Curriculum Vitae Ljudmila Kamenova

Business Address: Home Address: Stony Brook University 89 Strathmore Village Dr Department of , Room 3-115 S. Setauket, NY 11720, USA Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651, USA (617) 279-3371 (631) 632-8262 [email protected]


B.S. and M.S., Sofia University, Spring 2001 Ph.D., Institute of Technology, Spring 2006


Postdoctoral Member, I.A.S. Princeton, September 2006 - August 2007 J. H. Simons Instructor, SUNY Stony Brook, September 2007 - August 2011 Simons Lecturer, SUNY Stony Brook, September 2011 - August 2016 Research Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University, September 2016 - August 2019 Research Associate Professor, Stony Brook University, August 2019 - present Visiting Professor, SCGP, August 2020 - August 2022


Gold Medal in the 13th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, 1996 Silver Medal in the 37th International Mathematical Olympiad, 1996 National Diploma for excellence in the fields of natural and mathematical sciences, 1996 Over 20 first prizes in national and regional mathematical competitions from 1990 to 1996 Second Prize in the National Mathematical Olympiad for University Students, 1997 First Prize in the 5th International Mathematics Competition for University Students, 1998 Norman Levinson award for MIT graduate student, September 2001 – May 2002 Mentor recognition award for the Siemens-Westinghouse Competition, 2003 Research Assistant Fellowships with Prof. Gang Tian, MIT 2003, 2005, 2006


NSF Grant DMS-0805594, “Classification of Abelian fibered hyper-Kahler fourfolds”, 2008- 2011 AMS travel award for the 2017 Mathematical Congress of the Americas in Montreal, Canada Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant 522730, “Hyperkaehler manifolds and Lagrangian fibrations”, 2017-2022 Ljudmila Kamenova 2

Public Outreach and Training Activities Organizer of “Women in Math” meetings at Stony Brook University since 2009. Organizer of the Math Club on advanced problem solving for high school students on Long Island in Fall 2016. Lecturer at SigmaCamp 2017, an overnight Science and Math camp for children of ages 12 to 16. Mentor in the National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences since 2017. Leader of a networking session at the 2018 Girl Power in STEM held at the SCGP, Stony Brook, NY. Graduate Student Section interview for the Notices of the AMS, Vol. 65, No. 4 (2018) 416-417. Co-organizer of Women in Mathematical Physics, September 2020, BIRS, Banff, Canada. Mentored high school students Grant Yu (in 2019 and 2020); Bohong Su (2021). Initial Faculty Mentor for the SBU graduate student Spencer Cattalani (2021-).

