A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

Research Collections in American Immigration General Editor: Rudolph Vecoli


Supplement to Part 1: Asian Immigration and Exclusion, 1898–1941

Editorial Adviser: Alan Kraut

Associate Editor: Randolph Boehm

Guide Compiled by Robert E. Lester

A microfilm project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA An Imprint of CIS 4520 East-West Highway • Bethesda, MD 20814-3389

i Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Series A, Subject correspondence files. Supplement to Part 1: Asian immigration and exclusion, 1898–1941 [microform] / editorial advisor, Alan Kraut. microfilm reels ; 35 mm. — (Research collections in American immigration) Accompanied by printed reel guide compiled by Robert E. Lester with title: A guide to the microfilm edition of Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Series A., Subject correspondence files. Supplement to Part 1: Asian immigration and exclusion, 1898–1941. ISBN 1-55655-605-5 1. . Immigration and Naturalization Service— Archives. 2. United States—Emigration and immigration—History— Sources. 3. United States—Emigration and immigration—Government policy—History—Sources. 4. Asians—United States—History— Sources. I. Kraut, Alan M. II. Lester, Robert. III. United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. IV. University Publications of America (Firm) V. Title: Guide to the microfilm edition of Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Series A, Subjectcorrespondence files. Supplement to Part 1: Asian immigration and exclusion, 1898–1941. VI. Series. [JV6455] 353.0081'7 93-16315 CIP

Copyright © 1997 by University Publications of America. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55655-605-5. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction...... v Scope and Content Note...... ix Note on Sources...... xi Editorial Note...... xi Reel Index Reel 1 Casefile 53161/2—Casefile 53335/154...... 1 Reel 2 Casefile 53360/34—Casefile 53598/30-C...... 2 Reel 3 Casefile 53598/30-D—Casefile 53620/221...... 3 Reel 4 Casefile 53620/286—Casefile 53788/12...... 4 Reel 5 Casefile 53854/133—Casefile 54261/129...... 6 Reel 6 Casefile 54261/158—Casefile 54410/17...... 6 Reel 7 Casefile 54410/644—Casefile 54490/7...... 8 Reel 8 Casefile 54490/7-A—Casefile 54515/36...... 8 Reel 9 Casefile 54515/36-A—Casefile 54735/90...... 10 Reel 10 Casefile 55374/67—Casefile 55374/227-D...... 11 Reel 11 Casefile 55374/227-E—Casefile 55374/227-I...... 11 Reel 12 Casefile 55374/227-J—Casefile 55374/227-O...... 12 Reel 13 Casefile 55374/227-Q—Casefile 55374/227-T...... 13 Reel 14 Casefile 55374/227-U—Casefile 55374/876...... 14 Reel 15 Casefile 55383/30—Casefile 55476/519-A...... 14

iii Reel 16 Casefile 55597/912—Casefile 55466/659...... 15

Subject Index...... 17


Early one morning in June 1993 the Golden Venture, a rusting old freighter, ran aground on a Long Island, , beach. The ship was being used to smuggle Chinese immigrants into the United States. That tragic morning ten Chinese drowned and hundreds of others were rescued only to be held for deportation hearings. The saga of the Golden Venture has ample historical precedent. The episode echoed a long history of Chinese immigration restriction and evasion. In 1882, well before the national origins quota system of the 1920s, the Chinese Exclusion Act barred the door against legal Chinese immigrants. That law and later anti-Asian restrictive legislation and agreements, such as the Gentlemen’s Agreement negotiated between President Theodore Roosevelt and the Emperor of Japan, left evasion through misrepresentation or through circuitous and risky journeys the only remaining routes to America for most Asian immigrants. Two conditions complicated the proper enforcement of the laws excluding Chinese from the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. First, Chinese already in the United States and their American-born children and grandchildren were not subject to the 1882 restrictions. Second, other classes of Chinese newcomers were gradually added to the list of exemptions included in the Exclusion Act. These included traveling merchants, scholars, and stage actors. It was the job of American immigration officers to make certain that illegal immigrants did not slip into the United States by misrepresenting themselves as entitled to inclusion in one of these exempt categories. And, there were always the problems of criminal activity such as immigrant smuggling, not infrequently aided and abetted by corrupt officials. Every action taken by the government of the United States to close its doors to immigrants generally met with an opposite, if not always equal, reaction from the foreign-born desperately seeking greater economic opportunity or refuge from persecution. A frequent response was escalation of the number and complexity of plots and ploys to enter the United States illegally, whatever the risk, however much the cost. Aliens willing to expose themselves to physical dangers and pay exorbitant transit fees found smugglers anxious to lead them to the promised land for the right price. The reels in this collection from Record Group 85, the Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), include detailed files on immigration cases that were the subject of correspondence with the commissioner general of immigration in Washington. The files are a potpourri of legal cases, reports, policy statements, and official correspondence with government officials and nongovernmental agen- cies related to the pushes and pulls being exerted upon immigration policy at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by Asian immigrants seeking admission. While the material available to researchers from INS files is not complete, extant material in these files opens a window on the processes employed by the U.S. government to articulate and enforce its restrictionist immigration policy toward Asians in this era. The materials on these reels are also crammed with evidence of Asian resistance, both legal and illegal, to exclusionary laws. Case files and records include official investigations of

v smuggling, bribery, collusion, and misrepresentation all undertaken by the Chinese for the express purpose of evading immigration officials’ best efforts to enforce the law of the land. Changes in immigration regulations always caused immigration officers to proceed cautiously with enforcement. Mistakes could exclude admissible aliens while admitting those not entitled to admission but hopeful that they could use the confusion to their own advantage. One group added to those already exempt was actors. Because traveling actors were added to the list of exempted travelers admissible to the United States, these reels contain discussions of efforts to monitor Asian thespians traveling with Mandarin theater companies on the West Coast. Bonds had to be posted by theater companies or their financial supporters before admission. Actors remaining in the United States for an extended period of time often petitioned to have their families join them. Those actors hoping to extend their stays in the United States had to seek government permission to transfer from one troupe to another. The Chinese theater troupes represented a challenge to enforcement officials seeking only to do their jobs responsibly. The correspondence in the files also suggests how important these troupes were as cultural vehicles that allowed Chinese living abroad to continue to be enriched by traditional entertainments from their homeland. The routine operation of these theaters will be of interest to scholars studying ethnic cultures in the United States as well as to those concerned with immigration law enforcement. The health risks posed by the foreign-born were always an issue. Case files from the United States Marine Hospital Service facility on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay offer patient statistics and the work of government physicians to cope with particular health problems such as a hookworm epidemic among Japanese arrivals in 1913. The debilitating disease caused by the entry of the hookworm into the body, often between the toes, was quite common among those immigrants who earned their livings in agriculture and lived under the most unsanitary conditions. Similar files from Seattle, Washington, suggest that cases of Japanese wishing to be treated for hookworm and allowed to stay in the United States were routinely decided by boards of special inquiry. In addition to the proceedings of boards of special inquiry, there are also records of other kinds of legal proceedings in these files. In Hawaii, there were a number of habeas corpus cases where individual immigrants were neither admitted nor told why they were being detained at immigration depots. Relatives or fraternal organizations often had writs of habeas corpus filed on behalf of these immigrants. The newcomers were brought before judges and informed why they were being held and not allowed to enter the United States. Many of the case files reflect American officials’ efforts to cope with the smuggling of Chinese immigrants into the United States. Sometimes illegal immigrants slipped through the port of New Orleans, Louisiana. United States consular officials in Veracruz, Mexico, reported on the clever methods used to sneak the Chinese across the border with Texas. The corruption of a Canadian customs officer is included in the records of an investigation launched to reveal the vulnerability of the U.S.–Canadian border to Chinese immigrants hoping to cross the long and inadequately policed boundary with our northern neighbor. Also included in the investigation is material of alleged corruption among American officials in U.S. ports such as Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to preventing illegal entry to the United States, immigration officers were charged with the responsibility of deporting newcomers engaged in criminal activity after arrival. Deportees often included members of the tongs that terrorized Chinese communities in the United States. The tongs (literally translated as “halls”) were originally fraternal organizations transplanted from . In the streets of the United States, however, some tongs turned into violent gangs selling protection to brothels and gambling houses. Various tongs battled with each other for influence and territory, sidestepping vi municipal police forces. Immigration officials sought to deport immigrants already active in tongs and prevent others from gaining admission. Health, crime, theater, and so many other areas of community life were affected by mass immigration at the turn of the last century. The files on these reels offer a unique perspective on Asian communities in the United States, even as they chronicle the ongoing tug-of-war between American immigration officials and Asians desiring to enter the United States, whatever the cost. Just as the Chinese who boarded the Golden Venture in 1993, emigrants from China, Japan, Korea, and East India earlier this century were willing to break American law and risk their lives and resources to make a fresh start in a place they envisioned as a land of opportunity. An old immigrant saying, translated into many tongues, was “America beckons, but Americans repel.” The possibilities of better lives beckoned ’s sons and daughters, but even as they heard the siren song calling them to new lives, they heard the much less melodious voices of American officials emphatically saying “Admission denied.” These reels tell many stories, including those of immigrants who refused to take no for an answer. Alan M. Kraut, Ph.D. Department of History The American University


The Subject Correspondence File of National Archives Record Group 85 constitutes the central file of the commissioner general of immigration in Washington, D.C. It includes files on cases that were reported to the commissioner general by the various immigration posts throughout the United States. Such cases were often referred to Washington because the local immigration officers needed guidance in applying the immigration law to specific situtations. There are also, however, many files of reports simply sent to keep the commissioner general’s office informed. These include reports of special investigations made in the United States and abroad, correspondence files with private organizations, and files deliberating policy changes and pending legislation. The files are arranged by number, and the numbers were originally in rough chronological order with lowest numbers designating the earlier materials. The commissioner’s office frequently brought older files forward to serve as guidance on newer policies, however. This resulted in a renumbering of many of the older files and disruptions in the chronology. This edition is intended as a companion to an earlier edition, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Series A: Subject Correspondence Files, Part 1: Asian Immigration and Exclusion, 1906–1913. It includes files dated between 1898 and 1913 that were not filmed with the companion edition as well as files dating later than 1913. Hence, there are files in this supplement that date from 1898 to 1941. During this period, American immigration laws were under almost constant revision (especially before 1924). Revisions in the law often brought about new policies in the administration of the law, and these files reflect those changes. One of the few constants in American immigration law during the period covered by this microfilm was the requirement to exclude Chinese immigrants. The mechanics of Chinese exclusion are the major focus of the files reproduced here. Chinese who were already living in the United States at the time the exclusionary restrictions were enacted (1882), however, were exempted from the law, and so were their American-born descendants. Many Asians who applied for admission thereafter claimed to be previous residents or descendants of previous residents. Immigration inspectors were charged with separating admissible aliens from those to be excluded. After 1882, several other exemptions were made for students, traveling merchants, and other travelers, as well as for laborers during World War I. Proving the veracity of aliens seeking admission under any of these exemptions added to the burden of the inspectors’ responsibility of separating the admissible from those to be excluded. Traveling actors were added to the list of exemptions, and there is a massive file in this edition on efforts to monitor actors traveling with the Mandarin theaters in California (see Reel 10, frame 0194 through Reel 14, frame 0895). Numerous additional files address the efforts of local immigration inspectors in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and elsewhere to devise effective policies to follow the law. Other files document attempts at illegal entry. Investigations of smuggling operations are scattered throughout the edition. There are also accounts of raids and deportations. Official corruption was also

ix a concern. A major investigation of official corruption along the New York State border with Canada can be found on Reel 1, frames 0331 through 0955. There are other investigations of official misconduct by INS employees, including charges of abuse and brutality, for example at frame 0001 of Reel 15. Judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings were often required to implement the law. An extensive file of Board of Special Inquiry proceedings at the port of Seattle between 1912 and 1914 is reproduced on Reel 2 at frame 0541 through Reel 3, frame 0902. A series of habeas corpus cases from Hawaii during the years 1913 through 1915 can be found on Reel 4 beginning at frame 0001. A large compilation of pending court cases in many jurisdictions with immigration stations can be found at Reel 8, frame 0285 through Reel 9, frame 0103. Proponents of immigration restriction and of more open immigration for Asians are represented in various files of the collection. Restrictionists protest the admission of Asian laborers during World War I in the file beginning on Reel 6. Groups supportive of immigration in the collection include the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the Japanese Association of North America (Reel 6, frame 0369), the Korean National Association of North America (Reel 3, frame 0903), the Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students (Reel 3, frame 0986), and the Chinese Students’ Alliance, U.S.A. (Reel 9, frame 0431). The problem of whether to exclude other Asian nationalities as “Chinese” was also a concern of the INS. A series of files on whether to exclude East Indian “Hindus” can be found at the beginning of Reel 5 through frame 0538. There are separate files that document tong wars in American . Reel 14 at frame 0896 begins a large file on tong wars in several cities in America. Reel 10, frame 0086 covers a 1924 tong war in San Francisco.


This edition is drawn from the Subject Correspondence series of Record Group 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service held by the National Archives, Washington, D.C.


This edition was made after a comprehensive survey of the entire Subject Correspondence, during which all files pertaining to Asian immigration were noted. In 1996 the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) deposited a massive new accession of central file records at the National Archives. These records span the years 1906 through 1957 and constitute the remainder of INS central files for the years before 1957. The bulk of the deposit covers the years from 1924 through 1957. Included in this deposit are many of the individual case files on radicals that were withdrawn by the INS from the National Archives in the 1960s. UPA plans to develop further editions from this deposit when the records are opened.

xi Frame No.


The following is a sequential listing of Immigration and Naturalization Bureau casefiles that pertain to Asian (particularly Chinese, Japanese, and Hindu) immigrants and their emigration to the United States. These files illuminate the administration and activities of the U.S. Immigration Service in application of the Chinese Exclusion Laws/Rules. In the interest of accessing material in these files, this index denotes significant issues, places, events, policies, organizations, and individuals. The four- digit number on the far left is the frame number at which a particular file or folder begins. The file title in brackets denotes the general subject of the folder and is taken from the Immigration Service’s Subject Correspondence Finding Aid. The bracketed titles are followed by the casefile number, the inclusive dates of the documents within the file, and the total number of pages. The abbreviation H.R. is used in place of “U.S. House of Representatives Resolution”; sec. is used in place of the word “section.”

