900 South Woodlands Drive #06-01 Woodlands Civic Centre Singapore 730900 Tel: 6248 5566 Fax: 6219 1176



Sustainable philanthropic club committed to nurture caring hearts and promote a culture of giving back ______

North West Community Development Council (CDC) continues to strive towards building a caring and healthy community with its very own philanthropic club, Club-100 @ North West. Club-100 @ North West; initiated by Mayor Dr in 2008; started with only 10 members, 10 years ago. Over the years, the club was able to encourage like-minded individuals, community and corporate partners to come on board and grow the membership by 80 fold. Today, with 800 members raising $8 million since its inception, the members’ committed contributions were channelled 100% to the North West Food Aid Fund (FAF) which in turn benefitted over 12,000 needy households annually through food assistance.

2 To appreciate the dedication of the 800 members of Club-100 @ North West, the North West Community Development Council (CDC) organised the Club-100 @ North West Dinner 2018 on Thursday, 18 October 2017 at the Orchard Hotel.


3 Guest-of-Honour Minister for National Development & Second Minister for Finance and Adviser to Limbang GROs, Mr joined Dr Teo Ho Pin, Mayor of North West District, who was the host of the event. Special guests, Dr , Adviser to Canberra GROs, Mr Vikram Nair, Adviser to Admiralty GROs and Mr , Adviser to Zhenghua GROs also attended the event.

4 Dr Teo Ho Pin, Mayor of North West District, says, “Over the past decade, I am heartened to see our Club-100 @ North West succeed in nurturing a community with strong ownership and unwavering commitment. From a mere 10 Club-100 @ North West members 10 years ago, we have 800 members today who have raised $8 million for the North West FAF. Through their contributions, we were able to touch the lives and benefit over 12,000 needy households annually. We hope to encourage more caring hearts to come on board, continue this culture of giving and collectively build a Caring North West Community.”

5 Dr Robin Yap, 10-year donor of Club-100 @ North West, says, “Club-100 @ North West is a long term sustainable project aiming to help families in need. Over the last 10 years, this key objective has been constantly resonated within the members and I personally felt the significant growth since its inception. This club has since created a platform for like-minded individuals, community and corporate partners to go beyond donating and contribute in every way we can.”

6 Mdm Yee Swee Cheng, a 78-year-old beneficiary of North West FAF, says, “With my current poor health and my 2 cataract surgeries, I was very weak and unable to cook or buy my own meals. As I am currently living alone, it was extremely difficult for me to have a proper meal while being confided to the house. I was only able to tide over the difficult phrase with North West FAF – Tingkat Meal Delivery. I would like to sincerely thank Club-100 and North West CDC as I would have been at wits’ end without their help.”

7 Mr Goh Ah Meng, a 64-year-old beneficiary of North West FAF, recounts, “I was in the position where I could not afford daily necessities such as food and electricity. It pains me to see my growing children go hungry and being unable to get the nourishment necessary for a child their age. Therefore, I was grateful when Woodlands Family Service Centre (FSC) referred my situation to North West CDC and the North West FAF.”


8 This year, we will be recognising 43 10-year award donors who have contributed consecutively for 10 years since the Club’s inception in 2008 and 33 5-year award donors. To date, 245 donors have been recognised for their effort in contributing back to the community.