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I Marmot Wednesday to ascertain Meet me at Stewart, July 2. the condition of the camp and Are you getting ready for the PEACE RIVER see what is needed for the re­ Kalathumpian parade? ELECTRIC CO. sumption of work, which is ex­ STEWART-HYDER LOCAL NEWS pected to commence next Mon­ Diamond drilling has recom­ COAST OUTLET J. W. Pieksen is a recent ar-1 Duke Harris left Saturday for day with a small crew on the menced on the Big Missouri. GET FRANCHISE rival from Joplin, Missouri. Hazelton, after spending a week Residents of the Interior start. Some trail work will have Do you notice how the days are here Barney Gulch Project Ap­ to be done in order that supplies Alex Frazer returned Saturday j - shrinking? Yesterday was the Agitating for Route to can be taken in by pack horses. from a short business trip to Dan Kinalley. a pioneer of longest day. proved by Government Rupert, j Hyder and oldtime interior Miss Ida Watson, who has been Stewart, and C. P. R. Is Later in the season it is the in­ and Financed in England. tention to erect permanent camps Dick Olson, a well known mine iAlaskan- relurned Sl,ndav from attendingHigh School at Victoria, Making Surveys and employ as many men as can blacksmith, left on tha Jefferson Ia tr|P outside, has passed on recommendation Work to Commence Soon work to advantage. for a trip outside. A. Pearce Godley, of the New and will return home on the 30th. Writing under date of May 26, John Lox and'Gus SundbergPork firm °f Enyard & Godley The committee in charge of Local members of the Interna­ W. Wade of Spirit River, in a Will Work Munro are leaving today on a prospect-i Incorporated, arrived recently the Dominion Day celebration tional Electric Co., Limited, held letter to G. W. Mason of Prince ing trip to the head of the Sal- from Edmonton to size up busi- are anxious to receive entries J. R. Munro and Pat McBride. a meeting at the company's office mon glacier. , ness conditions here. for the horse races as soon as George, published in the Prince on the evening of the 9th inst. owners with A! H. McDonald of And possible. George Citizen, says: tlie Munro group, which they Thomas Hicks, auditor for the / Morison well known all to consider the terms of a fran­ Liquor Control Board, was fc ov« -**™r *** who The Prince Rupert arrived "I wonder if you people of bonded in Vancouver a short time town during the stay of the'went to the Yukon „ 1897. ar- Saturday morning from Vancou­ chise for the supplying of light, Prince George know just what ago. returned Saturday from the ver with 58 first-class passen­ power and telephones to the town Prince Rupert. i",v** *1 Hyder ™ l,he laSt tnp ia happening in railway matters south. They say that the Eng­ „,..,. , , of the Prince of Wales. gers—20 of whom were tourists of Stewart, which is being lish syndicate who have taken Mrs. D. A. Smitheringale of —and 40 steerage. to the north of your city. A party Vancouver arrived Sunday to J. A. McDonald, a pioneer car- j granted by the provincial gov­ ! over the property will commence J. W. Jorgenson arrived Satur­ of specialists left Spirit River, ^^^^^^^^ spend the summer with her sis- penter of the camp, and inter- ernment, and also to hear the day with his wife and little . . - .. , , , ! development shortly, and mean- ter Mrs. W. B George. ested in mining here, returned daughter from Cloverdale and is financial report of the directors. last week for the purpose of mak-; ... ., ... . , Tuesday morning the Camp- °"the Jefferson from Seattle. I while they will go up and do some looking for a place in the cook­ After carefully going over the bell & Duke bakery shipped a where he spent the winter, ing a reconnoissance of a direct j pre|imirlary work. The pr0perty house of some local camp. extensive correspondence of the half dozen large boxes of bread F. M. Waldie and G. D. Bell, route from Spirit River to Stew- j3 0n the west side of the Salmon Murdock McLeod, who was re- j secretary leading up to the ap- art. on the Pacific coast. This! glacier. to the various road camps of the old time prospectors of the rted -^ -^ wjnter jn a coal undertaking by the is the result of our agitation to Over the Bear Glacier dlStnCt- Kootenays. arrived from Nelson have the C. N. R. build through mine afc Nanaim0i iged hig A. W. Vassar, E. M., C. E , George Brown, who is inter- on the last boat and intend friendg ^ by returnjng t() EJ^^^^E the Peace River Pass, to connect ested in mining claims on the spending the summer in the hills j was heard, which showed that will leave tomorrow on his return th^^^^^^e camp ^ after placing, practically at par, with Prince George. It is evi- Marmot section, arrived Satur- around Stewart. i • tu * *u n n r» • • J . ' to Vancouver after making a trip! V"" e nr- „ «.