Reel 1

0001 [Chinese Smuggling—New Orleans District, 1911] Casefile 53161/2. [December 1910– March 1911.] 68pp. Subjects: Smuggling methods; U.S. Consulate, Veracruz, Mexico, intelligence activities; West Indian transshipment ports; illegal entry at and Mississippi ports; G.M. Cochrane; Kingston, Jamaica. 0069 [Subsequent File on New Orleans Smuggling, 1911–12] Casefile 53161/2–A. [March 1911– August 1912.] 82pp. Subjects: Delta investigation; U.S. Consulate, Kingston, Jamaica, intelligence activities; Claude H. Daughdrill; Pascagoula, Mississippi; Wallace A. McDonald; smuggling activities by American citizens of Greek descent; Pensacola, Florida; Barataria area, Louisiana. 0151 [General File—Handling of Warrants of Arrest Cases, 1925–26] Casefile 53244/1E. [March 1925–October 1926.] 180pp. Subjects: Section 3(1), Immigration Act of 1924; quota system; paroles, deferments, deportations, and the Chinese Exclusion Laws; San Francisco, California, port of entry; voluntary departure procedure; narcotics arrests and imprisonment of illegal Chinese aliens; enlistment of illegal aliens in U.S. armed services; deportations and “country of origin” issue; H.R. 11753 (Appropriation Act of March 3, 1925). 0331 [U.S. v. Clemenshire [Clemishire] et al.—[Ralph] Izard Investigation, 1898] Casefile 53266/58. [January–October 1898.] 128pp. Subjects: Enforcement of Chinese Exclusion Laws investigation; Montreal, Canada; Plattsburg, New York, port of entry; statistics on entry of Chinese merchants in Champlain District; investigation of alleged corrupt immigration officials at Baltimore, Maryland, port of entry; irregularities in admission of Chinese boys; Malone, New York, port of entry. 0459 [U.S. v. Clemenshire [Clemishire] et al.—[Ralph] Izard Investigation, 1898–99] Casefile 53266/58A. [October 1898–January 1899.] 128pp. Subjects: Alleged misconduct in enforcement of Chinese Exclusion Laws at Malone, New York, port of entry; bribery of immigration official Moy Loy; Nelson W. Porter; Wong King; Yen Hing; statements from illegal Chinese aliens regarding efforts to circumvent immigration laws; statistics on entry of Chinese aliens.

1 Frame No. 0587 [U.S. v. Clemenshire [Clemishire] et al.—[Ralph] Izard Investigation, 1899] Casefile 53266/58B. [January–October 1899.] 157pp. Subjects: Pretrial correspondence; memo on allegations and charges; indictments. 0744 [U.S. v. Clemenshire [Clemishire] et al.—[Ralph] Izard Investigation, 1899–1900] Casefile 53266/58C. [October 1899–January 1900.] 125pp. Subjects: Sang Kee testimony and Immigration Bureau employment; postponement of trial; George S. Weed testimony; evidence of accounting irregularities. 0869 [U.S. v. Clemenshire [Clemishire] et al.—[Ralph] Izard Investigation, 1900–1911] Casefile 53266/58D. [December 1899–May 1900.] 81pp. Subjects: U.S. complaint against Canadian Customs officer William Saunders; Sang Kee statement; bribe to Moy Loy; trial at Albany, New York. 0950 [U.S. v. Clemenshire [Clemishire] et al.—[Ralph] Izard Investigation, 1911] Casefile 53266/58E. [June 1911.] 6pp. Subject: Dislocation of case records. 0956 [Chinese Exclusion Cases, 1911–1915] Casefile 53333/127. [September 1911–February 1915.] 67pp. Subjects: Authority of Chinese inspectors; United States v. Ng On et al.; bribery; Louie Som deportation case. 1023 [Chang Kiu Sing—Attorney for Chinese, 1914] Casefile 53335/154. [June 1912–November 1911.] 11pp. Subject: Yeung Shong Yuen. Reel 2

0001 [Various Chinese Interpreters, 1907–1924] Casefile 53360/34. [June 1907–May 1924.] 143pp. Subjects: U Yin Ping application; listing of inspectors; examination of applicants; Wong Aloy; investigations of interpreters. 0144 [General File—Chinese Smuggling on Canadian Border, 1911–1915] Casefile 53371/72. [October 1911–September 1913.] 127pp. Subjects: Kingston and Sarnia, Canada; transshipment of illegal aliens through Ohio; Ted Mell Cass Coal Company; intelligence on smuggling operations. 0271 [General File—Chinese Smuggling on Canadian Border, 1911–1915] Casefile 53371/72A. [October 1913–August 1915.] 109pp. Subjects: Kingston, Canada; Buffalo, New York; use of railroads in smuggling operations; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as terminus for smuggling operations; intelligence on smuggling operations; circular on enforcement of Chinese Exclusion Laws. 0380 [Hospital—A. I. [Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor], 1912–1915] Casefile 53438/54. [February 1912–November 1918.] 46pp. Subjects: U.S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service; hookworm epidemic; patient statistics; Japanese aliens. 0426 [Chinese Indictments, California, 1912–1917] Casefile 53507/32. [September 1912–June 1917.] 115pp. Subjects: Luis Fernandez smuggling case; Muy Fat illegal entry case; smuggling of Chinese via Mexico; intelligence activities. [The files between Reel 2, frame 0541 and Reel 3, frame 0751 consist of Board of Special Inquiry meeting transcripts and findings; passport application; medical certificate from port of entry; medical inspection card from port of departure; and various addenda, including letters of reference on employment and/or prior residential status, consulate correspondence, and affidavits as to the character of alien. Reopened cases consist only of new hearing transcripts and additional addenda material.]

2 Frame No. 0541 [Record of Hearings—Aliens Permitted Hookworm Treatment, 1913] Casefile 53598/30. [December 1912–March 1913.] 138pp. Subjects: Japanese aliens; aliens transported on Panama Maru and Seattle Maru; Tacoma, Washington, port of entry; Seattle, Washington, port of entry. 0679 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1913] Casefile 53598/30-A. [March–May 1913.] 144pp. Subjects: Japanese aliens; aliens transported on Panama Maru; Tacoma, Washington, port of entry. 0823 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1913] Casefile 53598/30-B. [May–July 1913.] 138pp. Subjects: Chinese aliens; Japanese aliens; aliens transported on Chicago Maru, Yokohama Maru, and Sado Maru. 0961 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1913] Casefile 53598/30-C. [July–August 1913.] 150pp. Subjects: Tacoma, Washington, port of entry; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Japanese aliens; aliens transported on Tacoma Maru, Awa Maru, Sado Maru, Shizuoka Maru, and Tamba Maru. Reel 3

0001 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1913] Casefile 53598/30-D. [July–October 1913.] 202pp. Subjects: Japanese aliens; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; aliens transported on Tamba Maru, Sanuki Maru, Chicago Maru, Mexico Maru, Yokohama Maru, Seattle Maru, and Panama Maru; Chinese aliens; Tacoma, Washington, port of entry. 0204 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1913] Casefile 53598/30-E. [September–November 1913.] 132pp. Subjects: Japanese aliens; Tacoma, Washington, port of entry; aliens transported on Seattle Maru and Tacoma Maru; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Chinese aliens. 0336 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1913] Casefile 53598/30-F. [October–December 1913.] 116pp. Subjects: Chinese aliens; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; aliens transported on Titan, Mexico Maru, Sado Maru, and Awa Maru; Japanese aliens; Tacoma, Washington, port of entry. 0452 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1913] Casefile 53598/30-G. [November–December 1913.] 129pp. Subjects: Japanese aliens; aliens transported on Shizuoka Maru, Canada Maru, Yokohama Maru, and Chicago Maru; Tacoma, Washington, port of entry. 0581 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1914] Casefile 53598/30-H. [December 1913–February 1914.] 170pp. Subjects: Chinese aliens; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; aliens transported on Teucer, Sado Maru, Panama Maru, Aki Maru, Ajax, Tacoma Maru, Minnesota, and Tamba Maru; Japanese aliens. 0751 [Records of Hearings of Aliens Permitted to Take Treatment for Hookworm, Seattle, 1914] Casefile 53598/30-I. [January–March 1914.] 152pp. Subjects: Japanese aliens; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; aliens transported on Chicago Maru, Awa Maru, Mexico Maru, and Yokohama Maru; Tacoma, Washington, port of entry; Chinese aliens.

3 Frame No. 0903 [Admission of Koreans (Residents of Chosen) and Objections of Japanese Government, 1913–1918] Casefile 53620/91. [April 1913–May 1915.] 83pp. Subjects: Entry of Korean students; Lincoln First Baptist Church (Nebraska) requests for entry of Korean aliens; Japanese complaints of circumvention of passport laws; U.S. Consul, Shanghai, China; asylum and political persecution issue; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Korean National Association of North America; Japanese Consulate, San Francisco, California. 0986 [Inquiry into Treatment of Chinese by Immigration Officials on Entrance into U.S., 1914– 1921] Casefile 53620/221. [April 1913–January 1921.] 95pp. Subjects: Chinese and Japanese students; Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students complaint; Joseph Tuck case; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; National Committee for Constructive Immigration Legislation; accusations of mistreatment upon entry at Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California; Hawaiian-born Japanese; Paul Li case. Reel 4

0001 [Habeas Corpus Cases—District of Hawaii, 1914–1915] Casefile 53620/286 [Folder 1 of 2]. [April 1914–April 1915.] 224pp. Subjects: Appeals in alien habeas corpus cases; diseased aliens; Chinese aliens; Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals; Japanese aliens. 0040 Lau Lum case. 0048 Torakichi Kaneshige case. 0068 Toku Sakai case. 0073 Mow Chan case. 0079 Tatsuzo Kuramoto case. 0084 Young Jack Quan case. 0109 Tome Tanno case. 0140 Matsuighi Matsumoto case. 0168 Lau Choy (a.k.a. Lau Chee Kin) case. 0199 Kimi Yamamoto case. 0205 Chiye Kajikami case. 0211 Mosa Kean (a.k.a. Mosa Keian) case. 0218 Fusano Saski case. 0225 [Habeas Corpus Cases—District of Hawaii, 1914–1915] Casefile 53620/286 [Folder 2 of 2]. [February 1913–July 1914.] 307pp. Subjects: Appeals in alien habeas corpus cases; Japanese aliens; Chinese aliens. 0225 Asano Miyazaki (a.k.a. Asano Yamada, a.k.a. Asano Tsuda) case. 0230 Eitaro Yamada case. 0235 Kozo Kawachi case. 0243 Kumakichi Aoki case. 0246 Yao Mori case. 0253 Koichi (and Katsu) Ishii cases. 0262 Fusayo Hirakawa case. 0267 Shotaro Hokamura case. 0269 Ching Lum case. 0275 Lucy Thompson (Tomson) and Rose Walters case. 0312 Hatsutaro Ogata case. 0320 Sui Joy case. 0322 Wong Yuen case.

4 Frame No. 0327 Tsuneki Fujimoto case. 0355 Young Chow Yee case. 0374 Chow Chiu and Wong She case. 0390 Ryuzo Higa case. 0420 Koichi Kimoto case. 0437 Jiro Miyagusuku case. 0465 Zentaro Okamato case. 0488 Sui Katsuyama case. 0506 Yong Boon case. 0530 Lau Lum case. 0532 [Reports: Chinese Smuggling, Various States, Official Correspondence, Orders, Related, 1915–1921] Casefile 53788/1-V. [June 1914–February 1921.] 162pp. Subjects: Intercontinental transit of illegal Chinese aliens; Cuba; Bulgarian smuggling at Detroit, Michigan; Niagara River area; smuggling of Chinese on lumber and coal barges; transit between Canada and United States along Niagara frontier; Adolph Poissant (smuggler); cooperation between Canadian customs and U.S. Immigration Service officials; smuggling of aliens from British Columbia to Washington and Oregon; use of automobiles to transport aliens; M. J. Malloy (smuggler). 0694 [Reports: Chinese Smuggling, Various States, Official Correspondence, Orders, Related, 1914] Casefile 53788/2. [May–June 1914.] 11pp. Subjects: Duluth, Minnesota; Chinese opium houses; Vancouver, British Columbia; Memphis, Tennessee. 0705 [“Billie” Low; “Bat” Nelson, Smugglers, 1914, Seattle Area] Casefile 53788/3. [May 1914.] 7pp. Subjects: Chinese aliens; opium smuggling; Great Northern Railway. 0712 [Fake Certificates of Residence, California, 1914] Casefile 53788/5. [May–June 1914.] 12pp. Subjects: San Diego, California; transport of illegal certificates of residence by U.S. mail; Lun Hing Company. 0724 [Smuggling, California, Various Cases, 1915–1916] Casefile 53788/6. [July 1914–May 1916.] 92pp. Subjects: R. Montelezum (smuggler); transit between California and Mexico; Charles Mausir (Mansir) and R. T. O’Rourke smuggling case; Samuel Leffingwell smuggling case; San Diego, California, port of entry. 0816 [Launch, “New Orleans” Problem, California, 1914] Casefile 53788/7. [August–September 1914.] 10pp. Subjects: U.S. Revenue Cutter Service activities; Ensenada, Mexico–San Francisco, California, terminals for smuggling traffic; intelligence activities; leaks to the press. 0826 [Chinese Smuggling, California, 1914] Casefile 53788/10. [November 1914.] 7pp. Subject: Alleged misconduct of Chinese Immigration Inspectors at San Francisco, California. 0833 [General Matters regarding Chinese Smuggling at San Francisco, 1915–1916] Casefile 53788/12. [December 1914–September 1916.] 206pp. Subjects: Investigation of immigration officials at Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California; Mongolia stowaways case; statements by Immigration Service and Customs Service employees; investigation of Los Angeles Immigration Service Office; defects in the handling of Chinese deportees in detention; James L. Hughes (Immigration Service investigator); illegal landing of Chinese aliens at Bolinas, California.

