THE J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT PRIZE FOR INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING A private, nonprofit membership organization, the Fulbright Association engages current and former Fulbright exchange participants in lifelong The Fulbright Prize was established to honor the largest and most significant experiences that advance international understanding through service to communities, citizen diplomacy, and dialogue on global issues. educational exchange program in history as well as the career and spirit of Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Association has 47 chapters its creator, the late Senator J. William Fulbright. The Prize recognizes and throughout the country that annually organize more than 150 educational rewards outstanding contributions towards bringing peoples, cultures, or and cultural programs. nations to greater understanding of others. Considered for the Prize are individuals, groups or teams of individuals, and organizations in any part of Board of Directors the world whose contributions to breaking through the barriers that divide humankind are of such significance as to be internationally recognized. President Suzanne E. Siske/ In awarding the Prize, the Fulbright Association and its cooperating Vice President associates in the United States and abroad seek to recognize individuals who Hoyt Purvis dedicate their energies to improving international understanding and to Secretary encourage new generations to undertake life commitments to international Patricia A. Krebs understanding. Treasurer The J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding has been Bruce R. Sievers awarded to former South African President (1993), former Directors U.S. President ( 1994), former Austrian Federal Chancellor John F Ausura Hilda Ochoa-Briflembou,g ( 1995), former Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino Cynthia A. Baldwin Ronald Palmer ( 1996), forn1er President of the V,\.clav Havel ( 1997), Philip J. Bossert Evere!le B. Penn former Chilean President Patricio Aylwin Az6car ( 1998), former United Mark F Brzezinski Manfred Philipp Rob lemelson Wadie E. Said Nations High Commissioner for ( 1999), Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann Mary Ellen Heian Schmider former President of the Republic of (2000), fonner Nancy Neill Yvonne Scruggs-le_fiwich Secretary-General of the (200 I), forn1er United H. Andrea Neves Katherine E. White Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2002), fonner Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (2003), fom1er U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell (2004), and former U .S. President William Staff Jefferson Clinton (2006). Jane L. Anderson, Executive Director Naomi A. Parekh, Director, Membership Development Alec B. Jeffries, Director, Chapter Relations Noelle R. Said, Program Assistant FULBRIGHT ASSOCIATION INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS

American Uni\crsny Iowa State Uni\'cr:-.ity Un1,ersity of Califomrn•lrvinc Appalachian Slate Unl\crisity James Madison University U1mcrst1v ofCalifornia- Arcadrn University John Carroll University Los An'gclcs Association for lnternauonal Kansas Cuy Kansas Community Universtt} of Califom1a-Rivers1de Practical Trainmg College University of California-Sama CruL Bard College at Simon·s Rock Kent State Uni,crsny University of Cincinnati Bany Uni\ersity Lake Forest College University ofConncc1icut Baylor University Lewis and Clark College University of Dayton Boston University Long\>,Ood University University of Delaware Brigham Young University Lomsiana Slate Uni\'crsity University of Denver Gali Ameri Bronx Community College Luther College Univcr:sity of Florida Ilryn Mawr College Massachusetts lns1i1u1c of University of Georgia Assistant Secreta,y ofState Buffalo State-State University of Technology University of Hawaii New York Mcsalands Community College University of Houston-D0\1,,flluwn for Educational and Cultural Affairs California Siate Unin:rslly­ Michigan State University University of Kansas East Bay Middlebury College University of California State University-Fresno Uni\'crsity of Mame.Orono and California State Uni\crsitv- ~ :~~e~~:!,c§~atc University University of Maryland. Long Beach - Moorhead · 0alt1morc County California State Univcrsuy­ M1tchell Community College Uni,-crsity of Maryland. the Fulbright Association Montcrcy Bay t-.1orchouse College Colle$c Park California State Univer~ity­ Nalarcth College of Rochester Uni,crslty of Maryland Umvers1ty cordially invite you to attend Sacramento North Caroltna State Urm·crsity Collesc California State University- Northeastern l\111101s Univcn,i1y Univcn;1ty of Massachusetts a1 San Bernardino Oakland Universtty Boston Case Western Reserve University Oberlin College University of Michigan Central State Uni\en,itv Oklahoma. State Umvcrsity Un1vcrsjty of Michigan-Dearborn The J. William Fulbright Prize Chicago State Uni\crsiiy Pace Uni\crsity Unncrs1ty of Michigan-Flint Claremont McKenna College Pcnnsyl,ania State Un,vcr:,,ily The University of Mississippi for International Understanding Award Ceremony Clark Atlanta Urm,ersitv Queens Umverslly of Charlotte Unl\,crsily of Missouri.Kansas City Clemson Un1vcr:".>i1y • Ramapo College of New Jersey University of Missouri-St. Louis Colby College Recd College University of Ncbraska· Lmcoln honoring Colgate University Rice Univer:,,ity University of Nebraska.Omaha The College of Saint Rose Rochester lnstilute of Technology Umvcrsity of Nevada-Las Vegas 2008 Fulbright Prize laureate The College of William and Mi1ry San Diego St:1tc Uni,,crsity Universi1y of Nevada-Reno Colorado College State Uni"crsi1y University of North Carolma- The Cooper Union for the Scwanec: The Universi1y of the Chapcl llill Advancement of Science & An South University of North Carolina- Danmouth <;'ollcse Simmons College Pembroke ARCHBISHOP EMERITUS DePauw University Smith College Univers11y of North Florida Dickinson College Southeast \llissoun State Unh-ersity University of Notre- Dame Dowling College Southcas1cm L~uisiana ~n1,crsity University of Pittsburgh Drake University Sou1hern 11111101s Urnvcrsuy at University of Por1land Th e Fulbright Prize is supported by a grant from Drew Uni\·crsity Carbondale University of Scranton Duke University St. Olaf College Univer~ilv of South Carolina Th e Coca-Co/a Foundation. Ea~t Carolina University St John Fisher College Uni,·crsit)' of Soulh Florida EaMcm Michigan UniH·rsity St. John ·s Univcrsi1y University of Southern Mame Ehrnra College University of Utah Emory Univcr,ity State University of New Yori... at University of Vi rginia Fairfickl University Fredonia Uni,,crsity of Wisconsin-La Cro:,,SC Friday, November 21. 2008 Fayetteville State Univcrsuy State University of New York at Um\crsity of \:Visconsin-Madison Fems State University Oswego University of Wisconsin-Platteville US Department a/State Florida Staie Uni\·crsi1y State University of Ne",: York at University of Wiscons111- Fordham University Potsdam White,... ·atcr 23rd Street Entrance (between C and D Streets, N. W) Franklin and Marshall College Stevens lnsti1utc of Technology University of Wyoming Gainsvillc State College Stony Brook U1m-crsity Utica College Washington, D. C. Gardner-Webb UnivcrsHy Swarthmore College Valparaiso Umversity The George \Vashington University Syracuse University Vanderbilt University Georgetown Univt:rsity Texas A&M Univers11y Vassar College Ceremony al 11:00 a.m., Dean Acheson Auditorium Georgia Institute of Technology Texas Christian Uni, crsity Villanova Uni\·ersity Georgia State University Towson University Wayne Slate University Reception immediatelyfollowing, 8th Floor Diplomatic Receplion Rooms llcndrix College Trinity Un1,ersity West Texas A&M Umversity Hennepin Technical College Tufls University West Virginia Wesleyan College Business Attire Humboldt State University University at Albany, The State Western Washington Un iversity lluntcr College. The City University University of Nc,v York \:Vestmmstcr College of New York The Uni,ers1ty nf AriLomt Widener University R ..,. v.p. by NtJl'ember 7, 2008 Photo ID ft1ust he Pre.,·e11tedfor Atlmis~·ion Idaho State Un iversity Uni\crsity of Arkansas William Paterson Un iversity Pruvi

Welcome & Remarks T he Honorable Goli Ameri Assistant Secretary o f State for Educatio nal and C ultural Affairs

Remarks Suzanne E. Siske! President, Fulbright Associati on

Tribute to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu Kelly Brown Douglas Professor of Religion & Department Chair, Goucher College

Presentation of Fulbright Prize Suzanne E. Siske!