Publications 1. Kamenova, L. K., Complex structures on ruled surfaces, Proc. of 30th Spring Conf. of UBM, Borovets, April 8–11, 2001, p. 163–168 (2001). 2. Kamenova, L., Hyper-Kaehler Fibrations and Hilbert Schemes, Ph.D. Thesis (2006). 3. Kamenova, L., Hyper-K¨ahlerfourfolds fibered by elliptic products, Epijournal de G´eom´etrie Alg´ebrique,Vol. 2 (2018), Article Nr. 7. 4. Kamenova, L., Verbitsky, M., Families of Lagrangian fibrations on hyperkaehler manifolds, Adv. Math. 260 (2014) 401 - 413. 5. Kamenova, L., Lu, S., Verbitsky, M., Kobayashi pseudometric on hyperkahler manifolds, J. Lond. Math. Soc. 90 (2): (2014) 436 - 450. 6. R. Donagi, M. R. Douglas, L. Kamenova, M. Roˇcek(editors), String-Math 2013, Proceed- ings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 88, AMS (2014). 7. Kamenova, L., Finiteness of Lagrangian fibrations with fixed invariants, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 354, Ser. I, No. 7 (2016) 707 - 711. 8. Bogomolov, F., Kamenova, L., Lu, S., Verbitsky, M., The Kobayashi pseudometric and complex automorphisms, “Geometry over nonclosed fields - Simons Symposium 2015”, Springer-Verlag (2017) 1 - 17. 9. Kamenova, L., Verbitsky, M., Algebraic non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds with Picard rank greater than one, NYJM 23 (2017) 489 - 495. 10. Kamenova, L., Survey of finiteness results for hyperk¨ahlermanifolds, Proceedings of miniPAGES, Banach Center Publ. 116 (2018) 77 - 86. 11. Kamenova, L., Verbitsky, M., Pullbacks of hyperplane sections for Lagrangian fibrations are primitive, Commun. Contemp. Math., 21 (2019) No. 8, 1850065, 7 pp. 12. Bogomolov, F., Kamenova, L., Verbitsky, M., Algebraically hyperbolic manifolds have finite automorphism groups, Commun. Contemp. Math., 22 (2020) No. 2, 1950003, 10 pp. 13. Kamenova, L., Twistor spaces and compact manifolds admitting both K¨ahlerand non- K¨ahlerstructures, JGSP 46 (2017) 25 - 35. 14. Javanpeykar, A., Kamenova, L., Demailly’s notion of algebraic hyperbolicity: geometric- ity, boundedness, moduli of maps, Math. Zeit. 296 (2020) 1645 - 1672. Ljudmila Kamenova 3

15. Kamenova, L., Mongardi, G., Oblomkov, A., Symplectic involutions of K3[n]-type and Kummer n-type manifolds, to appear in the Bull. London Math. Soc. (2021), arXiv:1809.02810 [math.AG], 16. Kamenova, L., Verbitsky, M., Holomorphic Lagrangian subvarieties in holomorphic sym- plectic manifolds with Lagrangian fibrations and special Kahler geometry, European Journal of Mathematics (2021), arXiv:1902.05497 [math.DG], 17. van Bommel, R., Javanpeykar, A., Kamenova, L., Boundedness in families with applica- tions to arithmetic hyperbolicity, submitted, arXiv:1907.11225 [math.AG], 18. Kamenova, L., Vafa, C., Kobayashi non-hyperbolicity of Calabi-Yau manifolds via mirror symmetry, Commun. Math. Phys. 378(1) (2020) 329 - 334. 19. Kamenova, L., Verbitsky, M., Roundness of the ample cone and existence of double La- grangian fibrations on hyperk¨ahlermanifolds, submitted, arXiv:2109.08088 [math.AG].

Professional activities

Served on the SCGP evaluating committee in 2020/21. Served on an NSF panel in 2020. Referee for the journals “”, “International Mathematics Research No- tices”, “Mathematical Research Letters”, GAFA, “Indiana U. Math. Journal”, J. Geom. Mech., Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, etc. Reviewer for Zentralblatt MATH and for MathSciNet. Editor for String-Math 2013 Conference Proceedings. Contributed problems for the doctoral comprehensive exams at SBU from 2008 until now. In charge of the Putnam selection and preparation process at SBU in Fall 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. Part of the doctoral comprehensive exam preparation at SBU in Fall 2015, 2016 and 2017. Chaired the January 2016 doctoral comprehensive exam and participated in its grading and organizing. Grader for the 2014 and 2018 August comps. Mentor in the National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences since 2017. Member of the Undergraduate Committee of the Department of Mathematics at Stony Brook University in 2016/17 and 2017/18, where we helped revise the SBU’s under- graduate program and advanced track program. Contributed to the QS University Rankings report on 2018. Member of the Stony Brook University Colloquium and the Simons Lectures committee in 2018/19 and 2019/20. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th Geometry-Topology Summer School, Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences, July 2020.

