FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about , , , Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In those five young were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. , a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. , Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” , Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

3 | Page

Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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FBC eBlast

February 25, 2021


I never get tired of reading about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian. In January 1956 those five young missionaries were speared to death by the Waodani, a remote Amazon tribe they were trying to reach with the Gospel. The world called it senseless and asked why, but the families of those five kept reaching out to the tribe, soon were living among the men who had killed their husbands, fathers, and brothers, and led many of them to Christ. Mincaye, a Waodani warrior, spoke of how they had lived hating and killing each other, but “Then I heard that God sent His own Son. His blood dripping and dripping, He washed my heart clean. Now I live well.” He later baptized the son of the missionary he had speared to death, in the same spot in the river. God has used that story to change untold millions, including me. Elisabeth Elliot, Jim’s wife, said, “Suffering is never for nothing.” Steve Saint, Nate’s son, has said often, “If I could go back and change this story that has inextricably intertwined my life and those of my family with the Waodani, I wouldn’t change a thing…” There is a mystery about all suffering, but when it comes, don’t get caught up in why— trust God, and focus on how He can use it. Ask Job. And five missionary families.

This Sunday morning in Numbers 21 we’ll continue wandering in the wilderness with Moses and the Israelites. As God works to mold and shape His people in Israel into what He wants them to be, there are some pictures of how He does that in our lives today as well. On Sunday evening, in Matthew 20: 1 – 16, we’ll ponder the call of Jesus: how He seeks those who will follow Him wherever it leads, whatever it means for them personally, because they love and trust Him—not those who come along because there seem to be some rewards and benefits in it for them. Be here - don’t miss what God is ready to do through you!

Bro. Dean ______

Nursery Volunteers Needed

The Nursery is now available in all services for ages birth – 2. However, we need more volunteers to re-open for ages 3 and up. We have families who would like to return, but need the nursery to do so. If you are willing to take an occasional turn on Sunday AM, Sunday PM, or Wednesday nights, please contact the Church Office. 1 | Page

Need Met: Thank You for Your Help with the Food Pantry!

Thanks to your genrosity in responding to the recent call for canned goods; we now have an adequate supply of all items in the Food Pantry.


OCC Collection: Hygiene Items Extended through March

In 2021, we are asking the church family to consider providing items each month, to be placed in the shoeboxes we prepare this fall. The items for February are soap, deodorant (travel size for boys and girls), hairbrush and combs, toothbrushes, washclothes,, and colorful adhesive bandages. Items can be left on the OCC table near the entrance behind the Sanctuary. ______

Youth Retreat – March 12 - 14

The high school students will be retreating to Rock Island State Park from Friday, March 12 until Sunday, March 14. Extra cabin space has been reserved to help with Covid-19 precautions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get away and spend time with the Lord – so often He changes lives during retreats! See Bro. Tony for information. ______

Church Family Notes

Mrs. Cynthia Small is moving back to Maine, her home state, in the coming week. Pray that the move goes smoothly and for her new life there! We will share her new address when we have it.


Memory Verse

“But everything that was a gain to me I have considered to be a loss, because of Christ. More than that, I also consider all things to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” –Philippians 3: 7 – 8 2 | Page

In-person Attendance: the Current Schedule

Those with no symptoms of illness are welcome to attend Sunday AM worship (10:30), Discipleship Training (Sunday 5:30), Sunday PM worship (6:30) and Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Youth Group (6:00). Livestream will continue. Masks are required in Madden Hall and recommended in the Sanctuary; everyone is asked to respect social distancing, refraining from hugging, close conversation, etc. Pray with us as we look toward resuming other activities, and watch for announcements! ______

Celebrate Recovery – Underway again! Tuesdays, Madden Hall 6:30 PM (Supper at 6:00)


Reading & Praying through God’s Word in 2021

Feb. 25: OT—Num. 12, 13, 14; NT--Mark 5: 1-20 Feb. 26: OT—Num. 15, 16; NT--Mark 5: 21-43 Feb. 27: OT—Num. 17, 18, 19; NT--Mark 6: 1-29 Feb. 28: OT—Num. 20, 21; NT--Mark 6: 30-56 March 1: OT—Num. 22 - 25; NT—Mark 7: 1 - 37 March 2: OT—Num. 26, 27; NT—Mark 8: 1 - 21 March 3: OT—Num. 28, 29, 30; NT—Mark 8: 22 - 38 March 4: OT—Num. 31, 32, 33; NT—Mark 9: 1 - 29

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Prayer Guide

Please help us keep the Prayer Guide updated – send anyone you would like to add, and notify us of anyone who can be removed. Thank you!