Tribute to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu Maya Angelou

Presentation of "Africa Rising" Neville Isdell C hairman of t he Board, T he Coca-Cola Com pany

Fulbright Prize Address Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu 2008 Laureate

Closing Suzanne E. Siske!

The Most Reverend Desmond M. Tutu ~PUL131?] (jJ-fT JISSOC l.:ilTIO'l\{_ !9'{,5TITUTJO'l\{_.:ilL 'Jv{'£'Jv{13'£:f?S American University lo\\'a State Universitv University of C.1lifornia­ Appalachian State university James Madison Uni,:crsit:y Los Angeles Arcadia Unil'ersiry John Carroll University University of California-Riverside Association for liitcrnational Kansas City Kansas Community University of California-Santa Practical Training College Cruz Bard College at Simon ·s Rock Kent Stare University Univcrsitv uf Cincinnati Barry Univcrsirv Lake Forest Collcl?c Univcrsiri· of Connecticut Bavlor University Lc1Vis and Clark College Univcrsirv of Dayton Btiston Univcrsiiv Longwood University Univcrsirv of Delaware B1igham Young University Louisiana St,ltc Univcrsitv University of Denver Bronx Community College Luther College ' University of Florida THE WILLIAM FULBRIGHT PRIZE Bryn Mawr College Massachusetts Institute of University of Georgia J. Buffalo State-State University of Technology University of Hawaii New York Mesalands Community College University of Houston- California State Universitv- Michigan State Universitv Downtown FOR INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING East Bay · Middlebury College - University of Krnsas California State Uni\'crsity- Mills College University of Kentucky Fresno · Minnesota St.Uc University University of Maine-Orono AWARD CEREMONY California State Univcrsitv- Moorhead Univcrsitv of Maryland, Long Beach • Mitchell Community College Baltimore County California State University- Morehouse College University of Maryland, Monterey Bay · Nazareth College of Rochester College Park California State Universitv- North Carolina State University University of Maryland Sacramcnto " Northeastern Universirv Unil'crsiry College California State University- Oakland University ' University of ,\,lassachusctts at HONORING San Bernardino Oberlin College · Boston Case Western Reserve University Oklahoma State University University of Michigan Central State University · Pace Universi~y University of Michigan- Chicago State University Pennsylvania State Universitv Dearborn Claremont McKcnna College Queens University of Charlc,ttc University of Michigan-Flint Clark Atlanta Univcrsitv Ramapo College of Nell' Jersey The University of Mississippi Clemson University · Recd College Univcrsitv of Missouri-Kansas Desmond M. Tutu Colby College Rice University City . Colgate Uni,-crsity Rochester Institute of University of Missouri-St. Louis The College of Saint Rose Technologv Universiri, of Nebraska-Lincoln Archbishop En1eritus of Cape To,vn The College of William and San Diego State Universitv Universit)' of Nebraska-Omaha Mary San Francisco State Univcrsitv University of Nevada-Las Vegas Colorado College Scwanec: The University of the University of Nevada-Reno The Cooper Union for the South University of North Carolina- Advanccmcnt of Science & Art Simmons College Chapel Hill Dartmouth College Smith College University of North Carolina- DePauw University Southeast Missmui State Pemhroke Dickinson College· Univcrsin· Universitv of North Florida Dowling College Southeastern Louisia11.1 Univcrsit)' of Notre Dame Drake University University University of Pittsburgh Washington, D. C. Drew U niversity Southern Illinois University at Universitv of Portland Duke Unil'ersity Carbondale Univcrsit\, of Scranton East Carolina University St. Olaf College Unil'ersit)' of South Carolina November 21 , 2008 Eastern Michigan University St. John Fisher College University of South Florida Elmira College St. John's University University of Southern Maine Stanford University University of Utah Fairfield Univcrs,rv State Universitv ol New York at U niversity of Virginia Fayetteville Srnte University Fredonia ' University ofWisomsin-La Ferris State Univcrsit:v State Universitv of New York at Crosse Florida State University Oswego · University of Wis,onsi11 -1Ybdison Fordham University State University of New York at Univcrsit°), of\Nisconsin­ Franklin and Marshall College Pots,fam Plattevillc Gainsville State College Stevens Institute of Technology University ofWisconsin- Ganincr-Wcbb U nivcrsitv Stonv Brook Universitv Whitewater The George Washington· S,v,1rth more Col lcgc , Univcrsitv of Wvoming A Program of the Fulbright Association Univcrsitv Svracusc Univcrsiry Utica Cohegc - Gc.(>rgcto,,~n U11ivcrsitv 'frxas A&M Universitv Valparaiso University Georgia lnstin,te of Technology Texas Cluistian University Vanderbilt Universitv With Support of The Coca-Cola Foundation Georgia State University Towson University Vassar College ' Hendrix College · Tri11irv U11ivcrsitv Vi llanova Unil'ersity Hennepin Technical College Tufts l.Jnivcrsirv ~ Wayne State University Humboldt State University Universitv at Albam·, The State West Texas A&M Unil'ersiry Hunter College, The City University of Ne,,, York West Virginia Weslcvan College University of New York The Univci·siry of Arizona Western \Vashington Universitv Idaho Srare U niversirv University of Arkansas vVesrminstcr College · Illinois Wesleyan Uni,·crsity University at Bulfalo, The State Widener University Indiana University of University of New York William P.1tcrson Universirv Pcnnsvlvania University of California-Berkclev Williams College · lnstiturc of International University of California-In-inc Wingate Uni\'ersity Education Wright State Unil'crsity Desmond M. Tutu 2008 Fulbright Prize Laureate Desmond Mpilo Tutu was born in , , on Oct. 7, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond M. Tutu 1931. He entered the Anglican ministry in 1958 and received his licentiate in in 1960 from St. Peter's Theological College, . He was The Fulbright Prize honors Archbishop Emeritus Desmond M. Tutu ordained to the priesthood in 1961 and then earned his fo r his tireless work for peace in South Africa and elsewhere, for his courage in ( with honors) and master of theology degrees from King's College, University of , England. From l 967 to 1978, he served in increasingly prominent speaking out against injustice, and for his efforts to achieve a democratic and positions in seminaries, universities, and church organizations and was named just society without racial division. The Prize recognizes Archbishop Tutu's bishop of Lesotho. 