Dress & Technical

Date: Saturday 18th November 2017 Venue: Phoenix , Elwood Wear: Concert (if have multiple, look at what is first in the running order). This includes actual costume item, any head pieces/props associated, tights if required and shoes if required. *Zip-up jacket is also required – not a jumper that goes over the head

Make up: Full make up. Please bring items that may be required for touch ups ie. lipstick Hair: Styled according to dance (this information will be provided with costume). Please bring all items required for hair style changes (if required) and touch ups. Food: Please bring non-messy snacks, water and lunch (depending on times your child is required). Students must wear a zip-up jacket over their costume for protection while eating. How the day runs: We will rehearse Cast 3 (the Saturday 9th afternoon concert) first, which includes Junior and Senior students. We will then rehearse Cast 1 (the Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd concert), which includes Intermediate, Bronze, Pre-Senior and Silver students. *Please note Pre-Juniors will not be required at this rehearsal – Kinder Ballet & Jazz, Pre- Primary Ballet & Jazz, Primary Ballet & Jazz, Pre-Junior Acrobatics & .

For both concert , students in the ballet production will arrive, set up, warm up and then rehearse on stage in the exact concert running order with no stops. Students will dance in full costume, hair and makeup to rehearse changes in real time. Students will also practice with props, sets/backdrops and lighting.

Theatrical students will arrive and watch the ballet rehearsal from the audience. Towards the end of the ballet, theatrical students will warm up. At the completion of the ballet rehearsal, theatrical students will set up and then rehearse on stage in the exact concert running order with no stops. Students will dance in full costume, hair and makeup to rehearse changes in real time. Students will also practice with props, sets/backdrops and lighting.

Cast 3 arrival time: 9am Cast 3 pick up time: 12.15pm Lunch break: 12.15pm-1pm Cast 1 arrival time: 1pm Cast 1 pick up time: 4.15pm