Subject: Status: For Publication Highways Capital Programme 2010/11

Report to : Date: 1st June 2010 Cabinet

Report of: Email: Director of Highways [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01706 924 575/609 Cabinet Member :

Comments from Section 151 Officer x Statutory Officers: Monitoring Officer x

Key Decision: Yes / No

Forward Plan X General Exception Special Urgency


1.1 The purpose of this report is to inform Cabinet of the Local Transport Plan Funding available for 2010/2011. Also to advise of our prior commitments within the highways capital programme from the previous year, and of the existing work commitment required to achieve an improved transport network, with devolution of the remaining budget to Townships.


2.1 The Cabinet notes the funding (£7,880,212) which has been allocated for 2010/11 for the Highways Capital schemes through the Local Transport Plan process.

2.2 The Cabinet notes and supports the committed schemes already included in the programme from previous years as indicated in Appendix A, with £489,000 LTP capital funding identified for delivery of selected schemes identified by Townships. Suggested new schemes and studies for consideration are outlined in Appendix B.

2.3 The approval of any new schemes meeting LTP criteria which can be included in the highways capital programme be approved by Cabinet or the relevant Township. The Director of Highways be requested to

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provide detailed proposals to future meetings of the Township Committees.

2.4 Where events external to the Council require a rapid response or agreement in principle the Committee authorise Executive Director, Andy Zuntz, to vary the programme in consultation with the Lead Member and the Chair of the relevant Township Committee.

2.5 Where land acquisition issues relating to the Highways Capital Programme are identified or emerge during the year the Committee authorise Executive Director, Andy Zuntz, to make the necessary arrangements in consultation with the Lead Member and Chair of the relevant Township.


3.1 The recommendations devolve the approval of any new schemes to be included in the Highways Capital Programme, or variations to the programme, to the Township Committees. This is in line with the devolution of the service to the Townships.

3.2 There are changes to allocations and work programme that are subject to Government funding and approvals. These schemes require further work before permissions and funding is granted.

3.3 An enhanced system of LTP objective and target monitoring has been identified within Greater , and this approach has been replicated in project planning, across the previous 2008/09 and 2009/10 LTP programme and continuing to the proposed delivery of the 2010/11 LTP programme.

4. Background

4.1 To achieve delivery of the locally and regionally agreed LTP targets, the Council is awarded Highways Capital programme funding by the DfT. Progress on achieving targets within the shared priorities is recognised and levels of funding adjusted accordingly. The progress to date has been good and therefore again reflected positively in the overall 2010/11 allocation.

4.2 The DfT assessed the delivery of the first LTP1 (2001/2006) as Good. Last year GONW reviewed the progress of the LTP2 (2006/07 to 2010/11) and was pleased to see that GM is on track and takes account of the original aims indicating considerable progress towards the shared priorities.

4.3 The LTP and its respective progress reports are prepared jointly with the Integrated Transport Authority/Executive (ITA/E) and the other 10 Greater Manchester District Councils in accordance with guidelines issued by the DfT. The need to work together in Greater Manchester as 10 authorities is a statutory requirement and the Council cannot therefore leave the partnership.

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The LTP reflects national objectives relating to economic management and performance of the network and sustainability.

4.4 The 2010/11 programme aims to continue the aspirations of the previous 2009/10 programme and be more effective in identifying and responding to the LTP shared priorities of Safety, Air Quality, Congestion and Accessibility. The LTP programme and processes also aim to encourage an ongoing incentive to increase access to sustainable travel and therefore improve modal shift.

4.5 Within the GMLTP Capital Programme allocation for the period 2010/11, following consultations across all 10 GM districts at AGMA Executive Board, the DfT allocation for Rochdale is £7,880,212. The allocations have been broken down into the following amounts to each respective work category:

Table 4.5.1 – DfT LTP Capital Allocations

£998,684 Maintenance of Bridges and highway struct ures £1,000,000 Specific Allocation for Clover Hall Bridge £2,927,527 Specific Allocation for Retaining Walls £1,494,762 Structural Maintenance of carriageways and footways £210,239 Street Lighting £1,249,000 Transport Policy and Local Safety schemes £7,880,212 TOTAL