1 abiding belief in our common humanity and his lifelong work to promote respect, forgiveness, and reconciliation among people. In his leadership of the In the wake of the 1976 uprising, South Africa was in turmoil. j South African Council of Churches during the era, in his tenure as Bishop Tutu accepted the post of general secretary of the South African Council chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commision that grappled with that of Churches (SACC), whose priorities were justice and reconciliation and an end era's human rights violations, and in his current work to alleviate the suffering to apartheid. Under his guidance, SACC took a prominent position in South caused by HIV/AIDS, Archbishop Tutu has spoken and acted as a person of African spiritual and political life, challenging white society and the government extraordinary empathy and principle. His conviction that "I am because other and assisting victims of apartheid. Bishop Tutu became both a national and an people are" makes him one of the world's most inspiring leaders. international figure. Inevitably, he was heavily embroiled in controversy as he spoke out against the injustices of apartheid. For several years, he was denied a passport to travel abroad. He became a leader in the crusade for justice and The J William Fulbright Prize racial conciliation in South Africa. In 1984, he received the in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to that cause. In 1985, he was for International Understanding elected bishop of Johannesburg. The Fulbright Prize was established to honor the largest and most In 1986, Bishop Tutu was elevated to archbishop of , where significant educational exchange program in history as well as the career and he worked to bridge the chasm between black and white Anglicans in South spirit of its creator, the late Senator J. William Fulbright. The Prize recognizes Africa. Archbishop Tutu served as a principal mediator and conciliator in the and rewards outstanding contributions towards bringing peoples, cultures, or transition to democracy in South Africa. In 1995, President Nelson Mandela nations to greater understanding of others. Considered for the Prize are appointed him chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a body individuals, groups or teams of individuals, and organizations in any part of the that probed gross human rights violations that occurred under apartheid. In world whose contributions to breaking through the barriers that divide 1996, he retired from office as arch bishop of Cape Town and was granted the honorary title of archbishop emeritus. In recent years, Archbishop Tutu has humankind are of such significance as to be interna6onally recognized. In turned his attention to the campaign against HIV/AIDS. He has made establishing the Prize, the Fulbright Association and its cooperating associates in appearances around the globe to help raise awareness of the disease and its the United States and abroad seek to recognize individuals who dedicate their tragic consequences in human lives and suffering. energies to improving international understanding and to encourage new generations to undertake life commitments to international understanding. The Archbishop Tutu holds honorary degrees from more than 130 J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding has been awarded to universities. He has also held distinguished academic and leadership posts in a former South African President Nelson Mandela (1993), former U.S. President variety of countries. He has received the Order for Meritorious Service Award Jimmy Carter ( 1994 ), former Austrian Federal Chancellor Franz Vranitzky (Gold) presented by President Mandela; the Archbishop of Canterbury's Award ( 1995 ), former Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino ( 1996 ), former Czech for Outstanding Service to the Anglican Communion; the Prix d' Athene Republic President Vaclav Havel (1997), former Chilean President Patricio (Onassis Foundation); the Family of Man Gold Medal Award; the Mexican Order of the Aztec Medal (Insignia Grade); the Martin Luther King, Jr. Non­ Aylwin Az6car (1998), former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Violent Peace Prize; the ; and the . Rights Mary Robinson ( 1999), former President of the Republic of Finland Martti Ahtisaari (2000), former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan His writings include No Fut1tre Without FmgiPeness and God Has a (2001 ), former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata Dream. Though his vigorous advocacy of social justice once rendered him a (2002), former President of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (2003), former controversial figure, today Archbishop Tutu is regarded as a leading moral voice U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell (2004 ), and former U.S. President William and as an eld er world statesman who plays a major role in reconciliation. Jefferson Clinton (2006).

