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February 28 - 2014 -Volume -2- Issue :14 The International Journal of Arab AmericansE=ÒP±õ=R=M±²R4±³PR E=C±E; ±—›ž¹P4±—Ïœš›žR±Rœ¢ E=R`R± EjC E=25˜˜ 7¿^=jC6˜˜‹‹E90a=C;P4_P M±ZÎC7±¤þ±²SE¹C4ý² 7±»¹±b ————————————— _8'±c¯¹b4PNCj C»b ýñR0±̱»Ò­P76»C/ û7`:=±¤d =b`»b c9ÒEÒCECc9Ïb=± ÍR±ER Ô¹CT=gR± ÕC:RÊM±E=CʱEÒP±bÊÒ`:=±α¼C¤¤þ±PÊ^7E:RÊ E=CÊ ˆ±³»CÊ19SÊRÏPÊ­Ò–E=RÊ4±³RSÊ&±a ýECÊ Ò –chb6±Òd9 ±PʱñR0±Ò³»bʱ`E29EÊCU=4–CÊ<= agCaCÊ8^=–NCÊjþ±Pd9Êa =g»d;Ê`_R±cÊ9 H=9(±ÎÒPÊÐÒC4±TÊ9³»¹CÊDbðÔ¹CÊ»b0;Êa»P ÎÒP±PÊ=?ÊF=3dʱ³»¹Cê±dÊÒ–E=;Ê:=±EʼM±^'E=RÊ4± «±b­F9 –›££šÏC`:=±ÔR2 P=bP4Ò˜ÓR8±EÊ=R5± CÒ–d9 ±P±»±R7 „±³R/F$²b;&±ý³R4 ÐC=95±ÒRb± R< E=6M±´C±Pý»C6±´C `Ñ»b< `R ¬ZZbC; ÌC=ê±ÓRº¤d;R±^C4± –`:Ê=±cʯŒdRÊ4±Z=RÊʱŒ´±»bÊ·CÊ»F9jÒõÊœš››ý Ïba?a4;`Ò·±R‡Ïb ¹C0Ê„±»bÊPÒEÊC2ʱÎPÊ4ÃCÊ6»±»CÊ6„±d±Ò¹FÊCÒ ˜ÎC06„±ýdbÊ;&±R2/ʱ«C;­EÊ»P±ScʯECh¯–¹CÊ 6±Ò 5˜˜C;T=DR± ´±RÊCÊ3EÊ=;:Ê=±´CÊ4:ʱÒÐPÊê±´PÊ< RÊ< ­ÓPÊcÊ9Ò ˜dòM±»±RÊ7±ËC7ˆbÊ=6±ÎCÊ:4 ±FÊ;%Ò HgC;ʶÒR(±ýœû=;Ê^/Z¹—ÐPÊ; ^46Ò–CC1±ÁbÊ7 P±SÒû;4±»±RÊ: ±ZҘR ¬ÕC;=ÊU=&±´±bÒÕC;Ê=E R/±Ò`ÊRC3ê±õEÊ=±¹´C±Pjc¯FÊb$´CCÊ±Ò ZhbʱЭc¯dÊ ÒR±ÍCÊ»„±ÐbÊ99*±±SÊÒ E»b ʱE¼‡d:9 ʱ^'±ÏPEÊ=C¯ œš›žýE= Cg»ÒE=CêR´CÊC„P=<:±Ò–»b ¹³¹bÊ EC=j^­`^:4õR2ʱ`ER/Eb8^=Ê8/íR=dÒ¹Òd:=9¯X5h b8 bêN: P4_C»b ýd»C8±dC ˆ± EjCÊ C<Ê=CÊ ­R=Ê=5cʯñR0ʱ˱R ­ –E94/Êc7 `Ê:=±ý³»b±³ÒQÊÐA–“E CÊgR±ýR ±CÊCÔ¹CTÊ=gR9PÊP:±í’a=Ê9ÌC6„±íCÊêÕ±¹C; ±´CÊC„±ÑQÊR%_CÊÒ 1–ÔP=97±CÊ<6=9´CC3cÊ9E=25CÊ c9R @CÊ–Eh»C4:9E:ʱP±˱R M± Э`³P±SËÒCX Ò–E= ±R7ñP±ÒE= CÊ= ±´C j„CEC2EC4±´CCÊ ±Òû±b/±c¯ÓR ­³RE=;:=±¹b/'±ZPÊ; Ò–E2 CÒ E±b`C¹ÒPc¯Ô»bÊ ±\R'±¹±P±` ÏC3ʹC7ʱÒÓbÊ7±`¼±bÊýdbÊR=Ê5 4¿E=7±˜˜PP/±û;4C_ d±–EjC(±C<P;­Q=6;³»b±ËC2 ±ý¹¹R`E9 ê±´CC:&±W4 ½Ò»ÐbÒ@ NêЭ\ Ò˜E=±RÒM±E¼M± ˜ÑPýFCd±̱»ÒM±_MP M± ³¹»bC=±RÒ­ýÔRCЭc¯³PÊ´±Rý ̱»ÒM±cÊÒ­ЯÐbÊ= CÊ= ÐbÊ99ÎCÊÒ ÏC­Ò–C»b ýd ÒR±ûbê±c9E=R^4 d ÒR±_ÊP±EÊ»ÒdP M±CÊP7dʱ 4 6 d C= ±^'±ÎC/¯ÒP M±«C7b8 b] ù EÊ8RÊÊbÊ8 bÊ´PÊPÊ7–aEÊbÊ6ê± ¿˜˜©_=C­ c±E¹C$„±`:=±EÒ¹_= 7R=C4dC 2¿˜˜˜´PC0œû=;ý –³Pê±óMCF ±´CC:±ý³¹¹RÒ þ±P]9ê±ZŒNRj¾C7Œ«±Rˆ½»CýE¹b4 ±»ÒSCCÒ­ ZhÒ`¼SÊa­ÐÒRÊ ¬²RÊÐbÊÒ@Ê Ò Ób Êê±Z=»dRÊÎÒ@ ÊÎCÒ˜dRÊ4± ´Rʺ—ÀCÊRʱ–Í»bÊbÊ=–`Ê2;Ê ±Ò ˜P „±»C/Ô»b ±T=gR± ³»CÊSÊ±Я–a: ±`Êû/Ê8±ÏPÊD9 ЭE=R=M±ŒÎCÊ»bFR ÎÒҌEÊ6=j ÃC:„±ŒЭRÊ ¬Ô¹b4 ÎÒ@ Êû/C:= ˜E7ʱZ±RÒ–Œ´CÊ 4±»bÊPÊ\94Œ E¹b4 ±³»C¼ÏS4–CCÒ±ͱ»CÊ–T=gR± α@ ±Ò–´C= C M±c¯×·±b³P`¹b4= db7±`M±T9_ CEÊ7 C;±F1»Ò –Ô¹b4 ±]9ê±ZE:«CÊ7P74½»Cý ˜Œb;±±Qc9aÏCCðCCÒ­ÏC=D ` ÃbÊhbÊ cÊ9 \=Ê94ʱ ÐCÊ<= FʹCÊRÊ= EgPÊ<EÊÒCý–SÊS4±PÊ`þ±PÊ ªªªªªªªªªªª RʼÒCÊ<ÏCʳ»CʼPÊ4CÊCÊÒ­³»Cʼd?ÊÒ `94ÓRÊÊ ­´±»Cʼ„Œ¤FCÊÒ˜³»CÊSʱ dRÊÊÊ4±û=Ê9'± Z ´CÊÊ 4±ýRÊÊbÊʱ ˜ÀCRÊ9–ÔR=ÐbÊ–dR=ÊM±E=»CÊ(± `9­ЭP4]ʺҖŒdC'±FbʱýC<; `EÊ6=0ʱF97Ò˜`2Ê; ±bÊd Ê=gRʱ άÐC:9 `E6=9 O=/± Ób7±ÒбR< a=¯F9jbÔQ±ÌC6„±Ó¹­Ò ½»Cœžý­PÊ= CCÊÒ­ЭW=M±F=ʱ `û/ÊÊ8_Êõ49Ê2²RÊÊõÒ@ÊÊ Ê Ô»C1'±ѻҹÒE6=9 dhCê±R:býÔÒb;±C<CRÊÎbE=êC4± CC±Z«C79C<b= –E=Ò»Ò­Eb^7ê± ýÀCR9CCÒ­³»C¼Я¤_<b–_<Cb ѹ E1<ý¹b

www.arabamericantoday.net ¤FR„±c9E6=0±бb; E=8R­ÐÒ@ 2 February 28 - 2014 -Volume 2 - Issue: 14 :¹P4±—E=C±E; ±—Ïœš›žR±Rœ¢ American Affairs Virginia-Withdraws d»b&±«±»¼b±T=gRѹ _¹P@CCÒ­ d8R­500¹RÙE=8RM±³»C6 ± Anti-Muslim Trainer »¹C0Ò_<C= ;`E=;ñÎbj­` R­¹P4±ЭP@E=8R­ ý«C4;0E=8RM±³»C6 ±C<FCÊE=6 4´±«±R¯`ŒÐCR=Œd8RM±DCÊ8±û/ «C4;0E=8RM±³»C6 ʱÏC=NhÒ­G=–d;ñ^j­`õ=8RM±õ; ±bÊê±`´Cê±\ `M±T9ЭEÊE=8RÊM±_<C= Ê;`d;ñ^j­`Êd8R­`Ê ±bŸššPÊR ÐAaÒPýDCÊ8±C¹»Ò­d±´CbÊ94:9C7ÒNhÒ­Ò˜EÒRÊ/R=C<?ÊÓ­»db7± ŸššE±RD ÊFC–«C4;ÊjýE=R=M±³»CÊ6 ±ÒE=8RÊM±³Pê±´C„bʱEb8 ЭÒE=8RM±EÊ:8*±c¯E=ÊgC1Ób¹Z»íaÊ­c¯Õ±R=/Êõ=;:=±`EÊ=R=­R6Ê ¼±b ^ CùEÊ=8RÊM±EbÊ8'±F9 G=Ê–½R5bÊ8±ÒdbÊ7±`M±T9Êc¯^jÒRÊM± ±b2h`Q±õ6 bê±N;ðC<C=c¯EChˆC–³Pê±´C„b±^ ±¹´C7=7±ýËb Ò ˜îR8³SgCEÒR/R=5±´±¼±b&± E=;:=±E= ;&±c9õ9jC'±õ=;:=±PhEêC ´±«±R¯`aC/±íCÐADC8±D Ò Ðb8ЭZÊbGÊ=–³RÊ=8±EÊ98/ê±`ÊX= Ê«S„¯bÊCEÊ=8RÊM±³»C6 ʱ^` P­Z^Êj±ba­PÊ­d;ñÎbÊ ÐAÊDCÊ8±D ÊҘЊ±a=9dÊCòRÊ­EÊ98/ê± ˜½ÒR±¹b;&±˄¬ íV ŸššE±RÊý\=7$¹bÒaPÊ­ÔQ±Ò–E=1Ê7CE aÊÔQ±³R<±dÊ=C õ;ˆ±CCÊÒ­ͱ»CT=gRʱP­—`2; ±Ò T9ÒE=»CÊ(±³»±¼ÒõC´ ±RÎ `]ʺҖE=8RM±_<ʱ¼±b`_PRÊ% ÐPCÒCCÊÒ­ЭE=R=M±EÊ CgR±FCh­Ò d»bÊ&±«±»¼bʱTÊ=gRÊœš›ž—œ—œž ³PÊê±´C„bʱ_¹«±»¼bʱT=gRʱP­ ˜db7±`M± ÑQÊõ²»CÊ79³PÊÊê±´CÊ„bʱ_¹ ´±¼±b«C5ˆÐbÊC»±P0 ¯ýCÊ<9/P4EÊ=8RM±E=Ê»C(±³»±¼ÒÐADCÊ8±D Ò ²»CÊ7\=7$bÊÊõ=Ê»bÊ&±´CÊbÊ:2Ê ¹CÊ$„±Ò EÊ7CÊ ± EÊ=CÊ=bÊ ± EÊ»bÊ<:&± Z=bÊýC=»bÊDRҘdÊ 9 ­dÒ»Ò­ `Ò­C8RÊ?õ:Ê=7ê±õ=;:Ê=±`´±¼±bÊ&±D Î `–ÐbÊC7±^CÊ%´»RRÊ6 ± EÊʼM±EÊÊ=Ê69 cÊÊÊ9]ʺҖdÊÒ»ÒM± E=8RM±³»C6 ±ЭCÊC1±P@G=–«CÊ4;0E=8RM±³»C6Ê ±ýÐb9:4`Q±]Ò­ –ÏC4±±QdÒ»ÒM±¹C$„±ZEʱR ÌC6± c7±Ò˜bÊ8 bZ´CÊ 4±ÒE=±RÊÒM± ÎCÊ: û9cʯÏCÊ:1Ê„CÊCÊ1­^?ÊÊÒ ˜E=bCR=ÒE1C_<H TÊ=gRÊʱ DgCÊÊ d9Ê=6Ê CÊ»CÊÊ d9ʱRʱ ¤E=9jM±³¹Cê±X±» ÎÒ@ÊÊ Êê± ´CÊʹCÊÊ ´«CÊÊҘd ÊÊ9 M± PÒ–W=M±F=±ýÐPÊCbdR=ÊM± A leading US Muslims advocacy group has praised the withdrawal of a ´±»b2ÊE=Ê69 cÊ9`2;Ê ±Òýd»bÊ&± E CÊgR±\Ò´±»ÒCÊ/ê±cʯCCÊÒ­_1± http://wemeantwell.com/blog/2013/12/05/exclusive-state- training program in Virginia by a notorious anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist c¯C»ÒPÊc4 d±CÊ=±RÒ­ýE»CÊ  _¹Œc9ÐPÊCÒCCÊÒ­¹P ҘE=ÊR=M± department-seizing-u-s-passports-in-yemen that sparked outcry among the US Muslim community. ´PÊÊÊ< ÒdÊÊÒ»ÒM±¹CÊÊÊ$„±Z²»CÊÊÊÊ7 ³PÊÒÒ³¹CÊ= ÊÔbÊ7±³PÊê±´CÊ„bʱ “We applaud the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy and the F1­EÊ=±¹û;ÎCÊ:­FgCÊ6±ÃbÊ M± CÊ< ËRÊ4ê± CÊʹÒPÊ CÊ=»bÊÊ dh±»­ Department of Criminal Justice Services for responding promptly and pro- »b8=C=Ê ÒRd±bê±T=ÊgRCECÊ ˆ±c¯ CÊ=Ê= Ò± dÊ72Ê; cÊʯ ³»CÊ ¯ ý –ŒCÊ=Ò¹ fessionally to community concerns about the biased and conspiratorial con- ˜E=C7±E29 EC¯ÒU=bbC R/;GÊ=õ=C0Ê6„±C¼C±ÒEÊ=b;&± tent of [John] Guandolo's training program,” Nihad Awad, National Execu- tive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said in V=97»R7ÐbC;± a statement obtained by Onislam.net on Tuesday, February 25. E=ñ¹CM±Sg±bE:gCý²R4±_ ±^ dR5 “This welcome action sends the message that Virginia law enforcement authorities will receive only fact-based, objective training that does not ster- E P;<9E=R=M± c¹­c¯ER±´±b7± eotype any minority groups or faiths.” –³SÊgCÊ&± ÑQÊ< þ±PÊÊ—`Ê2Ê; ±Ò As Culpeper county sheriff, Scott Jenkin, announced plans to host a three- D2±Ò Ï ÊC «CÊÊ:Ê949Ê — dÊ CÊÊñ¯ ›£žšQ;Ób  day training program on terrorism by the ant-Muslim John Guandolo, US ¹CÊÊÊÊÊÊ0ÊÊÊÊÊ„±ÒÊ `EÊÊ69ʽbÊ7 Muslims have vehemently denounced the decision, calling for banning the ²¹M±Ò ˜ÎCÊ6„±ýEÊCÊ4± training. The training program was planned at Germanna community col- «CÊÊÊÊÊÊÊSÊÊÊÊÊ=ÊÊ6±ÒÊ dʱ EÊÊ;8ÊM± cÊÊ lege in Culpeper this week by the notorious anti-Muslim conspiracy theo- cÊ; «CÊ=:=Ê8±Ò CÊÊÊÊ<=ÊÊ ÐbÊÊÊÊ96ÊÊ rist, Guandolo. Co-Organized by the Virginia's Department of Criminal Justice Services cÊ9 TÊ @ÊÒ ÁÒR CÊ<=EÊhÒR6 (DCJS) and the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy, the ˜ŒE P;<± C: –EÊR±Ò »CÊb± training was titled “Jihadi Networks in America”. EÊ=ñ¹CÊÊM± ÎCÊ bÊ Guandolo, the former FBI agent, has repeatedly accused of fueling anti- Ïb==9±¹C= ­ ý ÏbÊÊ949 EÊÊ=;Ê bÊʱ Muslim sentiments for claiming that Muslims “do not have a First Amend- EÊ=RÊ=M± EÊ:jCÊ4± ment right to do anything.” ³SÊgCÊ _ CÊ7Ò c;ÊZ7Ò˜`2Ê; ±Ò The anti-Muslim trainer also claims that that the current CIA director has E; ±ÑQ<Ïb949E=ÊR=M±E=; b±E=ñ¹CÊM± ab8 ËÒRÊ4ê±»b