OIficial Paper, , , Wmh.

Vol- 1, No. 1 Add-: 2634’ S. 14- Stm, SHWe 88, Wash. November 16, 1962 - - Columnist Is Winter QWHU Smrts Club Officers Start Year Art Taylor With New Courses Tentative scheduling for win- Coming As ter quarter at Highline Collegc Is Chosen began November 5 with stu- lecturer dents meeting withtheir ad- King of Cheer Drew Pearson, international- visors. Fees to be paid for the On Wednesday, November 14, coming winter quarter and final ly celebrated columnist whose twenty judges elected Art Tay- “ Merry-Go-Round” registering will take place in lor 1962-63 king of theHigh- appears daily in the Seattle Dcccmber. All new students en- line College Cheer Staff. “Kip” Post-Intelligencer and 600 other teringHighline College will Galbraith, Barbara Callas, Joyce register after January 1, 1963. newspapers, will lecture on “Be- Dortero and Gail Gaige were hind The Scenes With John F. New courses added for win- also elected Cheer Staff mem- Kennedy and Nikita Kruschev’, ter quarter were outlined as bers. The five will make their at Highline College, 8:lS P.M., follows by Dr. Shirley Gordon, first appearance in December December 10, it was announced Director of Curricula: English at the first Highline College in- by Mr. Wendell A. Phillips, lec- 1SCLTechnical Writing for En- tercollegiate basketball game. ture - concerts committee chair- gineering; English 151-ZICrea- man. tiveWriting with apre-requis- The cheer staff tryouts were The meeting, sponsoredas a ite of English 101; English 132 heldat three o’clock Wednes- campus and community service, -The Literatureof Drama is da:* afternoon in the Glacier is open to the publicand will being offeredfor students m- Back row, I& to righ): Howard MIU-, bog Gomn, Steve High School cafeteria. The be held in the gymnasium of terested in drama, and English Lough, and Linda Kitschnet- front tow: Steve Conner, Dan Ur- twenty judges were selected Glacier High School, Mr. Phil- 12,a reading course is being rino, Bob Noble and Jon Ann Shcker, Photo by M. Boundy from the Sophomore, Fkshman, lips said. offered with English 11 a pre andthe Associated Student Body officers, and the head8 of Pearson is a graduate of requisite. Speech 120, acourse Election for student body and money in the student body in public speaking also will be class officers were held atHigh- treasury. all the college’s clubs and com Swarthmore College and has mittees. been reporting the Washington offered winter quarter. Students The sophomoreclass me&- interested in drama have a line College on Thursday, Oct. and international scenesince ings will be presided over by Each of the judges was in- course offering in Drama 110, 4, when the voting student body president Doug Gorman, with 1922. Formerly on the faculties of 320 polled their preferences structed to vote for five of the of Columbia University and the the direct production and act- vice president Howard Hauser ing in plays. of governing politicians hr the eighteen contestants and to Univeksity o f Pennsylvania. on handto take over in an elect either a king or queen of New business courses offered school year October 1962 to emergency. New secretary Mar- Pearson has been writing his October 1963. cheer by placing a gold rtu “Washington Merry4o=Round’* for winterquarter are General lann Hamaker will be there to aftcr one of the five names. B-usiness 250, acourse in Busi- take notes on class proceedings. since 1931. From 1929 to 1932 The Associated Student Body ””” #hewas on the staff of the Bal- ness Law and Economics 110; again showed its confidence in Freshman president Steven timore Sun. He has been in acourse in Economic Geogra- Bob Nobleby re-electbg him Lough is victor for his class, attendance as observer and re- phy.Economics 110 is only he- for another year to the office and Patrick Jutte will assist in Travel Seminar Set porter at numerous internation- ing offered in night school. of president. Dan Ursino provcd the role of vice president. Ssc- For Next Summer al diplomatic conferencessince Sociology 110, a survey course victorious over BudWilder ifc retary for the freshmen is Lin- in the interaction of people up a runoff of the tie vote for the da Kirschner. Highline College is planning the close of World War One. In itsfirst annual travel seminar 1942 Pearson received Sigma on each other,. will be offered vice president’s office on Octo- Candidates were elected fd- winter quarter. Gymnastics for ber 5. Jon Ann Stecker defeated lowing as many varied tppes of to theBritish Isles in 1983. Delta Chi’s award for “Best The cost is $900 for six weeks. Washington Journalism.” both men and women and Bas- her opponent for the secretary’s campaign slogans and signsas ketball for men will be offered were the prospective officers Admission tickets for the lec- office. As treasurer, Steve Con- On Monday July 2, 1063, a forthe fiitime winter quw- ner will be keeping account of