted Proposals Map1 being cancelled or changed.

2.3. Planning Policy Statement 12: Local Spatial Planning (PPS 12) outlines the information that should be included on a Proposals Map2. In broad terms a Proposals Map is required to:  Identify areas of protection, such as nationally protected landscape and internationally, nationally and locally-designated areas and sites, and Green Belt Land;  Show areas at risk from flooding; and  Show sites allocated for a particular land use; and  Show the areas to which specific development proposals included in any adopted Development Plan Document apply.

3. Summary of changes to the Adopted Proposals Map for Chiltern District

3.1. The Adopted Core Strategy for Chiltern District proposes new site-specific policies which need to be shown on the adopted Proposals Map. Additionally there are a number of area-specific policies in the Local Plan that have a geographical extent represented on the Local Plan Proposals Map which are cancelled by the Core Strategy.

1 Regulation 30 (1) (b) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) () Regulations 2004 (as amended). 2 Paragraph 8.1 of Planning Policy Statement 12 (Local Spatial Planning)


3.2. Other changes to the adopted Proposals Map are necessary as a number of policies of the Chiltern District Local Plan, which had a geographic extent shown on the Proposals Map, were not saved beyond September 2007. The requirement to prepare a new Proposals Map for Chiltern District, provides the opportunity for these changes to be incorporated.

3.3. Paragraph 8.2 of PPS12 requires that a Proposals Map should also include minerals and waste matters including safeguarding areas and any minerals and waste allocations which are adopted in a Development Plan Document by the County Council (the Minerals and Waste Authority). Designations relating to Chiltern District in the Buckinghamshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2004 – 20163, are therefore also shown as an addition to the Proposals Map.

4. Next stages

4.1. The Council intends to publish a composite Adopted Proposals Map in early 2012.

3 Available to download at


5. Index of maps showing alterations to the Adopted Proposals Map

Table 1: Schedule of Maps Showing Alterations to the Adopted Proposals Map Alteration Map Core Policy Location Page No. Strategy number (CS) / Local Plan (LP) policy No. Alteration resulting from policy in Adopted Core Strategy Strategic Housing Lincoln Park 6 1 CS6 Allocation - addition (SHLAA 243) Strategic Housing Donkey Field 7 2 CS6 Allocation – addition (SHLAA 101) Major Developed Sites Amersham & Wycombe 8 Within The Green Belt College – 3 CS7 Allocated for Housing – Campus, Chesham addition (SHLAA 108) Holy Cross Convent site 9 Strategic Housing 4 CS6 (SHLAA Allocation – addition 540) Major Developed Site Newland Park (former 10 Within The Green Belt Buckinghamshire University 5 CS7 Allocated for Housing– College) addition (SHLAA 109) Major Developed Site The National Society for 11 6 CS13 Within The Green Belt – Epilepsy Denham Lane addition Chalfont St Peter Major Developed Site 12 Chalfont Grove Narcot 7 CS17 Within The Green Belt – Lane Chalfont St Peter addition Ensuring That 13 Development Is Chess and Misbourne 8 CS4 Sustainable – Extent of Rivers flood zones - addition Ensuring That 14 Development Is 9 CS4 District wide Sustainable – Critical Drainage Areas – addition Loss of Other Amenity 15 Open Space (not open to Donkey Field Burtons Lane 10 LP - R10 the general public) - Little Chalfont deletion Loss of Other Amenity 16 Open Space (not open to Holy Cross Convent site 11 LP - R10 the general public) - Chalfont St Peter (part) deletion Alteration resulting from Buckinghamshire Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework Proposed Waste Transfer 17 12 - London Road, Amersham Facility – addition (i) Brickworks at 18 (i) Existing mineral , and extraction sites and (ii) 13 - Bottom House Farm Lane, minerals consultation area - & (ii) land addition south of Chalfont St Giles Alteration arising from Legal Challenge to Adopted Chiltern District Local Plan 1997 Proposals Map