PʱûC ýE=Êñ¹CM± reverted to Islam while working as the CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia Ïb==Ê9±E»CÊ2_<CÊ/„–õ PÊ;<E4»­ ±P=4ÒE=»CÊ(±³»±¼Ò`CR–û±bÊ/±õ during the 1990s and visited the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah. D= ±b'±ÒEb:*±û±bÊ<±C<;P: d± `±P±PÊ=4ÒÓR M±û±bÊ/±Dj` The decision followed calls by CAIR on Virginia's Department of Criminal ý_¹b<C±R±Ò–ÎC5 „±EC E=b9± ˜ÓR M±û±b/ʱý«±bhM±ÒR< ʱ`C­ Justice Services (DCJS) to withdraw its accreditation for the training pro- ^7 Êê±E»CÊ2cʯÎbjbÊ9\R2ʱP=Ê4 ³SÊgCÊ`SÊgCÊ69XÊ= ÊÎCÊ6±ÓRÊCÊ; gram. A similar request was sent to the Rappahannock Regional Criminal ÎbÊ7CÊ:–ŒEÊÊ=ʱEÊÊ7PÊjÐbÊ8 Œdʱ õ P;<EÊ4»­˜E PÊ;<±ÎCýEÊ=ñ¹CM± Justice Academy, the agency that actually approved the DCJS accreditation. ˜`SgC6±P­dSP= »»bP± dR5ÒdÊR=­ÒÐCÊ=CCÊ–´±»Cµ ` "After careful consideration and consultation with other law enforcement –›£¢šÏCd:94±¼C#„±±Q³R= ´­PÒ õaC8QdR½P;<ÎÒ?a: ±ÐÛÒ¹ agencies and academies, having firsthand knowledge of this training, the ýdSÊPÊ= »dRÊ5ê±½PÊ;<ê±N#CÊPÊ; E; CÊ< ±Q;ʳSgCÊ&C±bÊb`RÊ ¬ž¡ Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy will no longer be offer- `E b84E60F=±R5±ýÏb=Ê=9±¶C¹¯ ›£¢£I ing Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services in-service training O 69E9C³¹C’F=ÒR8¯ÎC:4Ê ±\R credit for the upcoming seminar,” the Rappahannock Regional Criminal EÊ90ʱaCÊý“dgCÊRÊ<»CÊ=RÊ=?ÊF$ E P;<±^b Justice Academy said in a statement on Monday. ˜³R6±]9ý±PgC ÐCC:E9gC ±F =Ò "The Academy has apologized to those law enforcement agencies and per- E=gC=Ê:=´C=9:PÊ4³R86±ÑQFÊ;8PÒ ÑQÊ^ýÏCÊ7ÎCÊ6±Ô?ÊÎCÊ6„±­PÊ ZÒ˜½RTʱREÊCbÊabûÊ/ dRÊ=M±ÃCÊPʱRʼÒÎCÊ—`2Ê; ±Ò sonnel affected by this decision and will work to ensure those officers ´C»C2c¯Ïb==9±´C»C2^b$`E7=¹ ˜Zh±bʱbÊÑSÊ=CÊЭRÊ=–´CÊ CÊ;ê± `¹P4±±QÐC–ÔP;û±žŸšb “ÁCÊ ™R±RÊœž’õ;Ê„±^5=ÍCÊ/ receive the in-service training credits necessary and relevant to their posi- ˜`/9E9C PÊ­`G4Ê;dÊÒ»CʱPÊ<4±´CÊÒSÊ4 ³RýdPÊê±_'±±Q<`8_¹bÊ;&± œš›ŸÏCÊ49Eʼ±bÊê±´CÊbÊÒ­CÊh»CÊ tions." _CÊ4±`8ù–µCÊÊM±ÑQÊZÔ¼±bÊCÊÒ õbê±`EÊ=ñ¹CM±Ëb=h–EÊC7±ÐC»­ d946ʱ PÊPÊ49 CÊ=CÊh¯ CÊ0=Ê97 CÊ»RÊŒ D2ñRÊ ±`ËCʯ¹bÐbÊdRÊ=M± û7 F$±b?±ÏbÊ94±d=CjÒ_R ­Ò `PÊ=;ʱ³¹bÊ^–õÊRÊ'±õCÊ –³¹»Cʱ²RÊ'±PÊ4қ£¡cʱ›£žš žŸšÒC6­žžšõ·Ò±R=ERʱ´±b79 Conspiracy Theories N: Cò–E=Ê9:4±ÑQ<¿CÊ E=gCRÊ<³Rg±¹ P<c9›¢ ÏCF ?Êd±E=ñ¹CM± R±· PPZ±RÊ= Ò˜ŒÔP;û­ ´±b;Ê T: PÊ4–b;Ê= bʱR=Ê­dCÊC=Ê9 ЭÒPÔQ±^R±–`b8;=ÏC±R­T=gR± ^»û±ž¡£c±¹bÊ;&±PÊPZ±RÊ ´±«±PÊʱPÊÊÊ4SÊÊ67Э^Ê›£££ý dC'±PÊP4±`EÊgCêC›EÊ ;]QÊ Many Analysts have warned that more far-right groups were seizing the ^:4E»CÊ2¶ºbïÎÒ­»CÊ8C–]ºcÊ9 ^–X7PÊ=4±RÊR$^ÊM`8_aÊC1Ê ÃCP±R¼ÒÎCÒ˜R0;û­Ÿœ£[C± opportunity in the rapidly growing new industry to disseminate Islamo- œšš›RÊ:Ê ™Îb9ʱ`RÊ/Ô¹CÊ'± b= ba; ±bÊ`8:Э^–Ïb=Ê=9±Ðb? 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Ministry in talented. He managed to rise necessity. Hafs ibn Sulayman, aka regarding working for the sake Andalusia through the posts of the State until Abu Salamah Al-Khallal (died in of Allah and His religion and he became the chief of police. 132 AH / 750 AD), was the first to for the goodness of the State. I Then, he became the guardian of In our talk about the hold the title of minister in Islam. make all this for you under the the young Umayyad Caliph Hisham ministry and its He was called the minister of testimony of Allah Almighty, ibn Al-Hakam, then a hajib, and importance in the Islamic Muhammad’s family. He spent a lot Who is the guarantor of my then a prime minister. civilization, we must not of money for the sake of the promise. I wrote this letter in In fact, Prime Minister Al-Mansur forget the importance of Abbasid call. [1] Safar 194 AH." [6] ibn Abu Amir was not submissive that post in the western Abu Ja’far Al-Mansur appointed a Ibn Al-Amid Ali ibn in his post, nor was he typical in his part of the Islamic nation, man called Sulayman ibn Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn actions and aspirations. He was one namely Andalusia. In fact, Mukhallad, aka Abu Ayyub Al- (died in 360 AH) was also a of the great ministers who fought in the system of ministry in Marwayani, as a minister and famous minister in the fourth the cause of Allah. He conquered Andalusia was very similar assigned him some departments. Ibn Hijri century. Although he was the Kingdom of Leon himself in to the cabinet lineup in our Kathir said the man assumed Diwan a minister for the Buwayhids, 373 AH and conquered Barcelona present time. At first, the Al-Insha’[2] (a department in charge the institution of in 374 AH. He also annexed the premiership was assumed of drafting royal orders and letters praised him and put him in a Arab Maghreb to the Umayyad by the caliph himself. and maintaining the government’s high status. So, Caliph Al-Ta'i- dynasty in Andalusia in 386 AH. Later, the hajib records). lillah called him "the one of The Umayyad dynasty in Andalusia (doorkeeper or The minister under the Abbasid two competences", namely the during the era of Al-Mansur chamberlain) was the de dynasty reached a high status. He sword and the pen. [7] reached its largest expansion. [15] facto premier. Ibn Khaldun even ran the affairs of the country Abbasid Caliph Al-Ta'i-lillah Ministry in the history of Islam and mentioned the system of and people. We found this in the praised minister Ibn Al-Amid its civilization was one of the ministry in Andalusia by family of , as Yahya ibn for the latter lead the armies, important posts which added much saying: "The Umayyads in Khalid Al-Barmaki had an absolute participated in battles, looked to the vitality and strength of the Farmazi sit in his own place and Andalusia at first continued to use power in the State. Ibn Kathir like a lion in terms of courage and the march of the Islamic civilization. Islamic State. As the institution of Nizam-al-Mulk himself sits in front the name wazir [minister] in its mentions that “when Harun Al- was reticent unless he was asked. One of them was the Seljuk minister Caliphate and governance passed of Al-Farmazi. When Nizam-al- original meaning. Later, they Rashid assumed power, he assigned He was kind and had pure morals. Nizam-al-Mulk Al-Hasan ibn Ali through periods of weakness, a lot Mulk was asked about this, he said: subdivided the functions of the Yahya ibn Khalid to the caliphate If a man of letter or a scientist ibn Ishaq. Imam Al-Zahabi reported of ministers played a role in the those two shaykhs and their likes wazir into several parts. For each affairs, and the latter remained like specialized in a certain field met that he established the great school strength and vitality of the Islamic praise me and mention qualities that function, they appointed a special this until the setback that afflicted him, he used to listen to them. He in Baghdad, one in Nishapur, and State. Strangely, those ministers did I do not have. So, their words wazir. They appointed a wazir to