running. group of Highline College stu- tureare on sale to the public ” “ ”“ ter. Ohoral Music forwinter dents will be leaving for a tour at Highline College. The cost is quarter will be open for those $1 for the public, 50 cents for Art Club Ekck of England, Scotland, Ireland, students who did not particl- and Wales. On August13, 1063 Glacier High Schoolstudents, pate in the subject fall quarter. Course For TheArt Clubof Highline and 25 cents for #HighlineNight they will return. Theywill be College has elected for its pres- under the guidance of Wen- School students. Those students ident Michael Comeau, with Mr. with Highline College student Nurses Given dell A. Phillips, Highline Col- CdkgeEnronmem@ Dan Smith as vice president. In lege instructor. He has lived in body cards will be admitted charge of finances and minutes free. Jumps 64 per cent Germany ten years and has of the meetings will be Sue traveled in Wrope,the Middle A 66 per cent increase in en- Twenty-six housewives, who Berg, secretary-treasurer. East. and the Far East. The rollment (has taken place at years ago qraduated from nurs- Underthe tutelage of In- group will lodge in colleges, Highline College since last year. ing schools in many different structor Rik Gwin, the Art castles, and hostels. They will The 1962 fall enrollment is areas of the United States and Club is undertaking three proj- see many of the plays ofthe 2310, of which 712 are day stu- as far awav as Sweden, are ects for the year. These are re- London theater and visit his- dents. This is an increase of 82 returning to active nursing decorating the student lounge, torical sites. for day students ovCrr the ini- through a HighlineColEge\re- setting\up an art library, and tial enrollment of 630 just one fresher course fcr registera planning anart auction. Mr. Millips hopes that the year ago when the college fitst nurses. group willlearn to see the opened. Of thesestudents the Mrs. Rosmarie E. Brown, R.N., A committee is setting up an United States as foreignem remainder are students in night is instructor-mordinator ofthe artlibrary in Room 502 with see it. Claw. eleven week gourse which is be- clippings of paintings being In the fall of 1961, there were collected for reference use by The college will grant five ing offered at Highline College credit .hours for approved re- 17 full-time and 3 part-time fac- forthe firsttime this Fall. the students. The purpose of ulty members. In the fall quar- theart auction is to provide search work started before che The nurses are studying two tour begins. ter of 1962 the number of fac- eveningsa week from 7:30 to a Scholar8hiD fund for an art ulty members increased to 29 9:30 onthe Highline College full time and 3 part time mem- Campus. An additiorral four bers. hours aweek arebeing spent ubtil the new college is cam- in the medical, surgical and pe- plcted in the fall of 1964, lim- diatric wards of Riverton 110s- ited facilities make it necessary pital, West Seattle Hospital or to restrictthe number of stu- Burien General Hospital. The dents in attendance. A waiting three study areas thatthe re- to check the dailybulletin for The name doice was thrown An official seal for (Highline *listingis kept for students orientation course is emphasit- any change in this schedulo. open to the studentbody early College was approved by 6he wishing to enter the college. ing areModern Nursing Skills, Highline soh001 Board W * Advances in Medication Ther- c. apy, and Modem Elquipment. #asdesigned 5y Mr. Rik Annual Poll Planned This type of refrebr course ., art instructor, and shows The decision about having an for graduate nurses is being of- ,rtiat’s palette and ctoused annual will be based on the m- fered because of a national Len for fine artcr; the sults ofan official poll to be shortage of graduate nurses. A . writer beefor biological act- taken this month- Students will survey taken last year in Wash- The refresher course for Among thefinalists were: ems; crossed pens for corn- be asked to indicate their choice ington state by theNatinnol Nurses (Nursing $0) will be of- Highline News Bulletin, Uh- munications field; a beaker of two prices or no annual. League for Nursing revealed fered again at Highline College line .Dispatch, Highline Campus Witk Wh8 “thg the A verbal poll was taken last that 3,242 non-active graduate next semester. Graduate nurses Caller,Highline Campus News, : cyclotron. month by Doug Goman, mpho- nurses would be interested in who are interested in further Highline College By-Line, High- Tho seal will be wed for cor- mom pmident, About one hun- returning to work if refresher information should call or line Digest, Highline Crier, lege diplomas and other official dred students expressed their courses were offered. So far, write Mrs. Rosmarie E, Brown, Highline News Journal, High- documents. rupport for an annual. Highline College and the Uni- RN, Highline College. line GuideLine.

