PARISH COUNCIL OF PLAYDEN, EAST ______The Clerk: Clare Brown, 4 Budds Farm Cottages, Budds Lane, Wittersham, Kent TN30 7EL. T: 01797 270998

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on 3rd March 2016


Councillors: Mr D. Stone (DS) Chairman, Mr P. Osborne (PO), Mr T Lenihan (TL), Mr A Dickinson (AD) Councillor: Cllr. S-A. Hart (SAH County Councillor: Members of the Public: 12

Item Action

1 To accept apologies for absence: Cllr. K. Glazier (KG), D. Bevan

2 Declarations of interest on items on the agenda: AD declared an interest in Item 12 – Wrens Cottage planning application, as the agent and joint owner. TL declared and interest in Item 12 – Wrens Cottage planning application, as he lives in the lane.

3 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 4th February 2016 The minutes were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.

4 To receive a report from PCSO Dan Bevan: Nothing to report

5 Neighbourhood Watch Report DS reported that there had been some burglaries, in particular George Digweed in .

6 To receive a report from visiting Councillors: a) County Cllr. Keith Glazier: Nothing to report

b) District Cllr. Sally-Ann Hart: i) is inviting expressions of interest from restaurant, bar and café owners for The Colonnade in Bexhill, to develop a business in a part of Bexhill which has benefitted from the recent regeneration programme. The Colonnade is a grade II listed character building with open views of the beach and sea. The building becomes available from November 2016 and RDC is keen to hear from anyone who can provide a high quality offer for it. If anyone is interested, or knows anyone who may be interested, they should formally register their interest by email to [email protected] by Friday, March 18. Graham Burgess, economic development manager for Rother District

Council can be contacted for further information on 01424 787831 or email [email protected]. ii) The community social action project 'Clean for The Queen' is due to start this weekend. The project is to clean our towns and villages in recognition of HM The Queen's 90th Birthday. On Saturday 5th March, Amber Rudd will be hosting a Clean for The Queen with Borough Council 9.30-13.00, starting at The Stade by the Jerwood Gallery on Hastings seafront. Local cycling groups will be cleaning part of the National Cycle Network from 10am Friday, March 4th at Glyne Gap by the café on the beach. The Bexhill Environmental Group will be cleaning between 9.30am and 12 noon Sunday March 6th by the cricket ground off Downs Road opposite the Sports Centre. Whilst the 'big litter pick' is to take place this weekend, communities are encouraged to get involved whenever they like and organise their own local cleaning events. iii) A reminder to all that the Police and Crime Commissioner election is taking place on 5th May. Only people who are on the electoral register can take part in May's election, so if you wish to vote (please do!), make sure you are registered. To do so, you can apply online at Through RDC's website you can access details of the candidates and general information on PCCs.

7 Public adjournment: To suspend meeting for any public statements. Members of the public are encouraged to attend Council meetings and raise any pertinent issues at this point: i) The stile into Rectory Lane –the ownership & maintenance of the stile and footpath were discussed further. AD has been unable to contact Mr Rudd yet. It was established that the stile is privately owned and public access allowed across the land is a permissive right granted by the owner, Mr Rudd. As the stile is privately owned and access across the land is a private arrangement permitted by owner, the route is not a public right AD of way and as such does not fall within the remit of the Parish Council. AD to look at getting the matter resolved privately. Michael Moore asked that the minutes from the previous meeting (Item 7) be corrected to clarify that The Rudd’s are responsible for the maintenance of the stile and not the residents of the Vicarage. The amendment was approved. ii) Potholes in Houghton Green Lane – not all of the potholes have been marked for filling. SAH responded that potholes have to be 40mm in depth or greater before they are filled in. iii) Julie Ramus asked if PPC would join Parish Council in purchasing Queen Elizabeth Commemorative Medals to be distributed at Playden Primary School. There are 94 children at the school. Medals are £1.99 each and £7.50 p&p. Cllrs approved unanimously to pay for half of the cost of the medals.

