Freelance Rate Chart

Title and Skill Set Production Options Low Rate Average Rate High Rate

Copywriter Brochures $45/hr $70/hr $95+/hr r 5+ years experience Web copy r Degree in Journalism/Marketing/ Newsletters Mass Communications Direct mail r Most work with Designers, some Articles produce own graphics Ads Presentations Re-Branding Web Content Web copy $42/hr $68/hr $85+/hr r 5+ years experience Banner ads r Degree in English/Communications Logos r Works with Designer for SEO content architectural layout of pages Articles r Develops concepts r Strong skills in MS Word, may have knowledge of other Web tools Software Technical Writer User guides $52/hr $68/hr $80+/hr r 5+ years experience Online help r Degree in English/ Process documentation r Strong skills in MS Word, Visio, Policies/procedures FrameMaker, RoboHelp, HTML System documentation Life-cycle development IT network manuals Hardware Technical Writer SOPs $50/hr $64/hr $75+/hr r 5+ years experience Installation manuals r Degree in English/Technical Writing Maintenance manuals r Engineering/Mechanical Experience Operational manuals r Strong skills in MS Word, possible FrameMaker, some illustration tools Technical Editor Looks for: $47/hr $60/hr $72+/hr r 5+ years experience Consistency r Degree in English/Communications Spelling r Some writing experience Grammar r Strong skills in MS Word, possible Punctuation FrameMaker, Visio Standards Format templates Tables Table of contents/index Proposal Writer Private proposals $65/hr $85/hr $100+/hr r 5+ years experience Government proposals r Degree in English/Communications RFPs or other related field Grants r In-depth research and interviewing skills r Strong skills with MS Office Suite

763.551.9772 877.392.9772 toll free [email protected]

Specializing in Local Freelance Technical and Medical , Copywriters and Training Developers Nationwide

Note: This chart is an estimate of market rates for freelance writers and designers. The freelancers set their own rates which generally vary with skills, experience and geographic location. © 2011 Copyright by Writing Assistance, Inc. This document may be printed, republished and distributed as long as it is not altered. V1.3 Freelance Rate Chart

Title and Skill Set Production Options Low Rate Average Rate High Rate

Instructional Designer Course modules $63/hr $80/hr $95+/hr r 5+ years experience Curriculum r Degree in Instructional , some PowerPoint have an MA in Education presentations r Experience with ILT, WBT, CBT, Soft skill training e-Learning Technical training r Strong skills in MS Word, HTML, Handouts PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Director, Flash, Captivate Medical/Science Writer Brochures $70/hr $90/hr $120+/hr r 5+ years experience Clinical Studies r Degree in Health, Life Sciences, English/ Protocols Communications; some experience in medical Manuscripts or pharmaceutical field preferred Medical Grants r Possible Master’s degree, PhD, PharmD Scientific White Papers or RN Articles r Knowledge of FDA regulations Abstracts Technical Illustrator Graphics $55/hr $65/hr $80+/hr r 5+ years experience Drawings r Degree Computer Science or Liberal Touch-ups Arts or 3-D images r Engineering/Mechanical Experience r Strong skills in AutoCAD, Visio, CorelDraw, PhotoShop, Illustrator Graphic Designer Create animations $45/hr $68/hr $90+/hr r 5+ years experience Design graphics r Degree in Computer Graphics or Print design and Graphic Design or Fine Arts pre-press production r Strong skills in PhotoShop, Freehand, Ads Illustrator, Flash, InDesign, Quark Trade show & display graphics Logos Web Designer Create animations $50/hr $75/hr $90+/hr r 5+ years experience Design graphics r Degree in Computer Graphics or Maintain interface, Graphic Design or Fine Arts site architecture r Strong skills in PhotoShop, Custom site design Freehand, Illustrator, Flash, HTML, Banners GoLive, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Logos Contribute

763.551.9772 877.392.9772 toll free [email protected]

Specializing in Local Freelance Technical and Medical Writers, Copywriters and Training Developers Nationwide

Note: This chart is an estimate of market rates for freelance writers and designers. The freelancers set their own rates which generally vary with skills, experience and geographic location. © 2011 Copyright by Writing Assistance, Inc. This document may be printed, republished and distributed as long as it is not altered. V1.3