c ""The Th"w0td Norvmkr 16, 1- lntrnnrral Highline College Thunder-Word 0ffkt.l nwapapw et HiehIine Colkg.. Printed mocr)(r md tmgram Is pddby tho Jcwmrlhm clrrs. Addms: 2W S.?- -8 bwk@ wuh, hunched Editor ...... She UComk There are at the dkesent time Sports Editor ...... s)ick peterson 8 e v e r a 1 intramural activities Photogr8pher ...... -...... Tom orltley AdverLising Manager...... Ray Scbrefer taking place in conjunction Reporters: Betty Berg, Tom Carlson, Bruce Cocbrro, Jeremy with Highline College. Included Fuller, Susan Humphrey, James Lamon, Joe Mirante, in these sport8 are Bowling, Ted Monson, Carl Nelson, William INirk, Philip Zellwtger. Basketball,and Tennis. Bowling is being held at the OlympicLanes Fridays. on There are 10 teams. entered in the competition,one of which Here it i"T'he firstissue of the 1962-63 Thundm.; b ateam consisting of faculty Word! But, how did this newspaper come into being? What members from Highline College is its purpose as a college newspaper? And, how can we as On each team there is at least Highline College students best support our newspaper? one girl. Each term bowlstwo These are questions that might be considered by both games at every session. "be bft to right: Andy ToriW, Joan Codor and $id Freshmen and Sophomorestudents at tho prmentation of odr1q~h) games are decided on three Photo by Highline Times this issue. points. "tophies will be given to the winning team, to high Last yearthe newspaper was put out as an extra cui- The Drunkardwillbepresented Chuck Wham as Fanner Gates; men's total,and also bo high ricularactivity. The staff worked closely with the ASB by the Burien Workshop "hater Ed Stoll as WilUam Dowon; Ann women's total. The (bawling officers and faculty in an attempl to keep the student body on Novo 14 through 17 at 8r30 Killoram as Patience, and Ver- competition is expected to. fin- informed of the many college activities. P.M. in the Sylvester JuniorHigh laine Gabel at? Julia ish before the College Final This year Highline College has started out with an es- School auditorium. It isproduced Joan Fedor, Gary Moore, mug Exams in December. tablishedjournalism clas. The newspaper is being printed in conjunction with Highlirre McMurry and AnaKffloranattend Intramural Assistant for College and is directed by Lee College. at the Highline Times office in Burien.Each of the staff Highline Bowlhg is Jon Ann Stmker. Paasch. Admission for adults is $1.00 There is an intramural bas- members has had the opportunity of a guided tour through and $SO for students. Coffee will the print shop. ketball program goingon at Cast in the play are: Andy be served during the the College. A disappointing Providing amedium for groupopinions and personal Tozier as Edward Middleton, intermission. 10.12 boys is the number of expression,though, the newspaper cannot be the project of Joan Mor as Mary Middleton; Extra attfactions will be six oleo acts: a singingquarteete with participants now engaged in just one class or a handful of people. The whole school must Dahlqutst as Lawyer this program. The problem participate in its production and it must display the thoughts SCZZ: Vma Shtllewrger Rosemary Gabel, Betty Williams, as Mrs.'Wilson; Margc Smith as Norma Hodge ,and Peggy Hurt; stems from the fact that there and feelings of the entire student body. is a difficulty in getting use of Agnee Dowon; Bob Reinauer as OHO singers Ruth Piarose and Letters tothe staff, statements of agreement or dis- Rencelaw; Paul Lewm as aland- Mary Lou Saadretsky; a dance theGlacier High School gym. agreement with the paper'spolicies, suggestions for news lord; Gary Moore as a messen- routine byMarionOkonandEllen The basketball teams meeton stories. and any other tips from the student body are a necea- ger; Doug McMurry as Sam; Tom Herring: -a magic act by Alfred0 Wednesday and midays. shy. It is only through two-way communication that all sides Manley as Old Johnson; A1 Rendon; a nd a guitar and so% Intramural Assistant for Bas- ketball is Bill of a situation may be explored.. Krasmer as Farmer Stevens; act by Chuck Dunham. Tuiner. ~~ Dansenburg Wins Ski Club Elects Hiwanis Gives Bud Wild& was elected prd Teaching khdarship dent of the Righline Ski Club boSthalorships This yearyour college paper is sellingadvertisements SusanDansenburg, freshman at the organization's second Two $150 scholarships to the: to the business menof the Burien, Des Moines, and Seattle student at Highlime College, meeting. He will be assisted by Highliie College were present- area.These businesses advertise to help usfinance future was awirded Washington a Fred Wolfstone as uicepred- ed by Ben Bradley, president of issuesof the Thunder-Word- In turn,you assupporters of Congress of P-TA scholarship dent,Sue Pettes as secretary, the Kiwanis Club, on Tuesday, the college should aid them by buying from them on a reg- in Teacher Training this month, and Sharon Walker as treasl October 2, at a special Kiwrnis accordingto Mrs. Carol Hall, urer. Club meeting. ular basis. chairman' of the financial aids Y OU'IIfind at least one example of any kind of retail The groupvoted to accept An Evergreen High School committee of Highline College. graduate,Joseph Jadick, re- establishment within a fewblocks of the Highline Coke the invitation of Everett Juuior She will receive $175 per College for racing comptition. ceivedone schohhhip, anda campus. Patronize your local stores. year for four years. The pres- Future plans include a pos- Foster High Schoolgraduate, ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ entation was made by Mrs. sible patch, a chartered trip, Janis Ftipal, received the other. Coat. From Page 3 spa- c.b Thdore Mathison,president movies and lectures, The scholarships provide for SPORT SHORTS - GregWilson, former all-state basketball of the Highline Aha Council one year's tuition to the allege. player from Oak Harbor appears headed to be an outstanding plaw of the P-TA, The Kiwanis Club hopes to on the Thunderbird'steam ...Big Chuck White, the boy from Choir Needs Voices make this a yearly prom. Students