Conferences organized

AGNES, Stony Brook (October 2009) FRG Workshop on Holomorphic symplectic varieties, Courant Institute, NYC (June 2011) Hyper-Kahler Geometry Workshop, SCGP, Stony Brook (October 2012) Ljudmila Kamenova 4

String-Math 2013, SCGP, Stony Brook (June 2013) Quiver Varieties Program and Workshop, SCGP, Stony Brook (September - November, 2013) 29th Annual Geometry Festival, Stony Brook University (April 11 - 13, 2014) Workshop on derived categories and Chow groups of hyperk¨ahlerand Calabi-Yau varieties, SCGP, Stony Brook (September 2016) Geometry and Mathematical Physics Workshop dedicated to the memory of Vasil Tsanov, UACEG, Sofia, Bulgaria (July 2019) Women in Mathematical Physics, BIRS, Banff, Canada (September 2020)

Talks “The mirror conjecture and special Lagrangian fibrations” Differential Geometry Graduate Student Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001 “Desingularized moduli spaces of sheaves on a K3 surface” Differential Geometry Graduate Student Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002 “Counting rational curves on K3 surfaces” Algebraic Geometry Graduate Student Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002 “Finiteness results for hyperK¨ahlermanifolds” Differential Geometry Graduate Student Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002 “Vector bundles on K3 surfaces” Pure Math Graduate Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003 “Elliptic fibrations” Pure Math Graduate Seminar Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004 “On hyper-K¨ahlermanifolds” IAS Members seminar IAS, Princeton, 2006 “A special class of hyper-K¨ahlermanifolds” Geometry/Topology seminar SUNY Stony Brook, 2007 “Hyper-K¨ahlerFibrations” University of Hong Kong, 2009 and Hong Kong Unviersity of Science and Technology, 2009 “On hyper-K¨ahlerFibrations” Geometry Seminar Sofia University, 2009 Ljudmila Kamenova 5

“Hyper-K¨ahlerFibrations” Algebraic Geometry Seminar UC San Diego, 2009 “Abelian Fibrations on Hyper-K¨ahlerVarieties” Geometry/Topology seminar SUNY Stony Brook, 2010 “Finiteness for hyper-K¨ahler Abelian fibrations” Geometry and Mathematical Physics seminar Sofia University, 2010 “Finiteness for hyper-K¨ahler manifolds” Geometry/Topology seminar SUNY Stony Brook, 2011 “Four-dimensional hyper-K¨ahlerAbelian fibrations” FRG Workshop on holomorphic symplectic varieties Courant Institute, 2011 “Recent developments in hyper-K¨ahlergeometry” Geometric Structures in Mathematical Physics Golden Sands, Bulgaria, 2011 “Introduction to hyper-K¨ahlergeometry” Learning seminar on the Hitchin system Stony Brook University, 2011 “Hyper-K¨ahlermanifolds and Abelian fibrations” Weekly Seminar of Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications HSE, Moscow 2012 “Largangian fibrations on hyperk¨ahlermanifolds and non-hyperbolicity” Valley Geometry Seminar University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2013 “Hyperk¨ahlerfibrations and Kobayashi non-hyperbolicity” Geometry Meeting Sofia Technical University, 2013 “Kobayashi’s conjecture for hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Colloquium Rutgers-Newark, 2013 “Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Geometry/Topology seminar SUNY Stony Brook, 2013 “Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and for hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Geometry and Topology Seminar University of Waterloo, Canada, 2014 “Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Lille, France, 2014 “Kobayashi non-hyperbolicity and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” University of Bonn Bonn, Germany, 2014 “Kobayashi pseudometric and non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Seminar ”Komplexe Geometrie” RUHR-Universit¨atBochum, Germany, 2014 Ljudmila Kamenova 6