5 Frame No. Reel 5

0001 [Hindu Situation, 1916–1919] Casefile 53854/133. [October 1914–August 1919.] 218pp. Subjects: Public opinion mail protesting deportation of arrested Hindu agitators; labor organizations; Immigration Act of February 5, 1917, provisions excluding admission of natives of India; deportation directly to India question; cooperation between U.S. and Canadian immigration officials; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Hindu-German Conspiracy; status of East Indians born in British Guiana; overseas transportation and transshipment of deportees; naturalization; Japanese government deportation of Hindu agitators; entry into United States via Canada. 0219 [Hindu Situation, 1916–1919] Casefile 53854/133-A. [August–November 1919.] 197pp. Subjects: Public opinion mail protesting deportation of arrested Hindu agitators; labor organizations; violation of U.S. neutrality laws by Hindu aliens. 0416 [Hindu Situation, 1916–1919] Casefile 53854/133 Previously Restricted. [May 1916.] 2pp. Subject: Request for information on arrivals of Hindus at Pacific coast ports. 0418 [Hindu Situation, 1919–1926] Casefile 53854/133-B. [November 1919–May 1926.] 121pp. Subjects: Request for information on handling of Hindus under U.S. immigration laws; students; East Indians in the ; statistics on resident Hindus in the United States; cooperation between U.S. and Canadian immigration officials; desertion of East Indians from British ships in New York Harbor; public opinion mail protesting against deportation of arrested Hindu agitators. 0539 [Chinese Cases, “Jew Tem Lin [Lem],” related, 1915–1920] Casefile 53912/29. [October 1915–January 1920.] 171pp. Subjects: Investigation of misconduct of Chinese interpreters Lum J. Ying and Robert F. Lym; Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California; Grand (United) Parlor of the (Golden State) Native Sons (Chinese Native Son’s Society) organization; allegation of extortion of Jew Tem Lem; statements and testimony. 0710 [Material on Chinese Witnesses for Applicants for Admission: Angel Island, 1917] Casefile 54261/49. [February–May 1917.] 172pp. Subjects: Notification of appearances of witnesses at various ports of entry on behalf of individuals claiming to be legally domiciled in the United States; statistics on Chinese witnesses appearing at various ports of entry. 0882 [Admission of Chinese Laborers, 1917–1918] Casefile 54261/129. [April 1917–December 1918.] 149pp. Subjects: Importation of agricultural labor; labor shortage in the South and Pacific coast; appeals for relaxation of exclusion laws; Ninth Proviso, Section 3 of the Immigration Act of February 5, 1917; Chinese laborers in Mexico; request for temporary admission of illiterate Mexicans. Reel 6

0001 [Protests vs. Admission of Chinese Laborers, 1917–1919] Casefile 54261/158. [April 1917– July 1919.] 211pp. Subjects: Mexican fears of U.S. companies’ importation of Chinese labor in Lower (Baja) California; Hawaii; labor unions/organizations’ opposition to admittance of Asian labor during the war; need for unskilled agricultural labor; public opinion mail; Pacific coast states. 0212 [Protests vs. Admission of Chinese Laborers, 1919–1923] Casefile 54261/158A. [August 1919–January 1923.] 157pp. Subjects: Korean laborers; Chinese alien labor in Mexico; Mexican fears of importation of Chinese labor into Lower (Baja) California; transit of Chinese aliens from San Francisco, California, to Mexicali, Mexico; Mexican government concessions for transport of Chinese aliens; agricultural labor.

6 Frame No. 0369 [Diseased Aliens, 1919–1923] Casefile 54261/184. [May 1917–September 1923.] 163pp. Subjects: Medical inspections; hookworm infestation of Chinese aliens; immigrant hospital statistics, Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California; Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association; hookworm infestation of Chinese aliens entering at Seattle, Washington, port of entry; U.S. Public Health Service; Japanese aliens; Japanese Association of North America appeal for expeditious treatment of aliens with hookworm; change in classification of hookworm from Class A (contagious disease) to Class B (disease affecting ability to earn a living). 0532 [Japanese Smuggling, 1917–1918] Casefile 54270/1 [Folder 1 of 2]. [January 1917–August 1918.] 42pp. Subjects: Informant reports; Calexico, California; apprehension of illegal Japanese aliens in Mexico; illegal entry into United States via Lower (Baja) California, Mexico; El Paso, Texas, port of entry. 0574 [Japanese Smuggling, 1917–1918—Hom Kee, Quon Loy, 1917] Casefile 54270/1 [Folder 2 of 2]. [July–August 1917.] 15pp. Subjects: Helena and Butte City, Montana; smuggling of Chinese students. 0589 [Material regarding Smuggling, 1917] Casefile 54270/2. [December 1911–July 1912; January 1917.] 42pp. Subjects: Arthur C. Maggs (smuggler); Curley Roberts (smuggler); El Paso, Texas, port of entry. 0631 [Chinese Smuggling, 1917] Casefile 54270/4. [January–March 1917.] 7pp. Subject: Yook Fee investigation case. 0638 [Chinese Smuggling, 1917] Casefile 54270/5. [March 1917.] 3pp. Subject: Transfer of investigators to Lewiston, Idaho. 0641 [Chinese Smuggling, 1917] Casefile 54270/7. [April–May 1917.] 6pp. Subject: Liverpool, England, police interception of New York Chinese smuggler’s mail. 0647 [Chinese Smuggling, 1917] Casefile 54270/8. [June 1917.] 5pp. Subject: San Francisco, California, postal inspector’s information. 0652 [Chinese Smuggling, 1917] Casefile 54270/9. [August 1917.] 9pp. Subject: Stowaway Chinese on vessels from Salinas Cruz, Mexico, intercepted at San Francisco, California. 0661 [Chinese Transit Materials, 1917–1920] Casefile 54271/53. [August 1917–May 1920.] 103pp. Subjects: Japanese aliens entry from Lower (Baja) California, Mexico; transit of Chinese from San Francisco, California, port of entry to Mexicali, Mexico; transit of Chinese from Havana, Cuba, to China via Tampa, Florida, and San Francisco, California; Peninsular & Occidental Steamship Company; Southern Pacific Railroad Company; transit bonds; railroad transportation of Chinese aliens. 0764 [Chinese Smuggling, 1918–1921] Casefile 54410/17. [January 1918–April 1921.] 200pp. Subjects: Bureaucratic response to smuggling problem; investigation of smuggling of aliens; Montreal, Canada; reports from immigration stations; transit problems of Chinese aliens; application of Chinese Exclusion Laws; Native Return Certificates [Form 430] and travel abroad for Chinese-Americans; rules for admission into United States.

7 Frame No. Reel 7

0001 [“Hindu” Case, 1918–1920] Casefile 54410/644. [June 1918–September 1920.] 201pp. Subjects: Chinese labor in Chester, Pennsylvania; arrests of Hindu aliens in Pennsylvania and New Jersey; South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Railroad Company employment of Hindu aliens; Inspector Harold M. Rhoads; labor union discrimination and opposition towards employment of Hindu aliens; Hindu seamen; investigation of arrested South Bethlehem Hindus; arrest of Chinese sailors in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Gloucester City, New Jersey, port of entry [Philadelphia Immigration Station]; deportations of Chinese aliens; desertion of Chinese seamen while in U.S. ports. 0202 [Chinese Aliens, 1920–1921] Casefile 54410/644A. [September 1920–March 1921.] 68pp. Subjects: Gloucester City, New Jersey, port of entry [Philadelphia Immigration Station]; arrests of Chinese seamen; deportation cases; Sun Shipbuilding Company, Chester, Pennsylvania; labor union complaints against illegal Asian labor; Inspector Harold M. Rhoads. 0270 [Blanket Bonds, Chinese, 1918–1922] Casefile 54415/39. [May 1918–April 1922.] 161pp. Subjects: Canadian Pacific Railway Company; transit through United States; Canadian National Railway bond application; Canadian Northern Railway Company; Montreal, Canada; head tax; medical inspections; , Massachusetts, port of entry/departure; American Surety Company of New York; steamship transportation. 0431 [Blanket Bonds of Various Railroads regarding Transit of Chinese, 1918–1922] Casefile 54415/39-A. [April 1922–June 1932.] 240pp. Subjects: Canadian Pacific Railway Company; Galveston, Texas, port of transit; Montreal, Canada; steamship transportation; Canadian National Railway; ports of entry for transit; amendment to Rule 19, Chinese Exclusion Rules; Canadian Northern Railway; transit routes; Trunk Line Passenger Association; diseased aliens; Boston, Massachusetts, port of transit; , New York, port of transit. 0671 [Blanket Bonds of Various Railroads regarding Transit of Chinese, 1920–1933] Casefile 54415/39-B. [June 1932–November 1933.] 31pp. Subjects: Canadian Northern Railway; Detroit, Michigan, port of transit; Boston, Massachusetts, port of transit; Canadian Pacific Railway Company. 0702 [Chinese Seamen, Alien, 1922, Bonds] Casefile 54490/7 [Folder 1 of 2]. [March 1923.] 9pp. Subjects: Landing of excluded alien seamen at U.S. ports; United States ex rel. Lum Young v. Stump. 0711 [Chinese Seamen, Alien, 1922, Bonds] Casefile 54490/7 [Folder 2 of 2]. [February 1921– August 1922.] 160pp. Subjects: Regulations on Asian seamen landing at U.S. ports; “barred zones” issue; Atlantic Fruit Company; amendment to Rule 7, Chinese Exclusion Rules; procedure for paying bonds prior to landing; Mallory Transport Lines, Inc.; Carolininan; Ward Line; desertion of seamen problem; New York City, New York, immigration station. Reel 8

0001 [Chinese Seamen, Alien, 1922–1924, Bonds] Casefile 54490/7-A. [August 1922–July 1924.] 189pp. Subjects: New York City, New York, immigration station; United States ex rel. Lum Young v. Stump; transportation of deported alien seamen; shore leave [landing] bonds; regulations on Asian seamen landing at U.S. ports; application of Chinese Exclusion Rules to Indian and Japanese seamen; arrest of Chinese crew members from Oneka; “barred zone” issue; Barber Steamship Lines, Inc.; amendment to Rule 7, Chinese Exclusion Rules; United States ex rel. Ho Chung v. Tod.

8 Frame No. 0189 [Chinese Seamen, Alien, 1924, Bonds] Casefile 54490/7-B. [April 1923–October 1924.] 96pp. Subjects: New Orleans, Louisiana, port of call; Dollar Steamship Line; Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California, port of entry; United States ex rel. Lum Young v. Stump; United States ex rel. Ho Chung v. Tod; New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Company. [The files between Reel 8, frame 0285 and Reel 9, frame 0001 consist of statistical analyses and narrative descriptions of legal cases relating to arrests and prosecutions for violations of immigration laws, particularly the Chinese Exclusion Laws. These are listed by reporting immigration office or district. The information in most reports is subdivided into the following categories: criminal, civil, bond, habeas corpus, and Chinese. In addition, some files also contain lists of aliens and deportation information.] 0285 [Chinese Cases, District of Columbia, 1921] Casefile 54515/1. [August 1918–May 1921.] 33pp. Subject: Statistics on pending Chinese arrest cases. 0318 [Chinese Cases, District of Columbia, 1920] Casefile 54515/2. [August 1918–April 1919; December 1920.] 38pp. Subject: Statistics on pending Chinese and immigration court cases. 0356 [Chinese Cases, Reports from Chicago [Illinois], 1918–1919] Casefile 54515/4. [July 1918– October 1919.] 29pp. Subject: Statistics on pending Chinese and immigration cases before the 11th District Court. 0385 [Chinese Cases, Reports from Cleveland [Ohio], 1919] Casefile 54515/5. [September 1918– March 1919.] 7pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0392 [Chinese Cases, Reports from District #14 [Denver, Colorado], 1922] Casefile 54515/7. [September 1918–February 1922.] 36pp. Subjects: Statements of expenses incurred in deportations of aliens; status of immigration cases before the 14th District Court. 0428 [Court Cases, District #8, Ellis Island [New York Harbor, New York], 1920] Casefile 54515/8. [September 1918–August 1920.] 25pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0453 [Court Cases, Galveston [Texas], 1919–1921] Casefile 54515/9. [September 1918–April 1921.] 36pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0489 [Court Cases, Honolulu [Hawaii], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/11. [September 1918–March 1920.] 18pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0507 [Court Cases, Ketchikan [Alaska], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/13. [August 1918–May 1921.] 36pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0543 [Court Cases, Montreal [Canada], 1918–1919] Casefile 54515/16. [July 1918–January 1919.] 15pp. Subject: Report on prosecutions of Chinese and immigration law violations. 0558 [Court Cases, New Orleans [Louisiana], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/17. [August 1918– March 1921.] 36pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0594 [Court Cases, New York [City, New York], 1918–1919] Casefile 54515/18. [October 1918– August 1919.] 8pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0602 [Court Cases, Pittsburgh [Pennsylvania], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/21. [September 1918– April 1921.] 33pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0635 [Court Cases, St. Louis [Missouri], 1918–1919] Casefile 54515/24. [September 1918–March 1919.] 10pp. Subjects: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases; list of detained aliens.