who wish to try far a Kirkland whoaveraged 18 pointsagame for the University of Gives Students interested in joining Idaho Vandal's basketball team last year will be ineligible to play Allan Addpess Kikanis scholarship should con- Dr. M. A. Allan, president of theHighline College Choir tact Mrs. Carol Hall, chairman basketball in the comingseason because he signed a contract with Highline College, addressed the should contact ,Dr. Paul Ondey of the Wtolarship Committee the New York Yankees to play professional baseball. Chuck was a Pacific Coast Amciation of Cod by leaving a note for him in at Highline college, two-year letterman on the Vandal's baseball team, playing the out- legiate Registrucr and Admis- the Administration Office. The only incomingfreshmen are choir will make several public field and first base ...In preseasonpolls, sion Offiwrs in Monterey, Cali- eligible. One . scholarship Q is rated for about number 20 in the nation, and the University of fornia, November 5. appearances during the Christ- granted for a high cchool %rad- Whshineton is picked to come in dead last in the Big Six In .He spoke on Admission Prob mas season. Members meet uate from the Highline &bo1 ... Tuesdays and Thmdays at 8 our conierence-the top teams to look for are Clark Wlege, Low lems of .New College8 in High- District, and one tiom Sou& Density Population a. m. An accompanist is needed Central dIsMct each year, Blumbia and Skaait Valley. and soprano and alto voices are eapeclally welwme, the library has 2") bob, lOi periodicals and five newspapers. One Of the busiest spot8 on The book center is open four catnpus is the library in the evenings a we elt, Monday "Zoon Building wbcrt Ernest through Thu'rsday, from 6:4S to Andersonpresides m librarian. 8:4S p.m. first ThelettersTo Editor I Even with limited facilities, Annual Travel Seminar students urged To Enter Politics te the British Isles in 1V63 on Dear Editor: Where are the Young Repub- licans? 1, as astudent and a citizen,shudder to think that July t 1m thestudents of this college could be satisfied to let the Through August 13,1963 Democrats have the mly politi- cal voiceon campus. My ears have picked up the voices of a few students who wy that they can getno cooperation to start $889 TOTAL aclub. We are a new school, therefore, weneed leadership Mr. Wo Phillips, Director before we :an have this cs operation.Leaders, unite!! Give ------CLIPHERE---!- -- theYoung Democrats some op- position. At first, membership Please send me further information on the tour may be small,but most of the otherclubs campuson are plagued with small member- Name ...... ship. No clubs havc died out Address...... yet. Again I say, whcre are you Young Republicam? Phone...... Rcspecthlly, "- - NANCY JUNE$ Leave coupor, in Mr. Phillips' Box in tho Administration OflicO A Young Democrat.

e c . Intramural Bowling Standings- Woodward $bow Tie for First Plra The Play Boys (team No. 2) and Finks, Iac. (team No. 8) are tied for first place in the intramd bowling standing with 114 sums. They compete with other teams today in another of @e Experianm weekly rounds which could break the tie. 1. By DICK PETERSON As of November S, the team st&ndiags and individual =om Sports Editor, Highline cO11- I)rUdW-WWd were as follows: Very shortly the Highline College Thunderbirds varsity bask&- Toam Total Pins Toam Avg. W.L ball team will make history when thev Dhv the first game in the 1. Team No. 2...... S614 561 114 College'sshort existence 8~ Term No. 3...... -.-... S782 878 114 they deet the Seattle Univer- ,, ,.. 'I 2. Team No. 3...... 5414 s41 1- sity Frosh on December 1 in 8 3. Term No. 8...... "...... 5388 534 94 non-conferencegame. 4. Term No. 6...... 5274 527 78 This game with Seattle Uni- 3. Team No. 1...... 5587 559 69 versity's "Little Papoose's will. Team No. 4...... SO10 sox 88 mean that the Thunderbirds 8. Team No. 7...... : ...... 5481 318 310 will have to play one of their Team No. 9...... 4237 880 8-10 bestgames of the season if 7. Team No. 10...... -..-- .. ..-- 5300 580 5-12 they are to start off in the vic- High Team Avem@@ Mr. Woodwwd tory column. 1. Team No. 3 (Finks Inc) ...... -...... -.--.-...!J78 Mr. Everett Woodward, High- Acouple of handicaps that 2. TeLm No. 2 (Play Boys) ...-...... -.....-...... 581 line College athletic director, is will plague the Thunderbirds 3. Team No. 1 (Darries Berries) ...... L...... 5SD a.man of many athletic talents. are: (1) When the Thunderbirds High Amraga Mr. W o o d w a r d graduated go into this game they will have Way Wheatman ...... "-.-... 1.7P fromHigh School in Waco, had two weeks of practice, the Bill Kahara ...... -...... 175 Texas. He then moved to Wash- ington, where he attended Cen- Seattle "U" Frosh will have had Frank Harvey ...I....U..UIU...... ~".-. 171 aboutsix weeks to get pre- High Women's Average tral Washington Teachers Col- lege. At Central Mr. Wood- pared. For some reason junior Donna Lamoreaux ...... -...-..., .... - 132 wardmajored in Health and colleges aren't allowed to begin Bonnie Smith ...... U.UI.."I... 130 Physical Education. He was also Dick Pehrrqn Bonnie Marissette _.. .."...... -...... 125 involved in the YMCA Physical basketball drills until November 15, other colleges and universities High Single olmw Fitness Pragram. are allowed to begin hoop practice around October 15. Reason (2) Joan Emery ._...._...... -...... -....--..-155 His first teaching job was at The Thunderbirds have just started practice, so no one knows what Jan Powell ...... 143 Sunnydale School here in the their possibilities are, but it is known thatthe "Little Papoos89" Wally Wheatman ...... 220 Highline. At Sunnydale he have acouple of boys six-eight and a couple of boys around six- taught P.E., and coached. DaveRandell ...... MO five; this could prove to be a disadvantage because I haven't noticed Bill Kahara 203 Mr. Woodward worked for ...... ".....- Boeings during the Second any six-eight giants roaming around our campus. Oh well, that's Gamesscheduled for November 16 are as hllows: the way the ball bounces. World War. * L8nW Teams Aver- Handicap He next moved to teach at d * 1- 2 ...... 