לעבן מיט‘ן רבי‘ן

”בגבורות coming years. Indeed, now all were able to see how factualישע ימינו“ he months leading up to Yud this was over the past decade, wherein THE 'S Aleph Nissan 5742 were full of the Rebbe’s holy work only expanded in EIGHTIETH YEAR T excitement. After all, the Reb- an immeasurable manner – notwith- be’s eightieth birthday was no small mat- standing the Rebbe’s suffering and recov- ter! Chassidim the world over, and espe- ering from a heart-attack at the start of cially the Yeshiva bochurim, each did the year 5738. YUD ALEPH their best to prepare appropriate “gifts” Now, with the completion of the Reb- for the Rebbe for this monumental occa- be’s eightieth year, it may have been pre- NISSAN 5742 sion. They each increased with an addi- sumed that the Rebbe would finally ease tional undertaking in Torah study, plac- the work and take some time to rest. ing an emphasis in amounts of Nevertheless, the Rebbe again indicated “eighty” (e.g., eighty Blatt Gemora, very clearly that he had no intentions of eighty Maamorei Chassidus, etc.). Many entertaining such thoughts at all. Quite Yeshivos printed Kovtzim and Seforim the contrary: In Yechidus with a family containing their written Chiddushei To- visiting from London, the Rebbe said, “I rah in honor of the day. Overall, every- have plans of action for the next 10 one anticipated the upcoming momen- years!” tous day very eagerly. In addition, it has been told, that while Those who recalled the occurrences ten speaking with Rabbi Dovid Moshe years earlier – when the Rebbe reached Rosen, the Rebbe made a similar remark. the completion of his seventieth year – Rabbi Rosen had served as Chief Rabbi of would tell of the sense of joy and grati- Romania for many years and felt ex- tude to Hashem that prevailed amongst hausted from his decades-long career. לעילוי נשמת Chassidim during that period. Some may When he shared his feelings with the התמים חיים יוסף יצחק have seemed surprised when at the far- Rebbe and proposed his idea of retiring ב״ר גבריאל שליט"א brengen on Yud Aleph Nissan that year, and moving to Eretz Yisroel, the Rebbe פאיל the Rebbe clearly notified the public of said, “You must continue on the job. I נקטף בדמי ימיו his intentions to continue with all his am now approaching eighty and I intend י"ז אדר שני ה׳תשע״ד -activities, and to know no rest during the on moving on with plans for at least an ת.נ.צ.ב.ה

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CREDIT: JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE other ten years of work!” very much together, as the saying of the SHABBOS HAGADOL – EREV YUD ALEPH NISSAN TRAVELING TO THE REBBE Baal Shem Tov, “Where the ratzon of man is, there he can be found…” As for Throughout Shacharis, the Rebbe held On Thursday, 7 Nissan – with Yud the expenses of the proposed trip, half a Tehillim on his Shtender, open to Ka- Aleph Nissan just a few days away – nu- should be given to Tzedoka, while the pitlach Pei and Pei Aleph, and read from merous guests flocked to New York to remaining half should be used to cover it very intensely. spend these days in the Rebbe’s presence. the costs of the household Pesach needs. The this Shabbos was very Although the Rebbe generally davened The Rebbe added: “It says in HaYom high-spirited; very Yom Tov'dik. Indeed, Mincha and Maariv in the small Zal up- Yom that a birthday is to be used for in- Yud Aleph Nissan was already felt in the stairs in those years, but, due to the in- depth thought and introspection; a time air. After the Maamor, the Rebbe creased number of people davening with when one would prefer to be alone. acknowledged the presence of the many the Rebbe's Minyan, they had to relocate Therefore, I will be unable to greet each guests who had arrived, and said: to the big Shul downstairs. and every guest in person, although they “Since there are many guests who have It came as somewhat of a surprise, to are undoubtedly worthy that I should do come in connection with the “Shnas see so many Chassidim arrive in 770. A so. I do intend – bli neder – to hold a Hashmonim”, we will now discuss the mere week earlier – on Rosh Chodesh farbrengen when we'll all be together, but Pesukim of Kapittel Pei in Tehillim, as Nissan – the Rebbe addressed a Tzivos still, I don't feel that I'll be able to give well as a few words on Kapital Pei Aleph. Hashem rally for children, wherein he each individual the attention that they We'll keep it very brief, for if not, we may instructed Chassidim not to travel from deserve.” very well be stuck here for an entire year, distant places to be in his presence for Still and all, many Chassidim could until the beginning of the eighty-second Yud Aleph Nissan. He explained that, not resist the urge, and made their way to year!” being as it was so close to Pesach, it 770 to spend these precious moments The Rebbe went on to give a beautiful would seem more appropriate that every- with the Rebbe. Needless to say, they did