No. 03 Mormon Pacific Historical Society

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No. 03 Mormon Pacific Historical Society karlonkaplon PACIFIC historical SOCIENSOCIEIY PROCEEDNSproceedings THIRD ANNUAL conference MPHMPHS 10 APRILk I1 L 1982 preslPRESIpresidentspresidentisDENTIS MESSAGE with this publication of the proceedings of the third MPHS conference and the anticipation of the fourth conference for 30 april 1983 it appears that our mormon pacific historical society is now definitely off the ground we are genuinely grateful to those loyal supporters who have stuck with us since the beginning and also those who have learned what it is we are about and have since joined forces with us ours is a great cause we hope to increase not only knowledge about the mormon church in the pacific nations but also pride in being associated with an activity about which there is still a great amount of ignoranceignoranceignorance ignorance which we through our MPHS may help dispel our theme for the 1982 conference make friends with the past suggests another reason for the study of historythathistory that it is just plain good fun to learn something so vital and interest ingng that can provide us with such great satisfaction if MPHS has helped in doing that we are most pleased many thanks to lance chase for chairing the conference and for compiling these proceedings his secretary yvonne lowe has also been a great help to us this past year at our business meeting this year we will be electing three new members to our executive council the council in turn will select the new officers for the coming year hopefully next year you will find a new name at the conclusion of the presidents message in the meantime its been fun best wishes kenneth baldridge president EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1982851982831982 8583 kenneth baldridge president 1984 rex frandsen vice pres 1983 carl fonoimoana 1983 joseph spurrier treasurer 1983 ishmael stagner 1985 lance chase exec sec 1984 marvalee tahauri 1985 glenn lung 1984 leruth tyau 1985 indicates when term expires TABLE OF MMTSCONTENTS J elliot cameron remarks at mormon pacific historical so howard lowe WALTER MURRAY GIBSON RENEGADE OR SAINT former clety meeting president camerons first official act as chairman of acctacca dept univ of hawaii phd indiana the new president of BYU HC was to welcome the 1981 MPHS con univ author of A penny earned bookcraft and numerous ference attenders he continued what is hoped will become articles in accounting 41 a tradition by welcoming guests at the 1982 MPHS conference with the following message 1 marvalee tahauri MEMORIES OF ROSE NAAIEONO YOUNG former relief society president BYU HC graduate businesswoman a B shumway A TONGAN missionary JOURNAL HISTORY AS ANEC- mother of five and according to her husband marvelous eric wife 51 DOTE vice pres BYU HC phd univ of vir author of ton ga tongan code of laws 1850 intensive course in tongan ishmael stagner HAWAIIAN MUSIC AND DANCE SOME MORMON IN served LDS mission tonga 3 FLUENCES alsocassoc professor of education doctorate from BYU bishop of na fox CLIO AND CALLIOPE WRITING imaginative HISTORIES OF arizona state former organizer the CJ makua mahalo 62 THE PACIFIC formerly vice pres BYU EC chairman CIACLA di laia vision currently prof of english BYU director of BYU center for study of christian values in literature 12 inoke funaki THE EARLY beginnings OF THE MORMON CHURCH ON EUA RAPELANAPELA ISLAND TONGA paper not ready publication printing for at conjunction 1983 MPHS ned asl4ocassoc prof ed psych BYUHCBYU HC tongan LDS to in conjuction with the conference dr time alsoc first play napela was performed drama earn a doctoral degree bishop 2nd ward williams this original laie tells the story of the first hawaiian alii to become a mormon the book of mormon into hawaiian panel A most enjoyable part of the conference consisted of a later translated panel discussion memories of CCH 1955 57 by millie and ke- awe enos jackie chang elaine makaio and william montgomery glenn lung statistical GROWTH OF THE LDS CHURCH IN SAMOA AND TONGA former bishop and stake pres regional presentarepresentsrepresentaRe tive of the 12 administrative assist to the director for temporal affairs 20 the kekauoha sisters rahab au ruby enos bella lin kee popular laie singing group daughters of bishop poi kekauoha born and reared in laie 27 edward clissold assignmentkonaassignment eonaKONA 1921 presided over most of the hawaii LDS institutions including the oahu stake hawaii temple 3 times japanese mission both in japan and hawaii hawaii mission zionszion security as manager chairman of the bd of trustees of church college of HI dir of the polynesian cultural center 28 2 J ELLIOT cambronCAHLRONCAMERON radREMARKS1arksbarks AT ORMOHMORTION PACIFIC historical SOCIETY MEETING the words A schoolboy once wrote the biography of