9 Frame No. 0645 [Court Cases, [Angel Island] San Francisco [Harbor, California], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/27. [September 1918–April 1921.] 72pp. Subject: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases. 0717 [Court Cases, Seattle [Washington], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/30. [September 1918– February 1921.] 58pp. Subjects: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases; dispositions of old cases; white slave trade cases. 0775 [Court Cases, Jacksonville [Florida], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/31. [August 1918–April 1921.] 31pp. Subjects: Status of pending Chinese and immigration cases; list of detained aliens; status on pending immigration cases at Mobile, Alabama, port of entry. 0806 [Court Cases, El Paso [Texas], 1918–1920] Casefile 54515/36. [August 1918–April 1920.] 173pp. Subject: Reports on pending Chinese and immigration cases. Reel 9

0001 [Court Cases, San Juan [Puerto Rico], 1918–1921] Casefile 54515/36-A. [May 1920–May 1921.] 105pp. Subjects: Immigration Bureau circular cancellation; reports on pending Chinese and immigration cases from El Paso, Texas, port of entry. 0106 [Chinese Deportation File, 1919] Casefile 54519/2. [January–April 1919.] 78pp. Subjects: Transport of aliens to ports of deportation; Japanese aliens; steamship transportation; ports of deportation—Boston, Massachusetts, New York, New York, Gloucester City, New Jersey, Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California, El Paso, Texas; Momus; Southern Pacific Steamship Line; transport of illegal aliens to U.S.–Mexican border; Montreal, Canada. 0184 [Chinese Deportation File, 1919] Casefile 54519/3. [May–July 1919.] 36pp. Subjects: Deportation officers’ expenses; lists of deportees. 0220 [Sundry File regarding Chinese Student Laborers, 1917–1921] Casefile 54549/126. [November 1915–January 1921.] 211pp. Subjects: Industrial training; public support of Chinese vocational students; trade with China; British industrial training. 0431 [Sundry File regarding Chinese Student Laborers, 1921–1924] Casefile 54549/126-A. [December 1920–November 1924.] 201pp. Subjects: Marriage and alien students; Chinese Students’ Alliance, U.S.A.; Section 4, Clause E, Immigration Act of 1924; fraudulent/misuse of student certificates; American Federation of Labor (AFL); illegal importation of Chinese laborers; Immigration Bureau opposition to work-study programs. 0632 [Sundry File regarding Chinese Student Laborers, 1924–1927] Casefile 54549/126-B. [October 1925–June 1927.] 46pp. Subjects: Immigration Bureau permission for work-study programs; alien student employment during vacations; Japanese students. 0678 [Section Six Denials—Chinese, 1920] Casefile 54549/460. [September 1918–March 1921.] 117pp. Subject: U.S. immigration investigator’s reports from Canton, China. 0795 [Chinese Tong War in U.S., 1919] Casefile 54549/735. [December 1918–February 1919.] 29pp. Subjects: San Francisco, California; criminal gangs; Highbinder Tong; China Mail Steamship Company. 0824 [Admission of Chinese Officials, 1919] Casefile 54612/50. [June 1919.] 4pp. Subject: Chinese provincial government officials.

10 Frame No. 0828 [Consul, Shanghai, China, Immigration Work of, 1921–1928] Casefile 54645/335. [January 1919–March 1922.] 19pp. Subject: Annual U.S. Consular reports on Chinese emigration/immigration activities, including visas and Section Six applications. 0847 [Chinese Student Laborers, 1919–1926] Casefile 54735/90. [July 1919–April 1926.] 158pp. Subjects: China Club of Seattle lobbying efforts; industrial education; work-study programs; Chinese Exclusion Laws; business support of Chinese students; business scholarships. Reel 10

0001 [Chinese Entry-Seekers, October 1923] Casefile 55374/67. [October–November 1923.] 7pp. Subject: New York City, New York, Office of Chinese Inspector reports on landings and deportations. 0008 [Chinese Application Cases, Seattle [Washington], 1923] Casefile 55374/108. [April– December 1923.] 78pp. Subjects: Status on Chinese laborers’ return certificate applications; residency issue. 0086 [Admission, Chinese Actors (Temporary), Related Chinese, California, 1924] Casefile 55374/227. [November 1923–June 1924.] 108pp. Subjects: San Francisco, California, port of entry; Mandarin Theatre; Chin Lain; Tong war; Chan Kung Woo; use of theatre as facade for criminal activities; . 0194 [Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco, Related Chinese, California, 1924] Casefile 55374/227-A. [July–December 1924.] 206pp. Subjects: Temporary admission of theatre troupe; alleged slave trade activities; prostitution; Chan Hing; “Bond That Alien Shall Not Become A Public Charge” [alien nonpublic charge bond] applications; Ng San and Ng Shu Ting-heung investigation. 0400 [Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco, Related Chinese, California, 1924] Casefile 55374/227-B. [December 1924–April 1925.] 210pp. Subjects: Denial of extension of entry permit for additional troupe members; appearance at Los Angeles Mandarin Theatre; alien nonpublic charge bond extensions; entry of additional members at Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Chin Lain; Chung Cay; Kuan Gen Fit. 0610 [Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco, Related Chinese, California, 1925] Casefile 55374/227-C. [April–July 1925.] 148pp. Subjects: Admission of Lee Chi Fong; admission quota; Los Angeles Mandarin Theatre; entry permit extension issue; alien nonpublic charge bond extensions; requests for admission of additional members. 0758 [Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco, Related Chinese, California, 1925] Casefile 55374/227-D. [July 1925–September 1925.] 266pp. Subjects: Alien nonpublic charge bond extensions; requests for admission of additional members; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; paroling of theatre troupe members for fund- raising; Immigration Service investigation at Los Angeles, California. Reel 11

0001 [Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco, Related Chinese, California, 1925] Casefile 55374/227-E. [September 1925–January 1926.] 196pp. Subjects: Alien nonpublic charge bonds and time limit extensions of bonds; Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; Union Indemnity Company; admission quota; San Francisco, California, port of entry; requests for admission of additional actors and actresses; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Chin Lain.

11 Frame No. 0197 [Admission Extension, Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco [California], 1925– 1927] Casefile 55374/227-F. [January–April 1926.] 248pp. Subjects: Alien nonpublic charge bonds; National Surety Company; American Surety Company of New York; United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company; Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; Union Indemnity Company; parole of actors and actresses; requests for admission of additional actors and actresses; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; departures and cancellation of alien nonpublic charge bonds. 0445 [Admission Extension, Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco [California], 1925– 1927] Casefile 55374/227-G. [April–October 1926.] 260pp. Subjects: Departures and cancellation of bonds; admission quota; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; American Surety Company of New York; requests for admission of additional actors and actresses; Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; National Surety Company; extension of temporary admission and bonds. 0705 [Admission Extension, Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco [California], 1925– 1927] Casefile 55374/227-H. [October 1926–May 1927.] 231pp. Subjects: Admission of actors and actresses; Mexicali, Mexico; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; departures of aliens and cancellation of bonds; Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; requests for admission of additional actors and actresses; American Surety Company of New York; Calexico, California; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Great China Theatre; admission quota. 0936 [Admission Extension, Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco [California], 1925– 1927] Casefile 55374/227-I. [November 1926–May 1927.] 158pp. Subjects: Departures and cancellation of bonds; Union Indemnity Company; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; alien nonpublic charge bonds; admission of actors and actresses; Calexico, California; American Surety Company of New York. Reel 12

0001 [Admission Extension, Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco [California], 1925– 1927] Casefile 55374/227-J. [May–August 1927.] 245pp. Subjects: Admission of children of troupe employees; admission of actors and actresses; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company; Ellis Island, New York Harbor, New York, port of entry; Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; San Francisco, California, port of entry; departures and cancellation of bonds; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; Los Angeles, California; Calexico, California. 0246 [Admission Extension, Mandarin [Theatre] Company, San Francisco [California], 1925– 1927] Casefile 55374/227-K. [August–December 1927.] 123pp. Subjects: Extension of temporary admissions and bonds; admission quota; departures and cancellation of bonds; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; transfer of actors to Mandarin Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; San Francisco, California, port of entry; American Surety Company of New York. 0369 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupes, California, 1927–1929] Casefile 55374/227-L. [December 1927–May 1928.] 167pp. Subjects: Admission quota; requests for temporary admission of actors and actresses; departures and cancellation of bonds; alien nonpublic charge bonds; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Union Indemnity Company; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Ellis Island, New York Harbor, New York, port of entry; Honolulu, Hawaii; Los Angeles, California.

12 Frame No. 0536 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupes, California, 1927–1929] Casefile 55374/227-M. [January–July 1928.] 180pp. Subjects: Departures and cancellation of bonds; transfer of actors from Tai Wing Wah Theater, Chicago, Illinois, to Mandarin Theatre, San Francisco, California; requests for temporary admission of actors and actresses; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; Union Indemnity Company; Honolulu, Hawaii, port of departure; Seattle, Washington, port of entry and port of departure; alien nonpublic charge bonds; United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company; Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland; American Surety Company of New York. 0716 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupes, California, 1927–1929] Casefile 55374/227-N. [June–September 1928.] 164pp. Subjects: Transfer of actresses from Jock Ming On Theater Company to Mandarin Theatre Company; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; Seattle, Washington, port of entry and port of departure; departures and cancellation of bonds; transfer of actors and actresses to Choy Ding Quay Opera Company, Chicago, Illinois; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; requests for temporary admission of actors and actresses; American Surety Company of New York. 0880 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupes, California, 1927–1929] Casefile 55374/227-P [January–May 1929.] 198pp. Subjects: Departures and cancellation of bonds; temporary admission of actors and actresses; Mexicali, Mexico; Union Indemnity Company; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Tai Wing Wah Theater, Chicago, Illinois; Calexico, California; American Surety Company of New York. 1078 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupes, California, 1927–1929] Casefile 55374/227-O. [August 1928–January 1929.] 209pp. Subjects: Departures and cancellation of bonds; requests for temporary admission of actors and actresses; Seattle, Washington, port of entry and port of departure; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; Mexicali, Mexico; Los Angeles, California; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Calexico, California, port of departure; Honolulu, Hawaii. Reel 13

0001 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1927–1929] Casefile 55374/227-Q. [April–August 1929.] 195pp. Subjects: Temporary admission of actors and actresses; departures and cancellation of bonds; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; American Surety Company of New York; Honolulu, Hawaii. 0196 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1929–1933] Casefile 55374/227-R. [August 1929–February 1930.] 201pp. Subjects: Seattle, Washington, port of entry; departures and cancellation of bonds; alien bonds; Union Indemnity Company; American Surety Company of New York; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; Los Angeles, California. 0397 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1929–1933] Casefile 55374/227-S. [February–August 1930.] 195pp. Subjects: Temporary admission of actors and actresses; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; departures and cancellation of bonds; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; Honolulu, Hawaii. 0592 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1929–1933] Casefile 55374/227-T. [August 1930–January 1931.] 233pp. Subjects: Extension of temporary admissions and bonds; Union Indemnity Company; Honolulu, Hawaii, port of departure; temporary admission of actors and actresses; departures and cancellation of bonds; alien nonpublic charge bonds.

13 Frame No. Reel 14

0001 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1929–1933] Casefile 55374/227-U. [January 1931–September 1931.] 264pp. Subjects: Temporary admission of actors and actresses; departures and cancellation of bonds; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; Honolulu, Hawaii, port of departure; departure verifications; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; extension of temporary admissions and bond. 0265 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1929–1933] Casefile 55374/227-V. [September 1931–March 1932.] 195pp. Subjects: Departures and cancellation of bonds; temporary admission of actors and actresses; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; Chinese-Hawaiian United Corporation; Honolulu, Hawaii, port of entry and port of departure; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; New Orleans, Louisiana, port of entry; departure verifications. 0460 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1929–1933] Casefile 55374/227-W. [March–December 1932.] 194pp. Subjects: Seattle, Washington, port of entry; extension of temporary admissions and bonds; alien nonpublic charge bonds; Union Indemnity Company; departures and cancellation of bonds; departure verifications. 0654 [Admission Extension, Related Mandarin Theatre Troupe, California, 1929–1933] Casefile 55374/227-X. [December 1932–July 1933.] 242pp. Subjects: Extension of temporary admissions and bonds; Fireman’s Fund Indemnity Company; departures and cancellation of bonds; alien nonpublic charge bonds; temporary admission of actors and actresses; Woo Dip Ying immorality investigation; Union Indemnity Company; United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; departure verifications. 0896 [Information regarding Chinese Tong Wars in California, Related Material, 1924–1926] Casefile 55374/876. [August–September 1898; February 1924–December 1926.] 164pp. Subjects: H.R. 15535 and deportation of Tong members; Chin family ; Boston, Massachusetts; Minneapolis, Minnesota; New York City, New York; nationwide Tong leaders conference in Fresno, California; San Francisco, California, police investigation of Chinese Highbinder Societies; prostitution. Reel 15

0001 [“Matsonia” Incident, Mistreatment of Orientals; Chinese Problem “Reign of Terror” in San Francisco Chinatown, 1923] Casefile 55383/30. [November 1919–January 1934.] 146pp. Subjects: Discrimination complaints against immigration inspectors at Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California, port of entry; U.K. Embassy, Washington, complaint against discrimination of British citizens of Chinese ancestry; Russian students; Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association; Chinese Native Sons of San Francisco; apprehension of illegal Chinese aliens; Chinese Six Companies; Luckenbach Steamship Company, Inc. 0147 [Photos “Chinese Banana Coaching Letter”; Methods Used by Chinese to Gain Entry; Photo Documented-Documents Related to Chinese System of Gaining Entry by Establishing Relationship to Chinese Already in U.S.—Methods; Legal and Illegal, Statistics, Etc., 1925–1934] Casefile 55452/385. [January 1925–February 1934.] 193pp. Subjects: Blood testing and paternity; citizenship claims; indentured servitude of Chinese by “steerers”; investigation of stowaways on Stanley Dollar; investigation of Chinese disembarking at the Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California, port of entry; sale in China of fraudulent passports; location of family statistics; investigation of San Francisco Trading Company; Japanese-Americans; efforts to gain entry into United States for Chinese males.