4.6 The 2010/11 programme continues to meet the policies contained in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP), Local Development Framework (LDF) and Rochdale Transport Strategy, which seek to maintain, improve, sign and manage the strategic network to accommodate the changing needs and main flows of general traffic within and through the Borough. The policies also look to introduce physical traffic management measures where it is evident that the strategic highway is being inappropriately used, and general traffic is using less suitable roads to the detriment of road safety and amenity. Pedestrian, cyclist and bus access requirements are to be met where required. The priority areas for junction improvements that are identified in the UDP are as follows

a) Town Head junction, Rochdale; this junction improvement has been substantially complete in 08/09, with further assessment and public realm considered and concluded during 09/10. Allocation from the Council Priority Investment funding was agreed April 2010 which will enable further improvements to increase capacity and reduce congestion. b) Milnrow Road / Road / Drake Street junction, Rochdale; This area will be considered as part of the wider Town Centre Master Plan and introduction of Metrolink improvements c) B6225 Canal Street diversion and Halifax Road junction, Littleborough; Traffic investigations began with UTC in 08/09 and developer proposals are under review

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d) A664 Kingsway, Rochdale and M62 Junction 21, Miln row - new highway link; Sir Isaac Newton Way, the new link road through the evolving Kingsway Business Park development was completed 08/09 e) Kingsway / Queensway / Oldham Road junction, Rochdale ; improvements to compliment the QBC programme were compl eted 08/09 f) Edinburgh Way / Manchester Road / Roch Valley Way junction, Rochdale; The Sudden Roundabout has been replaced with an improved signalised junction , completed 08/09 g) Manchester Road / Bolton Road junction, Rochdale; Supporting improvem ents as part of the Sudden signalisation, completed 08/09 h) Assheton Way / Oldham Road / Middleton Way, Middleton town centre; realignment of the highway hierarchy and capacity within developer planning application has progressed in 08/09, completion programmed 2010/11

4.7 Improvement works were completed at 60% of the junctions in 2008/09. Metrolink 3a detailed design work has been progressing in 2008/09 and 2009/10 in partnership with the GMPTE and the approved contractor Mpact Thales; this long term project will continue in 2010/11 through to 2013. The Bus Stations at Middleton and Rochdale are featured as important interchanges within the network and Middleton bus station was completed 2009/10. The preparatory site works commenced 2008/09 and planning application submitted 2009/10 with the development proposed for completion 2012.

4.8 The Transport Strategy for Rochdale has identified strategic transportation schemes, supporting the economic and social needs of the Borough, with schemes covering district centre access highway improvements through to new public transport interchange and light rail enhancement. Funding opportunities are being explored to support the wider objectives and long term asperations within this plan. The network improvements identified within the strategy will be considered within this and future Capital Programmes.

4.9 Township planning and regeneration issues are also addressed in the programme and again it is necessary to ensure budgets are used to meet agreed targets and maximise any opportunities for additional funding from other sources. Further details will be provided in future reports.

4.10 As in 2009/10, Transport Policy, Local Safety Scheme and Highway Maintenance funding will be allocated to Townships for highway investigations and small scheme delivery/implementation; apportioned on the basis of population, and to sustain the progress on the LTP Road Traffic Casualty reduction targets. This is outlined in Para 12.3 and considered within the suggested scheme options table at Appendix B.

4.11 Funding within the 2010/11 Capital Programme is heavily weighted towards schemes with both political and financial commitment. This programme includes those schemes sponsored through LTP

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devolution and approved by Townships. The remainder of Transport Policy and Local Safety funding is then allocated to townships.

4.12 2010/11 is the final year of LTP2, and work is underway across GM and its districts to develop LTP3. The shared priorities of LTP3 will reflect the objectives for DaSTS (Delivering a Sustainable Transport Strategy) and consider how to respond to the City Region Pilot status granted by DfT, with increased combined authority status. This status will help delivery of cross boundary transport initiatives.

5. Transport Policy and Local Safety Schemes

5.1 Within the LTP programme DfT and GONW have allocated £1,249,000 of the Greater Manchester transport fund for Rochdale to deliver Transport Policy and Local Safety areas of work, but the need is considerably greater than this due to the wide remit covered.

5.2 To increase this funding value schemes are often delivered in partnership with neighbouring districts, private developers, and GMPTE. This is considered where complementary aims for reducing the negative impacts of travel, particularly when schemes provide opportunities to encourage the use of sustainable modes of travel such as walking, cycling and public transport. It is essential that schemes utilising LTP funding provide outputs to support the LTP objectives and are strategically important to the network.