“Hyperk¨ahlermanifolds and Kobayashi’s conjecture” Institut de Math´ematiquesde Jussieu Paris, France, 2014 “Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and for hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” International Conference ”Mathematics Days in Sofia” Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014 “On Matsushita’s conjecture” Complex manifolds, dynamics and birational geometry HSE, Moscow, 2014 “On the Kobayashi conjecture for hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Hyperbolicity in algebraic geometry Ilhabela, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015 “On Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Workshop on Hyperk¨ahlerGeometry KIAS, Seoul, South Korea, 2015 “Kobayashi’s pseudometric on hyperk¨ahlermanifolds and Kobayashi’s conjecture” Distribution of Rational and Holomorphic Curves in Algebraic Varieties BIRS, Banff, Canada, 2015 “Vanishing of the Kobayashi Pseudometric on K3 Surfaces and Hyperk¨ahlerManifolds” Simons Symposium “Geometry Over Non-closed Fields” Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 2015 “On a conjecture of Matsushita” Hyperk¨ahlerSaturday HSE, Moscow, 2015 “On Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” II ELGA, June 2015 Cabo Frio, RJ, Brazil “On Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Newton Institute, August 2015 Cambridge, UK “On Kobayashi’s pseudometric of compact complex manifolds” Universit´elibre de Bruxelles, December 2015 Brussels, Belgium “On Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” UCLA colloquium, January 2016 Los Angeles, CA “Complex automorphisms and the Kobayashi pseudometric on compact complex manifolds” Geometry/Topology Seminar, March 2016 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY “Finiteness results for deformation types of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Conference: Varieties with trivial canonical bundles, June 2016 B¸edlewo, Poland “On Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperkaehler manifolds” CCNY colloquium, November 2016 New York, NY “Finiteness results for deformation types of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” CIRGET seminar, January 2017 UQAM, Montr´eal,Canada Ljudmila Kamenova 7

“Hyperbolicity in hyperk¨ahlergeometry” ESI Program: Advances in Birational Geometry, May 2017 Vienna, Austria “Hyperbolicity in hyperk¨ahlergeometry” USTC seminar, June 2017 Hefei, China “Problem solving for undergraduate students” USTC public lecture, June 2017 Hefei, China “Hyperbolicity in hyperk¨ahlergeometry” Mathematical Congress of the Americas, July 2017 Montr´eal,Canada “Mathematics of Card Games” SigmaCamp, August 2017 Silver Lake Conference Center, Sharon, CT “Non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Komplexe Analysis, August 2017 Oberwolfach, Germany “On dominability of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” CIRGET seminar, September 2017 UQAM, Montr´eal,Canada “On Kobayashi’s conjectures and algebraic non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” AGNES, October 2017 , MA “Non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds and Kobayashi’s conjectures” International Workshop on Differential Geometry, January 2018 University of Sydney, Australia “Hyperk¨ahlergeometry” First and Second Year Student Seminar, April 2018 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY “On dominability of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Courant Algebraic Geometry seminar, April 2018 Courant, NYU, NY “On Kobayashi’s conjectures and Kobayashi quotients” Princeton Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis Seminar, May 2018 Princeton University, Princeton NJ “Algebraic non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Joint International AMS-CMS Meeting, June 2018 Fudan University, Shanghai, China “On Kobayashi’s conjecture for K3 surfaces and hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” National Mathematics Colloquium, June 2018 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria “Finiteness results for hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” UGA Algebraic Geometry Seminar, October 2018 University of Georgia, Athens, GA “Putnam related problems and tips” SBU Math Club, October 2018 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Ljudmila Kamenova 8

“Finiteness results for hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems Program, June 2019 SCGP, Stony Brook, NY “On dominability of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” IMPA Differential Geometry Seminar, January 2020 IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil “Algebraic non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” UCSD Algebraic Geometry Seminar, February 2021 UCSD, San Diego, CA (online) “Algebraic non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds” Seminar of Algebra and Logic, March 2021 Department of Algebra and Logic, IMI/BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria (online) “Non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds and Kobayashi’s conjectures” SCGP Weekly Meeting in Math, April 2021 SCGP, Stony Brook, NY “Hyperbolic geometry” Panorama of Geometry and Topology, April 2021 undergraduate event hosted by University of Iowa, IA “Non-hyperbolicity of hyperk¨ahlermanifolds and Kobayashi’s conjectures” Differential Geometry Seminar, April 2021 University of Iowa, IA