14 Frame No. 0340 [[Second] Supplemental Order to Chinese Counsel Order #13, Cases Related to; Correspondence, Documents, Etc., 1925–1933] Casefile 55476/519. [August 1925– November 1931.] 287pp. Subjects: Students; documentation of Chinese merchants and wives and minor children admitted under the Immigration Act of 1924 who are returning from temporary visit abroad; return permits; U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Chinese Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco petition; First Supplement to Chinese General Order No. 13; documentation of Chinese treaty merchants returning to United States from temporary visit abroad; Lau Ow Bew case; Chinese Exclusion Laws; San Francisco, California; National Committee for Legal Defense If Chinese; rights under the U.S.–China Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1880; American public opinion; Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association; Chinese Six Companies. 0627 [[Second] Supplemental Order to Chinese Counsel Order #13, Cases Related to; Correspondence, Documents, Etc., 1925–1933] Casefile 55476/519-A. [January 1932– September 1933.] 52pp. Subjects: Admittance of Chinese merchants with return affidavits; Chan Gon Wing investigation; procedure for handling Chinese merchants under Immigration Act of July 6, 1932, returning to United States; return status of Chinese merchants’ sons. Reel 16

0001 [General File relative to Chinese Pre-Investigations, Correspondence, Documents, Forms, Lists, Regulations] Casefile 55597/912. [November 1926–March 1939; December 1941.] 285pp. Subjects: Application of General Order C-36 to Chinese; Boston, Massachusetts, port of entry; Quon Quon Poy admission case; inspection/examination of Chinese applicants for admission; San Francisco, California, port of entry; Chinese General Order No. 11; abuses by attorneys for immigrants; Chinese Board of Special Inquiry procedures; Calexico, California, port of departure; Form 430 applicants; Gam Yok Charles Mo case; New Orleans, Louisiana, port of entry; Form 432 return certificate for Chinese laborers domiciled in the United States; Ellis Island, New York Harbor, New York, port of entry; Seattle, Washington, port of entry; admission question regarding wives and minor children of legally domiciled Chinese merchants; Ang Pang case; use of Form 431 for returning merchants. 0284 [Data regarding Chinese Smuggling of Narcotics, Etc., New York, 1925] Casefile 55466/ 659. [July 1925.] 7pp. Subject: Intercepted correspondence between alleged Chinese smugglers regarding dealings with captain of Dollar Steamship Lines vessel President Garfield.


The following index is a guide to the major topics, personalities, cities, and activities covered in this microform publication. The first number after each entry or subentry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular file folder containing information on the subject begins. Hence, 1:␣ 0151 directs the researcher to the folder that begins at Frame 0151 of Reel 1. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title, case file number, inclusive dates, and a list of subjects, arranged in the order in which they appear on the film. Names of cities have been indexed under their state or country designation. Individual habeas corpus cases have not been indexed. Please refer to Reel 4, Frames 0001 and 0225 for a list of these cases.

Accounting irregularities Form 432 and Chinese laborers domiciled at Malone, New York 1: 0744 in United States 16:␣ 0001 see also Corruption/misconduct; return certificate/permit 10:␣ 0001; Investigations/investigators 15:␣ 0340 Actors and actresses, Chinese of wives and minor children of Chinese admission of children of 12:␣ 0001 merchants 15:␣ 0340; 16:␣ 0001 departure of, from United States 11:␣ 0197– rules for 6:␣ 0764 0938; 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001–0592; temporary 14:␣ 0001–0654 of Chinese actors and actresses 10:␣ 0086– parole of 10:␣ 0758; 11:␣ 0197 0758; 11:␣ 0001–0938; 12:␣ 0001–1078; temporary admission—Mandarin Theatre 13:␣ 0001–0592; 14:␣ 0001–0654 Company 10:␣ 0086–0758; 11:␣ 0001–0938; of illiterate Mexicans 5:␣ 0882 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001–0592; 14:␣ 0001– witnesses for applicants 5:␣ 0710 0654 see also Illegal entry/importation transfer of, between theaters 12:␣ 0246, 0536, Agitators 0716 Hindu, deportations of 5:␣ 0001, 0219, 0418 Admission/admittance/entry Agriculture entry permits extension issue 10:␣ 0610 labor 5:␣ 0882; 6:␣ 0001, 0212 entry statistics for Chinese aliens 1:␣ 0459 Ajax illegal methods to gain 15:␣ 0147 3:␣ 0581 inspection/examination of Chinese applicants Aki Maru 16:␣ 0001 3:␣ 0581 irregularities 1:␣ 0331 Alabama nonenforcement of Chinese Exclusion Laws Mobile 8:␣ 0775 1:␣ 0459 Quon Quon Poy admission case 16:␣ 0001 Alaska quotas 10:␣ 0610; 11:␣ 0001, 0445, 0705; Ketchikan 8:␣ 0507 12:␣ 0246, 0369 Alien nonpublic charge bond return see Bonds of Chinese merchants domiciled in United American Federation of Labor (AFL) States 15:␣ 0340, 0627; 16:␣ 0001 9:␣ 0431 Form 430 and alien travel abroad 6:␣ 0764; see also Labor organizations/unions 16:␣ 0001 American Surety Company of New York Form 431 and returning merchants 7:␣ 0270; 11:␣ 0197–0938; 12:␣ 0246, 0536– 16:␣ 0001 0880; 13:␣ 0001, 0196

17 Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, California “Barred zones” issue Chinese admission at 5:␣ 0710; 15:␣ 0147 alien seamen and 7:␣ 0711; 8:␣ 0001 general 8:␣ 0189 see also Ports hospital 2:␣ 0380; 6:␣ 0369 Blood testing investigation of immigration officials at and paternity 15:␣ 0147 4:␣ 0826, 0833; 5:␣ 0539; 15:␣ 0147 Boards of Special Inquiry mistreatment of Chinese aliens at 3:␣ 0986; procedures for Chinese aliens 16:␣ 0001 15:␣ 0001 Bond cases port of deportation 9:␣ 0106 statistics 8:␣ 0318–0806; 9:␣ 0001 port of entry 3:␣ 0986; 4:␣ 0833; 6:␣ 0369; 8:␣ 0189; 15:␣ 0001 Bonds statistics 8:␣ 0645 “Bond That Alien Shall Not Become A Public Charge” (alien nonpublic charge bond) Ang Pang 10:␣ 0194; 11:␣ 0001–0938; 12:␣ 0001–1078; 16:␣ 0001 13:␣ 0001–0592; 14:␣ 0001–0654 Appropriation Act of March 3, 1925 cancellations of 11:␣ 0197–0938; 12:␣ 0001– 1:␣ 0151 1078; 13:␣ 0001–0592; 14:␣ 0001–0654 Armed services, U.S. extensions of 10:␣ 0400–0758; 11:␣ 0001, 0445; enlistment of illegal aliens 1:␣ 0151 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001–0592; 14:␣ 0001– Arrests/apprehension 0654 of Chinese aliens landing—Chinese seamen 7:␣ 0702, 0711; general 15:␣ 0001 8:␣ 0001, 0189 statistics 8:␣ 0285–0806 transit 6:␣ 0661 of Chinese sailors transit—railroad 7:␣ 0270–0671 general 7:␣ 0202 Bribery from Oneka 8:␣ 0001 general 1:␣ 0956 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 7:␣ 0001 of immigration officer Moy Loy 1:␣ 0459, of Hindu aliens in Pennsylvania and New 0869 Jersey 7:␣ 0001 see also Corruption/misconduct for narcotics violations 1:␣ 0151 British Columbia warrants of arrest cases 1:␣ 0151 smuggling of Chinese aliens from, to see also Indictments; Detention/ Washington and Oregon 4:␣ 0532 imprisonment/detainment; Parole Vancouver 4:␣ 0694 Asia British Guiana labor in United States 6:␣ 0001; 7:␣ 0202 East Indians born in 5:␣ 0001 regulations on landing at U.S. ports of call of Business/businesses/companies Asian seamen 7:␣ 0711; 8:␣ 0001 scholarships 9:␣ 0847 Asylum issue support of Chinese students 9:␣ 0847 Korean aliens 3:␣ 0903 U.S., in Mexico—importation of Chinese Atlantic Fruit Company labor 6:␣ 0001, 0212 7:␣ 0711 California Attorneys at law Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor 2:␣ 0380; representing Chinese 1:␣ 1023; 16:␣ 0001 3:␣ 0986; 4:␣ 0826, 0833; 5:␣ 0539, 0710; Automobiles 8:␣ 0189, 0645; 9:␣ 0106; 15:␣ 0147 use in smuggling aliens 4:␣ 0532 Bolinas 4:␣ 0833 Awa Maru Calexico 6:␣ 0532; 11:␣ 0705, 0938; 12:␣ 0001, 2:␣ 0961; 3:␣ 0336, 0581 0880, 1078; 16:␣ 0001 Baja California fake residence certificates 4:␣ 0712 see Lower (Baja) California, Mexico Fresno 14:␣ 0896 indictments of Chinese in 2:␣ 0426 Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. Los Angeles 4:␣ 0833; 10:␣ 0400; 12:␣ 0001, 8:␣ 0001 0369, 1078; 13:␣ 0196 Barges San Diego 4:␣ 0712, 0724 smuggling of aliens on lumber and coal 4:␣ 0532

18 San Francisco 1:␣ 0151; 3:␣ 0903; 4:␣ 0816– Chan Kung Woo 0833; 6:␣ 0652, 0661; 9:␣ 0795; 10:␣ 0194– and Mandarin Theatre 10:␣ 0086 0758; 11:␣ 0001–0938; 12:␣ 0001–0536; Chicago Maru 14:␣ 0896; 15:␣ 0340; 16:␣ 0001 2:␣ 0823; 3:␣ 0001, 0452, 0751 smuggling 4:␣ 0724–0833 Children transit between Mexico and 6:␣ 0212, 0661 admission of actors’ and actresses’ children Canada 12:␣ 0001 British Columbia 4:␣ 0532, 0694 of Chinese merchants and reentry into United Customs cooperation with U.S. Bureau of States 15:␣ 0340, 0627; 16:␣ 0001 Immigration 4:␣ 0532 irregularities in admission of Chinese boys entry of Hindu agitators into United States via 1:␣ 0331 5:␣ 0001 China immigration officials’ cooperation with U.S. Canton—U.S. immigration investigator’s immigration officials 5:␣ 0001 reports 9:␣ 0678 Kingston 2:␣ 0144, 0271 sale of fraudulent U.S. passports in 15:␣ 0147 Montreal 1:␣ 0331; 6:␣ 0764; 7:␣ 0270, 0431; Shanghai—U.S. Consulate 3:␣ 0903; 9:␣ 0828 8:␣ 0543; 9:␣ 0106 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1880 Sarnia 2:␣ 0144 15:␣ 0340 smuggling into United States 2:␣ 0144, 0271; U.S. admittance of provincial government 4:␣ 0532 officials 9:␣ 0824 Vancouver 4:␣ 0694 U.S. trade with 9:␣ 0220 Canada Maru China Club of Seattle 3:␣ 0452 lobbying efforts 9:␣ 0847 Canadian National Railways China Mail Steamship Company 7:␣ 0270, 0431 9:␣ 0795 Canadian Northern Railway Company Chinatown (San Francisco, California) 7:␣ 0270–0671 10:␣ 0086; 15:␣ 0001 Canadian Pacific Railway Company Chinese aliens/immigrants/emigrants 7:␣ 0270–0671 arrests/apprehension 8:␣ 0285–0806, 15:␣ 0001 Caribbean deportation of 4:␣ 0833; 7:␣ 0001; 8:␣ 0001; East Indians in 5:␣ 0418 9:␣ 0106, 0184; 10:␣ 0001 Carolininan entry into United States statistics 1:␣ 0459 7:␣ 0711 fake residence certificates 4: 0712 Certificates of residence habeas corpus cases 4:␣ 0001, 0225 see Residence certificates hookworm 2:␣ 0380, 0541–0961; 3:␣ 0001– 0751; 6:␣ 0369 Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, illegal entry; importation of 4:␣ 0833; 9:␣ 0431; Chinese 15:␣ 0147 petition 15:␣ 0340 indictments of, in California 2:␣ 0426 see also Chinatown intercontinental transit of 2:␣ 0144; 4:␣ 0532; Chamber of Commerce, U.S. 6:␣ 0661; 7:␣ 0270, 0431, 0671 15:␣ 0340 laborers 5:␣ 0882; 6:␣ 0212; 7:␣ 0001; 9:␣ 0220– Champlain District (New York) 0632; 10:␣ 0008; 16:␣ 0001 1:␣ 0331 location of family statistics 15:␣ 0147 Chang Kiu Sing male 15:␣ 0147, 0627 attorney at law 1:␣ 1023 merchants legally domiciled in United States Chan Gon Wing 1:␣ 0331; 15:␣ 0340, 0627; 16:␣ 0001 15:␣ 0627 mistreatment of 3:␣ 0986; 4:␣ 0833; 15:␣ 0001 Chan Hing seamen 7:␣ 0001, 0702, 0711; 8:␣ 0001, 0189 and Mandarin Theatre 10:␣ 0194 slave trade and 10:␣ 0194; 15:␣ 0147 statements on efforts to circumvent immigration laws 1:␣ 0459

19 Chinese aliens/immigrants/emigrants cont. Chinese Native Sons Society statistics on legal cases 8:␣ 0285–0806 Grand (United) Parlor of the (Golden State) “steerers” and 15:␣ 0147 Native Sons organization 5:␣ 0539 students 3:␣ 0986; 6:␣ 0574; 9:␣ 0220–0632, Chinese Six Companies 0847; 15:␣ 0340 15:␣ 0001, 0340 transit of 4:␣ 0724, 0816; 6:␣ 0212, 0661, 0764; Chinese Students’ Alliance, U.S.A. 7:␣ 0431 9:␣ 0431 transshipment of 2:␣ 0144; 5:␣ 0001; 6:␣ 0661; see also Committee on Friendly Relations 7:␣ 0270 Among Foreign Students U.S. consular reports on 9:␣ 0828 visas 9:␣ 0828 Chin family see also Admission/admittance/entry; Mexico; 14:␣ 0896 Smugglers; Smuggling Chin Lain “Chinese Banana Coaching Letter” Mandarin Theatre 10:␣ 0086, 0400; 11:␣ 0001 illegal entry methods 15:␣ 0147 Choy Ding Quay Opera Company Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 12:␣ 0716 6:␣ 0369; 15:␣ 0001, 0340 Chung Cay see also Chinese Native Sons Society Mandarin Theatre 10:␣ 0400 Chinese exclusion cases Citizenship claims 1:␣ 0956 15:␣ 0147 Chinese Exclusion Laws/Rules Civil law cases amendment to Rule 7 7:␣ 0711; 8:␣ 0001 statistics 8:␣ 0318–0806; 9:␣ 0001 amendment to Rule 19 7:␣ 0431 Colorado appeals for relaxation of 5:␣ 0882 Denver 8:␣ 0392 application of, to Indian and Japanese seamen Committee on Friendly Relations Among 8:␣ 0001 Foreign Students deferments and 1:␣ 0151 3:␣ 0986 deportations and 1:␣ 0151 see also Students enforcement 1:␣ 0331; 2:␣ 0271 Companies general 1:␣ 0151; 6:␣ 0764; 9:␣ 0847; 15:␣ 0340 see Business/businesses/companies General Order Consular Service, Japanese No. 11 16:␣ 0001 San Francisco, California, consulate 3:␣ 0903 No. 13, First Supplement 15:␣ 0340 No. 13, Second Supplement 15:␣ 0340, Consular Service, U.S. 0627 consulates nonenforcement 1:␣ 0459 Kingston, Jamaica 1:␣ 0069 parole and 1:␣ 0151 Shanghai, China 3:␣ 0903; 9:␣ 0828 Section Six denials 9:␣ 0678 Veracruz, Mexico 1:␣ 0001 reports on Chinese emigration 9:␣ 0828 Chinese-Hawaiian United Corporation Section Six applications; denials 9:␣ 0678, 14:␣ 0265 0828 Chinese inspectors (U.S. Immigration Service) Corruption/misconduct authority of 1:␣ 0956 accounting irregularities 1:␣ 0744 discrimination complaint against 15:␣ 0001 bribery 1:␣ 0459, 0869, 0956 general 10:␣ 0001; 16:␣ 0001 extortion 5:␣ 0539 interpreters 2:␣ 0001; 5:␣ 0539 investigation of immigration officials misconduct of/corrupt 4:␣ 0826; 5:␣ 0539 Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, Moy Loy 1:␣ 0459, 0869 California 4:␣ 0826, 0833; 5:␣ 0539; Rhoads, Harold M. 7:␣ 0001, 0202 15:␣ 0147 see also Investigations/investigators Baltimore, Maryland 1:␣ 0331 Chinese Native Sons of San Francisco Los Angeles, California 10:␣ 0758 15:␣ 0001 issuance of fake residence certificates 4:␣ 0712