the Barmakids.” [3] managed to restore security in the another one in Tus; and that he not dissent from the institution of increase my vanity and pride, but furnish an accounting of The Abbasid caliphs used to look for country after it was lost due to the encouraged people to learn, gave Caliphate, which went through a that shaykh mentions my defects (government) finances; another for the best ministers. Caliph Al- revolutions and disorders of grants to students, taught hadiths stage of apparent weakness, as in and injustice. So, my self becomes (official) correspondence; another Ma'mun set some conditions to soldiers in Baghdad. Therefore, he and was widely famous. [10] the case of Al-Mansur ibn Abu broken, and I backtrack much of my to take care of the needs of those select his minister. He says: “I seek got a great status during the short The great school mentioned by Al- Amir in Andalusia, and Ibn Al- conduct." [12] who had suffered wrongs; and the help of a man who has all good period of his ministry. He restored Zahabi is Al-Nizamiyah School in Amid (died in 360 AH) in Al- As he loved knowledge, Nizam-al- another to supervise the situation of morals, having modesty and security and gave scholars and Baghdad. Strangely enough, as Mashreq. [16] Mulk composed the book of people in the border regions. A straightness; a man who is educated writers their due statuses. As the minister Nizam-al-Mulk was Siyasat-nama or Siyar Al-Muluk (special) house was prepared for by morality and had experiences; Buwayhids feared for their State, preoccupied by the affairs of the (the lives of kings). He composed (all these wazirs). There, they sat honest if he is entrusted with they killed him. [8] ministry, he went to that school from the book for the Seljuk Sultan upon carpets spread out for them secrets; does well if he is assigned to Ministers were very accurate, time to time to teach hadiths. This is Mulk-Shah ibn Muhammad in 479 and executed the orders of the ruler, affairs; keeps silent with patience; organized and devoted to their what Ibn Al-Athir mentioned when AH. The book was aimed to show each in the field entrusted to him. **************** speaks with knowledge; suffices work. Historian Al-Shabushti said he said: "Nizam-al-Mulk entered the [1]Al-Zirikli: Al-A'lam 2/263. the most successful ways used by One of the wazirs was appointed himself with a moment; be satisfied that minister Sa'id ibn Mukhallad Al-Nizamiyah School and sat in the [2] Ibn Kathir: Al-Bidayah wa Al- former kings and princes in running liaison officer between the wazirs with a glance; having the prestige of (died in 275 AH) used wake up at library where he read books. People Nihayah 10/110. the State's affairs so that the Seljuk and the caliph. He had a higher princes, the patience of sages, the night to pray until the early at the school learnt some hadiths [3] Ibid: 10/204. State would adopt these ways in position than the others, because he modesty of scholars and the morning. Then, he allows people to under him, and he dictated some [4] Al-Mawardi: Al-Ahkam Al- running its administrative political had constant contact with the ruler. Sultaniyah, p30, 31. understanding of jurisprudents; a shake hand with him. Then he goes other hadiths." [11] affairs. Nizam-al-Mulk said: "I His seat was higher than that of the [5] Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi: Tarikh man who is thankful upon to the house of Caliph Al- Nizam-al-Mulk was one of the best then, drawing upon what I have other wazirs. He was distinguished Baghdad 14/229. benefaction, and patient upon Muwaffaq and stays four hours ministers in the Islamic civilization, found out, seen, experienced and by the title of hajib (doorkeeper). [6] Al-Humayri: Al-Rawd Al-Mi'tar afflictions; does not sell the share of there and then goes back home to if not the best, after the era of learned from masters, have So it continued down to the end of (perfumed garden), p 316, and Abd-al- his day through depriving his examine people's needs and run Prophet's companions. He loved and Aziz Al-Duri: Al-Nuzum Al-Islamiyah described what I know of this the (Umayyad) dynasty. The tomorrow; and attracts the hearts of their affairs. Then, he has his lunch venerated scholars. "If Imam Abu (Islamic systems), p195. subject and composed this book in function and rank of hajib took men with his beautiful utterance.” and sleep. In the evening, he Al-Qasim Al-Qushayri and Imam [7] Al-Safadi: Al-Wafi bi Al-Wafiyyat fifty chapters." [13] There is no precedence over the other ranks. [4] examines the State affairs until Abu Al-Ma'ali Al-Juwayni came to 2/282, and Al-Zahabi: Tarikh Al-Islam doubt that this work was welcomed Eventually, the Taifa rulers came to (the history of Islam) 26/216. Abbasid Caliph Al-Ma'mun night. He used to levy money and Nizam-al-Mulk, the latter used to by the Sultan and by the readers adopt the title. The most important [8] Adam Metz: Islamic Civilization in appointed Al-Fadl ibn Sahl (died in check what was levied and what stand up and then sit down in his later on. This work confirms that among them at that time was called the fourth Hijri century 1/187, 188, and 202 AH) as a minister, and the latter was spent. He was aware of place again. And if Abu Ali Al- the ministry in Islam was not an hajib…"[14] Ihsan Abbas: Shazarat min Kutub was one of the greatest ministers in everyday goings-on. He used to Farmazi entered, Nizam-al-Mulk administrative work isolated from The aforementioned text by Ibn Mafqudah (bits from missing books) 2/ the Islamic history. Thanks to his discuss all this with his deputies used to stand up and make Al- 240. the experience of the ancients. Khaldun shows that the Andalusian position, Al-Ma'mun assigned him and then chat with a friend until he [9] Al-Shabushti: Al-Diyarat Islamic civilization was the real all affairs "and called him the one of sleeps. [9] (monasteries), p66. two presidencies, for he managed For more information about Islam go to: example that the current nations [10] Al-Zahabi: Siyar A'lam Al-Nubala followed. It is known that the 19/96. both the sword and the pen"[5], i.e.