Conferences attended

30th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Borovets, Bulgaria April 2001 Introductory Workshop on Algebraic Stacks, Intersection Theory, and Non-Abelian Hodge Theory MSRI, Berkeley, CA January 2002 Learning Stacks and Computational Methods Through Problem-Solving UIUC, Champaign-Urbana, IL June 2002

Moduli, Lie Theory and Interactions with Physics Rome, Italy April 2003 Algebraic Geometry and Categories Nice, France June 2005 Mathematical Foundations of Homological Mirror Symmetry IAS, Princeton January 2007 Ljudmila Kamenova 9

Applications of Homological Mirror Symmetry IAS, Princeton March 2007 XX Escola de Algebra Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 2008 24th Annual Geometry Festival Stony Brook April 2009

Clay Research Conference Harvard Science Center May 2009 Spaces of curves and their interaction with diophantine problems Columbia University June 2009 Co-organizer of Algebraic Geometry Northeastern Series Workshop Stony Brook University October 2009

AGNES Workshop UMass Amherst April 2010 Clay Math Conference 2010 IHP, Paris June 2010 2010 Summer School: Arithmetic aspects of rational curves Institut Fourier, Grenoble June 2010

Complex Algebraic Geometry IHP, Paris June - July 2010 Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Inauguration Conference Stony Brook November 2010

Workshop on Extremal K¨ahlerMetrics SCGP, Stony Brook March 2011 AGNES Workshop MIT April 2011 Ljudmila Kamenova 10

JDG Conference on Geometry and Topology Harvard April 2011 Moduli spaces and moduli stacks Columbia University May 2011 Geometric and Algebraic Structures in Mathematics Stony Brook University May-June 2011

Co-organizer of FRG Workshop on Holomorphic symplectic varieties Courant Institute June 2011 Summer School on Algebraic Geometry RIMS, Kyoto June 2011 MMP and extremal rays RIMS, Kyoto June 2011

A celebration of algebraic geometry Harvard August 2011 Geometric Structures in Mathematical Physics Golden Sands, Bulgaria September 2011 Moduli spaces and automorphic forms Luminy, France October 2011

AGNES Workshop Stony Brook University October 2011 AGNES Workshop University of Massachusetts, Amherst March 2012

String Theory for Mathematicians SCGP, Stony Brook May 2012 Algebra and Geometry HSE and Independent University of Moscow June 2012 Ljudmila Kamenova 11

2012 Summer Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics SCGP, Stony Brook August 2012 2012 Cycles Conference Stony Brook University October 2012 AGNES Fall 2012 Workshop Brown University, Providence, RI October 2012 Co-organizer of Hyper-Kahler Geometry Workshop SCGP, Stony Brook October - November 2012 Facets of Integrability SCGP, Stony Brook January 2013 A conference to describe the published scientific work of Jim Simons on the occasion of his 75th birthday CUNY Graduate Center, NYC May 2013 Moduli Spaces and their Invariants in Mathematical Physics CRM, Montreal June 2013 Thematic Program on Rational Points, Rational Curves and Entire Holomorphic Curves on Algebraic Varieties CRM, Montreal June 2013 Co-organizer of String-Math 2013 Conference SCGP, Stony Brook June 2013 Geometry Meeting Sofia, Bulgaria July 2013 Foliation theory in algebraic geometry Simons Foundation, NYC September 2013 Euler Institute Program “Cohomology in Mathematics and Physics” St. Petersburg, Russia September 2013 Co-organizer of Quiver Varieties Fall 2013 Program SCGP, Stony Brook September - November 2013 Ljudmila Kamenova 12

Co-organizer of Quiver Varieties Workshop SCGP, Stony Brook October 2013 AGNES Workshop Boston College October 2013 Moduli spaces of irreducible symplectic varieties, cubics and Enriques surfaces Lille, France March 2014

