THE SWISS CONFEDERATION A BRIEF GUIDE 2013 Index Accumulation 16 Cantons 15, 24, 25, 28 Collegiality 43 Committees 34, 35 Communes 15 Concordance 43 Confederation 15 Council of States 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 Delegations 34 Departments (overview) 44, 45 Executive 15, 40 Federal Assembly 30, 31 Federal Chancellery 46, 47 Federal Council 15, 40–43 Cover picture: Federal Offices (overview) 44, 45 The red carpet will be rolled out for the traditional New Year’s reception for the diplomatic corps in January, trade unionists and supporters of the left-wing Federal Supreme Court 15, 77, 78, 79 parties will celebrate Labour Day under red flags on 1st of May, and a large Half-cantons 28 variety of groups will organise demonstrations to voice their concerns and Initiative 17, 33 demands in the public arena throughout the year. The Bundesplatz and the Interpellation 33 Federal Palace have been Switzerland’s political centre for more than a century. Judiciary 15, 76–80 Content Legislature 15, 32 Information services of the Federal Chancellery, the Departments, Magic Formula 43 Parliamentary Services and Federal Courts Mandatory referendum 16, 17 Jeanmaire & Michel AG Motion 33 Concept, design, composition National Council 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 Je anmaire & Michel AG, Optional referendum 16, 17 Photography Parliament 22–36 Julia Brütsch, Zurich Parliamentary groups 34, 36 Parliamentary portraits: Monika Flückiger, Bern Parliamentary services 37 Federal Council photo: DDPS, Electronic Media Centre Parties 18–21, 30, 31, 43 Editorial deadline Petition 17 31 December 2012 Postulate 33 Circulation Proportional representation 16, 25 G 0e0rman0 170 Referendum 16, 17 French 50 000 Right to elect 16 Italian 17 000 Romansh 2 000 Right to vote 16 English 16 000 Separation of powers 15 This publication is available free of charge from: Sessions 32, 33 SFBL, Distribution of Publications, 3003 Bern or Simple majority 25 Sovereign 15 Splitting the vote 16 Art.
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