'Ifie :Ju[6riglit Priu is maae possi6[e tfirougli agrant 6y 'Ifie Coca-Co[a :Jounaation, which contri6utea 11Wre tfwn $265 mi[[ion to lie[p 6uifa ana support sustaina6[e communities worfawirle. J. William Fulbright Prize 2008 Selection Committee !Ju[6rigfr.t .9lssociation 'Board of IIJirectors Dr. Craig R. Barrett, Chairman Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation President (Fulbright Scholar to 1972) Suzanne E. Siske!

Dr. Marilyn Berg Callander Vice President Immediate Past President, Fulbright Association Hoyt Purvis (Fulbright Scholar to Nepal 199 I ) Secretary Dr. Fatima Al-Shamsi Patricia A. Krebs Secretary General, University Treasurer (Fulbright Scholar to U.S.A. 1995) Bruce R. Sievers

Ms. Daniela Michel Directors Founding Director, Morelia International Film Festival John F. Ausura City (Fulbright Fellow to U.S.A. 2004) Cynthia A. Baldwin Philip J. Bossert Ms. Suzanne Snively Mark F. Brzezinski Senior Advisory Partner, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Rob Lemelson Wellington, New Zealand (Fulbright Fellow to New Zealand 1972) Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann Nancy Neill Mr. Arnold Tsunga H. Andrea Neves Director, Africa Programme Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg International Commission of Jurists, (Fulbright Fellow to U.S.A. 2006) Ronald Palmer Everette B. Penn Dr. Jan Veldhuis Manfred Philipp President Emeritus, Utrecht University Wadie E. Said The Mary Ellen Heian Schmider (Fulbright Fellow to U.S.A. 1967) Yvonne Scruggs-Leftwich Katherine E. White

!Ju[6right .9lssociation Staff Executive Director Jane L. Anderson Director, Membership Development Naomi A. Parekh Director, Chapter Relations Alec B. Jeffries Program Assistant Noelle R. Said