5.3 In addition Greater Manchester receives payments from DfT’s Congestion Performance Fund, designed to reward authorities for outperforming their LTP congestion targets. In May 2009 Rochdale was allocated £40,000 match funding to introduce highway improvements on Halifax Road. This is included within the committed carry forward from 2009/10 figures.

5.4 The provision of measures locally to create School Zones, provide safer access to schools and sustain travel plan objectives whilst contributing to reduced accident rates and car use are also considered as part of this Local Safety Scheme programme. The Transport Policy Scheme measures should be developed to achieve delivery of the Borough Wide Strategic Network priorities, this funding and schemes developed aim to support the ongoing commitment to improve public transport and underpin economic growth.

5.5 As in 09/10, uncommitted Transport Policy and Local Safety Scheme funding will be devolved to Townships. This will enable the development of schemes identified by Township investigations that support the progress towards accident and casualty reductions. Progress across the LTP2 period (2006-2011), on Boroughwide casualty reduction has been good and is outlined in 5.4.1 below.

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Table 5.4.1 Road Traffic Casualties (RTC’s) Township Boroughwide Rochdale Middleton Heywood Pennines 205,002 91,000 45,500 28,500 40,002 Population 100% 44% 22% 14% 20% Total RTC 235 106 35 40 54 KSI 2003-05 Total RTC 218 116 39 23 40 KSI 2007-09 % RTC KSI -7% +9% +11% -43% -25% change

5.5 Against the base period (2003-05) pre devolution and LTP2, Heywood and Pennines have reported positive trends whilst Rochdale and Middleton show a slight increase. There are a significant number of schemes identified in the 2010/11 Capital Programme that have originated from 08/09 and 09/10 Township LTP devolved funding.

5.6 The development of the Rochdale Metrolink phase 3a is progressing and will bring the track into Rochdale via Rochdale Station and on Maclure Road. Supporting highway schemes have been developed to mitigate the anticipated changes in travel. The required increase in access for all stops must be addressed and therefore a range of park and ride, walking and cycling access interventions have been assessed and will be developed and implemented in 2009/10 - 2011/12. This work is not covered by the GMPTE budget for construction of Metrolink, and DfT funding must be identified within the LTP allocation to Rochdale.

5.7 Whilst preparatory works have begun for the new location of the Rochdale Bus interchange. the major construction works proposed to coincide with the Rochdale Town Centre Redevelopment will similarly require LTP support. New and improved access routes and facilities will determine the levels of improved accessibility achieved. This will cross over with improvements for Rochdale Town Centre and Metrolink 3a and 3b.

6. Bridges and Highway Structures

6.1 An allocation of £1m in 09/10 and 10/11 respectively has been granted by DfT for Clover Hall Bridge. A joint bid with 3 other authorities (Oldham, Tameside and Stockport) for additional funding for retaining wall work was approved by DfT July 2009. This has secured an additional £7.6m over 3 years. Works began in 2009/10 and are expected to be complete 2012/13.

6.2 The LTP maintenance allocation for Bridges and Structures will ensure the Boroughs network of structures is effectively managed, maintained and strengthened in accordance with the National Code of Practise for Bridge Maintenance.

6.3 To sustain the existing residential and business community access from Sparth Bottoms Road in Rochdale, the existing retaining wall

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structure requires substantial structural strengthening. This urgent work started in 2009 and will be funded through the capital programme over the next 12 months, as previously approved by Cabinet

7. Proposed Highway Maintenance Programme 2010/2011

7.1 The Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is providing the basis to assess the future funding requirements for the network. In this years programme finance is committed to complement the larger schemes to support economic regeneration opportunities and the delivery of Metrolink. as well as dealing with poor structural condition identified on the network through assessment processes.

7.2 Work programmes are being developed using survey data gathered for the TAMP; the process includes looking at treatment options based on a number of other factors i.e. accident data and third party claims and other work programmes. In line with LTP objectives the programmes will focus on securing as many positive outcomes as possible on the classified network; the proposed work in each of the Township areas will be reported in subsequent reports for consideration by Townships.