1 ...... Team No. 5 !la Snobomish High School where The high-riding hotball team is rated ...... Team No. 8 534 5 pins he coached and taught. While number two in thenation in the junior college gridpoll ratings. 3- 4 ...... Team No. 4 01 22 Pins at Snohomish High Mr. Wood. The Columbia Basin team's success is due to the outstanding play ...... Team No. 10 530 wardhad champions in basket- of several boys from the area. Among the outstand- 5 6 ...... '...... Team No. 7 548 10 pins ball, and track. Also he started ing players from this area are Randy Bradley of Kent-Meridian, .... :...... -...... Team No. 2 561 cross-country, as a sports event StanBishop of Ingraharn High, Ken Chelinof Shoreline, and Lee 7- 8 ...... Team No. 6 527 2 pin8 at Snohomish. He was credited with instigating cross-country Muller, formerlyof Ballard. The only mar onBasin's record is a Team No. 9 530 ...... -...... as a high school sporting event. 13-13 with Wenatchee Valley. This team is rated number 19 in the 9-10 ...... Team No. '1 559 14 pins Today there is a trophy known small college rankings. Columbia Basin without much trouble should -_-_.___.._.-_...... ---...... -....Team .No, 3 578 as the Woodward Crosscountry clinch the state Junior College Conference and stand a good chance Trophy, named after Mr. Wood. to get the nod to play in the Junior College RoseBowl. Columbia ward. He is called by some "the Basinalso holds the honor of tromping theUniversity of Idaho Thunderbirds Open Against father of mtuwountry." freshmen team by the lopsided score of 42-7. After Snohomish High he The conference standings as of last week were: moved to the University of Seattle University Frosh Team Washington, where he was on WLT WLT The Highline College Thunderbirds will open the '62-'63 varsity the staff for one year. He then Columbia Basin ...... 5 0 1 Everett ...... 2 4 0 basketball season on December first against the Seattle University moved on to Highline High Wenatchee Valley ...... 4 0 2 Grays Harbor ...... 2 3 1 Frosh. school, where he instigated ...... -..3 3 0 Lower Columbia ...... 0 6 0 Most of the homegames for Highline College will be played their Gymnastics p r o g r a m. YakimaValley ...... 3 3 0 h e at Glacier High School, except for December 14, January 11, Jan- WhileatHighline High his uary 16, and February 15. These will be atHighline High School. gymnastics team won firsttwo OIYmPicCollege's basketball team received a stunning blow with the death of the coach. Phil Pesco. Mr. Pesm had been basket- All homegames are slated to start at 8 p.m., except February 15 state championships. Woodward then attended which starts at 9:15 p.m. Mr. ball coach for Olympic College for a great number of years and Seattle Universityforthree his death also will be a loss to the rest ab the conference as well Dec. 1 (Sat.) Seattle University Frosh...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE years, was involved in a pro- as to the Olympic team. Dec. 8 (Sat.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE ...... At Seattle Pacific JV gram for teaching P.E. At se- (Continued on Page 2) Dec. 12 (Wed.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE...... At rttle U. .he was tennis coach, 3ec. 14 (Fri.) Olympic College...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE . and had a mod record. Dec. 17 (Man,) Pacific Lutheran JV ...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE ~~~ ~ ~. Dec. 28 (Fri.) ...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE Jan. 4 (Fri.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE ...... At Pacific Lutheran JV Basketball Drills . aan. 5 (Sat.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE ...... At Univ. of Wash. Frodm OLYMPIC Jan. 9 (Wed.) .... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE Jan. 11 (Fri.) Univ. of Wash. Frosh...... At HIGHLINE COLLECE In .Full Swing Jan. 12 (Sat.) Everett Jr. College...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE Highline allege basketball Jan. 16 (Wed.) Yakima Valley JC ...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE drills opkned yesterday at the Jan. 18 (Fri.)HIGHLINE COLLEGE .. :.....At Columbia Basin College HighlineHigh Schoolgymna- .Jan. 23 (Wed.) Centralia Jr. College...... At HIGHLINE COUEGE sium under the direction of Ian. 29 (Tues.) ...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE Coach Jack Hubbard. Players have been in training Jalk. 30 (Wed.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE.... At Grays Harbor College for about the past month to get Feb. 2 (Sat.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE...... At Olympic College in shape for the coming sea- Feb. 8 (Fri.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE...... At Seattle Univ. Frosh son by running, jumping and a Fcb. 9 (Sat.) Clark College...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE variety of basketball drills. Fcb. 12 (Tues.) HIGHLINE CO1.LEGE.. .At Wenatchee Vlly. College Fch. I5 (Fri.) Columbia Basin College...... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE The -Thunderbirds will play in a league withthe following f.'eb. 19 (Tups.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE ...... At Everett Jr. College teams: Centralia Junior College, I cb. 22 (hi.)HIGHLINE COLLEGE ...... At Yakima Valley JC Clark College of Vancouver, [email protected] (Wed.) HIGHLINE COLLEGE...... At Skagit Valley College Wash., Columbia Basin College, uar. 2 (Sat.) Lower Columbia Basin JC .... At HIGHLINE COLLEGE Lower Columbia Junior College, "The House Everett Junior College, Grays That Harbor College, Olympic Col- InstructionBuilt" lege of Brernerton, Skagit Val. ley College,Wenatchee Valley College, and Yakima Valley Junior College. Highline College will also OLYMPIC BOWL play some bigtime teams in non-league games when they 32 high scoring lanes open 24 hours a duy

