THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 FEBRUARY, 1937 " the SCHEDULES to Which the Foregoing " the Third Schedule
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866 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 FEBRUARY, 1937 " THE SCHEDULES to which the foregoing " The Third Schedule. Scheme or Representation has reference. " The territory to be annexed to the said " The First Schedule. New Parish of All Saints, New Eltham/ " The territory to be dissevered from the being: — New Parish of the Holy Trinity, Eltham, in " All those contiguous portions of the New the County of Kent and in tide Diocese of Parish of the Holy Trinity, Lamorbey, and o.f Southwark, and to be annexed to the New the New Parish of Christ Church, Longlands, Parish of Saint John, Welling, in the said Sidcup, both in the said County of Kent and County of Kent and in the Diocese of in the said Diocese of Rochester, which, taken Rochester, being:— together, are bounded upon the west by the " All that portion of the said New Parish said New Parish of All Saints, New Eltham, of the Holy Trinity, Eltham, which is bounded upon the north by the said New Parish of the upon the east partly by the said New Parish of Holy Redeemer, Lamorbey, and upon the re- Saint John, Welling, and partly by the Parish maining sides, that is to say, upon the east, of East Wickham, in the said County of Kent upon the south-east, and upon the south-west and in the said Diocese of Southwark, upon by an imaginary line commencing upon the the north by the New Parish of Saint Luke, boundary which divides the said New Parish Well Hall, Eltham, in the said County of Kent of the Holy Redeemer, Lamorbey, from the and in the said Diocese of Southwark, and said New Parish of the Holy Trinity, Lamor- upon the remaining side, that is to say, upon bey, at the centre of the bridge or culvert the south-west, by an imaginary line com- which carries the Dartford Loop Line of the mencing upon the boundary which divides the Eastern Section of the Southern Railway across said New Parish of Saint Luke, Well Hall, the stream flowing towards Wincham Bridge Eltham, from the said New Parish of the Holy and extending thence south-westward along the Trinity, Eltham, at the centre of the bridge middle of the said stream for a distance of which carries Rochester Way across the Bexley- 4 chains or thereabouts to the centre of the heath Line of the Eastern Section of the bridge or culvert which carries Dulverton Road Southern Railway, and extending thence south- across such stream, and extending thence eastward along the middle of Rochester Way south-eastward along the middle of Dulverton for a distance of 29 chains or thereabouts to Road for a distance of 3 chains or thereabouts the point where the boundaries of the said New to its junction with the road called Brooklands, Parish of the Holy Trinity, Eltham, of the said and extending thence southward along the New Parish of Saint John, Welling, and of the middle of Brooklands for a distance of n chains New Parish of the Holy Redeemer, LamorDey, or thereabouts to its junction with Harland in the said County of Kent and in the said Avenue, and extending thence south-westward Diocese of Rochester, all meet. along the middle of Harland Avenue (thereby crossing the boundary which divides the said " The Second Schedule. New Parish of the Holy Trinity, Lamorbey, from the said New Parish of Christ Church, " The territory to be dissevered from the Longlands, Sidcup) for a distance of 16 chains said New Parish of the Holy Trinity, Eltham, or thereabouts to its junction with Footscray and to be annexed to the said New Parish of Road, and extending thence north-westward the Holy Redeemer, Lamorbey, being: — along the middle of Footscray Road for a dis- " All that portion of the said New Parish tance of i chain or thereabouts to its junction of the Holy Trinity, Eltham, which is bounded with Kemnal Road, and extending thence upon the south-west by the New Parish of All southward along the middle of Kemnal Road Saints, New Eltham, in the said County of for a distance of 4 chains or thereabouts to the Kent and in the said Diocese of Southwark, centre of the bridge which carries Sidcup Road upon the east by the said New Parish of the across Kemnal Road, and extending thence Holy Redeemer, Lamorbey, and upon the re- north-westward along the middle of Sidcup maining sides, that is to say, upon the north Road for a distance of 15 chains or thereabouts and upon the west, by an imaginary line com- to the boundary which divides the said New mencing at the point where the boundaries of Parish of Christ Church, Longlands, Sidcup, the said New Parish of the Holy Trinity, from the said New Parish of All Saints, New Eltham, of the said New Parish of the Holy Eltham. Redeemer, Lamorbey, and of the said New " The Fourth Schedule. Parish of Saint John, Welling, all meet in the middle of Rochester Way, and extending thence " The territory to be dissevered from the north-westward along the middle of Rochester said New Parish of the Holy Trinity, Lamor- Way for a distance of 3 chains or thereabouts bey, and to be annexed to the said New Parish to its junction with Crown Woods Way, and of Christ Church, Longlands, Sidcup, being: — extending thence south-westward along the " All that portion of the said New Parish of middle of Crown Woods Way for a distance of the Holy Trinity, Lamorbey, which is bounded 37 chains or thereabouts to its junction with upon the south by the said New Parish of Bexley Road and Avery Hill Road, and ex- Christ Church, Longlands, Sidcup, and upon tending thence southward along the middle of the remaining sides, that is to say, upon the- Avery Hill Road for a distance of 27^ chains north-west and upon the north-east, by an or thereabouts to its junction with Southwood imaginary line commencing at the point where Road, and extending thence south-westward the boundary which divides the said New along the middle of Southwood Road for a Parish of Christ Church, Longlands, Sidcup, distance of 34 chains or thereabouts to the from the said New Parish of the Holy Trinity, boundary which divides the said New Parish Lamorbey, crosses the middle of Harlanclt of the Holy Trinity, Eltham, from the said Avenue, and extending thence north-eastward New Parish of All Saints, New Eltham. along the middle of Harland Avenue for a.