Major Religions of the World
Major Religions of the World This article describes several of the major world Other important sacred books are called Smriti, religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Shinto, “tradition”. These include the Laws of Manu (250 Islam, Taoism, Confucianism, and Zoroastrianism. BC), the great epic poems Ramayana (story of the American Christians, especially those living in god Ram) and Mahabharat (Great Indian War), larger cities, are experiencing considerable contact both written before 250 AD, and the Puranas (an- with people from many countries and cultures. A cient tales), from the same period. Within the Ma- knowledge of the basics of world religions can be habharat is the Bhagavad-Gita, currently the fa- valuable when building acquaintances with non- vorite textbook of Indian thought. Christians. The Main Beliefs of Modern Hinduism These notes are compiled from a number of sources, During the later Vedic period (after 1000 BC), the including Encyclopedia Brittanica, as well making doctrines of karma and transmigration became per- use of a study of World Religions by the Moody manent in Hindu thought. These teachings assert Bible Institute, that after death the soul of man will be reborn into HINDUISM another existence predetermined by the thoughts and actions of the present life. Karma is the law Hinduism is the oldest living religion. Hinduism of sowing and reaping. Transmigration is the be- has no founder, no central authority, and no fixed lief that all life is essentially the same, whether creed. There are about 350 million followers, al- vegetable, animal, or human. The concept is that most all living in India. The beginning of Hinduism somehow the soul appears as an individual entity, was associated with the Indo-Aryan invasion of In- caught in a process that will lead it through many dia approximately 2,000 years before Christ.
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