Nizam-al-Mulk he was assigned the political and Umayyad dynasty in Andalusia [11] Ibn Al-Athir: Al-Kamil fi Al- Tarikh (the complete history) 8/449. military affairs. No minister had this and Al-Nizamiyah www.mercyprophet.com started in 138 AH when Abd-al- Rahman ibn Mu'awiyah ibn [12] Ibid: 8/481. combination before. Al-Fadl ibn School [13] Nizam-al-Mulk: Siyasat-nama, Sahl was assigned the ministry with Hisham (Al-Dakhil) conquered www.rasoulallah.net Andalusia. The aforesaid p44. a special written letter, which was There was a group of sincere [14] Ibn Khaldun: Al-Ibar wa Diwan subdivision of ministers – including the first honor of its kind. Perhaps ministers in the Islamic civilization Al-Mubtada wa Al-Khabar 1/240. Read more about Islamic civilization the ministers of finance, foreign the contents of the letter show its who combined the shrewdness of [15] See: Husayn Mu'nis: Mawsu'at affairs, justice, defense and national importance, as it stated: "I bestowed politics and the ethics of religion. Tarikh Al-Andalus (encyclopedia of the security, and then a prime minister history of Andalusia) 1/363-372. you a rank whereby you will be Those ministers had a big role in www. islamstory.com obeyed in everything and no one called hajib, and a house where [16] Adam Metz: Islamic Civilization 10 February 28 - 2014 -Volume 2 - Issue: 14 :¹P4±—E=C±E; ±—Ïœš›žR±Rœ¢ WFP grants Yemen two-year E¹C0„±´Cb40±dC;`«C4;j»QP7;±ÌÒP;j C8R­ÒX6;± support worth $ 491 million ÌÒP;jÎC—«C4;j ²R4±^7 Ò Ð¯ dÊÒPÊÊʱ PÊÊÊ7;ʱ ýEC4±EÊ=Cê±ZhÒ C4ÊjÐb8=Ê `:=± b RÐb=ª _ÊCÊÊÊœš›žÏCÊÊÊ EÊÊÊbÊÊÊ8'± ^Ê0Ê$ cÊÊÊÊ9 EÊÊÊÊÊ=Ê;Ê:Ê=ʱ E=Ê»C  ´±PÊC Ê EÊSÊ QÊ6;Ò RÊÊ­ EÊÊ=ÊCÊÊ ´CÊÊ j¯ ˜E4 ±Ò ÌÒPÊ;j ^Êò ÎCÊÒ `:=±ýdÒP±P7;± Я´CÊ8=Ê Ô¼CÊÊ EÊ=;Ê:=ʱ EÊbÊ8'±Œ ±R=±SËPÊ<  a=9\92Э`8ñC:±R= ­GP'±R ÏCÊÊÊ4±EÊÊÊʼ±bÊÊÊý `ÒRR7P4RR7˜E=26;±C8R­Œ³S4Œ E¼±bðE»C7PÊP&± µPE;=jR±´Cb2ê±Ò»¹C0ê±´C<­ ^bù¹CʯҜš› E=89¶C¯ÏC»­ÒE9Q´CC/±` ^8/=Ê S4±±QÊ< ÐÒ¹˜d8RM±¹C0„±R3;RC^7 Ò CÊÊÊ=Ê7=ÊÊ7 CÊÊÊÊPÊÊÊ$ =C<O»C±R_³»CEÒ¹C8R­] Œ˜Eb89 FCER8 ³»P7±ÒE4;ê±Ò³b7±G=` SANA’A, Feb.17- The Executive Board of the UN World Food Program E¹ÒPÊc¯»CÊ ­Ò ÎC±`D=5„­D`8Ò˜E¹C0±Ò­ (WFP) in Rome has agreed to give Yemen a two-year support worth US$ 491 `Ê8ñ dÊʱ [CÊÊÊÊê± EC8ê±c¯CR7Îbjb±FC2 ±õ0±Э million. Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Mohammed ˜E=±S=ê±´±¹±R¯`EêC¡šc¯ »±R: ±ZbÒŒ˜X6;±¶Cʯý´CC27„± ЯÎCÒd;Ê:=±ýRÊ0ê±¼CÊ<&±`CÊR=bÊ ´C C= Î `C<=9Ìb6±^„C<±º al-Sa’adi confirmed to Saba,upon his return on last Monday to Sana’a coming ýEC4±EÊ=Cê±ZhÒЯPÊ7;±ÌÒP;jÎCÊÒ c7CÊ<;8X bÊê±ÓPê±cÊ9b:;ʱ³R=Ò ÐÒº­Z=RÊE±PÊ „±ýZ bʱ»±R:Ê ± E ±¹b74±Î ±¹R21±bïF77 from Italy with his accompanying delegation, that over six million Yemenis F16ʱº¯dhCÊê±ÏC4ʱCÊ4j^ `:Ê=± cʯԹRÊ6±^ PÊCÊÎbÊjbÊ9EÊ=CÊRÊ= `E¼±bÊê±SEÊ=25´±PÊ; ±ÒEʱS(± GC±_C4±EC ýEÒ¹`C<b³R= M± will benefit from the WFP’s support in the fields of education, health, social Ób Êê±P4ÂbÊ9^8/ÊE=»CÊ(±N;ê± W6(EÊ=CÊR=ÊÒœš››ÏC^ÊѱbÊ  ÔQ±À±Rˆ±E=9:c9C9 R@Эa? T=˜dC;ê±`R=ýP±Ò_»EÒ¹c¯ affairs and labor and agriculture and other developmental fields of priority. Al- a=cÊÊ79ÔQʱҜš›œÏCÊa9ÊjÒÔQʱ ˜E46Rê±EC2±ÒR76±´„P4 ÃCÊÊÊÊ2ÊÊ79Ê ÍbÊÊÊÊ;Êʱ ÑRÊÊÊÊbÊÊÊÊ Э `Ê8Êñ õ0±E»C7EC R±ÑQ`ÔP0 Sa’adi pointed out that he discussed with Italian Deputy Foreign Minister and ˜E¹b4 ±`³R=C;`:=± F4»dʱœš›žÏCÊEÊ=±SÊ=`:Ê=±RÊ­Ò W6Ê ý»±RÊ:Ê „±ЭËCÊh­Ò˜¿CÊ(± µP±ba=¯d»­C˜³Pê±´C„bC Minister of Economy and Development the bilateral relations between the two \=Ê2ÊÊEÊÊ9EÊÊCÊÊ`Ê:=ʱŒЭZCÊÊÒ »C=Ê9›IžcʯEÊêCEÊ4»­bÊ;ÌCÊ6ˆ± ´C92ÊZD C;Ê„E=CÊ: ­R±´CÊ76;± C8R­¶bÒ`^1­T=Òû9^8/ countries and ways of enhancing them, especially with regard to the success of Eʼ±bÊê±^8=Êý^9(±EÊ&CÊ4ê´CÊ j¯ ¹C0„±ÐCÒœš›IE=±S=ÊðE»C7»„Ò¹ bï´„PÊ4\=7$CÊ<=d5Ê;d±EÊ9Rê± ZR ^8/ÒC<b$Ò¼C5±ÒX6;±¶C¯²C the National Dialogue Conference and its outcomes ,indicating that it was E¼±bê±ý¹»±bê±`Rʱ«Sa=bÒEC4ʱ œš››ýEÊê±ý›œI¡ÎPÊ4ðUÊ:8±PÊÊ RÊ76±DÊ ÊW6Ê ýEÊ:CÊÊ Ê:9cÊÊ9­ c9R=^8/P:4³¹»b EÒ¹` agreed with Chairman of the FAO to establish a fund to fight hunger in dCÊ:Ê„±Ò Ô»CÊ:Ê „± ÌCÊ6ˆ± ³¹CÊSÊ ˜¹ C´C±R2h„±F60õ ¹C0Ê„± RÊ: ±Œ ´CÊ8=  ÎCÊҘECÊ2±Ò EÒ¹c¯EC2±´C92E=9ýR=5± Yemen. E±¼¯Î `´CÊ76;±D=Rʳ¹CA]ºÒ D EÊ=CÁbÊ51ÀR4Ê`:=±α¼CÊÒ CïG=œš››ÏCEʼ­`ýC4CdÊ;:=± ÏC»­»±R±C1­dhRT=Ò˜³»P0 ³¹C¼Ò EÊ=26Ê;± ´CÊ7/Ê:9 ^CÊ/± _ÊP± CQ6;X6;±D=C­Áb2(³»R8´±R=6 ^­E ÊdÒEêCÊžIŸE Ê;œš›ÏC ECê±E=26;±ÒE¼C5±´C C=„±Ò¶Cˆ± Dubai property giant posts ˜´ b:±ÒdC: ­R±ÌC6ˆ± ^0CÏC(±´±»¹Cj^8/Ò˜^gCÎC» »±RÊÊ:Ê ± DÊ Ê CÊÊ< CÊÊ4bÊÊ ÐCÊÊÊ CÊÊò û9ðE=b8;4±E8/±c9³RbC<M ý^:ýP˜E=R4±C<;Ò´C59± 21% surge in profits „²R49`8ñd±½Ò»P±Ò´„bPê± d±E7R2±`a:94_<;Ðb=26;±C:= DUBAI - Dubai-based Emaar Properties said Monday it posted a 21-percent H=9(±ýαb­^ E=9:R?N=2`R± C<1<Î 5 ±³Pê±´C„b±ÎÒC$ ˜ÑQE¼C5±ÒE=26;± surge in annual profits in 2013, reaching $699 million on the back of strong –E=ÊbCÊ7±R=Ê´ C4Êê±²Cj­«CÊ: ­Ò ÑQЭRÊ=ê±ÐCÊÒ–´CbÊ94ê±ÑQÊÌPj E:Ê8*±´»PÊj­—²R4ʱP:Ê—EÊC;Êê± performances in the retail and hospitality sectors. Net profit in the fourth quar- ¶Cˆ±ÏC»­Ò³PP&±´CC/„± õ6CÊ–CbÊ8»±dʱ´C6CÊ+±E4=Ê Ò R \R `½C=­ýC<C ¹¯_αbM± Õ±»±RÊ `Rʱ ýcÊÊÒM±EÊ=gCÊ;&±ÓRÊ8± ter surged by a whopping 48 percent to $206 million, compared to $139 mil- `ҘαbÊM±^ EÊCÊ8ÐbÊC]ÊQ E±RjEÊR c¯³RÊ CDQÊÒP<]9ê± ´Q ­C8R­ÐME=j´C C=„±Ò lion in the corresponding period of 2012. Annual net profit hit 2.568 billion ERÊ/–õbÊ= ¬õ6 bÊ£TPÊPÊ c¯C<CR/F99Ò¼C5±ÒX6;±»P0 dirhams ($699 million), compared to 2.119 billion ($577 million) in F±bõ:Ê<ê±αb­ÒEÊC=;±´CÊ7=7$Î \= ;CFùd±´CR±F6/Ҙ³P±Ò EÊ=9:4Ê_<CÊ<±EÊ=69 cÊ9ÓRÊEʱRÊj EʹbÊ4 ±ÒEÊÊ=;RʱEÊCÊ8ê±³SÊ<­õ ¼CÒX6P9C8R­¼ÒR˜`8ò¹PV­ 2012, said the property giant which built the world's tallest tower, Burj Kha- õ6 bê±ЭõÊG=–ÓR ­³RÊ´>C6ê± ´CÊ7=Ê7ʱ F6Ê/Ê G=Ê –αbÊ­ ^ Ê ÏC»M±D9­ЭÑC;4E=êC4±Ìb ±ýR@ lifa. "This strong performance was underlined by recurring revenues from the _9cÊ9Ò–_<1Ê4ZõÊ ±bÊõ:Ê<ê± CÊ<9bÊ$_ÊαbÊM±ÑQÊЭ–EÊ=±»Cʈ±Ò E=;ÊR±EÊC4±EÊC=;ʱC<RÊ%d±EÊ4 bê± –´±»Cˆ±cʯEjCÊ ¶»C(±cʯÏC3ÊCÊ `T=Ïb=±C<89ïd±´C=gC0ˆ±Ò company's shopping malls and retail, and hospitality and leisure business ÍC;ЭÒ–ÐbC79EÊ6C+±^b±´CÊ=9:4 `^8E¹C0„±_g±RÊ&±EC8´±»±¹¯Ò C^`^D ÒE=4=2±¹»±bê±ÐÒS units," Emaar said in statement. Those sectors together contributed $1.307 bil- –¶»CÊ(CÊ´CÊ<õÒ_Ê<;=ÊCÊ:=Õ±@ÊÊ ±bÊ Î `ҘÕC=bÎC»Ðb=9Êê±Ìb6´„P4ð EÒ¹ÒEʹb4 ʱE=ÊR4±EÊ89:ê±Ò`ÊRʱ _C<­õ–´ b±R= E7=PʱE4Cê± ³S<­`C;ÒC;ýbCÒC;¼bý lion, or 46 percent of total revenues. This was an increase of 17 percent, com- C:¼`R±c¯αbM±D9Ïb7C<14 E=bCÊ7±R=´ bʱE:=Э–´±»Cʈ± E=CN0PEC;jÒC=bb;8Ò´±P4Ò pared to 2012. The Dubai Mall, a major tourist attraction, drew more than 75 W4Ò–»bE72;C<94%Э`8ñCÊ<­C<; –ÕC=;ÊRÕCÊ»C%Õ  ¢šdʱbÎ ` ´±»C=9ž`R­õCÊ4±²R7CÎ ý million visitors, 15 percent up from the previous year. „¿CÊ ­«CÊ: ?ʳ»ÒSÊÕCÊRÊ7CÊ<60Ê ˜C<4b_ER CC=­Ò d79CÊ<:<ÕCÊ1­¶»CÊ(CÓRÊ M±´C<&± E4 ʱõ:<Êê±XÊh_»Ò˜Ô¹bÊ4 ÎC» P7E±PýËRd60dC=´­P ˜³R=8±´ b± _Ò–´ bʱÑQÊ`«d Ô­ÐbÊR4 EʱRÊj EÊRÊ  ý ÐbÊ9:4Ê õbÊÊ= ¬ _ÊÒ „¯´ b±ÑQÊ<_