8. Street Lighting

8.1 The business case for a street lighting PFI was approved by Cabinet and a rigorous selection and tender process is progressing. The appointment of an appropriate contractor, to commence a 25 year contract, is expected later this year. This will start a 5 year core investment period to deliver an improved level of service provision. PFI will mean a radical change in the progress towards putting the lighting network into a safer condition that meets current standards.

8.2 As a result, from 2010/11 all LTP maintenance allocations will be used to off set funding the PFI contract. This will support development, implementation and running of the contract.

9. Alternatives considered:

9.1 The issues relating to the development of the programme are contained within the background to the report

10. Consultation undertaken/proposed:

10.1 Extensive consultation has taken place throughout Greater Manchester to develop the Local Transport Plan. Significant public and media awareness towards potential schemes has been developed and progressed at local level.

10.2 The schemes within the programme have in many cases already been through local public consultation.

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10.3 All new schemes within the programme will be consulted on as appropriate with Townships, Ward Councillors, residents, and other stakeholders.

10.4 The report has been prepared in consultation with the Head of Finance and the Lead Member for Finance.


11.1 Appendix A provides details of the schemes where £2,842,363 capital funding is committed from the 2009/10 programme, and £6,546,368 capital funding from the 2010/11 allocation is required for completing the existing commitments. The following table summarises the details of Appendix A and the key work areas, funding available, and the commitments in this years LTP programme.

Table 11.1.1 – LTP Capital Summary 2010/11 Committed carry Required to DfT forward from 2009/10 Complete 2010/11 Allocation Highways Structural Maintenance £234,649 £649,920 £1,494,762 Street Lighting £0 £210,237 £210,237 Local Safety Schemes £473,962 £13,000 Bridges £195,943 £998,684 £998,684 Specific Allocation Clover Hall Bridge £597,079 £1,000,000 £1,000,000 Specific Allocation Retaining Walls £393,246 £2,927,527 £2,927,527 Transport Policy £847,689 £747,000 Major Schemes £99,795 £0 ITB £0 £1,249,000 TOTAL £2,842,363 £6,546,368 £7,880,210

11.2 Proportionate levels of LTP Capital have been devolved in 2007/08 2008/09 and 20010/11 to each respective Township to commission localised investigations, and delivery of some highway improvement measures. Some of the schemes delivered and progressed are covered within the committed carry forward from 2009/10 and detailed in appendix A.

11.3 The Devolved funding available for the delivery of new schemes has been apportioned to Townships as described in paragraph 1.1. The following table gives details of the funding available to each Township for new schemes in the 2010/11 programme, which totals £489,000.

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Table 11.3.1 - Devolved LTP funding for 2010/11

Devolved LTP Rochdale Middleton Heywood Pennines funding for 2008/0 Population % 44% 22% 14% 20% Transport Policy £103,179 £51,345 £34,230 £46,455 and Local Safety Maintenance £111,981 £55,746 £35,208 £50,856 Total £215,160 £107,091 £69,438 £97,311

Proposals for new schemes and investigations which can be delivered with LTP funding will be brought to the individual future Township Committees for consultation and full detailed design approvals.

12. Legal Implications

13.1 There are no Legal Implications resulting from the proposed Highways Capital Budget.

13. Personnel Implications 13.2 There are no Personnel Implications resulting from the proposed Highways Capital Budget.

14. Equal Opportunities Implications:

15.1 Highway schemes are designed to accord with the Council’s Access Specification.

15.2 The Local Transport Plan policies are directed to address the shared priorities with Government on Safety, Air Quality, Congestion and Accessibility, with schemes that promote social inclusion and sustainability. This should also assist in extending opportunities to improve access for vulnerable road users.