Church Family Mimi Pollock (Richie Hunter) Don, Dean Barker Mamie Powers (Matt Powers) Wallace Burke Mark Poynter family (Darren Jessup) Melissa Burnett Bruce Rector (Bro. Dean) Patrick, Karie Cecil Kristy Reuhlan (Shirley Parker) Helena Coppinger Ray Shipp (Randall Holt) Mark Davis Cindy Singleton (Jeanette Todd) Mance Davis Carl Smith (Doris Markum) Bruce Haley Pete Stankoff (Misty Stankoff) Drunell Higgins Don, Eunice Stevenson (Jeff Stevenson) Doris Markum Declan Sullivan & family (Ann Haley) Barbara Melton Michelle Swann (Shirley Parker) Benton Parker Johnny Taylor (Ann Haley) Shirley Parker Michelle Wilkerson (Jeff, Jeanette Todd) Shirley Reed Jay Williams (Marna Higgins) Misty Stankoff Jacque Zimmerman (Ann Haley) Mamie Vance Charles Wilder Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Edith Northcutt, Lowell Womack Loretta Wilkinson Bro. Bobby Zumbro Missionaries: Buck/Annie Barton, Lee/Sophia Ford, Friends & Family-submitted by the person listed Marcus/Sara McBee, Al/Margaret Patterson, Ron Abner (Dean Anderson) Gavin/Laura Pinkston, PJ Scott, Chris Abner family Buddy Alexander (Randall Holt) Janice Bailey (Judy Holt) Church Staff: Dean Anderson, Rhett Brewer, Tony Patsy Barrett (Shirley Reed) Burnett, Julie Matheny, Glenda Hunter Carl Brewer (Cynthia Brewer) Debra Briggs (Darren Jessup) Military: Caleb Daniel, Brad Davis, Josh England, Chris Ben Cates (Charles Wilder) Gillis, Michael Hallman, Stephon Harris, Zachary Hyde, Kelly Collins (Dean Anderson) Steven Pirtle, Justin Wax, Parker Woodworth Terry Conley (Jeanette Todd) Christopher, Phoenix DiGiacomo (Penny DiGiacomo) College Students: Melissa Burnett, Lytton Haley, Isaac Augusta Donnell (Shirley Parker) Haley, Laura Beth Nichols, Ashlyn Nokes, Julianna Tim Duttle (Joy Logan) Schau, Etta Gaines, Chandler Todd, Jacob Todd Jerry Fickle family (Darren Jessup) Paul Fries (Dean Anderson) Active Deacons: Darren Jessup, Jeff A. Todd, Jeff D. Roberta Froome (Jesse Froome) Todd, Mark Matheny, Jeff Stevenson, Bob Walls, Bill Ken Harpe (Wade Campbell) Sharp, Phil Purvis, Darrell Goins Emaly Johnson, Baby Barrett (Beth Cowan) Kelli Lamb (Will Farris) Church Matters: Covid-19; Celebrate Recovery; Bro. Sharron Lyon (Douglas Jennings) Tony/Student Ministry; Bruce Marchiano/Gospel of Margie McFerrin (Martha Burke) John film; IMB Missionaries; Bethesda Baptist, Lisbeth McGonegal (Lydia Womack) Brockton, MA; Generations; nation & those in authority; Pat Mathers (Jan Purvis) Gideon Ministry; Jail Ministry, the lost Fletcher Moore (Tonya Davenport) Donnie Odom (Jan Purvis) Branson Pack (Lowell Womack) Brennon Parker (Barbara Parker) Ronnie Pittard (Darren Jessup)

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