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d;=<ê±·ÒPò¤`2; ±Ò ISTANBUL - Turkey and Greece were locked Wednesday in a war of _=94±–C C ˜E (±»C8M±ÒEC2±` ЭÒ_CÊÊ4±ý_Ê3ÊM±³bÊÊ7±dÊÐCÊÊCÊÊ=± words over the possible conversion of Hagia Sophia, one of Istanbul's ý_=Ê94±cÊÊ9^±RÊðÌbÊ6dÊRÊ=M± ˜Z±bʱÀ»­cÊ9cÊ<±CÊÊ<4TÊCÊ;ʱ ³Pê±´C„b±õ0±¼ÒCÊ ÏCÔ­ýŒ ýÓbM±`R/4±´C4C&±õ`˜õ0± õ=CÊC=ʱECÊ7c9ÊNg±Pê±CÊP4FÊC<± ý_3ÊM±³bÊ7±CÊ< Ê6`94ÊÒEÊ=RÊ=M± most stunning landmarks, into a mosque. ˜E=ÊR=Ê­E4ÊC³RÊ/ZÊ ÍC;Ê_CÊ4± The feud over the 1,476-year-old World Heritage site is the latest to Ðb=CÊC=±˜Ô¹CÊ0„±Òd CÊ= ±_<CÊ3Ò aR2ÊÔQ±RÊ=ÊÐCñˆCÊE=Ê=5±E6Ê 96±cʯ^=ùd± ´±»CÊ<ê±ÒÐbÊ;6±ÒÎCÊ:&±¤µ ʱ` Ê'± occupied Palestinian territory has sent shock waves through the Israeli ЯÒ–EÊ= ÒPÊÊ;EÊÊRÊD9M±cÊÊ9dÒ establishment. b´±P7Ê4ê±ÑQa=9FÊCÔQ±½CÊ M± To underscore the “existential” danger that BDS poses, Israel and its lobby groups often invoke the smear of anti-Semitism, despite the ^8/d±Animism E=ÒRCËRÊ4C unequivocal, consistent position of the movement against all forms of E=;Pʱõ= =ÒPʈ±´±»b0^8½CÊ M± racism, including anti-Semitism. This unfounded allegation is intended EÊ4=Ê2±´CÊ97^Э³RÊÊ8cÊ9EÊ:gCÊ7± to intimidate into silence those who criticize Israel and to conflate such Ìb’E=Ê=Ób^:4EÊ=dCRÊC3Ò criticism with anti-Jewish racism. C®Ch»¯`8ñ³RR ·±Ò»­C<Ê9­Ò“E4=2± Arguing that boycotting Israel is intrinsically anti-Semitic is not only ˜^74±Ò»Q'±c<;ðC<1D;%Ò false, it also presumes that Israel and “the Jews” are one and the same. `ÊPÊʱ ±QÊÊ< EÊÊÊ=Ê CÊÊ M± ´CÊÊbÊÊ8ê± Ð­Ò This is as absurd and bigoted as claiming that a boycott of a self- ÎÒM± ¤`¹CÊ7± cÊ9 EÊ:gCÊ d Ê=ÒPʈ± defined Islamic state like Saudi Arabia, say, because of its horrific dSoul T6adÊ^ЭѹC6ʹC7ʱ human rights record, would of necessity be Islamophobic. Z=:&±PÊ;³P±ÒFÊCЯdÒaCÊ=³b The BDS movement’s call for full equality in law and policies for the «CÊ;ÒEÊ=;ÊM±³RÊ2=Ê ±`Ê»RʱPÊ/;Ê Ò­R ¬ÐÒ¹PʱÒýÓb­ÐbÊ8PCÊ<­„¯ Palestinian citizens of Israel is particularly troubling for Israel because ³RÊ8²RÊ5:Ê9DÊ^Ò­Ô¹CÊ0Ê„±Ò ÑQÊcʯ^jbÊê±ÔRʱ\RÊ2±õ?ÊÊý ˜E:9 ê±C= =ÒP¯ _ Ê«±SÊ­`«SÊÊý±ÕSÊRÊùRÊ­CÊÊ<­ it raises questions about its self-definition as an exclusionary Jewish W4ZµPCÊbÒÐCÊ2= „±Ò_9?ʱ F4 ^±bÊ`]ºcʯCÊÒ–бPÊ9± EÊÊÊ:Ê9 ­ ý FÊ:Ê< ­ dÊʱ ^±bÊÊÊÊ4± `Ê `@×ÐC¹CÊ7±Ò˜R ¬«SýCÊ<;ÐC ˆ± state. Israel considers any challenge to what even the Department of Ò­_<=Ê7CÊ ÊµPÊCÊ:õÊ:9 Êê±»Cʱ ´Q±dʱE= ˆ±³»Cʱ»C¹¼±cÊ9 a9ùÔQʱԹC0Ê„±^CÊ4±–CÊ= Ê=ÒPʯ αb d'±V/±ϼ E¹RT6¹bb State has criticized as its system of “institutional, legal, and societal õ=±Rˆ±Ò¹bÊ;<±Òõ=;=0ʱ`_<RjCÊ4 CÊÕRÊ ÔPÊ;<±XÊ=*±ÒdRÊ4±H=9(±`Ê d±Ò^Ê= »M±»SÊÊõEÊ2/Ê;±³»Cʱ d±`CʇE¼ cÊ7abPÊ;ÒaC=Ê discrimination” against its Palestinian citizens as an “existential `@d±E= ±b ±Ò³C ±@ê±R0;Ì»CZ ±QÊ<CÊ792;ʳRÊ0ʱҹ±PÊ5`CÊ< CÊ/;Ê P;<±ÒõÊ0±c¯EÊ= =ÒPʈ±ÑC=ê±¼ÒCÊ „T6;±ÑQÊЭÒ–C»ÒCÊCÒ­CÊ<=ÐC threat,” partially because of the apartheid image that this challenge ˜Ï ˆ±C< ˜Ïb:*±Ô»C±ÁC/;± C<6jbCÊ<=9Îb4dʱҖdR4±H=9(±Ò c7^EC:&±ÐÒ@/ÏC:„±`D ; evokes. cʯ Ï ˆ± ÎbÊ ¹ Э cʯ RÊ=/Ê ±RÊ= ­Ò CÊÕCÊ;jÒ ±Õ»CÊ% –ÐbÊ= Ê=ÒPʈ± PÊÒ PÊ7 \RÊ `ÎbÊ Pʱ³¹CʼÒNRÊ9±Õ»PÊ0 T6;ʱÑQЭÒ–CÊ<=EÊ»C/ÊÒC<EÊ:< Tellingly, a recent attempt by Israeli liberals to have their civic national ЭÒ–³»Cʱ·CÊ;cÊ9ÐCÊ–C=Ê =ÊÒP¯ ÎP4±_<;ñCÊ;¹Ï ˆ±ýCbÊ:«±R7Ò ³»Cʱc9EÊhÒR6ê±DÊg±R1ʱҽb8ê± ´±¹CÊ cÊ9 «CÊÊ;M± ¶RÊÊ  CÊ ±º¯ D1Ê5 ³R2Êb ²RÊÎC:Ê E4±bʱa=/­EÊ=PÊ ³RÊ2=Ê `_Ê<0Ê9CÊÕ Ê6;ÊÒ³±ÒCÊ Êê±Ò ³»P0ê±ZgCÊ1±` 1_Ê<±bðRÊùd± ÑQÊ<´CʱbʱEʹ?Ê`±bÊ6Ò­¹±PÊM± identity as “Israelis” recognized by the state was squarely rejected by c9ÐbÊ= =ÒPʈ±¿R]QÊÒ·±Ò»M± Israel’s Supreme Court on the grounds that it posed a serious threat to –Ï ˆ±C<Ê9 ¹a= Ê=ÒPʯa47ÎÒ­FCÊ EÊ=CÊ;¹_<Ê=aÊ=­CÊðEÊ95 Êê±´CÊ72ʱ ÎÒ±¼`_Ê3Ê4ЭYÊ Ò˜³¹»bÊÊ ÊÊê±Ò ÎbÊ ¹ FÒ Ô­’ ÐCÊÊSÊCÊ \94Ê CÊ CÊ­ ýEÊÊ»bÊʱEÊÊÊ=9Ê:4ʱ´QÊÊdÊ±Ï ˆ± «±RM±Ò´CÊ4 C7ê±ÏCÊ8`±bCʳ»C± ³¹CÎ `ÊEñPÊ7±_<:=cÊ9E3ÊC*± Israel’s founding principle: to be a Jewish state for the Jewish people. ˜µ±RC] :±Ò¹±PM± Israel remains the only country on earth that does not recognize its own ÐC8ê±Ô­’ÐCÊ8ê±Ò“C=Ê =ÒPʯc¯Ï ˆ± ˜C= =ÒP¯ ÔP;<±X=*±R³»CʱFCCêÒ–« ;± CÊ  ±ÍCÊ;ÐAÊ“³CÊPʱa;«CÊÔQʱ Ô¹CÊ0Ê„±`Ü=Ê9CÊ4±Ð?Ê^gCÊ7±Ô­RÊ±Я ÐbÊbÊ= Š±»CʱcÊÊ4 PÊ7²RÊ4±PÊ= d±´C=jb0(±¼±SÊ6 ±Ï ˆ±D;%P7 nationality, as that would theoretically avail equal rights to all its ÐR7CÊÐCSʱPPÊ$`8ñ`8Ò–CÊ:<?/Ê Ï ˆ±»C/ʱý½C M±CCÊ–d C= Ê±Ò »Cj̹­³»CÊ4ÒÐb=9*±ÐCÊ8 ±C<ÊG/ citizens, undermining its ‘‘ethnocratic’’ identity. The claim that BDS, a D Êcʯ_<;ÊÐbÊ= Ê=ÒPʈ±CÊ:=Ê „Ò F9d±´±b; ±PPCÒÔRÊ<±ÎÒM± –R=ÐCÊ]ºc¯DºCÊ:–C= Ê=ÒP¯ý ÐA±QÊ`R­Ò–õÊ:9 ê±»CʱE±PÊj ´±¹C4±WÊ4û==8Ü^Ò­\Ê=bcʯ^'± nonviolent movement anchored in universal principles of human rights, C­Ô¹ =Êê±ZC ʱÐR7±`ÊZC ʱP74ʱ E6±ÒE= ±RÊ7 »„±E72±»Ò¹c9ÑPÊ=? °¹CÊZ_Ê Ê;Ò­²»CÊ7CÊðPÊ=CÊ7±Ò aims to ‘destroy’ Israel must be understood in this context. ÓPÊ« Ò±bÊ95Ê ±õ=Ê9*±»CʱWÊ4 P7–ÐbÊ:9 ê±³CÊP±a;«CÊÔQ±ÐCÊ8ê± ^65P0ÊR=`Ò­PÊ07bÒ–EÊ:C'± R >Ò­^8/Ó¹­Còõ:9 ê±²R4±»C± _\=b±E=9:ЯZ2ÊCÒd ˆ±`P± Would justice and equal rights for all really destroy Israel? Did ¤´Cʵ cʯa?Ê/ÐbÊÊ »@Êê±_ Ê7± ^8EÊ9CÊ/±EÊ= jˆ±Ï ˆ±EÊ=jCÊ Ï ‰EÊ=;PʱSgCÊR±²CÊ cÊ9`8 equality destroy the American South? Or South Africa? Certainly, it `PÊC« ÊÒ«±R­»CʱW4ÎbÊcʯ ²RÊÊ4±¹ `Ê_<Ê=ÊNRÊÊÊcÊÊÒM± ý±PÔQ±dC;ˆ±ab9 ­Ò–³CÊ='±d±b ÔC CÐC29 Э_SE±Ò»ÍC;Ò–PP&± ¹P/±^CÊ7:–E :Ê(±Wg±R6±CÊ<d;4Ò destroyed the discriminatory racial order that prevailed in both places, _< 2ʱ ³PÊCÊ ¹PÊ$ EÊ=CÊ±Ò –³RÊ CÊ EÊ= Ê=ÒPʈ±³CÊ='±XÊ:;CÊÊÕ:g CÊFÒ `PÊÊ:³bÊÊÒþ±EÊÊ=±PÊÊbÊ»±Rʈ±ý but it did not destroy the people or the country. Ï ¯^C7CÊ7C_CÊ'a±b ­N_9Ê ê± õ\bЭÎÒC$ECEÒ–PÊ;<±^±b  ˜E»±P± ˜R= M± Œ³¹CÊ

Bob Dreyfuss. E72;ê±ýd4=/±ͱR'± ¶RŒd 9 M±Œ

Don’t think for a moment that the United States isn’t still involved in Iraq. At P=4Ò–¹b4= a­Ò–E; ›œšš ^= P±PC O=b=ýõ9R8± the moment, the government of Iraq is preparing for what might be called the dRÊÊ/ʱ CÊ<CÊ0 cÊʯ »bÊM± ªTb»P; 8­ Third Battle of Fallujah. That’s the city in Anbar Province, west of Baghdad, ˜N=0± db'±_=3;9ÔR8 4±ÁC/;ʱ³¹b4 œš›žR±RŸ«C4»M± бRÊʯEÊÊ»bÊÊ<:ÊЭ`8Êñ^ õ= C= ±E8;'»C ±bO=b=Rù@ that was the scene of horrific clashes during the US occupation of Iraq in C<3Ê„´CCÊ;Ò–`:Ê=±ÎCÊ: ý ½ÒR±õÒ@ ê±ЭÒP`8Ò˜õ= Cb9P±Ò 2004. Now, Fallujah is under the control of radical-right Sunni Islamists, Al Ðb8ÐMCÊ< 6PÊ4E=Ê ˆ± E=bÊ;&±¹ÒP'±`EÊR7cÊ9Z=:&± `´«Cd±³»¹Cê±c9Û¹R9`SC±bb8_ Qaeda and elements allied with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), ³¹bÊÊ4±ÑQÊÊ^ÊêEÊÊ9CÊÊ7±dÊ ËRÊ4 ´CÊ CÊ ^:Ê8 –EÊʹbÊ4 Ê9 ÏC4±õM±³»¹C´¼R­Ò˜õ=R5±_EP ýd With the city once again controlled by Sunni Islamists who detest him, he E 4±ÎC`TÊ84±c9±QÒ–EÊ=R4± ÍCÊÊ;<Ê–ËRÊÊ `RÊÊÊ­õÊEÊÊ dÊ d C= ±P˜EÊÊÊêb4±`¼ýaP4„ÒP4C\9= tin III, the commander of the US Central Command, met in Baghdad last dÒ–CÊ»bÊ ¹`³PÊʹ±bÊýdQÊÊê± EÒ¹Њ±ÍCÊ;^C7ê±ý˜EÊ (±EÒ¹ÏCÊ­ ˜R ¬«dÊ Ô­^a9Ê0êEÊ= CÊ= ³±¹?Ê ¹PÊ$O»CʱýEÊÊ= ¯EÊÊÒ¹ÎÒ­]QÊ CÊ<­cÊ9CÊ< 6ÊÏPÊ7–бRʯd–³PÊ±Ò F =dCÊ'±C<CÊ3;бR¯ЭÕCÊ=C TÊ=Ò ¹ ±¹ÒPc9R07„±Q`S±ý»CP± week with the Iraqi military command. While the United States has an inter- EÛ==±Eb3;ê±Ò¹C0„±]QÎÒC2^–²C0ê± est in suppressing Al Qaeda in Iraq, ISIS and its allies, it seems obvious that EbÊ8E»bÊ ¹¿b0Ê;E=ÊQê±CÊ<b ]º`ÕCÊ 2±Ò˜EÊ72;Êê±ýEÊ4=/ʱEÊÒ¹ d–X7ŒÔRÊ/d;Ê„±Œd4=/ʱDQÊê± ˜R Š±C<14TR8ýRC1 ±QýEÊ=4=/ʱ´C:Ê=3;ʱ_¹cÊ9^:4 »CPC·b9b8 bЭÒP`8Ò˜EÛ=ÊÊÊ ÒR± Washington would also like to use the crisis in Fallujah to move Maliki away E= »C6±E=b7±CÊ<bC<E=; ÒEÊÒ¹ÕC1­ ³Pê±´C„b±`«C= „±`R=49ÔÒb;± from his ties to Iran, which means reducing the power of the Shiites in Iraq ñR0±ЯÎbÊ7©PaCÊ:4 ± ½CÎC;¹±P¯ ‹a C=c9N0ÒE7=96bSS4±P4\=9`PbÔ»±bEP^4]ºýC𘘴C¼„±Û^ c9–Ðb=9б˜Eb<&±Ò±E=97±Ò±E=;P± D ÒEj Health & Medical 18 February 28 - 2014 -Volume 2 - Issue: 14 :¹P4±—E=C±E; ±—Ïœš›žR±Rœ¢ û=˜˜˜ÏC34±E C/ ÙEÊÊÛØ=4Ê=Ê2ʱ Ù²CÊÊ/ÊM± ©C<;C; 6­d7 ÔR8 ±ŒÊECjˆ±R2 `Ð 7¼R8±Òö9± Ïb;±c9PC Ùd± »C=9d±bdC4E0±«±R RP7D  a;ùdʱdÒ¼RÊ8±ý ÌRÊÊ ³PÊÊPÊÊbÊÊ „¯˜_C4±ý“¹’õC=V7`V –Z ±R:M±Ðb9±ͱº Ò­EÊCÊjˆ±D;Ê ý„¯a3 `8ñ„õC=6±±QV7 ` RÊÊÊ ¬ ¹PÊÊ4 EÊÊCÊÊh¯ ÔR8 ʱ«±PCÊ<4; c9C