„ „* *. mu _ . , . . ui i i Tony Grashio, brother of Joe j $50,000 worth of the treasury rLh-westerly around the spur arternoponi , commencing at 2 j mines, left Saturday for Van- for a trip to Vancouver, and will J by Joe Vincent, for some time M. D Ickis Hurt ot mountains, tapping the | 0-c|ock and finishing with a base- couver where he will meet Mrs. also visit the Britannia mine j chef in the Good Eats. Joe will .,,',' Ground Hog coalfields, and M LX Ickl8 an old timer of ball game between the boys and Clothier a;:d two little boys, who where a number of drills are (change the name to the "Poodle - ' thence to Stewart. tht ^^^^^^^^ This gives Kjr|8# Pupils who will write have been away for a year on a working. ! Dog Cafe" and take charge next district, and owner of mining Adjutant William Kerr, tinan- (Sunday morning. claims on the Alaskan side, was ua a direct coast outlet and, of next week for entrance exami visit to England. cial representative of the Salva- ft. F. McNaughton. district seriously injured last Friday by court*, this ia our principal ob-1 nations are: For second year Mrs. Helen Bell is adding a ( J Ct tion Army in Northern B. C, passenger agent for the Canadian cave-in of rock while doing as- - -" high school, Mable Mellor; for new front to her building in Hy­ H Alaska, and the Yukon, left Sat­ National Railways, with head- cessment work near the summit n n~ te n entrance, Cherry Campbell. der B. C, having moved the or­ urday for Rupert after spending quarters in Prince Rupert, was above Seven-mile. One of his bone Bartholf Back j Kingslcy McLeod, Jean Ward, iginal structure back. When a week here raising funds for the in camp during the stay of the | l gg was badly crushed, the bones EH. and Mrs. Bartholf re- Roy Workman, Staveley Mellor. completed the premises will he e Army work. Prince Kupert. He recently ' lining shattered, and he also re- •unudonthe Jefferson Sunday' a first-class hotel with all modern Mrs. George A. Frazer re­ succeeded George A. McNiehol, cttsVtd injuries to his scalp and morning alter spending the win- Ernie Armstrong and Bill Saun- conveniences for jjuests. It will der8 have been haulin heaTy turned Saturday from Victoria; who has been promoted. face. He was packed down from ter in Seattle and the south. . * i be named the Bellview. where she accompanied herhus-i H. C. Stratford, until recently an almost inaccessible locality by WmA A .1 . timberUIDM s this week to the Bear The Giant Powder Company of band who is taking the Insulin master mechanic at the Premier, other prospectors, among them Wednesday they went up to their j bridge. rivei Canada, Limited, are going af tei treatment in Juhilee hospital and ; and Ed. Rigby, Frank Lewis and Morris Pederson, Albert Johnson '"'"ing property near the headi. W. H.Toliniabuildingagarage the business of this section in making satislactoi) progress to­ Jack Wood, who left the mine and Albert Moe, and the U. S. "i the Salmon Glacier, where it • , f the Hotel King at tne r ar 0 earnest, as witness their adver­ ward recovery. with him, ure preparing to open government boat Ihane took him i» the intention to do considerable j Edward, for the hig touring car tisement OS page 3 of this iai Harry Quiekltadt and John i a machine works and garage in | to Ketchikan for treatment. ••evdopment work this season, he has ordered for use in con- Their representative, Morley Ricker of Seattle, who recently j the freight building near the Mr. Bartholf was the original lo-| nection with the hotel business. Shier, is well known to all the acquired additional interests in j depot. They will be prepared to Blanton Wins Again catorof the Outland Silver Bar ' A. T. Eckotf. the Hyder B. C. mining men litre, ai.d mav i>« the Comet group arid adjoining j do lathe work and welding of aj] group, and disposed of his later Harold Blanton won the de­ photographer, fell between decks depended upon in the future, us property from B. O. Erickson j kinds, and to repair anything «-»i in the proparty last winter, cision over Manilla in Ketchikan on the Prince Rupert Saturday in the past, to be Johnny on tlie and associates, arrived Saturday, J from a baby carriage to u ateum retaining, however, an adjoining Ust Friday night in the second morning and was taken to the Spot when explosives are needed, and on Monday left for tht pro­ , roller. group. He is also heavily inter­ round on a foul. Excursionist* ested in the Cronholm-Bartholf Stewart hospital in an uncon­ Robert Stewart, ulter whon) perty to look over the ground W. (Red) McFarlane, Niel Minea, Limited, owning a group scious condition. He in not be­ this town was named, lirst potts and lay out a development pro­ ______^__^__^___^^_Forbes and George Brugg y ar- (rt>m Hyder and Stewart, who **r*ee tha Ghickemin glacier lieved to be dangerously injured maater and president of the gram for the season. rived on the Wake Wednesday went over to see the bout, say ..I ...... i u •••• -.wi­ though badly shaker: up. Tne AiniinB StewftiiMtp v um- * »l'.fl , ,.U . . -m...... • which branch** to the went from Stewart Land Co., arrived froo| IIIMIMlltS' l»«,ll| ItllVV tha Salmon glacier al the Outland Captain Ed. J. Williams, owntr Victoria Saturday to iptnd a pany's ahip Jeffeibon arrived al I lirst two are associated with O. , the Filbpino and that the latter silver Bar. of tha Taku 11, who operated thej Week j|ertJ \jr ste*ait o.tvs tht Stewart wharf at 8 a. in. I M Watson in the contract for was unable to land | blow, while flrst regular pauaunger and mail j that enquiries an* soming to the Sunday, and after discharging a building tht new read naaad Biaatoa ail sisj with everything To Start Washington •*•*•*•• bstwssa Ketchikan amiieompany's office In Victoria froai quantity of freight for the Pre- the shortline sooth from Slew--exctpi the rubber's towel, and art, aiid Mr. Br -ggy, a pionstr • ihtre was no doubt as to th>- R A U.J II llyder, waa in Wednesday, hav-1 all ovwr u,* contiiitnlaa weli at nner, moved to the Hyder wharf board f i *"*•"**** °< ingbroughtthePru.ee oi Wales the Old Cooouy. .ega.ding mm. where l'J« tons were unloaded. >f this tow ii and now in the intr-; winner afltr the lirst Iu stconds. "I truttttt Of tht Wash-J over. Unpaid Stewart a visit j-,g and land investment* as v. .11 lhe Jefferson carried a capacity tanlile business al the Ann, has 1 he bast>ball game waa played "Kton Syndicate, wtnt up to the and aayt he is returning lor the ag olhti business opportunities list of pansi-iiKcis, about '£& of' provided iht bonds i.«< essai y te on wet grouiids, and resulted l-roptrty on tht south fork of the Dominion Day Bell brallon. | m this aeetion. whom disembarked at Hyder. the undertaking. Ml in favor of Ketchikan. PORTLAND CANAL NEWS, STEWART, B. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1923

yrwftrp** **- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TJIA Pnr+l'iifjl Odma Vows tunnel through the momtain. Nothing me i Ontario \u...i. I .ur ms> to our inability to get anything authori­ might be termed local men. Men who, by their sJTanja for adjacent pre emp'ions with joint roskluiK-s, but sac t, mskittf tative. prospecting and other work in and around Alice Improvements on reepec-m* - You will enjoy your meals and save doctors' bills claima. w Arm, are helping to develop the mineral resources l"re-«aepiors must nocupj claitna tor The southern press, in the last mail, **m feerm and maks Improvsn i m to of this vast mineral belt. These are the type of if you eat at the •"sJue of |10 par acre. Including •.!«•/• In* and • ultlviUloii of at leant 6 •••**• also makes mention of the C. P. R. building men who are making Northern British Columbia, bsawrs) receiving I'niwn Lirnnl where pre-emptor In oeoui ' n nst up a northern B. C. railway system; but and it is to such that contracts should, when, and leas than 1 yearn, and tins mads ur»- where ever possible, be awarded. Now that the I'orUotuu* improvement* Iir muy, bs- of course, as usual, has been unable to get mime ef Ill-health, or "tlmr iiw. bs first step along these lines has been taken, it is to -Exchange Grill— i; ran tad Intsrmadlate rerun itr <( im* ;To»amsn! and transfs' bin • away from Vancouver for a terminal, be hoped that such a policy will be continued. Racorda without permanent ro»l- "JAKE'S CAFE." danaa may be Issued, provided spall* though in one instance Kitamaat was asuit makes Improvement* tn extern uf %*** iter annum and r. I sumr r-nt yaar. Kallors in make Improvements mentioned as a possibility. Then again According to reports a large number of tourists or record same will opal fslturs Title cannot be ubla the P. G. E., making Vancouver the ter­ will visit the Portland Canal district this season. leae than • years, and Imp'" AND T ULLY ot ll» so par acre. Inoludli . The first August 4. Stewart should be adequately claarwd and cultivated, and n minus, waa also spoken of. This, of course, prepared to entertain them. A satisfied tourist Poods Well Cooked S ,S. of at least t years ure retiuirod S Pre-einptor holding Crown . • •' sounds very plausible, for if this were is a strong advertiser. matt rueord another pre-"* it be require, land In aoij' . .mu "ith t.'i c tatwm. wit bum iriui occuitatmn. f done, it would only foenecessar y to build a vldad statutory Improvemeni ' BREAD LARGE LOAF 20 nod residence mkinislued oi r • link line between the E. D. & B. C„ through |i tailed b.nd I'neureeyad arean. not n. i.n« •* Baked in scrupulously clean ovens by expert bakers stiras, may be lea.-.ed M the Pine Pass, and down to Prince Goorge DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION 'Itle to be obtained after fuld "IF IT'S BREAD, IT'S JAKE'S" deptlaj and lui|iroveun-iit • • and Quesnel, giving the C. P. R. what MONDAY, JULY 2 *-<*r lir»*lniir;.iii •( «,an d Indu-Miia. , , ** • isas aanaadins • 111 Hill o\ t» issusd nw oas person or comi-i A might be termed a big loop. sflU. factory ar indastrlsl site* ss tuu^er land not aaa-ssdlng i *"** STEWART, B. C. SOLE AGENT FOR ui*y be puirbaaed, noiidliinn.. - ' No doubt good arguments can be built psftnant of sluuipacs. PURITY FLOUR Natural hay mesdows Ins. • • up for such a project. But we feel safe in '•y •aketlas roads may I" imrUoi' PROGRAM coudlUnaal upon .-iiiistrui The Flour that makes the Millers' Trust Jealous. to them Kt-bate sf nnshull saying that its advocates can scrape the road, not etceedlnc half ul put »•» whole field for every ounce of evidence, 9 a.m. Grand Kalathumpian Parade forms at prloa, la rnsds , Crawford Barn "HC SMPIORS' FREE aH»M- put it altogether into the scales; then give 9:30 a.m. Parade starts under marshalship of d> ACT r*he eoapa of Ihla Act Is enlarged U> H. P. Gibson, liy way of Bright well, 0th. Col­ tnei.'d* all urri«jns Ji,iuli.» «'• Stewart the opportunity of expending half umbia and 5th, finishing at ball ground LYON'S MEAT MARKET in« wHh ills MsJo.D .1 Tne •IIIIX within wbn.li ths U»'i*>. •• •* the same amount of energy in building up 10 a.m. RACE3 of a dereassd pis miaul, • • HYDER, ALASKA tor title suder Ibis Act i her argument for the terminus. Place it 25 yds boys under 9 from foe a,.* yaar from lbs d 25 yds girls under 9 SU«* IMS' HUll, aS fl.llll.llj * >«nr af ri lhe COM- jmun of Uu in the scales against Vancouver's argu­ 50 yds boys under 15 Agents for Barton's Circle W Smoked Meats Mar Thi, privilege la ttlmu in 50 yds girls under 15 Try our Pickled Beef and Pork ine.iiM ment, and it will be found that tht Stew­ N« faea relallna n, pre ampllun' »•'• T brae-legRod race Mixed Sweet Pickles, Sauerkraut. Dills and Mince Meat due or i-.i-ebls by soldli i SillpllfMil rai onl.'d sflsl J, • art route far outweighs Vancouver, or any 50 yds married women's race always on hand. Quality our motto. I'ak.k are runinied f..i /l»e >«*'• 50 yds fat m«n's race e-re»»iW9li foy rsturti ! other point on the coast. WHY? , Hiti ••ru-•!. du. and been paid tin- J. O. LYON --.. i, UM. uu aot-iuiu of p^i ... ' PROPRIETOR Sf taiiae iai- aebiieis prt - n| BECAUSE: Stewart affords the Obstacle ra.-.. Ibl-irsst on aST«sins.-d fw-i'M, or di, •«" it ui II ihraaJ, iei.iiUo.1 ' water for her products. Therefore the 11 ** ***** **-?,* J^[JJmfc0 „ |ia-UasMS] to Mart-1, II IkiU cheapest. , (]reaay pale eon teat SOMfsUHCHAkkMS Ul • * a i *-.i . BECAUSE: Greater tonnage per mile I P * Baseball Hvdar vs St*wart. First of the rwrtatoa wads tm l*u>usi<« ' lh e Cup STEWART UND COMPANY. LIMITED MS flams to soli pui V....*.o**-m**m ....A Se—i—1- • 4\ • run lands B<:au:ili>| £.5 h* developed alunic the entire route. iTt£^_ „^f:'i'^^'*"* - • •-i : .- •ah In a I - INHKWSS —*** vMimnni vrwneraj thin can be developed along any nlhir !;,[,,,,., ' i- i il(1 <> ' si d Ittu. - I of STKWAKT TOWNSITE . . sis d» l.ui sis Un s/bxlt • I • route across British Columbia, now foi-' Football ' i-ui***** prloe do si ' iiksii ore* i uied isrou lowed or others We «alte «• eitcpv m m oSSZKSVAJST "•••ss nn. tUmli tion in this statement far the present ( KlKEWOhJ,., lei ftmlmrUin ****, - VICTORIA, 11. C. ' •'* b» Ms/ i. Im Real # itmatit.it P. R., C. N. It., «r(LT, P.; aad as for thej lasNiranie Mines Financial Agent* ".in.« A>:I. mil tm •>>> a mtittauuaut ml lltsetu. s u P. G. E., it la not worthy of consideration., The (J«*a..iiiiee want ta sissy decoratrd an i K4»MaT M. STEWART, I'risflih.i.l *mee ii-t (isaii.-| JUI>M' awMiaWttsii.M•»•, KII4sn4«Mi t'ui BECAUSE: Tht oaly tBf ia^r.Bf i "P"^-^^ . ..I,Ati "e U*4HtfaMi * •• UU let sale iu sil part* uf town Wmi LAII CO,, LT.. em auinbwis tai'tai, mtot. difficulty on the whole route is the Boar! w K ,oon* l™™** H ,, ltimtH tiSf* <>f atvasttisf for „a|e vvsntird Kiver Glacier, aiiitoitHiag a half utile• j- s JACK. Fifth It, Hie* art. BC U. ISVH l.ma* e


IRON ON THE PLACER FIELD FOUND PEACE RIVER NEAR QUESNEL DAM We have just opened our Restaurant in the Northern BEAT YOUR WIFE Rooms, Stewart, aad have asmed it the You might be able to, or ajrain you might not Eastern capital hss become in­ J. D. Galloway, district mining terested in the iren ore deposits GOOD EATS CAFE BUT 2 BEAT engineer for the northern in­ recently discovered in British terior, reports the discovery of A name implying a reputation which we Our Prices we Defy You. Columbia, north of Peace rivtr. promising placer prospects in the intend to live up to. The outcrops of these deposits j Cariboo district. Regarding DAVE JOINVILLE, - - PROPRIETOR MEN'S have been traced for many miles Cedar Creek he said that a num Groceries WEAR Hardware both south and north of the river. ber of the claims have been pro­ Development is now being done ducing steadily and that gold is Business was never better, as we have the goods to ascertain the thickness and being shipped out regularly by COAL and you know our reputation for quality. — $16 PER TON width of the deposits, which are several operators. so located that they can be mined Half a mile from Quesnel Dam "ITS A BLACK BUSINESS L. S. WHITTAKER - STEWART by steam shovel/ a new placer field has been dis- BUT WE TREAT YOU WHITE" Coal, which yields a first-class I covered, and there is great metallurgical coke, occurs in the j hopes for it, according to Mr. LAWRENCE & WORKMAN same section: also limestone foi Galloway. OR FRED YOUNG BREAD CAKE PASTRY flux. Magnesite for refractories I .-177. SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN u *.•. • J r iL J -••. George Wilkinson has been ap- can be obtained from the deposits I . ..,-.' , . . RENOVATED AND NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS LIGHT LUNCHES pointed chief inspector of mines FRESH MILK on the P. G. E. railway. . j j succession to James McGregor, ICE CREAM n SOFr DRINKS There is ample capital immedi-' superannuated. Mr. Wilkinson STEWART BAKERY HYDER HOTEL E2&-. ately available to back the enter- j has had long experience in min- Under management MRS. DELLA LYTLE CAMPBELL & DUKE .... Proprietors prise. and if the investigation of I -nB in British Columbia, and has the ore deposits proves satisfac-1 condu<*ed several investigation, into mining disasters, tory it is proposed to establish the government. BENSON'S PLACE ^NEWELL ROOMS iron and steel works at a point CIGARS convenient to the coal and iron Ore assaying $70 in gold is W. L. NEWELL, Proprietor TOBACCOS deposits on one hand, and rai being taken from the Combina- Comfortable Furnished Rooms. Barber Shop in Con­ way transportation on the other, tion mine, near Greenwood, SOFT nection. Cigars, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks. Solo Tables The works will include by-pro- ^^. , _ _». _ DRINKS Rooms, $1 PER DAY duct ovens and u complete in- VB#V»JI» MM I k-O Highest Grade Nuff Sed dustry. It is not intended to; More Economical A QUALITY ATTAINED A QUALITY MAINTAINED seek financial assistance from Than Oil or Gas. HYDER, B. C. either the Dominion or Provincial ORDER THAT SUIT governments, except as to the Twenty-five watts. 75 cents. Forty watts, $1.20. Crawford Transfer Company NOW provision of railway transporta­ Sixty watts, $1.80. tion, either by the completion of One hundred watts, $3. Over 500 watts, special rates. the P. G. E. railway into Peace Above rates are for Tungsten GENERAL FREIGHTERS 20th Century Clothing River, or a branch of the Cana- filament lamps. dian National or Canadian Pa GOOD SADDLE AND PACK HORSES HAS A REPUTATION cific systems. It is proposed to Stewart Public Utilities Co. (Limited) supply the eastern and Pacific APPLY POWER HOUSE COAL POWDER coast markets wilh pig iron, ACETYLENE WELDING GENERAL BLACKSMITHING steel rods and billets, angle bars CLUB TAXI H. and such requirements of the PHONE 1—SHORT. STEWART, B. C. HYDER, ALASKA SMITH BLOCK STEWART, B. C. eastern and western markets as I afford a sufficient demand to ba On Call Night or Day supplied at a profit. ^STEWART'S LATEST CAFE Special rates for long The only first-class and up to date hotel in the Portland DUTHIE MINES Canal district runs. Go anywhere . . . CORNER FIFTH AND COLUMBIA WILL SHIP SOON

ELICIOUSLY COOKED MEAT -Tender retaining all of its natural j. B. MCDONALD. D flavor, and surrounded by a number uf seasonably choice vegetabla1*. Quantity shipments of ore will Hotel King Edward each °f these being in a compartment of its own. That's an ASSET not be made from the Duthie MEAL at the HYDER, B.C. STEWART, • B. C. mines, on Hudson Bay .nountain, POODLE DOG CAFE near Smithers, for three months Lots for Sale Running Hot and Cold Water. Baths. All the con­ S|>eeial prices made on Banque's and Dinner parties. Live Poultry and yet, according to J. F. Duthie, veniences of the city. Dining Room in connection Lucks on hard. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Ring one short three lope- Apply European plan $1 per day and up head of the concern, who passed Try our Chicken Loaf and Genuh a Mexican Tamalea. WILLIAMS, MANSON, GONZALES W. H. TOLIN, Manager JOE VINCENT - - PROPRIETOR through Prince Rupert recently, & TAYLOR. Barristers etc. Stewart. H. C. bound from Seattle to Smithers. The new power plant, he ex- MINERAL ACT, K S M(( I JAKliPSSSSd , would be furnished by Certificate of Improvements. July 1, but it would take some NOTICE. STEWART MEAT MARKET «S X Fiuciuonal, XX Fractional. Van­ two months after that to prepare couver. Vancouver No. 1, Vancouver No. 2, Vancouver No, B, Ruby Silver, DID YOU THINK for shipping on a large scale. Ruby Silver No. 1, Ruby Silver No. 2 Full line of Shamrock Hams and Bacons, Sweet Pickles, Sauer­ mineral claims, situate in lhe Portland Mr. Duthiesaid everything was (anal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis­ kraut and Dills. Fresh Fish, Beef, Mutton, Pork, and Poultry trict. Where located: Watt of Cascade What the smoke-filled valleys looking very promising at the creek. Salmon river valley. kept in our own cold storage, mine. The government was put­ Take notice that Reginald Byrnes, Hamster, of Winch HuilduiK. Vancou­ meant to you last year? ting in a new road, which will ver, H C.i acting as agent for facilitate shipping. I'remu-r Extension Gold Mining Com­ P. BURNS &. CO. pany, United. Free Miner's Certificate I What the timber charred, burned No. 6ti2S4C, intend »ixly da> s from | the date hereof, tn apply to SURVEY IRON the Mining Keccnilei fur a Certilicate of | and blackened means to YOUR improvements fur (lie purpose af ob­ ORE BOD1KS taining a Crown Grant of the above future? claimi. And further taku aotioa that action, under ne. tinii 86, must l« com- Dr. G. A. Young of tht- Cana* menced before the insuancr uf such We have moved into our new premises and invite Certificate <.f Improve mania. That the wages paid last year for you to cull and inspect dian Geological Survey, is in Pate-d this seventh ilav uf April in Victoria conferring with Hon, A D 1U2S. 17 the lie crop along the Grand TRY OUR ICE CREAM William BlotS regarding Um sur­ MINERAL ACT Trunk was approximately $383,- BEST ON MARKET vey of tha iron ores of the pro. Certificate ut liiiprtiveineiita. vince to ascertain what tonnage NOTICE 000? STEWART NEWS COMPANY Jean miiieiul claim, situated 11. the H. P Q1BSON, I'RORlETOR •f iron ore is available. Dr. Portland Canal Mining Division of Cassiar district Wl.tie h-caled. In That the forest will remain a source Young's investigations havi beet, Salmon ruer valley, adjoining on east conducted under the ffeoloffiftj of II C Sliver Mines, I.I.I Take Rotas thst I, Dalby ti U,.r of revenue to you if kept green? survey and the provincial drpart- kill, of Kuwait. H i Proa Miner's GartiAeate Nu 60SI6C, latest*, iiientof mira-i. He will examine sialv days fun, in. asu aofool, to Then be careful with fires. Do not all the nt* deposits to ielermlt* apply to the Mining li> i A IA i foi a Cer- TRAVERSY BROS. tlneaU of Improvements, for the pui what oren ar« available Ui sup­ puss of obtaining i luwn Urofll destroy your own livelihood. of the aitovi And further Stewart Paint Shop Signs port an iron Slid Steel ind sliy. take notice thst action, under tion as, must be loimucbceti before -suasos ( fit, < af tificate of Im Painting Paper Hanging ppar aiuuiitaon is befini ms piuveui seits PREVENT FOREST FIRES-IT PAYS Detail Urn. mi. day of Ms-.n OTTAWA BUILDING FOI I Kill ITUI1 to look like a dividend p*yn A D M* t PORTLAND CANAL NEWS. STEWART, B. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1923

LOCAL NEWS PACHENA GROCERIES DRY GOODS WE SUPPLY A ... LEAVES PRINCE RUPERT LONG FELT WANT Lawrence, the Watchmaker. The Amur loaded Premier high For Stewart, at 6 p.m. every Building Supplies of all kinds. Doors, Windows, Glass, Finished Lumber, Hinges, Locks, Paper, grade ore Monday and cleared Wednesday. PROV1NSE Nails, Cement, Brick, Paints, Varnishes. See our for the Tacoma smelter. BRICK VENEER before you build. Orders LEAVES STEWART for Prince taken for MINING SUPPLIES in any quantity. E. L. Dale, wireless operator GENERAL MERHANDISE 1 D. W. McLEMAN .... in Hyder, haa built a residence Rupert at 6 p. m. every Ryan Building, - STEWART in the forest addition to that Thursday. town. HYDER - - - - - ALASKA Ernie Crawford, brother of LOT FOR SALE W. J. and Jack, returned Satur­ day from Vancouver, after being At a bargain, Lot 30, Block 5, Building Supplies, Roofing, Glass, Mining Supplies, away three years. in Hyder, B. C. Piled and ap­ OCEAN VIEW HOTEL, Limited proach built. See Tom Rollins, Powder, Caps, and Fuse W. L. Balch of Hyder has built Keith Hotel. HYDER - B. C. a six-roomed residence for Wm. Warm, Comfortable Rooms. $1.00 Per Day Gray, president of the Hyder PORTLAND CANAL L0D6E SHOES AND RUBBER GOODS AU Modern Conveniences—Baths, Electric Light Lumber Company. Choice Line of Canadian Cigars and Tobaccos. Peterson Pipes L. O. O. M. 1218 Mrs. Magnus Meisingseth re­ BALL AND BANQUET ROOM IN CONNECTION Meets every first and third Mon­ Catering to Large and Small Parties. turned Sunday morning from days, Stewart and Hyder. HARDWARE FURNITURE MRS. FLORENCE SMITH, Manager Tel.—1 Long Chicago where she has been vis­ iting relatives for several months Dr. H. A. Whillans, physician H. E. HOOTEN ELECTRICIAN and surgeon; consultations at of­ fice of Stewart General Hospital, House Wiring a Specialty TOURIST ROOMS NOW OPEN An Ideal Home to bring your Mother, Sister or Wife ALL THE COMFORTS OF A HOME 10 to 11 a.m., and by appoint­ Orders may be left with H. Zeffertt Special Weekly Rates ARE TO BE HAD AT THE ment. JACK YOHN, Proprietor -. - - - STEWART, B.C. The Beaman block nt the cor­ H. C. BENNETT ner of Fifth and Columbia has AGENT FOR been brightened up with a new Hotel Stewart Phoenix London, Liverpool WE WANT . . . application of paint spread on by and Globe British American, Traversy Bros. YOUR BUSINESS W. DANN, Proprietor Fire Insurance Co's. W. J. Larkworthy, leading We carry an abundant stock of table necessities STEWART - - B. C. and pure food products and we seek your patron­ Steam Heated Rooms Comfortably Furnished Baths general merchant of New Haz­ Drying Room Dining Room age on a basis of absolute merit. Let us serve you elton, passed through Saturday GREY & WILSON.. FIFTH STREET STEWART on his way home from a busi­ CRESCENT Smith Block - STKWART ness trip south. FURNISHED ROOMS The Commercial Association HYDER, - EC. flag-pole in Hyder has been giv­ BRITISH COLUMBIA en a coat of white paint and RATES, $1. H. H. HICKS, Prop. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE raised in its new location in front The Mineral Province of Western Canada of Commissioner Frame's office. GUARDIAN FIRE INSURANCE (O QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE^! Has produced Minerals valued as follows: Placer Gold, $76,542,203- POOL! NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Lode Gold, $109,647,661; Silver. $59.8l4;266, Lead. $51,810,891; Miss Dorothy Daniels, daugh­ NORTHERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Copper, $170,723,242; Zinc, $24,625,839; Coal and Coke. $238,- ter of the late Captain Jimmy You can pass a pleasant hour BRITISH CROWN ASSURANCE CORPORATION HUE) 289,565; Building Stone, Brick, Cement. $36,605,942; Miscellaneous Daniels, arrived from Seattle