20 issuance of fraudulent/misuse of student Deportations certificates 9:␣ 0431 cases 1:␣ 0956; 7:␣ 0202 mishandling of detained deportees 4:␣ 0833 of Chinese aliens trial of immigration officials at Malone, New general 7:␣ 0001; 9:␣ 0106, 0184; 10:␣ 0001 York 1:␣ 0331–0950 mishandling of Chinese under detention see also Attorneys at law; Criminal activities/ 4:␣ 0833 organizations seamen 8:␣ 0001 “Country of origin” issue tong members 14:␣ 0896 deportations and 1:␣ 0151 and Chinese Exclusion Laws 1:␣ 0151 Court/legal cases and “country of origin” issue 1:␣ 0151 see Arrests/apprehension; Bond cases; Civil of Hindu agitators 5:␣ 0001 law cases; Criminal cases; Habeas corpus Japanese aliens 9:␣ 0106 cases; Immigration cases see also Voluntary departure Crime Desertion see Bribery; Corruption/misconduct of Chinese seamen while in U.S. ports 7:␣ 0001 of East Indian seamen from British ships in Criminal activities/organizations U.S. ports 5:␣ 0418 extortion 5:␣ 0539 gangs 9:␣ 0795 Detention/imprisonment/detainment Highbinder Society 9:␣ 0795; 14:␣ 0896 of illegal Chinese for narcotics violations opium houses 4:␣ 0694 1:␣ 0151 prostitution 10:␣ 0194; 14:␣ 0896 lists of aliens 8:␣ 0635, 0775 slave trade/indentured servitude 10:␣ 0194; mishandling of Chinese deportees under 15:␣ 0147 4:␣ 0833 smuggling see also Arrests/apprehension; Parole of aliens 1:␣ 0001, 0069; 2:␣ 0144, 0271, Discrimination 0426; 4:␣ 0532–0833; 6:␣ 0532, 0574, complaints against immigration inspectors at 0631–0764 Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor of narcotics 4:␣ 0705; 16:␣ 0284 15:␣ 0001 tong wars 9:␣ 0795; 10:␣ 0086; 14:␣ 0896 U.K. Embassy complaint against, of British use of Mandarin Theatre as facade for citizens 15:␣ 0001 10:␣ 0086 Diseased aliens white slave trade 8:␣ 0717 4:␣ 0001; 6:␣ 0369; 7:␣ 0431 see also Corruption/misconduct see also Hookworm; Medical inspections Criminal cases District of Columbia statistics 8:␣ 0318–0806; 9:␣ 0001 Chinese cases 8:␣ 0285, 0318 Cuba District #8 general 4:␣ 0532 Ellis Island, New York Harbor—Chinese Havana 6:␣ 0661 cases 8:␣ 0428 Customs, Canadian District #14 cooperation with U.S. Immigration Service Denver, Colorado—Chinese cases 8:␣ 0392 4:␣ 0532 Dollar Steamship Line general 1:␣ 0869 8:␣ 0189; 16:␣ 0284 Customs Service, U.S. East Indians personnel statements at San Francisco, in the Caribbean 5:␣ 0418 California 4:␣ 0833 desertion of, from British ships 5:␣ 0418 Daughdrill, Claude H. status of, born in British Guiana 5:␣ 0001 1:␣ 0069 see also Hindu aliens Deferments Education/training and Chinese Exclusion Laws 1:␣ 0151 industrial 9:␣ 0220, 0847 Delta work-study programs 9:␣ 0431, 0632, 0847 investigation of 1:␣ 0069 see also Students

21 11th District Court Great China Theatre Chinese and immigration cases 8:␣ 0356 11:␣ 0705 Ellis Island, New York Harbor Great Northern Railway Chinese cases 8:␣ 0428 4:␣ 0705 port of entry 12:␣ 0001, 0369; 16:␣ 0001 H.R. 11753 Emigration/emigrants 1:␣ 0151 see Chinese aliens/immigrants/emigrants; H.R. 15535 Hindu aliens; Japanese aliens/immigrants/ 14:␣ 0896 emigrants; Korean aliens/immigrants/ Habeas corpus cases emigrants District of Hawaii 4:␣ 0001, 0225 Employment statistics 8:␣ 0318–0806; 9:␣ 0001 of alien students during vacations 5:␣ 0632 Hawaii of Hindu aliens 7:␣ 0001 District of Hawaii 4:␣ 0001, 0225 Pennsylvania Railroad 7:␣ 0001 general 6:␣ 0001 Sun Shipbuilding Company 7:␣ 0202 Honolulu 8:␣ 0489; 12:␣ 0369, 0536, 1078; see also Labor/laborers; Mandarin Theatre 13:␣ 0001, 0397, 0592; 14:␣ 0001, 0265 Company Head tax Entry 7:␣ 0270 see Admission/admittance/entry Highbinder Tong/Society Exclusion 9:␣ 0795; 14:␣ 0896 see Chinese Exclusion Laws/Rules; see also Tong wars Immigration Act of February 5, 1917 Hindu aliens Extortion 5:␣ 0001–0418; 7:␣ 0001 Jew Tem Lem case 5:␣ 0539 see also Seamen/sailors, alien Fernandez, Luis Hindu-German Conspiracy smuggling case 2:␣ 0426 5:␣ 0001 Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Ho Chung v. Tod, United States ex rel. 11:␣ 0001–0705; 12:␣ 0001, 0536 8:␣ 0001, 0189 Fireman’s Fund Indemnity Company Hom Kee 14:␣ 0654 smuggler 6:␣ 0574 Florida Hookworm illegal entry of aliens into 1:␣ 0001, 0069 epidemic 2:␣ 0380; 6:␣ 0369 Jacksonville 8:␣ 0775 treatment hearings 2:␣ 0541–0961; 3:␣ 0001– Pensacola 1:␣ 0069 0751 Tampa 6:␣ 0661 Hospital facilities Gam Yok Charles Mo Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, 16:␣ 0001 California 2:␣ 0380; 6:␣ 0369 General Order Hughes, James L. C-36 16:␣ 0001 Immigration Service investigator 4:␣ 0833 No. 11 16:␣ 0001 Idaho No. 13, First Supplement 15:␣ 0340 Lewiston 6:␣ 0638 No. 13, Second Supplement 15:␣ 0340, 0627 Illegal entry/importation G.M. Cochrane of Chinese at Bolinas, California 4:␣ 0833 1:␣ 0001 of Chinese laborers 9:␣ 0431 Government, federal of Japanese into Lower (Baja) California, bureaucratic response to smuggling of aliens Mexico 6:␣ 0532 problem 6:␣ 0764 methods 15:␣ 0147 Grand (United) Parlor of the (Golden State) Muy Fat case 2:␣ 0426 Native Sons through ports in Florida and Mississippi Chinese Native Sons Society organization 1:␣ 0001, 0069 5:␣ 0539 see also Smuggling

22 Illinois personnel Chicago 8:␣ 0356; 12:␣ 0536–0880 Chinese inspectors 1:␣ 0459, 0869, 0956; Immigration Act 2:␣ 0001; 4:␣ 0826; 5:␣ 0539; 7:␣ 0001, of February 5, 1917 0202; 10:␣ 0001; 15:␣ 0001; 16:␣ 0001 exclusion of natives of India 5:␣ 0001 deportation officers 9:␣ 0184 Ninth Proviso, Section 3 5:␣ 0882 general 1:␣ 0331, 0459; 4:␣ 0833 of 1924 inspectors 2:␣ 0001; 4:␣ 0833; 7:␣ 0001, Chinese merchants 15:␣ 0340 0202; 15:␣ 0001 Section 3(1) 1:␣ 0151 interpreters 2:␣ 0001; 5:␣ 0539 Section 4, Clause E 9:␣ 0431 investigations of 1:␣ 0331–0950; 2:␣ 0001; of July 6, 1932 15:␣ 0627 4:␣ 0826, 0833; 5:␣ 0539; 10:␣ 0758; Immigration cases 15:␣ 0147 statistics 8:␣ 0285–0806; 9:␣ 0001 investigators 1:␣ 0331–0950; 4:␣ 0833; 6:␣ 0638; 9:␣ 0678 Immigration/immigrants on work-study programs for alien students see Chinese aliens/immigrants/emigrants; 9:␣ 0431, 0632 Hindu aliens; Japanese aliens/immigrants/ see also Consular Service, U.S.; Ports of emigrants; Korean aliens/immigrants/ departure; Ports of deportation; Ports of emigrants entry Immigration laws, U.S. Immigration stations/offices, U.S. Chinese statements on efforts to circumvent California 1:␣ 0459 Calexico 11:␣ 0705, 0938; 12:␣ 0001, 0880 General Order C-36 16:␣ 0001 Los Angeles 10:␣ 0758; 12:␣ 0001, 0369, handling of Hindus under 5:␣ 0418 1078; 13:␣ 0196 see also Chinese Exclusion Laws/Rules; Canada—Montreal 1:␣ 0331; 6:␣ 0764; 7:␣ 0270, Immigration Act; National Committee for 0431; 8:␣ 0543 Constructive Immigration Legislation Colorado—Denver 8:␣ 0392 Immigration Service/Bureau of Immigration, Hawaii—Honolulu 12:␣ 0369 U.S. Idaho—Lewiston 6:␣ 0638 Boards of Special Inquiry 16:␣ 0001 Illinois—Chicago 8:␣ 0356 bureaucratic response to smuggling problem Michigan—Detroit 4:␣ 0532; 7:␣ 0671 6:␣ 0764 Minnesota circulars Duluth 4:␣ 0694 on cancellation of statistical report on Minneapolis 14:␣ 0896 Chinese and immigration cases 9:␣ 0001 Missouri—St. Louis 8:␣ 0635 on enforcement of Chinese Exclusion Montana—Helena and Butte City 6:␣ 0574 Laws 2:␣ 0271 New Jersey—Gloucester City 7:␣ 0001, 0202; cooperation with Canadian customs officials 9:␣ 0106 4:␣ 0532 New York—New York City 8:␣ 0001 cooperation with Canadian immigration Ohio—Cleveland 8:␣ 0385 officials 5:␣ 0001 Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh 8:␣ 0602 diseases—change of hookworm from Class A Tennessee—Memphis 4:␣ 0694 to Class B 6:␣ 0369 see also Ports of departure; Ports of districts deportation; Ports of entry; Ports of transit Champlain 1:␣ 0331 Imprisonment Hawaii 4:␣ 0001, 0225 see Detention/imprisonment/detained New Orleans 1:␣ 0001, 0069 #8 8:␣ 0428 Indentured servitude #14 8:␣ 0392 see Slave trade/indentured servitude Form India 430 6:␣ 0764; 16:␣ 0001 deportation of Hindu agitators to 5:␣ 0001 431 16:␣ 0001 Indictments 432 16:␣ 0001 in California 2:␣ 0426 immigration station reports 6:␣ 0764