8 Matters arising from the minutes of 7th January 2016 Item 13) TL enquired about the outcome of the Butt Field Committee meeting regarding organising an event for the Queen’s Birthday. AD responded that the Trustees were happy to facilitate an event but not organise one. He also added that the event should be run separately from the Church fete. There was no overall objection to an event be putting on to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday.

9 Change of Bank Accounts: DS reported that the Clerk has finally managed to obtain a balance from the Co- op but is still not receiving bank statements. There is approx. £1500 in the account and PPC should be receiving over £1300 back in from the ESCC contribution to the fingerposts along with the reclaimed VAT. The account is in a healthy state. The Natwest Bank Application Signatory forms were distributed to Cllrs for completion.

10 Housing Needs Survey: DS reported that PPC plan to draw up a simple list of questions to go on the website and be sent out to parishioners to establish if there is a need for local housing development. Action in Rural Sussex have contacted PPC offering to carry out the HNS survey, however this would incur a large cost. TL has found a template survey compiled by Amber Rudd, which seemed to cover what was required. DS requested that PPC proceed with that and the Clerk thank AiRS for Clerk their offer help but decline the use of their service. 11 Correspondence: Clerk reported that the funding for the new computer has been agreed and should now have been received in the PPC bank account.

12 Planning: a) Applications i) Wrens Cottages – Land Adjoining, New Lane, Playden. TN31 7NT. Detached house with alteration to access to include vehicle passing bay for highway use. AD stepped away as Cllr to speak as a member of the public and agent for the application. He outlined the proposal. DS then opened the meeting to the floor asking if there were residents of the lane present that wished to speak. Four hands were raised, all against. The application was subject to a lengthy discussion and in summary the main points against were: - The poor access and increased traffic - That a precedent for further development would be set - The land is outside the area for permitted development DS noted that as two Cllrs had declared an interest in the application the PC was inquorate and as such unable to vote. PO commented that he had received four letters regarding the application and that the authors should ensure these were sent in to the planning portal. Furthermore, he and SAH would be at PO, SAH the Town Hall next Monday and he stated that they would see the planning officer and request that this be put to the Committee for a site visit. SAH confirmed that it would be best to bring the application before the Committee for full consideration. b) Outcomes RR/2015/1953/P – Peace & Plenty Inn, Rye Road, Refused Playden, TN31 7UL. Outline: erection of one 4- bedroom house to provide residential / B&B accommodation including parking (all matters reserved except access) RR/2015/2010/P – Saltcote Cottage, New England Approved Lane, Playden, TN31 7NT. Proposed first floor Conditional balconies RR/2015/2323/MA – Peace & Plenty, Rye Road, Completed Playden. TN31 7UL. Non-material amendment to

planning permission RR/2015/847/P – alteration to existing roof and alteration to residential entrance with porch. RR/2015/2491/P – Burrow Hill, Iden Road, Playden, Approved TN31 7PP. Demolition of existing single storey side Conditional extension & erection of new single storey side extension. RR/2015/2586/O – Brooklands, Rectory Lane, Undecided Playden TN31 7UJ. To establish the use of Brooklands Cottage as a separate dwelling. RR/2015/2777/P – Humphreys Cross, Iden Road, Approved Playden. TN31 7UJ. Removal of existing holiday unit Conditional from principle building and conversion of stable to form holiday accommodation.

13 Accounts: a) Clerks Wages - £120: Were approved

14 Parish Affairs: Nothing to report

15 Parish Councillors’ Reports: AD reported as Tree Warden that a bacterium from Southern Europe is affecting 360 plant species including Sycamore and Lavender.

AD also reported that a new licence was being entered into for the Butt Field.

PO reported that the damaged stile near his house was still not repaired. Clerk Clerk to report again. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.43


Signed: Chairman Date: