Automorphic L-Functions
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics Vol. 33 (1979), part 2, pp. 27-61 AUTOMORPHIC L-FUNCTIONS A. BOREL This paper is mainly devoted to the L-functions attached by Langlands [35] to an irreducible admissible automorphic representation re of a reductive group G over a global field k and to local and global problems pertaining to them. In the context of this Institute, it is meant to be complementary to various seminars, in particular to the GL2-seminars, and to stress the general case. We shall therefore start directly with the latter, and refer for background and motivation to other seminars, or to some expository articles on this topic in general [3] or on some aspects of it [7], [14], [15], [23]. The representation re is a tensor product re = @,re, over the places of k, where re, is an irreducible admissible representation of G(k,) [11]. Accordingly the L-func tions associated to re will be Euler products of local factors associated to the 7r:.'s. The definition of those uses the notion of the L-group LG of, or associated to, G. This is the subject matter of Chapter I, whose presentation has been much influ enced by a letter of Deligne to the author. The L-function will then be an Euler product L(s, re, r) assigned to re and to a finite dimensional representation r of LG. (If G = GL"' then the L-group is essentially GLn(C), and we may tacitly take for r the standard representation r n of GLn(C), so that the discussion of GLn can be carried out without any explicit mention of the L-group, as is done in the first six sections of [3].) The local L- ands-factors are defined at all places where G and 1T: are "unramified" in a suitable sense, a condition which excludes at most finitely many places.
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