Green Belt notation – Chalfont Park Chalfont St 19 14 - carried forward Peter Green Belt notation – Chalfont Grove Chalfont St 20 15 - carried forward Peter Alterations resulting from Local Plan policies that were ‘not saved’ beyond September 2007 Locally Important 21 LP – 16 Landscape Areas – West of Chalfont St Peter LSQ3 deletion Locally Important 22 LP – North of London Road East, 17 Landscape Areas – LSQ3 Amersham deletion Locally Important 23 LP – West of Hervines Park & 18 Landscape Areas – LSQ3 Weedon Lane Amersham deletion Locally Important 24 19 LP - LSQ3 Landscape Areas – Raans Farm Amersham deletion Locally Important 25 LP – East of St Leonards Road 20 Landscape Areas – LSQ3 deletion Locally Important 26 LP – 21 Landscape Areas – North of Chesham Bois LSQ3 deletion Locally Important Vale & south west 27 LP – 22 Landscape Areas – of Lane, LSQ3 deletion Chesham Locally Important 28 23 LP - LSQ3 Landscape Areas – Lowndes Park, Chesham deletion Locally Important 29 LP – 24 Landscape Areas – East of LSQ3 deletion Parks and Gardens of 30 LP – 25 Special Historic Interest – Shardeloes Amersham LSQ4 deletion Parks and Gardens of 31 Miltons Cottage Garden 26 LP - LSQ4 Special Historic Interest – Deanway Chalfont St Giles deletion Parks and Gardens of Bulstrode Park, south of 32 27 LP - LSQ4 Special Historic Interest – Oxford Road (A40, Chalfont deletion St Peter Parks and Gardens of 33 Place (Woodside) 28 LP - LSQ4 Special Historic Interest – Chenies deletion Parks and Gardens of 34 Missenden Abbey Great 29 LP - LSQ4 Special Historic Interest – Missenden deletion Parks and Gardens of 35 30 LP - LSQ4 Special Historic Interest – Latimer Park Latimer deletion Change of use of ground 36 31 LP - H10 floors and curtilages of Broad Street Chesham houses – deletion Changes of use on ground Village centre, Chalfont St 37 32 LP - S8 floor - deletion Giles Crossrail – Great 38 Missenden, Amersham, District wide – Chiltern and 33 LP - TR4 Little Chalfont, Chesham – Metropolitan railway lines deletion


Crossrail development - 39 34 LP - TR5 Chesham Station deletion Traffic calming scheme – 40 35 LP - TR7 Amersham Old Town deletion former UBM Pratt builders 41 Provision of public car yard site Elgiva Lane 36 LP - TR8 parking – deletion Chesham (now J Sainsbury) Changes arising from Local Plan Policies Saved Beyond September 2007 that are Revoked Upon Adoption of the Core Strategy Bulstrode Park, south of 42 Area of Attractive 37 LP - LSQ2 Oxford Road (A40, Chalfont Landscape – deletion St Peter Changes arising from Implementation of Local Plan Policies Identified Housing site – 43 38 LP - H2 Bevan Hill Chesham deletion Identified Housing site – 44 39 LP - H2 Beechcroft Road Chesham deletion Identified Housing site – 45 40 LP - H2 Forelands Way Chesham deletion Identified Housing site – Four Oaks Great Hivings 46 41 LP - H2 deletion Chesham Augustine Way The Square 47 Identified Housing site – 42 LP - H2 / Church Street Great deletion Missenden Identified Housing site – The Paddocks r/o 69 & 71 48 43 LP - H2 deletion Wycombe Road Identified Housing site – Maybush Gardens r/o 91- 49 44 LP - H2 deletion 131 High Street Presrwood Identified Housing site – Land off Macdonald Close 50 45 LP - H2 deletion Long Park Chesham Bois Identified Housing site – The Farthings Milton Lawns 51 46 LP - H2 deletion Chesham Bois Identified Housing site – Gables Meadow Browns 52 47 LP - H2 deletion Road Identified Housing site – Hillside Gardens / Black 53 48 LP - H2 deletion Acre Close Amersham Eagle Close & ‘Penn 54 Identified Housing site – 49 LP - H2 Lodge’ Quill Hall Lane deletion Amersham Identified Housing site – Lea Court Orchard End 55 50 LP - H2 deletion Avenue Amersham Identified Housing site – Springfields Lexham 56 51 LP - H2 deletion Gardens Amersham Oakfield Close Hervines 57 Identified Housing site – 52 LP - H2 Road & Oaklands Court deletion Chesham Road Amersham Gilbert Scott Court & 58 Whielden Heights (formerly Identified Housing site – 53 LP - H2 part of Amersham Hospital deletion site) Whielden Street Amersham Identified Housing site – The Hawthorns Cokes Lane 59 54 LP - H2 deletion Little Chalfont Identified Housing site – Denham Walk Denham 60 55 LP - H2 deletion Lane Chalfont St Peter