Background Papers For further Information an d Background papers: For further information about this report or access to any background papers please contact: John Cheetham, Highways and Engineering Service, Impact Partnership, Municipal Offices, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1LQ. Tel: 01706 924575 or E-Mail: [email protected]

John Cheetham Director of Highways June 2010

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APPENDIX A – Existing schemes carried forward from 09/10 to 10/11

Street Lighting Further Township Project Title C/O 09/10 Funding 10/11 Boroughwide Street Lighting PFI 210,237 TOTALS £210,237

Local Safety Scheme Further C/O 09/10 Township Project Title Funding 10/11 (£’s) (£’s) Pennine Buckley Lane 64,143 Middleton Oldham Road Route treatment 69,855 School Zone Investigations Sandy Lane, Elm St, 52,884 Middleton Stanycliffe Lane and Hollin Lane. Rochdale Church St / Drake St Signals for Metrolink 3a 83,841 Queensway and Kingsway Route Treatment: Anti-skid Rochdale 44,977 surfacing Rochdale Whitworth Road Route Treatment: Anti-skid surfacing 62,059 Rochdale Kirkholt 4,363 Rochdale Tweedale Street 68,132 Rochdale Bolton Road 23,708 13,000 TOTALS £473,962 £13,000

Highway Structural Maintenance Further C/O 09/10 Township Project Title Funding 10/11 (£’s) (£’s) Boroughwide Asset Management 6,033 54,000

Boroughwide Surface Dressing 09/10 10,000 360,000 Moss Hall Road, Bury Old Road 2,000 Stanycliffe Lane (Rochdale Rd to AcresfieldRd) Middleton 2,000 Carriageway Re-Surfacing Edenfield Road Carriageway Re-Surfacing 24,968 24,920 Mills Hill Road 8,000 Middleton Lands End Road 12,000 Edwards Street – bollards South Street 1,000 Footpath Reconstruction Middleton Carriagway Resurfacing 29,648 110,000 Pennine Bridge Street, Milnrow carriageway resurfacing 80,000 Rochdale Drake Street (153 to junction Maclure Road) 160,000 TOTALS £234,649 £649,920

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Bridges & Structures Further Project Title C/O 09/10 Funding 10/11 Township (£’s) (£’s) Boroughwide Development of the C.O.P 50,000 Boroughwide Boroughwide Specific Allocation Retaining Wall (see para 6.1) 393,243 2,927,527 Heywood Queens Park Bridge Emergency Works 25,000 Middleton Hollins Lane Retaining Wall 67,000 Middleton Boarshaw Road Bridge 100,000 Pennine Wardle Road Retaining Wall (HNB 593) 150,000 Pennine Blackstone Edge Monitoring 15,000 Pennine Haugh Lane Culvert 80,000 Pennine Lawflat Bridge 90,000 Pennine Belfield Road Bridge 10,000 Rochdale Specific Allocation Clover Hall Bridge (see para 9.1) 597,079 1,106,684 Rochdale Oakenrod Bridge 2,500 Rochdale School Lane Culvert 30,000 Rochdale Moss Canal Bridge 193,443 275,000 TOTALS £1,186,268 4,926,211

Transport Policy Schemes Further C/O 09/10 Township Project Title Funding (£’s) 10/11 (£’s) Boroughwide Sustainable Travel and post TIF 238,667 Boroughwide Connect 2 Cycle & Walking routes 65,000 Heywood Queens Park Road Puffin Crossing 7,016 Heywood Pilsworth HGV 45,483 100,000 Manchester New Road / Coronation Ave – Hopwood Heywood Strategic Network 53,748 200,000 Middleton Signalisation of Mainway - Manchester New Road 18,658 Market Street / Townley St resurfacing to support Tesco Middleton development works 79,996 82,000 Middleton Town Centre Traffic Calming, Walking and Middleton Cycling Links 150,000 Middleton Signalisation Kenyon Lane / Oldham Road 13,217 Pennine Metrolink 3a – Sustainable Access Improvements 100,000 Milnrow and Newhey Network Safety and Sustainable Pennine Modes Traffic Study (Congestion Management) 52,112 Rochdale Sudden Legal Compensation Claims 45,370 Rochdale Kingsway Metrolink Stop 100,000 Rochdale Township General Minor Highway Rochdale Improvements (Provide disabled facilities) 9,636 Rochdale Rochdale PT Interchange 100,000

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Transport Policy Schemes Further C/O 09/10 Township Project Title Funding (£’s) 10/11 (£’s) Mellor Street/College Road and Sandy Lane/Bury Rd Rochdale Signalisation study 6,474 Rochdale Albert Royds Street Puffin Installation 35,780 Bury Road/Waroffice Road: Feasibility assessment for Rochdale signalised junction 7,514 Rochdale Norden Village: Convert existing zebra to a pelican 50,000 Rochdale Sudden landscaping and acoustic fencing 34,018 TOTALS 847,689 747,000