23 Industrial education/training Izard, Ralph Chinese students 9:␣ 0220, 0847 investigation by 1:␣ 0331–0950 in 9:␣ 0220 Jamaica Informant reports Kingston 1:␣ 0001 on Japanese smuggling 6:␣ 0532 Kingston—U.S. Consulate intelligence see also Intelligence activities activities 1:␣ 0069 Inspectors (U.S. Immigration Service) Japan alleged misconduct/corrupt 1:␣ 0331; 4:␣ 0833 consulate in San Francisco, California 3:␣ 0903 discrimination complaint against 15:␣ 0001 government listing of 2:␣ 0001 complaints regarding Korean aliens in Rhoads, Harold M. 7:␣ 0001, 0202 United States 3:␣ 0903 see also Investigations/investigators deportation of Hindu agitators 5:␣ 0001 Intelligence activities Japanese aliens/immigrants/emigrants on smuggling operations 2:␣ 0144, 0271, 0426; deportations 9:␣ 0106 4:␣ 0816 entry into United States via Lower (Baja) by U.S. Consulate, Kingston, Jamaica 1:␣ 0069 California, Mexico 6:␣ 0661 by U.S. Consulate, Veracruz, Mexico 1:␣ 0001 general 6:␣ 0369 see also Informant reports Hawaiian-born 3:␣ 0986 Intercontinental transit hookworm 2:␣ 0380, 0541–0961; 3:␣ 0001– of illegal Chinese aliens 2:␣ 0144; 4:␣ 0532; 0751; 6:␣ 0369 6:␣ 0661; 7:␣ 0270, 0431 in Mexico 6:␣ 0532, 0661 see also Transit of Chinese aliens; smuggling of 6:␣ 0532, 0574 Transshipment of illegal aliens/deportees see also Seamen/sailors, alien Interpreters (U.S. Immigration Service) Japanese-Americans Chinese 2:␣ 0001; 5:␣ 0539 15:␣ 0147 Investigations/investigators (U.S. Immigration Japanese Association of North America Service) appeal for hookworm treatment 6:␣ 0369 of alleged corrupt immigration officials Jew Tem Lem 1:␣ 0331; 4:␣ 0833; 5:␣ 0539 extortion case 5:␣ 0539 of arrested Hindu aliens from South Jock Ming On Theater Company Bethlehem 7:␣ 0001 12:␣ 0716 in Canton, China 9:␣ 0678 Korean aliens/immigrants/emigrants of Chan Gon Wing 15:␣ 0627 3:␣ 0903 of Chinese inspectors 4:␣ 0826; 5:␣ 0539; Korean National Association of North America 15:␣ 0001 3:␣ 0903 of Chinese interpreters 2:␣ 0001 Hughes, James L. 4:␣ 0833 Kuan Gen Fit of immigration officials Mandarin Theatre Company 10:␣ 0400 Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor, Labor/laborers California 4:␣ 0833; 5:␣ 0539; 15:␣ 0147 agricultural 5:␣ 0882; 6:␣ 0001, 0212 Baltimore, Maryland 1:␣ 0331 Asian, in United States 6:␣ 0001; 7:␣ 0202 Los Angeles, California 10:␣ 0758 in Chester, Pennsylvania 7:␣ 0001 Malone, New York 1:␣ 0331–0950 Chinese 5:␣ 0882; 6:␣ 0212; 7:␣ 0001; 9:␣ 0431; San Francisco, California 4:␣ 0826 10:␣ 0008; 16:␣ 0001 Izard, Ralph 1:␣ 0331–0950 Hindus 7:␣ 0001 to Lewiston, Idaho 6:␣ 0638 Korean 6:␣ 0212 of Ng San and Ng Shu Ting-heung 10:␣ 0194 in Mexico 5:␣ 0882; 6:␣ 0001, 0212 of San Francisco Trading Company 15:␣ 0147 Pacific coast 5:␣ 0882; 6:␣ 0001 of smuggling aliens into United States 6:␣ 0764 shortage 5:␣ 0882 of Stanley Dollar stowaways 15:␣ 0147 in South 5:␣ 0882 Woo Dip Ying and immorality allegations student 9:␣ 0220–0632, 0847 14:␣ 0654 Yook Fee case 6:␣ 0631

24 Labor organizations/unions Luckenbach Steamship Company, Inc. American Federation of Labor 9:␣ 0431 15:␣ 0001 complaints/opposition to Asian labor 6:␣ 0001; Lum Young v. Stump, United States ex rel. 7:␣ 0001, 0202 7:␣ 0702; 8:␣ 0001, 0189 discrimination against Hindu aliens 7:␣ 0001 Lun Hing Company general 5:␣ 0001, 0219 4:␣ 0712 Lau Ow Bew Lym, Robert F. case 15:␣ 0340 Chinese interpreter 5:␣ 0539 Leffingwell, Samuel Mail, U.S. smuggling case 4:␣ 0724 illegal use of 4:␣ 0712 Li, Paul interception of 6:␣ 0641, 0647; 16:␣ 0284 mistreatment case 3:␣ 0986 public opinion 5:␣ 0001, 0219, 0418; 6:␣ 0001 Lincoln First Baptist Church (Nebraska) see also Post Office, U.S. on entry into United States of Korean aliens Mallory Transport Lines, Inc. 3:␣ 0903 7:␣ 0711 Lobbyists/lobbying activities Malloy, M. J. American Federation of Labor 9:␣ 0431 smuggler 4:␣ 0532 China Club of Seattle 9:␣ 0847 Mandarin Theatre Company Chinese Chamber of Commerce of San in Boston, Massachusetts 12:␣ 0246 Francisco 15:␣ 0340 general 10:␣ 0086–0758; 11:␣ 0001–0938; Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001–0592; 14:␣ 0001– 6:␣ 0369; 15:␣ 0001, 0340 0654 Chinese-Hawaiian United Corporation in Los Angeles, California 10:␣ 0400 14:␣ 0265 Marriage Chinese Native Sons of San Francisco and alien students 9:␣ 0431 15:␣ 0001 Chinese Native Sons Society—Grand Maryland (United) Parlor of the (Golden State) Native Baltimore 1:␣ 0331 Sons organization 5:␣ 0539 Massachusetts Chinese Students’ Alliance, U.S.A. 9:␣ 0431 Boston 7:␣ 0270–0671; 9:␣ 0106; 12:␣ 0246; Committee on Friendly Relations Among 14:␣ 0896; 16:␣ 0001 Foreign Students 3:␣ 0986 Matsonia incident Japanese Association of North America 15:␣ 0001 6:␣ 0369 Mausir (Mansir), Charles Korean National Association of North smuggling case 4:␣ 0724 America 3:␣ 0903 Medical inspections Lincoln First Baptist Church (Nebraska) 6:␣ 0369; 7:␣ 0270 3:␣ 0903 see also Diseased aliens; Hookworm National Committee for Constructive Merchants, Chinese Immigration Legislation 3:␣ 0986 documentation of, returning from temporary National Committee for Legal Defense If visits abroad 15:␣ 0340, 0627; 16:␣ 0001 Chinese 15:␣ 0340 entry statistics in Champlain, New York, U.S. Chamber of Commerce 15:␣ 0340 District 1:␣ 0331 Louisiana Form 430 16:␣ 0001 Barataria area 1:␣ 0069 Form 431 16:␣ 0001 New Orleans 1:␣ 0069; 8:␣ 0189, 0558; treaty rights 15:␣ 0340 14:␣ 0265; 16:␣ 0001 wives and minor children of 15:␣ 0340, 0627; Lower (Baja) California, Mexico 16:␣ 0001 Chinese labor in 6:␣ 0001, 0212 Japanese aliens entry into United States via 6:␣ 0661 general 6:␣ 0532

25 Mexico National Surety Company Chinese laborers in 5:␣ 0882; 6:␣ 0001, 0212 11:␣ 0197, 0445 Ensenada 4:␣ 0816 Native Return Certificates government concessions for transport of see Return (admission) certificates/permits/ Chinese aliens 6:␣ 0212 forms Japanese aliens in 6:␣ 0532 Naturalization Lower (Baja) California 6:␣ 0001, 0212, 0532 5:␣ 0001 Mexicali 6:␣ 0212, 0661; 11:␣ 0705; 12:␣ 0880, Neutrality laws, U.S. 1078 violation of 5:␣ 0219 Salinas Cruz 6:␣ 0652 temporary admission of illiterate Mexicans New Jersey into United States 5:␣ 0882 arrests of Hindu aliens in 7:␣ 0001 transit between California and 4:␣ 0724, 0816; Gloucester City 7:␣ 0001, 0202; 9:␣ 0106 6:␣ 0212 New Orleans transport of deported aliens to U.S. border 4:␣ 0816 with 9:␣ 0106 New Orleans District Veracruz—U.S. Consulate 1:␣ 0001 smuggling of Chinese 1:␣ 0001, 0069 Mexico Maru New York 3:␣ 0001, 0336, 0751 Albany 1:␣ 0869 Michigan Buffalo 2:␣ 0271 Detroit 4:␣ 0532; 7:␣ 0671 Champlain District 1:␣ 0331 Minnesota Ellis Island, New York Harbor 8:␣ 0428; Duluth 4:␣ 0694 12:␣ 0001, 0369; 16:␣ 0001 Minneapolis 14:␣ 0896 Malone 1:␣ 0331, 0459, 0744 Minnesota New York City 7:␣ 0431; 8:␣ 0001, 0594; 3:␣ 0581 9:␣ 0106; 10:␣ 0001; 14:␣ 0896; 16:␣ 0284 New York Harbor 5:␣ 0418 Mississippi Niagara River area 4:␣ 0532 illegal entry by aliens at ports in 1:␣ 0001, 0069 Plattsburg 1:␣ 0331 Pascagoula 1:␣ 0069 New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Company Missouri 8:␣ 0189 St. Louis 8:␣ 0635 Ng San and Ng Shu Ting-heung Momus investigation of 10:␣ 0194 9:␣ 0106 Niagara River area Mongolia 4:␣ 0532 stowaways case 4:␣ 0833 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Montana 4:␣ 0001 Helena and Butte City 6:␣ 0574 Ohio Montelezum, R. Cleveland 8:␣ 0385 smuggler 4:␣ 0724 intercontinental transit of illegal aliens Moy Loy through 2:␣ 0144 bribery of 1:␣ 0459, 0869 Oneka Muy Fat 8:␣ 0001 illegal entry case 2:␣ 0426 Opium Narcotics houses 4:␣ 0694 general 1:␣ 0151 smuggling of 4:␣ 0705 opium 4:␣ 0694, 0705 see also Narcotics smuggling 4:␣ 0705; 16:␣ 0284 Oregon National Committee for Constructive smuggling of aliens between British Columbia Immigration Legislation and 4:␣ 0532 3:␣ 0986 O’Rourke, R. T. National Committee for Legal Defense If smuggling case 4:␣ 0724 Chinese 15:␣ 0340

26 Pacific coast Washington—Seattle 12:␣ 0536, 1078 labor 6:␣ 0001 see also Immigration stations/offices, U.S. labor shortage 5:␣ 0882 Ports of deportation ports 5:␣ 0416 California—Angel Island, San Francisco Panama Maru Harbor 9:␣ 0106 2:␣ 0541, 0679; 3:␣ 0001, 0581 Massachusetts—Boston 9:␣ 0106 Parole New Jersey—Gloucester City 9:␣ 0106 of actors and actresses 11:␣ 0197 New York—New York City 9:␣ 0106 and Chinese Exclusion Laws 1:␣ 0151 Texas—El Paso 9:␣ 0106 of theatre troupe members for fund-raising transport of aliens to 9:␣ 0106 10:␣ 0758 see also Immigration stations/offices, U.S. Passports Ports of entry Korean circumvention of Japanese laws Alabama—Mobile 8:␣ 0775 3:␣ 0903 California sale in China of fraudulent U.S. 15:␣ 0147 Angel Island, San Francisco Harbor Paternity 3:␣ 0986; 4:␣ 0833; 6:␣ 0369; 8:␣ 0189; 15:␣ 0147 15:␣ 0001 San Diego 4:␣ 0724 Peninsular & Occidental (P & O) Steamship San Francisco 1:␣ 0151; 3:␣ 0903; 4:␣ 0826, Company 0833; 5:␣ 0001; 6:␣ 0661; 10:␣ 0086; 6:␣ 0661 11:␣ 0001–0705; 12:␣ 0001–0369, 1078; Pennsylvania 16:␣ 0001 arrests of Hindu aliens in 7:␣ 0001 Hawaii—Honolulu 14:␣ 0265 Chester 7:␣ 0001, 0202 Louisiana—New Orleans 14:␣ 0265; 16:␣ 0001 Philadelphia 7:␣ 0001 Maryland—Baltimore 1:␣ 0331 Pittsburgh 2:␣ 0271; 8:␣ 0602 Massachusetts—Boston 7:␣ 0270; 16:␣ 0001 South Bethlehem 7:␣ 0001 New Jersey—Gloucester City 7:␣ 0001, 0202 Pennsylvania Railroad Company New York employment of Hindu aliens 7:␣ 0001 Ellis Island, New York Harbor 12:␣ 0001, Poissant, Adolph 0369; 16:␣ 0001 smuggler 4:␣ 0532 Malone 1:␣ 0331, 0459, 0744 Police, local Plattsburg 1:␣ 0331 San Francisco, California—investigation of statistics on Chinese witnesses at various ports Highbinder Societies 14:␣ 0896 of entry 5:␣ 0710 Political persecution issue Texas—El Paso 6:␣ 0532, 0589; 8:␣ 0806; Korean aliens 3:␣ 0903 9:␣ 0001 for transit 7:␣ 0431 Porter, Nelson W. Washington immigration agent 1:␣ 0459 Seattle 2:␣ 0541, 0961; 3:␣ 0001–0336, Ports 0581, 0751, 0986; 5:␣ 0001; 6:␣ 0369; West Indian 1:␣ 0001 10:␣ 0400; 11:␣ 0001–0938; 12:␣ 0001– Ports, U.S. 1078; 13:␣ 0001–0397; 14:␣ 0001–0654; illegal entry by aliens 1:␣ 0001, 0069 16:␣ 0001 New Orleans, Louisiana 8:␣ 0189 Tacoma 2:␣ 0541, 0679, 0961; 3:␣ 0001– New York, New York 8:␣ 0001 0452, 0751 regulations on Asian seamen landing at U.S. see also Immigration stations/offices, U.S. 7:␣ 0711; 8:␣ 0001 Ports of transit see also Seamen/sailors, alien; Seamen/ Massachusetts—Boston 7:␣ 0431, 0671 sailors, Chinese Michigan—Detroit 7:␣ 0671 Ports of departure New York—New York City 7:␣ 0431 California—Calexico 12:␣ 1078; 16:␣ 0001 Texas—Galveston 7:␣ 0431 Hawaii—Honolulu 12:␣ 0536; 13:␣ 0592; see also Immigration stations/offices, U.S. 14:␣ 0265 Massachusetts—Boston 7:␣ 0270