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ýb0±þ±û=h¤³»±¹A EhC» 21 February 28 - 2014 -Volume 2 - Issue: 14 :¹P4±—E=C±E; ±—Ïœš›žR±Rœ¢ Sport ŒE:;±E<±bê^C8±ѹ±P4 Cd;R±Ô»ÒP±^2Œ c¯aCÒ¹±»C Clippers’ ÎCPbÎ ^=9± statement game ³R«CE=8C:9«C»S±E;=6 ±»b¤R2b õ  ^¼±R± sends Thunder õ;„±–õ;»M±ýE»C ¯R»C7´Rº reeling ÏP7±³R³»b2 ­Э–œš›ž—œ—œž ý 9^:4= CÒ¹±»Cb=¹d;=;»M± _C4±½?Î E=bS6=9±Œ»b d9=ŒE2 ZbêCÒ¹±»CÎCҘ^¼±RCœš›ž ý³»C¯¹b74±R­F4ÒP7Œ¤ŒC;=C/CŒ R­±Q–E C= ±ZÏP7±³RC<¯–dR=  »b8=ZCÒ¹±»C^:4= ҘŒa91­«d õ=hCR±õ=60±R­P­–T=±»bbb Ÿ™CÒ¹±»Cê\ ҘE=b;&±CR=­ý³R< _C4±½?Î ÐbS69±ý^:4±™CC ý]QÒ–C„α¼CÐCCP;–›££ž ˜œšš ÎCPb

OKLAHOMA CITY: The Los ˜˜ÔR0ê±d9M±¤ŒËC8±Œ Angeles Clippers showed they are a ÕC=êCÎÒM± strong contender for the NBA West- ern Conference title by winning 125- 117 at Conference leader Oklahoma City on Sunday 2-23-2014, with Jamal Crawford scoring 36 points. The result moved the Clippers 3 games clear atop the Pacific Division, while the Thunder’s lead in the Northwest was trimmed to 4-1/2 games ahead of Portland, which staged a creditable comeback win ¹C$„±P­—D±»_=34±P—ÀCR± over Minnesota despite being without a4bc9ŒËC8±ŒÏP7±³R8d7Rˆ± leading scorer LaMarcus Aldridge. d9M±Ô¹C;±Э–dhCê±õ;„±–d: R± Among other key results, Houston E»C7±´„b2±¹PýÕC=êCÎÒM±ÔR0ê± edged Phoenix with a last-gasp 3- ŒÐ =d Ô¯ŒÔ¹Cc9Cb6–C<¶bd± pointer, and Miami comfortably beat ÃÒR/ê±±Q»b2Ê_Db8±_ ±F$ ˜dC:„±^:4±Ò­EC7±Ò õ= ±Ô¹C;d ˆ±SR걤D ý›£_»Eb2±c9ab0dC2ˆ± Chicago even without an injured ³RÊ(±Òº_Ê<»PÊZõ7?ÊÊê±õÊ  c¯_R=5jd;8 cÊ;c¯^7±c a=Ê=±RÊ ±»CÊ ¯ýÒõ=Ê Ê±Ô¹CÊЯ ˜³S=:ê±³»±¹ˆ±¹bÒ^3Ò³R=8± µPÊê±ÒdÊ ˆ±SÊRÊê±RÊPÊPÊ­ c7Rˆ±Rb ±½?8¶bЭP4–a»C LeBron James. Ð?R2b õ õ= ±Ô¹C;d: R± d±³±»Cê±ý–d b±d C60±²C c9 The Clippers recorded the highest cÊÊEÊÊÊ72Ê;ê±TÊÊ6ýdÊCÊʳPÊÊÊ E=;±R=bEÊ=:­a;=­D0ZhÒEC4± ³RC7±¹C ±c9œ—d9M±¼b6F<± score of any team against Oklahoma `EÊñRÊEÊ69^Ê0õÊ“Ï›£ œ’ dCM±EPÊ ÒEC7ʱÒEhCRÊ9E=ʱ ³±»CêCÊE=8ÊC:9«CÊ»S±EÊ;=6 ʱ»b ˜dhC걜š›ž—œ—œšT=:(±«C –dÒP± City this season, with Matt Barnes ÐC:9 `cÊ =O=/ʱb: ±DÊCj »CÊ:Ê „± ­PÊ CÊ<PÊ7 ý d?Ê d±Ò Ô¹C;±`³Q˜ Ô»ÒP±^2ʳR=ʳRÊ«CEÊ=hCê± Ð­d7Rˆ±¹C$ c: R±Zbê±ËCh­Ò contributing 24 points. E=hCR±´>/;ê±R=ÊbÒ ³»±¹­_¹Ò\RÊÊ6±] CÊÊùÒd;ÊRʱ E7bdÒ–Eb2›£Ê¼CPd9M±Ô¹C;± Oklahoma City overcame a 15-point DÊÊ ê± EÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ=ÊÊ<Ò P­býCÊ7±ÒdhCRʱõ= ʱԹC ˜¹ÒP ±Ô¹C;± E»CEb2›¢c9Ð =ê±^0C:;=˜ÕCCù deficit late in the third quarter to take EÊ=hCÊÊRʱ ´„CÊ0±Ò c9Êõ:ʱ¼b6ʱÐ?RÊ2bÊ õCÊ: ŒËC8±ŒÊc: R±Zbê±¼R­Ò˜a»CýX7 a 115-112 lead with 2:43 to play, but aCÊ C/ÊP:Ê ÊÔQ±EÊ=; bʱEPÊM± ÕCÊÊ7Ê Ò _Ê=Ê9  ^8Ê/ÊÊ _¹ `Ê EÊ=CÊ7±Ò EÊÊ=hCÊRʱ EÊbÊ='± ^C7ËPEÊ=;E=8CÊê±\R²C  û/8=»b04±RòRd9M±Ô¹C;±´„b2 the Clippers controlled the game d±ECÊ4±´C6j±b:Ê9 C:Êg±¹\?Êê±_CÊ<ê±\RÊ `«d „ ´„b2`Ð =ê±T=g»cC=CaCCE7=7 from there. Kevin Durant had 42 EÊ=6±CÊÊ;8Ê9:êCÊ=94±³¹CÊ=7±³PÊCÊ Ò d9M±^0¤dCC´«CÒR:M±¹»Cê± points and 10 assists for the Thunder, ˜c9ê±³¹CÊ6 „CdÊ? EÊ=CÊ7±Ò EÊÊ=hCÊRʱ aCʱbÊ Ô¹@ÊÒ ´CÊ CÊÊ;·Cʱý–dÊ;= Ê'±dCÊ Õ ¤Ï±b­ŒC=7R¯ÎC2­Ô»Ò¹Œ²C7­¢c9 which has been unable to rekindle PÊÊPÊÊʱ Î  `Ê:Ê ECÊ4±E Ê @ê±EÊ93F$EÊ=C:Ê„±Ò ]9½?E7CÊ `dgC<;±Z»»ÒPʱ œšš ÒœššŸÒœšš›Ò›£¢¡Ò›£¢› momentum since the All-Star break. Ô¹C;±ÃC2Ê ±Rb2±Ò õ= ±Ô¹CÊc4 ÒEhCÊR±Ò²C/Ê9 ýõ ±ÒE4CÊ ±C<Ê ý`Rʱ žc9^0Ò–œš›Òœš›œÒœšš¢Ò Houston moved within 2 games of ²C/Ê±Ï ­\7Э ýÐC RÊÐC9±EÊ4;ê±Ò³b7ʱ`PSÊê –Œ £ŒE7=P± ½?Œd7Rˆ±¹C$„±½?´„b2 the Southwest Division lead by pip- \7 PÊÊ7 aCÊÊbÊ: Ò ¼bÊ6± ±QÊÊ<Ò ›£¢ Ò›£¢ŸÒ›£¢žϱb­¤Œ½Ò@8± ping Phoenix 115-112, with Patrick EÊÊÊÊ*± ²bÊÊÊ97ʱ cÊ ý³R=Ê´±SÊ; –` bÊ9«„bÊ±Ò ^ PÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ=ÊÊ Ê ŒRb ½?Œ´„b2 c9^0Җ›££Ò Beverley sinking the go-ahead 3- ˱PM±ÕC77´„C)± a7Ê õ ʱ œšš£Òœšš¡Òœšš Òœššœ¤Ï±b­ pointer with 34.3 seconds left. «U;ÊCÊ EÊCÊ;4CÊ ½?8D7c¯EChˆC–œš›žÒœš›Ò Beverley then made two free throws Ô¹C;±¹bÒ`³bRê± cÊÊ9Z7DÊ±Ò abÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ;ÊÊÒ dC2ˆ±Ð =C­–›£¢¢ÏCEb= ¬ÒRM± that boosted Houston’s lead to 113- «CÊÊ;ÒÐÒCÊÊ4ʱ\9 ý ¹±RÊÊÊÊM± Z=ÊÊ:Ê Õ±PÊÊÊÊÕ =ÊÊ7 E : Ò–CÒ»Ò­ÎC2­Ô»Ò¹²C7­¡ÎC; 110 with 20 seconds to go before õ ³RÊÊ4ê± EÊ=0Ê/ʱ ­PÒ ´CÊ @ê±Ò cÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ9ÊÊ ¹C$„±½?œÒ–E=Ò»ÒM±Rb ±½? Goran Dragic scored on a layup to «C7»„±ÒE=; b±EPM± _ÊÊFÊÊ=ÊÊÊʱ`ÊÊ EÊÊÊÊÒCÊÊ:Ê;±Ê ½?Ò–Œ½Ò@8±½?ŒdÒ»ÒM± cut it to 113-112 with 14.7 seconds to «C7»±²C/ʱE=0/Ê Ð?ÊÊEÊÊjCÊÊ ˜EP‡_C4±½?P±ÒÒ–ÎC;=bR¯ play. Donatas Motiejunas sank two –Ô¹C;±ÒE »Pê± ÕC=97ÊÒÕC=:Ê Õ CÊ8 Ô¹CÊÊʲ­¹PÊÊÊÒ EÊÊÊÊÊÊ;Ê=Ê6 ÊÊÊ±Ê free throws with 14.1 seconds left to «CÊÊÊÊÊÊ»SÊÊÊÊÊÊ±Ê complete the scoring. ˜ÕC=C:±Ò ý õÊÊÊÊ=ÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊʱ Ô»Ò¹·C±¤`:=± Dragic scored a career-high 35 points Ô¹C«CÊ/¯³RÊ8´­P ýEC46±E»C/Êê± FÊÊÊÊÊ6Ê2ÊÊÊÊÊ Ê E9 ±³R8cÒM±E»P± for the Suns, but missed a 3 at the ÏCÊýõ=Ê Ê±EÊ72;Êê ´CÊ CÊ;ê± «CÊ=¯ «±bÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊhM±Ê buzzer. Dwight Howard scored 25 for ²CÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ  `ÊÊ ϛ£žŸ ´C C/Ê;E=; bʱ _ÊÊÊ bÊÊÊÊêCÊÊÊÊ the Rockets, who trailed by 10 enter- `Ê ÕCÊÊ 2Êʱ EÊÊ72ÊÊ;Êê± «C1­`EÒQÊ CÊÊ –dhCÊÊê± ing the fourth quarter. `Qʱ²CÊ/ʱPÊhCÊ4 õ99*±^4 Miami beat Chicago 93-79, with a»±¹¯ TÊÊÊÊÊÊ9Ê „G=EÊ72;ê±ÐbÊ;27 dCÊ­Ò a= Ê;Ò õÊÊ=ÊhCÊÊRÊÊ±Ê Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade mak- ÐbÊÊÊÊRÊÊÊÊÊ ing up for the absence of James, who `Fb±]ºýPb Eb´ j_<2R`Q±õ= ±E72; broke his nose in Thursday’s win at ûC `ÓRÊ =±EÊ<&± ˜E72;ê±ÑQµ±RP­abÔ¹C;±Z ^2Z: d±³±»CêC¼b6CÊõ= ± P:Ê`E6Ê=9 O=/ʱ ˜E:;Cd;== ±d;R±Ô»ÒP± Oklahoma City. Bosh had 28 points Ô¹CÊ ý EÊ7RÊ4± PÊ=CÊÊ7± `Ê:h `ÊÒ —œžõ;„±F792±—Ïb=±d8R„±dR4±Ê«C4;j and 10 rebounds, and Wade added 23 Î  `ÊÒ RÊÊÊʱ „¯ E=CR±ÒE±R±^gC ÒR=bbõ= ± „E=;Ê= ʱÐb=4±Ð?ÊR2bÊ NhÒ­Ò ³R8cÒM±E»P±Ô»Ò¹´C C;«C4;0œš›ž—œ points, 10 rebounds and seven assists õ= ±Ô¹CT=g»û bP:­ÐCPºC M± ûCÊ `cÊ;:=ʱEÊ<&± «C1M±Òõ ±Z=:&ÒE72;ê±dCM ]9ê±EÊÊ ½?Ê8RÊÊ3;Ê„ÒD0Ê; ÌR›šE»C/ðE49ÏC4±¹C$„±C<:3;d±E9 ± to help the Heat to victory in their ]CÊ; FCÊ õ=Ê Ê± PR«CÊ»S±E;=6Ê ±^ÑC»Òþ±a36 Eb:)±´C C;·C±ýÒ˜õb:c¯F:  EÊÊÊ7gCÊÊÊÊ6±ÀÒRÊÊÊÊ4±Î Ê `Ê]ºÒ û=jҒ«C4;jd9­\R`8ù“«C4;jZ:%’cÒM± first home game for three weeks. þ±a:»^±RÊʱ¹ ±RÊ=­EÊ6=9 ά E72;ê±dC­PbõCÊ ±W4Ò³R7ê± EÊ ½?ÊÒd;RÊʱԻÒPʱZ: Joakim Noah had 20 points, 15 d±D±bÊê±ÒÎb749³SÊ=:ê±´CÊP9 Ñ»Cc9õ:ÒD4j¼b\=7$`“D79±^C Ô¹CÊ;±«CÊ;íÀ»­EÊ42Ô¹CÊÊ;±N;Êð «U;9ÊECÊ;ÒEÊC»cʯECÊý_<­ C<CÊC EÊ=9CÊ<\=9ÐCÊ8`G –ÕCÊ4H=Ê9(±EÊbÊ2Òþ±aÊ36Ê]9ê± ´P< E= C:³±»Cý“ — ¢’бR:²C \R rebounds and four blocks for Chi- RÊ=5jcÊÊ<7ýZ:ʱ­PÊʲCÊ/Ê±Ò d;ÊRʱ Ô»ÒPÊʱ ^2Ê ´CÊbÊ ÊÊÒ d9M±Ô¹C;C¹±ÒR±ECjc9±R=CR=C:±»b1 cago, which had won five in a row. Ô¹C;ʱ«C1Ê­P±bÊ CÊ<=9d Ê=gRʱ EÊhCÊRʱ PÊ=4j cÊ9 «±bÊ  EÊ=Cʈ± ˜«C4;0 E72;ê±dC­Ò Z:±­PÊÒ`:RʱPÊc<Ê7cÊP ¹bb´„b2ʱÑQ\7Ð?aRÊ E72;ê±Ò`R±ýÓb9'±]9Œ ŒR2b ¹±@˜˜˜Ã¼C;ÐÒ¹ a?