Jesus Walked on Water

Bible Passage: :22-33 Main Point: walked on water. Key Passage: :31 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform ? Jesus performed miracles to show He is God’s Son.


1. Take a minute and find the book of Matthew. Let your child point to the first page and repeat the name of the book.

2. Ask your child if they think that they could walk on top of the water in a bathtub or swimming pool. Tell your child that you are going to watch a Story about time Jesus walked on top of the water.

3. Watch the video.

Discussion TIME

After the video, discuss the following questions with your child: 1. What was Jesus doing while His friends were in the boat? (praying by Himself on a mountain) 2. What did the friends see out on the water in the middle of the night? (Jesus walking) 3. Who wanted to walk on the water with Jesus? (Peter) 4.When did Peter begin to sink? (when he saw how windy it was and became afraid) 5. What did Jesus do when Peter cried, “Lord, save me!”? (reached out and grabbed Peter)

Activity TIME

Place a plastic tub or bowl filled with a couple inches of water on a table or the floor surrounded by towels. Allow your child to play out the story of Jesus walking on water with people figures. Review the Bible story as your child plays. Say • Jesus walked on water. Jesus showed that we can trust Him. His life, death, and resurrection showed that Jesus is who He says He is. When we look to Jesus and trust Him, He will save us from our sin.

Preschool Leader’s Guide Unit 23, Session 3 © 2017 Lifeway