1 encounter the Pacific Lutheran University Junior Varsity, Se- far your bowling pleasure. attle Pacific College Junior Var- sity, Seattle University Frosh. 15051 Des Moines Way S. and the University of Washing ton Frosh. CH. 2-2221 Night School Prizes Awarded at Dance Clrb Eb8s OMcws The Education Club of High- Club offieem for @e next line college was officially rp year ue: Pat Huttenmeir, presi- dent; Kathy Stokes, vice pmi- provedby the Associated stu- dent: Louetta Esko, secretary; Ch my weekday evening dent Body on November 1. This and Julia Higgins, treasurer. there are over six hundred stu- entitles the club to have one Mr. William Shawl, instructor, dentsattending classeson the representative in the Activities is adviwr. Highline Collegeand Glacier Council. Following approval by Letters are being mailed out High Schoolcampus. Highline Collegeclasses are ahbeing the Washington Education As- to education majors outlining projected activities of the or- conducted at Mt. Rainier High sociation Ekecutive Board, it ganization. Anyone interested in School, Highline High School, may become affiliated with the - joining is encouraged to at- Sylvester Junior High, and State of Washington Education tend the meetingson the sec- Woodside school. Association. Through this asso= ond and fourth Tuesdays of Dr. Shirley Gordon, Director ciation speakem and films con- each month at 1 o'clock. The of Curricula,stated in an in- cerned with education will be daily bulletin will carry re- terview that next semester broughtto the campus to be minders of meetingsand the classesmay also be taught at presented to education majors. locations of meeting places. Evergreen High School an3 there will be a larger number of classes offered at Mt. Rai- nier and other schools. Highline Collegeplans even- tually to hold most of its night schoolclasses at local schools instead of on the co!legccam- pus. This will relieve conges- tion and students will hav2 the opportunity to attend elasses at * schools that are near to their Lon Christmas.. . homes. 4 Classes to be addedto next semester's night school curri- culum will include classes in I English and Citizenship for the Foreign Born, General Business Law 250, Economic Geop- phy 110, andAnthropology 10. There is ahperpbrming a drama class for which students may register next semester.

secretarial courses Are Varied Businem mathematics, Sui- ness English,typing, business machines,and shorthand are the businessclasses hcld in Room 405 of Highline College. Mrs. MaryEliiabeth Gibson, In- structor,says that plans are underway to obtain more comp tometer and addingmachines to fulfill the demand for train- ing in the business machine classes. Bcrs Wamur Wladirtchrrl Many of the men registexed in businessclasses plan to put The Halloween Dana which who was dressed as a Greek to use in their own businsses took place in the Glacier High Okthodox Bishop. Incidentally, what they ha ~c learned. The school cafeteria on ocbober 27, his hobby b costuming and majority the girls will do turned out to be the usocial makeup. GET highlight'' of this mer secretarial work when tbeir quarter. Festivities during the pa training rs completed*- here. one hundred and fifty &dents attended. Costtrmes were color- included doing the wmibo, reg- WARDS NEW ful and authentic. ular dancing, and apple bob bing. Dan Utsino won by get The bookstore is offering SO Costumes ranged ting the first apple. per cent refund on old books from Ro= mans to clowm to witches and CHRISTMAS and 60 per cent on new books. Committee membem for the gpblins, prizes were awarded %his b a big discount. Higbline dance were Doreene Qualey, is one of the few school8 allow- following a parade directed by Dorene Qualay* chairman; Jerry Ball, Bat Ber- BOOK- ing this much. ude, Steve Comer, Connie '%est coupfen was Steve Crawford, Julia Hisgins, Diane Loughand Nancy Angel who Huddleston, Pat Hottenmaim, '8Y.'D.88Ctub were dressed as Romallso @Best Jim Light, Steve Laugh, Dave

Woman" wm ded to Mike Mi&- +plm satmr- Ju& Hean Candim Martinwhowasdeap=~ steppei; Kathy Stokes, Dan Or- The Young Democrats Club af tllrtrtious womana ,mat mtuv- dno, George Valimn, Bee Highline College welcomed thme idUalrnWSSgiV8J&bDerrrHIud walker* Brid w3lder. It's iust like opening the lid on o gleom- political candidates in Room 402 O11 'haday, OCL 23, 1962. Be politics by an interest which arm. He uqedstudents to become ing golden treasure chest, the first time fore an audiencewhich in- works its way into government active in political organizations cluded studentsfrom the 1o'clock you open thecover of Wards new work rather than by a set purpose, for a more effective life. speech and political science A&.Ackley explained. There are Legislative candidate And) Christmas Book! And, you will find real classes, Ourly Witherby and Andy no limitations to how far you can Hess explained thatpoliticans Hess, legislative candidates, and go or what you can do, except particularly must be aware of the "treosures" there, including most-wished-for Norman Ackley,incumbent chose within yourself. If more minority's problemswhen an . candidate for staterepresenta- young people would getinterested action will benefit the majorit). gifts for all those names on your Christmas tive, verbally viewed some ofthe in political clubs, or if clubs had A legislator mustbe objective list . furnishings and decorotions to give ideas and ideals of the political more appeal it would help give and informed to find the correct candidate. political parties a shot in the solutions to problems. your home sporklt for the holiday season, Politician* usuallyget into and oil year 'round . . even tosty sweet 1 treats. It's os easy os dipping your hands into o treosurechest, to08 to order any- ATTENTION! thing .. - Just phone or stop in. Try it now! wishThe Greaterto let the Federal people Way,of the areaFife, andknow Midway that the businessmenold SesJac I

CALL OR STOP IN FOR Hiway, (the section that runs south from the Spanish Castle YOUR FREE COPY rODAY intersection to the Tacoma Bridge) is now accessible from CH 4-2000 158 S.W. 152nc the bridge as it was before the new Freeway was opened; Burien Shopping Center so it sgairl runs into Tscoma.