ÊÊ ÕCÊÊ=RÊÊÕ±»CÊÊ2Ê^ ¹CÊÊ:9ÊŒ Œ©Ób9'±`­ŒÐb6 bê± ¶RÒ–RÊ0ê±S»´CʱRM±FCÊЯ ÓbÊÊ9 ÐAÊÊ –CÊÊ ÊRÊÊ6 ±SÊÊ» ^6¯ SÊÊ»d]Ê cÊʹ­ÐÒ¹ÒRÊÊ2ÊbÊÊ ^» –`RÊʱ EÊÊ89:ÊêÒ ÌRÊ:9Ê ¹±@Êa=bÊʱd;ÊRʱÎCÊÊ:ˆ± E @³»±¹¯T9T=Êg»R2b Ób9'±]9ÊÒ–R2Êb õ ʹ±@ EÊÊÊ72ÊÊ;Êê±Ò H=Ê9(±Ò `ÊRÊÊÊʱ ý EÊÊ89:Êê ÐbÊÊ üCÊÊ; ÐÒ¹EÊÊ=RÊÊ4± EC ʱc9ÕC7RÊÕC: ±`Rʱ cÊÒ EÊʹCÊ0Ê„±Ò EÊ= CÊÊ= ʱ EÊÊ89Êò _Ê ± NÊj­Ò –EÊÊ=ÊhCÊÊRÊʱ Ób9'CÙ ²R1ÕC:g±¹`R± E Ê @ CÊ<4;0Ê d± EÊ=;Rʱ R2b ¹±@a=b± ˜EÊ=8Ê9ê±RÊÊ2ÊbÊ õ ÊÊ`¹@ÊÊ ´±»C= ±_C Motors 22 February 28 - 2014 -Volume 2 - Issue: 14 :¹P4±—E=C±E; ±—Ïœš›žR±Rœ¢  Lotus enters motorcycle business ÌR2±µ¹±b'E=c97±¹±P­`ÛP$Э`8ñ³¹C=7±E=±º´±»C= ± ýc9M±¿C± _C4± with stunning "hyper bike" CR´C˜˜³¹C=7±E=±º³»C= ±R0 Alex Lloyd By Alex ½±˜Uʱ˜Ô¬’EÊÊ Ê @ÊÊFCÊÊÊû=Ê; Lloyd - Motoramic - ECÊ;jÎCÊýE»CÊ/ „±“û=ÊbbÊÒ­ Yahoo Ever since firing its ´CÊRê±´CÊ4=ЯCÊ<C4bÊý´±»C=Ê ± CEO Dany Bahar in ^: ÐC ˆ±`^ PÐÒ¹³¹C=7±EÊ=±Q± June 2012 and reporting dCÊÊ:ˆ± _Ê'± ` EÊÊêCÊÊ EÊ4 Ê bÊ a near $200 million ˜`P7bP4C=êC´C4=:9 Ò­FÒ­³»C= c9­`Õ±R=Z:  loss, Lotus has sought ЭE Ê @ê±ý^Ê9*±` bÊ=bÊ^=5¯ÎCÊÒ ´ C'CÏC:„±`8–_C4±ý³RgC to find solid footing. d±´±»CÊ= ʱÑQcÊ9F0ʱE ±»Pʱ ÕCCC<±P ±ÐMCð»–CCb^=9 One way the British `d;QʱS=RÊ9ECÊE­ÐÒ¹ŒRÊ=  marque planned to `EÊÊ=bÊÊ;±ÑQÊÊ^Ò˜ŒCÊÊ<7gCÊ DCÊÊ achieve this was by Э„¯CÊ=CÊZ=Ê9³RʱbÊRÊ=´±»CÊ= ʱ entering the motorcycle c9œšœŸÏCÊCRʱbFÊ4bEÊ @Êê± business, promising to deliver a Lotus "hyper bike," built by German race ˜DR7±aÒ team Kodewa and the Holzer Group, by the turn of the year. ´CÊ4=Êê±_[9ÊЭEÊ @ÊÊê±F4bÊÒ And here it is, the Lotus C-01. A true stunner that isn't really a Lotus at all. bÊœšœŸÏCÊ´±»CÊ= ʱÑQÊ`CÊ=êCÊ The storied sports car maker has become more of a branding company than P±ÒEÊ ÐÒ¹_Ê»bÒ³»CÊ= û­œš the automotive innovator it once was, enlisting others to do the heavy lifting ÃCЭZbê±`³»C= Ðb=9››Ÿ`EêC while licensing the Lotus name for the sheet metal. This was evident in the ˜ÏC4±]º d;4±QÒE=C:&±´ R±ýÐb8 2010 IndyCar season, slapping Lotus logos on the carbon body that covered cÊ9–bÊ=bÊ EÊ4CÊÒŒÐbÊ9=dÊ5=»CÊŒ Ô»CÊÊ ±¶ºbÊï`²CÊÊ7;±ûÊ/Ê^7Êê± œšŸÏCÎbÊ9a¯ÎCÊ` bÊ=bÊЭ„¯ ûjb±±Q`8–C<¹±RM±ÏC:±ÏP the Honda powerplant (they did enter an engine in 2012, although I'm not E=±º³»CÊ= ±E=Ê;7³R=Ê M±´C :9±ZÊhÒ ý³¹CÊ=7±EʱRÊ\gCÊ ±ZÊùÓPÊNhbÊ cʯ³¹CÊ=7±EÊÊ=±º´±»CÊÊ= ʱ¹PÊ^0Ê= Õ 4C<¯˜˜E=C±E9C'±c9\2;„ sure Lotus wants to be reminded of that). In Formula One, the Lotus F1 team ·R2XÊ2C<­ŒÐCÊ =Œ´RʺҘ³¹C=7± E=Š±³¹C=7±ÏC3ÎC ¹¯_CP;–^7 ê± ›œ£`EêCÊE4 Ò­³»CÊ= õ ››I¢ ˜E9Q is powered by Renault, and according to Lotus' most recent press release, the ýZ=Ê9³¹CÊ=7±EÊÊ=±º´±»CÊÊ= ʱ`^=Ê ´±»CÊ= ÊEÊ= CÊ=7±´±SÊ=<ʱEÊCÊ`:h ]ºýC=êCÃCЭZbÊê±`³»C= Ðb=9 C-01 bike "is not designed, engineered or produced by Group Lotus" at all. œšœšÏCÎb9̱b M± ˜EP'±²bR± ý´CÊ4=Êê±ÑQÊ_3Ê4SÊRÊÊ Ò–ÏCÊ4± It remains another licensing deal where Lotus plays consultant, with Kodewa ¶ºb:;ʱЭERÊ bÊ ±EÊR/ʱFhÒ­Ò CÒ»Ò­Ò³Pê±´CÊ„b±^E7RÊ̱b ­ producing the bike and Holzer handling development. The glorious retro E=R=­µbE @C<R­E ±»¹FCÒ exterior was designed by Daniel Simon, the man behind awesome "Tron: ŒP»ÒÒRb=bŒEÊ9C<¹»Ò­ÒE=»R= ³»C=Ê `³»CÊÔ»CÊ „±XchangE» ÎP4Э` b=bËCh­Ò˜ÐCÊC=±ÒE=R5± Legacy" bike that glowed blue. It features carbon-fiber and integrated tita- ´¹C­–dÒR8ˆ±C<4bc9–EÊ=R=M± RbÒ–E=ÊgCR<Z¹EbÊ3;ð³¹ÒSÐbCÊj ¼ÒC= ³¹CÊ=7±E=±º´±»CÊ= ±´C4Ê=bï nium, along with aerospace-quality steel. Powered by a 2-cylinder, four- ³S<?ʳ¹ÒSê±³¹CÊ=7±EÊ=±º´±»CÊ= ʱÐ? Э`8ñ²CÊ»EÊ :Ê ²CÊ4= „EÊÊCÊ  C<Ê=4dʱEÊ=gCÊR<Ê8±´±»CÊ= ʱ´C4Ê= stroke V-twin motor delivering 200 hp, weighing a tick under 400 lbs., the C- P$Э`8ÊñC<ÊRý_8Ê9RÊb=Êb ˜^C7^8/³R C6±C<»b07ý±b 9 ˜´C»C2±R4 ÃC6»± 01 promises to be as racy as the Lotus name depicts. õCÊÊ0ê±ÒcÊÊ97±¹±PÊÊ­`RÊÊ=Ê^8/Ê E9CÊC<?ÊÏCM±ýEÊRê±PÊC7ê±¼CÊùÒ `³¹C=7±EÊ=±º´±»C= ʱ´C4=Z6ÊR Ò Only 100 bikes will be produced, and Lotus is yet to reveal pricing. ЭC<;8ñC:–ÌR2±µ¹±b'E=·ÒR û0;cʯ¹b7ê±]RÊ$`8ñÒ–б»ÒPÊ9 ¢–››cʯœšœŸÏCʳ»CÊ= ššš–œš (Translation: Outrageous.) A range of colors will be available, from the John ÑQÊÊ`EÊÊÊ:CÊÊÊ;±ûÊ=CÊÊÊ8ʱ`^Ê97 E ±»P±´»C ­Ò–œšŸÏC³»CÊ= õ  ¹bÊÊÒÍCÊÊ;PÊÊÊ4_ÊÒ–³¹CÊÊ=7ʱEÊÊbÊÊ -1 Player Special black and gold from Senna's early years to the legendary Brit- £šFCbaÊ­E ±»P±´PÊ­Ò˜µ¹±b'± ˜HSê±X ÒM±Îb b89 R=  ^C8C³¹C=7±EÊ=±º´±»C= ±Эc¯ C<Ò»D ER4PRF;±º¯ ish racing green from Jim Clark's latter. The Martini livery looks more Lan- E=±º³Pê±´C„b±ý´±»C=Ê ±`EgCêC ²CRʱ ÐA ³»bÊ2ê± EÊR/ʱ E®RÊ ÕC7ÊÒÒ ÎbÊ9ÒœššÏCÊÎ ´CÊRÊ2±cÊ9 _=:0±ÓRЭD=–CR4 Ò cia than Lotus (Lotus had a darker background on its Martini F1 car), but it's žIœÃbÒý Ê`8:ê±`ÊÐC8Ê–³¹C=Ê7± ÕCb ³b<7±ÎÒC;Z´CC:±P7_<;8ñ `cÊ:3Ê4±EÊ=CÊÊ5±ÐbÊ8 œšŸšÏCÊÊ ES4±ÒNRê±RR ±EjC –d9 ±P± nonetheless sensational. No word on whether glow-in-the-dark Tron blue will œ›¡šš·±Ò»­ºCÊ7¯Ò\RÊ µ¹CÊÐbÊ=9 c¯^0ER RÊ= ±P;³»C= ±÷Êc9 ÏC3;ÊR= ÊE»CʱÒE=Ê0/±´±»CÊ= ± ˜«ChbhÔ­Z;ùd± be an option. Does it matter that it's not technically a Lotus? Well, that `»„Ò¹»CÊÊÊ=9ÊžŸšRÊÊ=bÊÊÊÒ–VÊ ÏC3ÐbÊ8CPÊ;]ºÒ–ECÊ ™_9›œš ˜^C8CE=±Q±³¹C=7± bÒ^=:Ò\=­E9C'±ÑQ_=:0—2 depends on your view. What we know for sure is it's about as stunning a ˜µ¹±b'±û=C8 SÊÊʱRÊÊÊ PÊÊÊ­Ò˜Õ 5/ÊÊÊ EÊÊÊ=ÊŠ± ³¹CÊÊÊ=Ê7± »C4 M±EÊ=±Q±³¹CÊ=7±C=ÊbbÊ;8PÊS Ò a¯–²CR9X7P±Ò\C `³»C motorbike as one could imagine, which isn't surprising given its designer. It may not ´CbÊ8êE=ÊCêM±ŒÎCÊ;;=ÊbŒEÊR Э„¯ – 10 have the strongest business, but Lotus still knows how to get attention. –RinspeedERÊ RPÊ–F/=;Ê»P;» Îb9dRÊ=­»„Ò¹ ššš–¡b; ³»C=Ê ±RÊ0ÐbÊ8ЭF88 ´±»CÊ= ± c¯W6; ³¹CSʱÑQЭ„¯œšœŸÏC PÊ4–´Rʺº¯–CÊRÊ´Cʳ¹CÊ=7±EÊ=±º ´CÊbÊ94EÊ:3Ê­²CÊRʱ^8RʱbÊa­ ´CbÊ`PPÊ4±ÏP7–EÊ906;a=RÊÒ ÏCÊÎbÊ9dÊRÊ=­»„Ò¹ššš–ŸbÊÊ Honda ending CR-Z, Insight sales EÊ=Š±³¹CÊÊ=7±²»CÊÊ%`³¹ÒPÊÊ4Z=ÊCÊ ­ ÏCÊÊÎbÊÊ9»„Ò¹ššš–cÊÊʯҜšš a =EÊ;PðCÊR7ýCÊ<R­d±^ÊC8CÊ c4 ҘFRˆ±EÊP ÒÏ M±Òc7= bê± Ó®»îP7c¯»±R:Ê CERÊ b ±EÊR/± ³PÊcÊ4 ÊCÊ:;Ê=˜EÊ ±»PÊ9CÊÕ7ÒœšŸ in Europe E=Š±³¹C=7±EÊ=;7ÏC­Э–“RbÊCÎC: ’ cʯ´±»CÊ= ʱEÊCÊ;jýEÊ=êCÊ´CÊRÊ HgCЭ„¯˜Œ b ÒCC C7R Œ´±»C= 9 ´C=CÊ4Î ´±»C=Ê ±_CÊýE=9Ê7  Њ±cÊ^ P_Ê`8Ò–û=;ÊÀR4 ÏC3RbÊ2E=;Ê7±´Cb40ʱc9D95± ERÊ Ú`_ŒÎCÊ;;=ÊbŒEÊR ´±»CÊ ± Rinspeed E=±º³»CÊ= 9CRÊb2EÊ9j±b`ŒÐCÊ =Œ ˜d C=7±¶Cˆ±E9RÔ»C ±¶ºbïÔ­ ERÊ FPÊ–E=ÊŠ±³¹C=Ê7± `Q±¿C ‡^M±»C=(±P=?C »C ±³?/;«C;²R`F;9­º¯–³¹C=7± E=CÊC=±ŒÐCÊ =ŒEÊR F6/Ê–C<<Ê` ^7 Ê:9ÕCʱR/Ê ±ÒÕ±»bÊ2RÊ­ÕCÊb<Ê6 Fb±ýÃC: „±ÒR6 ±ýÐbR ÏC4±C<^:Ê4±d<;–ÐCCÊ=±ýC<EjCÊ `¹PÊZ^:4CÊ<­´±»CÊ= ʱEÊCÊ;0Ê ˜³¹C=7±E=±º´±»C= ±c¯E ;C ˜R C6±µCMCa 6 EÊ=±º ³»CÊÊ= ʱ »CÊÊ „ CÊ0=Ê0  –^Ê7ê± P<4ŒCÊ<;–E=ÊCCÊ=±ÒE=ÊR=M±´CÊ4C&± ýC<»C/Î ER b ±ER/±ÏS4Ò 3 EÊ4CÊÒ ŒCÊ=bÊbÊ;8Ê9 TÊ= bÊÊ/CÊÊ CÊ ½»CRÊ< Î û=;ÊÀR4Ê´C=ÊC4Ê µCM±–^ ±P±ý^=:«d ^— ˜³¹C=7± «d ^–´±»±b ˆ±Ò_=:0±Ò ^8=<9³¹b&±E=C¹±b`Z;0 ³PP&±a=bV8 GT  C b¹»b ˜ÕC1­d»C(±Òd9 ±P± ³»CÊ= ʱ»CÊ< ˆŒ¹»bÊŒPÊ4 ÊCÊ:;=Ê F2Ê­ –œš›Ÿ Œ[CÊ bÊŒ ³PÊPÊ&± œš›žŒ[C bŒ³»C= 9ʳR= ­EjR ¹bÊ M±^8/ÊCÊŒÐCÊCÊ=±Œý»bÊ<39 ˜PP&±

Death by diesel? That may be the epitaph of the Honda Insight and CR-Z in ¤d»C(±^8/± Europe, where the Japanese automaker will discontinue sales of the two « 2ʱÏCÊ3bÊʳPÊRÊCÊ<94CÊÊ hybrid models before to the 2015 model-year. A Honda spokesman con- c9ÊËCh­ÔQʱҹb M±dÊ»C(± firmed the discontinuation to Automotive News, and information on those RÊ­ ³bÊÊ dhCÊÊRʱ ³»CÊ= Êʱ ^8 U=4]94%_C4±ýc9M±E9C'±—4 models has been taken off of Honda's official websites in Germany, Spain c9«C1=±E C=(±ЭC:–E=/ÊÒÒ ˜Ïb#Ÿ̹C;6±EC and Italy. The European embrace of all things diesel and fuel efficient as well EbÊÌbÒ«±¹bÊ ±EÊP9&±PÊC7ê± E:=7±E9C'±`^4%E9C8±´±S=ê±—5 as competition from Toyota are the primary culprits. ˜ÕC6=2ÕC1C;ÐC=24ÕC1­³¹C=7± ÑQ–E»CE±»¹Ò­³»C= Ô­`c9M± The cancellation is not a surprise. Insight sales in Europe fell a whopping 62 ¹bbR=