benjamin franklin in april 10 19821942 these words he was born in boston walked to philadelphia got married and aloha discovered electricity franklin however probably had about as many welcome episodes in his life as are found in the odyssey I1 arrived at this campus the evening before this meeting in 1980 my the episodes of our lives are those experiences that give life its color first official act was to greet you I1 am most pleased to be invited back interest purpose joy and reward we also have lots of episodes which we this year obtain through reading discovering living suffering enjoying and just I1 do not have great words of wisdom to impart this morning the older being one such episode has been recorded as follows I1 grow the more interest and concern I1 have about history ive never been to switzerland but imism told that thefollowingthe following prophesy homer the blind greek poet who lived nine centuries BC wrote two was made by lucius gratus a catholic priest in 1729 AD this along with great literary masterpieces one is call the iliad it is the story of some of hisbis other words may be found in the university library at basel switzeriaswitzerlaSwitzerlazeria the tenyeartelitellten year battle of ilium or troy the other is called the odyssey it was copied for us by samuel E bringhurst while he was on a mission there it has to do with the experiences of odysseus sometimes called ulysses in 1910 the oldtimeold time gospel and the gifts thereof are lost false during the ten years he and his soldiers required to traverse the doctrines prevail in every church in the world all we can do is to exhort 300 miles of islanddottedisland dotted sea between the battleground of troy and his people to be just and fear god shun evil and pray prayer and purity may home island of ithaca near greece cause an angel to visit a deep and depressed soul but I1X tell you in a the odyssey is 11000 lines long several centuries after it was written hundred years god will have spoken aristotle wrote a digest of it which was only 79 words in length it follows 411 I see a little band of people led by a prophet and faithful elders A certain man is awayfromaway from home for a number of years being closely persecuted burned and murdered but in a valley that lies on the shores of watched by poseidon and strippstrippedd of all his companions while his affairs a great lake they will grow and make a beautifulabeautiful land having a temple of at home are in such shape that his money is being squandered by wooers ofof magnificient splendor and they will also possess the priesthood of old his isife ifs artesnieni hishiphig son is babeingb0 plated against after being shipwrecked having teachers deaconsetcdeacons etc by a storm he arrives home makingmilking himself known to some and attacks the from every nation will the believers be gathered by speedy messengers mooerswooers with the result that he is saved and his enemies destroyed and then will god almighty speak to the disobedient with thunder and lightning that says aristotle is the real story of the odyssey all of the and destruction such as has never been heard of in history before rest of the story is merely episodes but what an exciting array of BYU InterinterhousingHousing bulletin 19641964y episodes they are and how thrillingly homer tells about them quoted from touyou who are heehere today to present papers will have obtained information sterling W sill from others who have recorded episodes I1 would hope that each of us is As aristotle did we might write the record of our own lives in 79 words recording information which might be used to enhance the work of future but alt1houalthoughah3h the storystony may be ralrrraixai alql the episodes would not ind meaning toI1 0 historians 3 robert lbuitouisabu s stevenson said that everyone should always carry with him at least two bocksbooks he shouldhaveshoulshoulddhavehave one book to read from and another book to write in as our two biggest problems probably come from not understanding and not remembering this problemisprobproblemistproblemlemisis so great that god himself seems to have given it a great deal of attention 4kiwkwheneverr nations have gone without scriptures for very long their faith and righrigheousnessrighteousnessbrigheousness havesoonhave soon slipped away one of the great tragedies of our livesisliverislivesilves is that scriptures titsitzit on shelves unopened when the lord has said and these wordsworde which I1 ccminndcommondcogmond thee this day shall be in thine heart andthouand thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shaltshallshailshait talk of them when thou sittertsittest in thine house and when thou walkistwalkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risestrinest up beutdeut 66766 7 today those of you who will present papers have already had
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