Canadian Food 2008

LISTENING EXERCISE Prelistening activities:

A. In groups try to talk about how much do you know about ? Cover the following points:

Population: Languages: customs and traditions: Artists& sports: Typical food: Weather:

B. Have a look at the following map and pay attention to the different regions and cities. Some of them are going to be mentioned in the listening exercise that follows.

The following regions and cities are going to be mentioned: , Montreal, Alberta, Manitoba, Winnipeg, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, , Nova Scotia.

Listening comprehension activity Now you are about to find out interesting things about Canadian Food . For each of the questions circle the correct option.

Katherine Barber looks at the origins of these uniquely Canadian foods in this Television report.(4.’22’’). CBC. productions1999

What’s in a name? 1. The Winnipeg goldeye before being smoked has a... a. reddish colour. b. golden colour. c. greyish colour. d. yellowish colour.

2. Boston blue fish... a. is a kind of blue cod. b. is originally from Boston. c. had a boring original name. d. is known as Pollock in the U.S.

3. The humble tart... a. is a humble from the prairies. b. has a recent origin among Canadian foods c. is a classic dessert since the early 20th century . d. is well known outside Canada since the late 19th century.

4. What does the author mean by saying ‘hard as it is to believe some people manage without butter tarts’ a. They are necessary for a healthy diet. b. They don’t know what they are missing. c. They are the speaker’s favourite dessert. d. It’s a shame that something like this happens.

5. A jambuster a. is something unique from Winnipeg. b. is also called the Burlington Bun in British Columbia. c. is also known as a Bismark in Alberta or Saskatchewan. d. is also known as a Blood Jelly Dounought in Nova Scotia.

6. The Persian... a. has an unknown origin name. b. is a unique dessert in Canada. c. is originally from Hudson Bay. d. is a Boston Cream in other parts of Canada.

7. (the dish).... a. comes originally from Quebec. b. is a traditional dish for Christmas. c. is a corruption from the word pudding. d. is a combination of scraps of this and that.

Canadian Food 2008

8. Cape Breton pork pies .... a. live up to their name. b. are date rich filled tartlets. c. are rich butter filled tartlets . d. are pork pies with a butter icing.

9. , a. has become a very popular taste in Canada. b. comes originally from Finland through . c. contains lots of different dried fruits such as prunes and apples. d. contains different kinds of bumbleberries besides other berries.

10. Peameal a. has its origins in the origins the States. b. originally had a corn brown coating. c. nowadays has a coating of brown peas. d. has a corn coating because of its abundance.

*Con esta actividad pretendemos lograr los siguientes objetivos marcados en los criterios de evaluación especificados seguidamente. Es importante que veas porqué se hace esta actividad y qué se pretende conseguir con esta actividad.

EVALUACIÓN SI NO CO Siempre que le hablen a Comprende documentales retransmitidos en diferentes formatos Velocidad normal, en lengua audiovisuales y otro material grabado en lengua estándar, e Estándar, sin demasiados identifica información general y específica. Coloquialismos y aunque haya Ruido de fondo. Conocer otras culturas con la lengua meta de estudio y asi

desarrollar una actitud curiosa y tolerante hacia otras culturas y sus tradiciones.

Indicar con un tick AUTOEVALUACIÓN si no He comprendido el discurso en su totalidad. He comprendido el discurso parcialmente, aunque no he entendido todos los detalles; no obstante, he respondido a las preguntas de comprensión siguiendo el contexto y mi propia intuición personal. He tenido muchas dificultades para comprender el discurso y no he respondido ni el 50% de las preguntas de comprensión. No he comprendido el discurso en absoluto.

Recomendaciones : Escuchar programas de radio de la BBC de tres minutos máximos diarios y hacer un resumen mental de los puntos tratados y al menos recordar algún detalle de carácter más específicos de los temas tratados.