27 Post Office, U.S. Residence certificates inspector activities 6:␣ 0647 fake 4:␣ 0712 interception of U.S. mail 6:␣ 0641, 0647; Residency issue 16:␣ 0284 returning Chinese aliens 10:␣ 0008 see also Mail, U.S. see also Admission/admittance/entry; President Garfield Merchants, Chinese 16:␣ 0284 Return (admission) certificates/permits/forms Press Chinese aliens domiciled in United States leaks to 4:␣ 0816 applications 10:␣ 0008 Prostitution Form 430 6:␣ 0764; 16:␣ 0001 10:␣ 0194; 14:␣ 0896 Form 431 16:␣ 0001 see also Slave trade/indentured servitude; Form 432 16:␣ 0001 White slave trade general 15:␣ 0340 Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, see also Admission/admittance/entry; U.S. Merchants, Chinese 2:␣ 0380 Revenue Cutter Service, U.S. see also Medical inspections 4:␣ 0816 Public Health Service, U.S. Rhoads, Harold M. 6:␣ 0369 inspector 7:␣ 0001, 0202 see also Medical inspections Russia Public opinion, American students in United States 15:␣ 0001 general 15:␣ 0340 Sado Maru mail 2:␣ 0823, 0961; 3:␣ 0336, 0581 protesting admittance of unskilled Asian San Francisco Trading Company labor 6:␣ 0001 investigation of 15:␣ 0147 protesting deportation of Hindu agitators Sang Kee 5:␣ 0001, 0219, 0418 testimony by 1:␣ 0744, 0869 Public support, American Sanuki Maru of Chinese vocational students 9:␣ 0220 3:␣ 0001 Quon Loy Saunders, William smuggler 6:␣ 0574 Canadian Customs officer 1:␣ 0869 Quon Quon Poy Scholarships admission case 16:␣ 0001 business 9:␣ 0847 Quota system/quotas see also Public support, American general 1:␣ 0151 Seamen/sailors, alien temporary admission of Chinese actors and “barred zones” issue 7:␣ 0711; 8:␣ 0001 actresses 10:␣ 0610; 11:␣ 0001, 0445, 0705; desertion of East Indians from British ships in 12:␣ 0246, 0369 U.S. ports 5:␣ 0418 see also Admission/admittance/entry excluded 7:␣ 0702 Railroads Hindu 7:␣ 0001; 8:␣ 0001 Canadian National Railway 7:␣ 0270, 0431 Japanese 8:␣ 0001 Canadian Northern Railway Company regulations on landing at U.S. ports of call 7:␣ 0270–0671 7:␣ 0711 Canadian Pacific Railway Company 7:␣ 0270– see also United States ex rel. Lum Young v. 0671 Stump Great Northern Railway 4:␣ 0705 Seamen/sailors, Chinese Southern Pacific Railroad Company 6:␣ 0661 “barred zones” issue 7:␣ 0711; 8:␣ 0001 transit bonds 7:␣ 0270–0671 deportation of 8:␣ 0001 transport of Chinese aliens 6:␣ 0661; 7:␣ 0270– desertion of, while in U.S. ports 7:␣ 0001 0671 general 7:␣ 0702 use in smuggling of Chinese aliens 2:␣ 0271 landing bonds for 7:␣ 0702, 0711; 8:␣ 0001, see also Trunk Line Passenger Association 0189

28 regulations on landing at U.S. ports 7:␣ 0711 general 1:␣ 0001, 0069; 2:␣ 0144, 0271; 4:␣ 0532, see also United States ex rel. Lum Young v. 0694, 0705, 0724–0833; 6:␣ 0631–0764 Stump intelligence activities on 1:␣ 0001, 0069; Seattle Maru 2:␣ 0144, 0271 2:␣ 0541; 3:␣ 0001, 0204 interception of mail on 6:␣ 0641, 0647 Section Six laborers 9:␣ 0431 applications 9:␣ 0828 methods 1:␣ 0001, 0459; 15:␣ 0147 denials 9:␣ 0678 via Mexico 2:␣ 0426 Mexico—Ensenada as terminus 4:␣ 0816 Shizuoka Maru Michigan—Detroit 4:␣ 0532 2:␣ 0961; 3:␣ 0452 Mississippi 1:␣ 0001, 0069 Slave trade/indentured servitude Niagara River area 4:␣ 0532 of Chinese emigrants by Chinese “steerers” Pennsylvania—Pittsburgh as terminus from 15:␣ 0147 Canada 2:␣ 0271 Mandarin Theatre Company 10:␣ 0194 on railroads 2:␣ 0271 white slave trade cases 8:␣ 0717 San Francisco Trading Company 15:␣ 0147 see also Prostitution “steerers” 15:␣ 0147 Smugglers stowaways 4:␣ 0833; 6:␣ 0652; 15:␣ 0147 American citizens of Greek descent 1:␣ 0069 students 6:␣ 0574 Bulgarians 4:␣ 0532 into Washington and Oregon 4:␣ 0532 Hom Kee 6:␣ 0574 see also Arrests/apprehension; Corruption/ Low, “Billie” 4:␣ 0705 misconduct; Investigations/investigators; Maggs, Arthur C. 6:␣ 0589 Mandarin Theatre Company; Smuggling Malloy, M. J. 4:␣ 0532 Social organizations Montelezum, R. 4:␣ 0724 China Club of Seattle 9:␣ 0847 Nelson, “Bat” 4:␣ 0705 Chinese Chamber of Commerce of San Poissant, Adolph 4:␣ 0532 Francisco 15:␣ 0340 Quon Loy 6:␣ 0574 Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association Roberts, Curley 6:␣ 0589 6:␣ 0369; 15:␣ 0001, 0340 Smuggling Chinese Native Sons of San Francisco of aliens 15:␣ 0001 bureaucratic response to 6:␣ 0764 Chinese Native Sons Society—Grand investigation of 6:␣ 0764 (United) Parlor of the (Golden State) Native Japanese 6:␣ 0532, 0574; 15:␣ 0147 Sons organization 5:␣ 0539 laborers 6:␣ 0001; 7:␣ 0202 Chinese Students’ Alliance, U.S.A. 9:␣ 0431 of narcotics 4:␣ 0705; 16:␣ 0284 Japanese Association of North America see also Smuggling of Chinese aliens 6:␣ 0369 Smuggling cases Korean National Association of North Fernandez, Luis 2:␣ 0426 America 3:␣ 0903 Leffingwell, Samuel 4:␣ 0724 see also Highbinder Tong/Society Mausir (Mansir), Charles 4:␣ 0724 Som, Louie O’Rourke, R. T. 4:␣ 0724 deportation case 1:␣ 0956 Smuggling of Chinese aliens South in automobiles 4:␣ 0532 labor shortage in 5:␣ 0882 on barges 4:␣ 0532 Southern Pacific Railroad Company in California 6:␣ 0661 Bolinas 4:␣ 0833 Southern Pacific Steamship Line fake residence certificates 4:␣ 0712 9:␣ 0106 general 4:␣ 0724–0826 San Francisco 4:␣ 0833 Stanley Dollar across Canada–U.S. border 2:␣ 0144, 0271; 15:␣ 0147 4:␣ 0532, 0694 Statistics “Chinese Banana Coaching Letter” 15:␣ 0147 Chinese cases 8:␣ 0285–0806; 9:␣ 0001 Florida 1:␣ 0001, 0069 Chinese witnesses at ports of entry 5:␣ 0710 on entry of Chinese aliens 1:␣ 0459

29 Statistics cont. Tamba Maru on entry of Chinese merchants into Champlain 2:␣ 0961; 3:␣ 0001, 0581 District, New York 1:␣ 0331 Taxation Immigrant Hospital, Angel Island, San see Head tax Francisco Harbor, 6:␣ 0369 Ted Mell Cass Coal Company immigration cases 8:␣ 0285–0806; 9:␣ 0001 2:␣ 0144 on location of Chinese alien families 15:␣ 0147 Tennessee on U.S. resident Hindus 5:␣ 0418 Memphis 4:␣ 0694 Steamship companies Teucer Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. 8:␣ 0001 3:␣ 0581 China Mail Steamship Company 9:␣ 0795 Dollar Steamship Line 8:␣ 0189; 16:␣ 0284 Texas Luckenbach Steamship Company, Inc. El Paso 6:␣ 0532, 0589; 8:␣ 0806; 9:␣ 0001, 0106 15:␣ 0001 Galveston 7:␣ 0431; 8:␣ 0453 Mallory Transport Lines, Inc. 7:␣ 0711 Theater companies/theaters, Chinese New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Great China Theatre 11:␣ 0705 Company 8:␣ 0189 Jock Ming On Theater Company 12:␣ 0716 Peninsular & Occidental (P & O) Steamship Mandarin Theatre Company 10:␣ 0086–0758; Company 6:␣ 0661 11:␣ 0001–0938; 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001– Steamship transportation 0592; 14:␣ 0001–0654 7:␣ 0270, 0431 Tai Wing Wah Theater 12:␣ 0536, 0880 see also Choy Ding Quay Opera Company “Steerers” Chinese, and indentured servitude 15:␣ 0147 Titan 3:␣ 0336 Stowaways Chinese, on vessels from Salinas Cruz, Tong wars Mexico 6:␣ 0652 9:␣ 0795; 10:␣ 0086; 14:␣ 0896 Mongolia case 4:␣ 0833 see also Criminal activities/organizations Stanley Dollar investigation 15:␣ 0147 Trade Student certificates U.S. with China 9:␣ 0220 fraudulent/misuse of 9:␣ 0431 Transit bonds Students 6:␣ 0661; 7:␣ 0270–0671 alien 9:␣ 0632 Transit of Chinese aliens businesses’ support of Chinese 9:␣ 0847 general 4:␣ 0724 Chinese 3:␣ 0986; 6:␣ 0574; 9:␣ 0220–0632, intercontinental 2:␣ 0144; 4:␣ 0532; 6:␣ 0661; 0847; 15:␣ 0340 7:␣ 0270, 0431 Chinese Students’ Alliance, U.S.A. 9:␣ 0431 problems with 6:␣ 0764 Committee on Friendly Relations Among by railroad 6:␣ 0661; 7:␣ 0270–0671 Foreign Students 3:␣ 0986 routes 7:␣ 0431 Hindu 5:␣ 0418 between San Francisco, California, and Japanese 3:␣ 0986; 9:␣ 0632 Mexicali, Mexico 6:␣ 0212, 0661 Korean 3:␣ 0903 Transportation laborers 9:␣ 0220–0632, 0847 of aliens to ports of deportation 9:␣ 0106 marriage and 9:␣ 0431 general 5:␣ 0001 Russian 15:␣ 0001 Mexican government concessions for, of scholarships 9:␣ 0847 Chinese aliens 6:␣ 0212 see also Education/training by railroads 6:␣ 0661; 7:␣ 0270–0671 Sun Shipbuilding Company of smuggled aliens 7:␣ 0202 in automobiles 4:␣ 0532 Tacoma Maru on barges 4:␣ 0532 2:␣ 0961; 3:␣ 0204, 0581 by railroads 2:␣ 0271 steamships 7:␣ 0270, 0431; 9:␣ 0106 Tai Wing Wah Theater see also Railroads; Steamship companies 12:␣ 0536, 0880

30 Transshipment of illegal aliens/deportees Warrants of arrest cases from Havana, Cuba, to China via Tampa, see Arrests/apprehension Florida, and San Francisco, California Washington (state) 6:␣ 0661 Seattle 2:␣ 0541, 0961; 3:␣ 0001–0336, 0581, overseas 5:␣ 0001 0751, 0986; 4:␣ 0705; 8:␣ 0717; 9:␣ 0847; West Indian ports 1:␣ 0001 10:␣ 0008, 0400, 0758; 11:␣ 0001–0938; see also Intercontinental transit 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001–0397; 14:␣ 0001– Trunk Line Passenger Association 0654; 16:␣ 0001 7:␣ 0431 smuggling of aliens between British Columbia Tuck, Joseph and 4:␣ 0532 mistreatment case 3:␣ 0986 Tacoma 2:␣ 0541, 0679, 0961; 3:␣ 0001–0452, Union Indemnity Company 0751 11:␣ 0001–0938; 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001– Weed, George S. 0592; 14:␣ 0001–0654 testimony of 1:␣ 0744 United Kingdom (U.K.) West Indies embassy in U.S. complaint regarding transshipment ports in 1:␣ 0001 discrimination of British citizens 15:␣ 0001 White slave trade industrial training of Chinese students 9:␣ 0220 cases 8:␣ 0717 Liverpool, England 6:␣ 0641 Wong Aloy United Parlor of the Golden State Native Sons interpreter applicant 2:␣ 0001 see Grand (United) Parlor of the (Golden Wong King State) Native Sons 1:␣ 0459 United States ex rel. Ho Chung v. Tod Woo Dip Ying 8:␣ 0001, 0189 immorality investigation 14:␣ 0654 United States ex rel. Lum Young v. Stump Work-study programs 7:␣ 0702; 8:␣ 0001 Bureau of Immigration United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company opposition to 9:␣ 0431 11:␣ 0197; 12:␣ 0001, 0536; 14:␣ 0654 permission for 9:␣ 0632 United States v. Clemenshire [Clemishire] et al. general 9:␣ 0847 1:␣ 0331–0950 World War I United States v. Ng On et al. labor organizations’ opposition to importation 1:␣ 0956 of Asian labor during 6:␣ 0001 U.S.–China Treaty of Commerce and Yen Hing Navigation of 1880 1:␣ 0459 merchants’ rights under 15:␣ 0340 Yeung Shong Yuen U Yin Ping 1:␣ 1023 interpreter application 2:␣ 0001 Ying, Lum J. Visas Chinese interpreter 5:␣ 0539 reports on Chinese applications 9:␣ 0828 Yokohama Maru Voluntary departure 2:␣ 0823; 3:␣ 0001, 0452, 0751 Chinese, from United States 11:␣ 0197–0938; Yook Fee 12:␣ 0001–1078; 13:␣ 0001–0592; 14:␣ 0001– investigation case 6:␣ 0631 0654 procedure 1:␣ 0151 Wallace A. McDonald 1:␣ 0069

31 Related Collections in American Immigration

American Immigrant Autobiographies

Papers of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy

Papers of the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians

Records of the American Council for Nationalities Service, 1921–1971

Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Series A: Subject Correspondence Files Part 1: Asian Immigration and Exclusion, 1906–1913 Part 2: Mexican Immigration, 1906–1930 Part 3: Ellis Island, 1900–1933 Part 4: European Investigations, 1898–1936 Part 5: Prostitution and “White Slavery,” 1902–1933

Voices from Ellis Island: An Oral History of American Immigration