Major Schemes Further C/O 09/10 Project Title Funding 10/11 (£’s) Township (£’s) Rochdale Oldham Road Kingsway 96,480 Rochdale Sudden Roundabout Rochdale 3,315 TOTALS £99,795 £0

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APPENDIX B – New Schemes for Cabinet 2010/11 funding approval and Township consideration, with £489,000 available with devolved funding

Transport Policy/Local Safety Schemes

Township Location Treatment Cost (£’s) Reactive fund to carry out minor improvements to Boroughwide Boroughwide the network i.e. compliance with Traffic 10,000 Management Act Boroughwide Boroughwide Study into upgrading of Pedestrian Crossings 5,000 Upgrading signing and lining to improve road Boroughwide Boroughwide 50,000 safety, ease congestion and improve enforcement Measures to rectify legal issues at pedestrian crossings - Funding is necessary comply with Boroughwide Boroughwide 30,000 legal requirements and improve road safety i.e. relocation of zig-zags Decriminalised parking update, improve and Boroughwide Boroughwide maintain legal orders. Consolidation required 20,000 2010 Study of the ‘Strategic Highway Network to Boroughwide Boroughwide identify areas of congestion and needs for 5,000 improvement Implementation of measures to ease congestion - Boroughwide Boroughwide Reactive fund and funding to implement 20,000 improvements Feasibility work into VMS signage on the Boroughwide Boroughwide ‘Strategic Highway Network’ to pave the way for 25,000 ITS Measures to rectify legal issues at School Boroughwide Boroughwide 40,000 Clearways Study of parking orders and markings in Town Boroughwide Boroughwide 30,000 Centres and implementation of findings TOTALS £235,000

Studies into possible Junction

Signalisations/upgrade Location Treatment Cost (£’s) Township Featherstall Road/Whitelees Study into the signalisation of Pennine 5,000 Road Featherstall Road/Whitelees Road Signalisation of Halifax Study into the signalisation of Halifax Pennine 5,000 Road/Wardle Road Road/Wardle Road Signalisation of Halifax Study into the signalisation of Halifax Rochdale 5,000 Road/Albert Royd Street Road/Albert Royd Street Signalisation of Shaw Study into the signalisation of Shaw Pennine 5,000 Road/Huddersfield Road Road/Huddersfield Road TOTALS £20,000

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Pelican Conversions

Location Treatment Cost (£’s) Township Upgrade of existing Pelican to Puffin Boroughwide Boroughwide in conjunction with GMUTC’s 50,000 maintenance programme Middleton Manchester New Road Upgrade of existing Pelican to Puffin 50,000 Kingsway near Lower Place Rochdale Upgrade of existing Pelican to Puffin 70,000 Primary Toucan crossing to create links Rochdale Queensway/Dicken Green 80,000 between Kirkholt Estate / Canal route TOTALS £250,000

Zebra Conversions

Location Treatment Cost (£’s) Township Pennine Church Street, Littleborough Investigation 5,000 TOTALS £5,000

Local Safety Schemes

Location Treatment Cost (£’s) Township Mass Action – To react to requests and incidents that can be dealt with by Boroughwide Boroughwide 20,000 minor road marking & signing schemes. Carry out works to improve School Boroughwide Boroughwide Crossing Points after completion of 25,000 risk assessments. Measures to reduce skidding Boroughwide Boroughwide accidents; Antiskid surfacing to 25,000 crossings, traffic signals and bends. Gateway road markings & signs at Boroughwide Boroughwide changes in speed limits to highlight £20,000 lower speed limit to drivers. 30mph road markings on coloured £3,500 Boroughwide Boroughwide surfacing on approaches to fixed

speed cameras. Works to carry out scheme as identified in study completed in Middleton Manchester Old Road March 2009. Upgrade of Pelican 37,000 crossing included in ‘Pelican Conversion’ table above. Conversion of Pelican Crossing to Puffin crossing with associated footway works to compliment scheme Middleton Oldham Road/ Elm St 65,000 currently ongoing and approved 2009/10.

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Local Safety Schemes

Location Treatment Cost (£’s) Township Conversion of Pelican Crossing to Puffin crossing to compliment Rochdale Tweedale St 50,000 scheme currently ongoing and approved 2009/10. TOTALS £245,500

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