interpretation of the Kapittel, possuk by one stay in their cities and coordinate not regret their difficult decision, espe- possuk. The Kapittel itself expounds up- Mivtzoim, assisting other Jews with their cially when they learned of the pleasant on the hardships that the Yidden endure Pesach preparations. surprise that awaited them at the end of throughout the years of Golus and their When one celebrates Yud Tes Kislev – the farbrengen on Yud Aleph Nissan. It heartfelt prayers to Hashem that he put the Rebbe continued – he is doing so was then that the Rebbe disclosed that ­– an end to their suffering. True, we under- with the Alter Rebbe in mind, as it is his as a token of appreciation to everyone stand the advantages of our being in Day of Liberation. The same applies to who made the effort to be at the far- Golus, where we serve Hashem in foreign Yud Beis Tammuz with the [Frierdiker] brengen – he would personally hand a lands and refine the mundane world, but Rebbe. As for Yud Aleph Nissan, it is my to each and every one of the at- nevertheless, we cry to Hashem with day, and therefore all are to take my tendees (see below in more detail). bitter tears, “Enough is enough!” word for it and not travel here. That is One of the greatest difficulties we face true in body only, but in spirit we will be in Golus is described in the seventh


possuk: Mockery from our foes. In our Words cannot do justice to the mood an open space of sorts for the Rebbe to time, we have those who mock us for that dominated at the Chassidim’s far- pass through. The accumulating excite- demanding the Geulah, and they have brengen on that joyous night, celebrating ment finally reached its climax, as the the nerve to claim to do so in the name the Rebbe’s special day. Some will recall crowds of Chassidim anticipated the of “Daas Torah!” The Jewish people are the words of Rabbi G. M. Garelik, as he Rebbe’s arrival at the grand farbrengen, in Golus for more than nineteen- spoke passionately about the significance breaking out into an ever so joyous sing- hundred years now, how much longer of a day such as this: “When the Rebbe ing of “Chayolei Adoneinu”. appears at 770 on Yud Aleph Nissan, the The platform upon which the Rebbe (”גיוואלד! וויפל איז א שיעור?!“) ?can we wait With each additional possuk, the Ka- sun shines with extraordinary bright- sat, was filled with many distinguished pittel emphasizes, with yet increasing ness!” Chassidim said Lechaim with one guests, including then-Mayor of New passion, of the urgent need that Hashem York City, Mr. Edward Koch, as well as take us out of Golus and lead us to the other government officials, senators, and final Geulah Bekarov Mamosh! many more dignitaries. In between Sichos, the Rebbe vigor- At the conclusion of the first Sicha, ously encouraged the singing, especially Words cannot do some of the guests approached the Rebbe that of the newly-composed Yud Aleph to share a few words and say Lechaim. Nissan Nigun, “Harninu Le'Elokim”. The justice to the The first one was Mr. Koch. The Rebbe Rebbe also motioned to some of those greeted him very warmly and, with a very present to say Lechaim, including Rabbi mood that large smile, asked, “You don’t have a Avrohom Shemtov, whom he instructed chair?” A folding chair was immediately that he say it on a large cup. While en- dominated at the brought forward and the Mayor sat down couraging the singing, the Rebbe seemed right near the Rebbe for a few minutes. to show extra attention to Dr. Ira Weiss Chassidim’s In between each of the Sichos, the Rebbe who had come in from Chicago to be greeted a few additional guests and con- with the Rebbe for Yud Aleph Nissan. Farbrengen on versed with each of them for a short YUD ALEPH NISSAN – BORUCH while. SHEHECHEYANU VEKIY’MANU…! that joyous night The Chassidim sang lively Nigunim all When the Rebbe entered the Shul for the while and the Rebbe showed them Maariv, the excitement in the air could encouraging signs at occasion. Mr. Abe almost be touched with bare hands; Sacks – the famous basketball coach who Chassidim sang and danced with the new another and wished heartfelt blessings maintained a unique relationship with -the Rebbe and often attended these far געזונט און “ ,Nigun joyously! At the moment of that the Rebbe should be well .and continue to lead the Jewish brengens – was also present that evening ”שטארק Maariv’s conclusion, Reb Avrohom (“Bumi”) Friedland of Nachalas Har people to the final Geulah! During the singing, he stood up on a stood up to recite a loud THE GRAND FARBRENGEN bench and danced quite vibrantly along with the niggun and the Rebbe seemed to “Shehecheyanu”. With this spontaneous Already from the early hours of the yield much pleasure from the scene. Dr. act, he seemed to include with him all the afternoon, the Shul at 770 filled with peo- Ira Weiss also received the Rebbe’s atten- ecstatic Chassidim present, offering ple who had come to hold their places for tion, when, during