b c . last Season Teams Tied

bv"a-~~ For~~f~iuue~.rtgoirrlfottllaboutmPrryoltbeiineOpm b.4 In Bowling Meet Athletes and fa- of ororolbch for the coming babe- season. Firrt a sketch of the my okk Pomwn "One chants 6 twentpfive sports at Highlime Wege m coach. Tbe Highline College T%un- hundred." Thetse wear the odda - th? college mrthem8tic8 de- eagerlyawaiting the colDi0l The head mach of Hi$hlineCbllege'S WetWham i8 Mr. derbirds will open their 6384 season of sports for cIs.tcI Ibd baskethall season on nrent predicted for two bowl- Jack Hubbud. He was tJle coach ofHighline's first turn. ing team to tie hr total pinr hope this season will be eVm torch Hubbard came to Highline from Western Wuhington 4 when they square off ulrinrrt greater than lmt. after two games of bowling, CbUege of Education. Coach Hubbard .had a whine record for hb the Seattle University Fmsh Lookingback to hst YeU, but true to Highline tradition, 7 yeus at Western Washington.Coach Hubbud's kmm6 went t~ Papooses at the new nee High those followers wba were 00 these odds were shattmed u the District NUchampionship6 six out of seven yeus md in School Gym, which will be tbe the toptwo Intramural BOWI- hand will never forget (he tirrt Thunderbirds borne court. time Highline took to the bes- 1960 ,made it to the National NAIA playoffs at Kansas City. inp teams battled it out in 8 This will be the second y~rrshowdown series to detcnnine ketball court. Although m- Coach Hubbard's playing days were spent at Everett Higb Sahool of collegiate basketball. for where he wcrs a starting guvd on Everett's lslo ''Wonde? Team" i- possible which .turn should line lost its first hoop bp Bighline which compiled a sea- be in first-place standinn. the sore of 8460 to &e Seam He went on to play college basketball at Central Ww'binetba -1- son record last year of 6 wins Both teams were IWled but "u**nosh, no fan will forget lege of Education. and 19 defeats. At the present not surprised as the total pin thegreat shooting duel bs During his machine care&, Coach Hubbard ba8 produced many time it appears only one starter figure showed that each term tween Seattle's Dick Grrrul rrd fine team, and many fine players. will be back from last yesr'~ hadwon one game and had Highline's Dick Weeks. Grrd This year's pmpects: squad. This is Larry Arrdreson tied for total pins, This gave totaled 32 for the game and JUES AARDELSlIY' 155. Graduated fram Bk Rainier EIigh whowas second in team scor- each ofthe team8 one and Weeks netted 24. On December School. Jim was a thrtc year kt-. Jim b a vWmad brtl ing and saw actin at a for- one-half paints toward the 17,1962 after losing four ward spot. Two other startem first-place trophie~~but still Highline won it8 first basket- handler uld is very fast. TERRY ACENA"6'22" 19s. Grrdurtd &am Seattle's Garfield from last year's squad, Ron did not decide which team was ball game when it defeated Pa- and Fred Miller, are on High 4chool. Terry played football and de miss the better of the two. cific Lutheran "U" JV by the the rllcits brrebrll campus, but have not decided During the same period the score of 8148. Dick Weeks led team, He has excellent jumping ability and 'a wide variety of abots. whether to play in the coming "Alley- Oops!" won all three Highline with 25 poinb, fOJ- LARRY ANDRESON433" 183. Graduated from Hiahline High season. of their pointa and moved into lowed by Gred Winwith 20 School. He was one of Highline College'o da?ting tomads lmt The Tbunderbids will meet the weekly tirstplace position and Larry AMlreson wibh year. %amyb a red steady+ll-mund kll plyu. severaloutstanding teams this bya mere edge of one-half of On January 9, 1983 DAN BLA-1" 170. Graduated from Ewrgrwm High sewn, among thoseb are the a point. John E& held the high Couego .made its debut in h scborol. He lettered in f0otb.u basketball, and track. @hwas voted Seattle University FVoth, which series total for two games witb State Junior College Conference imphation player in football. Dm is good on dfeense and b W boasts one of the best freshmen a 371 series. Donna frmareaux with a 76-67 win over Wmt- BLACKWOOD-6'0" 160. GndU8ted Highline teams in the nation,Seattle bowleda 360 series for tb horn twogames which was new chee 3unior College. Urty An- School. Dick was a stuting guard for Highline #or years. lie Pacific College 3r. Varsity, and dreson paced Highline with 21 the high series for the mmen's di- played In the 2958 State AA basketball tournament. He bra wed visionof the league. All".a points in this win. On Febirury bmketball in the F'rosh which has bhe big higb 15 -e met the chrmpion- Army. the Intramural Bowling Wgue *BILL O€WMAN&l"170,:Grrrdurted from Samnmnish school star from last war, &be Columbia -in