on PLAYING POOL Minerals, $1,358,839; making its Mineral Production to the end of CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE CO the Jefferson for a visit with at the Hotel Stewart 1922 show her aunt, Mrs. Oren F. Hill, of PACIFIC MARINE INSURANCE CO. AN AGGREGATE VALUE OF $734,259,619 Hyder. CIGAR STAND IN CONNECTION GLOBE INDEMNITY CO.. FOR SICK OR ACCIDENT. The substantial progress of the Mining Industry in this Province R. K. Neil, who made the first is strikingly exhibited in the following figures, which show the value of production far successive five-year periods: For all years to 1895, success of the Premier, passed H. W. M. ROLSTON, Agent STKWART inclusive, $94,547,241; for five yeara, 1896-1900, $57,607,967; for through Sunday on his way to PROGRESSIVENESS five years, 1901-1905, $96,509,968;:for five years, 1906-1910, $125, - Funter bay, weBt side of Admir­ IS THE POLICY. . . 534,474; for five years, 1911-1915, $142,072,603; f0r five years, alty island, Alaska, where he is of thia Drug Store. You will 1915-1920, $189,922,725; 1921. $28,066,641: for the year 1922, now developing a propeaty. find here everything one would expect in a City Pharmacy. $35,158,843. The new sidewalk on the west Our Prescription Department Use Your Money Like a Horse PRODUCTION DURING LAST TEN YEARS, $339,280,940 is at your service. side of the Hotel King Edward Lode mining has only been in progress for about 33 years, aod not 20 per cent, of the Province has been even prospected; 300,001) and in front of the Sourdough PERFUMES sluare miles of unexplored mineral-bearing land are open for pros­ Club, makes a vast improvement LATEST ODORS MAKE IT WORK pecting. in the appearance of the block, The mining laws of this Province are more liberal and the feea besides removing a danger to Stewart Drug Store THE ONLY WAY TO DO THIS IS TO PLACE H lower than those of any oth-sr Province in the Dominion, or any Colony in the British Empire. life and limb. RIGHT-THAT IS WHAT THE BANKS DO Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal feea. The Union Steamship Com­ F. C. LAWRENCE Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, a«- pany's large new vessel, the The Latest Opportunity Offered You is the curity of whleh is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Cadena, is scheduled to leave JEWELER Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may Vancouver for Stewart June 29 aiaU. Mb. Ml* AND toe obtained gratis by addressing on the first trip of a regular run. | WALT HAM', WASHINGTON THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINE8. Victoria. British Columbia. The Craw ford Transfer have been OPTICIAN appointed local agenta for the American Watches at Manu­ company. facturers' Price. SYNDICATE... Captain James Griffiths, head HYDER - ALASKA of the Coastwise Steamship Co., The more you investigate this the better you w owning the ships Grifico, Anyox Coast Steamship Service and Amur, which call here regu­ HYDER Full information can be supplied by ERNES I -*[ larly for Premier ore, was in port or H. W. M. ROLSTON, Stewart from Saturday night until Mon­ RADIO 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE day night with hiaprixe-winning SERVICE Will sail from Stewart every Saturday st 12 noon for Prince cruiser launch. Captain Grif­ Rupert, Swanson Bay. Ocean Falls, Powell Riv«r, Van­ fiths makes it a point to keep in i)i»-MI 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (in­ couver, Victoria and Seattle. personal touch with shipping con­ cluding Sunday.) Messages 1 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN ditions at every point where his delivered in Stewart, B, C. vessels call. E. ARMSTRONG ^ Will sail froin Prince Rupert for Vancouver via Queen Char­ GENERAL.... SERVICE lotte Island in.tU. Juas 13, tl, July li, 25, August tt, 22. SALMON RIVER STAGE LINE Passenger Train Service- From Prince Rupert FREIGHTER mKP i DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, at 6:45 p.m.. FOR 8MITHERS, Ifansi Princa George, Ldueoalon sad Winnipeg, making direct «Wfitf" PREMIER MINE "TflJ™ eoiiuoctiuna far all points East and South. TEAMS PACK HORSES IVr Atlantic Steamship sailings orfurther information, apply tu tHCIsL TUPS MI PARTY TRIPS " ~~ lie say fanadimi National Agent, or te R. F. McNaughton. Dittrit FBLU SEPt'l a W. it HabONNKLl. Passenger Agent, Prinee Rupert Phase t U| il Short HTEWAUT. ll c