29th Annual Geometry Festival Stony Brook University April 2014 AGNES Workshop Stony Brook University April 2014 A workshop on the Chow group of holomorphically symplectic manifolds HSE, Moscow May 2014

International Conference ”Mathematics Days in Sofia” Sofia, Bulgaria July 2014 2014 Simons Summer Workshop in Math and Physics SCGP, Stony Brook July - August 2014 G2 Manifolds Program SCGP, Stony Brook August - October 2014

G2 Manifolds Workshop SCGP, Stony Brook September 2014 AGNES Workshop University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia October 2014

Complex manifolds, dynamics and birational geometry HSE, Moscow November 2014 Wall Crossing, Quantum Integrable Systems, and TQFT SCGP, Stony Brook November 2014 Ljudmila Kamenova 13

Hyperbolicity in algebraic geometry Ilhabela, Sao Paulo, Brazil January 2015 Workshop on Hyperk¨ahlerGeometry KIAS, Seoul, South Korea March 2015 Distribution of Rational and Holomorphic Curves in Algebraic Varieties BIRS, Banff, Canada March 2015

Simons Symposium “Geometry Over Non-closed Fields” Rio Grande, Puerto Rico March 2015 Workshop on rationally connected varieties HSE, Moscow May 2015 II Latin American School of Algebraic Geometry and applications Cabo Frio, RJ, Brazil June 2015

Metric and Analytic Aspects of Moduli Spaces Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK July - August 2015 Collapsing Calabi-Yau manifolds SCGP, Stony Brook September 2015 Program on complex, p-adic, and logarithmic Hodge theory and their applications SCGP, Stony Brook March - April 2016

Varieties with trivial canonical bundles B¸edlewo, Poland June 2016 Conference on Differential Geometry UQAM, Montreal July 2016

Simons Summer Workshop SCGP, Stony Brook July 2016 Geometry at the ANU Canberra, Australia August 2016 Ljudmila Kamenova 14

Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry Courant, NYU, New York August - September 2016 Co-organizer of Derived categories and Chow groups of hyperk¨ahlerand Calabi-Yau varieties SCGP, Stony Brook September 2016 Hyper-K¨ahlerManifolds, Hodge Theory and Chow Groups Sanya, China December 2016

Advances in Birational Geometry Program ESI, Vienna, Austria May 2017 Homological mirror symmetry and higher genus invariants SCGP, Stony Brook May 2017 Mathematical Congress of the Americas Montreal, Canada July 2017

Simons Summer Workshop SCGP, Stony Brook July-August 2017 Hodge Theory, Moduli and Representation Theory SCGP, Stony Brook August 2017 Conference on Birational Geometry Simons Foundation, NY August 2017

Komplexe Analysis Oberwolfach, Germany August 2017 AGNES Workshop Northeastern University, Boston, MA October 2017

Geometry of Manifolds SCGP, Stony Brook, NY October 2017 International Workshop on Differential Geometry University of Sydney, Australia January 2018 Ljudmila Kamenova 15

AGNES Workshop Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ April 2018 Mathematics is a long conversation: a celebration of Harvard University, Cambridge, MA June, 2018 Joint International AMS-CMS Meeting Fudan University, Shanghai, China June, 2018

Program on the Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems SCGP, Stony Brook, NY January-June 2019 Holomorphic Differentials in Mathematics and Physics SCGP, Stony Brook, NY February 2019 Challenges at the Interface of Hitchin Systems and String Theory SCGP, Stony Brook, NY March 2019

Graduate Summer School on the Mathematics and Physics of Hitchin Systems SCGP, Stony Brook, NY May 2019 Co-organizer of Geometry and Mathematical Physics Workshop dedicated to the memory of Vasil Tsanov UACEG, Sofia, Bulgaria July 2019 Simons Summer Workshop SCGP, Stony Brook July-August 2019