˜E=bC7±R=E2/M±`E9 9 ´bê±Ò³C='±Œ²Cû@–DÊP=Îb7Ò ²R=;±^ C a¯–ŒESRÊê±´±»C „±EÊCÒýÔR ʱ R ¬Ãb`· bʹÒb=býÀR4ÊC ECÒ_<_³¹»C±²R'±¹bÊ7»±Pc9 LONDON: “12 Years a Slave,” the distressing tale of a man sold into slavery, X=:;±^8 cÊ9_=C6\=7$cʯËP< ýCÊ<»bÊj` ÊCÊîPÊ7a­Ô¬dÊ ± ÕC»ՄCE=8RÊM±C:;= ±ECÊ;j^8/ was the big winner at the Baftas on Sunday, giving the Steve McQueen ýV9ʳPʱÒEÊ=;ʺ³»bÊj^=8Ê/ÊÒ îP7Ê_<FCÊC»PÊ7–¹Òb=ÊbÏ ­ EÊÊ=8ÊRÊÊM± ´±»CÊÊÊ „± EÊÊCÊÊÒ ^:Ê4 directed picture a huge pre-Oscars boost. ^4CÊ–^C7ʱ_9 Êê±ÒdCÊ»ˆ±dRÊ4± Z`8Ò–E=8RM±³CÊ='±`E=C³»bÊj E C= 9HÊÒR9¹Òb=bÊ^:4Ò–ESRÊê± The film, adapted from Solomon Northup’s 1853 memoir, took the coveted C:CʱÒS¹ÒbÊ=b`ʳ¹»b Êê±C:;Ê= ± c¯EÊCCÊ<­F»¹­³¹»Cʱ²R'±EÊC< ÏPÊ7Ï ­Î `EÊÊ=8RÊÊM±EÊ=»CÊ(± best film prize at a star-studded ceremony at London’s Royal Opera House. ^=&±`8ÊÒ–a»b2Ê Í»P„PÊÎb74Ê9 F»¹­P7Ê–C=Ò¹CÊ<»b0Ê^C · j¯ –E=8RM±T ±³S<M³R Cê±ECP± It scored an earlier success when British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, who portrays –EÊbÊ<±бRÊ8`EÊ9RÊU=Ê4= ^Ê7ê± a±bNj­C<=±S=êd4/±P=?Ê±Э±R= ­ ÀR6`PÊC/ê±cÊ9ÕC=CÊ P4_»Ò¹ý free black man Northup as he is kidnapped and enslaved in the United States, ^595ÒEÊÊ=RÊÊ4±¹ ʱFÊ6PÊ4EÊjCÊ «C/ʯc¯´»¹CÊC<ÊA±QÊÒ–±R=ʱRÊ2 ˜_C4±ýa=R±EC;jc9ECb±³R2= walked away with the best actor prize. ˜EP'±^j±b±^gC Ò ÏCÊ ¹ÒbÊ=bÊ õÒ CÊ<;=Ê \= Ê;ʱ DÊ8 EÊRÊ8 Ê4±õÊ Ê @Êê±õÐÒCÊ4±RÊÊ< Ò Ejiofor said he was “so deeply honored and privileged” to receive the award P@ʹÒb=Êb`ÊE%CÊ;±Pʱb/ʱ^ ›££ I F;9­CÊP;Ê›££ ÏCQÊ;EÊ=gCÊ:;= Ê±Ò and praised McQueen. _9 ê±ÒdR4±»C<Ê ¯c9ÌC6±¹bÒ] E:1±E=8RM±C:;= ʱEC;jЭ] „ CÊÊ8 ´?Ê/Ê­ CÊ<­ ´±»CÊÊ „± EÊCÊÒ “This is yours by the way, I know that, you know that,” he told the director. «±»Òc4 ^CZ=hÒ^C–E4/³»bÊ0 –E»b ±Rʈ±´C @ÊÓb­ÓP¯RÊ4 îP7Ò–a=Rʱ_CÒEÊCbʱõ\= ;Ê9 “I’m going to keep it but it’s yours.” ˜´±Q9ê± ÏC _4±´C C= RÊ/;±R=?RÊM±Ìb±Ò ÃC;0ÊECÊb±« :`Ê`»C/Ê ê±³RÊ London-born McQueen used his acceptance speech to thank his “one and C<Ê »CùdʱEÊ:CÊ;±³bÊ7±ÎCÊ8 ­´QÊ ­ ECÊ7C_ÊC4±´‡dʱÑP=ÊC7ÒaÊC7Ò ˜C:;= ± only mother” and to highlight the issue of modern day slavery. „C8 ­RÊ: ™Îb9­µ±PÊ­P4¹Òb=bÊ _C4±EC<ÊÎbËÒC+±R/ÊÒE= < „± “There are 21 million people in slavery as we sit here,” he explained. “I just û=SÊÊ±Ò PÊÊ7'± ÎbÊ »bÊ:Ê EÊ69Ê ÎÒM±ÒPÊ4±a6jbÊÊCÊD4 RÊÊbÊ0Ò­ ¹Òb=býa­Ô¬d ±»Ò¹²C hope 150 years from now our ambivalence will not allow another film-maker d8RM±D4/±P;E=ÒPʱ³R3;±O= R ˜d8RM±Z::9 to make this film.” –EÊPÊ0±RÊ=?ÊF$α¼CÊÒ¾CÊÔQʱ Z»­ÎC;Ò­N RÊd±¹ÒbÊ=bÏ ­ýÒ »Ò¹Œ²CE6@–S=8;CÊ=/R´P­PÒ McQueen’s work beat off competition from crime-comedy “American Hus- –E=±»Cˆ±C:;= ±`GP'±P;——d b­ tle,” pirate drama “Captain Phillips,” space sci-fi thriller “Gravity” and d±E=ÊbbÊ:= ʱ³»b0±ÎCÊ:¯`8ñÒ ýC<=Y CÕCC–E=êC4±C:;= ±Sg±b ECb±^Ê PЭ–Œ¹Òb=bÊýa­Ô¬d ± `CÊ;;8ùEÊh±ÒERÊPPÊ$Z=2Ê „ “Philomena,” the tale of an Irishwoman searching for a son taken by nuns. ¹Òb=bÊý_9 ê±™dÊR4±bÊC<=ÊR3Ê;Ù ´±RÊÊCÊÊ+±³»PÊÊ–²CÊÊ»ˆ±cÊÊ9²RÊÊ'± ²R'±Î aÒ»Q^jÒÏ M±EC;jý ýC:C=;ÒC=;¼CÊ<±»b2ÒC<C<bEÊ ±»¹ However, “Philomena” did win in the adapted screenplay category. Leading ¤dÒ–´C: ÑP4 ³¹C=Êc9ÊŒa¯Ô¬d ŒEÊ=8RÊM±ESÊRê± E C= ±ECÊ=j¥ËP<±ÐCG=–³¹»Cʱ ³R=Ê^±bÊ4–E=ÊR4±CÊ:;=Ê ±`ÊCRÊ= actor Steve Coogan praised the “real Philomena Lee,” revealing that she was ˜û±bê±a6­ýa;¹`c9»C8`gC E»C1±E=;M±C<»º­EC:'E=bÊ;±Í»C4ê± D ZÊ=2Ê ^8/ÊE=Ê8RÊM±E=Ê»C(± CÊ:;=Ê ±`ÊEÊ60±ÑQʲCÊ=ýF:Ê< ­ in the audience. «C¹]6 Ò^7±`ûb„RÊR d: `a=BÊÐCÊ8cʯ^0ÎbÊ2dʱ SRÎ `–¶»C(±ýÎbÊ74±Ò²b97± E ±»PÊ9û9XÊïýC<ÊPÒ´±»CʈC Rising star Jennifer Lawrence won the best supporting actress award for her ˜«CRM± `­ EÊÊÊSÊʼ EÊÊÒCÊÊ a ÊÊ6 a ÎbÊÊÊ Ê ZCE=b=Ê/±E=bbÊPM±EC8êµCÊ­ E=ÊhCê±EÊ9=97±´±bÊ; ʱЭR=Ê–G±Ò role in “American Hustle” and Barkhad Abdi claimed the best supporting ½CÒÔRÊR–²RÊ9Dû=;Ò»¹CÊ ˜d8RM± `ÀÒC6±a:<Ê–E=±»CÊ „±ECbÊ9 ЭEÒ®¹E=gC:;= EC;jÎ `ÒFÊÒC actor prize for his portrayal of a Somali pirate in “Captain Phillips.” ˜ÔR ÔQ±ŒdÊR=ÊÍ»±¹ÒR¼Œ_Ê9=¶ºCÊ:;±`Ò C<9b$Ò´C±ÒR±¿b0Ìb7«±R ^± »C3±ýE=±»Cˆ±C:;= ±N W4R @ McQueen missed out on the best director award, which instead went to Mexi- `C<=RÊ_E:9 Êê±ÒE=R4±´CÊ=0/± ECRE=8RM±´±»C „±¹b<&¸»@ –EÊ=8RÊÊM±EÊ CÊ= Ê9HÒRÊ9Ï ­cÊʯ ˜C<;E=7±E¹C7±´±b; ±^:8Э can Alfonso Cuaron for “Gravity.” DQ4ʱÒû;4±Ò^7±DÊc9EÊb62ʱ _=3;Ê_=¼^Ò­ÎCÊ7„³»b:Ê4걫C»­ ˜_C4±ýE=8RM±³C='±³»bjSS4Ò CÊ^ýF:Ê< ­³RÊ=Ê^±bÊÒ²CÊ ­ Accepting his award, he said: “You can not tell from my accent but I consider ˜ÏC7„±Ò »ÒPÔQ±Œb»­ŒÒ˜Ð¹„`EÊC ­³PC7± E:3;ê±E= ­ÓPc9Ï M±´S»PÒ d±EÒP±P<E±PC<P7ýd?–\ myself a part of the British film industry.” ´CÊ=9:Ê cÊ9 _<ÊgCÊ­ ÐbÊ4/Ê ÎCÊ6 M± EÊ=8RÊM±´±»CÊÊ „±ÏCÊ=EÊ4±ÒÎbÊ ´±»Rê±îP7Ò–B2Cʱջ¹Cd±ER ʱ dCÒ–C<C»­^CP= býC<Ò´Q ­ The stellar adventure enjoyed a hugely successful evening, receiving six ˜^7± `E= CbÊ9P±E4ʱ«C1­W4DRÊ< ý–E= Ê M±R=EÊR ʱC<CÊ=9:Z=Ê:& ýE=Ê;6±ÒEÊ=CÊ7±EÊ=:;ʱc¯FÊ69ÏbÊ=± prizes. ˜E=R5±³»C1'CR<; D7бRÊÊ< ý³PÊê±´CÊÊ„bʱ³»CÊ6 ´C„b9`­„a?ʳR=ECʳ»bj»C ¯ ^C4ÊЭZ=2Ê „±Qʘd±»Cʈ±Z:)± Australian Cate Blanchett paid tribute to late colleague Philip Seymour Hoff- ˜«±R:'±´±R< ±ÒR:(±Ò«C ;9\ C ÏC±Ò–›£¡£ÏCÊE=±Rˆ±³»bʱÄP± ˜ECb±T= ±b^:ÐÒ¹`³Pê± R0ýCÊ:;= ±CÊ:´±»Cˆ±ýCÊ:;= ±Z man, calling him “a continual profound touchstone,” as she claimed her best ³»b0±ÑQ<_9 Êê±ÒdR4±»C< ¯»±RÊ8Я RMC<`gCÊ»¼C±Ò³»C6 ʱR7ê»±b± F$¹ÒbÊÊ=bÊÊFÊ­³RÊ6±]Ê9Î ûh­˜ÎCê±^=Ê c9TÊbÒ­CÊ»b Ò­ actress award for her part in Woody Allen’s “Blue Jasmine.” ÑRÊ8d8ÊRÊM±` ±bÊÊê±^4cʯËPÊ< ÎbÊ»ÒPÊÔQʱŒ_M±EʱSÊ ŒÒ˜ÏCÊ` ´ 9 ê±`Eb:Œa­Ô¬d ±ŒEC» d±EÊ=CÊ8 ±ÒEÊ=±RÊ5&±E4Ê=2ʱ]ºc¯ “Phil, buddy, this is for you, you bastard,” she said. “I hope you’re proud.” D4Ê9Ò –CÊÊ=8ÊRÊ­ ÐCÊ Я cÊ dÊRÊ4± ` ̱RÊÊ4± ý õ=Ê8RÊÊM± ¹bÊ;&± ³CÊÊCÊ4 F2ÊÊ­dʱ–ŒEÊÊCÊÊ œžÒTÊ=±Œ–^Ê Eb^=8Ê/ýR CÊR=^8/ÊbÒ_<  The British Academy of Film and Television Arts awards are the highlight of \gC7'±\b Òab/ýCÕ:<Õ±»Ò¹¹Òb=b ´CC:&±C<Ïb7d±E»CÊ„±´C:<± E»C ´C;gC_EÊCb±« :ÐCCCÊ2± the British film calendar and a useful guide to which way the Academy E=/=4ê±C

`»CÐb ±³»C= `³R50E C=CC=C2RýÃCÙ DB»b=bdÔ¹³»C= ^:4˜ÎC6 MCEjC ³R=±Ò­R7Эý–õC4ê±Ò–R0±ËC4hPC = C±QÒ without his wife Camilla, early Wednesday ˜E=C2R±Œ^=d9¹ŒÊ9C7Ò visited Al-Dir'iyah, the first capital of the μC;ê±´C<±ÒýÒ Z/­_ RÊ´±R=ÊÒ»C<­cʯÎbÊ õK„¯Ïb7„—ÐCS±`c1C:=— ÌRÊ«±bÊÊh­`³»CÊÊ4±aÊ4/Ê –ÏÛP±D8C ÔQ±õ8 ê±`Ê b±±Q^7Ê êÑ»bj aA–EÊ59±ÒÌR4±Ò`ÊP±ýõ69Ê+± E;ʼ?dÊbÒ_Ê93ê±³CÊ='±Z±Ò H±R±^Û^= a­ÒP–Õ±R @R< ÔQ±X= ±¼C<&± Saudi dynasty where the remains of many ˜³R=ÐC=­ý³«C6´±ºR=Ðb8d±ÒE=b0± palaces and restored buildings are located. Üa C4±E;6±D8C EÊÊÊû ±bÊÊÊagCÊÊ;Ê­^õÊZ:Ê% ÌRÊÊ4±Ò`ÊPÊʱ³bÊÊ ­õЊ±ÏbÊÊÊ7 NC ʱÒD'±CÊ<=¹b ÊE9=:Ê The heir to the British throne met during his \'±ÒÎP4±c¯±b:9 ýR=3C<ÐbÊ8ЭK^`C1RCÊ/Ò _C4±`ÊZ: ÒÓ­RÊc9ÒEÊ59±Ò ³C='±Ð?»b4/±Ò`M±ÒÎP4±Ò »b