and in Hi* Gordy Harris, who stands a hasdeveloped hb a tight and probably &he most exciting School tr Bellme. Bill was a three year letterman and made the mere 6' 11" and scored S4 points intere-ting race. game of the season, IWhbe all mco Conference team. He is very has'trearwrdotrs jump a-game for Tenino High School. fell by the score Q€ 30-56 in a ing ability uhl a very good outside shot. The Tbunderbirds will open game that was not decided un- ERICKSC)N-$'2" 185. Graduated fmm Fife High SdmL Conference play on January 3 til the last ten second^^. On Ed made tihe aH mount League team last year. He rlrro made when they travel to Skagit Val- March 3, 1963 Highline ckeed the all district basebdl team He was one of tbe area's find bigh ley to clash with the Cardinals. out its first sewn of basket- sohoal pitchers last year, The Thunderbirds play in the ball by defeating Lower Col~ DEL MAUR"B" 180. Gnduatd from Puyallup High Sdmd. State Junior College Conference bia College by tbe smre af 7s Del was starting guard for two yeara. He played in the 1962 Stotc which is divided into two divi- 64. Highrine thus ,finiahrd the M hketbdl tourrumebt. He weus en the third team of the tall sions, a Northern and a South- conference season with a *iecod Puget Sound League teams. em. Highline is a member of of 5 wins and 10 defeats and JACK mON"6'2" 200.Graduated from Marysville High the North, dong with Columbia for the season had% wins and *Ebetett, school. 3ack bur played senrice ball and played at Jun)ar Basin, Skagit Valley, 19 defeats.One sidelight bbrt Centmlia Yakima and Whatchee. was established. Higbline failed College. He is a vecy good ball handler. The South consistsof Grays to win a game away from home. DON RINCK4'10" 150. Graduated from North Central Hi(ph Harbor,Olympic, Clark, Cen- In early MaFch the 3iighline school in Spokane. He was a two year letterman, playing guud. tralia and Lower Columbia The Collegetrackstem moved into He is a very good playmalter. winners of each division play their second year of track cozn- GUY SIMPsON43'2" 185. Graduated from John .Mu& High two out of three for the cham- petition when they muted Cem School in Pasadena, Oalifbrnia.Guy has a wide variety of &ob, pionship.Hig'hline will play 15 tralia JuniorCollege by the .good speed, and tremndous jumping ability. He rlao b a very good onference games and .either score of. 6841. Highline cap baseball player. nine or ten non -conference tured nine of bbirteen events. CHUCK SM"H-6'6'' 185. Graduated &om Franklin Pierce games. The Tbunderbii fin- Double winnem for Hime High School. He was starting center for two yeus. He played in ished league play last season were Dick Layzell, Marry .Wil- the 1962and 1983 State AA basketball baunmmnts. Chuck was with five wins and ten defeats liams, and Jim Schuppel. A voted the inapirational award in 1963. and were ninth in an Ii team highlight of the back seaaton league. MURRAY STEWART43" 175. Graduated fiwn West Van- were Dick Layzell, Marry W& shot put. LayzeU won evw couver High School in Vancouver, British Columbia. Mumay was shot put event except one, but one of the top high school players in British Columbia last year. kept going to capture the only He was voted :best athlete in West Vancouver High School last year. first place for Highline in the BILL "W1" 175. Graduated from FranLlin Hisdroal. state meet. Other bigh pojnta Bill was a reserve on Highline College's team last year. Bfll picked of the track 88118011 were the Bill was a reserve on Highline College*s team last year. Bill pick4 Everett Relays, and &e state mination. meetwhich was held here at Other players that are turning out am Mike B-d, Elm" Highline. field,Cobrado; Buxton, Sealth; Milte Bme, Renton; Paul Intramural sports such rn Jewett, halt& Huold Kim&& Sealth; Dick Lunt, West Seattle; golf, bowling, tennis and W John Merrell, West Seattle; Paul me, Roosevelk Lon (hy. ketball also were active on the "in; Mue Plth, Wth; Dave Rauma, Renton; Val Van N~rman, sports scene. Cleveland. Highline College bubhe prospects for a .good scumon. Wen the t. )I, White comer in night Wsketlmll demons arrives, I urge all the students fo get out and pqrrm Nov. 5. support the team.

Mrs. Mary mer, physical educationinstructor, will be Far Hi-Fi and lest Equipment - attenaing a national institute ALL FORYOU on Women's Sports at the Uni- versity of Oklahoma, November Electronic Kits 8 "< 6r30 a.m. to a. 12:30 am. 0 14 Pancak8 Ckb" 0 7 Waffle Dishos 0 10 €gg Spacirlr Criw Salads ELECTROWICS Sandwither

Plenty of Parking 4 Always Quick Service Campus Treat - Wednesday-Saturday STEAK SPECIAL Dinner Steak, Spaghetti, Tossed Mad, COWW Highway 99 and Clark's Pancake Chef South 152nd st. VININO'S RllSTAURANT $la