AGNES Workshop Boston College, Boston, MA September 2019 Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class (virtual meeting) CIRM, Luminy, France April 2020 Komplexe Analysis - Algebraicity and Transcendence (virtual meeting) MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany August 2020

Women in Mathematical Physics (virtual meeting) BIRS, Banff, Canada September 2020 Ljudmila Kamenova 16

AMS Sectional Meetings meeting virtually, September and October 2020 Stability in mirror symmetry (virtual meeting) AIM, San Jose, CA December 2020 Panorama of Geometry and Topology (virtual meeting) University of Iowa April 2021

Simons Summer Workshop: Strings and Geometry SCGP, Stony Brook, NY July - August 2021

Teaching experience

Recitation Instructor, “Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry”, “Advanced Algebra”, and “Methods of Analysis” Sofia University, 1999, 2000, 2001 Mentor, Research Science Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Summer 2002 Recitation Instructor and Course Administrator, “Multivariable calculus” Math 18.02 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Spring 2004 Lecturer, “Linear Algebra” MAT 211 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2007 Lecturer, “Functions” MAT 130 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2008 Lecturer, “Mathematical Problems and Games” MAT 160 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2008 Lecturer, “Calculus B” MAT 126 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2008 Lecturer, “Algebra I” MAT 534 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2008 Lecturer, “Algebra II” MAT 535 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2009 Lecturer, “Algebra III: Algebraic Geometry” MAT 536 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2009 Lecturer, “Introduction to Calculus” MAT 123 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2010 Lecturer, “ Differential Geometry of Surfaces” MAT 362 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2010 Lecturer, “Topics in Complex Analysis: K3 surfaces and hyper-K¨ahlermanifolds” MAT 626 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2010 Lecturer, “Introduction to Calculus” MAT 123 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2011 Lecturer, “Algebra II” MAT 535 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2011 Ljudmila Kamenova 17

Lecturer, “Algebra I” MAT 534 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2011 Lecturer, “Algebra II” MAT 535 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2012 Lecturer, “Geometric Structures” MAT 360 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2012 Lecturer, “Complex Geometry” MAT 545 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2012 Lecturer, “” MAT 311 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2013 Lecturer, “ Differential Geometry of Surfaces” MAT 362 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2013 Lecturer, “Complex Analysis II: Riemann Surfaces” MAT 543 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2013 Lecturer, “Number Theory” MAT 311 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2014 Lecturer, “Algebra II” MAT 535 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2014 Lecturer, “Problem Solving” MAT 260 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2014 Course coordinator and Lecturer, “Introduction to Calculus” MAT 123 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2014 Lecturer, “Introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras” MAT 552 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2015 Lecturer, “Problem Solving” MAT 260 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2015 Lecturer, “Problem Seminar” MAT 590 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2015 Lecturer, “Advanced Topics in Complex Analysis: K3 surfaces, hyperk¨ahlermanifolds and moduli spaces” MAT 670 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2016 Lecturer, “Problem Solving” MAT 260 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2016 Lecturer, “Problem Seminar” MAT 590 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2016 Lecturer, “Algebra II” MAT 535 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2017 Lecturer, “Problem Seminar” MAT 590 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2017 Lecturer, “History of Mathematics” MAT 336 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2018 Lecturer, “Seminar in Mathematics: Vector Bundles on Manifolds” MAT 402 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2018 Lecturer, “Algebra III” MAT 544 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2018 Ljudmila Kamenova 18

Lecturer, “Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Elements of Hodge theory and hyperk¨ahlerge- ometry” MAT 614 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2019 Lecturer, “Foundations of Analysis” MAT 319 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2020 Lecturer, “Complex Analysis I” MAT 536 SUNY Stony Brook, Spring 2020 Lecturer, “Applied Real Analysis” MAT 341 SUNY Stony Brook, Fall 2021

September, 2021