one of the Nigunim thanks to Hashem for having been grant- the Rebbe's farbrengen. At 6:00 p.m. it the Rebbe smiled broadly towards him ed the great privilege of being with the was already difficult to find a space to while showing the doctor his pulse… Rebbe on this special day. The Rebbe stand, and even prior to the Rebbe’s arri- Those present at the farbrengen will looked directly at him while he said the val at 9:30, it was virtually impossible to recall that evening to be one of the most Brocha and answered “Amen” when he get in. There was an initial plan to erect a over-crowded moments in 770 through- concluded. tent outside where the overflowing crowd out the years. It was simply impossible to After Havdala, the Chassidim broke would be able to watch the Rebbe on a move about as the Shul was packed from out in a dance singing the new Nigun, screen, but, with the freezing weather wall to wall. Ironic as it may have and the Rebbe indicated to strengthen temperatures, the idea was dismissed. In seemed, all the senators and other pres- the singing on his way out of Shul. The order to maintain a path with sufficient tigious officials who had come to join the dancing and celebration continued for a space for the Rebbe to enter the Shul, the farbrengen, were forced to spring around while. After hearing the Chazzara“ ” on organizers had to keep an empty bench upon the tables in order to reach their the Rebbe’s Shabbos farbrengen, Chassi- on the floor, which they later shifted up- places and uderwent a rather difficult dim sat down to Farbreng throughout on the Rebbe's entrance, thereby creating the night, until the light of dawn. time as they made their way up to the

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Rebbe’s place to meet with him. Rebbe has reached eighty years; What Will and fulfilling His mission here in IN APPRECIATION FOR now? To answer this, the Rebbe ex- this world, one can be sure that he’ll al- EDUCATION DAY USA plained: “The prevailing custom in this ways have the necessary capabilities, and Every year on Yud Aleph Nissan, the country is for one to decrease activity as he can thus go about his work joyously President of the United States signs a bill his years progress. The truth, however, and with utmost confidence! calling on the American people to in- demands quite the contrary: When Ha- Upon the conclusion of this Sicha, the crease their efforts in the realm of educa- shem grants an individual with addition- Chassidim excitedly sang “Napoleon’s tion in recognition of the Rebbe’s incred- al years, he is to utilize them by increas- March”. ible dedication in this regard: “Eduation ing his efforts to fulfill his purpose on SIYUM ON RAMBAM earth. True, with each passing year one Day, USA”. During the second Sicha of Before conducting a Siyum on Ram- may feel less capable to do so as his this farbrengen, the Rebbe expressed his bam, the Rebbe prefaced: “Although to- strength seems to dwindle, but, neverthe- appreciation for the recognition, which morrow is indeed a work-day and it is less, so long as one remains connected he perceived as an acknowledgement of already quite late – being as things ‘Above’, he will always maintain the the entire Chabad movement as a whole, dragged out to take longer than initially power to do more and achieve yet greater rather than as a personal honor. The intended –we must, nevertheless, still heights.” Rebbe went on to expound upon the conduct a Siyum as always, in addition to The Rebbe concluded with the famous importance of ascertaining a proper edu- the recitation of a Maamor Chassidus. anecdote of soldiers on their way to war. cation for the youth of today in order to The Rebbe then continued with a As they march, they sing an upbeat tune ensure a moral and ethical society for the “Hadran” on the Rambam, explaining indicating their confidence in the antici- future. the various details of the final Hala- pated RETIREMENT? chos of the Sefer HaYad and linking victory. As expected, the Rebbe addressed a them to the beginning of the Sefer. When most timely issue, one that must have THE TANYA following been occupying the minds of many: The Hashem’s Towards the end of the farbrengen, the Rebbe disclosed a pleasant sur- prise to the unexpecting crowd. “It is imperative to show appreciation, from the depth of my heart, for all those who took of their time and came to participate in this far- brengen for so many long hours,” the Rebbe said. “An appropriate token of apprecia- tion – continued the Rebbe – would be giving a Tanya to each and every one of the participants at this farbrengen. The farbrengen is an expression of unity amongst Yidden. True achdus amongst the Jewish people is achieved through Torah, and, from all areas within Torah itself – the innermost part of the Torah does it best. As the soul of it all, it trans- cends the apparent diversity prevalent in the other facets of Torah. This particular edition of the Tanya displays the idea of Jewish unity yet furthermore! At the end of the Sefer, is a copy of every title-page of Tanyas printed all over the world. So, it would indeed be a suitable gift to those partaking in this farbrengen – which, itself, is a symbol of Jewish unity, by bringing so many together at once. Along THE REBBE GIVES OUT SPECIAL TANYAS AFTER THE FARBRENGEN. CREDIT: JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE


with the Tanya, each and every one will also receive a dollar to be given to Tzedoka, which also bears the inscription “E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one” – yet another indication of unity. The learning and spreading of Chassidus that will be (”הפצת המעיינות חוצה“) increased with the distribution of the Tanya, as well as the giving of Tzedoka, are both said to hasten the final Geulah; may it come about speedily.” The Rebbe concluded with a wish that everyone should accept the gift gracious- CREDIT: JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE inasmuch as the giving ,(בסבר פנים יפות) ly will be done in that manner… ceived their Tanyas (around 4:55 a.m.), While the Chassidim sang the Alter the Rebbe stood up and motioned every- Rebbe’s Nigun, the Rebbe instructed body to exit the Shul while he began to Rabbi Groner to go ahead and begin sing “Ki Ve’simcha” with a big smile. bringing the boxes of Tanyas into the The Rebbe said, “I The distribution for the women then Shul. The boxes were passed in through commenced, continuing until 6:10 in the the windows of the women’s section on have plans of morning. Again, the Rebbe started while Kingston Avenue. When the piles of box- in a standing position, and after a while es began accumulating next to the Reb- action for the sat down. be’s chair, the Rebbe asked Rabbi It was then that Chassidim realized the Groner, “How will the people be able to next 10 years!” tremendous appreciation the Rebbe had pass through here?” Rabbi Groner point- to all those who had participated in the ed to the other side of the table, indicat- Farbrengen. True, the Rebbe had men- ing that the crowds will pass by there, tioned that coming in was not necessary, and the Rebbe would hand them each but now he expressed his gratitude to all their Tanyas from across the table. The as well.” those who had come in nonetheless. One Rebbe then inquired as to whether pass- No sooner than the very beginning of can possibly say that the “Is’arusa di’lisa- ing through in that area would be suffi- the distribution, chaotic pushing erupted ta” - the outpouring of love by those ciently safe, as to avoid any potential in the Shul amongst all the participants. Chassidim who couldn't resist celebrat- hazards. Rabbi Avraham Parshan of To- Seeing the situation, the Rebbe sat down ing 11 Nissan with the Rebbe, brought ronto then approached the Rebbe, re- and announced over the microphone, out an “Is’arusa di’leila” on the Rebbes questing that he be granted the privilege “As long as there will be pushing, I will part. of sponsoring the Tanyas of this unique not give out any Tanyas!” The Rebbe When the Rebbe left the Shul, Chassi- evening, but the Rebbe smiled and said, then waited a few seconds, after which he dim made their way to the small Zal up- “Even the Tanya that you’ll receive for resumed the distribution. stairs in anticipation for the Rebbe’s arri- yourself you will not pay for!” With the farbrengen having lasted five val to hear Krias Hatorah (it was Monday After making a Brocha Acharonah, the and a half hours, the distribution only morning). It was a beautiful sight to be- Rebbe spoke a bit more, requesting that began at 3:00 in the morning! At first, the hold; each Chossid entered, one after the everyone assist in maintaining order, and Rebbe handed out the Tanyas from a other with their Tanyas in hand… avoid any extra pushing and shoving. standing position, and, at 3:45, he sat After hearing Krias Hatorah, the Rebbe “Especially,” underlined the Rebbe, down and continued from his seat. One went into his room and spent some time “since, essentially, there is no need to can only imagine the amount of energy with Dr. Weiss, leaving for home at 7:25 push, as there are enough Tanyas for that the Rebbe gave for the hours-long in the morning. everyone. After all the men receive their distribution; something that displayed All the while, the Chassidim sang and Tanyas, they will be asked to leave the itself when he eventually held one hand danced joyously with their Tanyas in Shul, thus allowing the women who par- with the other for support... Still, the hand; a most natural effect of the unbe- ticipated in this farbrengen to come by Rebbe continued to give more and more lievable occurrences they had just merit- and receive Tanyas for themselves, for to each and every individual who passed ed to witness over the past two days.  women are obligated to learn Chassidus by that night. After all the men had re-

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